Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1877, p. 1

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"» %'! '-i *•. fl" , f **• <> i .'nMCT'/lfa Us 'i.PI ' *. '* lp 8*n., : IS'; <A I *3, ...ftfa *• v > c l * • ? " m l*r k " W J . - i ,'; 'i i* ,->?* * . • '• " ,t •' 1 V.,. .S.. 4 _r,»* *., ' Y"' 5 V|i .«iff -^fc= "Pledged but to Truth# to Liberty and Law; N '•Sii VOL, 3. Ttf- M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, * <-y , T , r r ••••y-'.;:• ' - * < ' , ' y. \ f • • , ?>' •/•• K",\ .. * f V'-" "•"* >->>V ' ^ /, ;.ij ' NWufeMM % **# .i<6r . 1% Published Ktery Wednesday J. V^TV SIvYKK ,-: .-fj'-Ti 'leeS* g^fyimjfcwk *!? '* Office in Riverside Block, , Jbter Smith, Aldrlch Jfc Haythorn's Store, Jli x TERMS OP SUBSCBIMIOSl* .2Mb Year, (in AdvRncc,).... --.....$1 FJD If tiot Paid within Throe Jtonths ..S OD Subscriptions received for three or six months In 6he same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. sis I H. T« BROWX, M. I). >HYSICIAK and Surgeon. Office in Block over. f. Brlek _ _ _ r . G. Staves Clothing Store water Street, Wcflenrv lit. . ---- 1 .-- - '• • v, E. A. BEERS M. D. IJnTStCTAN and Surgeon. Office atrestdence, JT two doors west of tost Office, McHenry O. J. HOWAKD, M l>. nd Surgeon. of Howard & Son, McHenry, 111. ^>HY8TCIAN atid Surgeon. at the store r. J. BAKBIAX. CIGAR MtinhfacH.- ov, Me Henry III. : lory No. 171. Omers solicited. Far- Mr. s. PItlCKETT. ATTORNEY AT law. urcnenry. Office second story Bishop's new III. Block. KICJiAKD BISHOP, k TTfVRXEV AXT> COrrsstf I,OH AT LAW. /%. Oflice in rear of Mnrphv & Bishop's Bank North Side Public Square, Woodstock, 111. OEO. A BUCK LIST T^TOTAttY I'lTBLIO, Oonveyanner <»««1 In. Xi sur»nee Ag«ut Ollire at Buekliu A Steveu's Store, near the Depot., McHenry, 111, E. E. lUOIlAKDS. HAS ft complete Abstract or Titles to land in Melienrv County, IlS'iioiif. Office with tJonnty Clerk, Woodstock. 111. llOBTj WltlGHT. (lstom M*<' Sone but t)io best Saed and all work warranted.. ShopN orner Public Square, Mnllcnr.r, Itl. M*nnCacturer of Od^torn M*"e SJioes. Boots and of raaVeria) FK. HECHTLE. HOTTSE, Slatn and Ornamental Painter, also Pancv Sketches, Scenery, kv„ McHunry III, Will do ail work promptly *nd at rea- pooable latas. E. M. OWEN. GEWKRAL, Dealer and Manufaeturers Afrent in Leading Farm Machinery, Prices low and Tenns favorable, JJCHE^RY, - . . . • ILLINOIS. GEO. SCHREISEB. QALOON and lte»taur»nt, Nearly opposite ,the Parker House, JJcIIenvy III, to-First-Class Billiard and Pool Tables, ^ ^ • -- : -- J. BONSLETT, SAT;OOJf and Restaurant. Nuarly «i Owen's Kill, Mcllenry, 111. Fresh Oysters served up i» any sbupjs desired, or to* sale by the Can. W. W. BI.LSWOItTiL BllEEBEH o the Celebrated ftfagie Host. Also Light And !>:»rJv Brahma Fowls, Pl»?s •hipped to a)I points by express. P. 0. Ad. Irass, Woodstock, III., PETKIl LEICKEM. RKPAtUS Watches Clocks nnd Jowelrv of all kinds. Yl<*'> Kepajrs Violins in theliest possible manner, on short notice uttd at rea- •on.ilHe rates. Also Violins for «ale. Shop (lr«i door Noilh of Riverside Illotik, McHeurj H>, - McHEKUV HOUSE, McITanvy, III. John Karnes Proprietor. Centrally located and the best of accom­ modations furnished. Ohnrsres reasonable. F. KLE1FUEN SOX. CARRlA(iE, Watron and House Painting done on Short Xotice. All work war- ranted. McHenry III., South of the Public •quare. MATTHEW KAIUIES, HDITSE, SlRn and Cavrtupo Painter. Also Oalsomininj; dona iu tin* best *>i manner. All orders promptly :ittetjted to ami work wnrranted, Besideneo ,at fb.e. McIIeni-y House, McHenry, 111. Attention Farmers, FOR SALE. A Litter of.Full.Blood Scotch Collie Shep. herd Pups, trom Imported Stock. These Are the finest dojys lor the farmer in the world *nd I will warrant them to be full blood. Also I have for sale Poland China Pigs, both sexos, all verv line. Call at. my residence, one mile east of Bliv ins Mills, and spe thein, FRAWK COIE. BlivlnsMills, 111., Aur., <Wth, 1877. \\T A iNJT^T?!