Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1877, p. 8

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•.'! • • • •* «3 a.-* m « . ' V " ^ .-y-, . ••?' ' ...'A; • \ - -furr ft W W-> - -V "'•&&*•• •%•&>!' f * '•WSmmL"-' *> at.;V* . •« ','Jfi I S -V-T' ' uVA . . . i ' ' ;. •.. **• •• iyNfewi «** XTjfmv--..' ' <*# -~r - - . • l<-.'. >- ,r f yjjn I TJi"i i{* v 1 ,4f|'A , FAST T1 MB. "Wbfen th« great strike at Pittsburg began, Gov. Hart ran ft, with his family ' smd It few friends, was on his way te California, and the first telegram ap» prising him of the terrible riot reached Bejiim at Ogdeu City Utah Territory.-- He immediately turned hack the bal­ ance of tUe*party, however, continuing ion to their destination. The Harris- Ibnrg Telegraph«ay«:uTlie Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Co. famished the Governor with a special engine and car, and it is said the speed made by the train exceeded that made by the celebrated Jarrett & Palmer train last year. One stretch of348 miles was made iH«h<M»r$ auti %\ minutes; J^me lost by stoppages, 16 minutes--beating the Jarrett A Palmer train 21 minutes. This was fi$t time and when !t: it- known that no special preparation was made for the return trip, "Hartrami's ride may be set down as tb# fastest on record. *1" gy Rrigham Young received^IWi'Ord of praise from the United Presbyterian because he gave his daughter as much property, proportionally, as his sons or wives. "Some more Christian fathers would do well to imitate" this course. Wool Growers, Attention. The subscribers will pay 40 cts. for Wool washed on the sheep, 30 cts. for Unwashed and 45 to 50 for tub washed, in goods at last years prices. JANF.SVTLI.F. WOOI.EX MILLS. North Mam St., Jauesville, Wis. BEHIND THE BARS. -OR- 5# " > " •• • • S n - ~ > S r x i a Y a i S WWP • fVi a(L*M»9» 3;S* eli" •'MetM-i »4T 's|OI v Wl {ti)S % n ClotMn ots and Shoes* P, Groceries of all Kinds, I i , ; n i • • • - s * ; • * - % • « . * * • . . n a p f T * * r r a n w 7 . » ..w • f.V i \ ,** • :• \ /.*T ftv AO*: • • it y-v *v'A HT %-M si- Crockery Glass - Ward, . ! "FRUIT;mNS, CARPETSl^TRUNKS^* • And in shortla First Cl^s Stock of General Merchandize. AN EDITOR EN PRISON. An Interesting Sew Book, by 8ETH WILBUR PAYNES. As Editor of tlie I'ticn Daily Ftrr, Mr. Payne, the author of this remarkable book, criticised the conduct of Judge Doohttle, of the New York Supreme Court, who retaliated by suro- marallv sending the editor to the Albany Pen. itentiarv ou the charge of libeL He remained in prison long enough to write one of the most remarkable Iwok* <>f th« agp, when he was pardoned out bv the Governor of the State. The book is a 12iuo., of 220 nasres, is now hftnd- isomelv plaited, and will l>e mailed free of postage, ori«ceipt of one dollar.. Address O. li. Bri^g% PnWisner, lllBighBi Street Xe'w York. Please read wkat some of^e leadiagpapers •ay: ' !f '. {From the Xeie York Daily Witness.) "It is an exceedingv graplnc awountof it- brief prison life. Mr, Parne f "rtainly has the faculty of making others'see amt feel as he has felt and seen, and we find fond for amusement mi well as sympathy imide priton walls." (From the Jersey City Evening Journal.) "Mr. Seih Wilbur Payne's new book 'Behi»d the Bars,' is unquestionably the most thrill- ing work that has come from the press of this country during the present year. It abounds in pathos, and it is impossible for any one to read some of its chapters with dry eyes. We have no doubt this work will meet with alarge gale and thousands of spell.bound readers." (from the New York Herald,) MIt is a very interesting book and gives 80PM bints of prison life which are valuable." (Froin the New York Star) J i "Prison literature includes many of the greatest monuments