"Pledged tout to f futh, to Liberty and law; Wo Favors Win us and no rear Shall Awe. VOL. 3. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1877. VJUi NO. 9. MNterifci en. ed Every Wednesdayibyi.' "A TV slykk Bdltor and Publisher. OiRce in Block* b* smith* Hay thoi^f ' " * ' * ' ( ? . . ' U 7 V • ; - yip Yfe#f, AAva^,*v.r.,.fkso tfndt Paid ThM« CO fetiWrftilhtnft received tor three 'dr siic tiienths ta'ttie tame pfApAt-tloiK 1 '•flyJ Ui & BTJSltfESS CAlCt)S. If." T. BltoWN.M, I>P . r WltYStCrAtf and Surgeon. Offlre lri Brick r Block over P. Ci„ Mayes Clotliiftg -Store Water Street, McHen^y Hi. , E. A- BEERS M; D~ ' ' '~~ tJUmWllV and Surgeon. Office atMstdenre, £ two doora west of Toet OHice, M<? Henry •«• I t-rtui-i. ..ft. ii_ •-- M--: :--• • •-- .•; >; •• Oi; J. HOWARD. M P. "• SftCtAH antd Surgeon. TMHfce at ttito store of Howard A Son, McHenry, III. t\ j. BAnfii.vic. - Matin fac.tii !-oV, McHfcnrv ift. jfrao^ tft*-y Ua 171. Otaerft solicited. ' W. S. PItlCKETX. J^TTORNEY AT LAW, McHenry, fill, L AX ii4>v, munsiu y, Mb t>mce stec^nd stofry Bishop's new lupofc. tttCUARD BISHOP, V*V0BS%Y' ANlV oatmSMMt.AT Ut; J\ Oilre in rear of Murphv & H**fc North Side Public Square, Woodstock, til GEO. A. BUCJvLIN ' mjWTAmT PUBLIC,Conveyancer M In- JW prance Attwt,- OW** «A at*-CikiV» A Qtmrnfa-Stare, near the Depot, Mflncar^ Ml. K. B, moHAum • ; j HAS A,Complete Abstract «f "title?' to land in McHenrv County, Illinois. Ofllce'With bounty Clerk, Woodstock. III.!' •"•itiiif* * 'ft u JtOBT, WRIGIlt,, . «<" <?« siotw MkiT6 Roots and Jwl *liie*88, None but the best of material «i«e4 and all work warranted. Shop Northwest Conner Public Scjqa're. Mx-Henry, 111. ru. HKGHTLI* WTOUSK, Sig« and Ornamental Painter, also JJL Fanev Sketches, Ac«n#i{y, >U;Hen ry fit Will <to all work promptly and at rea- soaafele rates. E. M. OWEN., rtKSKRAL 'Dealer and Manufactnners :ljr Afcent I.etiding Farm Machinery. Ptk^ES LO^r anil T^UIB favoruble. 1 , ! MClIENKY. - - - ILLfSTOlS. ,'/r tiEO. SCIIREIlSISIt, SALOOXftnd Restaur int. pearly opposite the Parker Honse, MeHenry Hi. WFIrst-Class Billiard nnd Pool TaMes, J. BOXSLETT, '£» AT^QOK and Restaurant. Nearly oppneite MiK, Mrlteli-y, Tit. Fresh Oysters 4ll sftape djesired, or tor aal« by SXABLIX^ FGI ' • • i T** W. W- ELLSWORTH. BRBKDKR O the Celebrated Magie' IIok. Also Lialit And Dirk B»ahl».a Fowls. Piss •hipped to a!J p«rints by express, P. O. Ad.- iress, Woodstock, Hi.., PETER L1MCKEM. REPAIRS watfhes] Ctorks and Jewelrv of alt klttdn. Also ISepiUrs Violins iti<th«^>est noaslbl# mapn«r, on short noti< e an<l at rea- SoDdble rate.^. Also Violins for Saloi, Shop #rst do^r ypyth of Riverside Bloek, HeHenry " ~ MPHENUY HO^SE. Me0o»r^ 111. Johli Karires Proprietor, CoqUttHy located and the beat of awora- IBOdations fur'niAhei!. Charges reasonable. F. KLKIFGEN A SON. f?IARRlAGE, Watron and House Painting 1^ dona ou Short Notice, AH work wa-r- ffcritud, JJclIenry 111,, South of tbe Public l|ttw«, MATTHEW KARGES, H3US15, S}(*n and Carriage Painter, 'Also Calsomiiiinp done in tlie best of manner, 4JD orders promptly attended to and work «r*s?a$ted, Residence at t?ie MeTfenry <|»ttsec McHenry, 111. * attention Farmers. FOR SALE, A Litter of Full Blood Scotch Collie Shepherd Pups, ti'orn Imported Stock. These JUte the finest <$ogs for the farmer in the world I will warrant them to he full blood, Also JL have for sale Poland China Pig*, both soxog, a}l very line. Calf nt my residence, one mile east of IWvini Mills, and spe them, ^ FRANK COLK. , BiivinsMills, 111., ArffC;. 