Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1877, p. 4

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JfeJffiBFy piaMctlep. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10th, 1877. J. VAN 8LYKE, Editor COUNT* PULIT1C& But four weeks more remain be fare the Election, and yet but little has 1>eeu said in relation therento among the masses of the people. The Repub­ licans have held their Convention and |jut a straight party ticket in the field. iThe Convention called over the signa­ ture of u Vox PopulC was run by two Or three bummers, and was a total failure, and then the Greenback Con­ vention came forward, aad instead of putting up a ticket of straight Green­ back men, and men who were known to be with them, the}' adopted the ruin­ ous policy of any tiling to win, and the result is the majority of the candidates on their ticket are men who are not In sympathy with their movement at all, only so far as ft may tend to help them to office. Now the PLAINDEALER IS independ­ ent in all these fights, having longsince made up our mind to go for the best man, irrespective of the party to which he #night belong, but at the sanli^ time we cannot help but detest the man or set of men who make a great howl for a certain principal, and are then willing to kick it all over for the sake of a vic­ tory that cannot do the least particle of good to themselves or the cause they advocate. As we said before, it is now scarcely four weeks before the election comes off, and we predict that during that time some warm work will be done.-- •That there is music in the air is evi­ dent by the mutterinifs of thunder all around the sky. The next two weeks will bring something to the surface.-- We shall wait aud see. P. S. Since writing the above we have received a call for a Democratic County Convention, which can be found Id another column. f&'The following is a complet list of ;he classes of models destroyed in the patent office fire of Sept. 24,1877. Furnished dy Gilmer* Smith & Co., 629 F. street, Washington D. C* Any particular iuformatioii desired may be obtained by addressing that firm. Aer­ ation, bridges, brushes, brooms, butch­ ery, bottling, baths, bea hives, bolts, brakes, carpentry, carriages, closets, castings, doors, dairy, engineering, excavations, fence*, files, glass, gins, garden, grinding, hoisting, hydraulics, harrows, harvesters, (cutter bars saved), journals, and bearings, lime r.nd cement, masonry, mechanical power, metallurgy metal working (seven classes), mills, nuts, nails, needles, orchard, paving* presses, pumps, pueumatics, polishing, plows, planters (very few saved), roof­ ing, railways, (four classes), rivets, stone, saws, seeders (a few saved) sheet metal,stabling, threshing tobacco, tub­ ing, wagons, wire, water wheels, wire working, wood working. Total num­ ber of models destroyed about 60,000. CRYSTAL LAKE. EDITOR PLAIN-DEALER.--Again we life having a change of weather and the dry spell is broken, of which no one is sorry unless it be the blacksmiths who were setting a great many tires. Lanning & Pratt took the Premium at the County Fair for the best show of Horse Shoes. People having horses that they want shod in the best of style or those haying them that they can't get shod anywhere else, will do well to give them a call as they can put on any kind of a shoe or shoe any horse. The Literary Society will meet Thursday evening, Oct. 18th. Below we give the programme: Open with Music by Mr. Rowley and Miss Brink. Select Reading, by Miss Clara Ashton. Quartette Singing. C. Ashton Leader. Essay, Miss Birdsell. Debate,between A. Thompson and . Chip Basket, Miss Mansfield. Debate, between Mr* J. Morton and M. D. Cadwell. Query Box, Miss Brink. Second Quartette, W. H Beardsley Leader. Those in want of a Clothes Wringer will do well to call upon E. M. Thorny son who has four of the best Wringers in the market. He will also repair old ones, putting in new rolls very cheap. ODD JB. HARVARD. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--A ten year old son of Mr. John Bendt was killed by being run over by an engine Mon­ day morning. The boy was walking by the side of the track and as the switch engine came along he started to jump on and slipped and fell under the engine, the wheels passing over his chest killing him instantly. Esq. Smith, in the absence of the Coroner, called a jury and held an inquest.-- Verdict, accidental death caused by en gine running over the boy, through carelessness of boy. No blame is at­ tached to the Railroad Company. Mrs. Chester Blackman, daughter of O. C. Diggins, is very sick. Capt. Stephen Stewart, formerly Treasurer of McIIenrv county, was in town Saturday night. Remark was made that there was no change in '*Steve," when he said no change about him only a half dollar. About 25 left for the Exposition on Tuesday morning. U. T. K. i&^News comes from Washington that several memorials, "numerously signed," will be presented to the next Congress, proposing that the Presiden­ cy shall be abolished, and that instead we shall have a Cabinet composed of •even secretaries, (why limit it to •even?) all having equal authority and no superior officer, four to be elected by the House and three by the Senate, whfr shall execute the laws, supervise the < government, and hold office for two years. Well, perhaps the people want such a change, but we still believe that there will be another Presidential slectiou in 1880. 19*From the Columbus Enquirer, of Georgia, comes news of a new kind of strike. It appears that the merchants furnish supplies to the farmers on a twelve month credit system, but charge a profit of 50 per cent, on all goods thus furnished. This the farmers claim is , exorbitant and so hold to their cotton, demanding an equally high price for the crop, upon which the goods have «been advanced. Quite a large combi­ nation has already been formed, by the planters aud this organization is con­ tinually increasing. FURNITURE AT AUCTION. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at his store, in the village of McHenry, on Saturday. Oct. 13th, 1877, Commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., splendid stock of Furniture, consisting in part of Office, Kitchen nnd Parlor Chairs, Bedsteads of all kinds. Sofas, Lounges, Bureaus, Kitchen. Parlor and Bedroom Sets, . Pictures and Plcure Frames, Wall Brackets, Lookiug-Glass. es. in short everything usually kept iu a First Class Furniture Store. These Goods are all new aud desirable, and will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. TERMS OF SALE:--All sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year will be given on approved Notes at 10 per cent. JOHN I. STORV CASH! CASH!! CASH!!! Bucklin & Stevens would say to the buying public that they have com­ menced the Fall Campaign with an enlarged store, and a lull stock of goods, on the Platform of Cash or Pro­ duce only, making one price and that astonishingly low, giviug to each and all the fidl value of their Dollar, pound of Butter or dozen of Eggs. They will publish no price list of leaders, but will give at their store such prices upon all their goods as shall bean in­ ducement to buy making a lead of everything. Clonk Searles. making a specialty at Mrs jWReferring to Roscoe Conklln's convention in Rochester, last week, and Conkling's undignified part In the' same, the New York Exprcw truth­ fully remarks: "Conkling is so eaten up witb personal ambition and envy, aud so embittered by personal spites aud revenges, that he loses his temper and Imperils the existense of his party to