m * w** • w- «**»«*< w -muMi.-****- 'mm <- ;sPR j> »ijU *#***•• wf%:/ 5« n.- «r •vA.-»4f '-v ; <"'? *',' •*»«.'*.' ' • •" '^'TTfM'-'-wrarw^- ® 7 4' WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28th, 1877. Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. FINTETRLAKE L'assenffer .. TIT *. M. Qooeva Lake Freight ....*; ,.1:1#*. M. OOIKO NORTH. 4Haava Lake Freight.... •«»•»» Lake Paeseaxer.. ^SFEIMA. M. ?:08R. M. ;S(SB CHURCH DIRKCTORY. _ MBTHOOIST.--Rev. W. A. Adrnn, Pastor, •erricee every Huwday at 10X A. M.. an<l IX F. SI. 8un>lay School at 18 M. JOHN DUKW Superintendent. MASONIC. MCHENRY CHAFTKR No. 34 R. A. M.--Bemt- tar Convocations held on the second aild fourth Fridays in each month. IltcxRY Courr H. P. PlTlAWI ALIZN Sec„ •06̂ 0, t tW :<M * -m MfSs McHenry Literary Society. Owing to the time consumed in Adopting a Constitution and By-Law* and the election of officers at Literary Society on Saturday evening last, the Addrew and Debate were postponed until the next meetiag. The next meeting will be held AT THE METHODIST CHURCH. On Saturday evening, December 1st, at 7| o'clock sharp, when the following •xercises will take place. Address--By Hon. F. K. Granger. Af :er which there will be a discus sion Of the following questions: Resolved--That the best interests of Society require the enforcement of a compulsory system or education. Affirmative -- 4. F. Paraeus, S. D. Baldwt n. a Negative--W.Prickett, <3. V. Stevens. J It ie hoped $h^t there will a gen eral turnout of < Mr citizens on that •oc casion. The L^yHes are especially In- 1 ' ' '2 DON'T fall to .read the new adver tisement of O. Bishop in another col umn. He has the largest stock of sea sonable Agricultural Tools to be found in .the county* |H another coliimn can be folmd a new advertisement of Smith, Aldrich A Haythorn, which our readers will do well to peruse. They are offering Carpenterville Flannels cheaper than you can steal yiftflft, and *U other goods in properties. See the «ad" else- where. t Postponed. Owing to thej unfavorable weather the Fair to beytaeld by the Ladies of the Uriiversallst Sovietv has been postponed dntil Thursday of next •week. Dec. 6tjh, when It is hoped chat «ank« arrangements to attend. fall to gv+) to Mrs. S. Searles' Sliest styles ef ^^uj^immed Hats, At thelewest prices ever o™f^.re(|, ') fiWN'T go home until you ainlned one of those Feed Cutters JK O. Bithep's Warehouse. FOR our Thanksgiving Chicken we are Indebted, to .our townsman. F. A Hcbard,'fotr whlek he will please ac- <wpt thanks. 1r Jn want #f a Cook or Heating !Stove, do not fail to call at John M. .Smitii'ti, near the Depot, as he cannot €ail to please you both in quality and ^ilfirlce. ln| iiKMKMBKR the G4ase BaU SShooc on tfhe B ase Ball Grounds on Thursday of this week. All who choose will have a chance to take part, and -some rait * sport may be expected. , , , , i ' " When 1m want of Picture Frames do not forget that John Medlar, Wood stock. kee£s the largest stock la the souuty. He also makes frames to >or- . der i» any style moulding y«u want. Wit kavcireceived an Rssajr read W- fwe the y. M. C. T. Association, <of Nundo, l?y Mark Foote, which will a^v .t |>ear next week. We should have bewi i ^ $«glad to have givoei It a place this, week time and space would not permit. "V . -- --•--?-- '• ;^tn! WE learn that a man by the name of I;JDarrel,"who resides near Waweonda, sommitted euiclde on Monday by tak ing a dose of Arsenic. He was a bach-- > e!or and about 45 years of age. Jfo .-^causi, Ib asFigued fur-tlie. rashvaoti.*. ^1 LOST, Strayed or Stolen! The Rich mond correspondent Of this paper. The last seen of him he was hunting items with a Creedmere Rifle, and •inging that familiar diUy. *• 8he liiia no shoes nor stockings, Stiek.'stack, pu^n-a-diddlo p^o-dle.' Any Information concerning him will ^be thunkfully received at this office. OUR Public School, after a vacation of one week,opened again on Monday last, with an increased attendance.-- Mr. Baldwin, tho Principal, and his assistants are leaving nothing undone to promote the interest of those under their charge, and that they are succeed ing is acknowledged bf patranr and •cholars. WE learn that the Thompson Bros., of English Prairie, have bought the Blacksmith and Wagon making establishment of L. Francisco, and will run the business on a more extensive scale than ever before. This is one of the best stands In the county, and we hope to see the new firm doing a pros perous business. KOT within the memory of fin an (one man at least) were the roads known to be so bad at this time of year as now. It is almost impossible to get along with a team and an empty wagon, and with a load it is utterly Impassible. And still it rains with no prospect of letting up. With this state of things of course trade of all kinds is almost at a stand still, and should it continue we shall soon" be cut of) entirely from the outside world.