28th, 1#77. WANTED To make a permanent tis engsi>rement with a OTOTgjriwan having leisure, or a Bible Reader, iKlCsSSl?®?.1.".McIIenry County, the CELE- R»ATBP kEW Centennial EditK>n ot the PfyLY BIJILp. For description, notice edi torial in last week's issue of this paper. A'l- <lress atones F. L. HoitTON & CO., Publish- #r« and Bookbinders, 60 E. Market St., Indian- Apolis, Ind. JAMES ROBBINS, •^DEALER 1ST-- Agricultural Implements SOLON MILLS, ILL. %gAJrUFACTURERS AOEXT tor the Cham- JM. pion Reaper and Mower, the Gorham Corn Cultivators and Dimnond Plow, war- n»ted to scour in any soil, the Forest Oitv Mod FJow and Steel Beam stubble Plyws jDorn Planter.-. Horse Rakes, &e. Will take Cash or Good Notes in eMchapge for any and j^|l of iny Goods-. f|p«t Office, Solon Mills, 111. Fop Sale or Exchange, proper- •lienrv. THE undersigned offers for s ile his Iv, situated in the village „ of Mcnenrv, or will e$«U««Ke it towards a good Farm.-- Vkere is a good and substantial building,suit, able for* store or other business, the upper ••rfof *vhlch is fitted UJK for a residence.-- posmpst 'd wifh this's IWir acres of choice UBd, a good bam and some fruit. There is no tore desirable property in thi* section, and any person having a good Fum* which they Wish to exchange, or anyone wishing to bay will #i»d |t foJheir advantage to call awl Me me, F. A. HBBAKIX ^Mcllenry, IlL, May 7th, 1877. Errors of Youth. AGENTJ-KMAJf who suffered for yea front Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for tlje sake of suffering hiinrojjjty^ pond free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by Which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to nfofit by tho adviser's experience can do mo Df iddtefuiie in perfect con tide uce 8* OGDEN, 42 Cedar St.* Jfew Xork BUSIXESS CAlipS. ' BBNNETT, M. D., >QltBG£QN and Arroucher. rH«ea#es of O .Women a SneciaIly. Ottli-.eand Reai,dten.cd Oh Olajr Street, Woodstock, 111. , "s - W. H. BUCK, Jt. XT^t**>PATHlC Phrtician and , OKce East Side iPnblic ^^sare '.:rr SJurrtebni-- re, l fVkwd -n stock, 111. Office to 4 P. M. •A *•**>• A. \>«>4» • • •nxM v m 'iu <"•& " i :h-<r* t^E5TIi|T. O.Uee' all tho Pi»Mi ,1J McHenrv. 111. + ..' . ! v ; 1 hours 11 to 14 A. M., and 2 } ' "•' J -titT. i ..AH 1 ' N. S. ^OI.ftY. ' ' ^ MCRENftT, MctieWrv Cft., til. Breeder ^>f Spanish M'eVino "Sheep, Berkshire find £oland China Swine>. A choice lot of yr»i\n|? vn'k plock for sale. I* le^so, call afld.ftxafrtiH® before buyihtr elsowhef-e. ' ' * \ . DENTISTRY. TAR. L. OvRIOE. will visit the followisg U placfe*, as stated below, evtry mouth. CXKY--The 1st and 3D Tuesdays. Room* at Weaver's Hotel. • , . i. . WAIH'ONIIA---II5 awrt 4th WWnefedajris.-- Booms at the Pratt House. , .. H r. nr Y--art and 4th Thursdays. ROtlWB RoomaattWH^tl at the Rivetsiihi House, * N<"Mt>X--Every Friday. ^Theewii«aiir<letof time will 'fee *t Ws residence, at Crystal Lake. . '»•> Dr. Rice will have with him art. all time# <Chlorofor*n. Ether and Nitrons Oxld Gas. WhH-h will be. administered whenever de sired. AH operations j>eri\>ru»e4i»*il oateful and skillful manner. W. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the fitoreof C. H. Dickinson, East al4« of PaWttoSqaare, ; '/• WOODSTOCK, ILL. A eooil stock of Fine Cloths for,Suitings al ways on bn.ud. Sui ts wade to «ra'er ah/1 » At nmkr>wt#4' tito * urn a wliv < • *W. H. SAXFQiRD., Woodstock 111.,Sept. 27th, 1^715. ^ M. BWCELH. G U TV - W3II'T1 I t Will chang^a wat tle lo>ader«t, both aingl# and AloiAWe^ rij^to breach l4 oiler%. Keeps on hand all kinds of G«in Ma terial, All frork warranted,. Shop opp^lte & Mftl^in'a SCore, McHenrr, ill. A * i of tlie Board Of Supervisors. _ y•'. j,., ... . j . i ' ,> s"' t' A*5WAL MKETmo,«7f. -, ^ I'he Httyi. Board 6f Supervisor! o| JkRiHeni^ cwittty1..111., metat their ro<»ii| In the Cotfrt Honse In Woodstuck ou Tuesday-. Sept. t%th 1877. Called to order l*y the cUairnmn, O. C. Dlggins Hnd wpon thfi1 roll. being called, the following othe* members ane#«itrd to thcit nftmes: Supervisors settrisC Goodrich^ Thornpson^ Cutter. Cooney, ParstMi*, Barber, Van'Valkenburgs Gar rison, Wtl«oxv Bootes Rlchar<teoiK Crlsty I*ed^ »nd Gillihin. Beveraldaiins wer« prese4jt*d^ read by tlie clerk, and t>ta motion referred ta the cohimtttec oa felattn^.' • . . Supervisor Parfcwis moved thkt TOitteV 'dn J*oor ^.irrn report at twe ^clowk p. m. tomorrow xvhivh motioa Was tArried. On motion jdjommd until tonnoi^ ro f̂-nt'»a, tt. ; "• * ! ; WEDNKSDA^'^clocV A...lfca 11 Board met pursuant to adjournment Called to order by the chairman, all members present except Supervisors Patrick, Crumb and Garrison^ Dr. L. H. Davis presented a bill which was referred to the committee «n claims The following resolution was pre- sented by Supervisor Parsons and oil motiovi .adopfod, .tp->vjt; ftesufced--Timt ^Sheiiff iof jthis ©o*HiTy 1>e 1 werc by i J to «m|4ojr at sawing wood or otliK»r serrfc* wSthiii the jail yard, suuh able bodied prisoners as he niay deem safe, under proper guard and securities, to pemtt outeide tlve pn^oiu doors 0u motion of Supervisors Coo?»ejr the bill of S. Van Caret) for constable# fe.es, was again referred to the com mittee ou tclaims with instructions to call lij«t before the committee ft>r ej- platifttiotis. • ' ,. ^ Moved and carried that wje adjourn until one o'clock p. m. ^ WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 0£E o'clock p. Ig. Board met pursuant to adjournment Called to order by chairman, al) mem bers present at roll c«U except Super visor Patrick. The committee on town aecoutftt made the following report, which Op motion was adopted: STAT*. OF ILLINOIS H.. E. W I'.;1H'.J1 A \, Propriotor. rigs, with or witlutul tlriver at reasonable rates, ilone on short notice. First elMa s, finijiislifed Teaming of alL kljyds O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKES & JEW ELER, Mchenry ILL., Deaiifr i® all kinds ot American: aad' flwiaa- Watches, Clocks from the 1 country, fcc.. Silvery !>t IHi'toriea in' the Silver Spoons, ALSO AGENT VfCiR THE Weber and Bra floury Pianos AND l/'IIE EstWy Org-an ! Which we believe to b« (the best Organ in the market. We think v e klno-w that. by . experi ence, and we believe it, .pr it is backed up by ni " » k --1 v> trv • the fiesl Musician^ In fhe World. I also sell other Orarana at loss prices than the Estey, bBt ca^i'| riBc«^nmmend them to be as good. •" r 1 • : • I • • O. W. OWEN. July 48. . ,<«•. Scott & HATS GAPS -& STRA W GOODS i WHOLES-VLB 1AND Ki: ! : ' -i 192 WADISON j&)R; TlFTtt AV TJLiu TREKT E- And 123 Lake 8t.f C or. Clark r i CHICAGO. A T araar Stock of MEDIU! t and TINB GOODS and LOWER PRICES tb iin any other bouse in the trade. JA?i£SViLr„E ill North Main S treet. THE snh8crib«rs are now retdy to exchange for wool, goods, such as plain ant^,, fancy Cassimeres, Doeskins, Tweeds, Satinets, I^i- dies Cloth, Sheetings, Shirthv ?s, and a good Variety of various kinds of Flannels, for dresses, &c., Blankets. Stocking Yarn, &c.-- All thesp uoo<ls will be exchanged for Wool or C'ashj on tlie most reasonable t.