p|., uip.^ll MWW^VVMJIPII M • .1 » .« JIWUIH. W l V< V1 1 ^ -.-ST-' **•>-**. - J 1* ^7 .* Ti ll AMD CHAI I'verro . Gay lord i (.0.. Chicago. MAO* ».. vvcwn m rrr*rw*WT-mnoinr; THE PATENT OFFICE FIRE. Extent of the Dtmtge to the Vast Htrnetore »1TI^ Destruction of Models, and the Con- - #queiicea Likely to Kiuoe. * [Washington Cor. Chicago Tribune.] She Interior Department building was commenced about 1889. The first ap propriation for it was made July 4, 1836. The act of that year appropriated $108,- 000 to begin the building, which, in the language of the act, was to be fire-proof with jsrdtable ^eommodatioii for the Patent Office. The total appropriation for t]ht« Patent Office building amounts to $2,645,800. This vast structure, so nearly rained, known as the Patent Of fice, ]is. only a single bureau in the In terior Department. The structure re- ceiveaifcs designation of Patent Office as the btulding around which the Interior Dep<tient centers was originally con structed for the Patent Office ten years befoitov The Interior Department, which occupies the building, includes the Indian Bureau, Bureau of Eduoa- ' tion, Patent Office, a portion of the Pen sion Office, Land Office, Bureau of Sur veys of the Territories, and various mine-bureaus under the charge of the Interior Department. The records of everything relative to patents, pensions, publte lands, Indians, census, educa tion, benevolent societies of the District of Columbia, railroad land-grants, are nearls ail located in the building. The main portion of the atxuctnre is of Virginia freestone. It was completed in 1864, under the charge of Edward Clark, the present architect of the Capi tol. The building was in the form of a quadrangle, including a large square. The new portions of the building were faced "'On the outside with Maryland marble, and on the inside facing the court with New England granite. The structure was modeled after the Par thenon or Temple of Minerva. Art critics nave described the Interior De partment as one of the most majestic structures in Washington. The southern front of the Treasury Department has more architectural grace, but the ad vantage of the Patent Office was that from Any point it impressed one with itB grandeur. In Outward appearance the fire has left slight trace, as the exterior walls do not appear to be seriously injured. The entire building is of pure Doric architect ure, strong, simple, majestic. The southern front is a perfect copy of the Pantheon at Borne, and the eastern por tion is modeled after that of the Parthe non at Athens. The most damage was done £n the Patent Office, especially in the museum of models. There was something like 200,000 models classified in subdivisions, and comprising every thing that had been collected since the destruction of the old Patent Office in 1836. The upper rooms, near the spo •where the fire was first discovered, were filled with models that had been drying for a quarter of a century. It is diffi cult to tell what has been lost, but it is positive some of the most notable his torical Tclics detained in the building have been saved. Among these relics was the coat worn by Jackson at New Orleans, DeKalb's war saddle, and most of the curious articles which had been presented to the Government by differ ent countries, and from time to time stoream the Patent Office. The room wherfeuiese models were stored was or iginally intended as an exhibition of ar ticles of home manufacture, but in the progress of time because devoted to the Patent Office museum. It was without an eqjkt in the world, and was always referred to by strangers as illustrating the growth of American industries. It was possible in this room to trace the progress of mechanical arts in this country since the foundation of the mu seum in 1836. All the models in fine arts, toys, fire arms, stoves, lamps, gas-fittings, leather workjiug, printing, furniture, philosophi cal instruments, and builders' hardware are safe and complete. The 20,000 re jected models are entirely destroyed. These were merely valuable as curiosi ties. Of the 80,000 models of patented inventions destroyed at least 10 per cent. * 'were valuable, not especially as creating , any doubt as to the value of the invention, but as evidence in contested cases. Their intrinsic value for this service would range from $20 to $1,000, accorfling to the importance of the case in which they might be used as an im portant element of testimony. It will be seen that the class of models destroyed comprises all harvesters and agricultural implements, railroad patents, and some of the most important