Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1877, p. 4

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clloiry Vliiiiealw, WEDNESDAY, NOW. 14th, 1877. .T. VAN SLYKE, Editor "Information comes to-day that a body of Moxican troops having pur- |o sued a lot of predatory Indian pick* nickers Into Texas, had a lively fight with them in that State, several savages being killed. Mexico is doing its best to induce the United States to knock a chip »fi of its shoulder.-- IT hen that chip does fiy Mexico's head will go with it. Lightniug rod agent, of Par- kersburgh, W. Ya„ who has Withstood the inclemencies of the weather, buck­ shot and bull dogs of the families for these many years, was arrested the other day on a charge of forging paper to a considerable amount ; and now the people of that city are casttng anxious eyes in the direction of sewing ma­ chine aud book agents, hoping for an earthquake,or any thing of tha^sort in order to get rid of them. tefWhy is it that so in any regard public property as so much less sacred than private ? Many evidently look up on it as, in homely phrase it is some­ times called, a goose that all are free " to pluck. The Government has uearly two hundred suits pending in Minneso­ ta alone, for timber stolen from the public lands, and has recently gained its first suit. It has three suits pen- . ding in Colorado, two being against railroad companies where the amount stolen is $275,000. in the roads Senat taking time b to force som „e of the subsidy Tall­ yman believes in relock. His bill rity from these McHKMRT COUNTY OFFICIAL, The following is the Official vote of McIIenry county, as cast at the election on Tuesday, Nov, 6tli, 1877: FOR JUDGE. < - B. N. Smith, . 1183 J. B. Lyon,. .. 471 O. H. Gilmore,...... 4- 391 .Smith's majority oyer Lyon, 1712. M f " GUmore 1791. JSOR CLERK. P. Whitney,. 1596 Wm. Aviry,... . • • • 1337 J. F.Warron,.. U9 Whitney's majority....... 159. - FOR TREASURER. James Nish, 2274 A. L. Salisbury,.. 775 Nish's majority,. 1499. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. A. W. Young, 1405 A. W. Cumins, 702 Wm. Nickle,... . . - . . . J . . . . . . 926 Young's majority over Cumins, 703. M " 44 Nickle, 479. APPROPRIATION. For... 1455 Against. .1123 . . • J. STORY, At his oldUstand opposite the Mill f * MCHENRY ILL., ̂ TTaririg enlarged his §tore is now letter than over prepared to furnish hid ciu&umers and the buying public generally wit|| ~ •• e Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, &Cay &C«y At Prices Lower than ever before offered in this section. Wo have iu stock a large variety of the leading (Mis anil Heaiinn Stores. leeches, has drawn flom the Central and Union Pacific Roads, A proposition to pay»at once #l^)00,000«ach in cat*h and set aside every six months a sum which " will in 1995 be sufficient to pay the in­ terest and principal due the Govern­ ment. Under the act to make the public lien upon the subsidy reads a secondary one, the bondholders of the Kansas Pacific will sell the road for their claim and rob the Government of its entire advance. |®*We can understand why the Indian Ring should desire the return of Setting Bull and his hostile savages, but why oar Government should send • Commission to Canada to entreat him to come back under its jurisdic­ tion is a mystery. Hence, we do not Regret that their mission failed, that ne prefers to reside under the rule of the 4'Great Mother," and that he eou- t'einptMOM»1< gpuroed tlifr terms of -of­ fered peace. We do not wish to- have ftpeated the dreaded outbreaks, the bloody massacres, and the costly sacrifi­ ces caused by jealous, passionate tffeachereus savages, whose rights hare been trampled upon, and who have, un­ fortunately, no confidence in the prom­ ises or pledges of our Government.