Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1877, p. 5

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-J--* r, . y TJ 'V . , ' • /** 'A . v§£-' >• '* ' •>f \ *• '"' '•' ntmkwg> ?*» •*» t **$ WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24th, 1877. Railroad Time TabliN ..., " GOING SOUT^,, „ .. ^FCENEVAT.a\E Passenger......."ii......TJ®5 A. *. ' Geneva Lake Freight 1:88 P. M. GOING NORM. . > ...LOTOO A. *. ...7:08*: M. -MM----•* ©ene?* Lake Fraiirht Oeneva Lake Passcncer.... ' .. ' . CHURCH DIRKCTORY. MKTHOOIST.--Uev. J. H. Bacon, Pastor. Services everv Sunday at lOjtf A. M. •and 7% P. M. Sunday School at 12 M. JOHN Di ss Superintendent. MASOXIC. McHmntT CHAPTEK XO. 34 R. A. M.--Ttejrn- lar Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. HENRY COI-BT H. P. PULASKI ALLEN Sec,, Greenback Club. Owing to the unfavorablenesis of the weather on Saturday evening last, the Greenback meeting was postponed to Saturday evening next 7.30 o'clock, at the Council Rooms. Speakers from abroad will be on hand to address the people on the Finances of the day.-- Let there be a general turn out on this important occasion. BT ORDER OF COMMITTEE. WE are reliably informed that John Hogan has paid his bet. Good. REV. W. A. AROON, will fill the pul­ pit at the M. E. Church, in this vill;igei the coming year. C. F. WASSON. of the (Commercial, Saugatuck, Michigan, made our Sanc­ tum a pleasant call on Tuesday. WE would direct the attention of our readers to the Auction notice of John •I. Story, to be found in another col­ umn. THE attention of our readers is di­ rected to the new advertisement of Smith Aldrich & Haythorn, to be found in another column. OWING to the stormy weather the Meeting for the purpose of organizing a Greenback Club, was adjourned until Saturday evening next, the 27th. See notice elsewhere. HENRY CoLitY is making a good im­ provement in the rear of his block, en­ closing and finishing off the addition, prepairing for the eold weather which may be expet'ted soon. A WESTKRN editor received a letter from a subscriber, asking him to publish a cure for applj-tree worms. He re­ plied that he could not suggaofc *. cute Iflnlll he knew what ailed the worms. ONE of the severest storms of wind and rain known in a long time, visit­ ed this section on Friday and Saturday last. It cleared oft. however, on Sun­ day morning, and we are now enjoy­ ing fine Fall weather. THE attention of our readers is di­ rected to the now advertisement of Fitzsimmons & Evaifson, in another column. They have a well selected stock of goods, which buyers will do well to examine. THE Good Templars Lodge of this Tillage, will hold their next meeting at Riverside Hall, on Friday ̂ evening next. All -meml>ers, and those who wish to become members, are earnest­ ly requested to be present. AT the Anti-Secret Society Conven­ tion, held at Woodstock on the 13th the fallowing- nomination were inade; Judge, O. II. Gilniore, Clerk J.F. War. Ten, Treasurer, James Nish. School Superintendent, Wm Xickle. .R. BISHOP has made arrangements to put in a new run of Stone in his Mill, winch will be used exclusively as a Feed Stone, and is warranted to run sixty bushels an hour. There will be no cause to wait long for grists after that. THE new Meat Market in Curtis old filiop, is now in successful operation, and is as neat and tasty as any market to be found in the county. "Holl" knows how to keep a market in first class shape, and will do it to. He is well supplied with meat of all kinds. Sausage. & c..and can always be found at his post ready to/a^tTTupOn Custom­ ers, We predict he will get his share Of patronage, as he certainly should. C. STREET & Sox, ot llebrou 111., breeder of Poland China Swine, sends us the following account of Premiums taken for 1S77: 'At Elkhorn, Wal­ worth Co.. Wis., Fair our Sow "Jenny'" and three pigs took four First Prem­ iums, and at McHenry Co. Fair they took four First and three Second Prem­ iums. Committee also awarded special •commendation to C. Street & Son for display of swine of Poland China breed. At, Illinois State Fair they took First Premium on sow pig under six months. Premium sow "Jenny" and three pigs were the admiration of all, especially breeders, as some said they must have one of l*er pigs. That money was no object. We refused to oiler them for $100 each. "Jenny," af­ ter