Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1877, p. 5

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jfejjenpy |l«blealep. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 10 th, 1877. Railroad Time Table. GOtXO SOUTH. Geweva Lake. oonro WORTH. Geneva Lake Froifcht..... Soneva Lake Passenser.. ; « #>" ' • ......10:00 A. M. 7:02 P. *. WMmmmmmmmmm--M CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST.--Rev. J. II. Bacon, Pastor. Services everv Suinlay at 10/tf A. M.. and 7H P. M. SUNIIA> School at 12 JI. JOHN DVKH Superintendent. , MASONIC. f WCHEKBTOWAPTKRNO. MR. A, M.--Re*u- la* Convocations ht;lrt on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. HKHHT COMIT H- V. PULASKI AliLKN See,, - REMEMBER the Party and Oyster Supper at the Riverside House on Tues­ day evening next. IF "time Is money,* srthip of our sub­ scribers must be wealthy by this ticme, for we have given them time euough. . : *. PERSONS having any tools belonging to F. A. He bard, will cbnfer a favor by returning them to hie shop at one*. DR. L. C. RICK, Dentist, will be at the Riverside House, in this village, on Thursday of thU week. SOME men would rather take their money iuto the other world and ran th** chances of having it melt than to pay the pi-iuter's bill. THE Rev. J. II. Bacon having lived, associated and labored with the people «jf McIIenry through the past year, will preach next Sunday morning from the following text; Fare'ye well. * JOHN E. WIOHTMAN, of Chenoa, 111., who with a party of friends has been rusticating at the Lakes, will please ac­ cept ear thanks for two ftne Pickerel, left at our residence. PETER BLAKK, of the Arm of Blake A Bentfeld, who are now doing busi­ ness at Rich Prairie, Minnesota, in in this village, settling up the old busi­ ness of that firm. See hie notice else­ where. THE long wished for rain has at last come, and dust will not trouble again this Fall. This has been one of the dryest Falls known for years, having no rain in this section, of any account, un­ til lost week, for over two moutlis. THE Arms of T. Whf tson ft Son* and Austin & Herman. Hardware dealers, Woodstock, had eash a fine show of Stoves Onexhibitioh at the Fair, which were the center of attraction at the Floral Hall. THE Woodstock Democrat has again beeu resurrected, tills time by the Du- flekl Bros., formerly typos on the Har­ vard Independent, They have change d the form to a quarto, and improved it typographically and otherwise. We certainly wish thein success. M. ENOKLX. Gnu Smith, at his shop, near the Post Office, has a large Hock of Gun Material of all kinds, Fishing Tackle, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Pipes Tobacco, &c.. ftc., to which he invites the attention of Sportsmen and ot hers. Before going to the Lakes do not fail to give him a call. WK understand that N, S Colby, of this town while at the Woodstock Pair last week, bought a.Spanish Merino Buck, of G. F. Durkee, Agent for Bis- sell ft Mowe, •f Vermont, for which he paid $75. Mr. Colby has some of the finest sheep in the county, and this will .bp a. vaiui^bUi addition to his flock.; IT I* now an offeuce fine able in the sum of $10 for a phj'sician to fail to re­ port to the County Clerk all deaths and births doming under his supervision, within thirty days from the date of their occurrence. Where no physician Is employed, the same shall be reported Jt>y the. parent, nearest relative or resi­ dent house-holder. THE Greenback Meeting on Monday evening was, on account of the weather, very thinly attended. Ralph E. Hoyt, of Chicago, was present and delivered an interesting and able address, which showed that he was well posted in the cause of the "Rag Baby." It is a pity that wore were not out to hear him.-- There being so few present we believe the Greenback Club did not elect officers. A lady reader writes to the New York Herald fera recipe to remove freckles. A young lady at this place who has tried the remedy, recommends the following: Bathe the face lightly with cologne water after tea. and at about 10 p. M, brush both cheeks, the forehead and the ohin with a carefully selected mustache. If this does not remove the freckles it will,' under or­ dinary circumstances, cause them te he forgotten. G. F. DURKEB, of Aldefr. Agent for Bissell ft Moore, of Vermont, had on exhibition at the Fair last week, some very fine Spanish Merino Sheep, on which he took three First Preaiiuras.