punish his rivals. The pettiness, the spite, the malignity of his temper degrade htm from the rank of states­ man to the level of a common petti- fogger and scold/' Apprentice Wanted. "i^learn the Photograph business; To a steady young man who wants to learn and means business a good chance will-be given. Apply at once at Gortoifs Art Gallerv, McHenrj'. Democratic County Convention The several Towns, of McHenry Coun­ ty are requested to send Delegates to a County Convention of the Democratic party, to be held at the Court House, in Woodstock, on Saturday, the 20th day of October, inst., at one o'clock p. M., for the purpose of nominating one can­ didate for County Judge, one candi­ date for County Clerk, one candi­ date for County Treasurer, aud one candidate for County School Superin­ tendent, to be run tor those offices at the November election 1877, and to transact such other business as may come before the Convention. The ratio of representation from the sever­ al towns will be as follows: Igj^A call is published tor a Nation­ al Liberal League Congress, to be held in Rochester, It. Y., October 26th, 27th and 28th. The platform adopted will be a total seperation of ohurch and State, national protection for national citizens, universal education the basis of universal suffrage. The question of nominating a President and Vice Pres­ ident for 1880 will be considered. % «*» Th® best Goods at the Lowest Prices at Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn's, River- ilde Blu(:k, McHeary. Riley 8 Marengo.... 8 Dunham 8 Chemung 10 Alden 5 Hartland 10 Seneca 6 Coral e Grafton 7 Dorr, 11 Greenwood.. 6 Hebron, 8 Richmond 7 McHenry 11 X inula 7 Algonquin a Barton 2 NULL DONWKIXT, A. L. SALISIH KT, J. H. .JohnKON, GEO. L. Sn<mwooi>k BISHOP, County Committee. Woodstock, Oct. 8th. 1877. is not easily earned in those times, but it can tie marie in three months by any one of either sex, in any j>art of the country who in willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- w?£r«Teek<- in your own town. You need noM»e au a> from home over uight. You can gne your whole time to the work, or only mo,neJ , t8, have agents who ov<!u *20 ')er ,Aay- All who engage make money fast. At the present „ ! -v "BNnot be maile so easily and rap. ».. ct! ler business. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and $5 Outfit tree. Maine"8 Qncei H- HALLETT A Co,, Portland ' 11!» •" I'll,' . -a « '4.'J ^jrH rP y ! IP . • : . iK'f i f m * . M * r Xfl & < a cr> CL (l Ml USB! , ci jy CD Xfl CD P 0<5 Ma cy H G g£> & 8- o p- £ CD CD hei O 3, o CD GO CD P P P P* CO CD CD B" CD B •4 h if •" • CO G O r * w »-3 <1 pi cc Are you going t,o use Cash ov Good Credit m making Your Fall and Winter Purchases ? If Cash, go and see what Cash will do. l^iPOne Price Only. Remember I buy Bankrupt Stocks, Goods from Horced ^ales. manufacture all my line Clothin; and Overcoats, and present tj most attractive stock tound this section. * - • Are you Buying Coods at the FollowtngPrices? Good Prints 5 Best Prints.... Good luibleached Cotton by Piece ti% Best rtuto .7 \ 40 inch ditto .......... .8.^ Best Bleached 10 Dress Goods bargains 45 Black Alpaca 2ii 4fi inch Cashmere.........j 75 Good Y H and Japan .. B 1. .liipan "... .. 4 lbs B I. .Ji»|win off on 5 1bs lots No 1 Syrup Good Corsets.. All Cambrics Dress, Braids 6 Mens Suits $5.00 to $-25.00 Boys Suits «3.00 to f 10.00 Buffalo Kot>es all prices Ladies Furs all prices I bought my Woolens for the manufacture of my Fall and Winter Stock at * less price than It. oost to make the Goods. Come to my Dundee or Richmond Store and you will he equally well served. Am prepared at both Stores fof a big trade and will more tliau satisfy you. Come, aud it will be rnoner la your pocket. C F HALL ISiPChicago Office 122 Franklin St., top Stairs." BUCKLIN ft STEVENS. McHenry, Auquit 28<A, 1877. 