^ ToihAke a permanent • • JL XIjIlJ entrapment with ft clergryman havinc leisure, "ra Bible Render, to intro<l«ve in McIIenrr County, the CELE­ BRATED SliW Centennial Eiiition ot the HOLY BIBLE. For description, notice edi, toriai in last week's issue of this paper, Ad.- dress at once F. L. HOUTOX & CO., Publish, ers an«t Bookbinders, «0 E. Market St., Indian, lipolis, Ind. JAMES ROi --DEALKK IJf-- IS, BUSINESS CAKDS. K. BKJfrlTETT, H. n.i SPltRSO^ and Acoucher. Disieasee of Women a Specialty. OIBcoand Residence oh Clay Street, Woodstock, I1L W. H. BCCIv, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC Phyticiftn and 8*r(reon.-- „ Oflice East Public Square, wood- stock. 111. Office honrs 11 to 14 A. M., and 2 tt)4 P.M. CECIL w. cox. , : jyENTIST. Office at the Parser ttovw* McHenry, III. X. S. COLBY. VfCHENRV, McHenry Co., Ilk 'Breeder of ItI spailleh Merino sheep, Berkshire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot of young Back stork for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. DENTISTRY.' the following nonth. Rooms at DR. L. C RICK, will visU places, as stated below4 ev*r? month. Cart--The 1st and 3d Tuesdays. Wea vcr's Hotel. W.WCOSDA--2D and «h Wednesdays.-- Rooms at the Pr:itt Itonse. McIIttNflY-- 2d and 4th Thursdays. Rooms at the Riverside House. Xt'XnA-'-Every Friday. ROOMS at the Hyntt House. The remainder of the time will be at his residence, a t Crystal Lake. Dr. Rice will Wave with hint at •!! times Chloroform. Ether and Nitrous Oxid "Gas, which will be administered whenever de­ sired. All operations performed in a careful and skillful manner. W. H. SANFORD, Merchant r±^ailoi*. In the store of C. H. Dickinson, Bast aide of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A sood Stock of Fine Clottis for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Suitsmade to order and a lit warranted' Give nie a calL W. H. SANFORl*. Woodstock III.,Sept. '27th, 1475. M. ENCELN. I T H Will c)«aag« muz­ zle loaders, both single and double, _ f?"!***-4-'.' \%iAr » • >" .K ' nj to bi-eaeb loaders. Kc«ps on hand a)l kinds of Gun Ma­ terial, All work warranted. Shop oppoatte Perry & Martin's Store, McHenry, III. vX^g?*gtr - H, E. WI«tIITMAN, Proprietor. First class li^s, with or without drivers, furnished H roasonnhle rates. Teaming of ail kinds ilone on short notice. O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER. MCHENRY ILL., Dealer in all Hinds (if American and Swiss Watches, Clocks from (he best liVlorius in Hie country. Sllvur, piaiedw.'re, Silver Spoons, Ac,, ALSO AGEXT FOR THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos AM) THE Orjran ! Which we ltolieve Lo lu) the bHKt Organ in the market,' We think v« know that by experl- the find wc believe It, for it Is barked up by 8es1 Musicians in the World. I also sell other Organs at less prices than the Entey, but can't reccommend them to be as good. O. W. OWEN. July 23. Agricultural Implements SOLON. MILI.S, ILL. MANUFACTURERS AGENT tor the Cham, pion Reaper and Mower, the Gorham Corn Cultivators and Diamond Plow, war, fftnted to scour in any soil, the Forest City Seed Plow and Steel Be.inj Stubble Pluws Corn Planter.,, Horse Rakes, Ac. Will take Gash or Good Notes in exchange for any and all of my Goods. Post Office, Solon Mills, III. For Sale or Exchange. THE undersigned offers for s.ile his proper, tv, situated iu the village of McHenry, or will exchange it towards a good Farm.^- There is a good and substantial building. •<iit, able for a store or other business, the upper part of which is titled no for a residence.-- Connect >d with this <s four acres of choiee land, a good barn and soma fruit. There is no l*ore desirable property in this section, and any person having a good Farm which thev wish to exchange, or anyone wishlnff to buy will And it to their advantage to c.a'l and see me. t. A IIebabd. Mc.Henrv, IU., May 7th, 1877. Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who Buttered for years trom Nervous Debility, Premature Dc- cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre. tlon will, for tho sake of suffering humanity, aend free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy hy which he was cure<l. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adviser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence VOHN 1}. OGDEX, 42 Cedar 3t„ New York Scott & Co., HATS CAPS & STRAW GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 192 MADISON STREET *" * • ('OR. FIFTH AVE, And 123 Lake St., Cor. Clark: CHICAGO. A T si rarer «to-l; of MEDIUM and FINE GOODS and I oWKK PRICES than any other house in the trade. * JANESVILLE lea Mill North Main Street. M THB subscribers are now ready to exchange for wool, nooils, such as plain and fancy Oasslmeres,Doe-kins. Tweeds, Satinets, Lar dies Cloth, Sheetings, shirtings, 'nd a good variety of various* kinds of Flannels, for dresses, &c., Blankets, stocking Yarn, *c.-- All these goods will be exchanged for Wool or Cash, on the most reasonable torms. Custom cardinir and cloth dressing on the same terms as in former years. Carpets washed at five cents per yard. ® P. 3.---All wool sent promptly attended to. ders bv mall, \A/oniAfl *n exchange for goods ,*• «nit?Qi--"wool greese and taL lo?"- , . 7 P. A. 'YflEELER ACO. ijunp ^st, |Q 77 THK CKIMK OF THK AOK. The financial bankruptcy over which our people have been grieving for several years ha* been attended by revelations of a moral" bankruptcy in business aiul poMtlcal circles far more deplorable. We are just beginning to discover the excent to which this rottenness has pervaded onr national life. First came the Black Friday job­ beries and other iniquities traceable to the White House, and followed by the Credit M*»bilier disclosures. The ready condonation with which these ,thit\gs were passed over without causing a visible ripple upon the surface, was an alarming indication of the prevalence and power of a dominant rascality, and was therefore naturally followed by a series of catastrophes that have almost made a wreck of our national reputation as a republic of decently honest men. One at a time the great banking houses that had close relations with the government and were most prominent in politics went down in financial ruin only to be exposed to public view as fabrics of fraud. After ITcnry Clews. Jay Cooke & Co. and the Freedmaifs Bank, a legion of railway companies, insurance companies and savings bank* have exploded and ex­ posed an internal rottenness almost passing belief. Banker *princes, like Ralston of California, have sig­ nalized their downfall by suicide; others like Spencer, have fled with their plun­ der from impending indictments; and still others have remained to face with brazen cheek and callous sou!» the victims of their frauds, and to ask them: "Whit are you going to do about It?'* It is humiliating and depressing tp kfiow that our civilization and the boasted energy of our national life have borne such fruits, but there is a lesson in the revelation, nevertheless, which we have reason to hope will purge our society of the bad morals by which it has been so long diseased. The lives of even the most successful rascals prove that the way of the trans­ gressor Is hard, and that honesty is the best policy even when it keeps a man poor. Perhaps one of the clearest de­ monstrations of this truth is found iu the statement of Mr. Morton one of the most recent wrecks. tia's I'i^'mftneiHKxIiilSt ion7 Pn'-idoiit of lier Market Street Rail­ way, the scion of an old and honored family, hi::iself standing high in the public confidence as a man of ability and high business character, is sudden­ ly exposed to the world as the deliber­ ate perpetrator of a gigantic fraud in the -over-issue of about $1,000,000 worth of stock of the very prosperous street railway with which he was connected* JJo more astounding discovery was ever made in the Quaker City; but his own frank confession left no room t© doubt it. That confession Is the old, old story of doing wrong at first under a belief that good would come of it, and the wrong doer be enabled to rec­ tify it-without harming