Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1877, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 14th, 1877. Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. fteneraUke Passenger .......,T?25 A. w. Geneva Lake Freight ..1:36 p. *. GOING NORTH- * Geneva Lake Freight 10:00 A. M. Sr«nvva Lake Passenxer 7:02 p. m. S g u i W i i M W . ^ w -- -- -- • -- > -- i CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST.--ttev. W. A. Adron, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10# A. M. .and iX P. M. Slinday School at 12 M. JOHN DUNN Superintendent. MASONIC. MCHRXHY CHAPTER NO. MB. A. M.--Rest* tar Convocations held on the second-anp fourth Fridays in each month. HENRY COI.BY H. P. PHLASKI ALLEN Sec.. WE are now enjoying some very fine Fall weather In this section. THE front gate might as well be fixed up now. He won't lean en it any more this year. ' Miss IDA HOWE, of Chicago, has been spending a few days among her many friends in this village. WE learn there is a new Doctor in town, but as he has not sent ns his card we cannot give particulars. THE new Catholic Church at Waucon- da, will be Dedicated by Bishop Foley, •f Chicago, on Sunday, Nov 25th. BOSTON has abolished coroners, and will take the word of reporters that so and so, died so and so. 'Nother*victory for the press. SHELF-HARDWAUR,Pocket and Table Cutlery, in any quantity, at Bed-rock prices, at John M, Smith's, near the Depot. SEE the new advertisement of the McHenry Meat Market, Joseph Frett. Proprietor, to be found in another column. • * FOR some unaccouritable reason our correspondents have almost entirely failed us this week. We hope the like will not occur again soon. APPLES scarce, but corn plenty; you will have to take whisky or nothing; there can be JIO half-way fooling with cider. IF In want of a Cook or Heating Stove, do not ffail to call at John M« Smith's, near the Depot, as he cannot fail to please you both in quality and price. Is it not almost time for the Sociable Season to commence? It seems to u& these pleasant evenings would f be a good time to inaugurate the winters campaign. • DR. A. A. RICK, Dentist, will visit tMs place hereafter on the Second and Fourth Fridays instead of Thursdays, as heretofore. Those Interested will make a note. A MINSTREL Troupe gave an enter­ tainment to a small audionce, in this village, on Thursday evening last.-- Bad weather aud not being half ad­ vertised was the cause of their failure. THE new Feed Stoue and Water Wheel lately added to Bishop's Mill, adds much to the facilities for business at this institution. Sixty bushels an hour is what we call grinding feed a little fast. THE rural districts are literally alive with tramps, and poultry do not enjoy their usual facilities for growing old. A pious farmor says he does not see why providence didn't teach chickens to roost under the barn. WE are requested to give notice that thero will be a meeting at the Council Rooms, in this village, on Saturday evening next, the 17th, for the purpose of organizing a Debating Society. All interested are cordially invited to at­ tend. It is hoped there will be a good attendance on that occasion. WE are preparing, and will present next week a list of papers, which we will ofter in connection with the PLAINDEALER for 1878. We shall fur­ nish all leading publications way down below club rates, and ho pains will be spared to make the PLAINDEALER for the coming year second to no weekly paper in ihe Northwest. Look out for our clubbing list next week. HERMANN KUNTZ, who for the past, six or eight months has kept a Shoe Shop in Howe's Block, slid out one night last WMLV Ifiavino' several frlsriflu who are anxious as to his whereabouts in sums of from $5 to §30. No Intima­ tion of his unceremonious departure was visi ble at 9 o'clock the night be­ fore, but at daylight the next morning his shop was deserted. He did not even stop to say good bye to his friends. "Gone but not forgotten." WE do not say it for bombast, but it is a fact beyond dispute, that McHenry is the best Live Stock, Grain and Pro­ duce Market in the county. Our buy­ ers are live,energetic men, and always pay, the highest prices the market will warrant, being content, in