going to four fair« lias a litter of six pigs the nicest she has ever had and is doing well." We hope to find time to go and see Messrs Street & Sons stock at no distant day. Overcoats! Overcoats! Overcoats! At Buck!in & Stevens McHenry I1L OUR big ear of corn, of which we spoke last week, has been badly beaten F. Best, of tliis village informs us that lie saw one in Wm Marble's Black­ smith Shop, at Wauconda that was thirteen iuches long, mesured nine around, weighed one Vpound ten ounces and had 1144 Kernels. It was of the' white Dent variety and' was raised in Lee couuty, this State, and was but a fair sample of nine acres, on which there were raised 1300 bushels this year. Mr. Marble had better send us that ear to put by the side of one we have for exhibition. It cer­ tainly is extraordinry large corn. THE advertisement of the Chicago Post appears iti another column to-day i lie Post is one of the staunch and re liable papers of the day, and its term^ are so low that the weekly edition^ at least, is within the reach of every­ body. The scale of prices, as stated in the advertisement, shows it to be the cheapest first-class ^publication in the Lniou, and as all of our readers are more or Jess interested in the Metrop­ olis of the West, we commend, the Post. either Weekly or Daily, as the best paper, all things considered, that they can possibly have outside of their own local publications, which, of course, they should take. WE were told the following story the other day, and asked to publish it so that it might be committed to memory for use oil some like occasion: It is as follows: A pompous individual drove up to a Hotel and as the hostler ca ..e out to take his horse gave the fol" lowing orders: "Hoy, extricate the quadruped from the vehicle. Estab- ulate hini. Give him a sufficient sup- lily of nutricious element, and when the aurora of morn shall again illum­ inate the Eastern horizon 1 will re­ ward you wilii a sufficient compen­ sation for your amiable hospitality."' The bottler looked at him with as­ tonishment for a moment and iheu rushing into the house informed the landlord I hat there was a man out there who he thought wanted ltv»o glasses of lager Beer. BY invitation a goodly number of our citizens, both old and young, assembled at the,Parker House on Tuesday eve­ ning, and a rig it royal good time they had. The occasion was in honor of Mr. Pierce, a relative of Mr. Parker, who was visiting here from the East, and also as a farewell gathering to his youngest daughter, who went East, on Wednesday morhiug, to remain during the Winter. The music bv Mr. Pierce, the gentleman above mentioned, and O. liugbee of thisvill ig<\ aco nipaliied bv Miss Parker on the Org.m, was A No 1. be'ift^ of t.lye, styfajf of ""dtfr grand­ fathers days" and gave general satis­ faction to all present. The party triped tlie light fantastic until about one o'clock, and -all went home with the wish in their hearts that we might have such gatherings oftener. WHILE out in search of items the other day we called at the residence of J. li. Savior, who lives'soi.ithwest of this village, and took a ha-sty glnice over his new barn, which he has Imilt the present season. It is 40x70, with two floors and a basement, and is a model of convenience in every particular. In the basement is his cow stable, and two box stalls for stallions, and it is warm dry and clean. The first floor is used principally for storing farming tools, and in the cente,r is a set of Fairbanks Scales, where a load .of hay, cattle, horses or hogs can be . weighed at pleasure. The upper floor is of course used for hay, while four .Shoots which run from the upper floor to the base­ ment, supply the stock below with feed These shoots are so arranged that hay thrown in at the top falls to the base­ ment, immediately in front of the stock, and therefore has to be handled but once. It is indeed a model and convenient barn, and such a one as every farmer needs. As it was late we had no time to look over his stock, and only saw some fat steers which lie was about to ship, and a large number of very fine hogs. He also has some very fine horses of which, among other things we mav speak more particularly of when when we happen around t'lat way again. _ Just received at Buck 1 in' & Stevens at Mellenry a new and full line of Seasonable" Dress Goods, Shawls in desirable Sfvles, Prints Domestic. Cotton Flannels. Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets and woolens. OBITUARY. DIED.--At the residence of his son. in the town of Avon. Lake Couuty. 111..on attempt to give a description of Tuesdav evering. tlie l(>th iust., Mr* Thomas Reiiehau, Sr., at the advanced age of 98 years. His remains intered in the Catholic cemetery at McHenry, in the presence of a large concourse of his friends and neighbors. The old gen- WATTLES' DAIRY FARM. Since our last we have had the pleas­ ure of a visit to the Dairy Farm of Homer Wattles, Esq., who resides about two and a half miles Southwest of this village, and w propose to give our readers a brief description of his farm, stock. Trout Pond, and last, but not least, his new apparatus for mak­ ing Butter, or in other words his Patent Creame.rv, which he purchased while on a recent visit to the East Mr. Wattles has a farm of 1G0 acres of as fine land as ever laid out doors.-- On it are four living springs of water, or rather that number pass through his land, all pure and cold, and which sup­ ply the house, for Dairy purposes and also for his stock both Winter and Summer. The one which opens up near his house runs a steady half inch stream, keeping a tank constantly full, the waste from which runs through mbing supplying a similar tank in the barn yard, thus furnishing all the wa­ ter used around the premises without the least trouble <*f pumping by hand or otherwise. For Dairy purposes this water is the finest in the world, never freezing over in the coldest weather, either iu tank or spring. The first t.iing of which we made , a note was his stock of Swine. They are of the Poland China breed,, and will compare favorably with any tp be found iti the county, in fact we saw some that he was fattening to sell that would have made good show Hogs at the Fair. These Swiue are all one • year old and under ami proves that it pay? to keep blooded hogs as well as other stock. We sa\y here thirty-four sale hogs, four breedii g Sows, one very fine yearling Boar, and a large, number of Pigs from four to eight, weeks old. We next came to his Cows, eighteen in number, the preponderance of which are Durliams They are a very choice lot, nearly all being of his own raising, and none but the very best kept. We believe he told us that bis entire Dairy had averaged him about 175 pounds of Butler to tlie tkow. He is now crossing his stock with the Ayershires, and he says with good results, the. milking qualities improving while the size of the animal does not materially de­ crease. His milking Stable is warm and dry. and is so ai ranged that all filth and w*t runs oil at once, anil this, like everything else around his farm is built with an eye to neatness and con­ venience, two very necessary features around a Dairy Farm. In the next lot we saw six half blood and one full blood Alderney Calves, that would compare favorably with common yearlings They were large, fine proportion, and iu a few years will uiake a splendid addition to bis Dairv. * <i I lis two year old Alderney Bull "I unny Fellow." is a model of that handsome breed, and for his age we think cannot be b'aten in McHenry County. Xo one who looks Mr. Wattles Dairy Stock over can for a moment doubt the statement that it pays to keep the best blooded animals for Dairy purposes. About SO rods from his house Mr. N at ties has fixed up a I'rout Pond, in which lie has already quite a number of Speckled Trout and Bass. This Pond is divided into three parts, being connected by pipes over which are placed wire screens, iu one of which are large Trout the next a younger stock nnd in the third Bass. This he informs us he is obliged to do to keep the larger from devouring the smaller fish. To see these speckled beauties darting around made us think of our younger days when we went angling for ihem in their native brooks East.