Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1877, p. 8

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, *y;y •• • -v • . . I", V . V£ is v" .' • ®*Sl5; ' » ' asss "VrafcVt < ,3 . . . ~'^- V?' ~~" - ?i - ,1.,^. , ^ .._ , -/4 " ^ " ' " ' ' son HorsK aristockact. Says a well-sodded Nebraska paper: Hurrah for the sod house aristocracy ^ of Nebanka/ A quarter of century hence young men will say with pride that they commenced life in a sod house, and be- ' |f»re the next Centennial thos« that can l^jHy that their ancestors dwelt in these jSiumble habitations will be considered •%h« "First families ®f Nebraska!" A future President or the United States way now bo tumbling around on a dirt floor in a *od house! In the campaign k i»re<*ding hi* election, sod h«use songs «#"*?" *8 common as the log cabin were in the days of "Tippe- canotf-ar.d-Tyler-too,v and instead of a log cabin we may hare a picture of a ••d house, and the future President cutting ami carrying sod to finish the rtof, PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams, celebrated Kenosha Pumps. The best Pomps and *t lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. hall, mm mm tarn Crystal Lake Pickling --AND-- Preserving Works Are yon going to uae Good Gash or Good Credit in making Your Fall and Winter Purchases ? If Cash, £ro and see what will do. tSIPOns Price Only. Remember I buy Bankrupt Stocks, Goods from forced Sales, manufacture all toy fine Clothing and Overcoats, and present the most attractive §tock found in this sebtion. Are you Buying Goods at the Following Prices? Good Prints.. 5 Beet Prints..., 6*6^ Oood unbleached Cotton by Plcce fljf Best ditto ^ xu 40 inch ditto §Jtf Best Blenched . . . . . . . . . 10 Dress Goods bargains ,.10 to 46 Black Alpaca.. -gg 46 inch Cashmere 75 Good Corsets.... ...... ... 35 All Cambrics. . . . . . . . . ! H Dress Braids 6 Mens Suits.......js.00 to*25.00 Boys Su its .((3.00 to $10.00 Buffalo Robes all prices Ladles Furs all prices gPERRTf MARTIN. Headquarters lor all Kinds off tJNESj i oo|c«.tuc so,,,,...:'.. < 111 gla»s Goblets 1 00 15 tfts Stomless K:i 1 00 8 1t>s Layer ilaisir 1 00 K' liox leaver Kait-25 1*20 Ths Cod" Fish... 25 "t>s llake ..:. 20 Ihs No 1 Mack' Ladies Shoes sc\ pegged W 'Misses shoes 11 -70 |Mens Veai Ivij SOI warranted..: .'JO Mens Kip Boots 25 bars 9oz Soap 1 2 l h s R i c e . . . . • ?i)0\cs dime Matches 12 cakes Honey Soap Sugar Chicago prices freight added 6 lbs G Coffee., ,, Best V II Tea......", Best Jan:yn Tea Good Y It and Japan B L Japifn..., r j Japan. . 100 5c off on |5 »s lots No 1 Syjirup,,,..., 63 1 00 Mens Split Kip j Boys and Youth pond. Is Runnings In full BLAST time to eon*. I Groceries AT CHICAGO PRICES. - Also Salt Pork,and all kinds of SaltFishand smoked Seats, and take in trade or part cash. --ric?;r;.cS"'""Eg*'-*c-",h,, h'e"es' Thankful for the liberal patronage t hare had fcopeyou will continue and I will endeavor to B.F.JONCS, Agent- Cryital Lake Crossings, Oct. 29th, 1877. ?? oolen8 'Of 'he manufacture ef mv Fall and Winte Stnro nmi «rr!*" to the Goods. Come to my Dundee o. a S ̂ CqUalIy WeU Am prepared at both Jou^klt? 0re atiBfy yoU* Co,lle/!l»d ifc will, b I^Chicago Office 122 Franklin St., top Stair?" F" HI lis. .. ! ID 3 .. red and 100 to'12..... 100 • Boots 400 32» loots 2,25 »to cof re s ng> Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Groceries of all Kinds, n Crockery Glass-Ware, tilt}' CHICAGO A KORTH-WifcTftllft Embraces under one management,.the tireal Trnnk Hallway Lines of the WEST and XOKTH-WlSSI, and, ;th its lminerouJ Branches and conn^ctinns, forms tlife shortest and.