of human geniu«. Btm van wrote his 'Pilgrim's Progress' while in iaii: Rnleigh composed his 'History of the World' in prison, audSeth Wilbur Payne wrote •Behind the Bars' while in the same" unpleas­ ant predicament- While employed in scrub- bingthe pavements and sweeping the floors of his temyonirv abode, he managed to interview as manv of his companions as piw^ible, ami wrote out thoir stories for this book. The work isunicjue in style as well as subject, and tells many wholesome truths." ^ (From the New York World.) "Its mattaris interesting and the storjr well told." {From the Jersey City Herald*) "Behind the Bars' is a thorough.going, de­ tailed and nervous aceotfnt of the author's own experience, his trials and hardships, and those of other prisoners during his confine­ ment of eleven weeks in the Albany Penjten- tiarv. Mr, Pavne was sent to prison forj>ne of the noblest acts of man, defending a betrayed and ruined woman from the assaults of a cor­ rupt court." {Front the Ilaboken N. J. Neus.) "The author presents his views with such a charming and inimitable frankness and good humor, that we are apell-bound while perus­ ing his prison experiences. It has all t^e vi. vacity of anovel, glowing witlxlifuiiudraditut with beauty," {From the New York Evc.iing Mail.) •'Mr. Payne's new book is very interesting and should be generally read* His story and those of other prioners whom he interviewed Rre directly and forcibly told." It is published in handsome stvle bo O. R BR1CCS A CO., 141 Eighth Street N. T PRICE ONE DOLLAR. \te are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, ijnd buying them for Cash Down iire thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANlTli^r IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we Can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to ga livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive tfte enormous profits on our goods. We intend to public, nor ask " Live and Let Live K And while we are grateful to a generous public for tlieip patronage _iu time paet, we hope to merit the same in the future, jfcjT'GIVE US A CAXX and we will show you our Goods and use you well whether you buy of us or not.* McH«nry, 111., July 27th, 1875. PERRY & MARTIN*!- At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. "COPY YOUR LETTERS. U3E ^xcaUlor Copying Book, Made of Chemical paper, Quickiv eopips anvf "writing WlTHOrT water. PltfeSS or BRUSH used :»t home, library or office. For Ladies wishing to retain copies of letters every busu' ness iu;w, clefrgvmen, correspondents, travel, erw it k invaluable--sells at sight. Send «3fOO*nl we will send a 300 pagu Book, let­ ter size BV MAIL paid 'o any address. We refer to any Commercial AirencV. Send -tamp for Airents Circular. EXCELSIOR MSF O CO., 110 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ills. 5000 Avants wanted. • :P. JH BUY ONLY 111 t_r -en «J» «C3t» RWME1U! It is the Only Sewing M&otilft| which* has a M-Mag Mill IT HAS SELF SETTINCS NEEDLE NEVER BREAKS THE TliEEAl, IS THE MGUTEST BPNiHGL The Simplest, the Host Durable, and in Every Kespect The Best Family Sfiwlrig MPohlnBl The "HEW AM1EICAIS" is easily learned, aoes not get ont of order, ana wili dQ i work with less labor tluui aty otlior machine. Illustrated Gireular furnished on J. M. SMITH, 1 irr-: BttS ftir Btoclcv Store, near the Depot, fSrut . > • ATHI8^INETR un an • -- i . i . . s Hardware; A'dttlr- *sn) Stoves, . WARE, Os, mire and Extension Tables 80 cte. per foot, Washstand Bureaus $3,50 to $5,50. Bureaus $10 to $20. tlCbairs per Set $2.50 to $9.00.-- Bedsteads $2.50 to $20.00. Pic­ ture Frames complete 15 ceuts to »!