Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Oct 1877, p. 7

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•>'!? •< - .i .. • m THE MASSACRES IS ROUMlLlA. *T ' A. C^ri^l ft Horror#--Murder, DcioUtin and Starvation--Victims by Thousands. I Adrianople Cor. New York Times.] Phi lip pop ° lis is, as you know, mainly a Bulgarian town, and it was natural that tbe^niajoriiy of refugees who had found shelter within its walls should be Bul­ garians. In company with a Greek doc­ tor who has devoted himself with rare energy and self-devotion to the amelio­ ration of the misery about him, I visited the various hospitals, all of which were overcrowded. I saw in these places such sickening sights of horror as are not fre­ quently to be met with, thank Heaven, even in war. The sufferers were all woija^n and children. They had fled from the Bulgarian villages which used to surround Ka^anlik, but which are now leveled to the ground. Among them all there was but one man. No other male adult had escaped from the fearful mas­ sacre perpetrated by the Turkish irregu­ lars. There were children who had never learned to walk who were horribly cut and mangled, I saw one child of 6 months only who had been shot through the Jaws by a wretch who had murder­ ously pursued its mother. There was a wortrfbin the Greek hospital whose right hand had been chopped off by another savage, who found that the readiest, way to the gold bracelet which she, in com­ mon with most women of her people, wore as her wedding dower. The people received us with the live­ liest! signs of gratitude, kissing our hands, kneeling before us and weeping. Some of them who had been in times of peace among the more well-to-do took us into their houses and showed us the desolation to which they had been re­ duced. They showed us the blood- staihfl bn walla and floors which marked the spot of the murder of their male rela­ tives. One dreadful story, which has since been amply confirmed,, was told us of W»e death of an elderly Bulgarian gentleman who had the misfortune to be second cousin to the Russian Vice Consul at Philippopolis. The relationship was known to the Zeibecks and Circassians, and himself was perfectly aware that if ever those savages occupied the town his cfeach was certain. He resolved to defend himself, at least, and to that end secured arms. His house was broken into, and after a brief but desperate re­ sistance he was seized and bound. A huge Bashi-Bazouk set him down upon the floor, and then deliberately hacked him to pieces, prolonging the sufferings of the unhappy man as long as possible, and pausing after the infliction of each wound to watch the effect of his stroke, and rejoicing at every expression of agony which his cruelty succeeded in wresting from his victim. This barbarity was perpetrated in the presence of the man's female relatives, who were com­ pelled to stay and witness it. Quitting Carlova, we made our way to Calofre along a road which led us through the lower ranges of the Balk­ ans. Calofre was once a place of 10,000 inhabitants. We found it a still-smold­ ering heap of ruins, without a single roof remaining, or a single whole wall left ^tending. The stench oi burned carcasses and rotting men and cattle was in plaees almost insupportable. The place is one of indescribable and fearful desolation. We returned then to our camp of the previous night, packed up our traps, and pushed on to Sopot, which we reached at nightfall. What remains of the town stands tinder a sheer wall of mountain, and as we first saw it beneath the rising moon the aspect of the place was beyond description weird and deso­ late. Our earliest impression was that it was as complete a ruin as Calofre, but in the-morning we found that many of the houses remained standing, and that there was still a hundred people in the town. They were all that were left out of 5,000, aaid, except for those who had been killed before their eyes, they could make no guess as to what had become of their old townsfolk. They told us that the Balkans, which overlooked the town, were thickly strewn with the bodies of men, women, and children who had been slain by the Circassians in attempting to escape. The destruc­ tion of the people of this place and of Calofre had been so fearfully complete that in all my travels through hospitals and places of refuge further south I had not met, to my knowledge, with one creature who had escaped from either of -thenarTheee are at present the two most^tfol examples of the fashion in which war is made in this miserable country. The country is already de­ populated, and there are no longer roofs and walls to cover a tithe of that gigantic army of refugees which is scat­ tered in hundreds and in thousands throughout the length and breadth of the land. I, my self have seen