inven tions of the age. In a large number of instance! the drawings are not sufficient ly complete to fully explain the inven tions, especially in cases of asserted im provements, which often affect the use fulness of the invention. There will be endless litigation ensuing from their de struction. Patent attorneys and interested COJ- porations will seize upon every plausible pretext t» declare improvement upon every class of inventions where there is the slightest obscurity in the drawings or specifications, which of course can be purchased, at the Patent Office, all of them having been reproduced by the systetnv6f photo-lithography. There is one benefit likely to result, however, namely : that it will be likely to inaug urate an elaborate system of drawings by which inventions may be fully illus trated without reference to the destruct ible model. In addition to the increased secuii&y that would be created by hav ing t$9 •drawings elaborate and complete, there would be economy in room and the security against fire. Taking the cost of the models de stroyed and the damage to the building and fair«^ture, the loss is estimated at $1,501,009. Eve ry original drawing and all original records of the office are com plete. Attacked by Bees. Yesterday, Mrs. Henry Smith, living eight miles northwest from this city, went into the yard, accompanied by her little daughter, a child 7 years of age, to get some honey. The box containing the hive is an ordinary patent arrangement, with drawers. In slipping one of them out Sirs. Smith was stung by a bee. The shock and pain caused her to jerk her hand back quickly, and her elbow, strik ing another box, k^peked it over, causing it to fall to the ground and burst open. In an instant she and the child were lit erally covered with a swarm of insects, which stwg them on the face, neck ana arms and, indeed, nearly all over the body, lightened and crazed with pain, they started to run, but they were blind ed by the bees, and it was ten minutes before they succeeded in getting into the house and free from the swarm. It was then discovered that, they were stung al most to death. In less than an hour their faces were swollen out of all recognition, and Mrs. Smith had beoome insensible from her injuries. A doctor was sent for and every possible remedy applied; but thi» morning both mother and child were |n o ygry ereearious condition, and seri- cus fears Vere entertained that their in juries would prove fatal.--Sedalia (Mo.) Democrat. Frightfal DMtk of I Young Lady. Miss Carrje A. Bice, daughter of Philo )k, Lab W. Rice, of Glenbrooi ce Tahoe, was precipitated over Shakspeare rock, last Sunday, and so badly injured that she died in about half an hour. She left her home at Glenbrook in company with two other young ladies and three gentlemen, and the party rambled to and ascended the high, rocky point of land running out into the lake, on whioh is situated what is known as Shakspeare rock, there being traceable on its face lines that bear considerable resemblance to the portraits of the great poet. The party made the ascent by the usual trail, and for a time remained on the Bummit of the rock, gazing upon the beautiful scenery spread out in all directions. Finally Miss Bice proposed to her es cort, Wm. Granmer, a young man, who is engineer at one of the mills on the lake, that they make the descent by a steep gorge leading down the face of the rock. All the other members of thj> party tried, but in vain, to dissuade the young couple from attempting the de scent. They took their way down the steep rock and presently reached a"cave. Starting from the cave they began slip ping, and slid down about fifteen feet to the edge of a precipitous part of the rock. The young man caught hold of a jutting point of the ledge, where he held fast, but was unable to retain his grasp on the young lady, suspended below him. Just before falling she said: "We must go, Will; there is no hope for us !" She fell a distance of about eighty feet. Young Cranmer managed to climb back to the trail, when he ran to the residence of the young lady's father, where he fell faint ing at the door. The people of Glen brook hastened to the fatal rock--which is distant about a mile in a southwest direction--taking with them such restor atives as were at hand, but having hard ly a hope of finding the unfortunate girl alive. On reaching the foot of the rock, she was found still alive, but unconscious and dying. She lay with her head be tween two sharp fragments of rock, blood oozing from her nose and mouth, her limbs broken, and her body terribly bruised. Miss Bice was not yet 18 years of age, and was a very beautiful, bright and sprightly girl. The news of ner terrible death was received in Carson City with a feeling of sadness that was universal, as she was well known to, and highly esteemed by almost all the people of that town. The remains of the unfortunate young lady were brought to Carson.