Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1877, p. 8

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sifts®©* ,-v n -yr . .. T X . HALL. going to or Good Credit making Your Fall and Winter Purchases ? Hi TOOK THE PLKDOK.--GONGH Is tiling a story about an Irishman to 1 %hom a physician salt!: *TIm, ttiii Uron't do; you must take warning by fate of our friend CTShiuiglttiessy. I^nly three nights ago be came home •mch seberer than you are, but in at­ tempting to blow out a candle his Sfreath took Are and he exploded--blew Hp--to that his friends in three days jfcave not been able to scrape enough of liln together t» hold a wake over^-- ••An' do ye mane to tell me that he *i>ustup?? sahl Tim. "Indeed I <J© llpon my henor." Tim said he would take the pledge at once, and did so in the following form: "I swear never to low out s candle again white I'm ik." , §6F*If you have something to attend |bs go about it coolly and thoughtfully, and do it just as well as you can. Do Has though it were the only tiling you had ever to do In your life, as if everything depended upon it. Then your work will be well done, and it /Will afford you genuine satisfaction.-- Often much wore does depend upon •he manner (a which things, seemingly - trivial, are performed, than one would •nppose, or theo4it is possible to forsee. Do everything well,and you Will find It conducive to your happinness, and that of those with whom you came in oontact. m =s PUMPS. A. 't A large Stock of Adams celebrated ';»3fenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and lit lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. If Cash, go and see what Cash will do. frW^One Price Only. Remember I buy Bankrupt Stocks, Goods from forced bales, manufacture nil my fine Clothing and Overcoats, and present th< most attractive stock found in this section. Are you Buying Coods ait the Following Price*? Boots and Shoes, Groceries of all Kinds, lift•/ Good Prints.->sv........ 8 Best Prints............,.<•€»6J< Good uitbleackod Cotton by Piece 6X Best rtiito 7M 4K> inch ditto &X Best Bleached 10 Dress Goods bargains.,10 to46* Black Alpaca.. 26 46 inch Cashmere.... 75 Good Corsets.""... ...... ;.. 35 All Cambrics*-. 6 Dress Iiraidsi S Mens Suits .<0.00 to *25.00 Boy s Suits *3.00 to #10.00 Buffalo Robes all prices Ladies Furs all prices 30 Tumblers. ..... 12 cut glass uoblets.... . 25 bars 9oz Soap ... 12 lbs Rice 6boxesdiine Matches... 12 cakes Ifonev Soap.. .'• J 00 jCastile Soap 15 tbs Steimess ItaUrtns 1 00 4 oo 1 oo 25 . <•-,>IS 100 8 lbs Layer liaising..,.." 10G H box Layer Raisins.. .... 50 *20 B>» Coil Fish 100 86 !2i» 1tw ILake ... 100 Sugar Chicago^riCes freight 120 1t»s No 1 Mackerai 100 added Ladies Shoes sewed and ft Ifts G Coffee..........i... I 00 pegged*-. ....... 100 Best IT II Tea .......... HO |Misses shoes II to 12...... 100 Best Japan Tea . 70 • Mens Ve il Kip Boots Good Y H a nd Japan ;.&*. \M. SO war ran ted ......... 4 00 * uf:-.- un \rA«t4. nrwvf<*' B I- Japan 30 4 %s B L Japan....... A .*.>1 00 Sc off on 5 flvs lots No 1 Syrup 65 Mens lvli» Boot* 3 2S MensSpiit Kip Boots..... 2.25 Boy s and Youths to cotrea pond. I bought my Woolens for the manufacture of my Fall and Winter Stock at a less price than It cost co make the Goods. Come to my Dundee or Richmond Store and you will be equally well served. Am prepared at both Stores for a big trade and will more than satisfy you. Come, and it will be money in your pocket. C. FY HALL. JSiFXhicago Office 122 Franklin St., top Stairs. M. OWEN Where Do You Trade ? --DEALER IN-- I GOODS^ SM on hand a choice lot ot (PLOWS of the best make, which lie is se.liug at the LOWEST PRICES for Cash. Also Farm and Democrat AGONS, FANNING MILLS, Celebrated Kenosha Pumps. &C., &CI| Call at my Warehouse when in ,nt of anything in my line. * "Si w. E.M. OWEK. \ McHenry, Sept 25th 1877 If Yon Don't believe it call at JOHKSBURCH Crockery Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And In short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. Opposite Perry & Martin's, HcHENHY. Bealeis ih Farm Machinery of rcr <Ma.ll kinds a speciality. We also sell the celebrated Badger Wind-Mill, Farm and Democrat Wagons, Open and Top Carriages, &e., &c.. Flour & Feed Constantly on hand at oqr Mill* <U>d Custom Grinding promptly attended to. N R. BISHOP & iktikenry, IiL, May SOth, 1877. SO pEW WAGON P! J(eHE*BT, ttXJJNOIS. :--:E. PERKINS 'M, • IttM respeetjTnlly Inform his friends and public generally that he is now prepared, • ffche jsU his Shop, Weajt ot' the fublic Square, to do ell kinds of Carpenter Work or w ork in wood «of any kind, such m tbe wood-work of Bug- gies,-wagon*, mafctog' Beats, &<•,, and in short AND BE CONVINCED. We have one of the most com­ plete Stocks of Fall and Winter Goods ever brought to this Vil­ lage, which we are offering at a Small Advance Above Marl Worts. HENRY MILLER, --DF.ALEIi IN-- jfni' American ai Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite, f Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc­ Henry, 111. Johnsbnrgh, Aug. •30th, 1S77. LAUSR & BECKER, FOR CASH Public inspection solicited. ISF" Farmers Produce Wanted in Exchange for Goods. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON, McHcnry, II!., Oct. 23d, '77. , • anvtlting ever made in alS-rst^-claKs Carpenter #5tM*n, From a longt!xperiene«in the business ^tnd using none bat the best of Lumber I can fin all eases ikuraMee gatisiactioa! f y.jSo -GENERAL JOBBING . wvuiQfv? PFTPWPTLYTATTEODEAT*. i *$-$ !• *^V' *v - E. PEKKIK8. ffl«N0T. »t*Ul8|L J. M. SMITH, Has now in Stock, at his new Store, near the Depot, an tin usually large Stock of Hardware, Stoves, TIN - WARE, House-Furnishing Goods, 4c., To which he invites the attention of buying public. articular attention given to Job Work and Repairing. Call at the new Store near the Depot and compare our Goods and Prices before you buy else­ where. JOHN M. SMITH. McHenry, Aug. 21st, 1877. Near the Depot, MCHENRY , -j. ILLINOIS The subscriber* are now pro pa red with a Stock of FINE CLOTHS of all kinds, to make t"» order Coats, Pants, Vests or entire Suit*, on short notice and on the most ^GoodTKits* Guaran­ teed and all Work War- .nitited. We also Keep a Full Line < f Beady-Made Clothing, GENTS Hats, Caps, &c ^liich will be sold as low fts at any establishment In the County. Clothes Cleaned in the beat of manner and on short notice. LAUER & BECKER. McHenry. Feb. 26th, 1877 Land For Sale. TI1E undersigned has a number of pieeee of Land which he offers for Sale, situated a* follows: 14 Acres of Timber Land, in Section 1. Nun. da Township. 40 Acres in Section 12, Nun da, 20 Acres in section it, Nunda. • 80 Acres in Section 22, Nynda, with house, barn, orchard, well fenced and watered. 64 acres under improvement and balance timber I will also sell mv Home Farm, containing 132 Acres, good buildings, and under a good stale of cultivation. Any or all of the above will be mid on the most reasonable terms. I also have on Section 22 ten tons of good Hay, put up in good shape, which I will sell fov#J per ton. JOHN FLUSKY. McHcnry, 111., Sept. 25tli, 1877. 'mi W« are constantly receiving new Goods of all kimK and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woOds. "Our LARGE AN1> CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot aflord to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask anormous profits on our goods. We intend to » " Live and Let Live !" And while we are grateful to a generous public for tlieir patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. figg^GIVE US A CALL and we will show you our Go&ds aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. Offfioo ft KOSTn.WESTEftft Embraces under one management the Greats Trunk Hail way Lines ot the WEST antl KOKlH-WEf-l, and, with its nunierouf Branches and connections, forms the shortest/ and quickest route between Chicago find all* points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Idichli * gan, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, C&lilorni# antl the Western Territories. Its Omaha and California t., Is the shortest ami best route between Chic*# fro an<l all points in Northern Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Dtikota. Wyoming, Coolrado, Utah. Nevada, California, Oregon, Cii;na, Jauau and Australia. Its Chicago, St- Paul A Minneapolis Is the short line between Chicago and . points in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesot and for M i lison, St. Paul,' Minneapolis, l>u* litth, and all points in the Great Northwest. Its LaCroue, Winona ft St. Peter Lin* Is the best route between Chicago and L«* Crosse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, Man* . kato, si. Peter, New IJIm and all points l£ Southern and Central Minnesota. Its Sreen Bay & Marquette Lini I* the only line l>etwcen Chicago and Jane*, vilie, Watertown, Foil du lac, Oshkosli, An. plot on. Green Itay, K scan alia, Negauneo. Marquette, Houghton, Hancock and the Lak# ' Superior Country. Its Frceport & Dubuque Line Is the only route between Chicago and Elgin. Uockford, Freeport and all points via Free port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee Line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the milf one passing between Chicago and Kvanston, I,ake Forest. Ilifrhlnnd Park, Waukegas. Racine, Kenosha ami Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Rooii Cars are rnn on all throu?li trains on tnis road. This is the ONLY LINE running thsse cars between Chicago and St. Paul and Minne­ apolis, Chicago and Milv auKee, Chicago and Winona, or Chiongo ap;1 Green 15av. Closeconnections r.rr made at Chiatgn with the Lake Shore and Michigan Souther*, Mich, igan ('mitral, Baltimore and Ohio, Pittsburg. I' t. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee Line ana Pun Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTII-K AST, and with theCliicajro and Al« ton and Illinois Central for all points SOTJTH. Close connections are also made with th* Union Pacilic R. R., at Omaha for all far West JMli/ltS. Close connections made at junction points with trainsof all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold by all Cou­ pon ticket agents in the United States and Canada. Reniein her you ask for your tickets via tb* Chicap-o & Northwestern Railway and take none others. New York Office. No. 415 Broadway; Boston office,-No, 5 State Street ; Omaha "ofPc \ 24ft Karnham Street; San Francisco Oil fc 141 Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket fl*>s. <>•2 (Mark Street, under Sherman IIoi, ; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal streets; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzi* Streets. For rates or information not attaiuable from your home tieketagents,apply to McII.nTT. ill., July 27th. 1S75. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother, F. G. MAYES CHANT TA I L O R And Dealer Invites the public to an inspection of his newly purchased .Stock. Prices to suit the Times and Goods Wan anted as represented. CUTT5WC DONE AS USUAL. Store One Door North of CoEby's Drug Store. McHenry, III.. Sept. 12th, 1877. £3§9S£ BUY ONLY THE It is the Only Sawing Machine which hat a ii-Miig Ml IT HAS SEIif-SETTIN6 NIIDLH. NEVER BREAKS THE THREAD. IS THE LIGHTEST RUNNING. The Simplest, the Host Durable, and in Every Kespect The Best Family Sewing Machine! The "NEW AMERICAN" la Millr learned, does not get out of order, and win do more work with less labor tluLn any other machine. Illustrated Circular ftumlined OA Application. AGENTS WANTED. 1. a. Mnui, im, MM mu iiiimu, >u IM m.n, tuim. H I -'S X~ ? - ' • O. %. OWJEPf Agent, McHenry, 111. BEASLEY 'S CELEBRATED Wailep Ale, For Sale at the Saloon of J. J GILLEN, McHenry, III. FOUNDRY AND McHENKY, ILL. WARD B. GALE, Proprietor. Tho andersismed has just started a Foun­ dry «nd Machine Shop, and is now prepared to do nil kinds ol Casting for Machinery, on short notice and in the best of manner. We also manufacture the celebrated <iale Wln<1 Mill. Repairing of all kinds ilone promptly and satisfaction Gnaranteed. • Threshing Machines repaired on abort no tiee. Orders solicited. WARD R GALE. McHenry, 111., April 4th 1877. MAEVIN HUGH III ticneral Supt. W. H. STIVVETT, Geii'l Pa sse:.g«r Agent J . S T O R Y , --I)KALER IN--I Shelf and Heavy Hardware , sro vjjs TINWARE, NJCS" tools, FAL'MJSa JMPJ.EMENTS, (LiJTJiXS WMINQMBSm &C., &f., etc., &C., WillCn WILL BE SOLDJ L O W E R THAN USUAL PRICES! Now i* the time to purchase, and save meal cy. I behove thai 1 can furnish good good*at as low pvices, as anyone in the county. Also k«»pp on lumd a f«ll Stock oi BI ILDIN(; 1MPFR. suoli as Plal» !?uard. Wsiter rro<>«, iron Coated and I'tirrcd Tell. Ali»o Moth Proof Carpot T/tiiiiig., JCAW^APiD Kepairing: ProBiptlyjutteiMled to. J. STCRY. Onw>sitn Owens MM1. PIMPLES. IfflLL Mi il (l*'rec) the recipe for prtpcit in,*r a sniple Veji-etnble llalm that will re move Ti n. Freckles, Pimples and Blotches, leaving :he skin soft, clear and l»eautifu!t also instructions for producinp a luxurinn urowt'i of hairon a bald head or smooth fa© Address Ben Vandelf A Oo., Box 0121, N® # VVooster St., New York. TO THE WORKING CLASS.--We ere now prepnrei to furnish all classes with constant employment, at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new light and profitable. Persons of either @e» easily earn from SO cents to *5 per evening and a propcrtional sitm by devoting ther wliole time to the business. Bovs an«l gir'i* earn nearly as much as men. That all wht see this notice may send their address, ant test the business we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble n* writing. Full particulars, samples wortt several dollars to commence work on, and I copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publicattons, nil sent free bv mail. Reader, if you want permanent profitable work, address," GEORGE STIX90H I C'o., Portland, Maine. 9 10 TO $20 A DAY Made by Agents in cities and country tow®° Only necessary to show samples to make sal­ ami money, for any one out of employment**- disj>osed to work. Used daily by all bnsin® men. Send stamp for circular, with prieeo agents. Address "Special Agency,** Kendall Building, Chicago, is not ' easily earned in the« times, but it can he made in thr« months by anv one of either see in any part of the country who willing to work steadily at tl' employment that we furnisk.- sJWSper week in your own town. You ne» not lie away from home over night. Yon er give your whole time to the work, or oe. vowr spare moments. We have agents w! are making over $20 per day. All who eng*> at once can make money fast. 'At the prese time money cannot be made so easily and r»i ii|;.\ at anv other business. It costs nothi to trv the business. Terms and f5 Outfit tr» Address at once, H. IIALLETT & Co,, Portia* Maine.

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