anybody; of being thus foreed into a course of haz­ ardous and criminal expedients to ̂ con­ ceal the first wrong till fortune should permit restitution; of fulling thus into the power of less well meaning scoun­ drels and being driven by them to ruin Such is JHr. Morton's story and it bears the impress of trutn. An unfortunate speculation in Read­ ing stock in 1870 threatened him with bankruptcy unless he could cover the margin and wait for a rise. He says he could l ave stood his own loss, but part of the collateral deposited by him with the broker belonged *to others, and lie was appalled at the idea of los­ ing that. Then it was that $100,000 of the ^larket Street stock wa? over-Is­ sued to enable him to carry the load till he could get himself into a proper position to make amends all round, through some legitimate enterprise.-- But this enterprise failed and necessi­ tated further overissues. He lost $100,000 in a motor for canal boats and another large sum in manufacturing porcelain and wicker work. The Treasurer of the Market Streec Railway Company, who helped him to make and conceal the over-issues of stock, took a notion to have "some of the pie"' | wre tenti Win us and no Pear Shall Awe. SDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1877. wcr over hiui till all his ho|ios rted under a fraudulent issue of res of stock worth $150 per t sold by them at from $70 to share. Then, after having lis terrible strain for seven e came out in a full confession, w himself, a fallen, ruined man ttterciea of those whom he had ed not moralize on a story like he country is full of such I many a man is struggling t but in vain to avert a similar re long business circles in this will cease to admire "the dar- successful operators'* who have os during the last twenty The alftts house and the peni- wHi hide most of them from d Society will fall back into the of hum-drum rectitude as the th of safety and honor. M AKK GROWINQ BKTTKR. e by nearly all our exchange- as by our own observations-- and vre are very much encouraged to knowjhat it is so--that the "good old tim es&so much longed for by our peo­ ple, are returning, and prosperity be­ gins » smile once more upon us Tliejbtuiutifu] crops of the present neaso# In all portions of the country; the fr^ndl}' relation and good feelings now existing between the various localise* of the Union; the gradual but healtl® advance iu the value of our uatioifll currency, and many other thiug^ all contribute to bring about this tpucli desired result. The N. Y. Sun% <f a recent date, says; "However the case may stand with other Commercial centers, there is no lon^orSany room for doubt or question as to revival of trade here in the metropolis. The fact is patent to everyjpnly who has eyes. Western and Southern faces long missed and mourn­ ed are'reappearing daily in the hotel corridors and on the down-town si de- walks.? Wholesale merchants are rub­ bing their hands with satisfaction; railroads are carrying more freight than tjley have had the handling of f^r years past. In the horbor, too, and aHu]ong the water-front, the new life and bustle is very good to look at. Five steamers that cleared for Europe Saturday took with them over 250.000 bushels of grain, besides beef, bacon, and oUier provisions. Altogether the onilosnfor fall business is decidedlv euqiiafcin A It l» TIMES IN THK HILLS. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer* writing from tho Black Hills under date of Sep. 4. tells a sad story of the destitution prevailing thereabouts among laboring men. lie 6ays: "I have met in Deadwood in one day at least three hundred men from the East, who had not a peny iu their pockets, nothing to pawn or sell, and whose only food was that thrown to them by the liaud of charity, and char- it}' doesn't throw away much here.