<|uickeet routejjfetweeh CliicJifco at»d all Illinois, \v isconsih,- Northern MlchU gan, Minnesota, loiva, Nebraskaj Califofnii and the Western Territories, ltfe Ofnaha and California LiAtf Is the shortest and best route between Chio»| and all points ta Northern Illinois, low»j 5c'l»ra8kaj L>akot«# Wyomitig, htMrtulo, UUihi Nevadai California, Oregon, Clnhn, Jaitilh and Australia; Its ^ Chicago, St ^aul A Klnneafeblli Line Is the sftoft line lie't^veen Chicago and all points fii Northern Wiscfthsinand Minnesota, nu'l For Madison, 8t. Paul, fflinneapolis, Du> In tii, uiitt all points in' the Great Northwest; Its LaCrosse, Winona ft St. feter tine Is the best route bet ween Chicago and , jAt Crosse, Winona, RocIres.ter, Owatonna, kato, St. Peter, Neiv I'hn and all points ill Soft the*n and Central Minnesota. Its Green Bay & Marquette Line r Stock at a • Richmond Stores for e monev in HAL L. Where Do You Trade? UISIM If You Don't believe it call at JOHNSBSjt IGH FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, V""' And in «hort,a First Class Sttek of General Nlercliandize. I BisboD & SOD, Opposite Perry & Martin's, McHEMiY.y l^aleis tft Farm Machinery of PUMPS, r Sc Feed c„.u» R. BISHOP & SON. MeHenry, I1L, May 89th, 1877. WHITE'S MarDl & Worts. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kfmls, and btiying them for Cash Down ate thereby enabled to oiler special bargains In all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party of parties who ean undersell ns don't Hre In this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits oaa our goods. We intend to "Live and Let Live!" And while wo are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. flQT'GIVE US A CALL and we will show yon our Goods aud use yon well whether you buy of us or not.* HENP. Y MILLER, -- DEALER IN-- kwr >7. 01 Monuuieat̂ BTCM ETC., American &~Scotc Consterttiy on (1 Foreip Martile. Headstones* ETC. MeHenry, III., July 27th, 1875. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. Sleton, Green Ray,- Keeanaba, Nejfanftety [nrquette, Houghtim, ll^ncocKand thfe Lake Superior Country. Its ' Freeport & Dubuque Line Is tliQ otily route between Chicago and ]fclginf itockford. ^'rdeport filnd all poiuts viat Free port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee Lifie Is tlie oM Lake shor« Koute, and is .the' oftl^ one passing bet\Veen Chicago aud JGva'nston/ Lake Forest,';Highland Park, Wa!^rkegab/ Racine, Keyoslitf and Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing R6oAi Cars are rtin on all th.roujfh fj/itiUS 611 this road.-This is the LIN fc running thisc cari tMTtwf^en fH'iicago and St. Paul and Minne> apolis, Chicago and Jiilvauivee, Chicago and \\ inona, or Chiongn and Green IJav. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, MicU-ijran Central, llaltiinore and Ohio, Pittslwrrg, Ft. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee I.fav arr*<8 Pan Ifa*ndle Routes, for all KAST awl) SOUTil-K AST, and with tfie (%iifnK«'and. Al­ton and Illinois Central t'oT *it pmnts SOCTII. C^ose connections are also rn:wi# with tli« TTnton Pacific It. R., atOinaha for all S»v Wevf points. Cl<»s« connections m."vde at jnmetiojt p»iT»l» trith trainsof all cross po'iuts. Ticket s over tfrrs route are sold br alJ fTou-imiii ticket a>gents in the LTnited States andi Canada, Kemeniher vou ask for your tickets via th9 Chicago & Nin thwestern Railway and take none others. Xcw York Office. No. 415' Broadway; HUtstoiv Office, No, iV State Street; OniJilia V*fli>'v.. 145« Farnlwim Street: Saw Francisco Oil. R 1^1 Stontirnrnery Street; Chicago Ticket >1110 9. (52 Clark Street, under Sherman Hon .; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street I)epot., corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzis Streets. For rates or information not attainable from, your home tickytajsvwtis,apply to MAEVIN HUGHITT General Supt. Siiop -,iy> in. Uonvv -'V° mi,cs Kor h Granite, t land. , ^ Mc- 11 i>- F. G . MAYES, ME R C H A N T TA I L O R And Dealer in Job , isb,,r&»>. Aug. 20th, 1877. AND be convinced. & BE'Cl 5 Invites the public to ail inspection of his newly purchased Stock. fCjlPPricea to suit the Times and Goods Warranted us represented. CUTTING DONE AS USUAL. Store One Door North of Colby's Drug Store. TU.. Sept. 12th, 1877. ye have one of the most plete Stocks of Fall and Jjoods ever broucht tn " inter which we are Vil- w Bering at a Snail Advar.ce Above ITO - Fii LLLTI --AND-- J PuBlic ._„-.4XD- MCna"^ for ®°<xfc. SHOOTING GALLERY. f,t*s""*ON8 & - insing's Block, InnH 'J-08^ Guna and teng1" th« McHeniy, IH. Finest day "and orth w es t.""" o^n ey f to