Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1877, p. 7

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MODERN BE VITAL HYMNS. ka Bcmrfakblc Spread ot Moody ud 8m« ^sv-"* key's Song*. * {From the Galaxy.] . A distinguishing feature of onr great ^iftligious revivals of the past half dozen years has been the important part which dinging has played in them. Not only lias a singer accompanied the preacher-- m Mr. Sankey accompanied Mr. Moody, Hb Mr. Bliss accompanied Maj. Whittle, aa Mr. Bentley accompanied Mr. Ham­ mond, as Mr. Hillman accompanied Mr. Graves, and as Mr. Johnson accompanied Mr. Needham--but great local choirs in each city have aided the evangelists by an impressive service of song. The extent of this hymnal service has not been more remarkable than its ex­ cellence, both as regards words and melo­ dies. Its leading trait has been hearty hopefulness, cheerfulness and enthu­ siasm. The key-note of old-time reviv­ als was terror; that of modern revivals is persnasion. And this difference appears more clearly even in their songs than in their sermons. Moffat and Cartwright, Finney and Kcapp, drew awful pictures *of the fate of the impenitent; but the modern evangelist paints rather the hopes of heaven, and the glories of be­ longing to the noble army of Christian workers on earth. Hence a genuine martial ring is heard in the popular re­ vival melody. There is a thrilling qual­ ity in " Only an Armor-Bearer," or - •• Hold the Fort," or " Pull for the ""Shore," which seems to be almost a mod- "ftrn characteristic. It is true that some early popular revival melodies had this trait: " When I can read my title clear," and " Canaan," and in general the "Je­ rusalem " style of ditties, not to speak of the grandly sonorous tunes, like "Coro­ nation," being quite as rapturous as anything in more recent hymoology. But in the earlier hand-books of revival music the proportion of "awakening," that is to say, mournfully startling hymns, such as, "Oh. there will be wailing, wailing, wailing, at the judg­ ment-seat of God!" was much greater than in the modern. Perhaps in the effort to be bright and encouraging some of the revival tunes have gone to the extreme of liveliness, and are too much like a jig for decorous and solemn worship. By giving a little extra speed and trippingness to " Hold the Fort" it has been used for dancing. But there is no denying the power or the popularity ot these gospel tunes, often called the " Moody and Sankey tunes." They have gone to every home; they are sung in camp, on shipboard, on the railroad train; the very street-organs grind them out; and the other day they even got into the witness-box, for a wit­ ness in a Pennsylvania lawsuit, an En­ glishman, began his testimony, " As I was walking along, singing ' What shall the 'arvest be?' " eto. Forrest's Version of the Fort Pillow Affair. " When I wentinto the war I meant to fight. Fighting means killing. I have ' lost twenty-nine horses in the war, and have killed a man each time. The other day I was a horse ahead, but at Selma they surrounded hie and I killed two-- jumped my horse over a one-horse wagon and got away." I began to think I had some idea of the man at last. He con­ tinued: " My Provost Marshal's book will show that I have taken 31,000 pris­ oners during the war. At Fort Pillow I sent in * flag of truce, and demanded an unconditional surrender, or I would not answer for my men. This they refused. I sent them another note, giving them one hour to determine. This they re­ fused. I could see on the river boats loaded with troops. They sent back asking for an hour more. I gave them twenty minutes'. I sat on my horse dur­ ing the whole time. The fort was filled with niggers and deserters from our army; men who lived side by side with my men. I waited five minutes after the time, and then blew my bugle for the charge. In twenty minutes my men were over the works and the firing had ceased. The citizens and "Yankees had broken in the heads of whisky and lager- beer barrels and were all drunk. They kept up firing all the time as they weait down the hill. Hundreds of them rushed to the river and tried to swim to the gunboats, and my men shot them down. The Mississippi river was red with their blood for 300 yards. During all this their flag was still flying, and I rushed over the works and cut the halyards sand let it down and stopped the fight. Many of the Yankees were in tents in front, and they were in their way, a* they con­ cealed my men, and some of them eet t'aem on fire. If any were burned to death it was in these tents. They have a living witness in Capt. Young, their Quartermaster, who is still alive, and I will leave it to any prisoner I have ewer taken if I have not treated them weU." Nine Years Without Sleep. Mr. Thomas McElrath, an emigrant from the North of Ireland, settled in Marlborough, Ulster county, N. ¥., many years ago. He is an upright, hott­ est,*and a mueh-respected citizen of that place, being a member of the Rev. B. C. Niven's congregation. A rumor has been in circulation for years