-- The old proverb "good riddance" is applicable. jgrSenator Paddock's bill for pun­ ishing the theft of property belonging to Indians who are in charge of an In­ dian agent, strikes at a crowd of the meanest sort of sneak thieves, some of whom will very possibly turn up in the character of official agents of hangers- on. Senator Nesmith once said that the history of almost every treaty tribe from Maine to Oregon showed that when annuities were sent to Indians, they arrived deficient in quality and quantity, if not entirely absorbed Or stolen by dishonest agents of the Gov­ ernment intrusted with their manage­ ment or delivery. But in addition, harpies now actually hang around the Indian chiefs who visit Washington, and steal their personal property on the road, as was the case with the late Sioux chiefs, who missed five trunks before they had got to Omaha on their way homo. Of different styles and makes, Which THet in vites the nublifc to call and examine and lesm prices before purchasing. It is almost unnecessary to call-the atten­ tion of the public to the .fact that we keep constantly on hand a largo stock of Shelf Hardware, Sails, Tabic and Pocket Cntlerj, Tinware, Galvanized Rand Iron (Barbed) for fpnee, liar bed Wire, Shovels, Forks, etc., in fact, everything found in a first-class Hard­ ware Store. J. STCRY. McHenrv, Nov. 12th, 1877. - * »**• • ^ •' >, frafcit THE MCHENRY An iucident, which created seme- excitement, occured at Leland, last Tuesday, at the polls. Misses Hughes, Hurd, aud Squires, lady teachers in the public schools at that place, went to­ gether to the polls and insisted upon casting their votes for school commis­ sioner, their argument being that if. ^ woman was intelligent enough, and a right to be a school commissioner, they ought to be allowed to express a choice in the matter, but as they were polite­ ly refused they retired to their homes in good order.--Batavia News. The undersigned having purchased prepi and the Meat Market of Wm. Fisher, is now prepared to furnish the citizens of McIIenry and sur­ rounding country with Fresh and Salt Meats OF ALL KIXD8, Sausage, Smoked Meats, &c., --AT THE -- Lowest Living Prices. As I buy and sell for Cash onlv I am pre­ pared to o'ffer you the beat of Meats at the following low prices. Sausage, all kinds 10 cents per Pdfend. Mutton, 10 •• " •• Beef, From 7 to 13 '• " " Pork 10 " » " Lard, I shall keep none but the best of Meats, and trust that by doing a cash business I shall be able to sell so low as to make it an object for you to trade with ine. JOSEPH FRETT- McIIenry, 111., Nov. 0th, 1877. J®*Everybody has heard of the rus­ tic, vtho seated himself on the bank of a running brook, waiting until all the water had passed by, that he might walk over dry shod to the other side. That rustic is a type of a good many piople who have been waiting for the Bepublican stream to run dry. They have been satisfied from the very first that it could not last • much longejv YfSar atter year they have waited and watched, scolding and sneering, but Btill the tide flows on, and its volume steadily grows instead of diminishing. They can't understand it. According to all their philosophy--and they are wonderfully wise in their own conceit '--the supply should have been exhaus­ ted long ago. It is a "chimera"--their favorate word--they have repeated over and over, and yet ihe obstruction in their path does not disappear as all well-behaved chimeras are understood to do. And what is more, as some of these people are beginning to confess, it gives no sigu of disappearing in the immediate or proximate future. 'The toils are closing about Osman jPasha at Pleyna, and on the continent tb« conviction is general that a few day6 will force his surrender. As if conscious of the impending collapse, dispatches from Constantinople declare that the Porte has determined to fight to the better end, and that combined operation -will be attempting by Os­ man, Mehemet and Chevke Posh as.