^rms, Custom carding and cloth dressing on the samp terms as in former yeara. Carpets washed at five cents p«£ yard^, P, ®>r-All wool sent hy express will he promptly attejidod to, ' " " 'by ~ " P ders by mail, Wanted,--' In or 7 ip i^lease sen4 fall or- low. Jane |at, }877 In exchange {or goods' wool greese and tal F. A- WH^JSLER A Co, turnedv that may be" returned to him ol,J?r before the 15th day of October, 187'. AU of whlcii is respectfully Ad mitted* • • , ' • '; . XB8TEft I^AftBBa 'i I'- fi- D» OOOSEv, : J BOMBKT HioiuKueoN j-OoouMittae SvMIKt, flTTBB, i »: • i#)HK GlLLlLAN, J < The Gaand JuYnrg fbr the ensuing year weT© 4hen selected, after Which the Committee appointed to take mi- dor consideration the feasibility of pur chasing a farm for the support of the poor ol the couuty, and to report nt this session of tho Board, asked for an extension of time, and that they be hot required t© report until the Decem ber meeting of the Board, whtcti ref Sliest was gnnted. The Comaiittee oii Finai&e madl) .it?-' port as fo.low?^ which on motiou was adopted* to-wit: t Your Committee on Finance bei leave to report the financial condition of the county as follows: Memorandum of rcceipte and die- bursements from December 16th 1«76 to Sept. 11th 1877. iU Total contingent fund Dec. l87».sff...# 2,4ilS ® Total tax levy for lS7rt.. .^•7,407 87 Insane pauper bill senacaDec *27, 1S7« Lusaue pauper bill Algonquin March SStli 1877 Back and iorfeited tax collected Mar 3t5tl» l$7f.».. 8 A Kwm forfeited county tax collect' eil June *£td '77...;... 8 B Doran est co tax e.tili'd July Mtk j . W77.. 1 Eefuuding fund l87a forfeited to conn- tj um tBSS tim v *r 2,874 09 Total ,, W,.-THA CREDIT. TETTOT,? and ItiEnlvencies Co tax W7€.. 78 82 C!o forfeited Hw .SAaJe IB M Advertis'g forfeii.ed iprwfierrtj" ^ ^0«ainjifcis«i<ni t<m»i .oMrvrsfrj >-, • ttiig Adviertisinj; 8 per cent eo orders and rebate tax 86 20 Interest paid <m S per cent co orders 7,408 32 Thirty three $300 8 per c-t orders p*id . 9JK04W sJurors certittrate;>.'.a,i..i»;a,...,...,. 853 «0 County orders...j,. fj,AJ4 42 Coroners bills >.:» ... ...,, S(> W> Witness fcees, criminal:, . . ^ jUO 'i' wo per cent on $4 323,4$ as county eolleetor ..... S6^47 1 per cent ou $25,434,53 as co treasurer 954 .{5 '<1 per eeiM on CO tax paid out 2H5 i)5 Baiiince. M.210 00 ^alance in treasury....... -- «4KW 34 Tour committee would recommend praising ten tiiou^and (10.000) dollars to "pay thaj amount of the outstanding County bonds, also the further sum of twenty thousand (20,000) dollars fpr ^payment of ijuierest on the bonded in debtedness and current expenses of the 41,. follow* 250 00 ,. 700 00 .v 301) (W .. 1-200 00 TOO 00 500 00 ,. 1500 00 . . fi50 00 ̂ 300 00 .. 700 Oi) .'. 1400 fjK) ». 800 00 500 00 .. 500 00 v. 500 00 .. 400 00 .. 400 00 .. 500 0') MOO 00 !• McH««r>* C^Snty Board of Supervisors, Septemlier Terra, September 12. A. D. 1877*' M'% Chairman and Gentlemen the Roardoj'Supervisor* : Youk committee on town aoemtnts have examined the estimated amounts voted to be raised in the several towns ot'this county for town and corpora tion expenses: and for roads and roads and bridges, lit id the wis hereunto an nexed to be tlie same and correct, would beg leuye to ^u^ittit tlie ing report : _ . Riiey, contingent expanses..„,.,,,., Roads Bridces..,; Marengo, contingent expepse# . Roads Bridges Village of Mar.eiigio, It ti n bkm, con tin gent e x pen sea.. i I... I.. Road^.v. i. v..,& Bridges. Chemung, town expenses., special tax...,.,, Roads Allien, contingent expenses.,......'