-- uLet us have peace"--or cold weather. 9 WK would call especial attention to the notice of Fitzstminons & Evanson, to be found in another column, in which they announce that in Flannels, Water proof, and winter Goods, they have marked down. and will sell lower than ?«ver before offered in this county.-- This Arm informs us that* they mean just what they say, and the buying public will find it to their advantage to give them a call. They are straight forward, square-dealing bnsiness men. and whifle ther sell low warrant- all goods just as represented. In another column cau be foifml^Ome business notices of J. S, Medlar. Photographer, Woodstock, which our readers will do- well to peruse. Mr. Mediar is one of the flncst Artists in the county, and those who contemplate getting Pictures for the Holidays should not fail to give him a call. Do not waic until the eleventh hour but go at once so that he may have time to do . you justice. At this Gallery cau also \b»Jound Charley Curtis, who is also a ^-Artist, who you will always find as smilihjg^^g a basket of chips, aud ready to wai^v^q you, whether you want a Picture talS^n a Picture framed or buy a Album. Woodstock do not fail to call aud see pictures at this Galtery. \. WHILK in Woodstock one day last week we we're shown a lww improve ment in the shape of a i'dll or poll hanging for a carriage or buggy. It docs away with tlie old way of un screwing a bolt, and all you have to do is to raise j lie thills or poll aud slip it wue side, thus saving not only time but trouble, and while it*;an be taken oft* or put on iu a minutes time, there is not the least danger of it coming off while in use. The Patentee, Chas. Hetterer, Is oue of the best Blacksmiths in tlie county, and has certainly bit uj>ou something this time thai is of untold benefit to every man who owns a bug gy or carriage, aud for Liverymen they are simply indispensable. They are simple and cheap, costing no more than the «ouimon bolt and nut row iu use.-- They have onlr to be seen f* bf ap preciated. V V 1 On tne first page of this paper can be found an article on Telegraphing, [which our readers will do well W care fully peruse. It was prepared with jrcafc pains after conversing with "one |vho knows," and cannot fail of being J^f Interest to |hose who use the tele- t aph, and all are obliged to do M tt join^e8 -- GEUTLEMAN of this viilage eent a to the shop for repairs, accom- fd by the following note to the per: "Pleasegiyethe heel Of ao> [nying boot a 'lift.' You are a mned man, as I know from stitu vides Sosed tates tion.of ratified liatnres, oonetitnti A tribnn laanes debt sm-f Yi each Btete i: than fcwelv* lafv- for tb( each State t oonHent of t' ears of pleasant acquaintance, ready to give every deserving ft.". The boot was not sent on a errand, for the man of leather iftlbed the feat, and practiced ling art, making sheer work of SaaThatTfivia^ it WDuld last. When the wise duly turned this letter came with it:*| k by awl means to save the men until they peg out a^d we them higher.** ' * >, " In such shall •rising in n Viee Presi' •hall hear al and eartify on which e their votes, tetonrmng W HILE in Woodstock last week we had the pleasure of examining tho new Time-Lock Safe lately put Into the Ftrot ISTaUoual Bank, aud must say that it is>one of the finest pieces of Work manship we ever saw. Asinostof our readers have ecen descriptions of these tiuie-Jocka, we will not attempt one here, but simply say that they are so arranged that when set and closed in uocouceivable way can they be opened until a certain hour the next morning. Thns it will be seen that the great Bank robberies which have occurred in the pafct few years by capturing the eashier, taking him to the Bank and compelling him atthe muzzle of a pis tol to open the safe, is prevented, for not even** save his own life could.this be done with one of these time-locks.