-- Virginia (Nev.) Enterprise. Killing of Two of the Union Pacific Bandits. A correspondent of the Kansas City Time8 at Buffalo Station, Kan., gives the following particulars of the capture and killing of two of the Union Pacific express robbers, and the recovery of $20,000 in gold : "Two men riding jaded horses, and leading a heavily-loaded pony, came into the station and stopped for refreshments. The station agent's suspicion was aroused by noticing the name of Joel Collins on an envelope in the pocket of one of the men, which was exposed in drawing his handkerchief. It happened that Sheriff Beardsley, of Ellis county, and a squad of soldiers on watch for the robbers were encamped in a ravine near by, and, as soon as the men left, the agent notified the Sheriff, who mounted his men and soon overtook the robbers. They told him he was mistaken in the men; that they were Texas cattle men returning home. The Sheriff asked them to re turn to the station, which they cheer fully agreed to do. They had gone only a short distance when Collins suddenly turned and said to his companion. " If we have to die let us do it gamely.' Both attempted to draw their revolvers. The Sheriffs posse was too quick for them, and fired, killing both men in stantly. The gold was sewed up in the logs of a pair of pantaloons, and con sists of $20 piecesof the mintage of 1877. " The bodies were taken to Ellis, where an inquest was held. There were no papers on their bodies except a roll of poetry dedicated to Collins by a young lady, and which he seemed to prize highly. The name of the other man is not given. Collins is said to be from Dallas, Texas, and to be of a highly re spectable family. Sheriff Beardsley and citizens are in hot pursuit of the balanoe of the gang." To Cure Dyspepsia or Nervous De bility. Change your diet and manner of liv ing; drink neither tea nor coffee ; never drink at meal-times; after every meal, or during the meal, dissolve half a tea- spoonful or more of cayenne pepper in half a glassful of milk and drink it; eat plain food; never taste pastry of any kind. If you are troubled with sleep less nights, do not try to promote sleep by taking stimulants or opiates ; they do more harm than good; take a sponge bath just before retiring, and, if you are unable to do it yourself, get some one l« rub you well with a coarse towel; if yon wake in the night and cannot get to sleep again, get up at once, not lie until you "get nervous thinking about it;" take a foot bath; rub your limbs well, to get up a circulation; drink a glass of cold water. Do not expect to cure your self in one week's time; have patience, and try one month. In bathing, use your hands to apply the water, it is much better than a sponge; soften the water with borax, it is more invigorating than salt water.--Cor. New York Times. A YOTTNO man whom Prof. King had invited to accompany him on a balloon ascension at the fair in Rutland, Vt., went to the grounds laden with a big basket of lunch, an ulster overcoat, a fur cap, a pair of arctic overshoes, a whole change of winter clothing, an electric heater, a canteen. ? a opera glass and a life ptmerrex, THE Burlington (Vt.) Free Press says : " On the top of Prospect moun tain, near Addison, is a remarkable pond about three-quarters of an acre in extent Except a small space in the center it is covered with a thick moss, strong enough for people to walk upon. Poles are pushed tnrough this moss at any point, but none have ever touched bottom, yet there are large trees grow ing and people walk in safety. The moss fnrmo o mat, or carpet, and is de scribed as being exquisitely beautiful." A Grand Record, public, is the most popular remedy on this continent for dyapepnia, liver complaint, constipation, debility, nervousness, urinary and uterine com plaints, gout, rheum at ism, intermittent and re mittent fevers, and is widely used in South and Ceiitiai America, Mexico, ihw West Indscs and Australia, as a preventive and remedy for ma larious disordergj and for many other maladies to the relief or which it is adapted. The record of its victories is written in the testi monials of thousands whom it has cured, to many of which the widest publicity has been given ; it hns won the emphatic sanction of leading members of the medical