Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1877, p. 8

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a word to The unemployed. Oar attention has been called tea H*w cooking utensil, recently Invented, which makts baking a pleasure, Instead of a dreaded necessity; the inventor •# which has conferred an everlasting blessing open every housekeeper. Wo refer to the Patent Centennial Cake and Bread Pan, with which by slaiply raising a hook, yoa can remove the Bides of the pan from the cake Instantly, without breaking or Injuring it in the least* thus enabling you to Ice and frost It while warm. To remove the tub* in the center, insert a knife in the slot In the top of the tube, and simply give it a half turn, aud it will dropout. It Is also provided with a slide on the bottom, so that, when youiemove the tube, you can close the hole, making a pan with plain bottom, for baking jelly and plain cakes, pudding, bread, etc., thus practically giving you two pans for the price or one, These Centennial Cake Pan is highlv recommended by the ladies as being the best and most convenient pan ever in­ troduced. They are made of Russia ijron, are more durable, and will bake your cakes more evenly and a much nicer brown than you can bake them in the old-fashioned tin cake pans. These goods are sold exclusively through agents to families, and every house­ keeper should by all means have them, Asplended opportunity Is offered to come reliable lady or gentleman can vasser of this county to secure the agency for a pleasant and profitable business. For terms, tarritory, etc., write to L. E. Brown & Co., Jios. 214, 216 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. tSTAn Irishman called at a prin­ ting office with an advertisement, and )|ke a prudent man enquired what it jwould cost. He was informed that for etie insertion the price would be $1; Subsequent, insertion 50cents eacl^. *Ah, faith." said he, "I'll only have two subsequent insertion, if you pease." "'The wind bloweth Where it Ifeteth, and we know not whencc it cometh nor whether it goeth." This Boscawen says, is very poetical and very beautiful; but it is not true ? Old Prob, of the Washington Signal bureau can tell not only whence it comes but Whither it will go. Gould's Iron Pumps, with any kind Of Cylender, that a boy 12 years old can work with perfect ease, in a well from 26 to 100 feet deep. Jfor sale 4tt B, Bishop A Son's. Wool Growers, Attention. The subscribers will pay 40 cts. for Wool washed on the sheep, 30 cts. for unwashed and 45 to 50 for tub washed, in goods at last- years prices. Jaxkbvilie Woolen Mills. North Main St., Janesville, Wis. BEHIND THE BARS. --OB­ AN EDITOR IN PRISON. An interesting New Book, by mm WILBUR PAYNES. JPERRY & MARTIN >£ Jr:ear*.#*-*si*- -I**"** •« . Headquarters Boots and Shoes, wixdkx%: &myrs*m Hats and him ri G-rocerici of "ill Kinds, V - • Crocked Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, i Andinjhort^a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. , u' 'j . : - . •• ' ' " : y : i • ' i.i: :: , .; ' , ±*r- : * - We are constantly receiving new Goods of Whdii and Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all clashes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live In this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING, TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OU R CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented fco be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on our goods. We Intend to J, M? SMITH , ' i % r . r • ; * > - - h f , ' . ' T p n - ' " * Has now in Stock, at his new, Store, near the Depots aa. iutt usually large Stock of ttfVhifcf"' Hardî are, ^Stoves, TIOV - WARE, ifrwttri ->• House-Furnishing Goods, &C., ; v To which he invites the attention of buying public. u Live and Let Live! .1 »«**• . yay, t\, • And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in tithe past, we hope to merit the same in the future. ®@-GIVE US A CALL and we will show you our Goods and use you well wbettier you buy of us or not."1 I! McHenry, HI., July 27th, 1875. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. As Editor of the Utiea Daily Bee, Mr. Payne the author of this remarkable book, criticised the conduct of Judge Doohttle, of the New York Supreme Court, who retaliated by sum marally sending the editor to the Albany Pen itentiary on the charge of libel. He remained in prison long enough to write one of the most 'remarkable boobs of the age, when he was f irdonedout by the Governor of the State, he book is a 12mo., of 220 pages, is now hand­ somely printed, and will be mailed free of rstage, on receipt of one dollar. Address O. Hriggs, Publisher, 141 Eighth Street New York. ? Please read what seme ofihe leading papers »y= ,,-ir" {pT<fm ike New York Daily w tines*.) "It is art exceedingly graphic a-xount of a ' brief prison life. Mr. i'ayne certainly has the fiiculty of making others'seeand feel asliehas felt and seen, and wo find food for amusement ae well as sympathy in.i^Ie piLsou walls." (iw'om Ihs Jti'tcy Clfff 'Evening Journal,) "Mr. Seth Wilbur Payne's new book *Bchind the Bnrs,' is unquestionably the most thrill­ ing work that has come from the press of this country during the present vear. It abounds In pathos, and it is impossible for any one to read some of its chapters with dry eyes. We have