to the ef­ fect that this gentleman has worked at his occupation ot a farmer, apparently happy, enjoying good health, and yet had not »»t any time in nine years been blessed with a really refreshing sleep. To mnke sure of the facts before pub" lishing we sent a reporter to interview Mr. McElrath and make a verbatim re­ port. The reporter informed this gen­ tleman what bis mission was, when he replied as follows: " I came to this eouulrj in the year 1832 from County Antrim, Irelunvi. I was in excellent health, and continued to remain so until nine years ago. I was then attacked with liysentery, aiid was confined to my bed for over a mouth. Dr. William Gedney, of Milton, attended me then and since. Alter I began to get well I could not sleep till alu-ut 12 o'clock at night. A week or ten days later I could not sleep till 1 o'clock, and so on for six months, till the present time I have not closed my eyes in sleep for nine years. I hear every sound during the night wliile my family are in bed and sound asleep. I frequently rise and read for hours, but my head feels dizzy all the time ; my back aches, my eyes are sore; although people tell me I look well for my years, I am really very weak, and have not worked very much for tne last two or three years on my farm. Oh ! yes, I lie down during the day, but sleep nary a wink. Yes, sir, I am positive I have not slept in nine years. My family and others have watched me for many weeks--yes, and for months--to see if they oeuld catch me asleep ; but it's of no use. I can't sleep, and that's the end of it. Ill give any man $50 who will give me just one night's rest. No, I can't stay on my feet for over two or three hours at a time. My memory is good. How much do I weigh ? Well, I should judge somewhere about 160 pounds. I've tried everything, and noth­ ing affords me relief. I wish I was dead."--Kingston (N. V.) Courier. Stock-tiambliug in San Francisco. It is absolutely surprising to see what a mania prevails here for stock-gambling. Capitalists, merchants, clerks, servant- giila--.ill shades of professions and vo­ cations--are engaged in it, hoping to real­ ize sudden fortunes. Men of opulence are impoverished by a single deal. Mill ions and millions of dollars change hands in a month. When one comes to ascertain that the most of the mining stocks in the market are absolutely worthless, it is past my comprehension why investments in them are made. I have been making some figures and I find that only thirty-two out of the six­ ty-seven mines in Nevada ever declared a dividend. Thirteen only have declared dividends within the past two years. There are some 217 mining industries on the Pacific coast, and their total divi­ dends up to the present time foot up $108,859,699. Of this amount Consoli­ dated Virginia and California have paid $50,760,000, or nearly one-half. The total amount of assessments levied on these 217 mines aggregates $59,259,103. Taking out four mines from the list, it is found that thero has been more money put into the rest than was ever taken out. Deducting $97,580,700, the aggre­ gate dividends of the seveuteen bonanza mines, and we have $11,279,110 as the total dividends of the remaining 200 mines, or $48,000,000 less than the total amount of assessments levied during the period that dividends were made. Out­ side of a few of the bonanzas all the money made in mining stocks is by mine managers and their friends. The vic­ tims are the fools who are captured by stock-sharps, and who are led to risk every dollar they have in the world, too often on a single venture. , Such fraud and robbery as is practiced by stock manipulators here is without precedent. --Cor. Boston Journal. The Origin of Postage Stamps. The origin of the stamp had a tinge of romance in it. It was thirty-seven years ago that Rowland Hill, while crossing a district in the North of England, arrived at the door of an inn where a postman had stopped to deliver a letter. A young girl came out to receive it; she turned it over and over in her hand and asked the price of postage. This was a large sum, and evidently the girl was poor, for the postman demanded a shilling. She sighed sadly, and said the letter was from her brother, but that she had no money ; and so she returned the letter to the postman. Touched with pity, Mr. Hill paid the postage and gave the letter to the girl, who seemed very much embarrassed. Scarcely had the poBtman turned his back when the innkeeper's young daughter confessed that it was a trick between her and her brother. Some signs on the envelope told her all she wanted to know, but the letter contained no writing. "We are both so poor," she added, " that we in­ vented this mode of corresponding with­ out paying for our letters." The trav­ eler, ̂ continuing his road, asked himself if a system giving place to such frauds was not a vicious' one. Before sunset Rowland had planned to organize the postal service on a new basis--with what success is known to the world. Got. Morton's Disease. * In conversation Dr. Thompson ex­ pressed himself very confident that the Senator's death resulted not from any reflex action of the paralysis of the left arm, but from a paralysis of the nervous center itself. For the past ten days he has received an average of six letters » day suggesting treatment for dy«pepsia and indigestion, showing that a wrong impression obtained as to the Senator's condition. He was not troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion in any form, except as it resulted from a partial paralysis of the pneumo<^ast»v? nerve-- hence treatment for dyspepsia would not touch the trouble. It was the paralysis which had to be reached, and failure to restore this nerve thus affected naturally resulted im death.