profession, and it nas repeatedly been made the subject of encomiums by the home and foreign press. Comment on the above facts is unnecessary. We leave the puokc to draw *ts ow u oonclutsiou*. « The TrhtU ot a Housekeeper" Are never experienced by those who use Doo- uev's YKAST POWDER. Elegant, light, whole some biscuit, bread, rolls and muffing every time. Try it and be convinced. The Latest Fashion for Ladle*. Our attention has recently been called to the Haritan Matelasse Cloakingt, something en tirely new in the way of heavy, thick, warm, woolen goods, specially adapted for ladies' wear during the cold weather now approaching. These goods are the handsomest and most stylish ever seen, and, so far »B price is con cerned, are a miracle of cheapness. They are in tended for elc&ke, aacques, dolmans, circulars and jackets, for both ladies and children, and are to be found at all the leading dry-goods stores in the country. Be particular to ask for th© Haritan Cloakings, and take no others. WIIIHOFT'S FEVEB AND AGUE TONIC.-- This medicin^ ts used by construction compa nies for the benefit of their employes, when engaged in malarial districts. The highest tes timonials have been given by contractors and by the Presidents of some of the leading rail roads in the South and West. When men are congregated in large numbers in the neighbor hood of swamps and rivers, Wilhoft's Tonic will prove a valuable addition to the stock of medicines, and will amply reward the company in the saving of time, labor and money. We recommend it to all. G. R. FINLAY <t Co., Proprietors, New Orleans. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HATCH'S Universal Cough Syrup has become one of the leading cough remedies in our trade. We have known cases where it has given relief, where our best medicines have failed. We warrant it in every case, and are satisfied that it is one of the best medicines of its kind. SHARON, SWIFT <t Co., Sterlingville, N. Y. Sold by Van Schaack, Stevenson & Raid, Chi cago, m. COLGATE & Co. 's Cashmere Bouquet Soap has acquired a popularity hitherto nn- equaled by any Toilet Soap of home or foreign manufacture. A reputation begun early in the century made it easy for this house to im press the public. The peculiar fascinations of this luxurious article are the novelty and ex ceptional strength of its perfume. CHEW The Celebrated " MATCHLESS " Wood Tag Ping TOBACCO. THX PIONEER TOBACCO COMPACT, New York, Boston and Chicago. PREJUDICE is an extravagance illy af forded in these times. Let not your prejudice lead you to buy till you have sent for free price list of Jones, of Binghamton, Binghamton, N. Y., who offers to sell, on trial, Five-Ton Wagon Scales at $50; freight prepaid. STUTTERING.--This singular affliction is treated by an ingenious invention called Bates' Patent Appliances. Simpson & Co., Box 5076, New York, send description of same to all inquirers. PATENTEES and inventors should read adver tisement of Ed son Bros, in another column. Hofmann's Hop Pills cure the Ague at onoe. Two ChromoB Free.--A pair of beautiful 6k8 Ohronaoa, worthy to adorn any bouse, and a Three. Month*' subscription to LEISURE HOURS, a handsome lG-nage literary paper, filled with the Choicest Stories, Sketches, Poetry, etc., aent free to all sending 15 cents 4stamps taken) to pay postage. The publishers, J. L. 'ATTKN A CO., 102 William St.. New York guarantee every one double value of money sent. Newsdealers sell LEISURE Houaa ; prioe, ? cents. THE RAILWAY AGE-Leading. largest and beat journal of transportation published. Weekly, M papes. Departments for every class of railway men, §resident to station sjfent. $4 per year; SI for 3 moa. pecimensfree. Ad'ss RAILWAY AOE PUB. Oo..Ohioa*tt ASK YOUIt WSTBilSTER tr MSSEillER To show you a copy and give yoifUie pries of tlM HICA6Q If be haa not got it, send and get a oopy. Address THE LEDGER CO . Chicago, X1L *OT FAII, to ^ wHv ftend for our New MK jOEf VHf Catalogue. It con- H Wgij •• tains valuable Infor- Hi 161 Wok matlon for t vpry Hi HA perHom contem- plating the nur- chase of any article for personal, family or agricultural nse. Free to any Address. BOXTflOnESY WARD A CO., Ori?!nnl Grange Supply House, 227 '>19 Wabash Are.. rHICAGO, B1L HUNT'S REMEDY ^ J N e v m e VI C I NE remedjMor !>«•<»g»«y md ail disease* ot | | nulla. Hunt's RemesSg' is purvJy vegetable and I Mer und Vrlnari lulneya* I Hunt's > Iveiyt 1 £. Clarke, Providence, K.I., for illustrated pamphlet. I If your druggirt don't have it. he will order it for you. j : u . e x p r s i s l y f o r S h e s S j o v e d i s e a s e s , i s i n s I i-ursxl thousands. Eveiy bottle warranted. Send to W. YOU CAN SLEEP on the best Bed for less money than on r. poor one. I will send by Express, C. O. 1).. charges paid, my NHS S".