^$2. Lndies and Gents Watch Chains from 29 cts, to $75. Rin^e 25 cts. to $20. Four Pail's of Ladies Hose for 2U cents. Thteo pairs Genta Socks 25 ceuts. Two papers Pins 5 cents. Two Spools Good Thread (200 yards,) 5 cts. Gents Collars 12 to 25 cts. La­ dies Liiten Collars 9 to 12 cents. Ladies Linen Cuffs 19 to 29 cents Combs 5 cents. t^lPPicture*! given away to our custodiers}. tHS KoKTtnwssnmr i t • ' i t i . t K ; Esn\;ra«rs nr.des' one tuftukj^craeot the SrfeSfc '•* WKsT "t-I inimeroU^ :«W ; KORTI1-WES1, and, witli Branches and connccti^tr s,' frtVWrf the slmrtt aDd quickest route between- Chicago and tiU points in Illinois, Wisoonbin, Northern MicM> gun, Minnesota, Iowa, KebMi.'ka, CalifoinB und the Western lerriUii-k-s. Its - r -ft., Omaha and California Is the shortest and ber,t route betweex Ohii go and all poihta in Northern Illinois, Iov Kehrhska, Dakota. Wyoming, Ooolrado, tJ Nevaiia, Cuiiioruiu. Oregon, China, Jai^n Australui. It# Hous&f urflishioo Goods, &c. To whfch he invkei the attentt<fti of buying public. l^lHParticular attention given to Job Work and Repairing. Call at the new Store near the Depot and compare our Goods and Prices before you buv else­ where. JOHN M. SMITH. McHenry, Aug. 21st, 1877. LAUER & BECKER, 'i V '* * T i i MM#*® Near the 1 epot, SWIoHE^JRY, - - ILLINOIS The snbscril)erM are now prepared with a Stork of FINE CLOTHS of all kinds, to make t order Coats, Panta, Vests or entire Suits, on short noti' O and on the most EeasciaMs Terms. ftj*Oood Kits" Guaran­ teed and all Work War­ ranted, We also Keep a Full Line . f Ready • Jffade Clothing GENTS • MsMisi Goods Hats, Caps, &c Which will be sold aslow aa at any establishment in the Coiinty. Clothes Cleaned in the on short notice. best of manner and mora Application. AGENTS WAIfTED. i. 8. I<KKRm, luiftr, MN Mi Salewvea, >44 WtkHk Aronne, Cbleago, Uttnoh. O. W. OWEN McHeiiry, III. LAUEE & BECKER. Jfcllenry. P«b. Sfttlu 1877 HENRY COLBY, --DEALtCRB IN-- / FOUNDRY AND Machine Slum McHENUT, ILL. JOHNSBURGH OpptMitt Parry 4 Martin's, MeHENBY. Dealcis iftf {Farm (Machinery of all kindHtl'vV '^r PUMPS, Of all kinds a specialitr. also sell the celebrated Bauger wind.Mill, Farm and Democrat Wagons, Open and Top Carriages, &z.t &c.» « -, -• Flour & Feed Coiwtantlt on hand ««onr Mil^ M>d CMtou Griutlin^ promptly attended to. • R. BISHOP & SON. licHenry. IU., May 30tlif 1677. WARD B. &ALE, Froprietor. The -nnr1ersiirn«d has just started a Foim. dry and Machine Shop, and is now prepared to do all kindw ot Casting for Machinery, on short notice and in the best of manner. We also manufacture theZcelebratad Gal« Wind Mill. Repairing of all kinds dona promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed, Threshing Machines repaired on [short no­ tice. Orders solicited, c WARD B.tGAX'E. McIIenry, 111., April 4th W77. ^ BEASLEY 'S PAINTS. OILS, Painters Brushes, Dye Stuffs j|c., &e. Physicians TPrescpiptionf Carefully Compounded, HENRY MILLER, CELEBRATED Ma For Sale at the Saloon of -I. .T GILIjES, McHenry, III. -DEALER IN-- ail Foreign Marlle. Monuments, Headstones, K • ETC., ETC., ETC, American Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc­ Henry, 111. Johnsburgh, Aug. 20tl), 1877. A LARGB 8TOOK OP Choice Family O-roceriek, Just Received, which Lowest Living Prices. will be sold at the -V The (Finest Assortmoi|t of . Patent Coffins & Caskets To be found in the County, eoa- stantlv oti hand at Prices that Defy Competition. Chicago Nine Cent Store, Blakc'a Block, McHenry, 111. L. Stoddard, McHENUY, ILL., Having Leased the new Store lately occupied by Blake & Bent- feld, has filled it with a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Chicago* St- > Paul A I» the short line b»tvve«ti-. Chicago and, «t| |M>inb> in Northern u isconsin tuid AflVihoHoiiL and tor Mudirfon, St. l'aul, MiliiH'.tpolis, DW. lutU, an<l all polnta in the limit XonhweM^^ , •, " oh' : , LaCroue, Winona & $t. P«ter Iia« ;. Is the VKV-i route between Chicago Hud Cmcse, Winona, Rochester, Owntonnn, Man^ kivto, si. 1'cter, New Ulm and all nointa la Southern and Centra I JUlnne^ota. Minnaapoili Lery, Glass-ware, Hal Gaps, &c., Which he offers to the buying public at prices never before of­ fered in this market. < A CHOICE STOCiv OF Tobacco & Cigars. |3|r>CaIl and examine Goods and learn Prices. L. 3TOUDAKD. McHenry, Anj?. 28th, TBT7» Ita Green Bay & Marquette Lint la the only line between Chicago and Jan«s» vlllc, Watertown, Fon dti lac, Oslnkosli, Ap. ple»on. <i<*een Ilav, Kscanaba, Negaun«5, M:tr(|uette, lloti^hion, Hancock and the Lake Superior Country. Its ; iWport & Bubuqne Line Is the only route between CliicfiKo and Blgtlfa Rockford, Freei>ort aiid all poiuts via Fra« port. Ita ~ i>' Chicago & Milwaukee Line- Is the old Lake shore lioute, and is the only one passing between Chicaeo and EvanstdSL 1 ake Forest, Hiarhlnnd Park, Vaukegalu Racine, Kenosha and Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Room Cars .-r; ate mil op all through trains onttHs mM. This Is the ONLY J.tNE running thise cart between Chicago and St. 1'aul and Minne* aitolis, Chicago and Milv atiKee, Chicago and Winona, or Chiougo ai*rt Green 15av. Close connect ions f,r^ made a I Chicago with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mich* igan Central, Baltimore arid Ohio, Pittsburg*. Ft. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee Line mod Pan Handle Homo*, for all poiiittt EAST ami SOUTH.EAST, and with theChicago and Al. ton and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Close connections are aleo noulc with tht Union Pacillc It. R., atOinaba for all far Wept jH»nts. Close connections made at junction points with trainaof all cross (joints. Tickets over this route are sold by all Cou. pon ticket agents in the United States aM Canada. Renieml>er yon ask for your tickets via tb* Chicago A Northwestern Railway and take none others. New York Office, No. 415 Broadway; Boston OflS.ce, No, 5 State Street; Omaha 215 Farnhani Street; San Francisco Oil 6, 111 Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket < ffltt•!, 02 Clark Street, under Sherman Iloi. ; 7S Canal, cornerMad'ison Street; Kinzie Sneet Depot, corner W. Kin/ie and Canal Streets; .Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinaia Streets, J For rates or Information not attainable r*m your home ticketagents,apply to MEW WACOM S l i O P ! lilonBNRT. CtUNOie. E. PERKINS tVould respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he is now prepared, Ut In# Shop, West of the Public. -Square, to <t»> all kinds of Carpenter Work or work in wood of anv kind, such as the wood-work of Bug­ gies, Wagons, making Boats, &<•,, and in short any thing ever made in alirst-class Carpenter Shi>p. From a longexperience in the business- a»«i using L«HI 'J^®J<; iwifl m all cases Guarantee & attraction 1 MABVIN HUGH ITT General Supt. w. H. BTi TririTi.' Gtsn'l rasM>: .ger Agent JOHNSON'S COMMEEC AL COLLEGE, SI O & 212 N. Third Street. 1 It Building Sooth of the Post Office, ST. LOUIS* Open Pay and Night ail (hto AH of the branches of a Bnsinoss CdtnipstioA taught. ; Independent Department for the EngUah Brunches. iligher JIathemn«ics, Cerman and Elocution Phonography tiiitfjht persjvually or per Fora (oil course of |>oulde Entry f?ot>k« keeping in all it> forma with Com, mcveial Conespi«n<lehce., t,.. ,.