-- Mr. Wattles takes great pride iu this Pond, and if vandals will let it alone, in a few years he will have something of which he may feel proud. We have now come down to the Butter making business, and we think we do not exagerafe when we say that in this line Mr. Wattles has few equals and no superiors in the North­ west, his butter always bringing the highest price on the market and being eagerly sought after. He sold hisentire make this season for 30 cents per pound, and has contracted his win-* ters make for ;15 cents, which is from five t« eight cents above the general market. Being always on the lookout lor any improvement in Butter mak­ ing, while on,a recent visit East he ran across what is known as "Cooley's Por­ table Creamery," and thinks he has found the plus ultra of Buttpr mak­ ing, where, by the most Butter can be made with ihe least labor. We shall after the cream is removed. It is as sweet as when first set. and for making into cheese or feeding is worth far more than skimmed milk from an open setting." This also does away with alj the labor of skimming, AS it skim9 itself, besides many other advantages which we have neither the time nor space to enumerate. Mr. Wattles has the Agency fcr this Creamery for Mc­ Henry, Lake and Kane Counties, and 'we advise all Dairymen to call and ex­ amine it for themselves. The expense is small, while the advantages are so many th^ the. price can be saved iu two months. The above Is but a rough sketch of a half day away from the cares of busi­ ness, which we enjoyed very much, and after partaking of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Wattles, we turned our face homeward, feeling better for this short recreation. Kichmoiul Department. WOODSTOCK. : EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--Notwith­ standing the storm of last Saturday the delegates to the Democratic Con­ vention, to the number of about 50, assembled in the court room and at two P.M. organized by electing one Scott, of Harvard, Chairman and J. H. Johnson and M. C. Dufi.dd Secretaries. C, Gilbert then handed to the chair­ man a telegram from 11. Bishop ad­ dressed to Neil Donnelly. "If enough delegates, make nominations, if not adjourn for one week; Terrible bad weather." The telegram being read, the gentleman moved to adjourn for one week. Mr. Johnson then said that the delegates from Alden and Hart land were attending the funeral of Michael Hays, after which they would be here and suggested an adjournment for one hour. Gilbert withdrew his motion and the convention took a recess of one hour it beiiig five minutes past two. Being called to order promptly on time Gilbert renewed his motion MeGee; Gilbert ami Waite spoke in favor of the motion and N. Donne »>' against. I'aaseuger traius pass Richmond statiou as lollow^- GOINO SOTRFK .... Geneva Lake Passenger... (ientsva Lake Freight OOING KOKTH Genera Lake Freight. Geneva Lake Passeiig ...7 :0# A, M ...1:02 r. m. seugetf ..10:40 A. M .'...735 V. M CHURCH DIRECTORY. > CO#OBROATTOXAI,:-- Rev. F. J. Dottglass. Pastor* iocs at P. M. MF.TUomsT:-- Rev. saml. Earnjrev Pastor Services 1J:.!0A.M. sabbath School"!*:30 A M. J.. I.. I.K>wnuiff, Supt. J<!un? Pastor. Services 10::U> A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. MASONIC. RTCHMOWD LODGE, XO. W3, A. F. ft A M Regular Convocations lirst Monday in each month on or before the full inoori, and the see-ond Monday thereafter. U. P. Woo EH., W. M C, G. COTTiJfOi Secretary. Frank Foster goes to Burlington to run a saloon. ' ' Tbe meanent man in the county lives in Richmond. Who is he ? Now is the time to promenade with the girls these bright moonlight nights Who was he that stole our neighbors chickens ? We know that hen thief and he wai.ts to "look a lee tie out." M. Hicks has a full line of Coal nnd Wood Stoves, and is bound .to. sell if you will give him a chance. They look very nice. We see that John West is at the ! front. He lias, knocked the bottom out | of everything iu hisjinc. such as Boots, S Shoes and .Harness. Call and see if he will do as he says he will. The Select School in the basement of the M. E. Church is getting along fine­ ly. tMr. Stanley is liked very much, and as a teacher is giving satisfaction. There is room for a few more. Wni.Cooley was made happy last Saturday at the shoot. He won the Sil­ ver Butter Knife, Geo. Eldridge the Cup and Henry Chevillion the Goblet. G. \\. rddredge has been shipping The vote being taken it was j <l'dte a number of hogs the past few On account of not having time Match Xo. 4. Glass Balls, 18 yards rise, was not shot ofl at the Tournament in Richmond on the 13th inst.. hut came ofl'Saturday the 20t,h inst., with the following result: First Prize, Silver Goblet, valued at $3, won by Henry Chevillion. Second Prize, valued at §2,50, won by