20 Tumblers 1 00 jCastile Soap 12 cut tflass Goblets...1 00 |J5 lbs StemlessBaiglnV.V.*. 25 bars 9ox Soap. 100 ji* tbs Laver Raisins.. . 12 1b* KU;e.. 1 oo |>4- box Layer Raisins . 0 boxes dime Matches..... 25 20 1h» Co<l Fish... . 12 cakes Ilonev Soap 2."> |25 lbs Hake Sugar Chicago prices freight |20 lbs No l Maekerai...... it/Muil s I r ...l: .. . .T . . . • * * *« added 5 1hs'G Coffee .... Best Y H Tea .. 515 Best J^pnn Tea U 10* lot it Ladies Shoes sewed and 1 00 I pegged 100 *0 (Misses shoes 11 to It 109 70 Mens Veal Kip Boots 50 j warranted 400 30 'Mens Kij> Boots 3*8 100 i .Mens Split Kip Boots 2 0 |Boy s and Youths tocorrea 65 pond. To Male Money is to Save It. TO SAVE MONEY, Buy your Goods for Cash or Produce. -M BEAD THE FOLI.OWING PRICE LIST t Good Prints ,...5 eta. Best Prints G to 7 Good yard wide Sheeting 6 Best yd wide Sheeting . .7 to 8 Yd wide nleached Sheet­ ing 8 to 10 Extra good Waterproof. 75 CarpenterviUe Flannels 45 Large line ol p.ain Flan­ nels 20 to 37 Cotton Batting 12, 15 and 18 Good all wool Stocking Yarn 90 Dress Goods, bargains. 10 to 40 All wAol Blk Cash­ mere 70, K5,aud$l French Bone Corsets... 40 Clarence and Peerless Carpet Warp . 82^i A full line of Rochester and Bullalo custom made Boo is and Hhoen every pair warranted Mens Suits $ti to $20 Boys Suits 1J4 to $10 Cotton Flannel to l.r> California Overalls le.Uh • er tnimiH-l 60 Fair Japan Tea :5 lbs for $1 'Choice .Japan Tea f>0 Best Japan Tea warrant ed best in market 75 Fair Km C<>flVe. 20 Choice Kto Coffee 2-" Best Itio Coffee.. 2.5 I bars Sa von Soap 2."> Fair Young Hyson Toa,. 40 Choice Young'Hyson Tea 7o Host Young llvson Tea.- sr> Uest Layer Raisins 12,'„ I h box Layer Raisins.... « 1b Can Peaches, best.. i ft Can Blackberries .. ! S5 different styles Car­ peting 50 to i Wall 1'aperand Trunks lull line 1 !> lbs White CofTee Sugar 1 ».!* lbs c CoflVe Sugar... ] 10 lbs I.ight Brown Sugar 1 Best Sugar cured can- | vassed llams 1 12 lbs Iticp ! Fair Fine Cut Chewing | Tobatfc.o I Good Fine Out Chewing Tobacco I Extrsi Fine Cut Chewing ! Tobacco...... i Hardwood Butter Pails 8 •1 12* n n These Prices are for First Class Goods. Kvcry urtiele WarrantJ ed to prove ws represented or money refunded. P. D. SMITH. F. G. MAYES, MERCHANT 'TAILOR And Dealer in READY - HUE CLOTHING, Invites the public to an inspection of his newly purchased Stock. U51P"Ibices to suit the limes and Goods W arranted us represented. CUTTING DOWE AS USUAL. Store One Door Morth of Colby's Drug Store. McHenry, 111.. Sept. 12th, 1877. WHITE'S Pii Alley E. M. OWEN -DEALER IN-- --AND-- SHOOTING GALLERY. Lansing's Block, McHenry, 111. The best Guns and Finest Alleys to be found In the Northwest. Open day and evening. A. M. WHITE, Proprietor. J. P. BEARDSLEY , J. E. BECK LEY SAVE YOUR CLOVER SEED. The undersigned lire Sole Agents for the BIltDSKLL Cl.OVER THRESHER for M<'- llenrv and Lake Counties. The best and only machine now in use. Also PLOWS, POMPS. WIND MILLS. --AND OTHER-- at bottom prices. Send in your orders J. P. Beardsley & Co, Nunda, Sept. 'iOth, 1877. AGRICDLTORAL GOODS, Has on hand a choice lot of PLOW8 of the best make, which he is se.ling at the LOWEST PRICES for Cash. Also Farm and Democrat "WAGONS, FANNING MILLS, The CelMeil Kenosha Pumps. &Cb| &C«| Call at my Warehouse when in want of anything in my line. E. M. OWEN. McHenry, Sept 25th 1877 TAKE NOTICE. Having made a change in my busi­ ness it becomes necessary that my books be closed at otfee. All persons knowing themselves indebted to ms either by Note or book account ate re­ quested to c:Ulvand settle the sauae at once and save/Uiuuisclves cost. Thii m«*ans business. L. Francisco, McHenry, Aug. 28th, 1877,

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