Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1877, p. 4

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1 ' - \ - • • • 1 , v «sfeV W< .-* «* 'Yvl» <•" 'tfW- f 1 - <* < - ' * . ffiiri* "iV 1 i - • f ' -i'^ f i-ifi frSti- 4» 'f . ĉ eary JilamSeale*. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17th, 1877. v*':; >i < • • "X. : • . ' • . , _ . • ' •'--- • ' TV ..jj.vjtfc .•r^j^.1. sjzJti. 21.&L*J.;s J> ' ; » . •4 f&nis ^ IJmi i,4i * = VAN SLYKE, Editor" THK COCK TIT CLERKSHIP. The Marengo Republican of the 13th ,ys: "Wenotlca by the proceeding of Vox Populi," and also of the **Oree iiback*' Convention, that Col. Wm, Avery was nominated at each Conven­ tion, for County Clerk. This Is, of course, a very flattering recognition of Ool. Avery's fitness for the ofilce, and fifem a quarter where he had no right* to expect it. Col. Avery made « vig­ orous canvass for the nomination sub­ ject to the action of the Republican County Convention, and was defeated in that Convention. We are author- lied by Cot. Avery to say, that he is not tpandidate for the office of County Clerk, and cannot accept the nomi­ nation for that office from any party, at the same time recognizing the friendly motives which doubtless prompted said nominations. He also Wishes to thank his many friends in various parts of the County for their valuable assistance while mak­ ing the canvass, and their generous rapport in the Republican County Con- Tpniion." "This Is as it should be. Some fears have been manifested among Repub­ licans that Col. Avery would quietly pfermit his name to be used on the opposition ticket, but we did "not be­ lieve it,. He showed himself $i» be a strong man in the Republican Conven­ tion, but as he was squarely beaten there it would be political suicide to mllow his name to be used against the nominee of that Convention. Any candidate who asks for the suffrages of the people and is/afrty beaten for the nomination before a Convention in which he has taken part, should quietly submit to the will of the majority.-- But the moment he allo,ws himself to he used as a tool by the opposition, ho becomes one of that army of "Sore hfcads," whom the^people, irrespective of party, will always politically de­ ltas. J®"*The death of the Mcrmon die 4§tor is followed by significant evi. dence of the benefits that may bo an­ ticipated now that the iron rule of the tyrant is broken, and the people are able to assert and maintain their in­ dependent rights. Real estate in Salt Xiake City has already risen ten per «ent, in value, and the Chief Justice of the Territory has placed in the hands of the United States Marshal an order to arrest John W. Young, the son of Brigham, whom he wished to be his successor, who has eloped with a young girl of sixteen, intending to marry her, although he already has three wives.-- What makes thisstill^more significant is the fact that the order was issued on the deirfand of her father, himself a Mormon. While Brigham lived no Mormon parents dared to testify against a polygamist. J&'Spotted tail and some of his chief men have been to Washington and exhibited themselves and made their modest demands of Uncle Sam.-- Mr. Tail wanted almost everything from a pipe-full of tobacco to "a big school house.1' What good was accom­ plished for him that collide not have keen just as well brought about by the •gent at his home, does not appear, but the dear people have J to pay the expenses of the elrcus. The idea of treating with the Indians as a for­ eign enemy at one time and on another occasion proceeding on the theory of their being wards of the nation, is a decidely queer policy for a great gov­ ernment to pursue. When will some intelligent, humane, but imperative system