G, W. Kldredge. Third Prize, Butter Knife, valued at 75 cts. won by Wm. Coolev. The follAwiug itt-tUa.scofW. H IlaMinjrs <; AV Kl.lre ijrc Win r>ickernon It Chevillioir .J O X ts'tn II Vint on <iei> Vinton W II Coolev A It Alexander L C Clark (I o 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 G \V Rldrudge II V 'iiuon Geo Vinton 0-1 0-4 0 0--« --0 1-4 0--4 0-S 0--1 1-2 0 1-2 <r o--o 1 0 1 this Creamery, but simply state a few of its advantages, and advise all who are interested iu the Dairy business to call at Mr. \\ attics' and see it for them­ selves. The first advantage by this system is that no Milk House is nec- tlemaii lived a life of peace and con- , essary, any room six feet square being tentment with his fellow men, and died in*perfeet peace with God and nature. He was one of the early settlers of Lake County, having settled on the bank of beautiful Round Lake, one of large enough. Second, by Ihe sub­ merged system of setting milk, we have Sweet Cream from sweet milk, raised iu the shortest possible space of time, a uniform quality and quantit5' the romantic spots of Lake County. 42 | of butter through hot weather, which years ago, when the county was yet unknown to geographers. He leaves behind him children and grandchild­ ren to perpetuate the memory of Grandpa Renehan, who lived and died in the affection of his famil}' and neighbors. Pe£ee to his spirit. * Ladies Cloaks, and Cioaking and new patterns <>f Waterproof at P. >D. Smith's uear the Depot. retains all the rich flavor of new milk, possesses superior keeping qualties, is firm in texture and uniform iu color, free from casine o? sour milk specks,, and possessing a peculiar rich flavor which imparts much pleasure in eating. Gilt Edged butter can. only be made from ere a in taken from sweet milk.-- Another important feature of this sys­ tem Is the increased value of the milk declared lost. Donnelly then moved j days ami we think he has struck poor that all Democrats present be invited : markets most of the time, but George to take seats in the conve lit ion. This J's bound to keep the thing moving. Wrought but a variety of amendments i Make or loose it is all the same to him. result ing in a call of townships. Dun­ ham, Chemung. Coral, Dorr, Xuuda and Algonquin, responding. Gilbert then moved that, the convention make a straight Democratic nomination. This brought out 1.yon, Waite and Donnelly the first being iu favor of proceeding to ballot for officers separately, the the second saying that, he had heard nothing of any p/oposal to fuse with anybody, and the last being in favor of nominating any man in the Democracy or out who would heat any oue on the 'ehemy's tickets. "I believe in a party gaining the ascendency in some way or other and don't like to stand in the background snarling like a dog tint (Mu't bite." McGee inquired if any one ifresent knew whether Air. Avery would ;iccept the nomination if tendered and was ai swered that he would serve if elected. After some more discussion a committee of five, consisting of'N. Donnelly, A. A Pettiboue, F. B, Cox, James Thompson and Heckwifli, was appointed by the chair to select 'and report to the convention a list of candi­ dates for the various county offices. The committe reported for Judge, J. B. Lyon, Clerk, Col. Avery, Treasur­ er A. |L. Salisbury, Superintendent of SHiools, A. W. Cumins. The report being accepted and adopted. Donnelly moved that the nominees of the com­ mittee he declared the nominees of the convention, which after considerable disctisMou was amended so as to take them serititinii and adopted, when the names being so taken were carried without dissent. A couuty committee consisting of M. C. Dulleld, A. L. Salis­ bury. Ii. Bishop. James Thompson, and George Sherwood was then appointed. An attempt was then made to appoint town committees which was finally left to each town to send their names to thecoifnty committee. And so ends the fifth convention held iu thisc«unty this fall. Xow for business.