-- Noue of them could get away, there was no work, it was starvation to re- Q>ain. and their situation would have bothered old Diogues worse that the sneers of the beys did. I heard oue of theui say: u r • "Twelve of us will agree to draw a loaded wagon to Bismarck if any one will fodder us on the way; and wc don't ask for more than two meals per day either I" When a man oilers to tnrn mule for less "fodder* than mules get. he wants to change locations pretty bad; and 1 was glad to hear that the offer shouted out by this man was accepted bv a teamster who wanted to save his mules as much as possible. WASHINGTON COUKKSPONOKNCK. WARIITTJGTOJf. D. C.. Oct., 1st, 1*77. ftofr event of the past week was the fire on Monday which filled all hearts with consternation, the city with ex­ citement. the streets with people and the sky with sint ke. It turned the day Into nfholiday and created a nine days wonder. The Patent Office is one of the finest buildings in the city, large and handsome, a great structure built of marble and sandstone, many column­ ed and %rand. The destroying ele­ ment attacked its only vulnerable point of course, (did ever an enemy forget to assail the weakest spot ?) the fire breaking out in the attic, which in all the building was the only non»flre proof part. And so it burnt away roof, attic, ceiling and contents of model4 tube, you can close the hole, maklttfft »-oom, round one side and one end.-- pan with plain bottom, for baking j«1Ijr NO. 11. - i " U A tVOKD TO TH E (JNF.Mf'ILOTKl^i Our attention has been called tvft ih«w cooking utensil, recently iirvofltvd, which makts baking a pleasure, Inatfttl of a dreaded necessity;the inventor wf which has conferred an everlasting blessing upon every housekeeper. Wo refer to the Patent Centennial Cuke and Bread Pan, with which by siatpljr raising a hook, you can remove tho sides ot the pan from the cake Instantly# without breaking or injuring; it in th* least, thus enabling yon to Ice and froal it while warm. To remove the tsitw In the center, insert a knife In the slot in the top of the tube, and simply glw it a half turn, and It will dropout., II Is also provided with a slide oti tto bottom, so that, when you temove thf t)&*Here Is a little romance: It will be remembered that when Barnum's show was here several years ago, says the Atchison Champion, his Treasurer took sick, and was left at the Massasoit Hotel. He died there and was buried here, we believe, He was engaged to be married to a Miss Fish, a sister of Barnum's present Treasurer. After his death, it became necessary for Miss Fish to write several letters to Mr. Barnum, in reference to her dead lover Barnum admired the lady, because of her well-written letters, sought an ac­ quaintance--an acquaintance which soon ripened into love, and to make a long story short' the then Bliss Fish is himself andused $80,000 to make himself I novr Mrs. P. T. Barnum. Mr. Barnum a partner of John R. Nagle & Co.,! »8 twenty-seven years older than his by express will be Please send full or. Blank Book manufacturers. This firm forwitli began to prey upon Mr. Morton Holding his dreadful secret over his head, but still flattering his hopes it induced hlin to consent to further over issues to help the firm out of difficul­ ties In which it became involved. He says:"! knew If I took the steps I ought to take, it would prevent me from meeting.jmy own liabilities with­ out loss to others." The Nagle firm forced him to give them the printing of the Centennial Catalogue, and to lose about $100,000 in that. Knowing his position they took advantage of it, compromised him in every way, de­ feated all his attempts to retrace his steps or make restitution, and used wife. aSS-Presldent Mott, once conversing with the late Gen. Davis and Worth, said to the latter: "Worth, what do you do when in writing you come to a word you do not know how to spell ?"' The General answered: "I go to the dictionary and find out how to spell it." Says Mott: I have a better way than that; I write it so badly that no one can tell how it is spelled." JB&"Tlie Harvard Freshman class will be larger this year than for along time. 218 entered last June, and there were fifty-five candidates for examin­ ation Thursday, besides #|*ty-two to be partly examined. Well, we can already sec happy points in the calamity, direful though it was. A great mistake was made it putting combustible material into the composi­ tion of such a building and now the error will be corrected. Alslo, it is leading already to the extensive use of fire-proof material in buildihg and many are now engaged in tearing off roofs that can burn and substituting fire-proof ones. The model!