Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1877, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21st, Railroad Time Table. UOIKC SOUTH.- Oenera Lake Passenger............... JI- OE**RA LAKI Kncijrht.... .w..1: I A. X. >i\ M. GOOIG KOBTH. i-8eao»a Lake Freight S|l»lT» Lake Passenjrer 7:02 p. CHURCH DIRECTOUY. METHOBIST.--Rev.. W. A. Adron, Pastor. Service* every Sunday at 10# A. M.. and 7>t * M. Sunday School at U M. ,AI s V Superintendent- . JOHN DUNN WE are informed that one of oar young men Is learning to talk German. That he Is progressing finely is evi­ dent from the satisfied look ea his countenance when you ask him about it. By duader and blixem! Hadn't yon better '"look a let tie oat." Don't it f Wi are requested to give notice that there will be a "Mum Sociable," *j>4^r the benefit of the Good Templars m. oil^is village, held at the residence of C. B. <3&rtis, on Thursday evening of this week, to be followed by Literary exercises' during the eveningly .Apie public are cbrdially invited. «rj MASONIC. MCHKNRT CHAFTRB NO. MR. A. M.--Resrn- lar OmvoMtiftM held«on the second and fourth Fridays-iii each month. HENRY COLBY H. P. '̂00, Fair and Festival. I The Ladies of the Universalisl Soci­ ety propose to hold a Fair and Festi­ val, at Riverside Hall, on Friday eve­ ning, Nov. 30th. Full particulars next week. • . :. McHenry literary Society. Will hold their next meeting in Bishop's New Hall, in this village, on Saturday evening neixt, the 24th, at 7} •'clock, at which time permanent officers will be elected, an Address by Hon. F. K. Granger, and a Debate on the following subject:. Resolved, That the best interests of Society demand the enforcement of a system of Com­ pulsory Education. A. F. Par-sous Affirmative. W.S. Prickett Negative. The public are cordially invited. SEE card of O. Street & Sort, Hebron, dealers in Poland China Swin4,te be found in another column. FRANK GOIST, late landlord in the Riverside House, has moved to Evan- eton, and taken possession of the^ Huntoon House, at that place. ' OUR citizens should bear in mind the Lecture at Richmond this Wednesday evening by Eli Perkins. Those Whti fo will be sure to be well paid. OUR efficient Street Commissioner is busy "mending our ways," preparatory for winter. Streets, sidewalks, sewers. & c., are receiving his undivided atten­ tion. RET. J. H. BACON, Pastor at the M. "E. Church, in this villsige for the past year, has moved to Solon, and will fill the appointments at that place and Spring Grove. A very interesting communication :from our occasional correspondent •••Tadpole," is received but too late for publication this week, It will appear Qn our next. TiHK Steamer "R. Emerson," has been fcauled out in '*Dry Dock" for the Win­ der. and it is understood will undergo •extensive repairs and alterations before «he is again launched. THE new Cathoiic Church, at Wau- •conda, will be dedicated by Bishop Foley, of Chicago* on Sunday n«xt, the 25th. The public are cordially invited to attend. When in want of Picture Frames do mot forget that John Medlar, Wood­ stock. keeps the largest stock in the county. He also makes frames to cr­ uder in any style moulding you want. IF in want of a Cook or Heating "S3tove, do not fail tQ call at John M> •Smith's, near the Depot, as he cannot fail to please you both in quality and price. WE shoiafld be very happy to hear from those of our subscribers who signified their intention et paying their subscriptions iu •ever use such an article time of year. wood. If we is about this SMITH A SNIDER are now receiving an unusual large cargo of Lumber, at their yards, near the Depot. This firm •carry one of the largest stocks in the county, besides doing a large business in grain aud other produce. A. G. WILLIAMS, who lives one mile North of Volo, advertises an Auction of Stock. Jfarining tools, &c., to take place on Monday, Nov. 26th, commen­ cing at 10 o,clock A. M. T'loee interest­ ed should make a note. THE time of the Accommodation Train on the Fox River road, which formerly passed