their deal­ ings with the farmer, to "live and let live." Therefore we say to those who have anything in this line to sell come to Mcllenry, where you will fiiul Smith A Snydtr, Eldredge A Granger, and Lansing A White, ready to givo you the highest market price in cash, aud send yon home happy. THE Chicago Post l« an excellent family paper." It is Republican to the core and yet not servile. It is free from smut, cant, dullness and scandal. It is a good illustration of the fact that a paper can be true to principle without being sensational; able without being heavy. The Post supports the Admin­ istration warmly, and is always on the side of genuine and practical moral, social and political reforms. We advise our readers, who are not familiar with The Post to try it. Those who are acquainted with it, need no advice in the premises. PLAINDEALER and Week­ ly Post $2.00. PLAINDEALER aud Daily Post $7.50. m, TIIE biggest thing in the hunting line that we have heard of in a long time was accomplished at McCollum's Lake, half a mile West of this village, a few mornings since. A. C. McCrory, Will Thurlwell. Chas. Morey and Wm. Stevens went over with double barrel guns to try and get a shot at some Wild Geese that were seen *4II that sec­ tion. They arrived at the Lake just before day break, and by crawling through the biuhes came upon a flock of Geese numbering full seventy-flve. They got ready and fired all together, each man discharging both barrels, killing twenty Geese aud wounding six more. The boys say they were aston­ ished themselves when they found what a slaughter they had made. OUR population is still increasing, a little stranger of the male, persuasion appearing at Adalbert Whiting's on Monday morning and a young lady of tender years at the residence of Geo. Owen, Tuesday morning. Both fathers and children are doing well. WE saw on Monday a wagon box level full of Ducks, that were brought from the Lakes and being shipped to Chicago by Robt. E. Stanley, of Fox Lake. It is said that Dueks were naver known so plenty in this section as at the present time. WE would direct the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of J. Story, Hardware dealer, fo be found in another column. He has lately enlarged his Store and has now one of the largest stocks of Stove and general Hardware to be found in the county which ho is selling at prices to suit the times. IN another coluihn can be found a no­ tice headed, Stamping, which the . Lady portion of our readers will do well to read. Mrs. John M. Smith has just received a full line of the latest Patterns, and is now prepared to do this kind of work on short notice and at very reasonable rates. Read the notfce elsewhere and give Mrs. Smith a call. C. M. PENDLETON, Esq., of Crystal Lake, writes us that he has laid aside two Turnips which he proposes to show us that are the "Boss" Turnips of Mc­ Henry county. One weighs 26J pounds and measures 36 inches in circumfer­ ence, and the other 21 pounds and measures 34 inches in circumference. That these are the "Boss" Turnips we think no one will dispute. The Squire certainly deserves the First Premium om Turnips for 1877. THE Nursery, a monthly publication for girls aud boys is on our table, aud is one of the most interesting and readable little magazines now pub­ lished, and parents who areata lo?s for means to amuse their little ones, will not go amiss in subscribing for a copy of the Nursery. The publisher has issued a list of premiums for ob­ taining subscriber# to his popular mag­ azine. The list comprises articles useful and ornamental, liucludir.g books, games, knives, skates, and toys of all kinds. Here is a chance for beys and girls to obtain a nice holiday gift for tucniselves or a friend, by making a little heathful exertion. The Nursery entered upon its eleventh year in Jan uary, 1S77. and is as full of life and ani­ mation as ever. The secret of its suc­ cess is found between its covers every month. The price is 01,60 a year. It i9 published by John L. Shorey,36 lirointield St., Boston, who will scud a sample number with the premium list for ten cents. Real Kitate Transfers, Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of Mcllenry County, Illinois, for the week ending Novem­ ber 10th, A. D. 1S77: Cfrrm J Dutton and wife to Allen R Dntton. Se se 15 and tih acres iu nw 23 in 45. 