-- And again these Safes are made differ ently from the common safe, the work being commenced from the outside, so that the last bolt is put in from the iji side of the door, each layer of the door having a rubber strip, which prevents the possibility of inserting powder or other explosive material to blow it open. In short it is a perfect safe in every particular, and one which bur glars will get little consolation from.-- Mr. Murphy, the able and efficient Cashier and Manager of the First National, deserves great eredit from the stockholders and depositors of this county, far this extra paitis to guard their treasure. The Bank, under his control, has become one of the safest and soundest in the Northwest, and while other Banks have succumbed to the hard times the First National, of Woodstock has been continually gain ing the favor andconfidence of the peo ple. Our county has a right to feel proud of sueh an Institution. CLOTHING/ CLOTHING! ; -We offer special bargains in Over coats Men's and Boys Clothing the next 30 clay. Fitzsimmoo* & Evanson. Kimda ! Department. t: *•=.«» Train* al Crystal lailt*^ 1. WISCONSIN DIVISION. . fcoifirt K4SI. *St. Paul Passenger (nigh$.. S:tt A. M. Woodstock fttsMWfor 7:46 a. K. 'Fond du Lac Paum;»r-- %-ja St. Paul PaSactiger.......,... --t:06 p. m. Mail Paasenger. •44T r. a. GOING 'VRAS^FC. FreiRht Mail Passanger Mt. PanS Passenger..., Woodstoek Panengtfr. Fond du Lac Paaseairer ......... tSt Paul Passenger 0>^ht) *Run8 every day except Mondays. tRuns every day except Saturdays. Other trains ran daily, Sundays excepted. ...9:37 A. M. ..11:K A.M. 11::17 A. M. r. X. ...6:43 r. M. P.M. While looking around for 'News" I have poked my nose into nearly every place In town and, as I find nothing startling. I will write what I saw, and what I thought while seeing. If any man challenges to mortal combat you aecept for me--I don't flight; and stave off all complaints until I finish, for when I close my tour I will make all needful excuses. If I havo done auy good I will then tell how heartily sorry I am and Vers Vica. But let's at It. On taking a look up and down our main street and into the places of business situated thereon we are Im pressed with the quiet manuer with which llunda holds an even tenor In the way of business, and is less disturb ed by fluctuations than most of the neighboring towns with which it always compares favorably. At the head of our business street stands the church; at its foot, the school. The former is iu charge of Rev.G. L. Wiley, in praise of whom much may be said. It would be useless to attempt the enu meration of his works for he is con stantly engaged In some good one, and thej' are nearly all equally woithyof mention. It Is sufficient to say that he is a capable man. who makes the welfare of his town his work, and it was with pain that the people viewed the probability tf losing him when his first term was completed, and they all joined In the endeavor to have him re- stationed Here, which endeavor was successful. The school Is inbly managed by E. Wheeler, Principal and Teacher of the higher department, aud Mrs. M. Cham berlain, Assistant and Teacher of the primary department. Though this is a pursuit whose results, instead of in termediate proj^sss. must be lookec at to,form a correct idea, yet I think 1 am justified In saying that we are fortunate iu having an ably.matiaged and well-taught school. There is a modern habit which is followed by a great many parents--that is the one of finding fault with the teachers mode of correction or punishment. It is working to the discouragement of our ^eaeliers whon It should be displaced by *"**vvthing and every thing which is honoiabre *iid will encourage. Ou hearing several^.^yUg found, I have taken pains to trace oiH*the blame and 1 have yet to find the "*^lnsj^iiice where the tutor's course meriteumsap** probation. "lint to business": As we commence at the head of the street aud undertake to "Look itv* on each business place, we are not impressed with the magni tude of the undertaking as much as with the anticipated pleasure of meet ing our social business men* First we •comc to the Ilyatt House, which bears an enviable reputation among tlie hotels of ihe North-Western villages. G. R. Hyatt. Landlord and Proprietor, i» capable of furnishing, and anxious to supply his guests with whatever is ob- tainabldand will add comfort to his conveniences aud the hospital! teg of his house. In short, the house has everything to attract the respcctablc public but nothing attractive to the ^Bnmnicr" anc^tlitv'"Leafei'Y ' Leaving Mr. Hyatt (and Harry) in