* that were destroyed, sixty or eighty rhousaud in number, can scarcely be replaced. I suppose many can be made from pic­ tures and descriptions and the original models of many can be hunted up, but it is little likely that the trouble and expense of doing it will be undertaken and no little trouble will ensue from their loss. Other fires occurred the saiue day, the most extensive being a large livery stable containing fifty horses and carriages. .Men stood upon the roofs of buildings in the vicinity of the burnt structures for hours watching lest the flying sparks might kindl* other fires, indeed, the watching was keep up the whole night and engines remained stationed about the city to be in readiness forauy alarm. Dozens of arrests were made, as thieves and pickpockets were in their element and as eagerly at work is were the flames. A matter of great surprise was that, although several more or loss serious accidents occurred, none were fatal, nor was there any loss of Ufa resulting from the fire. Many merchants on the *sud *omov«a their goods which received no little damage in some cases from thievesaud from rough haudling. The quesiion concerning the Depart­ ment clerks having a granted election leave of absence has been widely dis­ cussed of late. Ohio citizens count themselves highly favored Iu that they can go home on reduced railroad rates and with no deduction on account of absence from their post here. Without the last named proviso, I fancy few of our Government clerks are patriotic enough to spend time and money to go home and vote. Some of them, per haps most of them, have dared not do otherwise in the past and It may be the same with them still. A promi­ nent Republican Senator said to one of his constituents who held an oflice in the Treasury : "Unless you can find it convenient to go hoine as I do and help the Republican cause, I will wash my hands clean of you. I do not intoud to keep any man in office trom my State who is not willing to go hoine and vote ai?.d contribute at least two mouths of his salary for campaign purposes. I spend my money to be kept in office, and you must spend yours if you ex­ pect to be a Government clerk. The President returned from his long trip to Ohio and the Southern States the first of the week aud will at once turn his attention to important matters awaiting him. The delega­ tion of Sioux and ArapahoeJ Indians arrived one day before him, aud are impatient for the deoision of the "Great White Father." The Govern­ ment wants to locate their agencies some hundreds of miles from where they are now situated, and from where they wis't to he aud will probably have to pay them well for the concession, for Spotted Tail who is Chief of the Sioux nation and is now here, is a sly old dog and ha? an eye to his own ad­ vantages. The disgraceful part of it all is that the Government dare not in­ sist upon anything with them for tho Sioux alone can piuster from seven to ten thousand warriors at short notice and such a force is too formidable for our available army. Congressmen and politicians of all grades, from those with individual axes to giiud, to the lobbyists whom they will employ and whose services are always for tale, are fast arriving.-- The Capitol looks bright as the newest of pines both inside and out, and the work still goes on though the work is new complete save a few finishing touoheg, Olive. and plain cakes, pudding, bread. eta.