-- He also took First Premium on Buck and Ewe of his own raising. These Sheep were the finest shown at our Fair in a long time, and two young Bucks were sold for , $75 and $35.-- "Breeders when looking for fine stock should examine Mr, Durkee's flock, WE learu that a Social Party and Oyster Supper will be given at the Riverside House on Tuesday evening next, October 16th. Tiokets for Dance •1. Oysters served in any style at all hours doing the night. The McHenry Quadrille Band will furnish the music. Let the Dancing public all turn out .and have a good time. JlE waltzed out of the front door followed by a wash-board and two bars of soap, and, as he straightened himseif and walked firmly duwu the street, he remarked: "A man must draw the line somewhere or he can't be bos6 of the house; and I'll be hanged if I pump more than one tub of water for no washing, aud there ain't- a woman can make me do it, unless she locks me in." FOUR brave and valiant individuals in this village started NOUt the other day with four double barrel guns, in­ tent on making mince-meat of an inno­ cent Bull. They found him in a pasture fired at him three days steady, and yet it is said the Bull still lives. That's worse thau drowning out Gophers without any Lager, They now contemplate fishing for him with worms. W-h-l-c-h. HUNTERS and FMhernten are now happy. The Ducks are flying in great numbers, while anglers after the fiuney tribe are successful in capturiug large numbers of fine Pickerel and Bass.-- The River and Lakes iu this section cannot be surpassed for either hunting or fishing, aud the crowds frdm abroad who visit here are becoming larger each year. Those who love a weeks sport can do no better than to come this way. WK learu that the Woodstock Grand Combination Company will give an en- terttinmeut in this village in about two weeks. This Company is com­ posed of some ef the best talent in Northern Illinois, and our citizens can look out for a rich treat. The enter­ tainment will consist of a Draiua, aud Farce, to be intersperced with Comic Drolleries, Negro eccentricities, ftc. The exact date will be announced in due time. \ y- J WE had the pleasure, one day hist week, of examining the new Iron Roof on the addition to the Pickle Factory, which was put on by John M. Smith, and must say it is the finest Roof we ever saw. It costs but little more than the common Tin Roof, and to say the least it is worth two of it. Persons contemplating putting on new roofs should call at John M. Smith's store, ex amine one ol these Roofs and learu the price. They cannot help but see their superiority at a glance. KKLTKU, LEICKEM ft Co's Patent Gate was exhibited at the Watikegan and Woodstock Fairs last week, and at b«th places carried off the Blue llibhon. And iiideed we do not see how it could be otherwise, as they are a practical, Comnion-seu.«e Gate, and need but to be seen by the farmers to Be appreciated. They have lately been making some good iiuprovments iu the manner of hanging aud in a latch, aud as in proven by the Premi­ ums mentioned above, have the most popular aud practical Gate made. Call and see it when iu town. We have, by far, the coinpletest job ofiice in the county, under the charge of a practical printer whose reputation as a workman is first-class, and of ivhoni has been said, "the only printer iu Mc­ Henry county."--U<irvurd Independ­ ent. We give the above merely to show the amount of cheek a man can gather areund the Independent office iu one month. That ofiice has always been noted for suoh high-sounding misstate­ ments, but we had looked for better things from^ts present head. The first and last statement in the above ex­ tract is simply false, and was known to have been so when made. To the Ladies who are contempla­ ting buying their Winters supply of Millii.ery, Cloaks, ftc., we would say do not fail to call and examine the im­ mense stock just received at Mrs. Searles',at her old stand, 6r at her new Shop, in Lansing's Block, near the Depot. She has all the latest styles of Hats and Bonnets, which she Is t»im- ming in a style that cannot fail to suit the most fastidious. In the line of Cloaks