more than 20,000 homeless fugitives, and I have seen a very small proportion. When the statistics of this war come to be published they will amount to appalling fignrps. Whefo I pissed through Adrianople on my return journey I found the hang­ ings going on with more than their old rapidity. On the day of my arrival thirty Bulgarians were* strung up in the streejp, and as I drove to the railway station on the following morning the ex­ ecutions were still going on, and my carriage passed one newly-hanged who had not ceased to struggle. A mere tripod hud been set up as a gallows, and half flaee efcreet was blockaded by it. A knot of women and children stood about this edifying spectacle, which is now growfhgTjlo familiar that a hanging ex­ citer *nd'inore popular attention than would be created 1 y the merest trifle of street interest in New York or London. other of the insects is killed. The same thing is done with tame quails, which are bred and trained in the same manner as game-cocks. Since the effectual raids made bv the police upon the game of tan-tan* and the severe penalties im­ posed upon all who are arrested for nlavine it. that game has been generally abandoned. The game which is now universally played is " dominoes." Cassias X. Cl&j Kills His Muu Hon. Cassius M. Clay, formerly Min­ ister to Russia under President Lin­ coln's administration, recently shot and killed a negro man, Peny White. The affair, which occurred on the farm of Gen. Clay, near Richmond, Ky., is thus described by a correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer : "Gen. Clay has had ifa his employ as cook for some time a negro woman, the mother of Perry White. A. few days ago he discovered that she had Men robbing him of his $ilver$ plate, his table service, and other articles, and he discharged her. Being a very violent woman, she swore vengeance against her employer. Previous to this Perry had also been ordered from the place, being known in the neighborhood as a negro who lived by stealing, who had frequently been implicated in robberies, and was otherwise notorious as a bold, daring man and desperate negro. The negro, on his own account, and to avenge his mother, had resolved to kill Clay, and a letter written by White, containing a threat to carry out his murderous purpose, was shown to Clay. The latter has anticipated trouble with the negro, and for ten days past when he went out on his farm he carried his pistol. This morning Gen. Clav mount­ ed his horse, with a small white boy behind him, and started to a negro church in the neighborhood, where he intended to hire a cook, in place of the one discharged. He had proceeded but a short distance from his house when he saw a loose horse in a pasture near the roadside. Just as he was passing, the little boy remarked, ' There is Periy White,' looking in the direction of the horse, which had neither bridle nor sad­ dle on. Clay saw the negro in the act of hiding or dodging behind the animal. Knowing White had no business there, and believing that he had come for some bad purpose while all the other darkies were at church, and at once supposing that the negro intended to make an at­ tack upon him from the cover, Clay leaped down, and, passing immediately in front of the horse, confronted the negro and ordered him to throw up his hands. The negro obeyed, sinking to the ground. Clay then talked to him •, ordering him from the place, A Black Hills Tragedy. A letter from Central City, D. T., says : " A fatal shooting affrav occurred here this afternoon. John S. Bryant, owning a placer claim here, claimed the surface ground of his claim as a mill site. A. W. Adams,formerly correspond­ ent of the Salt Lake Tribune and Chioa-* it. rvu TV, go papers, nom no piumt? v/iu. x ioixx^t and . ** Ching Poo," also claimed the ground by right of purchase. They met on the ground, when Adams shot Bry­ ant through the body, then turned and fled. Bryant, then drawing a navy re­ volver, fired three shots at Adams, the first missing. At the second shot Adams fell. Bryai t, still advancing, placed his pistol at Adams' head and sent a bullet through his brain, killing him instantly. Bryant is not expected to recover." The! St Louis artesian well has reached a depth of 8,800 feet. How to Grow Cheerful. Disease is in a great many--perhaps the. ma­ jority--of instances the underlying cause of mental depression. It will almost invariably be found, for instance, that hypochondriacs are dyspeptic, bilious «*ubje:*t*f and all persona who have haa any experience of such cases are aware that sufferers from diseases of the kid­ neys and bladder are especially subject to fits of despondency. The sure way to overcome de­ pression is to try a course of Hostetter's Stom­ ach Bitters, a cheering cordial which is pecul­ iarly antagonistic to