be adopted in dealing with them? I^It i6 announced from the Patent- Office that that institution is once more in complete running order, and ready to resume the routine of business in­ terrupted by the fire. The Commiss­ ioner will ask that patentees restore at their|own expense such models as were destroyed; not maintaining that the Government is not under obligations to make good the damage to the pro­ perty in its custody, but believing that it is to the advantage of the patentees to take upon themselves the restoration of the models, especially as they will thereby have the privilege of remedy­ ing defects and illustrating improve­ ments discovered since the originals were constructed. "GOD FOKBIU." Much that the President says to his Southern auditors will meet the hearty approval of patriots everywhere. But there will be some who yet trace aline between treason and loyalty--between fighting'to destroy a government and fighting to sustain it. There are thoso who believe that it was to tho "special credit" of the loyal arms--of the pat­ riotic soldiers of whom the President was a valiant leader--that "the war turned out as it did." We hope and believe it is true that "we are em bark­ ed upon the same voyage, upon the same ship, and under the same old flag." But tho voyage, the ship, the dear old flag have been in mortal peril, and if we neglect the lesson of history, may be again. "Shall we quit fighting?" ex­ claims the President. Yes, indeed: but God forbid tfiat we should forget why we fough t.--Providence (if. /.) Journal, Dealei$ ,|ii1 farm.. Machinery ofi all kinase • » fti!" * rt-1% ' it*' # '< ' ' »• ^ it.': . " : :"' A M8COVKRY uF A HIDDEN TKKAStJRfc. Noah McFarland, who lives about three miles north of Savanna, and owns a farm bordering1* on what is known as Savanna Bay, has lately made quite a discovery. He was plowing a piece of ground which he had recently grubbed out and which had never been plowed before, when at a depth of about six inches from the surface, his plow struck a rock under which lay half a dozen dining forks and a butter kni fe; the articles are in an excellent state of preservation and apperently are of solid silver. These forks are marked with the name of the person who was no doubt their original owners aur1 from whom they were doubtless stolen many years ago. Mr. McFarland refuses to give the name, but says it is none with whom he is familiar, and has not the remotest idea of whom the rightful owner is; but proof of property will secure to the owuer his goods.--Scfr vanna Times. HOG CHOLRKA. The symptoms of the "hog cholera,'* so-called, which is prevailing in parts of the West, are thus described: "A wheezing cough, which is usually ac­ companied by panting. At other times the animal is possessed with a mania for running, and will run even in a pen where it has to cut a very smallcircle. The coughing might be caused by worms crawling into the throat, and the running be occasioned by the agony caused by the gnawing of the mucous membrane of the stomach since dissection has in some cases rej vealed worms in tho throat and en­ trails. Soda, alum and copperas in equal parts, form a which is recommended as a remedy. 