-- Moakhtar has of late admitted the •dangeps of his position at Erzei-ouui, 'but eheecs his people by the announce­ ment of a victory over the Russians yesterday, in a flglit lasting eleven hours, and the assertion that he still bo pes. to able to hold the city. Stamboul has been placarded with ap­ peal «for an uprising, which allege that; tSie Government is secretly negotiating for .peace, and urge the as­ sassination of Mahomond. The Rus­ sians have encircled Plevna with the telegraph wire, and are hastily con­ ducting a new bridge at Sistova. It would appear that the Turks are be­ numbed by the advent of November, while their enemies are but just warming gallantly to their work in the mow.--Jfogt LATK DAIRY MARKETS. WATEKTOWN, X. Y., Nov. 19th. At this market, on Saturday, the "at. tendance and offerings were large.-- The market opened with less firmnesg thtfn a Week ago, but nevertheless sales­ men still held at firm 13 cents, while buy­ ers would not bid higher than 12 cents. The result was that no cheese was sold. There were sixteen factories registered offering 6,689 boxes. ' UTICA, X.Y., Nov. 5th. The cheese market was duller than it has been for some time. With what was carried over last week and this week's offering, some 11,000 boxes were placed upon the market. The majority of the best factories refused offers of 12c, and again carried their cheese over. A portion of those going for­ ward on commission received aguarar. tee of 12c, LITTLE FALLS, M. Y., Nov.;i2th. FACTORY CHEESE,--Notwithstanding the positive depression in pricw, there was a decided desire (to sell to-day.-- Buyers were offered much more cheese at 12c. than t'ley could or would handle. Parties who, two weeks ago held over because they could not obtain 13c., would willingly have accepted 12c. to­ day. Buyers however were cautious.-- It seemed to be a general opinion among them that cheese will decline to 11c before anyfurther advance will take place. There are two lots quoted at 12}c. and 12Jc. FARM DAIRY.--The offerings of this class of goods fell off considerably to­ day. Prices, however, ranked the factories. We quote one lot at llc.,8 to 12c., and 9 to 12Jc., amounting in all to 270 boxes. Another dairy delivered to-day 110 boxest contracted two weeks ago, at 13c. BUTTER.--We quote 60 tubs, ranging 'from 23c. to 28c. At the latter figure there were only three packages, probably bought for private use* The average price was25. ri T> T? CT H V N DSOMKST, J1AIHJT VJO 1 f !II E A.I' EST, BEsjT! Now is the time to subscribe for the Cricket on the Hearth The people's fayorite l.itcrsiry and Ifomkly Journal. It is a liiiimmoth 10 page, 64 c«lti>ni) Illustrated paper (size of 11 irpar's Weekly,) tilled with splendid Serial and Short Stories, Sketches, Poems, Useful Knowledge, Wit and Humor, "Answers to Correspondents," Pnz- zles, Gaiues, Popular Songs, etc., etc. Lively entertaining, a nusing and instructive.: The largest, handsomest, best and cheapest paper of its class published. Only £1 per year, with large and handsome chronio, "Studious," or 75 <'ent» per year without premium. In order to introduce it into New Homes, we make the following special oilers: Specia l Oi ler No. 1--ITpon rece ip t of only 25 cents we wi l l send the Cr icket on the Hear th for four months on t r ia l , and one pa i r of e legant French Oi l C 'hro inos , f ree . Special Oiler No. 2--For one three cent stamp Ave will send a specimen copv Of the Cricket on the Hearth, and a copy of a beauti­ ful lithographic engraving entitled "The Proffered Kiss," tree. Address, F. >1. Ll'PTOX AGO. 245 Broadway, New Vork. JOHNSON'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 210 & 212 N. Third Street. lit Building South of the Post Office, ST. LOUIS' Open Day and Night all the year. taughtthCbranches of a Business Education Bnuicbe "dent DeI,artlnent for the English p!^l.V'r,;M.aV'emati08- C.erman and Elocution >j_i.t|>liy taught personally or per mail. w!!,,>lVou"* ?f double Entrv Book- h.ur-V.ll.'f V! it!" f'» 'ns with Com­ mercial Correspondence $20.01 FOrain!,nm".,!,n,V.r,'lil1 0>«rse, embrac- '•'the Branches of a Practical Business Education, Life Scholar-®ni" w"'l?™3;"0 l.