.... Roada Hnrtland, contingent expeuaes^.. Roa«i s and brid ges Seneca, town expepaea.^^.',i-,,'i...U. Roads Roada and bridws forty eents oh tlie one hundred dollars of all taxable pioperty in said town , Coral, contingent expenfiea Roads Bridges Graf ion, contingent expense*......,.,. Roads.,,..,.., Bridges-- .... Village of Hrtntley... i Dorr, contingent expenses. '.. Roads., ;. Bridges Greeiiwoml, contingent expenses, Roads, twenty cents on each one hundred dollars on the i)oal and par, sonal property liable t9 taxation in said town, ' !} •. Brid ges.. Hebron, town expenses..i... Richmond, contingent expenses;..,.:. Roads, and bridges t,... ,i Village of Richmond,..... Bbrton, town expflnsesi.... .. Roads and bridges,.., McHenrv, contingent expense*..t,,..*. Repairing roadw. Nunda town expenses^. Roads and bridges .: Roads, sixteen cents on each one liun' dred dollars according to the assea*- ment, \ , r •' Village of Nivnda 20000 Algonquin, town expenaea...,,.,,.M,. 1800 00 Roads.,i. 400 00 Roads and bridges... 800 00 All of which Is respectfully liibinit* lad, -i r<IlBA E. SEARrju 'V A. WILCOX, I RoBKKT^RictiAKi^soK M^qnimittee. 4. C. CUL'MB, ' J The report of the>,.Comm'ttee oo Roads and Bridges was presented, read jtnd adopted: M'~- Chairman and Gentlemen of the ^Hoafd of Supervisors; Your committee an Roads and Brio would report that they have exaut ',,ed tlie road warrants of the dif ferent towns «n Mcllenry coanty, and would | eport as follows; Riley, , lumber 12. Correct 12. Marengo, number 11, Correct JL Durfham, nul®her 8. Correct 8. . Chemung, nnmbor 15. Correct 15. Alden, nun, ber '22. Correct 22. Hartland, number 13. v ^>rrect 12, Not sworn to 1. ^en- eca, number t, • Correct 6. Coral, number 8. Corrects. Grt, "on, number 14. Correct 14.-- Dorr, number t •> Correct 4, Not sworn to 4. Greenwood, nil nber 14. Correct 13. Not sworn to 1. Hebk "on> number 13. Correct 11.-- Riehmond, not rot 'timed. McHonry, nuiniier )3, Correct 13. ^ mda, number 12. Correct 12, Aiffonqnin, niu, ,ber 19. Correct 19, «'-r- tqn, number 3. OOr* °ct*, And your comt'h, 'tteo would recom mend that the Cat mty Clerk be in- ptructed to receive^ S50 00 800 00 1-5 00 5<Kroo 1-200 00 800 00 100 00 2500 00 soo 00 mo 00 200 00 800 00 300 00 550 00 800 00 250 00 '»<#) 00 150 00 800 00 800 00 000 00 soooo It, L. JOSLYM 1 K I C6.C'PARENS l001^14^ M. FOOT?!, J Theeomtnittee on claims reported follows, which ou motion was ted. <e McHenry County i Mr, Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisor#; Your committee 011 claims would beg leave to report that they have exami ned all claims presented before them and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be di rected to issue orders for tlie several amounts to the several claimants as allowed In last cQiumiv to-" it blank books for u^e iu his oftice. for a term of tWo j^ears. trom the fll-st of December. Ai I). 1877. and if the An nual fees of said offiee shall exceed tin? sum of fifteen hundred dollars, said Treasurer aha!! pay such excess, if any. into the County Treasury. We would also recommend that the compensation of the County Jud^e be fixed at tlie sum ©f one thohsnnd dollar per annum for a term nf four years from the first of December. A. D 1877. Your committee would .fVirther rec ommend the County Sup'Stintfendent'Of Schools to i>e iiinireii to seventy-live days for which A-"per diem shall be chttrj^d. Respectfully submit^. "(V ' GKO. H, GARRISON, } J C Ott'Mlt j 1 1 JAMRS THOMPSON . ^Committee - •*' " M L .TOSLYJT r ' -M #"*>** J , [ ' , diii'tt^tlon of Supervisor Foote, the usual per diem and mileage was allow of the action, being or stsite, whether finished or continuing, are the only points expressed by the form of tho verb, hence' it haw two properties, lefts* and state. , , . ^ How can We determine the md4* ification of pronouns f* » » * By the\t forms. * uWhat tense, lifts mood ?rt ir TberW bs na p&tenttal ff th« Verb, ' , ' °*. ' • "Define mood And natne th^ moodtf* s It is .1 form of the predicate to ex press any state of the mind, The nu»H feer of moods is indefinite. , T > "Define tense.^ • : if. It is that form of the iftflf i'§§*:' presses present or past time. As the- ed as costs ©f Aug. election--also, usual 1 ®UjHl fixation of a word does not imsk# per diem and mileage to Clerk and members of this board for services a'nd traveling fees. ', O11 motion adjourned to meef st: |he call of the clerk. CK C. Dtoows, Chairman. Attest P. WHITXKV, Clerk. ^ ' 1 •! " in 1 iMtfH-;; ' Kbt'CATIONAL . EDITOR PLAINDEALEK-Sty views upon text books, especially grammar, having met with considerable opposition from some of the teachers of this county, will yon please, publish thiscommunica- tiou and accompanying postal card to convince the doubt fid that others be sides me are doing their own thinking. I am kapp}' to find, too, that Hon Tfewton Batem an takes the same view iu respect to the text book question.-- With him and ti}# Editor of the T. M. on my side jf. don't feel A bit like letting up, ' , A. W. <J. GEKESEO, 8, X; May-23rd., *877. Jl^ Dear Sir.---Your letter is re ceived. and I will gladly publish the whole or a part in tlie July number.--- The June uuuvber was in print. Itefore it came. Jt will appear in ttie Julv number. You ane all right. I am with you. Yours truly, J. ALLEN. AW AttWHR TO SOME REGENTS' QUES TIONS, BY A RADICAL REFORMER. Your "crazy" contributor, in Illi nois, beg6 leave to reply to some of "The Regent Questions" published in tlie May number of the JT. T. M. He does not protpise to auswer them after the orthodox fashion, nor to suit the average grammarian. it a verb, but the power of assMtfait no RHCH classification is possible. •> "What determines the Aumbet a«^ person of a vel*b^,,, This question confesses that the vefb has ne.itliei\ It requires no Answer^ tor no two objects can agree in A' pro perty possessed by but one of them. "Have the nominative and object!?* cases of uouns different forme?* aaajr be answered by asking another. If they h'ave not different forms why prt« tend they have case? "How are these eases determined!*1 By guess work mostly, by p«s!tten, partly. "Mention three kinds of pronottK, and give a definition of each/* If owe word stands for another, it must convey the same idea that wotildf fl be conveyed by tho word for which K 4 stands, neither more or less. Tried by' this standard, thera is absolutely IW | pronoun, hence no class of pronouns; |i -To what part of speech do cases be* 1 long?"' • i i I To the «o ealled pronoonr. ^ ^ "What classes of verbs acfmft of # passive voice,<or form)?** | Thfl two words in the parsn thes!* | concede the point made above. au4 the1 § answer is obvious. There .is ne pros* slye voice, (or form) ef any verbvutK % less the definition of the class be suf* g ficleutly elastic to include the wholar ' predicate, in which case graa§tuftr be*- | comes rhetoric. ^ "Which mode cau met be osedt««rt#- Ing questions^ am't era E A Murphy £ Co. clothing for prisoners f 15 80 J G Bagley lumber.... ..... 