6, $1675. Chas II Green and wife to John Bower.-- Land in sec 10 and 15 in 43, 8, $5165. John Bower and wife to Chas H Green.-- 59>s acres in ne 31 and ae 30 in 43, 7, $3000. Harriet E Henrie and husband to JO acres in e^» lot 2 ne 4 43 Schliusker. $200. L F and Emily C Cummings to Ann P Weeks. Lots 28, *29, 30 and 31, Cottings and Purdy's addition to Richmond ex it 11 $1000 W \V Paine and wife to Mrs. Laventia Ilibbarrl. 2 acres in lot 175, Dorr assessors plat, #500. John Corkill and Wife to Walter W Mitchell 70 acres in sec 3 and W hi 43, 8, $-£*00. Richmond Department. Passenger trains pass Richmond station as follows - GOING SOUTH Genera Lake Passenger .........7:0S A. X licmeva Lake Freight ...........1:0* r. M. GOINO NOBL# Geneva Lake Freight.....ri0:40 A. * Geneva Lake Passenger ........7:25 v. M CHURCH DIRECTORY. OOKGREOATJON-AI.:-- Rev. F. J. Douglass, Pastor. Services at 7A, P. M. MKTUODIST:--Rev. Sam I. Eamgcv Pastor Services 10:30 A. M. Sabbath School »:*) A M. J. 1.. Downing, Supt. IUFTIST:-- Elder Young Paster. Services 10:» A. M. Sabbath School 12 M. MASONIC. RICHMOND LOIH;K, NO. 143, A. F. & A. M. Regular Convocations rtrst Monday in each month on or "before the full, moon, and the second Monday thereafter. „ ti. P. WODEIX, W. M« C. G. COTIINQ, Secretary. OUR DRY GOODS MERCHANT* We always take pleasure in noting the success of any aiid all business men in our midst, and when we see in our stores parties from adjoining towns doing their trading, we can but come to the conclusion that our merchants, by square dealing and low prices, are ofierlng the buyiug public inducements that they do not tind elsewhere. Our merchantsjiave this Fall put in unusual large stocks, and now can be found at Smith, Aldrich A Haythorn's, Perry & Martin's, P. D. Smith's, Bucklin A Steven's or Fitzsimmons A Evansou's, large and well selected stocks of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats aud Caps, Groceries, Crockery, &c.. and if you want to buy they will pleas* you botli iu quality and price. The five firms above mentioned have well established reputations for keep- i - K-.-f IIVHC uub biiv i/vob wvue^anu fact that they draw customers from a radius of ten and twelve miles around. is sufficient evidence that they are satisfied they can do better in trade than elsewhere. In this line of trade Mcllenry is to-day behind no town in Mcllenry' county. Mcllenry has just cause to feel proud of her enterprising and go-ahead merchants. A SUGGESTION. EDITOR PLAINDEALER.--TO increase business in the village of Mcllenr^, to make business lively for merchants, mechanics, and tradesmen of all kinds, have one day in a mouth called market day, for fanners aud others having horses, cows, or other animals to sell or trade, and where they cau take all kinds of produce to market at the same time. In this, way those having any­ thing they wish to exchange in any way would make it a point to go to town such days to get rid of what they had to sell or trade, aud those wishing to buy of course would go also to find what they wished, aud in this way there would be a good deal of ex­ changing of property that as it is now does uot change hands at all. I would suggest the first Saturday in every mouth. 1 have known towns that fol­ lowed this plau and have become great market towns, while other towns of the same size did liot amouut to much as far as marketing was concerned, Sol think it would increase the business of Mcllenry as well if this ^or come other plan similar was adopted. Such days as these you would see agoodly number of horse traders in town, aud business men of all departments in life. It would be a day of business to all. w. A. II. This is a plan we have several times urged upon our citizens, aud we would here join with our correspondent In urging our citizens to make a move iu the matter. There are ui.teld benefits to arise from such a day, both to far-!. a Thanksgiving Party, at the mers, mechanics- aud tradesmen, aud Richmond House, on Thursday evening Business Notices. They go like hot cakes those seamless back Calf Shoes