0&*The New York Sun presents rather a depressing picture of the state of social life matrimonially in New York city. Marriages of convenience are the rule. Young men in moderate condition of fortune have made no con­ cealment of the fact that they must marry for money. The introduction in New York Of certain French habits and customs is gradually breaking up the happiness of domestic life. More than that, a certain portion of those who are supposed to lead the fashionable world delight in aping English cus­ toms, habits, manners, and modes of expression. It is from the fast English set whose own, whose guiding star is Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, that this fashionable coterie delight to draw their inspiration. The old-tashioned (iiotions of virtue, excellence, and worth--we except worth--do not flour­ ish in modern Gotham. |&*It has been decided by the ex­ ecutive committee of the Northwest­ ern Dairymen's Association, to hold a Diary Fair, at Chicago commencing December 18th, and closing on Thurs­ day the 20th. Premiums to the amount of $2,000 will be offered, and the dis­ play will be very large. Cloak Searles. making a specialty at Mrs. WST" The Courier-Jounral:--Horace Greely, the founder of the New York Tribune, and Jas. Gordon Bennett, the founder of the New York Herald, were not college graduates. Neither Yale nor Harvard has ever produced a great newspaper editor, and probably never will. It is generally the type­ setter who edits the college editor's newspaper. Democratic County Convention The several Towns of McIIenry Coun­ ty are requested to send Delegates to a County Convention of the Democratic party, to be held at the Court House, in Woodstock, on Saturday, the 20th day of October, inst., at one o'clock p. M., for the purpose of nominating one can­ didate for County Judge, one candi­ date for County Clerk, one candi­ date for County Treasurer, and one candidate for County School Superin­ tendent, to be run for those offices at the November election 1877, and to transact such other business as may come before the Convention. The ratio of representation from the sover- al towns will be as follows: Riley Marengo. Diuili.-im ISST'There are now four vacancies in the Illinois Legislature, Two in the Senate, by the death Of Mills, of Mount Carroll, and Early, of Rockford, and two in the House, Winter, of Bloom- ington,having been appointed consul to Rotterdam, and Halle y, of Jasper, having been elected Circuit Judge, 3 Dorr, 11 8 Greenwood.... 6 9 Hebron ..... 8 10 Richmond ..... 5 McIIenry 11 10 Nunda ........ 7 fi Algonquin 8 6 Burton 2 7 Allien Hartland. Seneca Coral Grafton NEILL DONKEf.LT, A. L. Salisbury, J. H. JOHNHON, Geo. L. Shkkwood, lilCHAKI) JMsHor, County Committee. Woodstock, Oct. 8th. 1877. is nut easily enrne<l in these times, imt it can l»ema<lein three months by any one of either sex, m tiny part of the country who it* willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- i"-r week in your own town. Yon need .'"'"leovor night. Yon tean give your whole time to the work,, or only your snare moments. We have aptenta who are making over f-20 per day. A11 who engage at once c.m make money fast. At the present nine money cannot be made so easily and rap. l'lly at any other business. It cost's nothing . e 'nlsin«88. Terms and $5 Outfit tree. Address at once. 1L Uallktt St Co,, Portland Maine. ' Opposite Perry & Martin**, PUMPS,; Of all kinds a speciality. We also sell the celebrated Badger Wind-Mill, Farm and Democrat Wagons, Open axitt Top Qa^riages, &€.» &C|, ' " •'1 , Flour <fe Feed! • •miv Constantly on hand at our Mill, awi' Custom Grinding promptly attended to. ' ' ̂ R. BISHO0 & Iftftenry, I1L, M»y 3Qtlif 1877. , Great Barpi ITV Forniture and Notions. Extension Tables 80 cts.. per foot. Washstand Bureaus $3,50 to $5,50. Bureaus $10 to $20. Chairs per Set $2.50 to $9.00.