33 43 P A sted'man sheriff dieting prisnut rs, attending Board of Supervisors and work on fence ... 1Q6 &0 Dr L H Davis attendance and ; , ' ' me<licine for prisoners "IN CS Robb constable ex»»enses [•aid in conveying a prison er to jail Ac. ^ S W total all'd *15 50 99 43 108 BO 6 DO o jv 8 00 All of which is respectfully submit ted, Z. E. Goodihch 1 . C o Parsons J GKO. 11 TANRFSOX ^COMMITTEE, J W C i n s r r . I x . SAMI;KLCITTBR J On motion of Supervisors Joslyn the several constable's bills which liaftl been laid over, were referred back to the committee on claims with instructions to allow such oharges as were net col lectable of defendants in cases. The following resolution was pre sented by Supervisor Parsons and ®n motion adopted: Jtesofoed--That the Act of this Beard at»its last session, concerning the pur chase of fuel for the county be so amend ed as 10 leave the county purchasing agent free to act as he m$y Ueeui best for the good of thecoipity. The report of the committee on fees and salaries was presented, read and on motion adopted, and the ayes and noes being called for, resulted as fol lows: Ayes, Goodrich, Thompson Cutter, Parsons, Joslyn, warrison, Wilcox, Foote, Richardson, Cristy, Peck, and Gillilan^-12 Noes,-*- Searls, DigginB, Ctohey, Barber, Yin Vajkenburg.--5. BOAUP OF SUPERVISORS 1 >88 McHenry County ) Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen qf the Board qf Supervisors'. Your committee on fees andsalaries. respectfully recommended that the an nual compensation of the county clerk be fixed at the sum of twenty one huu- dred dollars for compensation, clerk hire, fuel, stationary, and all other ex penses of said office, except the neces sary books of record, Assessors' books and blanks, and Collectors' books and blanks for Town officers, for a term of four years from the first of December A. D. 1877, and if the annual fees of the office shall exceed the sum of twenty one hundred dollars the said elerk shall pay such exeess if any, into the County Treasury, We woqld also recommend that an* nual vonipensationof tlie County Treas urer be fixed at the annual fees of the oftice, for coinpeusation, clerk hire,fuel, P. intv Clerk oe m- stationary, and all other expenses ot 11 warrants, not re- >M<J office, except necessary blanks and nouns?" - ,, None, since the meaning of A word can not be modified, limited or qual ified by another word, although its ap plication may be restricted or extended Thus, mAn may be applied to the whole genus homo, but the words black, red, tali, short, while not affefcting the meaning of the word, would confine its application to a single race, or individ- ual., , ., "What modifications or properties have nouns, pronouns, and verbs?" If a property of a word belongs to that word, it will be visible whenever the word is visible, whether alone or in combination, ami as propei ty is used as syuonymeus with modification, A property of a word must be some change of modification in the spelling, by which the word expresses something more, something less, or something different, from what it did before the change. If the above view be correct, Euglish nouns have not one property giveu them in our grammars, for that can not be the property of class that does not belong to, at least, a large majority of the members of the class. Gender belongs to those nouns, and those only, that are the names of living ' beings, and not to ail of them, Per son does not belong to any ueuti, if we except the third, which hardlj' gives room for such property: See Clarke's