at BuckSiu A Stevens. A fine new Stock of Millinery, of the latest stylet, at Mrs. 0.11. Morey Cloak making Searles. a specialty H Mrs. Overcoats! Overcoats! Overcoats! at Bucklin A Stevens Mcllenry 111. School Books and Writing Paper* Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. Imported and American cloaks. Al­ to Infants cloaks at Mrs. S. Searles. SEWING Machine Needles of all kinds at O.W. Owen. Our Select School is progressing fine­ ly, and to the satisfaction of patrons and|scliolars. ' » • \v If you want a Daily or Weekly pa­ per or a Magazine, go to Alexander A Hyde's. They can supply you with anything Hi this lir.e4» loWas anyone itt the county. Our new landlord, John Billett. is getting a good run of custom, and giv­ ing very general satisfaction|to all who stop with him. He has refitted the House in a substantial manner, and that he is a born landlord is evident to all. We now boast of having as well kept a llotel as there is iu the county. The piles of new goods being re­ ceived at Smitb, Aldrich A Hay thorn's and D. A. Potter's, is good evidence that they are doing a lively trade, and from the crowds that constantly throng their stores there cau be uo doubt they are selling goods at prices td suit the times. Each have a coin- pie to stock,>|arge and well selected. ,Geo. W. Eldredge, uot content with having the haudsomest house and barn in town, has now commenced the erec­ tion k>f a fence in frout of his residence that will--well we will wait uutil it is doue aud then we will tell you what *re think. George is bouud to be ahead, no matter what he undertakes. He says "what is worth doing at all is worth doing well." Considerable aninosity was stirred up over the election on the 6th, which ,f»rc are sorry to see. Boys, election is now over and the right ticket won in the county, so what is the use of keep­ ing up tiiis fight ? Shake hands, call it square, and wait for another year.-- Aud then if we have a chance we will give you another "rattle." Somebody may want to be Justice of the sometime. Who knows? The "Richmond Social Dancing Club" have given notice that they will CONSUMPTION CURED. I kAn old physician retired from practice.having had placed in hisbauds by an East Indian missionary the for* ttinln of a simple vegetable remedy fof the speedy and permanent cure of Con­ sumption, Brouchitas, Catarrh, AsthmA and all Throat and Lung affections, al*%:.-.. a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand# of cases, feels it his duty to make if known to Ids suffering fellows. Th#» recipe will be sent free of charge, t# ail who desire it. with full direction# for preparing and successfully uaingfc.-.-. Address with etaiup naming thto p*p«lt Dr. J. C. Stone, 44North NtulhjWHUI'- Philadelphia, Pa. 4 we hope our citizens will not delqy. Who will make a move?--[ED. AN OLD "LAW." The Marengo JiepubHcan of Satur­ day last, has the following: "Mr. J. T. Wells and wife returned last Friday from a few weeks visit with their friends in Northern Ohio and Southern Michigan.. They had a pleasant visit, aud both of them show t its beneficial result in au improved healthful appear ance. During their visit, they called on au old acquaintance of M'. Wells, one Lomer Griffin, of Lodi. Ohio, who was 118years old, the 22d day of April. The "lad" was out splitting wood when they called, but came in very quickly when he heard that Mr. Wells had called to see him. Mr. Wells brought with him a photograph showing five .generations'of this family, headed by the 118 years old "lad." The old man reads his Bible every day, works and chores around the bouse, <and thinks he cau do more work than any of his children cau. What an eventful life his must have been; extending over nearly a century and a quarter af the history of our nation, from its earliest iufancy to its presnt grandeur and glory. He voted for Washington for President, and has voted at every Presidential election held in the Uni­ ted States. Very few men are granted so many days on earth as 'Mr. Griffin.' NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to the firm of Smitii A Snyder either by Note or Book Account, are hereby notified that the Books are now in the hands of H. Snyder at