you cannot fail to be suited both in quality aud price. Do not fail to call and examine her stock before pur> chasing. A PARTY of six Pickpockets and thieves, said to hail from Chicago, were captured at Woodstock on Friday last, and lodged in jail. They had beeu around there several days, aud officer Van Curen having suspicions kept an eye on them, and finally de­ tected them in the act of breaking iuto Eckert^s Warehouse. One of them showed fight, and drew a revolver on the officer, but was quickly disarmed and brought to terms. They probably make a big haul during the Ffcir. but the vigilance of the officers prevented them from accomplishing their ends. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to me are requested to call aud settle thfe same without delay, as I am much in need of money, and must raise it from my books. Do not delay aud put us to the disagreeable duty of calling again and in a dif­ ferent way. M. ENGELN. TO OUR PATHON& \ XTo man dislikes to write a dun worse than we do, but we have now been run­ ning the PLAINDEALER nearly two and a half years and we find ou our books a larger amount than we eau afford to carry. Our capital is small and every dollars wo;th of stock we purchase Is cash. To be sure the different amounts owing us are small, but In the aggre­ gate are large to us, and we must ask our patrons to '"walk up to the captains office" aud settle at least a portion of their indebtedness. We are aware that money is scarce, but still if those who have money will divide with those they owe. everything will move alorg serenely and all will feel better for it. Therefore we say te those knotting themselves indebted to us for subscrip­ tion, Job Work or Advertising, bear this in mind, pay us that we m^y pay others, and thus"keep the ball a roll- iug." ' AS our Woodstock correspondent has given a very general notice of the pro­ ceedings of the County Fair, very lit­ tle is left for us to say, aud as we were only present a part of the last day are very thankful that the task is takeii off Our hands. Therefore we refer our readers to the correspondence in anoth- column for full particulars. We see that the receipts were only a little over $1600 which shows that the at­ tendance was not near up to the aver­ age af former years, while the show of Stock, farming tools, and domestic manufacture was more thau the aver­ age. The lack of attendance can be at­ tributed in part to the fact that the Waukegau Fair was held on the same days, and a great part of the people from the West side of the county went that way, and for this il se< ms the officers of' our Society were entirely to blame, as we are informed the Secreta­ ry of the Waukegau Fair was officially informed before their time was set that Woodstock would hold their Fair the last week in September; and conse­ quently they put theirs one week later, and how or why the change was made so as to conflict we know not. It is to be hoped tnat before another year the powers that he will wake up and aban­ don their "penny wise and pound fool­ ish" policy, and endeavor to bring the Society back to Its old standard of popularity among the people. '|'hese remarks ar* made, not in a spirit of fault finding, but are suggested by re­ marks we have heard made by others who have been discussing the merits of the different Fairs. GEO. W. RUSSELL, of Woodstock, formerly the popular Agent for the McCormick Reapers and Mowers in this county, has invented a Mower of his flwn, which was shown at the late County Fair, at Woodstock, and was awarded First Premium over all others. Mr. Russell has handled Machines for many years,and by so doing has learned nil the weak spots, and consequently in inventing his machine has aimed to supply ail that is lacking in others, which the award of the ComrAittee proves that he has done. We congrat­ ulate Iiiin on his success. Farmers should not fail to see this machine when contemplating buying. THE Fourth Annual Sunday School Convention, of the First District, Illi­ nois will hold a Convention in the Presbyterian Church, at Rochelle. Ogle County, Illinois, November fitli, 7th and 8th, 1877. Entertainment will be furnished for those whose names reach D. A. Baxter, Rochell^JllI nois, before the Convention opens. Delegates are expected from each