« thus practically giving you two pMM for the price ot one. The so Centennial Cake Pan lg high!? recommended by the ladies a* being tlM best and most convenient pan ever in­ troduced. They are made of Russia iron, are more durable, and 4^111 bake your cakes more evenly and a much nicer brown than you can bake them In the old-fashioned tin cake pans. Tbtw goods are sold exclusively through agents to families, and every house­ keeper should by nil means have them. A splended opportunity is offered to some reliable lady or gentleman can* vasser of thlrf county to secure th« agency for a pleasant and profitable business. For terms, territory, ftc* write to L« E. Brown & Co., Xoa,S14 216 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohi*. |££Tlt would seem as if th« Fremfe Government were hasting to Insanity or suicide. Ttiey have prosecuted Gum be Ma, the acknowledged leader of the Republicans, for having uttered the undeniable statement that Pnif> dent McMahon must submit to the lie* cislott of the popular vote in the* eta* lug election or resign; reftised hint s jury trial, but arranged hfm befor# ft police court sitting with closed do«nv convicted him unheard, ahd,iu defiaMft of all justice, sentenced him to thnft months imprisonment and a fine ftf 2.000 francs. It is also estimated %f the Government organs that this MM* toi^ie will deprive him of his oivil mm! oolltical rights for five years. It looka as if such an arbitrary aot was In toad* ed to excite the Republicans to manl* fostations of violence that would af<* ford a pretext for overawing the oont* ing elections by military foroe. Bui French statesmen can have studied history or human nature to little put* pose if they imagine that by any 8tftV chamber sentence, they can slleneft the expression of frank and honest criticism of official administration, es­ pecially in aRepublic. This duniinf scheme to ruin a political adversary may .yet return to plague its inventor** $Qr Two-thirds of a regiment of Unl* ted States troops has been out of sight across the Rio Grande border, on l(os> lean territory for several days. No* news coining from them in their chaser after the cattle-stealing mar.auden- Indians, half breeds, "greasers," eto.--» six other regiments have been dis­ patched to the resche of the first body. In addition to this information froa the Mexican border, comes the report via Galveston, that a regiment of Mex­ ican troops is believed to have been marching toward the district 111 which the invading United States forces la operating, but this rumor needs authen­ tication. It may be that we are about to have another war with Mexico, but come what will, the marauding agatnst United States citizens nnd property on this side of ths line by thieves fhMfc the other side must be stopped **M dB haeards.**--Journal, 06T A great establishment has re* cently been completed at Cresskill-ei*- the Hudson, by Mr. William C. Baker, at an expense of $75,000, for the exclu­ sive purposes of breeding poultry nnd producing eggs fbr the New Toric market. The ohiokens are all hatoheft by artificial incubators, and reared in glass brooding house, tho hens not be­ ing allowed to waste their ralu* able time in such occupations. Them is a special- forcing-house in whMfc fowls are fatted for market In IB or !• daj's. It is expected to hatoh and rear a quarter of a million chickens annual­ ly, and is the largest establishment ef kiud in the world. Freeman & ^Clark's celebrated Im­ proved Flax Mill is unequaled forelean! ing Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed aud all kinds of grain, Call for circu­ lar at E, M, Owen's. a®-The business circles of New York city were greatly excited en Tuesday by the discovery of extenslvft forgeries, amounting In the agregntn $200.0iX). The forger whose name Is William C. Oilman, of course he left the country. The forgeries ohifley consisted in "raising" certlltofttefr #jf the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Ckft* pany, f/om small amnonts to largo* ••» Oilman is said to be but ifci years et age, of most exemplary habits, a lead* lug member of a high-toned-ehuroh and Superintendent of Ua school,

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