--IndianapoCia Jour­ nal. Over-fsoouction is the bane of the pig-iron business. R. W. Raymond, in the November Atlantic, shows that the 750 furna-oes in this oouutry oould pro­ duce 5,000,000 tons of the article, while only 2,000,090 tons are actually needed. Vienna Rolls. To one qnart of flour add two teaepoonfnls of Doolet's Teast Powder, aift thoroughly, put in a little, and rub a table-spoonful of lard or butter through the floury use enough sweet milk for* soft dough ; roll out and cut with a round a otter ; fold over like atturn-over, wetting the «dges with milk to ma<ke them a 1- here; wash owr with milk to give them a gloss ; plaoe ia a pan so they will oot touch each other, and bake fifteen or twenty minutes. They axe delicious. Gleaaon's Pnl>licatk»»«* Great reduction* price for 18 <8 of Gijeason s PitTOBiAir4*> $2 a year. Single copies 6 cents. The Home Ci&c£e to $2 a year, single copies 5 cents ; for sale by all newsdealers. Gleason's Moxthly Companion to €1 a year, single copies 10 cents. All poa'age fre«. The price of Chromos has just becu greatly reduced. No one now gives such liberal terms to agents as we do. Send for new free circular. Addrerts F. Gleasov & Co., 73d Washington tftreat, Boston, Mas*. Mrn. General Sherman, Wife of the General of the United States Army, says: '* I have frequently purchased Durang's Rheumatic Remedy for friends suffering with Rheumatism, and iu every instance it worif11 like magic." Send for circular to Helpbenfltine 6 Bezitiey, Druggists, Washington, D. C. The editorial staff of the Christian Union ̂Horatio C. King, Publisher, 27 Park Place, New York), comprise* Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and Eev. Lyman Abbott (Editors), C. L. Norton, John Habberton (author of " Hel­ en's Babies," etc.), Rev. L. W. Bacon, Mrs. H. W. Ikeoher, and W. H. Coleman. Price $3. Four months; 41. A serial story by Mrs. H. B. 8 to wo will begin in November. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts.-- The superiori y of these extracts consists in their perfect purity and (treat strength. They are warranted free from the poisonoua oils and acids winch enter into the composition of many of the factitious fruit flayers now in the market. The Welfare of tli« Karnin Syatena If, in a great measure, dependent upon the way m which the bowels perform their evacuative function. If they are regular--and they can always be rendered so by the use of Hosvetter's Stomach Bitters--an important essential of health is secured, and that blessing is very apt to follow. If they are irregular, chronic con­ stipation and indigestion supervene, the liver becomes disordered, and the bile, being divert­ ed from its natural channel and purposes, en­ ters and contaminates the blood, producing that yellowish cast of the skin and whites ot the eyes which is such a sure index of bilious- ness. All these disastrous consequences, aa well as others of a far more serious nature, are remedied and prevented by Hostetter's Bitters, the leading American sthenic for diounten of the bowels, stomach and liver. Rheumatism Quickly Cored. "Dtirang's Rheumatic Remedy," the great Internal Medicine, will positivelv cure anv case of rheumatism on the face of the earth. i*rioe, $1 a bottle, six bottles, $5. Sold by all dn gists. Bond for circular to Holphenstine Bentley, Druggists, Washington, D. C. "You say Jones' scales aint good for nothing. It's your interest to lie agin 'em. So I'll ruu the risk, as I have no money to pay till I'm satisfied. I can buy a Five-Ton Wagon Scale of Jones, of Binghamton, limgtaamton, N. Y., for f 50, on trial, and freight paid at that.* OMKW The Celebrated " Matcuuehb " -Wood Tag Plug Tobacco. Th* PiomtiK Tobaooo OoHV&irr. New York. Boston and Chioagow Sex Something AVtr advertised by Goodhue 4 Co. Handsome Picture* Free'-Two elegant ftx8 OUromos, worth* to adorn, the wall* of any home, and a Three-Mouths1 Trial of Leisure Hoi ks, a charming 16> page literary paper, full ot the bost Stories, Poetry. Wit. etc., sent Free to any one sending Kiitoon Cent's (stamps taken) to pay m'ailing expenses. MrnicJ returned to thosi not satisfied thev get Double Value. J. L. Patten A Co. Publishers, ItH William St.. N. Y. $i,5U0 in prizes, anil big pay, given to agents. Write now. THE GHEtEAT BEGULAT0E. PURELY VEGETABLE. An Effectual Specific for Malarious Fevers. Bowel Complaint*. iSyspepsia, Mental