% mill* SF111 N<C, and allow one day's trinl before payment. It will nave morn ttian its cost in the less quantity of h»lr needed in mnttrese. It is the most durable* part* able. ol«*Riilv and t)c.«l K«'d Hindi*. For Circulars and Price-I.ist, address, T. L. SNVIJEU, Jcriicy City, N.J. D A Y I S ' PAIN-KILLER! Thfi Great Family Medicine of the Age. 1840 t.o 1877 For Thirty-Re von Years. Has been tested in e\'«ry variety oi climate,and b almost every nation known to Americans. It is the almost constant companion and inestimable friend of the missionn.y and the traveler, «n sea and land, and no one should travel on our lakes and riven without it. Sold hi- all medicine dealers. AWNEIGS, TENTS, Watcrpi - iif " over*. Stack Covers* Sins, Window Slmdfs, d:fa Arc. „ MI'ltUA V ic BAKER MIO Mouth Oeaplaines i-e,,, Chioago. Krnd for IHwwtrwfftd CLOCKS K . l X i K A I I A . H & C O . ' K are «nni>rinr in design and not equated in quality, or as tine- keepers. Afik jour Jeweler for lima JfcuHUautory--Bhsta^Ot. 9HKj NKmHSI •H HH HHBQ BHj H E L P FOR THE HORSE! IrMt aaa who owna a hone shonld have a pair rf Furlong's Patent FBVT COOLERS & EXPANDERS Which nam all fsrar fnxn tha ?s*t and kaap then? In » plain, suitet «ad haattii? conditio. i:.i.~3utely pr,-. ,-i r.t toe OORM, ooatnetod feat, quarter-cracks and scratches. The owai sponm U held secnrelv or- the bottom of the foot,kMtriog the frog in a healthy, natural condition. Tbsycan b« mama tot a Stafing.Bcot, and do not cost on*, hmrth aa moch as the old leather one. The cut repre sents th* Bolder and Sponge on the foot. The beat hoc semen of tba country heartily indon>® it as one of the moat Isaaa* and valuable inventions of the day. Hones' feet havt* been restored from an unsrmnd condl- Moa to a bMltlty ene in three week*' time. Its rroutt surnriaes vracr one. For sale by Hnrnesu-Makeis and dealers in Turf Roods. Single pain sent to any addrosa npon receipt of price, $ I..YO per pair. In ordering, send diameter of bom measured across the bottom of the foot. Send lor descriptive circular, with list of testimonial from the leading horsemen and veterinary sturgeons of tike country. I have also a valuable Sponge liniment for bad feet, which I will forward with Coder at S l.OO per quart bot tie. liberal terms and exclusive territory given to Agents. Address JK. B. llltAl'Kit, 198 Waaliiuttm fit., Chicago. LANDRETHS* SEED WAREH0U8E, PHILADELPHIA. W» wish to call attention to [•»ur Bloomsdale strains of It has ever iipen our practiea, owing to tho force of . limallo influences, to raise full-sixed Onions from seta, seedlings, >"?r battens, as they are indifferently . „ called, the (jrowth of this pre- ceding year, and not direct from th© seed proper; m * result in a longaarieaof years, generalionn on penerationa of Onions, A habit has been confirmed nn<l <itablished s bulbing; consequent<ly (black) seed raised southeastern corner of Pennsylvania, when of prvi hero, recoaiooa , in jtfta • sposr«d n it is confident!; northward carries with it, it is believed, the filed babil of early ripening, and crops of larga Oiuona, " ' *' Tedi< terf. may be produced at the North transpos red ha _ " -ntlv pn _ from such seed in r.dvsnce of the i-eason. and free from She " stiff-necks" so abundantly produced by sstd raised r. a colder climate. An experiment the present season, made with tha Bloomsdale-strain of Early Red In Wisconsin, In latituds 44c (north of lat of Toronto, Canada), gave the most surprising results; another with the same variety in Nebraska, latitude 45 e, excited the highest admiration-- not a single stiff-neck was observed. These facta are nt least highly sue^estive. and nwit the examination of NORTHERN ariS NORTHWEST* K H N o n i o n - g r o w e r s R n ( j d e a l e r s i n s e e d . We especially commend the EARLY RED--It is to. comparably superior to the "WethersfieM" or "New England Red." Two other good sort# are the Lanra Yellow Strasbnnr or Botch, and the pure White or Sil ver-Skin. Prices (unprecedentedly low) on application. l.dOO Acres in Seed*. Send for CaUk> DAVID LANDRETH BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. Unriv.V]e«l for Tolivt m «i th* Bath. No urittWlnl ntfel deceptive oUora U cover common and deleteriout tnpmll- cnt*. Alter year*of scientific eziwriintbl the manufacturer of B. r. BabbitC* B<* p hat jwrfrcteil and siow ofH r* to th* public The m»T TOILET tOAP In Worlu. Ondjfikt pure* ngftakU oih m it* mmttmfaciwr. „,ror