ttie "blues," as well as to the'c&ui-otf which produce them. This popular and efficacious corrective of a disordered condi­ tion of tl»o system remedies the most obstinate cases of indigestion, biliousness and constipa­ tion, overcomes disorders of the urinary or- gaa?, purities and euriches the blood, and re- stotas vigor to the body as well as elasticity to the mind. Wonder Upon Wonder. Given away--A strange, mysterious ar>d most extraordinary Book, entitled "THE BOOK OB WONDERS." Containing, with numerous curi­ ous pictorial illustrations, the mysteries of the Heavens and Earth, Natural and" Supernatural Oddities, Whinixical,Strange Curiosities, Witches and Witchcraft, Dreams, Superstitions, Ab­ surdities, Fabulous, Enchantment, Ac. In or­ der that all may see this curious book, the pub­ lishers have resolved to give it away to all that desire to see it. Address by postal card, F. Gleason & Co., 738 Washington street, Bos­ ton. Mass. _ Gleaaon'g Publications. Oreat reduction in price for 1878 of Oucasox's Picroimx to f2 a year. Single copies 5 cents. The Home Circle to $2 a year, single oopies 5 cents ; for sale by all newsdealers. Greason's Monthly Companion to $1 a year, POND'S (Tell in old U4 fthatlnafaa , single copies 10 cents. All postage free. The price of Chromos has just been greatly reduced. No one now gives such liberal terms and telling him if he moved from his position until he (Clay) got on his horse he would kill him. " Clay then turned and started to his liorse, when the negro rose suddenly and made at Clay, at which time the latter drew his pistol and fired twice. Both balls took effect, one in the neck and the other in the breast, and the ^egro fell dead. Gen. Clay immediate­ ly rode to town and gave himself into the hands of an officer of the law." AN Arkansas man lately snapped both barrels of his gun at his bed-ridden wife. The gun, as if endowed with the hu manity of which its owner was devoid, refused to be discharged, but, when the monster took it by the muzzle and at­ tempted to dash out the sufferer's brains, the breech glanced on the bed-post, both barrels "went off," and their respective charges of buckshot took lodgings in the would-be murderer's lungs. A Model Life Insurance Co. We have just been favored with copies of the official report of the Insurance Commissioners for New York, Massachusetts, Maryland,JDlinois and Wisoonsin, who were some time ago de­ puted to make a thorough examination of the affairs of the greatest Life Insurance Company of the Northwest, the Northwestern Mutual life Insuranoe Company of Milwaukee. The examination made by them was undoubtedly one of the most exact and complete on record, for every one of the gentlemen named is prac­ tically conversant with every detail of the in­ surance business. The Commissioners say that "every facility was granted them for the foil examination." The examination of the invest­ ments of the Company, the CommifsionerpisBj- --"on loans and mortgages are nearly two- thirda of the assets, and develops the most vigilant care and faithfulness in ^etcrrnining the validity of titles, and the margin of security appears in every instance to have been largely in excess of that required by the insuranoe laws, being, in the aggregate, nearly four times greater than the amount loaned." The Examining Commission further say: " We have caused a re-valuation of all the real estate on which the Company has placed its loans. This re-valuation has been made en­ tirely independent of the Company or its man­ agers, by competent and experienced appraisers appointed by the Commission in each of the seventeen States in which the loans are dis­ tributed." AMET1 RmI e«Uto,Company'* office.... % 160,000.00 Real estate, special 490.68j.00 Loans on bonds and mortfagM,. 11,546,404.68 Premium notes 8,786,%5.M United States and other bonds owned (market value) Interest accrued on bonds and most g apea. .v... . «879,177.» 643,189.90 17,818.94 I.7W.88 to agents as we do. Send for new free oircular. Address F. Gleabojc & Co., 738 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Bmd Is the Stall of Life. By bread we mean all the various forms into which it is customary to convert cereal flour. When is bread good? Bread is good when light, sweet and nutritious, and without del­ eterious qualities. How are these properties best secured ? In no way, we answer, so well and certainly as by the uso of Doolei's Yeast P&wuEii. Try it thoroughly and convince your­ self. You'll scratch a poor man's nose as long as you live, if you don't forsake the old mo­ nopolists. Five Ton Wagon Scales, $60 each. On trial, fright prepaid, by Jones, of Bing- haaitQM, Bjoghamton, N. Y. CHEW The Celebrated "MATCHLE88" Wood Tag Plug Tobaoco. Tm Piokbeb Tobacco Coscpajct. New York. Boston and Ghlosgo. Hofmann's Hop Pills ours the Ague at once. If rem feel doll, drowsy, debilitated, hm frequent headache, month taste* badly, poor appetite. Mid tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver or "bilious­ ness," and nothing will cure yon »o speedily and perma­ nently as to Uke gniKOKS' Livxn Reouj^tob or Mju> ionnt, PURELY VEGETABLE, Hie ©heiipest.Purest and SrV'Tt1!'M,dicineln Sjajfifefifr, ••• In Kffkctuai. SPE- ^ Cine for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Regulate the Liver and prevent ka, M A L A R I O U S F R - VKRS. BOWEL 'COM- PLAINTS, KKSTLKSS- NliSS, J AUNDICK AND flfAUBEA. 