be A. WH,TE. Proprietor. HENRY colby; ---DEALER IN-- inspection soJIcitea*. ®"Farmere Pro<l«ce W., . . . Exchange for Gcxxfc. jMdla cV ANSON, Jet. 23d, '77. McHcniy, II!., r CHEAPET MeHenry , - W r. ? J m Li.NOlS "lers are <i Stock Near the be; MCHEMRY^ . n - BUY ONLY * ,-nTTTfi NIMIM It is the Only Sewing l»aw.»3? which has a lelf-TMng ̂Utia IT HAS SELF-SETTING NEEDLE. SEVER BREAKS TUB IHRHAD. W., H. 8TIN5ETT, Gen'l Passe:.ger Agent E. M. OWEN .DEALER IN;-- GOODS, Has on hand a choice- lot ofc PLOWS of the best make, which- ho is so ling at the LOWEST" PRICES for Cash. Also Farm and Democrat WAGONS, FANNING MILLS, Tiie Citatetl Kenosha Pupa &Ciy &Cij Call at my Warehouse when in want of anything in my line* E. M. OWEN. Sept 25th 1877 V ') muuiuuld./} PAINTS, OILS, ̂ |*ters Brushes, Dye fc, &c. 'tuffs '"'Saps** ^ i-auge stock of Fam^ Grocer/^ n- c [r'April isr JT AND BE8T. CHICAGO '.TFLY Post! ,Tl>6 Paper! rlcu 111!nu.'jvf f'J6?, w \ t ^ »ws Ag One Cop ' , 8Ce"» «>* > W rket ^-wrt9- ^ostagt paid... • • • • * Jstage Paid....;.. • of Twer ostiifre Paid.. Yu **>'» i*«8tage Paw c».vMr, r i£ DAILY POST. P Postage Paid fi. 00 ' **** ot * Year in Proportion. eopose to greatly enla ri?e the DAII Y I receive the .jdr " Same terms to jl^XSK. ̂ A at the 4>LBY. /. W^kiy •8,iMt,y^ntXirtrU«>0th Da>^ an'J _ t THE POST. 88 Dearborn St., Chlcag *11(10 J'ON'T,,, Y M.vdk. Agents wan Jp I W County rurhts jfiven irrrttU sale of seven well-known Standard \ro!i£ needed in every family reDut/ (m » wide; established many vear"• ma ie (eieorrtieo physician; proofs 'of evf given. An indnstnons, energetic per# make snug permanent iii,„„,e and very terms, by address nc wi11> Chestnut Street, Phlfadeijla. ® W prepar ordei or e noti Clothes °b abort «• • bsrri, «CL0,TH8 ,'>ats, f. «nak "'••e.Sp • ^nts, Vfc ,t«, on steo. on the most ISTHBlMtiST EPNiNCI. Tlie Simplest, the Host DnraMCj and In Every Kespect Mtte Tnw. 1 rGoodTFits* Gunran- 1 .1 and all Work War- \ ited. Besi FS™W Sewing Machine! 1 I l k * "-•« not get out of order, asafi will do VGBNTS WANTED. •uager. Office W« Saleroom, «*4 WabaA Aieiw, Cklea»o, mineta. We also Keep a .Full Line of Keady - Made ClotlluSi GENTS Fmishii Goois Hats, Caps, &c ^Vliieli will he sold iislow ttg lit Any oHtalilishmoni in the County. Jleaned in the be^t of manner and />tice. LAUER & BECKER. ,nry, Feb. 26th, 1877. The more trotk applleattgn* J. ft. leiont Npv WAGON S H O P , McHENBY, IIXINOiS, E. PERKINS •Vt his ĥoi> Went of the Public Square, to d® Sh.-.1., From a and using none but the best of Lumber I cw in all eases „ Satisfaction I Gnarau^-- O. MeHenry, 111. BEASLEY 'S FOUNDRY AND Land For Sale. v limlevsi'incl Vihih «i num'toi r Land which he offers for Sale, «itui iiTcres of Timber Land, in Section 1, Nun Township. .„ 40 Acres 111 Section l->^ un»ia« SS {?k: IS SSSiS ?s, nu% «'i'-•« A;tf( J 182 Acres, good buildings, and under g 8tA^wn-a!rof^ »oW °n the ImoFt . n. A/ ipooiI I alM» have on Seetlon W ^en ^on n^8eU lorMeV'tKn." ̂ jlyHs! FLU8KY. Jlclfijnry, 111.. Sept. 25th, 1877. CELEBRATED, OllUp, GENERAL JOBBING Promptly^attended to. Give Me a Call! E. PERKINS. For Sale at the Saloon of J. .1 G ILI^EN, MeHenry, III. McHENUY, ILL. B. GALE, . Nov. 2»th, 1878w MeHenry, . Proprietor. Repairing of all done promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed. Threshing Machines repaired on >hort no­ tice. Orders solicited. WAKl) b<-gaLE. I MeHenry, 111., April ith W77. earned in thee® lis not easn, ••'de in three times, hut it can now.. months by any one of in sinv p:irt of the country Who f* willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-~ our own town. You nee«t not i>e hwiiv 1 i"iti home over night, ^ou can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Wo have agents who hre niiikiiifr over $-20 per day. All who engage at «»nce can make hioney fhst. At the present time money cannot he made so easily and rap-idjA at an'v other business. It costs nothing to trv the business. Terms and $5 Outfit tree. Address at once, 11. llALLETT 4 PnrtWWl Maine. Hifimir week in v<i not t»e away from

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