County. Any ac­ credited Sunday School worker may be considered a delegate. Please attend the opening exercises. Bring your Bibles, pencils and note books. Gospel Hymns, and Jasper and Gold. Rail­ roads Centering there will give reduced rates. PETERSON'S Magazine, the Queen of the Ladies' Book, is on our table for November. The principal steel en­ graving, "Little Red Riding-Hood," is rarely beautiful. So. also, is the mam­ moth colored steel fashion plate. But, as a contemporary says, the stories, the fashious, the patterns, in short, every­ thing in "Peterson" is the best ef its kind. For 1878 great improvements will be made. Among these will be a monthly Supplement containing a full sized paper pattern for a lady's, or child 8 dress, thus giving to every sub­ scriber twelve such patterns, extra, during the year. These patterns alone will be worth the subscription price. Five original copy-right novelets will also be given, besides a hundred shor­ ter stories. But the price will remain the same, viz,: Two dollars a year, the postage pre-paid by the publisher. To clubs the prices are even lower, (postage also pre-paid,) viz.: two copies for $3,66, with a superb Mezzo­ tint (24 inches by 20), '•The Angels of Christmas," the finest and costliest ever eflered, to the person getting up the club; or four copies for $6,80. (postage pre-paid,) and an extra copy to the person getting up the club.-- For $9,60, six copies will be sent (post­ age prepaid,) and both an extra copy and the "Angels of Christmas," as pre­ miums. Specimens of the Magazine are sent, gratis, if written for, to those wishing to get up clubs. Subscribe to nothing else until you have seen a copy of this 'popular Magazine. Address Charles J. Peterson.306 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Illlaoti Baptist Q«a«nl Association. The Thirty-third Anniversary of the Baptist General Association of Illinois, will be held with the First Church at Springfield, commencing Friday, Oct. 19. at 7:3Q p. m. Anuual sermon by Rev, C. A. Hobbs. or D. B. Cheney, D. D. Free entertainment Is pledged to those who attend, and a cordial invita­ tion Is extended to all. Those antici­ pating attendance are respectfully re­ quested to send their names to Rev. M. H Worrall, as early as possible. This body is composed of 40 minor Associa­ tions, comprising 915 Churches, which embrace a membership of 66,322. * Ratate Transfers, Cllhyeyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, for the week ending Octo­ ber 6th, A. D. 1877: Kdward Holland and wife to Johanna lta«. sey. ah se>£ ne& 4*s\ 26, 48,6, Henry Karl to Jo»eph Chapman. 40 sqttvre rods In nwj* 1«. 46, 7, #60. Reuben Austin and wife to Edward E Perkins, wtf avr* S, 48, 6, except north SO acres, tlHOO. V C Williams and wife t» L H and Herbert L Philips. N* ne* nwtf », 43, «, #300, Henry L Householder and wife to SM Ward low. e.v evr add w,V se^ 21 and all sec 38 no bf Road in 48, 7, #1600. Olive, I. Kantsdell and husband to James Evans. s>» nr& 27, 43, 7, #2400. A Norton to Richard M Patrick. Part lot 47, 88, 44. 5, $190. B N Smith to Thos Coffey. Ml acres In sefes. t and 8, iu 46, 7, *9039. C II Truax and wlfo to Mary X! Warner.-- Lot 1* blk 13, Nunda, *480. 7 Pretty Little Blue Kyed Stranger, Is the title of one of the prettiest songs we have ever heard. It was com­ posed by Bobby Newcemb. the cele­ brated minstrel professional. The inelody is bound to captivate every lover of a good song and remain fresh iu their memory a lifetime. Price, 35 cents per copy. For sale by any music dealer in the United States, or can be had from the publisher, F. W.HELMICK 50 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, 0. RINGWOOD EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--We wish to correct mistake made in the heading item of tills diepartment in last weeks issue, which read Mr. Clark Hall is new very low 4c, The same should have read Mrs. Clark Hall. Rev. Mr. Gorton will this week at­ tend the M. E. Conference, held at Princton, remaining over Sunday, con­ sequently there will be no preaching in this place next Sunday. Quite a number of our citizens at­ tended the Fair at Woodstock the past week. A few also visited the Lake county Fair, held at W<tukegan. In answer to your correspondent "Even" and In justice to ourself, we would say that his communication of last week is the first and only intima­ tion we have had of any mistake of ours made iu our stateineut of Sept. 19th, in reference to the Carr--Potter pugilistic encounter. • Nor have we as yetTbund wherein we were mistaken.