5 BAD BREATHE Nothing Is so unpleasant, nothing so common aa toad breath, and in nearly every case it comes from the stom­ ach, and can be bo easily corrected if you will take Celestial Enjoyment. Aitert&fr labor of the day is over the weary Chinaman in San Francisco be- takesliimself to the club-room, theater or opium-den for on evening's enjoy­ ment. The club-rooms are filled nighty ly. *Fhe Chinaman is an inveterate gamt$&r. • "With him it is one of the ne­ cessities of life. He will stint his stom­ ach t6 save a few cents to gratify his in­ satiable desire to win or lose. He does not seem to care what the game is. It is said that in many places in China it is Mfnal sight to see rich merchants large beetles and grasshoppers in tli3lar»9 sleeves of their coats. A certain fcaftrk is placed on each insect. A is produced, and two of the beetlis are placed in it to fight a battle. "" ipective owners make their bets, battle goes cn until one or the The and t tft & and unpaid on bonds and mortgages 833£!1.0i Intereet due and accrued on pre­ mium notes - Bills receivable „ Deferred premiums wni. " S9.9/7.M> Renewal " mm.te Cash in office. « Cash in bank 687,306.66 Ledger account* 9 Agents'debits. 29,986.41 Deduct Company's deb­ it® Deduct remittances ac­ count. 8,271.21 9.792.45 Furniture and fixtures..... Accrued rents 18,0fi8.66 8,326 99 537.49 9jBS7.CS 14,425 64 84)63.48 .....fTg,408,523.96 I 188,347.98 14,800.(10 Ml 36 13.631.9U 7,448.00 15.2SW,249.00 Total assets. LIABILITIES. Death claims adjusted and unpaid -1 Matured endowment* Accrued commissions Preminms paid in advance Reserve ou policies entitled to paid-up in­ surance Reserve, Actuaries' 4 per cent Total liabilities 816,521,238.83 Surplus as regards pdlicy-holders 2,887^8&«a In conclusion, the Commissioners say: "A careful examination of the Company's books and accounts, covering a period of six or seven years, ha» shown that only reasonable salaries are paid to its officers and employes, tynd that no officer receives, directly or indirectly, any compensation whatever, contingent on the busi­ ness done, or by way of commission on surplus, or in any other manner than by fixed salary, established annually by the Board of Trustee*. It irf due to the Company to state that its books and accounts in every department of its business show a degree of accuracy not easily surpassed. The system of accountability and accuracy throughout finds unqualified appro v(8." TteCiiiMliMlyTte FREE FOR ORE YEAR, The TnSi.i te ill fte Tairty-fourili year of it« existence, with a National Character and' influence second to no other paper. Its patrons are of all parties in politics, all sects in religion, all clMsea in society, and of every State and Territory on tho American Continent. Its contents arv adapted to the wants and tastes of all. KVEKY PATRON of the Weekly Time* to presented, free of charge, with a copy of the Times Illustrated Tear-Book An c!egcnfl?-t»rint«! TOlrtmn c.f ecferstfflc and miscella­ neous articles, illustrated with the finest pnjrravincs. It aleo contains a DIARY FOR THE YEAR 1878, and the Election Returns for 1877. In volue and attrm-tiveness it is eujH'rior to any preterit ever before offered by news- Sink\e Subscribers, per year $2.00 Clubs of Five Subscribers, per year each 1 -lit* Club# of Ten and upward, per year each 1 *oO THE DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. Comprising its Antiquities, Woirrsphy, Cflosrrnphj- end NuUona) Hihtiiiy, I'Mited by Wm. Smith, LIj.D., of the University of Jjoudon. Cont aining 800 double-columned pates, 24 full-page steel and wood engrarinifs. and 136 minor engravings, of scenes, cities anrl memorial places of the Holy Land. Pries,in extra English cloth, Any person pending the publishers of tho WEEKLY Times the price of this book will receive a copy of the *a*ne poetpaid, and also the Wkekly Times (w ith the Y^ir-Book) I'UliK FOit ONli YI.AK. Or the Dictionary will be sent as a premium to any Agent for a Club of Kitfht Subscribers at $1.50. A Special Agent for each County in all the States is wanted, to whom extraordinary Cabh inducements will be offered, in addition to an opportunity to secure a valu­ able Premium Watch. Cj^For Specimen Copies of the Times, and circulars, etc., address Tl.UKS CO., filiriiuiNl i. O. OAVABRj ••ttaaaaesss. - SvSa ^ obstinate Toe rwef is bo protfapt that no one who ..... x --Jgy IT* trig* K 7i»be without It. CHAPnyp HANDS AMD FACK-Psaf* ct uoalajbe in erery family this ro««h weather. It remove* the sorene* heals the skin promptly EHXUHAT ~ ' weather. It removes the bo raghncM, and wftni and ] in promptly. TI8M.