Depression, Restlessness, Jaondioa, ,, OoKe, "Sick Headache, Constipation and Billousnaaa. ASK the recovered dyspeptics, Hilious sufferers, vic­ tims of Fever and Ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful #pirit« and Rood appetite--they will tell you by taking blmmons' Liver Regulator. This justly celebrated medicine Regulates the Liver, promotes digestiou, aad fortiiiea Ute system against malarial diseases. Extract of a letter from Hon. Alexander H. Stephens; " I ocea- atonnlly use, when my condition requires it, Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, with good effect. It ia mild, and suits me better than More active remedies." CONSTIPATION. TESTIMONY OF THE CHIEF JUSTICE OF GEORGIA. --" I have used Simmons' Liver Regulator for constipation of my boweli. caused by •% temporary derangement of the liver, for toe last three or four years, and always, when used according to the directions, with decided benefit. I think it is a good medicine for tho derangement of the liver--at least such has been my ireonnl experience in the t*e of it."--HfR*M W a BOTCH, pent Chief Justice of Ueorgia. OltltUNAIj AND ONLY GENUINE, MAStJFACTOBED ONLY BY J. H. 7.EIL1N & CO.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. PritCi tliOO. Sold by all Mrngglstg. MONTH. AUKM'S WAflT- K!>, ViO of the latest novelties. hemffurC:i-aloR. Van & Co.Chicaga $400 WORK IFOR ALL In their own localities, canvassing tor the Fireside ViKil»r (enlarged) Weekly and Monthly, l.iirilt'itl 1'npiT in thi* \VorltW with Mammoth Chrwmos Freo. Big- Commissions to Agent*, 'ienns and Outfit 1'rou. Addreea 1*. II. VK' Augu&tu* ^liiinr. METROPOLITAN CORSET! THE ONLY CORSET COMBINING Grace, Comfort and Beauty! I* constructed on purely scientific principle®. The back is whole boned and left open at the hips to be 1»<"^J at pleasure ol wearer, and '* p»ed in Imck that tti« !»•»»<>•' aid oosiea adapt tiiem**** witu marvelous ac- cur*rr •" every curve and undulation 7 . wrtiie tino-t'type or figure. Fojreale by all loodMfc merchants. Lady Agents wanted. 8am- mail on receipt of $1.6(1. Eastern Depot, J. Beckel ft Co., 4M BroaSwajr, New Y ork. WESTERN DEPOT, KEITH BROS.. Chicago, IIL BOUNTY! Snl<li«>t'N (liNcliiii-gcit lor wounds, rui>ture, or injury, other tliun disease, crh secure full bounty : those who re- rnlist«d for three years between .Ian. 1, and April 1, IW<. haviiiK previously served nine nitctlifi, iiro entitled t- WW buuiity ; tfecse who enlisted Ivfore July 4, 1«04, luviag received but are entitled to bounty, act lst)6; where soldier was dir.rhns^od lor disease, .a'iliod of sanio palor to July 28. Wit the widuvv is en- BUTTER (itVfw? to bounty; if soldier is dead,(She heirs are en- tatlfd as above, provided bounty h<» not been paid, reunions for all disabled soldiers. Address, with stamp. JlcSlilLL & • amtcit, Wawfeiuirtou* 1). c. £vt ,/V:c till claim aS'ou ed. After fair trial severe test*, it was awarded Centennial Prize M#d- €/>• al. WHY IT 13 SUPERIOR TO U* kw Ka ALL: 1st. It kas no taste or small, •sm® Is as harmlev as water. 2d. It iis liquid, its easy to hasdle, and in mired in cream before churning. 3d. It pwduees a color resembling tirass Butter. 4th. It »» Ahe only article that will color the butter and not the battennilk. fit(i. It gathers the butter materials, in- o»ases the weighs more tuan *V' pay for the color used, it the hest ever known. Send your address on postal •card for my receipt b(Kik,/r»f. It tells how to make bat- *er, pack, present, extract rancidity. Mks. B. Smith, am Arch St. T O. Box 1954, Ptodadelpliia, Pa. _ DUitlMi thi past four yearmre have given empl< r-ment to thousands of persons and can give the HI me to as many more--if you want to engage in s safe, leur"*- wate and profitable business, von snould apply *« "nee. We are the iirigtrtutors of th© most popular « istence for and others to develop th** --cobt nothing to tret it--is tkojv^^v' practical--on ktnmtinjf--procure* nnumited gai#" handsomely--* pK riect succor adapted to, hMih mule and fenitl^-wr particulars, addxo^s * THE GASTON TEA CO., P.O. Box 872. 14 N Ch.i>nW>rs Street, Ne« York. kol! .y TAK32X There is nothing to equal It, relieving you of pal" '*) » short time,and curing all bowel cotuplaints.suc*»*acolic, craanps, spasms, kcartburn, diarrhea, dysentery. Ilov wind in tlie bowels, sour stomach, rfjvsp'psia, sick head ache. In sections of the country where f «•*«'•* •<»'<' A Mae pievnils there is no reu.edj held in gre.iter esteem i'ersons traveling should keep it by iheai. A ftw drop- in wuler w.U prevent sickness or bowl trouble® froir change (if water. Sold by all Medicine l)ej l"rs. ralring tl.e iol&ulli of FA VORITEI for tn«ir ^ * , ..M.;..,1 II. K. and T H. R. Chris- f tie. and supervised by Prof. K. - , -- 8 jj s;c!nt»>sl», tile eminent nu- cenM. SPBflM\ I'AOfcS FKM.. S. W. CAKROLL 4 CO., Publishers, Cincmnati, <ur juIOM A IIeai.