IIM In the Nuraery it has,No Equal. Worth ten times it» r»»-t to every mother aad faiml) inCr r'^teudom, Sample box, ror,Uir.;;u- 3 r.f f. vu. ench, icut free to any ad- drew<m receipt of K5 cent&. B. T. BABBITT. New York City. I3&T K>r Sale by all uruj^gUU. POUNDS s0^0^^' PROF. BEDFORD'S LETTER SHOWMG succmoRnr OF TWS ARTICLE OVER ALL 0THERS.F0R SOAP MAKING. SENT FREE BY MAIL ON APPLICATION TO H.M. ANTHONY INA R^EPR SR. NEWYORK I am Only Blllona, says the de sick headache, pain In tha right aide, bowels, and hypochondria. Are these in the world. It ia a magninoent work, and will mand the attention and approval ot everybody, v make most liberal arrangements with agents to intro duce it, and it is worthy their notice. Adranoe ibeoti, with full information, aent on application to _ AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Hartford. Conn., Ohioago, 111., or Cincinnati. Ohio. 88 YARDS"BRAID' Made and sewed on by sewing machine, for six cent*, with the Rose Embroidery and Braid-Making Attach ment, adapted to all makes of sewing machines. Prioe, S I No Family, Dressmaker or Seamstress can afford to be without one. Agents and Canvassers make money by selling them. Sample attachment for any sewing machine sent by mail on receipt of SL.OO. guire of Sewing Machine Agenta,ot addrass I. M. ROBE. Patentee, No'49 Chambers 8treat, New York. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The eh@iee@t household ornament*. Prioe One Dollar each. Send for catalogue, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS* A $1.00 $1.00 BEWAIIE of Imitation*. JACKSON'S BEST 8WEET NAVY CHEWIN8 TOBACCO was awarded the highest price at Centennial Exposition for its fine chewing qualities, the excellence and lasting character of it* sweetening And flavoring. If yon want the best tobacco ever made, ak your grocer for this, and •ee that each plog bears our ijka-strip trade-mark, with words Jackson's Best on it. Ssid wholesale by all job bers. Send for sample to €, A. J ACKbON ic CtK. Manufacturer*. Petersburg, va. WORK FOR ALL n their own ktcalitlea, canvassing for the Fireside fliaiiar (enlarsed) Weekly and Monthly. La!*'r',"ie 'apcr in tbe World, with Mammoth Chromoe Free. " ' Commissions to Agente. Tonus and Outfit Free. > P. O. VH'ltfcn i> Aagnta, Mrninrnm BALL PROGRAMMES -- AND FANCY VISITING CARDS gown. Addross the debilitated vtetlm of constriction of the nuu uj fwuuuui in. AIV muw tliflM, then r No; unchecked they lead to mental diaaase. And yet, as sum ly as dawn dispels the darkness, TARRANT'S KJTFERVES- oemx SELTZEB imini will remove them. Try it. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE mll-kUSTRATED HISTORY« 1HE GREAT RIOTO It c jntntns a fall account of the reign of terror tn Pitta- burgh, Baltimore, Chicago and other cities. The con- Ittcte between CUB Uwipc and the mob. Tos rible conila- gnitions and destruction of property. Thrilling scenes and incidents, cte., etc. Sena for & fnH description of the work and onr extra terms to A {rents. Address, NATIONAL PUULISHINO CO.. Chicago, III TO BOOK AGENTS! We have in press a book--ant y«t announced--that tos been in preparation over three yeara, coating $30,000. 124 Superb, Full-Page Engravings make It one of the moat oompletely illustrated volumes It ia a magninoent work, and will com- • • We will 181 "'*!» Awwt, l liicw, II NITED STA mfctlllANCE COMPART, IN THE CITY OP NEW YORK, 261, 262, 263 Broadway •--OBSANIZEK 1810--« ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERY APPROVED FORM OP POLICY ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMF ALL ENDOWMENT POLICIES Mjn A?PB.O!TBn MATURINQ IN 1871 VBU.BE nra AT 7< OW I»MB8XNT,ATXOW„ JAMH8BIIBI4* « - PHBSIDBHT. POND'S EXTRACT. The People's Bemedy. The Universal Pain Extractor. Note: Ask for Pond's Extract. Take no Other. "Hear, for I will apeak «f cxceltant filings.*' POND'S EXTRACT --Tho croat Vegetable Pain Destroyer, Ha* bcenl a, use over thirty years, and for cleanllues: virtues cannot bo excelled. and prompt curutlve CHILDREN. _No femllr can tfTord to ho with out Pond'a Extract. Accidentia, Ilrui«r«, Contnalons, Cats, Hpralna, are rollevecl »i- Biootlnatantly by extem*l application. Promptly rollevci pain# of Barns, Scalds, Kxcorla- i, Cuaflngs, Ola sores. Bolls, Felons, Contaslons, Cats, Sprains, nre rollevecl ni- Ilons, dialings. Old Bores, /Orns, etc. Arrests Inflammation, reduces swell ings, stops bleeding, removes discoloration and UuSlES^n/u their best friend. It assuages the pain* to which they nre peculiarly subject-- notably fullness and pressure in ihu head, nausea, vertigo, etc. It promptly nMeliorates and porma- nently heals all kinds of InliRmmatlons and IIEMO D8 or PILES And In this the on?? Immediate relief and ultimate cure. No case, how- ever chronic or obstinate can long resist Its regu lar use. VARICOSE VEINS. It is the only sans cure, 1ILEED lSG from any cause. For this It Is a apocU fic. It has saved hundreds of lives when all other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from nose, TOOtUACta'K^Ao^'LIhCNr«?