--During severe ana chamreable weather, no one subject to Rheumatic Simmons' Livkr Re«5UI>aTOH. Do not neglect so sure a lusutid^' for thM repulsive disorder. It will also iuiproTS rout appetite, Oomplexion and General Health. CONSTIPATION I SHOULD not be pel aa r.... a a -ailment--tin fact. natnM ' demands the utmost t««als*% at .• the bowel®, and any deviation v'. from this demand pa1. •••a* • ,t. , -often to cciimis danger. It is quit* • -• mi1, r.-COEasty to .*©• - cumulations from the bowels aa It Is to eat or sleet), and no health @an t>9 expected! whore * oostfm , Ksabit sf foody prevails, •SICK. HEADACHES ' "rlile diotresstaie aflietkm oeenrs most frequently. The dfc>t urb:itice of the stomach, arising from the iniperfectly dicested contents, oauses a severe pain in the bend, no- eoinpanied with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what is popularly known as Stele Headache; for the te­ lle of which* Take Simmovs' Lives Kxotrukxom aa Mkimc-ink. Manuitactuskd ohlt m . J. H. 2EILI & CO., ^ PHILADELPHIA. PrlM, S1.00. told by all Druggists. A KEY TO BOOKKEEPING! The Best Text Book and Self-Inscruotor in the WoiML Bent by mail, post-paid, on recetftt of Fifty Cents, by the author. Gift B. WELSH. Sarannah, Georgia. £8.50. YoangAmericahand A sell-inkers the bett for business. Send 2 stamps for catalogue to . W. WXTSON. 73 CSornhUl, Boston, Msm. sou tw fOLBS--Thia cold rrather tries the Have Poud'* Extract on baud always. It relieves the pain and Cures tue uiwsaBe. CHILBLAINS will be promptly relieved and ultimatelyenred bjrbathinfr the afflicted Mr relievo* the pate and finallyeSfesT 'milk wtSkH " • * * L - A N are promptly cur ^ --IR PASSAGES cured by the use of Feud's ft *" *«*< .?*** «f PswPs Extract, in PATENT IMttsl&ESIili GLOVE* FITTI NO CORSETS. ThoFnsndsof this .UNRIVALLED CORSET l&ronow n»stb«rsdkf _ ! .MILLIONS/R3 mess sra mttch (bwmoQ MEDAL R ECEIVZD' BE AT CCNTCNNIAL. Get theCenuino.and beware of imitations. askalso row THOMSON'S UNRREAKAIIE STEEIS. The bett goods i Ses that the name of „ Thomson and the Trade Mark.* Crown,are stamped on tvety Corset *$sel. ImhiBSHIIBSRI TO BOOK AGENTS! We have In press a book--not yet announced--the t has been in preparation over three yean, coating tut),<100 124 Superb, Full-Page Engravings make U one of the most completely Illustrated volumes In the world. It to a magnificent work, and will com- mand the attention and approval of everybody. We will make most liberal arrangements with agent* Co Intro­ duce it. and it is worthy their notion. Advance with full information, sent on application to AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Haxtta Chioago, 111., or Oiacfa i, Oofsn., eati. Ohio. CHICAGO VOLTAIC AND TRU88 CO* Their Voltaic Belts and Beads ewe Kbeo- i Belt,®#; glta oeps ieSi eaallj 1111 0 / f IISB. lUHK, VI. m «• SMPi>ori<>r« cures Piles. Worn matism. Dyspepsia, Nervous Diseases. ~ wording to size. The Digital Syiiue Syringe, Speculum, Foroeps; a mmmU AdJiistable Uterine sapperter. iiral m use. ffi. It is easily converted n, 91: or alone, H Pile Bands acco; combines wrtiele, SIS. Mmt n.itu Into a. Trnss. use. . Kxtra, I alone, H Pile i sitting, walking. rtduiK horseback. $3.50. Disoount to Trade and Physicians. Goods sent O. O. D. For circ ulais adaress, u-ith ilamp, CHICAUO V. Ac T. CO«« 8(1 WHsiiliiirton Street, l!lf ICACJO. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The choicest household ornament a. PHc* One Dollar emeh. Send far emtalogus, JAMES K. OSGOOD & CO, _ BOSTON, MASS. $1.00 $1.00 JACKSON'S BEST 8WEET NAVY CHEWINS TOBACCO was awarded the highest prise at Ontennlal Rxpoaltion for its fine chewing nu*liti»<a, the eiueilenoe and lasting sharacterof Its sweetening and tluvoring. 1/ you waut (he beet tobacco «»,>"- made, nsk your grocer for this, and See that each plug our blue-strip trade-mark, witb Words Jackson's B^t on it, 8eid wnoAesa^e^i^^ll |oh hers. Sen llasafsi Send for sample to ('. A. ,IA('hMON cturere. l'ct#r»l>ur«, Va. THE NEW YORK Commercial Advertiser. Terms--Postagrr Prepaid--Daily, one year, fcf); sis months, It.ftO; three uionths, ; one month, one year, $1; sis months, 50 eentB. Specimen numbers sent on application. An extra copy to Olnb Agents for club of ten; the I»aily for olub of thirty. The Coaiiiiernial the best. Repub­ lican paper published In this count ry. Its Weekly edition is nnsorptmed. Special terms to Agents. All letter# should be sent to HUUH X HASTINGS, 12G Fulton St, N. Y. City. NEWARK DAILY aid WEEKLY COUBM, X E H A R K , JS'EIF JERSEY. F. V. PAITEBSON, Editor and Proprietor. ™e Tprms--Daily, per annum; Weekly, 82.00. Advertisemente inserted on liberal terms. Send •« Price-IJat. AGENTS WANTED! FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 829 Broadway. New \ ork City t w ChlcagSi III. ( New Orlrnns. Ln or Ban Fraactw M a?