peace, we must digress here and leave the main street for it would bo tiide- «ent to omit the mention of the Supply Store, located in the Pickling and Pre servingvWork«, whose Agent, B. F. Jones, so liberally patronizes our in dustries aud social enterprises. He has a store-full of groceries and provisions which he sells with a view of giving the satisfaction which he guarauteos. He will soon add a stock of a different class of goods to his present stock. I am not informed as to what it will be. but doubtless we shall see notice of it in the advertising columns of the PLAINOKALKR next week. As we shake Mr. Jone^ hand on departing he shakes in sunh a manner that, without the use of words, we are invited to "come again"--aud if we smoke we do smoke. On our way back to the street from which we have digressed we pass be tween the two Pickle Factories but they are so extensive that we shall have to devote an exclusive visit to them. | We pass through the lumber yard of Beckley A Johnson, of whom it is nec essary to say only that there |s not a stauticher business firm in town (or auy other, as for that matter); and I think *hey never lose a customer. As we pass the Depot we will be likely to fall over Lincoln's feet, but that danger once passed and we will i probably finish our tour In safety. We 'keep to the right' and step into Jno* Martin's Bakery. If that newspaper "We" ever sought nourishment or luxuries in anything but its own con ceit it might fare well on the oyster stews, pies, cakes, and all kinds of deli cacies. Mr. Martin's store also has other attractions which 1 might mention, but bashfulness holds my mouth and we are alive too, to the eo--dlousness that single men never can battle a delicate subject delicately. Next comes G, W. Horn's Drag Store which is managed Iu a good manner and presents a neat stock of everything pertaining to Drug and Book Stores. Mr. Horn's professson, Doctor of Medi cine, calls him from his store a great deal but be leaves the store in good hands. Here we are embarassed again--unnecessarily, I suppose,fori have heard it said that there are some Wo--Ladles who were pitiful towards embarrassed swains. But "We be as we be" and it is useless to tell us we are over-modest or effected. As we open the door of McMillen & Bro's store we are grasped by the hand by the senior partner who is anxious to make us comfortable and--sell us some thing. Howeverjf he does convince us we are In need pf something and sell^it to us we are sure of a good bargain. The Bro's have been in th? business of general store on a cash basis for some months and have met with a partial reward for their zeal in trying to build up a trade and give satisfaction to all. They are doing a thrifty business, they merit no less. We can stop at Clark's Boot and Shoe store only long enough to get shaved; haircut, get measured for a pair of boots, say i4How do you do" to Mrs. Clark, have a talk with the best Tem perance man tu town; take one last, lingering look st--ourselves In his mirror, and then conclude that our stop "only long enough" has been the longest of any and as pleasant as the pleasantest. As we shut the door en departing, we wish him prosperity for he deserves It. A. Buck's Barber Shop comes next. Buck Is light-Augered with his razor. I believe he could shave a sleeping weasel and not awaken him, unless he attempts to "Block out" some of those art is tic " Burns ides" a foe wDi ugle man n.' Buck is a hard man to compete with as he has always been obliging. He intends to start a cigar factory soon and--What's that!I * > The windows break--tho houses Shake, and groan and creak * * • Look here next week. AL PBA. --- • • • ' ^ • GAPTUKKl* AT LAST. EDITOR PLAISDKALKR.--I hope you will allow us Just space enough in your paper to express our surprise and as- tonhhmeut by a short call (Wednesday Nov. 21st inst.) frum our old friend and comrade of the war, Alexander Tweed, who was accompanied by one of Eve's fairest daughters, and introduced as Mrs. Tweed. Of course we offered our congratulations, as well as all sorts of sincere wishes for thpir futurt life, and happiuess, but were surprised, Inasmuch as we kuew that Alex had proved him self iuvnlneiable to all the subtle darts and love shells, that cupid could bring to bear upon the citadel of his heart, but thought nothing strauge, as we ^"eiw him tol»e a true soldier and one that H«"**»M^8urreudered, hence judge of our astonishut,.