this Station at 1:35 p. M., has been changed to 1:15 p. M., twenty minutes earlier. Those inter­ ested will do well to make a note. WE hear a rumor that Rev. Dr. Balch contemplates delivering a course of Lectures in this village the coming Winter. We hope this may prove true, AS Dr. Balch is one of the most elo­ quent and talented speaker* In the Northwest. DR. RICE, Dentist, now visits this place on the Second and Fourth Fri­ days, and will be at the Riverside House on Friday of this week. We inadvertently omitted to make the change in his card, and his patrons -will therefore bear it in mind. THE Ladies Mite Society in connec­ tion with the M. E. Church, of McHenry will meet on Wednesday of this week 2:30 P.M. at the residence of Mr. E. Griswold, for the purpose of reorgan­ ization. A large attendance is request­ ed. By order of President Mrs. Howe Sen. WE have been unable to complete our Clubbing List in time for this week, but shall do so before our next issue.-- But in the meantime if any of our sub­ scribers wish any of the leading pub­ lications, Daily, Weekly or Monthly, we can procure them at the lowest Club rates. Look out for our list next week. SOME of our cotentporaries seem in­ clined te doubt the story of the Goose hunt at.McCollunTs Lake, which we re­ ported last week, but we assure them it is no hoax, as it can be substantiated by affidavit if necessary, troin twenty different men. The paly difference from our last weeks statement is that there were twenty-seven instead ,of twenty-six killed. H. E. WIGHT* AN, having leased the Riverside House, In this village, has taken possession of the same, and is now ready to acccommodate the trav­ eling public and all others who may favor him with a call, in the best of manner. He is an eld resident of McHenry and is well and fovorablv known, and n&ne doubt but that he will keep a good house, aud bring the Riverside House up to a standard and popularity amom; its patrons never be­ fore attained. The House will be newly furnished and nothing left un­ done that can tend to promote the comfort of guests. A good Livery will run in connection with the House,atod a free Buss to and from the cars. As will be seen by the proceedings elsewhere the meetiug on Saturday evening for the purpose of organizing a Literary Society was a success, and that we are to have a Literary Society this Winter is a fixed fact. All that is now neeessary Is for our citizens, both old and young, male and female, to aid and encourage, by their presence and otherwise, and a Soclety can*be main­ tained of which McHenry can leel proud. It will not only be a place where a pleasant evening can be spent, but will be profitable as well, where, by an interchange of opinions, much may be learned. Especially to the younger portion of our citizens will it be a ben­ efit. and therefore we hope to see our citizens one and all, take hold of tl:e matter aud help push it along The meeting on Saturday evening was well attended, considering it was the first, but we hope to see the house filled on Saturda}- evening next. TAKE NOTICE The Annual meeting of the MeHenry Co. Agricultural Society* will be held at the Court House, in Woodstock, on Monday, Dec. 3d, at one o'clock p. M* for the purpose of choosing officers for the coming year and for the transac­ tion of such other business as may pro­ perly come before said meeting, A. BOUUNB', Sec. ' .WOODSTOCK H L Nov. 20TH, 1377. 8PKLLIN6. District No. 2, Nunda. Report of ray A class In Spelling, for the two weeks ending Nov. 16th: Ella Magoon, 2-250; Mary Parks, 7-250; Lizzie Flanders, 250^ Bridget- Dohcrty, 2-250; Anna Powers,-1-250; Ella Flanders, 250; Alma Hunt. 3-250; Hat tie Goft, 1-250; Emma Rowley, 250; Arthur Mink, 12-150; Henry Rowley, 3-200; Mortie Gilbert, 7-250; Leona Mink. 1-175. A. F. PARSONS, Teacher. .;;; • SPELLING. ...' ' Jielow may be found the report of my A. spelling class, for the two weeks ending Nov. 16th. Louis-* Crow,2-223; Mary Crosby, 1-250; Clara Nash, 1-250; Edith Lowell, 1-250; Sarah Clow, 1-250; Dora Clow, 4-250; Alice Dunn, 1-225: Anna Harri s, 250; Minerva Lanning 6-225: Louisa Wilber, 2-250; Patsy Leonard, 250; Clarence Hill, 1-225; James Leonard, 150; Annah Bushuell, 8-200; Olive Van Allen, 5-225; Nellie Hill, 250 Laban Borden, 150; Julia Geulmau 2-250: Charles Knox 1-250; JOHN MORTON, Teacher. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to the firm erf Smith A Snyder either by Note or Book Account, are hereby notified that the Books are now iu the hands of H. Snyder at their office, where all are expected to call within the next 30 days and square up. Those Interested will please bear this in mind* delays are dangerous. SMITH A SNTUEK- McHemy, Nov 5th 1877. DOG FOUND. Came to the residence of the under­ signed 2J miles South of McHenry, NOT 5th, 1877. a very fine Hunting dog. Is white and brown in color, long slim body, and had a leather strap around his nock. The owner can have the same by proving ownership and paying for this notice. JAMES ON INK. Sugar is Cheap. Cheaper, Cheapest If you want to see how much Sweeten. Ipg can get for a dollar--Silver or Paper--call at BUCKLIN & STEVENS, lUHRXRI UTRRARY SOCIKTY. Pursuant to notice a goodly number of oar citeseas assembled at the Coun­ cil Rooms, in this village, on Saturday evening last, for the purpose of taklug into consideration the propriety of organizing a Literary Society in this village. The meeting was called to order and on motion ileti. F. K. Granger was chosen Chairman aud J. Van Slyke Secretary. The chair stated briefly the object of the meetiug, after which remarks were made in favor of organizing by Dr. E. A. Beers, W. S» Prickett, M. Kelter, and others. On motion, duly seconded, it was voted that we organize a Society, to be known as the McHenry Literary Society. On motion the chair was empowered to appoint a committee of three to draft a Constitution and By-Laws, and report at the next meeting. The chair appeiuted as such com­ mittee, W. S. Prickett, Dr. E. A. Beers, and J. Van Slyke. On motion It was resolved that the exercises at the next meeting he a short address by Hon. F. K. Granger% aud that a subject for Debate be* brought out, A-. F Parsons and W.S. Prickett to be chief disputants. On motion the committee on Consti­ tution and By-Laws was instructed to procure and make the necessary arrangements for a place of meeting. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at a place to be designated by the committee, on Saturday next. Nov. 24th, at 7} o'clock, sharp. F. K. GRANGER, Chairman. J. VAX £LYKE, Secretary. -; GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--The event- ful 6th, of November is past, and the excitement consequently upon such oc­ casions is once more assuming the usual quiet, and the knowing, sanguine, seh complacent look, worn by the many friouds, of the numerous candidates for the few county offices, with a part, has undergone a sudden and very grave change, wearing the, cold, somber, look of disappointment characteristic, and symbolistic, of the whiped *Cur" as lie retreats from the field of conflict to his "Kennel," whining and growling, be­ cause forsooth, his more wise and cau­ tious Democratic brothers did not pitch in ami help clean out that big "lie publi­ can Pup." The "Disappointed" "Defeat­ ed." turns awakened from the bright dreams of his imaginations, exclaim­ ing "Oh politics how uuoertain are thy ways." Behold I have been weighed in the political balance and votes (not I) were found wanting. We turn the card, and behold what a smile of satisfaction aud gratification fills the space vacated by the retreat. The force of this illustration was more fully demonstrated ou the morning of the 7th, around the public square at Woodstock. To the, outside observer the scene was somewhat amusing. As the political Artillery reports came pouring in from the several towns, groups of "braves" could be seen here and there with pencil aud paper in hand recording the exact caliber of the shell rent in, and when the report came from the north fired by the electric current, that "Richmond." had fallen, excitement ran high 011 the winning side, but soon, other Batte*- ries were opened upon the opposite there came a change, party No I scat­ tered. No 2 ventured forth, alternating until the dead were counted. 