- There being two series of arithme­ tics' Robinsons, and Thompsons, in our Public School, the Board has determin­ ed to throw out the latter, putting iu its place D. W. Fishs* new complete Arithmetic thus making the series uni­ form as contemplated by law. Fishs book being a sort of condensation of Robinsons three books into one. * The undersigned having just received Norton has sold out his lumberyard to ; i l s , ,lM ,j3 r these cele bra ted ^ ,0<iK 's ' Bagley, it is said, and a new bakery and restaurant was opened on Main street by one--Hamliton from Elgin, last Saturday. The Congregational society made a good thing of their eating house, clear­ ing four hundred dollars, and the officers of the Agriculturial Society have raised the money to pay the pre­ miums in full. S^UEEKg. Business Notices. A fine new Stock of MHlinery, of the latest stylet, at Mrs. C.H. Morey^ Imported and American cloaks. 4^"* so Infaut8 cloaks at Mrs, S. Searing. SEWIXG Machine Needles of alf kinds at O.W. Owen. KEKP one eye open for bargains at Smith Aldrich & Haythorn ft. The best Teas at the Lowest Prices, at Smith. Aldrich & Hay thorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. School Books and Writing Paper, Cheap, at O. W. .Owen's, ' For the Latest Styles in Dregs QoocR*' go to Smith, Aldrich &' Haythorn'*, Riverside Block. McHenry. f New arrivals of Prints and uinghams in Fall styles at Fitzsimmons & Evanson, near the Depot. The greatest bargains ever offered hi McHenry county,at Smith. Aldrich & Hay thorn's, Rive rslde Block, McHenry. Grrat Bargai.u* in Cloaks. Prices from S4.r>0 to #35.00. All in the latest style at Mrs S. Searles. Just received, at Mrs Morey'S. the finest stock of MHlinery Goods ever brought to McHenry. FOR SALE. A Six IIor?e Power Engine and Boiler. As good as new. Will be sold at a bargain. Enquire of O.W. Owen. PFMPST A large Stock of Adams celebrated Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. 'Ladies do not fail to call at Mrs. Morey's and examine the latest styles of Millinery Goods, Her stock is com­ plete, and prices as low as tue lowest. Money to Loan. In sums of 8500 and upwards, on Mc­ Henry County Farms, at 8 per cent in­ terest. Ail dress o»* apply to ASA W. SMITH, Woodstock, III. 1 Ladies, call and see those splendid new Bonnets and Hats, at Mrs. Morey's. She will sell y<?u the latest styles at the lowest price. Freeman & <'lark's celebrated im­ proved Flax Mill is uncqualed forclean ing Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed and all kinds of grain, Call for circu­ lar at E. M. Owen's. CRYSTAL L.lKK ri'HI.IC SCHOOL. IllfJIl EH DEPARTMENT. The following report shows the at­ tendance for the two weeks ending .Oct. 19 1S77: Neither absent nor tardy, Mary Crosby, Dora Clow, Charles Crow Anna Harris. Frank Ponieroy, Howard Wilson.Patsy Leonard, Annah BuslineII Nellie Hill, Alice Dunn, Rosa Smith, No. «tf;tardinesses, C to wit; Clara Nash 2. Louisa Wilbur 2, Louis'Crow 1, Deabeonns Peeler 1. No. of days absence 11J to wit: Jennie Knox 1, Edith Lowell 4, Bird Sunford 1, Lahau Borden 1, Sarah Clow J. Grace Crosby J, Clarence Hill J.Sarah Leonard 3. Below is the report of my A spelling class for the same time. Alice Dunn, 1-225; Annah Buchnell, 8-225; Nellie Hill, 5-225; Sarah Clow, 2-150; Edith Lowell, 4-175; Clara Nash, 3-250; Louis Crow 250; Labon Borden, 1-150; Clarence Hill, 12-250; Mary Crosby, 1-225;Patry Leonard. 12-250. JOHN MOKTON, Teacher. Bear in mind that we sell for Cash or Produce only, and will put our goods down. down, down, to the very lowest possible living price. ITRCKUN ft STEVENS. Genuine Buckskin Gloves and Mittens. Manufactured by J. E. Hall, Stockton, California. SPECIAL BARGAINS. We have purchased a large line of Black Cashmeres (including some of the best makes) at prices that will en­ able us to undersell anything ever oflered in this market. Please call and examine. FITZSIMMOXB & EVANSON. Wanted 10.000 lbs of Choice Butter for which we will pay the highest market price in Goods at the very lowest Cash Prices. BUCKLIN FT STEVENS. Buck)in & Stevens have a full line of Selz &. Co's Boot and Shoes, which have given their customers such universal satisfaction during the past year. Every pair fully warranted and guar* anteed to give satisfoction. now otters them to the public at as low figures as the genuine article «can be bought iu the country Button Glove, §2. Half Gauntlet, §2.25. Full Gaunt­ let, $2.50. Every pair warranted to be genuine Buckskin, and will do more service than two of the worthless imi­ tations to be found in the market.