^^ when we saw how completely the fbl-'trthn^jp,^ 0f |j|3 heart nad been demolished, tne ^strong hold pillaged, and Alex led forftv^u willing p.-isoner. We should judge his^ captor to be generous aud humane, and we have no hesitancy in saying that Alex will bear his captivity well, aud we sinoeiely hope that he will not be paroled or exchanged. luda, NOT. .1^1. \«TT. -- .1 BALL SilOO^jC , ' *4 Some of our shootlsts took it into their heads to have a Glass Ball shoot on Saturday, and procuring some Balls went over to tho Base Ball Grounds to try their skill. A Urge tns^crity wi.a were there had never seen a G1&&& Ball before, and consequently did not knoW1 how difficult an "animal" It was to shoot, but nevertheless wen* at It bravely, and did some very good shoot ing considering they were amateurs. As will he seen by the score Geo. Curtis took first prize, breaking five balls out of a possible ton, C. P. Waite taking second, shooting off a tie with M. Kelter and Geo. Owen, and James Walsh took third. Below wo append the score iu full: Geo. Curtis John I. Story, Win. Tluirlwtill Thomas Murphy, Chas. Waite, James Walsh, John Murphy, Geo. Owen. M. Kelter, F, K. Granger, e o VS if? e i e e o 1 o o e o a o i i-« 0 0--0 1 0-1 WS 1-3 1--8 0-4 1-4 1--8 BBCOND PRIZE, LBAUK Chas. Watte, **?">'•»" '< Geo. Owen v»* 1L Kelter. UjJ James Walsh was awarded £hird prize. On Thursday (to-morrow) there will be another shoot at the same place, when there will bo three matches of ten shots each. Open to everybody.-- Should the weather prove good wb shall expect to see a good turnout. NO HUMBUG. Gilberts Butter Color, will lacrosse the value of white Butter 6 cents per pound and costs less tt an one cent to color teu pounds. Every Bottle war- rented to give satisfaction or money refunded. For Sale by Druggists and Grocers generally. Ask for it and take no ether. Manufactured by A. B. GILBERT, McHeary IU. TAKE NOTICE. All those who are interested In the purchase of Flannels, waterproofs, Blankets, Ladles and Gents Under wear, Men's Jackets <fcc., Ac. We have marked our stock down on accouut of warm weather, and aswe have a largo stock on hand which we are bound to dispose of, we shall offer special in ducements. Fitzsimmons <$ Evansen near the Depot McHenry 111. Business Notices. •US Fashionable Dress and Cloak making also cutting and fitting at reasonable prices. • MES.IPH. BRICK, Parker House. 4* ^?r R1?°^ clean shave go to die Parker House BarV*t Shop. Hair Cutting a specialty. Pn. BRUCK. A fine new Stock of Millinery, of the latest style», at Mrs. C.H. Mo.ey^B. Overcoats! Overcoats! Overcoats! at Bucklia A Stevens McUeary 111. School Books and Writing Paper* CNeap, at O. W. Owen's. SEWING Machine Needles of all klafe at O.W. Oweu. KEEP one eye open for bargains at Smith Aldrich A Hay thorns. Tinware, from a tin whistle to a Wash 11 viler, at John M. Smith's, near the Depot. Just opened a full and complete line of Clothing for Men, Youth aud Boys at Bucklln A Stevens at McHenry. The best Teas at the Lowest Prices, at Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn's, Riverside Block, McHenry;, A full and complete Stock of ready made Clothing aud furnishing good's for men aud boys just received at Smith Aldrich A Hay thorn's. Stoves of all kinds cheaper than Jpou cau steal them, at John M. Smith's near the Depot. The greatest bargains ever offered in McHenry county, at Smith. Aldrich A Hay thorn's. Riverside Block, McHenry. Just received, at Mrs Moray's, the fluest stock of Millinery Goods ever brought to McHenry. * "\ CALL and see the best Coal Steve In the market^ ut John M. Smith's* near the Depot. Ladies Cloaks, and Cloaking and new pattern!* of Waterproof at P. D. Smith's near the Depot. Rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and bruises will be relieved by Uncle Saiu's Nerve and Bohe Liuiment, sold by ail druggists. 4 ' ' SHELK-HARDWAUK,I'ockeT and Table Cutlery, iu any quantity, at Bed-rock prices, at John M. Smith's, near the Depuiy^ . •• • .... BUFFALO ROBES. A large invoice of the finest Robes ever brought to this market, ju^t re ceived at Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn's. Riverside Block. ^ - Ladies do not fail t o o a H a t Mra. Morev's and examine the latest styles of Millinery Goods. Her stock is com plete, aud prices as low as the lowest. Sugar i* Cheap. Cheaper, Cheapest If you want to see how much Sweeten, lug you can get for a dollar--Silver or Paper--call at BUCKLIN & STEVENS. . Please bear iu mind that a hazy light is just as good and ol'tiuies better than sunshine for taking pictures.