>i| Bftnd Vniformis--Qtll'or/»' |>miipmf nt* tr. i»iannfrictur<*«t ^ J/L dt Seud tor i'riov I.iHtH CO.*! uIUIlU'UK. Olit BUTTER COLOR. The lu'st Liquid Color in the world, anil the only one awarded Oiiti'iinlkl 1'rlze Meditl. It glvcH to butter a golden yellow eolor lifce Juue grass butter, producing betit'r ules rdi! at higher price, benldea !sn|>roving butler iu color aod Bsvor »ml keeping. Is far TOiierior to ADuetto. carrots or aay other cokir inaDufac- turn?, nitd th,1 only fluid-color that will uot color buttermilk, 5f odte! t« erenni b.-'uhx; cliur'uiui. 1 jw»uu(l! ceiior SflOiJ (founds of butter. The bent and chcupvut U) re-color white butter. I will peud, on s-eeHsie of rnotiev, free by oipress, to sny office Kant of Misaissiiij.i Klvfr. 1 lb.," $a.00; 2 lb.. fa.A. Fanner* club together and trv it. AfKiits Wnuteil. Cut out and ['reserve. »im. It. WMITH. r.'7 ArrA Stivrt. rfcllartelphla. Pa. _ For SIX BEAl'TIU li i»l< TUUKS, (different subjects,) 14x17 inches; Or for FIVE 1'U TI U1CS, 17x22; Or for FOUR PU TI CKS, 19<24. Fac simile copies ol FIXE HTEEL K.MJiUVIMiS, made l>y the cele­ brated (»ltil'SII€ process, printed on Ut'avy i'latc I'apvr for framing. Send ten cents lor IllusSratei Cat- alocrtte containing orcr 100 |»i«*tare>i Address, Thb Dam.y ('.km iiic. New York Citv. 0 NITEO STA $12 A DA Y at home;_ Agents wanted. terms free. INSURANCE COMPANY, IN THE CITI OF HEW YORK, 261, 262, 263 Broadway --^-omsura iw . , ASSETS, $*,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000 EVERY APPROVED FORM OF POLICY ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERM? AIL ENDOWMENT POLICIES bread equal to the best wheat, and producing Is to tho actv, weighing 60 pounds to the by mail, postpaid, E0o., and by AMERICAN DIAMOND WHEAT OR MAMMOTH RYE® Awarded a priz* medal at the Centennial Exhibition. Thla grain is entirely distinct from any other ever introduced, making bread equal to the bet' " * * 60 to th bushels to tho actv, we: bushel. In 1-lb packuses by inu.., freight or expreuR, 1U I'm if2; ltl» lNs $15. Liberal discoant to the trade. Samples by mail on receipt of a 3c. stamp. Colorado White $3 per bn«hel. Address C. B. ROGERS. Seed Merchant, 188 Miukttl St., Philadelphia, vviiiiWflOimJTEs ORGANS. The Finest Toned and Moat Durable Made. New Nlyliti. New Kolo Htops. Warranted Five Yaare. Send for Prieo-Listi. 'WITNEY & HOLMES ORGAN CO.. QUIHCY. ILL TEACHERS ofVOCIL MUSIC, ileilriuK tho Best I!ooU extant, should toy (FAVORITE 1 p I 1 Profs. It. K. and T. H. R» Chrii- I oUIlulj 1 tie, «ud snperviaed by Prof. B, lu 11 uJ M. Mcintosh, the eminent an thor and teacher. Price iH.UU a aoten.. _ Sample by ..aOsento. SPKC'IMKBT l'AGES FKBB. W. CAKROLL ft OO., Publisher®, Cineinnati, or •TOK A HgiW, Ohioagow Etoi A iiaV SI KK made by Agents selliug our Chromoa, Ciuyona, Picture and C'hro- mo Cards. 1 2.5 gampleo, worth $5, sent, postpaid. tor 8ft Cents. Illustrated Catalocne free. J. H. BllTOKU'S SOJW, BnNton. rEstahliihed 1MU.1 $IOto$2S Sure relief Mfnil||| . KIPPER'S PA8TIUi8.K'*»at1.w,i"A ••••Hai^HMMBBHBakajrleatown, Mill. JiTfO A?^!OVED GLAXK8 MATURING IN 1877 VIM, « T W OX PRESENTATION. A JAMBS BUHLL - - PHB81Siil|> TRUK & CO., AsfpnUi lYiiltoa* Band for circular %o S300is»£ $68 '-'AN Circalar. WOR8WIOK M'F'G OO.. €1 j TllEMUI JI WATmI AS» CllAl}(-« latem-wiiidcr.r ra.s will* ere ry order. OM- 'JH frr*. J.». G ;vlonl&t'o.. ChlCMft.Bl. OSETII". l AIKMItCIClail .works. llunter_ca£i, 8a 'Afxntm. A. OOULTuRA 8amr Fatehirwee \ 3 { v $400 W riT7.UKHAU>.u.».Om»Att'y.WaahltlirS»!a.a WANTED! ^ddrees < . . , C A A *0NTH--A6EMTS WANTED Jt.'lllll selling articles in the world; ones* wUVw Address J AT BROWSOK, IMnK, HELP FOR THE HORSE! Brail man who owna a hone should hare a pair of Furlong's Patent" FOOT COOLERS & EXPANDERS Which remove all fever from the f»t, nnd keep them In a clean, maiat and healthy condition, absolntely prevent- in;? corns, contracted feet, quarter-cracks and scratches. The moist sponge Is held etcatcb on the bottom of the foot, keening the frog in a he ilthy, n 'turnl condition. They oaa ha need for a Stuffirijr-Hoot, and do not cost one- fouitU as mnch cs the old leather one. The cut repre­ sents the Holder and Sponge on the foot. The best hoisomen of the eotintrr nxmtily indorse it as one of the meet humntie and valnaiile Inventions of the day. Horses1 feet have been restored from an unsuuml condi­ tion to a healthy one in three weeks' time. Its result pwiwutsrfi wij uiit". jl »»• nam «7 it 'kiirra-tiiiiami nuu deilers- in Turf giMtds. Mingle p«lr« sent to an,v address receipt- of price, !