-- Bedsteads $2.50 to $20.00. Pic­ ture Frames complete 15 cents to $2. Ladies and Gents Watch Chains from 29 cts, to $75., Rin^s 25 cts. to $20. Four Pairs of Ladies Hose for 29 cents. Three pairs Gents Socks 25 cents. Two papers Pins 5 cents. Two Spools Good Thread (200 yards,) 5 cts. Gents Collars 12 to 25 cts. La­ dies Linen Collars 9 to 12 cents. Ladies Linen Cuffs 19 to 29 cents Combs 5 cents. Pictures given away to our customers. The Finest Assortment of Patent Coffins & Caskets To be found in the County,, con­ stantly on hand at Prices tliat Defy Ceapeiition. Chicago Nins Cent Store, Blake's Block, AlcHenry, 111. NEW WAGON S H O P ! McIIEJNRY. ILLINOIS. E. PERKINS Would respectfully Inform his friends and the public generally- that he is now prepared, at his Shop, West of' the Public Square, to do all kinds of Carpenter Work or work in wood of anv kimi, such as the wood-work of Rug. Kies, Wagons, making Boats, &r., and in short anything ever made in a flrst-clnsa Oavpenter Shop. From a longexperience in the 4>u»ineas and using.none but the best of Lumber I can tn all cases Guarantee SatiKfaetioxi 1 GENERAL JOBBING Promptly*attended to. Give Me a Call! E. PERKINS. McHenry, 111. ,Nov. 29th,11876. H H M H H TO TIIE WORKING CLASS.--We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time( or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from SO cents to $6 per evening, and a proportional s<im by devoting tlieir whole time to the business. Bovs and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pav for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail. Header, if you want permanent, profitable work, address, GeOhgb Stinson i Co., Portland, Maine. &QQQ Can't be made by every agent every month in the business we furnish, but those willing to work can easily earn • dozen dollars a day right in tlieir own locali­ ties. JCave no room to explain here. Busi. ness pleasant and honorable. Women and boys and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete outfit free. The busi. ness pays better than anything else. We will bear expense of starting von. Partlcu. larsfree. Write and see. Farmers and me. chanics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying werk at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now is tho time. Don't delay. Adi dress TanuA Co., Augusta, Maine. • f 10 TO $25 A DAY Made by Agents in cities and countrv towns. Only necessary to show samples to make aaletf and money, forany one out of cmplovmcntand (Ms|K>8ed to work. Used daily bv all business men. Send stamp for circular, with prlceB to agents. Address "Special Agency," Kendall Building, Chicago* > H CP CO CD 0*3 8" H Q p CO o H hd o p, o CD o »•* 3. o CD CO o so p p CO CD CD CD S ; ' -• ,Ks: - • . r;'. ' '.rteijfw-.-' . f. 'Wvttiy- ' i M f v ' •i >4 " . • '•" r~. • 1 • _ ( 11 U'!' ' ' ' ' , v' <m ' - w d ^ -j r 2 w < C/3 OF -C. F. JBALL A*o y<ou going to use Oood 1 Cash or Good Credit in. making Your Fall and , , Winter Purchases ? ,, If Ca«h, go and see whit Cash will do. f^^One Price Only. Bemember I buy Bankrupt Stocks, (Groods from forced Sales. manufacture all my fine Clothing and Overcoats, and present th most attractive stock found ii this section; i ' * t Are you Buying1 tot the Following Prices? BUCK LIN & STEVENS, McHenry, August S8(h, 1877. Good Prints..., a Best Printi.: .......B Good unbleached Cotton by Piece 63^ Best ditto ....... 7)4 40 inch ditto .......... Best Bleached ........... 10 Dress Goods bargains ,.10| to45 Black Alpaca 26 46 inch Oashmore....t ,1 * 75 Good Corsets.... .....d .j,, 36 All Cambrics (i Dre ss Braids...••. •„;.. ' r> Mens Suits....!..$5.00 to #25.00 Boys Suits !?3.00 to (10.00 Buffalo llobes all iirices M 30 TumblBtjs. \ oo 12 cut glass <;oblets 100 25 bars 9oz ^oau ...100 12 Tbs Rice l 00 6 boxes dime Matches 25 12 cakes Honey Soap 85 Sugar Chicago prices freight added 5 lbs G Coffee 100 Best Y" If Tea ho Best Japan Tea ..... 70 Good Y II and Japan....... 'ijio B 1, Japan «) 4 lbs B 1. Japan '. 100 5c off on 5 1t>,s lota . No 1 Syrup «5 Castile Soap.,,.. 