their offiee, where all are expected to call within the next 30 days and square up. Those interested will please*bear this iu mind, as delays are dangerous. SMITH & SNYDEB- Mcllemy, Nov 5th 1877. For a small sum of money, we can dress you warm and comfortable the coming winter. Fitzsimmons A Evan- san, McHenry. J. F. IIAKVKY, ot this village, has again taken the Agency for Vickery's Fireside Visitor, a large 32 page paper, containing 38 columns of choice mis­ cellany, aud uo continued stories, each number being complete in itself. It is issued both weekly and moutlily, and is one of the most interesting story pa­ pers now published. Each subscriber receives a choice of two Premium Chroinos, "Spriug Beauties" and "The Ascension of Christ," each of which are worth the price of subscription. After subscribing for yoi»r home paper, ex­ amine this paper before securing your wiuters reading. Buffalo Robea t Buflklo Robe* 11 A full supply on hand at Bucklin A Stevens, and at lower prices thau ever, BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! REDTCTION. REDUCTION, in the price of DRESS STEVENS. GOODS at BUCKLIN & BUFFALO ROBES. A large invoice of the finest Robes ever brought to this market, just re­ ceived at Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn's, Riverside Block. For right down Prices for all kinds Bucklin A Stevens'. Hard Pan Cash •f Goods call at Nov. 29th, to which all are cordially in­ vited. The music will be furnished by Bugbee A Cornish's Quadrille Band aud a general good time may be ex­ pected: The youug meu who have this matter iu charge will spare no pains to make it pleasant for all who attend. The readers of the PLAINDEALER should bear in mind the Lecture to be delivered at the Methodist Church, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 21st, by Eli Perkins,"the biggest liar in the United States." So he says himself and he ought to be believed. But candidly, he is one of the most humorous and in­ teresting Lecturers uow upon the ros­ trum, and no one who can should fail to hear him on this occasion. We hop* to see a good turn out from McHenry, but we warn your citizens that it will be necessary to have their buttons newly stitched before coming. Remember the day and date, Wednesday, Nov. 21st. SPELLING. In the following is given the spelling report of my A. class for the two weeks ending Nov. 12,1877. Chas Owen, 12-250; Jinnte Searles, 250; Emma Page. 2-225; Ettie Beers. 2-225; Mabel Smith, 2-250; Addie Alexander, 7-200; Alinon Gran­ ger, 24-250; Carl Ralston, 6-250; Ella Kelter,225; Hattie Smith, 200; Clara Wightman 5-226; Minerva Ostrander, 1-175; Stella Beckwith, 250; EllaLumm, 2-250; Grace Owen, 9-220; Ettie Tilt on. 2-250; Chas. Slaftar, 2-250: Eugene l'erkins, 1-225; Paul Brown 3-200;Eloise Waite, 4-175. 8. D. BAr.nwm, Teacher- l^oeeedinga of the Board of Trustees COUNCIL ROOMS, Nov. 7th, 1877. Board assembled on call. President Bishop In the chair. Full board in at­ tendance. Minutes of last meeting read and ap­ proved. Clerk reported^ the balance from Saloon Licenses ($400) for the fiscal year collected and in the hands of Tre asurer. The following bills were audited, allowed aud ordered paid. H. Colbv, for stationery Ac $ 1.73 Kd Madden, watching Pound 1 night.... 2.00 Marshal Holmes, services S3.80 Com Wentworth, utreet work 90.U5 J. M. Smith. Hardware i.M M. Kelter, Clerk services 13.50 Smith & Snyder, Lumber 25L71 KKKP one eye open for bargains at Smith Aldrich & Haytliom s. Tinware, from a tin whistle to a Wash Boiler, at John M. Smith's, near the Depot. A full and complete line of ready made Cloaks. Also a full line of Cloak- iugsand Cloak trimiugs at Mrs. Searles. Just opened a full aud complete Hue of Clothing for Men, Youth and Boys at Bucklin & Stevens at McHenry. •m The best Teas at the Lowest Prices, at Smith, Aldrich A Hay thorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. A full and complete Stock of ready made Clothing aud furnishing goods for men and boys just received at Smith Aldrjch A Ilaythorn's. It will pay yo« to come 20 miles to trade at the cash store of Fitzsiminous & Evansoti, McHenry." Stoves of all kinds cheaper than you cau steal them, at John M. Smith's near the