Grammar, As to cttse, there is no pre tension, seeing authorities do not even seem to agree except upon the posses sive, and seeing a nouu in the posses sive case is not a name, this class can pretend to but one property, number? Personal pronouns have gender, per son, number, and case, because nearly all of them express these properties by modifications. Verbs have to uum- ber. or person, because they assert, and it is obvious that assertions have nei ther of these properties. The same line of reasoning will apply to mode, voice, and tense, but it must be remem bered that a verb is a woru, not a com bination of words. There is no pre tension, by any grammarian, that mode is produced by a modification of any word, hence itoan not be a property of the verb} and as the change from the ao" tlve to the passive voice is the result of a t;*Anspesition ef subject and ob ject, together with the addition of was and hy. the former used to show tense and the latter relation, voice can not bo a property of the verb, though it may b« said to belong to the sentence, as mode does to the predicate, "John struck.James,4* "James was struck by JobB." Here there is no cUango in the verb, but there is in the sentence.-- Tense. past and present* and the state m. an answer. This every "What tenses employ aug>l)airilff^: The future, prior-future, prior«pretf» ent and priotvpast are expressed' by words peculiarly adapted t? that pur pose, but there are mere than siac tenses, and there is uo such thing as ao auxiliary verb. "I shall go," and "I shall go to-morrow" do not expiresa the same time, but to-morrow la no* classed among the auxiliaries. The above answer express the view that copimou sense, and a strict con struction of grammatical definitions* compel me to take. Others might be answered In a like manner, bbt yea would he wearied with endless repeti tions. Shall we never get out of the woods, in which we have been lost by the ftt* tempt of our first grammar makers te work the Anglo-Saxon colt in that misfitting Latin harness t Woodstock, IU. A. W. CtJXlNfl. The Editor of the N. T. M. still begs leave to ask, is Mr. Cumins right or erazy? We will publish a rej National Teachers Monthly. fl^IIavA you noticed that ^cttte"" way which a fashionable young lady has of grabbing the tail end ef l|er dress in promenading ? If you liavn't already done so, just notice the mo^ti* operandi. It is indeed funny and re»- diculous sight to see a lovely woman stop at a street crossing, give her body a fearful twist, stoop low, and reach backward nearly to her heels and grab from five to forty pounds of trail, foil of dust Aad shake it five or six times like a buzaard fixing his wings te iy, then hobble across the street like a lame turkev to tne otner side, tnen'iet go," and turn ofi like a steru-wlmi tu a storm, ' a©" The town of DuPage, Will coun ty, is chuck full of natural ouriositiea, the latest shown up being a nest of eight young rattlesnakes. They were caught by Mr. Willis, confined in % glass front box. and exhibited free ef oharge. The little reptiles, true to na ture, wanted to bite somebody, hut couldn't In their little prison. We have seeu more delightful lookiaf creatures in our day. The whole ee» rerie of these sauoy fellows has been donated alive to the museum ef the college, and they are held In glass cage custody by Prof, lia-^we i 1 or»^Ctaritm A full and complete Stoofc of ready made Clothing antV furnishing gooda for meu and boys just receivwi at Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn's. 4