|Q|i#1 For fi full Conunercijil Course?,' om1>rac« 1»>K all the Branohe* of a Practical Business li(iu< ation, Life Scholar, shlo... R< ferer.ce made to thousands of students who havt. completed under our instruction*, For Circulars giving full - information COU* ccriung lime to complete board, CMUl 'se of l|i« strucliou, etc., Address J. w. JOHNSON, Pres'ti CUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT. J T . S T O B Y -DRALERIN- GENERAL JOBBING r omptly'attcnded to. G ve Me a Call! E. PEKKINS. McHenry, 111. ,Nov, 2»tlijl876. H. COLBY. MclTenry, April 24th. 1877. To Consumptives. THE advertiser, havinar been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption by a simple remedy, is anxious to mnke known to his fellow sufferers the ineansof cure. To all who desire it, lui will send a copv of the proscription used, (Free of Charge), "with the directions for preparing and naiiig the sartie, which thev will iln<1 a sure euro for Consump­ tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac. Parties wishing the prescription will please addr'-ss H„V. M. A. WII.SON, |!»4 Penp St,, Williamsburgh, New York. $100 MONTHLY MADE, Agents wanted _ County riprhts givfn gratis f«.r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every tainily; reputation world­ wide; established many years; made by a celelnated physician; "proofs of evitle'nce given. Alt Industrious, energetic person can make sniii* permanent income and very liberal terms, by addressing with reference, 233 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, H I p p p M f . i TO THE WORKING CLASS.--Wo are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at hoi*e. the whole of the time, or for "their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents lo $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Bovs and girls earn nearly as muchasinftn. _ That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make this unparalleled offer: To such as arc not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence* work on. and a copv of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and' best Illustrated Publications, all sent froein- mail. Reader, if you want permanent, proii table work, address, UEORtiB ST IN SON FT Co., Portland, Maine. Can't be made by every agent every month in the business we furnish, but those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right in thoir own locali- ties. Ilave no room to explain here, Busi. ness pleasant and honorable. Women and bovs and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete out/it free, The busi. ncss pars better than anything else. We will hoar expense of starting you. Partfcu. tors free. Write and see. Farmers and me chanics, their sons and daughter*, and all Classes in need ofpayincr werk at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. A<l- dress TltfK tt Co., Augusta, Maine. ^ Sfielf an#; tfeevjr Hardware , STO VES TINWARE, MECJJANrCK TOOLS. FAltMIXG IMPLEMENTS\ CLOTHES WlUNGEHb &cM &c., &c„ Ac., WHICH WILL BE SOLDJ L O W E R THAN USUAL PRICES! Now is the time to purchase, and save BMUjI ey, I believe that 1 can furnish good goods at as low priecs, as anyone in the county. » Also keop on hand a full Stock BUILDING TAPER, such as Pl«* Board, Water Prooi. Ivon Coated an<| Tarred Felt. Also Hoth Proof Carpel Lining, KAWL AND SEE! R epairing* Promptlylattended to, J. STC RY» Onnosite Owens Mi*L PIMPLES. I WILL Mail (Free) the recipe for prejpcn ing a smple Vegetable Palpi that will f« 1 (*' . e Y< move Ti n. Freckles, Pimples and Blotches leaving she skin soft, clear and beautifo!, also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth flies Address Ben Vandelf & Co.,,Box 6121, No. Wooster St., New York. I I O T O $ 2 5 A DAY Made by Agents :n i-ities and country towns. Only necessary to s->ow samples to make sale and money, for any oncout of employment an<- disjtosed to work." 1'sed daily by all business­ men. Send stamp for circular, with jtrict'S to agents. Address "Special Agency," Kendall Building, Chicago,

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