Depot. The greatest bargains ever offered in McHenry county, at Smith. Aldrich A Haythorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. For cheap and fashionable cutting, fitting and dress making go to Mrs. Searles new millluery store. Grrat Bargains in Cloaks. Prices from 94,50 to $35,00. All iu the latast style at Mrs S. Searles. Just received, at Mrs Morey's. the finest stock of Millinery Goods ever brought to McIIrury. CALL and see the best Coal Stove in the market, at John M. Smith's near the Depot. Ladies Cloaks, aud Cloaking and new patterns of Waterproof at P. D. Smith's near the F>cpot. Rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and bruises will be relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve aud Bone Llniuieut, sold by all druggists. We are offering special bargains in Ladies*, Misses aud Children calf shoes during this week. Fitzsimmous A Ev- anson, McHenry. Ladies do not fail to call at Mrs. Morey's and examine the latest styles of Millinery Goods. Her stock is com­ plete, aud prices ns low as the lowest. D^ti't part toith one shilling of your money until you call and se* what good bargains you cau find at Fitzsimmons A Evanson's, Mcllenry. Wanted 10.000 lbs of Choice Butter for which we will pay the highest market price in Goods at the very lowest Casli Prices. BITKMN A STKVBWS. Ladles, call and see those splendid new Bonnets and Hats, at Mrs. Morey's. She will sell you the latest styles at the lowest price. Mothers will find Dr. Wlnchell's Teething Syrup just the medicine to have in the house for the children. It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat and regulate the bowels, try it. Wanted, in exchange for Goods, Butter. Eggs, Poultry Ac., for which we allow you the highest market price and sell our goods at Cash prices Fitzsimmons A Evanson. Mcllenry, lit What is the use of riding with an old blanket over yeur knees, when you can buy a fine Buffalo Robe dog cheap, at Smith, Aldrich A Haythorn's River­ side Block. For anything in the Hhe of Dry Goods, Clothing. Gioceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, &c. Se to Smith, Aldrich &Uaythoru's. liverside Block, McHenry. Money to Loan. In sums of $500 and upwards, on Mc­ Henry County Farms, at 8 per cent in­ terest. Address or apply to fn.w HOW IT IS DONCI The first object in life with tli# i; American people is to "get rich*'; t!i#lv second, how to regain good health*' ' The first can be obtained by energVjp.. honesty and saving; the second, (goo<fv2_ health.) by using GERE??* Aratrs^-.-• FLOWER. Should you be dlspondent| sufferer from any of the effects of Dys-» pepsia. Liver Complaint, Indigestion^.'-;" & c.. such as Sick Headache, Palpitatiort- :: of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual: Costiveness, Dizziness of the Heacf v Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, A c.$ you need not. suffer another day. Tw<* • dosos of AUGUST FI.OWKR will relieve you at once. Sample Bottles 10 centsi , Regular size 75 cents, Postively sol# > by all first-class Druggists iu tht U, For sale by H. Colby, Druggist* McHenry. 111. ' Genuine Buckskin (iUtvei andJMlttena. Manufactured by J. E. Hall, Stockton, California. The undersigned having a supply of these celebrated Goods, now offers them to the public at as low figures as the genuine article can be bought in the country, Button Glove, 82. Half Gauntlet, 92.25. Full Gaunt­ let, §2.50. Every pair warranted to be genuine Buckskin, and will do mora service than two of the worthless imi­ tations to be found in the market.-- Call aud examine them and be con­ vinced that thev are the best. For salo by O. Hall, Ring wood. 111. Disease and Death, when thtj reach our own households, are too serfons for jesting, we use our best endeavors to drive oil the dread messengers, aud aro only happy when wo feel tlsat they ar4 at a distance. At the first Hpproacli of that fell destroyer, Consumption, ill the shape of a cough or slight cold ap well as more severe Bronchial or Cai. tarrh Complaints, we should at once us# Eilert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cher* rv. It has no superior in such casesf Every bottle warranted to givo .satis* faction. Sold by all