*, Chioag " For Rhenmatlsm. I»vspepsla. Neuralgia, Nervous asM'eaknesg and Diseases is 'I lie Voltaic Kelt. g--i When worn it generates El'rtricity--th* great cu- I I rativn agent. Pii.vBici;nis uso and recommend it, C_3 Try it. $ii. > ;»v«'lt v Tru>>«--a comfortable, durable and perfect Hemia supporter--$4. Ad- S<gJiiKi:tl>le I'teriiK* fMipportrr--highly recom- i, mended -$<»- Diaitnl Syrinjre--combines e- ringe, forceps ana speculum, hard rubber--j ^5^ OrKU D(ITVUiUlll. UttlU 1 UUUtll *>f} f~~** 1'ilB Nnpfiorts'r--comfortably worn on horso- < ; back--afflicted ones get it --$2--10. Discount to (CCS trade and physicians. Goods sent C. O. D. Ad- SSESdresst II]< A(a» TOI.TAK AND TKI .NS CO.. 80 U'ubinKlun Street, Cbicago, i/PTURe •KltK Til*" Rewt Trims without Metal Rprirgs ever in ented No humbug claim of a certain radical cure, but a guarantor of a comfortable, secure rnd satisfactory applianco. We will take back and pay KI'1,1, all that do not suit. Price, •Ingle, lite cut. S4 ; for both aides, @f>. Sent by 'nail, post-paid, on receipt of prt«e- N, B.--This Truss will CUKE more Eupturee than any of those for which ex- trmvagant are nude. CSLrculart free. P0HEB0Y TIUSS CO.. 7« Broadway. Mew Yffk. and coloring tnem wall. Agents wanted. Profit# large. Reap the first frnita of eomrthinK new. 8ampie free. OOODHUK A OO., Chicago. WlimEY & HOLMES ORGANS. The Finest Trm&i and Most Durable Made. Mew Style*. New Mol* Sttps, Warranted Five Yean. Send for Price UMa. MMITMEV 4 HOLMES ORGAN CO.. QUINCY. IU UGI80TS BEST 8KET MVT GHIMM TOUOCO was awarded the highest prize at Centennial Exposition for ite fine chewing aualities. the excellence an<^Luting character ct its sweetening and llavorlng. If yon want e 'J®8*'tobacco ever made, ask your ghieer for this, and *** jaateadl plug bears ourblue-strio trade-mark. xii»h words Jackson's Best on it. (Sold wholesalj by all iob- aKU.SS1 Vjf """fe *° €VA* & CO., aianntwimrere, Pelera>Tt.y a. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. 3TA« choicest hrmsehold ornaments. Price One Dollar each. Send for catalog***, JAMES R. OSGOOD ̂ CO, $1.M B°5TOK- MASS- $1M0 CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED The prevention and r«r«. of CONSUMPTION, aa Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all dia- eaMi> Ol UJ*G8 and Throat, may be in PULMONA, Disorders of the St. VA.'h »!,.! « >«1 ACTIONAL e l p r T ' T o ' i r ' " * " e n - the ienerVl s^nt,™1®,w^erfnl rapirtitv. all Bron"hiit" Sc ?t «I'TKIN. ASTHMA, LMiieT)V<K«i suIkIiim th and color to the KhMtheckSSctonti^ ul* .nnd, Frv,»- »«»" diniin-' 11 checks She Su;bt SWKATS. PITI.MONA ia adapted to ••ery dtae&*» i/k **?."' • 'njjhich is exhibited «r«y ilerangnment of •'thef jn*' ̂ K^Wior the Bloop Forjfv"iall ROYA BAKING POWDER. ^btSTit^nlfanaranteeit foil weight,and abaolntelv pare. Tb Uy it, i(M) cenu for 1-poand can to UOVAL BAKINC! »y aitll free o( postuce, tr POWDER CO., NriH. BOOH At; E\TS, '1'AliK XOTltli: JOSIiH alLEITS WIFE Has " wrote another book," and it is really SAMAXTHA. AT THE CEXTEXMAL! As a I*. A. and P. I. outdoes herself, and Wipow D«X)I»i.f. leaves Betsx Bobbkt far behind. I)ont wait and lose your chance: send for circulars, territoiy, Ac at once Address AMERICAN PUBLISHlNt; CO .'Cmcv^; ILL-. Cincinnati, O., and Hartporp, Conn CONSUMPTION CURED. An old phjsicuin, retired from practice, having re* cmvea trout an Ka^t India missionary the formula of a ample vegetable reimwly for sp«>dy and pennanent cur«' of ronfinmption, bronchitis^ catarrh, a* hma9 and all throat and lung affections ; also a rare tor nervous do* b.Uty and all nervous complaints,after having tested ita curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Acta. (5 tO S20 f •' home. JVimplee ««tk w free. Stixson A Co.. Poaland.ltS $12 Agents wanted. (Mflt terms free. Tit UK A CO., Augusta, »VsrvESS cowCbSS " JliVI>aTOW« Send for circular to $66 A m yonr own town. ' free. H HALLKTT A $330Q^XEMi Hew to Wakrti. ® A VO.VOE, St. opalar ®Cnto$12aweek wit _ V>mo» A Maps. GoodsweJ's Potb'g Houai BEATTY ew-ixx*i-a ^ $$$ Jr<»rson«;, n:a?e or female, old desire hbor^s pAy tor h-nest indtste*! " w. I. Semplk A CO., MU Vm' z Ql?5?.1rD PI'ATEIlt WATCHES. .n>l . tlle l'OOWQ wtM. S«M«l WiTCK FltiE T A. COULTER ft CO.. Chkaoo. lit. AUKNTS CAK MARK »» PER f»AY our PATpT BEER FAf WORSWICK MTG CO DPMftlAMft Praea(«a.«r «0 PAY, tar e BIlOlwIlO a*enr wounded. nfimL accidentallyInjnred or ftKiued Boldler. iddiwiOtLS W KITZllKHALD. U.K-OUbm AU'r.WwUMtoa. IUtt >f » uesire to relieve numsn, I will send ' The Best Polish Circular. CLOCKS AGENTS WANTED 36 sellinfc articles fa the world; one •EUwiOK, DBtoaHi. AI'CKT. Hewd far (,'l«vrf»i)i, l>M, LSELF-8PKINQ TRIUMPH *PKiOTIX«; PRKSS, seS.SOt OatM* rim. a hand A seil-inkenth* VonngA bett for business. Send 0. W. WATSON. 73 Cornhfu. tnps t or c.-> lilnf ){. IXiltAIIAM «; IKb>» are superior in iletoifi and equaled in quality, or ea tt keepers. Ask yonr Jewelen tear ;B>Q naoTii i C^yIccSin^ASTHMk > •il O f MO I lUXOiby mail. Stowoll<tCo. Dharlobtown, Mass. rul"* in Jfhich is exhibited .r,, derangement of either the NKitvottBor the Bloop S'1'"'"- 'J1 IHwitrrt it is fiiriiit'ly xmrijHiilrd. 