4,Xow that "this cruel war is over," "Let us have peace." Our School under the charge of Mr. Byron Wright and Miss Emma Murphy opened ou Monday of l&st week The committee appointed for the organization 01' a Singing Class report some 50 names. The soliool opened in full force on Saturday evening Nov. 17th, under the supervision of Mr. Fellows. The tultlou will not exceed oue dollar per scholar which covers the total expeuses. some two weeks since a little daugh­ ter of Mr. Charles Miller, dome seven years old, died very suddenly with Billious Colic or infianiation of the bowels. She was taken on Friday and died on Sunday evening. Our Supervisor Mr. George H. Garri­ son has been summoned as juror in the United States Court in Chicago, Judge Bledgettu James Crookshank who left this place some less than a year since for to seek hi* fortune in Wisconsin, has returned bringing his Sheaves with him him, having married a fine young lady. James has done well, brings with him lumber for a new house. May success attend his future as he is a good boy and worthy of patronage. EVEN. Honda of HMH at Cryatal L»K«. WIj*CONSIN DIVISION. OOIKU BA»1V*Sf •St. Paul PaaaeiWSf(nigl**,. IS A* Woodstock PaaMtegtrr .7:18 A. Fond du Lac Passenger *».... 8:87 A. ST. Paul Passenger ..S:0S P. Mali Passenger..*. ,.,..,...4:47 K O O I N O * Freight .»:» A. Mail Passenger....... 11:1* A. ->i. Paul Passenger. ,*•. vW.*.'4*iia 11:3" A. Woodstock Passengers....... 5:82 J*. Vond du Lac Passenger .8:451'. tSt Paul Passenger (Jtight).. 1.. 10:46 Jr. •Runs every day except Mondays. tRuns every day except iaturday#. Other trains ruu daily, Sundays excepted, PRICES REDUCED. During the next 20 days we shall of­ fer Black Cashmeres,* Waterproof, •Ladies Cloaks at wholesale prices Please call and examine. Fitzsimmons & Evansou Near the Depot. BUFFALO ROBES. A large invoice of the finest: Robes ever brought to this market, just re­ ceived at Smith, Aldrlch & Ilaythoru's, Riverside Block. SHELF-HARUWARIG, Pocket and Table Cutlery, in any quantity, at Bed-rook prices, at John M. Smith's, near the Depot. HORSE BLANKETS! Ton enn buy a $5 Blanket fbr #1.56 per pai r at Fitzsimmons Evaqson's Near the Depot. , Go and see the youug men in their cosey Reading Room. Everybody is Invited. Black slieep will iusluuate themselves iu every human flock. A. M. Clark lias fitted ft department in his store for a barber shop. Every­ thing iu it is neat aud tasty; and it is reasonable to predict a good business for him as he was so well liked when iu the business here some two years ago "It I* pleasant (?), when yie day is o'er1* To think on mankind's putrid sore, *f. - To aae his talent thrown away On things his soui will curso some day. The Disciple Church society is build­ ing a house for worship, which premi­ ses to do credit to those members who have been patiently working ft»r that purpose for a loug time. • ^ J Dr. E. Ballou is building a shop for the occupancy of L. D. Kelly, cartiage maker. Charles Sunt) has remodeled his building nnd it will soon be converted into a .comfortable dwelling house. Anthony Buck Is building a house for himself 011 the site of the old building which stood first door South .of the school hons^b Ifuiida is quietly pushing ahead. | NOTICK.