«l»SA and Rbeamatlsm nre all alike relieved uud often permanently cured. . , PKIYSICIANS «f all schools who are acquainted with Pond's Extract recommend U In their practice. We have letters of commendation from hundreds of Physicians; many of whom order It for use in their own pvncfkiN In addition to th * foragolng they order Its use for Swellings of all kinds, Qnlnsy, flore Throat, Inflamed Tonsils, simple and chrome, niarrbrea. Ca tarrh (for which It is a Clslltolaln«, Frosted Feet, Stings o] Insects, Moantti- Im, etc.. Chapped Hands, Face? niut Indeed aPmtwwer of skin diseases. TOILET 1TSE. Itemoves Soreness, Rontrh<- neNH «nd Hinnrtingi heals Cuts, Eraptlons and PlinplCN. invigorates and i;<- while wonderfully improving the Com- TO*l?AItMERS--Pond's Extract. No Stoelc llrvcder, no l.ivery Man can afford to be without it. It l» used bv all the leading 1.1 very Stables, Street liailroads and first lloreemen In New * ork *:ity. It ha« no equal for Spi-siins, Ham^s or Saddle Chart Hps, Stiffness. Scratched, Swelling. Cuts, Lacerations, Bladings, Pneumonia, i olio. I)iar- rbna. Chills. v oUU, etc. Its range of action Is wide and the. relief It atTords is so prompt that it is Invaluable in every Farm-yard as well as In every Farm house. Let It he tried once and you will nsver be without it. CAUTION 1 Pond's Extract has been imitated. The genuine article haa the words Pond H fix® tract blown In each bottle. It Is prepared by the only persous living who ever knew how to n "narelt properly, Kefu»e all other preparations of Wit,'li ilaxel. This is the only article used by physicians, and In the hospitals of this country HISTORY*6nnd Uses of Pond's Extrnct, It. nMtmlilot form. Bent free on application to POND'S EXT&ACT COMPANY, 93 Matdc- Latie, Kew % uric. $1.25 $1.00 $8.00 Don't Ton Want a Flr*t-Claaa Independent Southern Newspaper? Great Inteiest is centering upon political, social and commercial movement# in the bouth. Each intelligent, observant person in the country ought to read the LOUISVILLE COMMERCIAL Published at the border metropolis. Of Independent Republican views, but tied to the behests of no clique, man or party--a live, newsy, spirited and able journal, ana an accepted esi'oneot ••»>" the host Southern sentiment. Cut nnd jKiMled eitfht fmge iorm; opens like a book; Compact and omivenu-nt; lfinre, clear print. Daily COWHIITKIHII per year; three months, 25 i one month, only^SO cents. iVrriiij iWiifrda!, a bplciidjd f&s-jiHj ..sp-.j only $ 1.2$ per year: Clnbs of ten, $11; Clubs of twen ty. $20; sfagle Copy three «ic:stbs ea trial* only ccnb*. Agn\t* icanted *vtrytchirB, Samplri frcr. Address A. II. -SlfiUFKIEW, Piih1|«hn%, - Lonlnville, Ky. fwjjutorm. A Special Offer ¥0 THE READERS 07 THIS PAPER. A Genuine Swiss Magnetic Tlmo- KOOPer.a perfect Pent for every body. dtrirtBg a reliable hme-Piece, and also a ropqior Com- pass, usual watch slse, steel works, flaM ciystaL all In a superb Oroide Htrntinp- Out, wsnmnted to denote cornct time, and keep In older jotymo jnrt~PerS»dion fuarantsed--will be Ol*aH •way to swqr patron of this paper as a Fro# CUT 00* TBIA Cotrrov AFO Man, I*. OOUPON. On receipt of this Coupon and 30 cents to pay for packing; boxing end msiiing charge* we promise to send each patron of tfis paper•* OBHUIHB 8wise MAQKBTIC TIMB-KBBPBS. Address, Magnetic Watoh Oo.f . A8HLAND, MASS. ThU to your ONLY OPPOKTrNITT to o| tain this beautiful premium, so order AT OMCE This oAr will luria good for 90 days. If currency cannot be tent conveniently, port age stamps will be taken instead. ftlQ A DAY at home. Agents wanted. Outfits VI* terms free. TRUK A CO.. Aui:u»ta, Mbriaa nnrnTHtNOToir BtrsnvKsscoi VT Kvanston. Send forofacnUr to Cl_ $6 to $80 S6ite5Sw2raK^^rSi5iS A GKJS A our Circular a vr«ek "m yosir own sown, 'i srms and M fn». H. HALLKTT A CO., PortlandTl OKNTS CAN IfAKB JSA PKR DAY onr PATIBjrC BK^I^CICT, DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET With Skirt Supporter and iuif Piius* Umqualed for Beauty, Style & Comfort APPROVED BX ALI. PHYSICIANR. For Kale by AZercliunts Samples, any size, by mail. In Sat- to*?**. CoiHT). $1,75; Nursing Cor set, ^2.01); MisHus1 Curset, JS "ITlT-aLIXri? 