15 lbs StoinfessRalgjna.... S lbs Layer Haisius. H l»ox Laver llaisinS . ...; '20 lbs Cod'Fish. 2ft Hake : 20 lbs No 1 Maokeral. Ladies Shoes sewed and pegged.......... Misses shoes 11 to 12 Mens Veal Kip Boots warranted Mens Kin Boots ; Mens Split Kip Boots Boy sand Youths tocorrea pond. > Ladies Furs all prices _I bought ray Woolens for the manufacture, of my Fall and Winter Stock at * less price than It cost to make the GqohIs. Come to mV Dimdee or Richmond Store and you wil be equally well sei'ved. Am prepared a% both Stores for a big trade a'ftd will more than satisfy you. Come, and ' it will be money in your pocket. C F HALL. I^^Cihicago Office 122 Franklin St., top Stairs.* Tn Main Mm is to Save It TO SAVE MONEY, • • • . ' i . • Buy your Goods for Cash or Produce. READ Good Prints 5cti Best Prints 6 to7 Good yard wide- Sheeting 6 Best yd wide Sheetiiij? ..7 to 8 Yd wide Bleached Sheet­ ing ..;.8tOl0 Extra good Waterproof. 75 Oarpentervillq Flannels ' 45 Large line of piain.Piuu- nels 2Q to 37 Cotton Batting. . . .12, 15 and 18 Good all wool Stocking Yarn 90 Dress Goods, bargains. 10 to 40 All wool Blk Cash- ' mere 70, fcfi, and«l French Bone Corsets... 40 Clarence and Peerless Carpet Warp . 22* \ FOLLOWING PRICE LIST i A ljull line of Rochester and BulVaio custom made Bootsiu^dSiloes every jniir warranted Mens Suits $ii to #20 Boys Suits r..f4 to $10 Cotton Flannel...1 9 to 15 California Overalls leath er trimmed * 50 Fair Japan Tea 3 lbs for $1 Choice Japan Tea r>0 Best Japan Tea warrant ed best in nin^uq't Fair Uio Coffee Choice Rio CollVe. Best Kio Coffee. 4lMtrsMavon ^oap.* Fair Voting llvson Tea.. Choice Yonng'ilyson Tea Bust Young HyM>n Tea,. Best Layer Raisins 76 So 23 2T> 2S «0 70 12A' | % l>o\ Layer Raisins.... 8 1h Can Peaches, best.. J 2_lb Can Blackberries. .. I 35 different styles Car- peting 50 to j Wall Paper and Trunks ]• full line ! 0 1bs While Coffee Sugar j (J Coffee Sugar. .. 10 lbs Light Brown Sugar , Best Sugar cured can- | Vassed flams I 16 lbs Rice i Fair Fine Cut Chewinff 1 I'olVlCCO I Good Fine Cut Chewing j . ToIkic.(x» I Extra F ine Cut Chewing Toliacco... v. i,Best Hardwood Batter [ . rails....... g l*X •l» £ 78 These Prices are for First Class Goods. Every article Warrant! e4 to prove as representee! or moucy refundud. 1 P. D. SMITH. F. G. M E R C H A N T T A I L O R , And Dealer in l i u JLii i i Invites the public to an inspection of his newly purchased Stock. Prices to suit the Times and Goods HTarnuitcd as represented* CUTTING DONE AS USUAL. Store One Door North of Colby's Drug Store. McHenry, 111.. $ept. 12th, 1877. WHITE'S Pii Alley --AND-- SHOOTING GALLERY. Lansing's Block, McHenry, 111. The best Guns and Finest Alleys to be found in the Northwest. Open day and evening. A. M- WHITE, Proprietor. J. E. BECKLKY J. P. BEARDSLKY SAVE YOUR CLOVER SEED. The undersigned are Sole Agents for tho B1RDSELL CLOVKH THRESHER for Me- Henrv and Lake Counties. The best and only machine now ia use. Also PLOWS, PUMPS. WIND MILLS. --AND OTHER- E. M. OWEN --DEALERIN- *t bottom prices. Send in yonr order-!. J. P. Beardsley & Co. Nunda, Sept. SOtb, 1877. IBICIILTUM GOODS, Has on hand a choice lot of PLOW S of the best make, which lie is se.ling at the T^OWKsy PRICES for Cash. Also Farm and Democrat "WAGONS, FANNING MILLS, The Celebrated Keisla Peam. &C.y &C>| Call at my Warehouse when in want of anything in my line. E.M.OWEN. McIIenry, Sept 25th 1877 TAKE NOTICE. Having made a change in ny busi­ ness it bocomes necessary that mjr "books be closed at once. All person! knowing themfelves Indebted to m« either by Note or book account are ro- quest.ed to call and settle the same al ®uce and save themselves cost. Thil means business. L. FRANCISCO. McIIenry,.Aug. 28th, 1877.

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