-- When we do we will acknowledge the corn aud ask forgiveness, as it was not our intention to blaspheme the charac­ ter of any young man, (be he a Carr or not) who bears the unstsiined reputa­ tion he (Even) gi<res those of that name We are well aware that there is more than one train of Carr's and may there not possibly be one wild one among so many? We think there was on that particular evening, with a headlight iu a condition not to admit of any closer examination than we have al­ ready given It. BISUAUK. NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:--A frost on Friday night begins to make the leaves on our shade trees look as if Autumn was near at hand. We understand that Prof, W. W. King, of Chicago, will give a lecture in the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening, Oct. 9th. v We understand that some of our young people were very much disap­ pointed last Sunday evening. Never mind "Charley." Change about is fair play for everybody. Dittuan A Henry are busy this fall, as they have been through the summer past, the clicking of their hammers never cease until the day draws to a close. We would beg leave to inform ye lo­ cal of Nunda to the McHenry County Democrat, that If you will notice our initials, Y. M. C. T. A. that it meatis Young Mens' Christian Temperance Association and nothing more. There is no such word as Methodist eutertain- ed by it and hereafter we do not wish it to be misrepresented by any one, and no temperance person would wish to put a damper to suoh a oause. We are prospering in every way and we are having many additions to our association. Good temperance people are giving liberally to help the cause along, and we, in behalf of the Asso­ ciation, thank them sincerely. ^ I K N O W . TAKE NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to the firm of Blake A Bent­ feld, either by Note or Book Account, will hereby take notice that I shall be at the store of John Blake, in the. vil­ lage of McHenry, for the next few days where you are requested to call and settle. All aocounts not settled im­ mediately will be left in the hands of a Justice for Collection. " PXTBS BLAKK. McHenry, Oct. 8th, 1877. A full and complete line of ready made Cloaks. Also a fulLllne of Cloak- \ngsand Cloak trimings at Mrs. Searles. WOODSTOCK. ixcm PLAINDEALER:--The county papers this week will be tilled mostly with Fair notes and 1 send you my con­ tribution of that commodity, premising that you will not be bored with a long or labored production, Tito entries aggregated about 1120 and were permitted up to the third day. The show has never been equaled since my acquaintance wtt*i the Society except In four points, to wit, fruits, dairy products, poultry and people. In the first G. W. Beutley was the sole exhibi tor of apples, pears, grapes and wine, in the second there were no en- tr'es ot butter, and but one of cheese, which certainly, for a dairy county must excite some comments if not ou Inquiry for the reason of this lack of enterprise among our dairynieu. In the third the show was good, but not quite up to that of the two proceeding years, and in the last it was remarked by all that the fair lacked the only thing that insure succvss --a crowd. Of the special premiums offered.but little notice was taken, there being no baby show, no base ball game that could be called such, no mule race, no old men who cared to walk'for a prize and no butter men that coveted Ciioat'8 maroon set. So E. A. Murphy A Co., keep that suit of clothes, Hickox his Ice pitcher, tne Salisbury's their ten dollars worth of goods, Fred Reu- ick his cigars, while Nish, Whitney, Richards and Crow were equally fortu­ nate. Perhaps some one will be able to account for this apathy on the part of exhibitors. In the cookery class the entries num­ bered 146, showlhg that the ladies take more pride in bread, biscuits, cakes, preserves, etc., than iu babies, unless uone of the latter are to be had in the county, iu whioh case it is unfortunate that the fair come