--On and after Nov. 12tli, 1877, the Reading Room of theY. M. C. T. A. will be open between the hours of 3 p. M. aud 0 p. M. every day except Sunday. AU are cordially in­ vited to come in. The above notice Is one for which our people have been anxiously look­ ing a long time, and a great deal of impatience has been felt both by members ef the socicty aud by out­ siders, for the understanding was that the rooms were to be opened immedi­ ately after organizing tits society. But all such things take time, espe­ cially if the management falls, as this has to a certain extent, in the haud* of novices. The young men have a small sum in their treasury but it will bfe nearly or quite all expended for necessary fixtures for the room--car^ pets, furniture, fuel, &c. Their library is very meager In quantity, consisting of a few books and county papers which have been doi.ated, and a few papers received 011 subscription, but as tliere are several proposed lectures and ex­ hibitions In view it will probably be but a short time before the library will be creditable. There Is hardly any oue who has not some book which they could part with when they know it will be put into active and useful service, and it is hoped that such people will consider that no' good book is too small or iu any way inappropriate for a present to the society. As the room will be open to every cla^s of intellect every kind of books will be in demand; and should the Purchasing Committee uurclia«e ever so great a variety of book<» it Is not possible for thera to fill every want which, perhaps, some pri­ vate donation would supply. ALriu. CRYSTAL LAKE. EDITOR PLAINDEALER.--Agaia we are seated with our pen in hand to in­ form your numerous readers not of the weather (tor upon that we hav® nothing to say) nor of dog-fights or runaways, nor will we, unless Charlie's horse gets away from him. That we think would be worth recording, but of some of the principal evotits of the past two weeks. Election passed ofl very quietly, not much noise being made except by the advocate'of the ticket that received one vote, only oue helng a resident of this Precinct. If experience teaches anything we should think, these Antl Secret Society men would learn that their ideas In regard to such things have nothing to do with politics, and that in advocating and voting such a ticket they are throwing away their Suffrage. Iu taking a stroll down to the Lake the other day we noticed several 1m* prove me nts being made by Mr. Pole, who has had a gaug of men at work there for two or three weeks putting in a culvert across the road, siding the Ice House^ covering the ran way and getting everthing ready for winter work. We noticed also that the Ice In three of the houses ^has been taking a slide, injuring the building quite a considerable. It is worth a perons time to visit thsese buildings and see the largest Ice establishment in the West. Next meeting of the Literary Socie­ ty Nov. 23d. A oordial invitation is extended to alL Come, not only to en­ joy yourselves but to encourage the members who are doing all they can to make It interesting. A very Interes­ ting meeting was held last week there beiug plenty of business, reading &c, OBO n. T=. Business Notices. A fine new Stock of Millinery, of the latest styles, at Mrs. C.H. Morey^. Cloak making specialty M'Mn. Searles. Please bear tn mind that a hazy light is just as good and oftimes better than sunshine for taking pictures.-- Only come early in tue day and we Will please you every time. J. 9. JTFLIPTAR, WOODSTOCK, Overcoats I Overcoats! Overcoats! at Bnckliu ft Steven* McHenry 111. School Books ami Writing Paper* Cheap,at O.W.Owtn*. Imported and American cloaks, so infants cloaks at >h>. rt. Searles. ' 8®*™® Machine Needles of all kinds at O.tV. Owen. KEEP one eye open for bargains at Smith Aldrlch & Hay thorn s. Tinware, from a tin whistle to a Wash Boiler, at John M. Smith's, near the Depot. A full and complete line of ready made Cloaks. Also a full line of Cloak- lugs and Cloak trim lugs at Mrs. Searles. Just opened a full :md complete line of Clothing for Men. Youth aud Boys at Bucklin & Stevens at McHenry. * The best Teas at the Lowest Prices, at Smith, Aldrich A Haythorn's, Riverside Block. McHenry. A full and complete Stock of ready made Clothiug aud furnishing goods for men and boys just received at Smith Aldrlch & liaythorn's. It will pay you to come 80 miles to trade at the cash store of FItssimtnous & Evansou, McHenry. Stoves of all kinds cheaper than you can steal them, at John M. Smith's near the Depot. The greatest bargains ever