1*1 1..MON A snpplietthe place of "Cough Mixtures" for theC-ough. Tonics-- for the Appetite, "Kxpecto- rante" for the Fx^n-toratlon Anodynes for the Nemu , Irritation and Iron tor the lllood. and thus is both th« and the most tconomintl meilicine that van lietSkers By a aprc.ific action upon th« Conditio,, it reaches and has a direct effect upon th, uh*i, 1P>*ptom*. I'l'L.MONA i. confidently in all cases wherein are exhibited any one or Bore of th. following MVinplouiN t COUGH, DIFFICULTY OR Irhkgvlaritt tv> BRPATO ino, Wasiino o* the Flesh, I^ss of ArVTvI..' „ STBENOTH, BLEXPINO FHOM THK LI-NOR. twJ. ., UKBM.ity. KI.tiko PAINS THnoruH THK CHEST.V „',,g OR FACE, KKRVOI's Hkapachk. NKRvot's PRofe,,, TION. NWBT SWEATS, 1>IZZISESH OK VERTIGO, THBOAT, SLEEPLF.SSKEBS, iNPUi^riON, SlNKINO fC THE Stomach, Remittent Fkvui.hvI uptriolly im eft cr 1'l.rTin? In egularitie*. Kfad tlic Following Ccrtificntca. Coi.t.KrtK Hill, Cincinnati. O.-'v vw, in <A» fax Hag* of ConsnmpHnn. Ten days after taking IM'LMO- NA my Chills, Night Sweats. Fever, Ac., decreased, and finally ceased altogether. My restored healtli is a mar­ vel to all who know me."-T. J. CaBSON. klPI" 1.31 O.N A tttivfd my daughter'* li/'e.taid probably aaved rat- hnndreds of dollar*."--Rev. K. Jomca. Rem- •en. N. Y. " HV hi run Stoii for the benejit %re rrreired from vour PUI<.M(>M."-Hev. P. WARREN, Canton, Pa. A St'FFF.RJR FROM ASTHMA writes: "Your NONA »> i'mcidnlly the bent remedy hare erer ha<lt and (he only wc tfiat ha*proilwed mtirtlv favorable Oko M. GRAHAM, Amet<?rdaffl»K. Y. Th© price it tho ITLMON A is $1 per bottle. It may be obtained iirough Oniggists genera lly, or directly front the Proprietor, OSCAR O. MOSES, 18 C^rtlandt Street, Now York, Send for .frre circular, containing particu­ lars of maM cases successfully treated. BURNETTS KALLISTON FOR KKMOVIXCt Tan, SonbTO^rreoklM, ̂ Ratafias and Erup- Ooo^lezion Clear and Beau^^f Of all the effects that expoauro of the skin to the air or aun produces, the most disagreeable ia called freckles, or tan. - I ( spread over the entlro surfaco of the parts exposed, it Is called tan; if scattered lit intervals, freckles. The finest skins are most subject to tliem. The IvALLlSTOX, {jepared by Joseph Burnett & Co., Boston, con- l*vw a peculiar erasive property which will re m°V these disaKreeable stains. It is at tlie same i t?6 TUf^^ly liarmlesa. allays all tendency to f'pdh'oniiS'^"* au^ reu^er8 CQiuplexiou clear SI0HS2S Cataloguo tree. J, H_ Rl»IOII. 1 Kstabllsbed tuein. Manufactory--RrisleJ.Ol. A liA Y Sl'lf K mad* tr Agents sell ing o n r C Utoon^ . Orayi.n*. PicinieaiMl Clm- rno C.-»rt!s. 125 wapit*, \*orth_§i.», «T.t, arat|mM. »«» Cents. UmetrateA for S5 tiONM, Brilliant Jewelry! KKBrarffiss* Sleeve Buttons 2>1 cts set, Pbiin or Chased Rinna M eta. each; Ladies' or Gent«' Bosom Pin. Heoklaee w Vest Chain. ."iO eta. Ladies' Set (Pin and Rar-dn imitation Cameo Stone, $1. The entire lot for Postage paid. W. Channino A Co.. Auguata, BOSTON WUHLI IHANSCRIPf _ The beet family newspaper published; etght •fto- six columns reading. Terms--$2 per annum; club* of nlmw^ 910 auluin, in advanoe. KPEC1NES COPY ti&ATlSL Best Ms for Siipn Scboois. CHORDS CHOIR INSTRUCTION BOOS. B> A. N. Johnson. Just Out. Contains the system of this celebrated teacher, so minutely and plainly de­ scribed, that it is the easiest and best Manual for Teach­ ers and Leaders, and is also a most entertaining, n»«ful and thorough book forall Music (."lasses and Conventions --with the plainest of plain instructions, '""d 2tiU pages of the be»t music, graded from tile easiest to the most ditHcult. ind continually referred to. T'^> book also beat answers that perplexing quostion: * 11" •* <o have good singing In Congregation*. $1.38; or »12.00 per doi. This fine b<»it hftiai^dy beeri used hy /fieusands, who have had " ' " ' " --- of Sacred for By L. 0 ICMKRRON jsed hy thousands, wh bat one opinion as to its adnif."»*>le collection Music, of tilees, Ouartets, Trt>>R, l)uet«, tSongs, Ac., lor practice. It ia a capital file" Bnok as well as Singing- Class Book. Thorough Instructive Course. <6 eta.; or 97.60 per doz. PKRKIXK' MIMi NCIIOOL. By W O. Pkrkins. This, like the Knjore." is an exuellent Olee Book as w0ll us nnd wul b« a »in« book for Oonventkitt» tar eauy ptn̂ UcQ iu Cholw «ud Societies. Good °°urs«, *nJ Um kmmt, ol mattic. 75 cU*; p6i do*. All and convAiiHon holders Are Invited to In* sur» their success this Mason by using one of these books. For sale evorywh^ Copies sent postr/ree by jtt&il for retail price. I 0LIVEE DITSON & CO., Boston. C. II. Ditson & Co., J. B. Dllaon & Co., 843 BboadwaT. Successors to Lee A Walktr, New York. Phils., THOMSON'S PAT ratfll 0L<! The Friends of this UNRIVAUtDCORSET I ara now numbered by MILLIONS. Prices are much raduceffl MEDAL RECEIVED r ATCCNTCNNIAL. Set the Genuine, and Faeware of imitations. A*KAL«0 FOR THOMSON'S UNBREAKABLE STEEIS) The best goods mad*. . ae that the name of THOMSON and the , Trade MirM» ' on every CoraeUSteel.1 PRINTERS STND 7c1j- t- OR POSTAGE ON BEAu'^'IFUL CATALOGUE, SH.QWINf 5G PRINTING PRESStS, A^ff OVF.RIOOC SMALL FONTS or T"YrC,CUTS.BORDER S &-C. BEN TON. GOVE & CO. • MILWAUKEE W'S, THE GOOD OLD STAND-BY. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. FOR MAW AND BEA8T. Established 3d Tears. Always cares. Always ready. Always handy. Hua never yet failed. Thirty millions hare tested it. The whole world approves the glorious old Mustang--the Best and Cheapest Liniment in existence. cents a bottle. Tha Mustang Liniment cures when nothing else will. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDERS. THE CHEAPEST & BEST ADVERTISING £Q RE^CH READERS OUTSIDE OF THE LARGE CITIES. We represent over 1.000 Newspapers, having a week* ly circulation of over 600.000 Copies, divided into six different lists,covering different sections ol the country. Advertisement* received for one or more lists. For jataJoguee, containing names of papers aad other In­ formation, and for estimates, address BEALS A FOSTER, tlfHrk Bow (Tinea Bulldin*). Hew Tork* ITanfcrf Erer';v-h*y> to send {pranafte- oopy of "Tho Home Companion, bomaC-; dispute the cheapest and linul puiit iiiUm* pa per published, AnimmeneeebcalStlM* built up in 4 years. Great pnaaaaai §m~ getting up clans, including OnpuMw OaMK Watches, Ac. Only 85c a year. "" full of puzales, stoiiea A cb< Knmplesand t« Publisher. terms frte. S. 14 BoUvar Bt, MA«K----' --WADE FOR ASTHMA, ROSE COLO, HAY FEV&v^. This r»mtdy htm heen wed In thousands of the wo>v. «•»*'«, with astonishinir and uniform success, and i«N, offered to the public wltn full confidence in its merits. It contains no poisonous or injurious properties whatever, aad an infant mar uke it with perfect safety. Extract from the " Life of Washlaeton IrrlaB," by his nephew, Fterre M. Irving, Vol. IV., psgeSTi. "The doctor an experiment,--what had bern eucucetcd bv Dr. (O. w.) llolntrs on his late visit,-- 'Jonas whitcomf>'s Remedy for Asthma,' a tcaspoonful In a vine-class of water, to be taken every four hours. A pood night was the result." •'I have had tho spasmodic asthma fifteen years. I ewfto&cnccd taking4 Jonas W hlti'omb's Heinedy for the Alt hi us' eisrHtcen months ago, and have not hnii a severs 8 All All JS E ELY, Eddy town, Yatea AGENTS WANTED! FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CI 829 Broadway, New York City ;, 111. t New Orleans* Ls. t ^ ®r laa FraaciKco, im PRINTERS AND STATIONERS! «1«1' „ - --a eincsu N.Y., to Euit( " IUve n)d '.WhHeemb's Remedy* for nearly twenty jwars. I kvtw of nothing so uniformly succe«»ful. THEODOlft MJETCALI\ Dru^ist, Tremont Street, Iters Aural Ji'ew Torkt RcBWdt' I... ... • eo uniformly succew>ful. DURSt METOALF. "" • -- - - Boston, " I have derivul vor? creat benefit from 'Jonas Whlt- •omh'n Aothma RtauHly.'" O. F.08I10RNK, 1'resiUent Hcptuuc InsurancaCo.', Boston, Mass. My mother bad suffered clsht years from the harvest asthma. The recurrence of this thre^monjhs' a^on/ •very year must r-oon wear her out. ' Jonas Whitcomr s Astlima HemeUy' arrested tlic terrible disease, niiu >u»s kept it off for tlie whole season, to the pivot Joy of tno family." Per. JOS. K. HOY, Cliicaco A Kent of tho Americas* Minsiousfy iu «'« 1» JnU$+ pciwieat. -Prepared only by JOSEPH BITRNETT &CO. ®«wton. For sale by all DruggUts. ope line .UNiON GO cents and jtet a Urge sample nackag® ©f i U Programmes. Visiting tiu Stationery, Billet de Correspondenoe Kn' LT1HS with monogram d«t»> (aomuthinc ? t»"l. etc. Address THE NKWSPAP: f Uth Ave., Chicago. WANTED FOR ENt Creative Science; IR-RELATIONS; LOVI POWER, ETC. ITS LAWS, -".i Agonts are eellinj; from to to 25 copies » (fay. for s;iecinien pages and our extra tenaa to aatf see why It sells f.ister than any other book." * " NATIONAL 1'UUMSHINU €0.» €Mca#o, H, POHB'S EXTRACT. ITRACT. The People's Remedy. Tho Universal Paifc Extractor. Note: Ask for Pond's Extract. Take no Other. "Hear, for I will apeak of exccllcut *lii*ga." l'OND'8 EXTRACT --Tha er<«t Vegetable l*ain !>e»i royvr. Hastoconin uso overt liit-ry yciii'-K, and for eiranllnosa aad prompt curative virUH's cannot be excelled. CIHIiDltKN. Nc family c;m afford to bo with- tmr. Feud'K Esrtraet., Accidents, llruiscw, ^/OnfUHioitKg Cuts? Sprat si#, are reiloveu ai- im>-tuiauntly by extern 1 up^liontt'm. i'roinptly ri-TTi'ves pains of Hnvus, SciiIjIh, Exeoriu- Sion»i PlmffliSBN? Old WorcH, Roils, Fclm^ C!«»rns, etc. Arraatainflammation,reducesswcii- Inga, stops bleeding, removes discoloration and !i»fils rapidly. . , , , _ I^AillES tlud it their best frlwl. Ieassuages tho paint) to which they are peculiarly subjcct-- liotahlv fullness and pressure in t.u; head, nausea, *ertiRo, etc. It promptly smeiioratea and pcrrna- nantlr heals all kluds ot iullauimutiv&a and wlteriUionK. IIE.MtlH IM10ID8 or PILEfe And In thl«theonfy immediate relief and animate cure. No caw, how. ever chronic or obstinate can long resist iu regu­ lar use.. V A ft ICOS1E VEINS. It Is the only sure en ro. BLEEDINO from any catice. 1 or this It la a speci­ fic. It Has saved hundreds of Uvea when nil oilic.