ofT so early by a week since UA1W Skinner and Bart Austin could not be exhibitors, each haviug his family iucreased by one last Saturday, Mr. Crow brought a large aud fine collection of ferns and Mrs. M. L. Joslyu, supt. of class I. succeeded in making a display of pictures that took every one by surprise, she having 91 entries. Miss Wray in the fancy class had her hands full aud more too with 140 entries. In class A. one new feature was the Holstein cattle exhibited by B. F. Derail of Nunda and the Durhains must look to their laurels or they will awitke some fine moruing to find themselves distauced by the superior milking and equal beef qualities of our new friends from Hollaud, All the occupants of stalls canust be mentioned, not because unworthy but for want of time and ?pace nor Is it necessary as they will be found iu the premium list, but the fine wool merino sheep of J. F. Parker Would be hard to beat In fact cannot be surpassed in the county. In swine Elhwortli exhibited 56 head. Street aud sou a less munbeiv, while a man from Belvidere had several pens of Chester Whites, good, enough to suit the most fastidious. Dexter Barrows & Sous showed seven stalls of Normau horses aud it is appareut to the most casual observer that there has been a great improvement in horses in this count}' during the past ten years. Ducy was on hand with his ware­ house, An *t in also, and Brophy, when he could get a mau to turn the crank, showed how easy It is for the McCor- uiick binder to put a wire band round a sheaf of oats. Two races were held during the fair, but the orders of the Superintendent excluding reporters from the stand, prevents tne from giving you the de­ tail*. Of the management of tills show nothing will be written at this time, perhaps not at all. Let those condemn or praise who know mere about it. The receipts amounted to $16,50. or thereabouts, and as the premium list is large It is hardly to be expected that premiums will be paid in full. The eating house was managed to the satisfaction ot all as far as heard from, and that good IU eals well cooked and in sufficient variety were provided your correspondent knows from having "chewed the bag string." Pickpockets in strong force were on the ground going through those nice handy outside bags the ladies wear un­ der the name of pockets, in making which they certainly forget, or ignore, a sentence of the Lord's Prayer, "Lead us not Into temptation." Six of these gentry were captured at or near the Depot on Friday night, but it is doubt­ ful if the proof is sufficiently strong to warrant keeping them for trial. In making the arrest officer VanCureu got a belt behind the ear with a stone, be­ side having an excelleut opportunity to look into the muzaleof a revolver. Music was furnished hy the Mills* Band from the State of Seneca, aud its playing was excellent. Of course many persons and things have been omitted that have not been overlooked or purposely left out, be­ cause the tusk seemed eudloss aud thankless as well. Except as to the three gambliug establishments on the gr<Nind, no complaint has eoine to my notice, and probably there has been as little dissatisfaction as at *ny previous Fair. SQUKKKS. Call and see the largest stock of Milliuery, Notions and Cloaks ever $ howu iu this county, at Mrs, Searles Business Notices* Imported and American etoalti. so Infants cloaks at Mrs. S. Searles. ' • For Bargains call at FiU*iuBlOtls 4|l Evanson McHenry. 111. '. SEWINO Machine Needles of all klsift at O.W. Owen. Base Ball and Bats, a O.W. Owen's. KE*:P one eye open for bargal Smith Aldrich A Havfhorn 8. now stock, 4* •§, For Bargains in Black CashnaOV* «|| . at Fltzslmmous A Evanson"*. ss Goo<j|| jthoeall Carpets, Carpets. Carpets. ent styles at P. 1>. Smith's. Mens Black Fur and Wool 75 cents and upwards, at Fi A Evansous, McHenry. 