Dmgista. There is no earthly boon more proclouf than good health, and it behooves itf possessor to endeavor to retain it. I* you are assailed with such provoking ills as Sick headaches, torpid liver, sou? stomach and a general feeling of wea% iness and disgust, don't go and commir suicide but take Eilert's Daylight Live Pills and be cured. STAMPING! STAMPING! Having just received a full Ml S|f Patterns of all Kinds. I am now pro- pared to do Stamping on short notic# and at very low priceo* - Gall and Mt me. . MM. J. E Satinf Mcllenry,.,Kov. 7tft» 1877. Bucklin A Stevens have a full line of Selz A"o's Boot and Shoes, which havf given their customers such universal satisfaction during the past year. Every pair fully warranted and guar* an teed to give satisfoction. •25 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any one who will find one of our BuflTaw» Boots in which there is a counter, inner-sole, slip sole or piece of heeling a good, thiel. ASA w. slun Woodstock, 111. Total 8887.49 Adjojurned to call of President. R. BISHOP, President. M. KELTEB, Clerk. Sugar is Cheap. Cheaper, Cheapest. If you want to see how much Sweeten­ ing you can get for a dollar--Silver or Paper--call at BUCKLIN A STEVENS. FOR SALE. A Six Horse Power Engine and Boiler. As good as new. Will be sold at a bargain. Enquire of O.W. Owen. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fills and closes the pores of leather, effectually preveuting the entrance of dampness, dust, &c., and rendering the harness soft and pliable, while at the same time increasing its durability. Just received at Bucklin A Stevens at McHenry a new and full line of Seasonable Dress Goods, Shawls in desirable Styles, Prints, Domestic, Cotton Flannels. Bed Blankets, Horso Blankets and woolens. that is not cast from piece of sole leather. P.D. SMITH. Near the Dei MARRIED. FELLOWS--PARME LEE--At the reside near of Mr. Eben WVoks, in Richmond, I1L, on tM eveuhig of th<? tub inst., by Rev. F.J. Douglas* Mr. Giluiiut' I'cllnws, of ticnoa Junction, Mis* Dora Pftruselee. RITSII--EHLE--At the residence of Itaft bride's father. at Woodstock, Itl.a !wv. 381^' Miss Fannie A. Ehleand 8. W. Rush,, of Ch|l* cago. Ccivniony by Rev.S. Kas&gey *win4 by Rev. A J. Buell. DIED. BURTON--November 1st. 1817, #f 8earl°et Fever, Lewis, son of II. and G. Burton, age* 4 years. NORTON--On November 10th, infhnt tea eff Wm. If. and Amelia A- Norton* las weeks and Ave days. Sleep little babgr sleep In thy narrow little bed. Thy little form so sweet. Is numbered with tbedf|)B» Thy littlespirit bright. Has gone to heaven abof% To dwell in everlasting light. In joy and peace and love; A.i.9. N E W HIE Freeman A Clark's celebrated Im­ proved Flax Mill is unequaled for clean ing Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed and all kinds of graiu. Call for circu­ lar at E. M. Owen's. Wool Growers, Attention. The subscribers will pay 40 cts. for Wool washed on the sheep, 30 cts. for unwashed aud 45 to 50 for tub washed, in goods at last years prices. * JANRSVIM.R WOOI.ES Mtixs. North Main St., Janesville, Wis. Gould's Iron Pumps, with any kind of Cylender, that a boy 12 years old can work with perfect ease, in a well from 25 to 100 feet deep. For sale at O. Bishop's. Distempers. Coughs, Colds. Fevers and most of the disea»es which Horses Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and Poultry are subject to are readily overcome and cured by using Uncle Sam's Condition Powder according to the plain direc­ tions. Sold by all Druggists. W Meats Respectfully patronage. The undersigned Opened a New Meat Market Curtis' Old Shop where w fcorfMT "®I tmuukir Ik preiwtred to furnish all who; favor hiiu with a call with Fresh and Salt of all K-'nde, asks a share of the pablkv Vegetables of all Kindt IN TIIEIR SEASOH. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. jarmll and we will try and please yea wltH the Best of Meats and a Clean Shop. McHenry, 111., W It. WAITS. mat, urn. Ladies and ehildtous laggins. aaafe of Cloth or Waterproof ready aiado or made to order, at Mrs. Searles* New Millinerv Store. Will out-w««ar Ml pair of knit OUM Jutt ti» itiftd School-girls.

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