- remedies failed to arrest bleeding frum uoae, iRtoinncii. lungs? ard elwwUtre. TOOTHACHE. Karaclic, JNenrtilKU and Itlii'iiHiiitisiii are all alike relieved uuu ofteu p'Tinaiieiulv s-iired. • pii VS^ICI ANS • f all pehools who are acquainted with KiudV Extract recommend It in tholi> practice, w e have letters of comuH'ii.lation from hundreds of Physicians; mauyot whom onler it for use in their own p actiee. in addition to thi forenolne they order li«, iwcifpr 8wcliiii2!« of al kinds. Quinsy, Horo Throat, Inll.imwi siiiiiile a.ui chronic l)iurrliir:i, tB* larrh f',r wtiich it Is a l^iiillihiiita, F-"'j<tcd Foot, Stinars of .Mocuui- etc... ChuiiptMl Iluiuls, tace, and aiulccU nlf ID'UHHT nf rtkin dlseunert. ^TOILET USE. Itcmoves Soreness, Roiigrn* ue^rni Smartina? hoals (Juts, Kruptious t\nd 1'iinple .̂ revive*, invigorates and r& while wonderfully improving U»o Com- WOP1?aI?5iEIIS-Pond's Extract. Sfo^k Hreed<'r,«,i l.ivery Sim can afford to lie without it. It is used lis all tUo leading Llwry Siablcn. Street liailroa^ls an^ flrst Hoi*woiucn in New Voik Citv. It has no equal for Snrains, Uaru-'^s or Saddle Chati ps. StilTtiess. Scrat^;he3, swelilnsrs, Tuts, Lacerations, bleedings, 1'neunionia, t ollc. 1 > rhfea, Chills, t old-t. etc. Its range of action is wide, and the relief ltaiiord* is so prompt that It Is Invaluable in ev(jry Fartn-yard as weil as i'i overv Fivin-tiuiise. - tct It be trie l once a'-d you will n » v c r l i e w i t h o u t I t . . . . CAl'TION'! Pond's Extract hss b"»n iinitatcd. i lie k 'inline article has the worJs I'ond'M Ex­ tract blown In each bottle. It & prepared by tho only person* livintr who <vor know how i< prepare It pr> -perly, Itefusc ail other preparations of \v it -h lla/.el. This is th" only article used by I'll vsicians, and in the Uo^Itals of this countr} nnd Kurope. HISTORY and Uses «f Pond's Extract, in pamphlet forfn, sent free on application to POND'S EXTRACT COMPANY, 98 Maiden Lane, New i ork. UTS--omy one qnnll'y--Tha •s» HhliM Iltiinlkerohioft. ITEFP'S SHIL . BV Kind's Patent Partlv-M.ido Dri'w Shi Oan be timshed aa easy as nenuning The vei y In-^t, «ix for Keep's Custom Shirts--made to meaning Th© very i>est, sis for SO-OO, An eleeant set of genuine Gold-Plate Gouar aan Sleeve Biahms given with each hilf dof. tnuH ICaep's Siiirta are delivered FREK on ruivq* of prfdft In any |>ar' of the Union--no express to pajf. • Samples, v til full diree ions for self-iiM'Msurensents ~ it, J('rt>n to am' addroas. No stamp required, il directly with the Manufacturer and] xa. Koep Manufaotoring Co., 10a M , Wo Will WM | freotoaH ap- - i plicaaraa do any newspaper advertising, the THim> rairKTW •€- ATER & SON'S MANUAL FOK iDVKRTWEItS. l«rt«*T).ra>. MoractwspMv tii in any which hiive procwied it..' Oiv.'s the naniaL circulation, and advertising rate* of several tlmwTOW newspipers in the United States nnd Canada, wi eiii'.tams mere information of value to an adiiiiliw than enn be.found m any other publication. All liM* have been carefully revised, htm! where practicable prices hrive been reduced. The special offera ar» nivneroiis and unusii illy advantiigeous. B»» »or» send for it before spending any monev in i advertising. Address N. W. A YI'.K Sir- AovKBTiBiKu AoENXS.l'imee Bniiding, Fbil I 0AP. î mfvalled ft*r ftfk-i ihv Ik No r.riitk-lKil COV«T 1VIQK008 delitcricvui. cnt&. yvtniV tfTCMfflfc* the BULMflirtarar tt. T. BMin'i »**• Star and no«ro(ltr« totka > public The FINEST TOIMET SOAP In the On/W /A# t>urt*t vftjHabU oih uftti in iU man# For Use in the Nursery it has No (TquaC Wortn t«n tn^s its c«»vt to evi»ry tnoibff anil family in S*i!i['lf box, < ^ oftkeft of $ oks, eucti, ^uE free &o asy 4lWIMi mifii't of 75 o-t'iiJc, B. T« BABBITT, H York Cltyw iw V >>r Safe by "11 Mrnggiai*. .j^-1 * GRjSlOE'S NATURES REMEDY. The Crmt IOOO PuBiriin. GOOD FOR THE CHILDBEN. Bostom Home, H Tyler street,) \ " Boston, ipril, 1876. { H. R. STrnvj: . f<2®' 'hat the children la onr Home ha*a been greiitly benehted b» the VKURT 1KB you have so toulld wUh tue S"'™fnl^" l° time' '"-eclally thoM With respect, Miul N. WORMELL, Matron. Ventjat U Sold by All Druaaiata. A TEJ5BTAB1..E PREPAItATIUI Invented in the 17th century to Dr. Willlaia Sargeon in King James' army. "Sim ugh ita a| cured thousands of the moat uA as sores and that battiud the skill of the mosl: sai n«iit pbjsicltrj «« a»3F. and wai regarded hy v 1 uqu knm? him M pebile bent<iact4ir. carats « \&>\ u For SmU bv l>n 5»U gftuer«Uj. S*nt hj mail ' gi of piAm^ Pr«y&r#.l \if Sl-,1 f| \\\ K;- & MAS 11 a rriituti «»», SANDAL-WOOD. ~ A poaitive remedy tot all llsaia n of tha Kidm*m+ _ 'adder and Urliary Orfusi ato, good *ia' Drc ~sfcal Complalnta. Itawrpioinifatoa^ Isoertaix -nd speedy in ita aotioo. It in fsat aiipumiihg all other recediea. Sixty oapsulea cove In aixari daja. No other iredicine can do t.hla. Beware of Imnutionn, for, owing to Ha^praala oeaa, many have been oftu-ad; soma aivaapit 4hM oauaing pilea, Ao. DI'NDA-S DICK. Jk CO. 9 Sc_fi tut**, containing Oil qf SandaLWoao. fo.J mt att Store*. J-tkfor circular, or --md fx* turn u. U a*4 ̂ Woortfw liafc O. N. U. Mb nrHU.1 W BITINO 1D AO^TUKIlC' tT jplcaaa aay yum mm tte adrntiaMM| V

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