offered tit McHenry county, at Smith. Aldrlch is Hay thorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry. For cheap aud fashionable cutting, fitting and ^ress making go to Mrs. Searles new millinery store. Grrat Bargains iu Cloaks. Prices from $4,50 t«t #35,00. AU Iu the latest style at Mrs S. Searles. Just received, at Mrs MojreyX the finest stock of Millinery Goods ever brought to McHenry. CALL and see the best Coal Stove In the market, at John M. Smith's near the Depot. Ladies Cloaks, and Cloaking and new patterns of Waterproof at P. D. Smith's near the Depot. j Rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and bruises will be relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve aud Boue Liniment, sold by all druggists. Ladies do not fail to call at Mrs. Morey's aud examine the latest styles of Millinery Goods. Her stock is com­ plete, and prices as low as the lowest. Don't part with one shilling of your money until you call aud &ct> what good bargains you can find atFitzsimiuous & Evansoirs, McHenry. Wanted 10.000 lbs of Choice Butter for which we will pay the highest market price in Goods at the very lowest Cash Prices. BRCKMN ft STKVENS. Ladies, call and see those splendid new Bonnets and Hats, at Mrs. Morey's. She will sell you the latest styles at the lowest price. Mothers will fiud Dr. Wiuchell's Teething Syrup Just the medicine to have in the house tor the children. It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat Mid regulate the bowels, try It. Wanted, In exchange for Goods, Butter, Eggs, Poultry &c., for which we allow jou the highest market price and sell our goods at Cash prices Fitzsimmons A Evanson, McHenry, lli What is the use of riding with an old blanket over yeur knees, when you can buy a fine Bufialo Robe dog cheap, at Smith, Aldrioh & Hay thorn's River­ side Block. For anything iu the line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, Ac. So to Smith, Aldrlch & Hay thorn's, iiverslde Block, McHenry. Bloiiey <t© • tan# " fnntims of $500 and upwards, on Mc­ Henry County Farms, at 8 per cent in­ terest, Address apply to ASA W. 8M If ft, "Woodstock, 111. ^" : FOR SALE.. m. JHx Horse Power Engine and Boiler. As good as new. Will be sold at a bargalu. Enquire of O. W. Owen. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fills and closes the pores of leather, effectually presenting the entrance of dampness, dust, Ac,, and rendering the harness soft and pliable, while at the same time iucreqlgiug its durability. Freeman A Clark's celebrated im­ proved Flax Mill is unequaled for clean ing Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed and all kinds of graiu. Call for circu­ lar at E. M. Owen's., Wool Growers, Attention. The subscribers will pay 40 cts. for Wool washed on the sheep, 80 cts. for unwashed and 45 to 50 for tub washed, in goodf-at last years prices. JAXHSVIIXK WOOLESHIUA Korth Main St., Janosvllle, WU. Gould's Iron Pumps, with apy kind of Cylender, that a boy 19 years old can work with perfect ease, in a well from 25 to 100 feet deep. For sale at O. Bishop's. Distempers. Coughs, Colds. Fevers and'most of the diseases which Horses Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and Poultry are subject to are readily overcome and eured by using Uncle Satn's Condition Powder according to the plain direc­ tions. Sold by all Druggists, YOU WANT A BARGAIN. We efMr 9000 yds. of Western Made light weight Cassitnere. suitable for Men's Shirts, Child's Suits. La-ties Skirts. Overcoat Lining Ac.. &c„ at the extremly low price of 20cts per rd. worth double the Money. Fitz­ simmons & Evanson, Near the Depot. BnAlo Robes t •obMtt A full supply on hand at Bucklin A Steveus, and at lower prtees than ever, HOW IT 10 DON*. The first object In life with American people Is to "get rieh** j second, how to regain good The first can be obtained by ettel honesty and saving; tl>p second, (g health.) by using GREEK' \vovi FVOWER. Should you be di»pJb<e« sufferer from any of the effects MTlij pepsia, Liver Complaint, IndigestU