«• I I p»'r pair. In ordering, send irprlses cyery one. For salo by Htrnesa-M.-ikiv.s and upon ditnieler of hoot measured aei.^s the hotUmi of the finit. Send lor descriptive c-vculnr, with list of Ittstimnnials from the leadl'.ii; horsemen and veterin i y stirK^ na of the country. I have al»-> a va'uahle Spim«e l.initueut for bad fee I, uiiicb I will forward Cooler at !S I .(H> i>er qoart bottle, Lilxnul terras and exolwive territoisglvaa to Agents Addrow „ . I-:. UUAI'KIC* . 103 WanliliiKlitii St., Cliiraff** WAHTFn Detective*. A few tr. y. in each _ I "•» lor the DHtrtiff Serxiei. Pay Position permanent. Send stamp for particulate. Secret ISkbyicb Co., 83Q Walnut St.. Ciuc ^ RAILWAY -*'iK 'ir.K. -B. journal of transportation pi'tilisheo. Vm panes. Departments for e*ery cihss of railway _ president to station agent. $4 year; (I tnf •« Speoimensfree. Ad'its RailwaT Aug Pob. C«x. GMMk ; " & ' - -an nt quality, or aa tka»-i Lsk your Jeweler CLOCKS ... B0ST01 Wttiiii iKAliSOBIPT'l E. IMiRAllAM are wnpeHor in design and equaled in quality, or aa t) keeiwrs. Ask your Jeweler few*;- ' ttietn. Manufactory--tttiatal.Ok.^':" an»T^rta^^ce8nnttra; etata ^ Sl'Ktl.MEX COPY (iRATW. WORK FOR ALL their own loaahtiee, ennvaesing for ttw VtocaMdl:' fa indMonthly. 1 - " v r eoinmiMkwB to Agents., lepras and Outfit Km Idreaa l*. O. VlChJift \ , Ammta, Mai--. Ho! Farmers, for Jow»f* (Scad K Postal €nrd for description and mm# UWjW acre* of R. R. Lands for sale on long Sou flnt-claw. Tickets FREE to land buy Chicago and retarn. Address J. i>. ( At. Land Commissioner Iowa H. H. Land Co., t- dolph Street, CHicAoo. or froa Ra>lP>. Iowa. 3,000 Engravings; 1,840 Pages Quarto. ? 0,000 Words and ileauing* not in other VictionmHt. .Vour Prnte* Colored Plntes--InvalnnMe In Any Family tuiil In Anr School. Mora than 30,000 copl«w< have been plucod in th* public schools of the t'rite.i States. Rooonunende.) by State Superintendents of Schools In IH> dlffet ent States. The sale of Wcli«ter's Dictionaries is 20 times as great as the snle of any ot her^'jaies of Dictionaries. Contains 3.IKKI illSTrations, nearly three ttmsa as many hb any other Dictionary. [ S?5- AT the three pictures of a 8m?,«n pa#te 1,751. These alone illustrate the meaning of more than IIK> and terms far better than they can be defined in woriis.] 4. 1677. The Dictionary used in the Govern­ ment Printing Office is Webster's Unabridged." Published by 6. & C. MERHIAnl, Springfield. Matt. The Wise Man of the Litnd, the Divine, the Physician, the Judge, use dally, in their own homes, and recommend to all invalids and sufferers from Dyspepsia, 'Jick Headache, Sour Stomaoh, Gostlveness, Heartburn, Indigestion. Pile®, Bilious Attacks, Liver Complaints, Goat and Rheun»Uc Affections, Natnre's own great and good remedy, Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, as tho best and most reliable medicine ever offered to the people for the above class of disease*. The nursing babe, its brothers and sisters, Its parents and grand- parents, will all find this pleasant remedy adapted for their different oomplaints. Sold by all druggists. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. Unrivalled for tb« Totletftml the Haiti. No artificial au.l deceptive orion cover common and deleterious cuts. Aftipr year* of scientific eiptriineni the manufneturet of r. B<* 8o*p has perfcK'teti and n#w <>flpr« to tUa public The FITOiT TOIlaET SOAP In tbc W«»rlfe. Onlv vegttabU pi!« m manufacture. For Un@ in the Nursery it Nq Nofciua}. Worth t*»n timos its to witv inotlst'V ana hoiillv iti(. hrmUn«oni» Rami>l* Iwx, .-oiitaiuinK » .»k«. of « «t». «a»i-U, wnt frte u auy ad- dr«lS mjrtst'lpt of 15 t-fnts. A«i<lr»>e® • • « THR BKMT, com prehenoivei yet written GREENBACKS. money question is tho histonrof money «nd on. Bonds, Greenbacks and National Banks^ . A tnf • iran /V«rtiirr, by M. M. PoMEltOY. Kditoraf er.»/'» Jtrmacra'. A fresh, live, nndomtandublt? * 16(» p iwes. Sarnplw copies cents. Four for f" dress al. M. POSIRKOY, 140 Grand Ibiulev.ird, It is the clearest book on this subject ever wrltlsa." , The Heat Trniw wtthssaT Ms^tl Springs erer ImnM. S( iumbug claim of a radical cure, bat a gn of a comfortable, secura satisfactory appUan will take back and i ilptuRc fnaftskia lecora snd| single. Hie cut, $4 : for both sides, SO. 8ent hgr : „ post-paid, on receipt of price. N. B.