111. The best Teas at the Lowest Prl«»r at Smith, Aldrich A H*ythern%» Riverside Block, McHenry. School Books and Writing Pnplil Cheap, at O. W„ Owen's.. No eld Goods, but everything freafc and new. at Smith, Aldrich ft Hair* thorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. ' For the Latest Styles in Dress G< go to Smith. Aldriehr it Ha Riverside Block. McHenry. New arrivals of Prints anduftigham# in Fall styles at Fitzsimmons A Evanson, near the Depot. New styles of Men A boys clothing*. Don't buy before yon examine- on stock. P. D. Smith. The greatest bargains ever offered lte McHenry county, at Smith. Aldrich & Hay thorn's, Riverside Btoek,. McHtenry„ A full and complete Stock of re&te made Clothhig aud furnislking goodb for men and boys just received at Smith Aldrich A Hay thorn's.. New arrivals of Ladies Cloaks,.Dress Goods, Hosiery. Ac., at Fitzsimmoaa A Eviinsons. McHenry, 111; Examina­ tion solicited. We offer a line of Mens*" Calf Boot* at $&JS0 per pair, and warrant thenartA» best in the county for the money. FlTZstWMOns A KVX9SONW. Our Fall Stock will, be oewipltete fit all departments about Sept., 15th.-«- Lowetit prices for Cash or lieailv-Pajv P. 1). SMITH, Near the lie pot. Girat Bargains iu Cloaks.. Prl<Hi| from $4.50 to $35,00. All iutfibe style at Mrs S. Searles. FOR SALE. - * A Six Horse Power Engine and* Boiler. As good as new. WULbe-sotA at a bargaiu. Enquire of SUPf^.OwMh» PUMPS. ' _ A large Stock of Adams celefecated. Kenosha Pumps. The best'Pumps aa& at lowest prices, at E. M. OwenTs^ ABARGAIN. We have for sale 20 dowfc' tidlks Button Shoes, warranted Genuine Oil Goat, which we ofter at $1.90 per pair regular price $3. They are first-class goods. FITSSIMXOXS A EVAMOM. Gould's Iron Pumps, with any kind of Cylender, that a boy 12 years old can work with perfect ease, iu a welj fron 25 to 100 feet deep. For salo at XL Bishop & Son's. Buckltu ft Stevens have a full line off Selz ft Co's Boot and Shoes, which hav» given their customers sneh universal' satisfaction during the past year*. Every pair ftilly warranted and jgpaix anteed to give satisfaction**4* T Mti" $25 REWARD|i*4W The above reward will be paid to any­ one who will find one of our Buffalo Boots in which there Is a counter, inner-sole, slip sole or piece of heelinf that is not cast from a good, thick* piece of sole leather. P. I>. Smith. Near the Depots Bear in mind when you are making your fall and winter purchase, thai Bucklln ft Stevens sell for Cash or Pro­ duce only, that their expenses am light, aud that they are bound to give their customers the benefit of every* thing saved in the time and expense of' keeping books, the losses in bad debts, in interest, and In all that the credit system entails. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Having Leased my Market to other parties, who take possession oil thelwfr of Nov., I hereby nitify all persons indebted to me to call and settle th* same on or before Oct. 20tb, or thelf- account will be left in tlio hands of a Justice for collection. As I am goinf out of business I mint and will elose up my books without delay. A w«rd to the wise is sufficient. Wv. fisuia McHenry, 111., Oct 1st 1877. We are surprised to see so many stllfr suffering with neuralgia and rheuma­ tism, when they can be cured. W» know the feeling which exists tmonf- vcry many--'"that any medtcin* wbicfc is advertised must be a humbug." Thin, may he true in some cases, but wliea we know of a remedy which has be­ come so popular as Lawson's Cura'lvo*. and we have such conclusive evidence of the good it has accomplished, it I*. more than folly not to make a trial of" it. and satisfy yourselves that all th* proprietors claim for it Is true. 1» such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia*, sciatica, headache, sore throat, lam* back, and Joothache. we can safely say that no remedy either In physicians* prescription, or In proprietary form* has effected more cures than Lawson's Curative. For sale by Henry Colby,, Druggist, McHenry. 111. Land For Sale. THE undersigned has a number of nfeoe* of Land whk'h heoflfer* for 8ato» situatedaa. follows: M Acres of Timbor Land, in 3eet*>»fc ItaK da Township. 40 Acre* ib Section 12, Xnnda 20 Afiv* >n Section 3, Nunda,. 80 Across 111 Section ft, Nunda*. with llouMy barn, orchard, well and watered. H acre* under improvement and balance timbef I will also sell my Heme- cmitaiaiaJk. UB Acres. «>o<l building*, and- unden a goo# state of cultivation. Any or all of tho aliovo will be sold on th* most"reasonable term*. I also have on Section 22 ton tons of ftomfe Hay, put up in good shape, which JOHNTLUSltii eury. III., Sept. SSth, 1977. for fa per ton. MoUk-i

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