A c., snohas Sick Headache. Palpitfttl of the Heart, Sow Stomach, Habltt Costiveness, Dlssiness of the Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, A < you need not suffer another day. dosos of Auot ST FLOWEJ^ will reliei von at once. Sample Bottles 10 coat Regular size 75 cents, Festively by all first-class Druggists In the U, For sale by H. Colby* X>f*gglsl McHenry. Iff. The time was. when a physician ried iu a small trunk,all the remedl< known or he deemed necessary for tt curing of his patients of their ills aiH pains, but the study of the liumaii syeM tem by our learned men, has called wl new medicines, and iu a more concen-J trated form. One of the results of thief research after some more potent rem»[ edy for rheumatism, neuralgia, and nervous diseases generally, has been ^ the discovery of Lawson's Curative,and ] we believe that when its virtues aro' known in every community, no family will consider themselves without blame, if they do not keep It among their household goods. The Curative Is not only a specific for the above diseases but for ordinary aches and pains which occur more or less frequently in every family. For sale by Henry Colby, McHenry. v Disease and Death, when they reaolt our own households, are too serious for jesting, we use our best endeavors to drive ofl the dread messengers, and aro only happy when we feel that tl.ev are at a distance. At the first npproash of that fell destroyer, Consumption, in the shape of a cough or slight cold as well as more severe Bronchial or Ca­ tarrh Complaints, we should at once use Eilert's Extract ef Tar and Wild Cher­ ry. 11 has no superior in such cases. Every bottle warranted to give satis* faction. Sold by all Drug is ts. There is no earthly boon more precious than good health, audit behooves its possessor to endeavor to retain It. If von are assailed with such provoking ills as sick headaches, torpid liver, sour stomach and a general feeling of wear­ iness and disgust, don't go and commit suicide but take Eilert's Daylight Liver irilk aud be cured. <f ; STAMPING! STAMPING! J Having just received a full set of Patterns of all Kinds. I am now pre­ pared to. do Stamping on short notice and at vW^jr low prices. Cell and see me. • Mrs. J. M. SMITH MeHenry, Nov. 7th, 1377. , 925 REWARD. J The abpve reward will be paid to any one who will find one of our Buffalo Boots in which there is a counter, inner-sole, slip sole or piece ef heeling that is not cast from a good, thick, of Bole leather. P. 1). SMITH. Near the Depot cJ^lBARGAINS! BARGAINS!! REDTCTION. REDUCTION, in the price of DRESS GOODS at BVCKUH A STEVENS. For a smalt sum of money, wo dress you warm and comfortable the coining winter. Fitsslmmons A Evan­ sou, MeHenry. MARRIED. HEUMAX-IlAKES-By the BIT. % Z. Todd, oa the Stli inst., at the recitteaeeof the bride's jiarouta, Mr. Ilenry G. Herana. of the tlrui of Austin A Herman, of Woodstock, OMt Miss Mary R. Hakes, of Ilartland, 111. WOOinvOttTH-LAKE-At Harrard, IU., Nov. 1st It, at 1 he residence of the bride* m. ents, 8IH>W Wood worth, Station Agent at 1>ee Plaines 111., to Miss llattie LakeTdaaghMr Of Levi Lake, by the Rev. II. «. Womltrettb. DIED. BRAINAltlK--At Harvard, Swrsday moraine Nov Uth, 1877, of Diptlicria, Cclia. daughter*? Gilbert and Emma Brainard, AGED 7 years. Celia was a bright llttlegirl, and was to vet by all who kucw* her. ^ ^ -L N E W ! Curtis* Old Shop, trtitrt ho le, * prepared to ftaraiab all whamtA* | ffcvor him wifcb ® o*tt vrtth | Fresh and Salt. Meats of all Kind*, Respectfully asks a share of the pablie* patronage. Vegetables of all KKitdf t <X THEIR SEASQXt " ' mm paid for mom. «nd we will try and pleas© you with •he Best of Meats and a Clean Shop. " s|" it. WAITS. 'IHJ Oef-. -TJST, 18T7. ||RY OOLBY, --MCALVB IK-- rAJIVTS. OILS, Painters Brushes, Bye Staflki **•> •*%? Physicians Pre Carefully QOBBpound fnp-y " ^ STOCK A|F Choice Family -!«•* vhfefc win be sold si Lowest Living Prtee*. *!, ,i#4' t . 3 MaIle<tiT, April Wth, IWfc

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