no doubt this work will meet with a large sale and thousands of spell-bound reader*. {from the 2?ew York Herald.) "It is a very interesting book and giTet some hints of prison life which are valuable." -_j {From the New York Mar) "Prison literature includes many of the greatest monuments of human genius. Bun- van wrote his 'Pilgrim's Progress* while in Jail; Raleigh composed his 'Historv of the World' in prison, and Seth Wilbur Payne wrote 'Behind the Bars' while in the same unpleas- Ant predicament While employed in scrub- lung the pavements and sweeping the floors of his temporary abode, he managed to interview as many of nis companions as possible, and wroteout their stories for thisbook. The work is unique in style as well as subject, and tells many wholesome truths." ' (From the New York World.) "Its matter is interesting and the story well told." (From the Jertey City Herald.) "Behind the Bars' is a thorough-going, de­ tailed and nervous account of the author's own experience, his trials and hardships, ani those of other prisoners during his confine- ment of eleven weeks in the Albany Peniten. tiary. Mr. Pavne was sent to prison for one of the noblest acts of man, defending a betrayed and ruined woman from the assaults of a cor. rupt eourt." (From (he Hoboken N. J. New*,) "The author presents his views with such a charming and inimitable frankness and good humor, that we are spell-bound while uprus- lng his prison experiences. It has all tne vi­ vacity of a novel, glowing with life an4r»d«»ftt with beauty," (From the New York Evening Mail.) "Mr. Payne's new book is very interesting end should be generally read. His story and those of other prioners whom he interviewed are directly and forcibly told." It is published in handsome style bo O. R BRICCS A CO., 141 Eighth Street ST. Y PRICE ONE DOLLAR. BUY ONLY MUDS111 It Is the Only Sewing Maohlat which has a Si-Mag Mis IT HAS SELF-SET!INO NKEDLK. NEVER BREAKS THE THREAD. NEVER SKIPS STITCHES. 1 HE LIGHTEST RUNNING. The Simplest, the Host Durable ̂ aud in Every Respect J5§T"Particular attention given to Job Work and Repairing. Call at the new Store near the Depot and compare our Goods and Prices before you buy else­ where. JOHN M. SMITH. ^ . ' McHeary, Aug. 21«t, 1877. LAUEE & BECKER, MCHENRY^- ILLINOIS Tin- subscribers are now pr«'p:i n;d with a Stock of FI^E CLOTHS of all kinds, to make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or entire Suits, on short notice and ou the most Reasonable Terns If^inod'Fitp" GufttUn teed and all Work War ranteg* The Best Family Sewing Machine! Tfrft AMESXOAN;' Is saoilf learned, doe« nel get out of order, and wUl do moxm "work with less labor than *ay ether itufecMne, Uteslrtled Clrenlai* fuialBliea ou application. AGENTS RANTED. !• 1 Iuihi, Iuich, oan Hi Hum, Dim Imu, cu«i, nunb, O. W. OWEPf A^ent, - MoHenry, 111. FOUNDRY AND UcHENBY, The nnderslened ha» jii'at dry and Machine Shop, and IL.L. Proprietor. started a Foun­ ts now prepared O k7UU|f) q., t to "do all kinds »t Oantiny for Machinery, on «hort notice and in the nest of manner. We also manufactory th«Ccel«i>rated Gale Wind Mill. Repairing of all kinds done promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed. Threshing Machines repaired on {short no­ tice. Orders solicited. WARD B4QAX.JB. McHenry, I1L, April 4th W77. T BEASLEY 'S CEI.EBRATED US1 COPY YOUR LETTERS. TSE Excelsior Copying Book. Made of Chemical paper. Quickiv copies any writing WITHOUT water, PHESS or BRUSH used at home, library or office. For Ladies wishing to retain copies of letters every busi­ ness uiau, clergymen, e.orrespondents, travel- »>r»< it it invaluP.hle-HBclls at sight. Send •3,00:md we will send a 300 page Book, let­ ter ,-iize BY MAIL paid *^> any address. We refer to any Commercial Asency, .Send *tamp for Agent* Circular. EXCELSIOlt MNF ir iX>., 1101 Dearborn St., Chicago; Ilia. 9000 AgdUt* Wanted. Waitp Ale, „ For Sale at the Saloon of J. J GILLES, * * •' McHenry, III. JOHNSBURCH * « . . . « « * W V l . . . . ' )• vTJOf iiali mi. vjit- rtii- . • i! > . •*<•>{• J„v!\ lift 4 v * >-> '.\Jt •tuft ' y. i . U'}i . X 'i-Wjrlc- j'm. We also Keep a Full Line of jpeady-Kade Clothing ?iiTiisliiDi Goods HafSyCap6y &c 'Which will l>e sold as low as at any establishment In the County. Clothes Cleaned in the best of manner and on short notice. £<AUER & BECKER. rh. ^ McHenry. Feb. 26th»18i7 Mgj^RY COLBY, --DEALKBfli IN-- HENRY MILLER, --DEALER IN-- American and Foreip Marble. ' Momiments, Headstones, - JBTC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Twro miles ^Jorth of Mc­ Henry, 111. ' ^ ; /; ; Johnsburgh, Aug. 30th, 1877. PAINTS. OILS, Painters Brashes, Dye Stuffs &c., &c. Physicians Pj^scriptiona Carefully Compounded, A LARGE STOCK OF Choice Family Groceries, Just Received, which Lowest Living Prices. . will be sold at the H. COLBY. McHenry, April 24th. 1877. To Consumptives. THE advertisor, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption by a simple remedy, id anxious to make known tolii.s fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the Srescription used, (Free of Charge), with the Irections for preparing and using the same, which thev will llnd a sure cure for Conaump* tlon, Asthma, Bronchitis, &e. Parties wishing the inscription will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON, 194 Penn St., Willlarosburgh, New