--This Truss WllSfc OCBK more Ruptures than any of those for whleh «•«. travagant dainm are made. Circulars free. P0MER0Y TRUSS €0., 740 Broadway. New Tor*. H- ro7& SCOTXEV, Oenml Cam .tlcrcluinim 34B N. Water 8t..FWl itliui. and wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Poultry, Game, Potatoes, Apples, Grain, Floor, Wool, Cotton. Peanuts, Broom Com, Foreign and ffc t:c Fruits, nud, in fact, we can sail any ana w wylMiig sti . i, make prompt Mwm, si if, <>> the highest market price, make prompt retons. aakdi. <> » l.lllbltAl. t'ASlf AllVANCKS mad«oaaIlahta^--.r. ments except perishable articles. To show toot WW at*" tii extensive bnsineu will toll you we handled more game 1 any game dealer In Philadelphia • Ml more game last seaaoa thss aW her. . Beod fcg-. DAVIS' PAIN KILL TAKEN INTEIINALL.1' There is nothing to equal it, relieving you it |Min tns|| short time, and curing all bowel complaints, such as oeBejp cramps, spasms, heartburn, diarrhea, dyseatmr, " wind in the bowels, sour stomach, dyspepsia, sick nche. In sections of the countnr where Fever Airiic prevails there is no remedy held in greater' Pt-M soni traveling should keep it by them. A le' in water will prevent sickness or Dowel tronbh change of water. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. •The ery Deet, six lor 91 AM*. jp's Custom Shirts--made to measure. The very best, six for 80.00. „ _ „ An elegant set of genuine Gold-Plate Collar ana Seeve Buttons given with each half dos. Keep'a Keep's Shirts are delivered FRRH on receipt of U any part of the Union--no express charges to paar. Samples, with full directions for self-measurement. Sent Free to any address. No stamp required. Deal direct ly with the Manufacturer and Ptioes. Keep Manufacturing Oo., 16A A B. tJIABBITT. Now York City. Vy For ftiile by ull «>ru^UU» WILHOFT'S , OE -- FFVffi IP AGUE r Jil Ulss-mses (ViimciI •• by Sltilarlai ^ttlsoning of tlte Blood. A Warranted Cure! G. R. yUSTI^AY CO.ji ' J f e w OWwiim, Prop**. r>IOB SALS BT AU- DRUGGISTS. "The Best Polish in the World." RiMs"N STOVE POilSH A Special Offer TO THE READERS * OF THIS PAPER. AOeM,u....wMrlss MagneticTlme- KMMrinperfvet (Jem for eveiybody dedrlng e, rellsbls 7ime-I'ieee, and alio a mperior Con- pass, usual watch olaet steel works, glsss crystal. all in a superb Oroide. Hunting-Cam, warranted to denote correct time, and keep In otdsrtor two j%nm--Perfection guaranteed--Will be OhWn away to mmg patron of tlUspsptrasa Fre® Olfts Co*vnma Covvon mMmn. COWQM» On receipt of this Coupon anu S0 cents to pay for packing, boxing and mailing: charges, we promise to send each patron of this paper a GKKrfKK Swiss Maorstsc TiHB-Ksarax. Address, Magnet 1c Watoh Co>( ASHLAND, MASS. This Is your OMI.V OPPOKTUKITY to ob- tsln this besutifu) premium, so order AT ONC& This offer will hold good lor 90 days. If currency cannot be sent conveniently, imsl age stamps wfil be taken instead. ttMMk XOT FAIL to send for our Kew M Catalogue. It coa- tains valuuble lnfor- instion ior every JH perMoa coatcm- plating the pur- chase any article for personal, family or agricultural nse. Free to any Addrcw. BOXTOOXEBY WARD dk CO., OrUrtnal Grange Supply Honse, 227 <t 'i!9 Wabavk Ate., CHICACIO. IU AGENTS WANTED FOR THE mILLUSTRATEO HISTORY n THE GREAT RIOTSI It contains a full account of the reign of terror h»1 burifh, Baltimore, Chicago and other cities. Th# flicts between the troops and the mob. Terrible M grations and destruction of property. Thrilling m and incidents, etc., etc. Send lor a full deeetipUssi the work and onr extra terms to Agents, Adinsst . Natiomal Puulishiwo Co.. Chlcaeot BL THE GOOD OLD STAND-BYA WEXiCAU M'JSTftl'S UK1HE3T. FOR MAW AMP BEAST.. Established 35 Years. Always onrea. . ready. Always hand^. Has nover yet failed. million* have tented it. The whole world apprwweei the glorious old Mustang--the Best and Cheapest liniment In existence. 25 cents a bottle. THi® Mustang Liniment cures when nothing else wfiL SOLD BY ALL MKPICINK VKNDKMB. GRACE'S A TBt.KTAIILB FREPAKATIONs Invented in the t7tb century by Dr. William Surgeon in King James' army. Through its aag--s» cured thousands of the most serious sores sasl wewtafe that baffled the skill of the most eminent phyirtoia-- S> Ills day. and wo® regarc\<d by ail who knew htssae^ public benefactor. Ho cen*s a box. For Sale by fiats generally. Sent hj mail on receipt w Misft Prepared by SKTII \V. KOM'IX «.V SO.y» KO IlnrrUon Avruiie. Msw> SANDAL-WOOD. Aporttlve remedy for all dlssaessof the Bladder and Urlaary Owsmi ahe, te Dropsical Complaints* It never piwiucse® _ Is oertain and speedy in its action. Ittefastwptaw^fl®'. all other remedies. Sixty capsules cawi in _six esr sjgSAs Amjm No other medicine can do thla. Beware eflmlttttleM, for, cwrksg to Me* a osss, many have been offered * masMSBSrtiisps^p, ^H^gfcny piles, Ao* dundas dick & co.* ft"*' w rnlM, containing Oil if SaaJai-WW, sofcf mt aB Store*. A*forcbr<Mtor,*r ST yaoKtr street, Ifm fafc C. N. U. Ifcv 45 WIIEM WRl'I'UQ TO AJ

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