13X3 WAAXKU 3dl llxitMlww, >i, Y. U frm. J.B.Oajl $400; Kl). *AAO Of the latest noT«M«p> Send for Catalog. VAS * CoXMesga < ^ www aaaw $6337 A MONTH--AGENTS WANTED-M Ml selling articles in the world; one saietilefrm. Addresa JAY BRONSON. PetwJt, Maile by 17 Accnts- In Jan.7 my 13 new article*. SnmplM Adiiri-KS ", .l/\ DYSPEPSIA cored without medicine, after yesrs suffering. Remedy in nuoh of all. 1 secret. Reeeiptsent for " " -- - -- V rttiiklinsTilte. Randolph Mcret. Reeeiptsent for $1. Address M. 1> " " " Co., N. C. meiEH! and earn fnim . tl, . «ioo a, month. 55 *3 lf^raiatt. Sitnatioas furnished. IT. VAMLMTIAe. Manager, EnikwoH. IIL MUU.UU HK\V\ nH/ltf- cm rwtftytu UMOTUYKIES w'iilforfrU |»ri^ tnio,v »• «.'• c •, rM-kgr a OTMt j .; JVI k «'0.. V. 115.. J*ele Afvtit* ' ; U ' S SIOto$25 A HAY N|'UKn«islp Agents selling our Cnimna&& Crnyi inn. Picture and Clse. • ruo i i.i iis | SMBBIS^ -- s e n t ^ p e s a v a U L ., . . .. » *I>T bo Cents. lUntnlsA Catalogue tree. J. 11, Hl'FyOKll'S MlNiL, ItoNtuu. [Established 1888.] ̂ IfEEP'S HI 11RTK--onlv one qualify--The BMA " J|V. Keep's Patent Partlr-Miido Dress Shirts Keep's Custom Shtrto--made to meaame. The very l>est, six for ttf.OO. - AR elegant set of genuine Gold-Plate Dollar and Slee veBnttona gwen with eachJialf doz. Xeejrs K b. Prices. Keep Manufacturing Oo., Mesoscl PIANOS. Dimhnin A (ions. Maniifactnrar*. WnrrrooniM, 18 last 141b St.# ilCxtahUKhinl 1834.] NEW YORK. *M*» Torma COOD STANHY.: * r"*' <1 MEXICAN MU8TAN6 LINIMERT. FOR MAN AND BEAST.. K*TABX.T*HFI> SA VFARS, Alwayt WH* ready. Always handy. Has never yet- failed. Tkfrtj million* have tested it. The whole world approve*, tha glorious old Mustang--the Best and Cheapest. Liniment in existence. 20 cents a bottle lk( Mustang liniment cures when nothing mlm wOL SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VKNDKB8. NATURE'S REMEDY. THE GREAT BLOOD PuiuncR Recommend It Heartllyr SOUTH BOMOK MR. BTRVKMB: Dear .Sir--I have taken several bottles of yonrVBG*- TINK, and am convinced it ia a valuable 1 Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, and general the sy*tem. lean heirtUy recommend It to all suffering i complaints. Yours respectfsilly, Mkb. MUNROE Tegrtlas l« N0I1I by All BraggliH. Four Months ior One Doll Iteavfafll [tashaail Tbe CHICAGO DAILY NKWS, the only 1 newspaiwr published in the West, is a twenty-ooftaaM paper, containing all the news of the day in short, a oondeased form, kiming to give ONLY FACTS, and! to larger sheets the monopoly of the reporter's 1 tbe penny-a-liner's wearisome platitudes. It contafeaO PBONOUNCED EDITOBIALB upon the living queathma ef the day, copions TF.I.EOIIAJ'H and CAIIIJC DIBPATCUHW RELIABLE MABKKT REPORTS, and, in short, a 1 record of the news of the day the world over. In 1 tion to being a complete newspaper, every issue < a COMPLETED STOUT, thrilling and romantic, anfl pointing a wholesome moral. The DAILY NEWS la INDEPENDENT IN TOLITICB, espousing the cause of no party, but aiming to present exact and truthful state ments of every political event or question, without fe4p or favor. It is LIVELY, ENTEBPIUSISO, DECIST TOME, WIDE-AWAKK and SPICY, treating entry subjects briefly and pointedly, but in all tfctags avoklicg t Ji rpaaep.. It is a DAILY paper at the price of a weekly. It has ia latgv; cli'cnlation, as has been proven f<y davits, than any other daily paper j'tihHahtd ia It has piiiited und sold Over 7T,IK)0 cop'ei in a The snbscriptioss price is $3.00 a year, |l.(IO 1 TOUB MOKxas. No eubBcdptlon rocuived for I f o u r t n o n t h a , t W o o f f e r n o C h r o m e s o r P . t f r n t T ning Rods aa Premiums, but guarantee to give yea Uw Worth of jrosr money a hundred fold. Ad<lresa CHICAdO IMH.V NKIVK (Ihiraea. IB. GRACE'S TEKETADLG PREPARATION. bis day, and waa regarded by all who knew hiaa m m I'.Sihlisj benefactor. Xa cents a box. " " siste generally. Sent by For Sale h/ ft* mall on reoeipt of by SKT11 \V. »'OWLK A Sfl Harrison Avenue. Hoeloa, Mi SANDAL-WOOD. A positive remedy fo, all diseases of the KHaeys, Bladder and Urlaary Orfaasi alao» good in Dropsieal Caaiplalati. Itneiei piodueeastciuMMy. la certain and speedy in ita action. It is faat supeiending all other remedies. Sixty capanleacnrala atear daya. No other medicine can do this. Beware of lmltatlone. for, owing to its great aao- oaaa, many have been offered; sosne are meet dangseea^ naming piles, Ao. DUNDAS DICK & CO.»S Senuins *ml~, containing Oil if SamdaUWood. iotd mt mlt SlorM. Atkfore/rculi»r,or**a4forom»U>9&e*iW*' WootUr tfrttl. ifa* Ttrk. O. If. iv HIT1NU TO AUVKKilMuji,^ Vt aajr )WI MW rue ; - tills ye#**. #