York, dl> f AA MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted ^ IW County rights given gratis f.,r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world, widej.establislipu many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. An industrious, energetic person can make snug permanent income and very liberal terms, by addressing with reference, 39$ Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; /' 50 C/5 03 W. ftfE IS jtilt WA* ! Chicago and all Minnesota, auolis, Da* Northwest, CHICAGO ft KOfc'rH.tVEfctF.nN Embraces under one management the Great- 1 ot the ^t'ST and® Olifll-VV Lsl, andi with its numerous ranches and connectibtie, forms the shortest and quickest route between Chicago nnd all jjomts in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern MIchH Iran, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, California and the western Territories. Its Omaha and California Llrts Is the shortest and best route between Chlcai ro und all points in Northern Illinois, lowiu Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, CoolrHilo. UtabI Kevadai California, Oregon, China, Japan and Australia. Its ChioagOiSt- Pagl A Mlnneabolli Line' te the short line bet ween points in Northern Wisconsin nnd aud for Madison, St, Paul, Minneapolis, lu th, and all points in the Great Its LaCrosse, Winona ft St. Peter Line J.8 the best route between Chicago and La* Crosse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, Man* kato. St. Peter, New iTlm and all points la gouthes-n and Central Minnesota. Its Green Bay & Marquette Lint Is the only line between Chicago and Janes, ville, Watertown, Fon du lac, Oshkosh, Ap. Vile ton. Green Hay, Escanaba, Negaunee, Martitictte, Houghton, Hancock and the Lake Superior Country. Its Freeport & Dubuque Line Is the only route between Chicago and Elgin, •Jtockford, Freeport and all points via Free port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee Line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the only pne passing between Chicago and Evanston. Lake Forest, Highlnnd Park, Waukeaan. tlacine, Kenosha and Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Room Cars are run on all through t vains on tills road. This is the ONLY LINE running thsse cars between Chicago and 8t. Paul and Minne. apolis, Chicago and MilwauRee, Chicago Winona, or Chioiigo and Green Bav. the and Close connections are made at Chicago with »e Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mich* Igan Central, Baltimore and Ohio, Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne, ft Chicago. Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH-E AST, nnd with the Chicago and AL ton apt! Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. It., at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections made at junction polnta with trains of all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold br all Oou> pon ticket agents in the United States and Canada. Remember you ask for your tickets via the Chicago ft Northwestern Railway and take none others. New York Office. No. 415 Broad war; Boston Ollice, No, 5 State Street; Omaha "Offl«,'\ 245 Farnham street; San Francisco Ofli % 121 Montgomery Street ; Chicago Ticket < flo :fl. 02 Clark Street, under Sherman Hon. ; 75 Canal, comer Madison Street ; Kinzie Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie ami Canal Streets! Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to MARVIN HUGHITT General Supt. W.,H. STINNETT, Gen'l Passenger Agent JOHNSON'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 2 I O & 8 I 2 N . T h i r d S t r e e t . lft Jtailding South of the Foit Offloe, 8T. LOUIS.' Open Jiay.und Night all the year. All of the branches of a Business BdueatfcMt taught. Independent Department fbr the English Brunches. Higher Mathematics, German and Elocution Phonography taught personally or per mail, For a full course of Double |£ntrv Boofc, keeping in all itf forms with Com. mereial Correspondenae,...,,,,,, For a full Commercial Course, em brae, Ing ul 1 the Brunches of a Practical Business Education, Life SchoIar t shio IB0k«t Reference made to thousands of students who have completed under our instructions, For Circulars giving full infprpiation con. cerning t ime to complete board, course of ip« struction, etc., A'ldress J. w. JOHNSON, Pres'ts CUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT. J , H T O B Y , --DKALKU IN--' 1 (Free) e Vegetable Balm that WO Q Shelf and lfea¥y Hardware , STOVES TINWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, rah ming Implements, clothes whingEri* &Ci| WHICH WILL BE SOLt»5 L O W E R THAN USUAL PRICES! Now t& the time to purchase, and save tnonl ey. I believe1 that I »<an furnish good goodaaf as low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand ft full Stock o< BUILDING PAPKB, such as Plalq Board, Water Pro(>i, Iron Coated an<| Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. KAWL AND SEE ! H epairingf Promptlytattcndpd to, J. STORY. Opposite Owens MP1. PIMPLES. (Free) Jhe recipe /or SEPS? IWItL Mail ing a ample move Tvn. Freckles, Pimples and Blotcnei leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful* also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth Ace Address Ben Vandelf ft Co., Box 0181. Ho. Wooster St., New York.

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