° thousands of students WHO hu\c completed under our instructions. t? ^ information con. struction! etc." Address*6 *K>ar<^' COUMe°f i"* J. W. JOHNSON, Pres't. CUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT. JOS. WIEDEMANN --PROPRIETOR OF THE- Restaurant anil BoarSiai House, Near the Depot, McHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS. The Choicest Brands of Wines for Medicinal and Family use always on hand. All the ac- connnodations of a tlrst-class Boarding House. Charges Reasonable. ea^Good Stabling for Horses. T H E Trie Verdict All will testify who trade with us that they can Jbuy More and Better Goods FOR THE DOLLAR Than at any other house in Mc- Henry County. We have no need to cry NO HUMBUG. A word to the wise will suffice. Qliicago Nine Cent Store, Blake's Block, McIIenry, 111. wo £ CD CO CfQ a p & o H H O P< £ o CD IrJ O hj a CD w a P P P 03 CD CD c4- & CD & G r fip < CD Z w J *m now prepared to give better bargains in Furniture, Picture Frames and Looking Glasses than any other llouse in the Udunty. Below we give a partial ust^o Extension Tables, Solid Black Walnut, 85 eeats pfer foot. Bedsteads from $2 to $30. Spring Beds from $2 to $10. ' Wash Stand Bureaus from $3 to $5. Bureaus from $8 to $14. Wood Seat Chairs from $2 to $4.50 per set. Cane Seat Chairs from $4.50 to $15. Single Lounges from $7 to $10. Bed Lounges from $10 to $14. PICTURE FRAMES.--8x10 Rustic Frame, complete, 20 cents.-- Rustic Motto Frames 8 1-2x21, complete, 55 cents, and all other styles and sizes at the very lowest prices. Looking Glasses from 15 cents to $2. 6 UNDERTAKING. I have the most complete stock of Coffins and Caskets, of all styles and sizes, to be found in the County, with Trimmings to cor­ respond, that I will sell at a very small margin. Give me $ call and I will be pleased to s^ow you my stock and give prices. To parties wishing it I will give one years time on approved Notes M 10 per cent. *• John I. Story. C LATHING 1 CLOTHE! A New and Complete Stock just opened out, and we will offer Special Bargains in Men and Youths Busi­ ness Suits and Men and Youths Dress Suits. "We also have a full line of Childs and small Boys Suits. BU€KLIN A STEVENS. McHwy, Augtul 28lh, 1877. Overcoats, Overcoats. A complete line for Men, Youths and Boys, at ex­ tremely Low Prices. Call and examine Stock and Prices. Smith, Aldrich <fc Hay thorn Riverside Slock, McHenry. To Main Mosey is to Save It. TO SAVE MONEY, Buy your Goods for Cash or Produce. READ THE FOLIiOWING PRICE LIST i Good Prints 5ct^: Best Prints .0 to 7 Uoori yard wide Sheeting 6 Best vd wide Sheeting ..7 to 8 Yd wide Bleached Sheet- 8 to 10 Extra tfood Waterproof. 76 Carpenterville Flannels 46 Large line ofpiain Flan­ nels 20 to 37 Cotton Batting 12, 1ft and 18 Good all wool Stocking Yarn 90 Dress Goods, bar gains. 10 to 40 All wool Blk (Jash- inere 70, Cfi, and (1 French Bone Corsets-- 40 Clarence and Peerless Carpet Warp 22^ A full line of Rochester and Buffalo custom made Bootsand Shoes every pair warranted Mens Suits ft; to #20 Boys Suits |4 to |10 Cotton Flannel » to IS California Overalls leath er trimmed 4J0 Fair Japan Tea 8 lbs for fl Choice Japan Tea -60 Best Jaiian Tea warrant ed best in market 78 Fair Uio Coffc« 40 Choice Kio Coffee Best Kio Coffee 26 4 bars Savon Soap 25 Fair Young llvson Tea.. 40 Choice Young'iSyson Tea 70 Best Young llvson Tea. 86 Best Layer Itaisuis. 12^j X box Laver Raisins H lb Can Peaches, best.. 2 lh Can Blackberries. .. 36 different styles Car- peting 60 to Wall Paper and Trunks full lino 9 lbs White Coffee Sugar lbs C Coffee Sugar... 10 1bs Light Brown Sugar Best Sugar cured can­ vassed Hams 12 lbs Rice Fair Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Good Fine Cut Chewing TOIKICCO Extra Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Best Hardwood Butter Pails YHi •1* ii % n These Prices arc for First . Class Goods. Every article Warrant ed to prove as represented or money refunded. P. D. SMITH.

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