-- Call and examine them and be con­ vinced that thev are the best. For sale by O. Hall, Ringwood, 111. Just opened a full and complete line of Clothing for Men. Youth and Boys at Bucklin & Stevens at Mclleury. READ THIS. Mrs- IT. II. Nichols, having just re turned from the East with au entire new line of the latest Patterns, can now be found at her rooms, over Mrs. Searles' Millinery Store, better than ever prepared to Cut and Make Dresses, Cloaks. &c.. on «liort notice and in the latest Styles. Call at her rooms, ex­ amine styles and learu prices before going elsewhere. A Cull and complete line of ready made Cloaks. Also a full line of Cloali- iiiffsand Cloak triinings at Mrs. Searles, For anything in the line of Dry Goods, Clothing. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and (Japs, Notions, &c. £© to Smith, Aldrich & llaythorn's,. Riverside Block, McHenry. $25 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any one who will find one of our Buffalo Boots in which there is a counter, inner-sole, slip sole or piece of heeling that is not cast from a good, thick* piece of sole leather. P. D. SMITH. Near the DepoW Bear in mind when yon are making your fall and winter purchase, that "BucfelTn & "Stevens sell for Csish or Pro­ duce only, that their expenses are light, and that they are bound to givo their customers the benefit of every­ thing saved iu the time and expense of keeping books, the losses iu bad debts in interest, and in all that the credit svstein entails. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Having Leased my Market, to other parties, who take possession on the 1st of Nov., 1 heraby notify all persons indebted tome to call and settle the same on or before Oct. 20th, or their account will be left in the hands of a .Justice for collection. As I am going out of business I must, and will close up niv books without delay. A word to the wise is sufficient. WM. risim. McHcnry, IU., Oct. 1st 1977. Cloak making a specialty at Mrs Searles. HOW IT IS DONE. The first object in life with the American people is to "get rich"; tNe second, bow to regain good health. The first can be obtained by encrgv, honesty and saving; the second, (go©d health.) by using GKKEN' AUGI*ST FLOYVEU. Should you be dispondent, sufferer from any of the effects of Dys­ pepsia, Liver ('omplaint. Indigestion, & e.. such as Sick Headache. Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Dizziness of the Head Nervous Prostration. Low Spirits, & c., you need not sutler another day. Two dosos of AUGCST FI.OWEU will relieve you at once. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents, Postively sold by all first-class Druggists in the U, S. ftrif It is unaccountable why so much prejudice exists against near)}' every medicine that is advertised, and sim­ ply for the reason it is advertised.-- That some are worthless is no reason why all should be condemned.1 We can name many medicines that are household blessings, and which liavo been thenieans of saving a vast amount of suffering. Notable among these is Lawson's Curative, which we are assur­ ed ha° justly earned for itself a reputa­ tion, even among physicians(who rare­ ly recommend a medicine' that is ad­ vertised.) for the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, and the various pains of the back or side. It Is fast superseding the oily liniments which have been so long used. The Curative is not a counter-irritant, but a healing, soothing embrocation. We advise our readers to try if. For cale by II. Colby McHenry. _ i • . ' ' • 1 -- . MAHHIKD. JS.A.XNTNG--GAY --I'v- tlio ltev. it. K. Todd, nt the Wuvevlv H" tt*c, in W < wot stock- Mr, Geo K ],;uinuiir. ef Punli tni, and Muss Martoit Gav", !>;" II.-»rv:iv l. M'-ll'-nry Co., 111. Land For Sale. THE undersigned lf«"» a nraiWor irfplecM of Y : ln,l which lit* ollors lor isAiO* situ&tttflM follows: H Ai res of Timber J.aud, In Section 1, Nhl, da Township. 40 Acres in Section 15, Vunda- "0 Veres in Section ."5, Sund.t. SO \i res in -1, N'sunU, with tootM*. lwini, .>r<'h»nt, well f"iic*wt and watered. M acres under improvement anit balance tinsl>or I will also sell tuv Houu Farm, containhi* VM Acres, (food bui'ldings, ai.d under a poo<| state of cultivation. Any or all of the abave will W soltl ©a tfco most"reasonable terms. I also have on section 99 ten t< >' s of Ilav, put up In good shape, wlii'h I will tH>r ton. JOHN Fi.USK\.' M>'Honry. III., Sept. 35th, l$n.

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