-- Only come early iu tne day and we will please you every time. _ J. s. M Kin,An, Woodstock. > Wanted 10.000 lbs of Choice Butter for which wo will pay the highest market price in Goods at the very lowest Cash Prlccs. DlTCRLIM 4 STSVEMS. Ladles, call and sue those snlendid new Bonnets and Hats, at Mrs. Morey's. She will sell you the latest styles at the lowest price. HORSE BLANKETS! csn buy a live tb Blanket for 91.5G rat Fitzsimtuous A Evanson's pot. We«feA\ -------- Just i. ci«d|y<a(i at Bucklin A Stevens at Me Hen u» a new aud full line of Seasonable^o«lj)res8 Goods, Shawls In desirable »*H%es, Prints, Domestic, Cotton Flannel. niankets, Horse £ GREATEST BAl OFFERED IN Mr#. S. Searles will ieUllir the 90 days for Cash, one liuodWod style trimmed Hats at #1,50 per Fifty trimmeti Hats at H Fifty trimmed Hats at IS. Ale* will maker great reductions in Cloaks, doakiuge and Trimmings. $20)£.<%££7'a£- B«M Car cfaonlar THE Belle City Food Oat in the market, can be Aiwid Bishop's Warehouse. MONET will procure the Bargains fbt the next 10 days at Mrs. S. Searle*^ Meiieary. HOUSE TO RENT'. I " , Inquire ef L. Bonslett, McHeary, Artoahhliif Sneeew It is the duty of every person who has used BOSCHKE"8 GERMAN SYRUP t* let its wonderful qualities be known their friends in curing CettSuoiptloit, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma. Pne*> monia, and in fact all throat and luqg diseases. No person can use it withr out immediate relief. Three dose# will relieve any case, and wo consider it the duty of all Druggists to recoot* mend it It to the poor dyiag coe> sumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one case where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the GERMAN SYRUP cannot be too widely known. Ask your Druggist about Iu Sample Bottles to try sola at 10 oenta, Regular size 75 cents. Disease and Death, when they rsaek our own households, are too serious for jesting, we use our best endeavors ts drive oft the dread messengers, and are only happy when we feel that they are at a distance. At the first approach of that fell destroyer, Consumption, In the shape of a cough or slight cold e* well as more severe Bronco!al or Ca tarrh Complaints, we shUkuld At once Dee KHurt's Extract ef Tar and Wild Che** ry. It has no superior in such easel* Every bottle warranted to give eatlt* faction. Sold by all Drughsts. yX-'- "V* -NOTICE. *' All persons knowing tliewaelUb' debted to the firm of Smith A Snyder either by Note or Book Account, are« hereby notified that the Books ere now iu tlie hands of H. Snyder at their* office, where all are expected to catt within the r.ext 30 days and square up. Those interested will please boar tbl* Iu mind, as delays are dangerous. SMITH * Sktwmu McIIemy, Nov 6th 1877. There is noearthly boon more predolHl than good health, audit behbpves its possessor to endeavor to retain it. If you are assailed with soeb gfrovokiac ills as sick headaches, torpid liver, sow stomach and a general feeling of weal* iness and disgust, dou't go and eoaimtg suicide but take Eilert's Daylight Livtf PUIs and be cured. l.^j v4 a '-I \ t*~" i DOG FOUND. Oime to the residence of i signed miles South ef MCHear] Nov 5th, 1877. a very fine Hunting doff** Is white and brown in color, long slink body, and had a leather strap awsH his neck. Tlie owner cau have the same by proving ownership and payings for this notice. ^ JAMBS QVMFC STAMPING! STAMPING! \ Having just received a full set ef * Patterns of all Kinds. I am now pre* pared to do Stamping on short notioe and at very low prioes. Call and set * tne. m McBfcary, Nov. 7th, 1877. Mr*. J. XJIinnt 925 REWARD. & The above reward will be patdlfenp* one who will find one of our Boots In which there Is a C$«ate«t, inner-sole, slip sole or piece ef (teeltnp that is not cast from a goed, tkl%, piece of sol* leather. P.u. * • 'Keaf %!ss> REDTCTION, RKOUCTiOK, in tl»v price of DR&SS Goods m BUCKLIN 4|* STEYKNS. m. Mothers will Dr. Wlnchell's Teething Syrup .luit, the medicine to have in the house tor X*he children. It will cure colds, coughs, throat aud regulate the bowels, try What Is the use of riding wvij}, w ̂ blanket over your knees, whoij^,.^lt C£„ buy a fine Butta'o Robe dog chcff^j) Smith, Aldrich A Hay thorn's Rr side Blo«^. For anything in the lino of Goods, Clothing, Groceries. Boots! and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, «&eJ go to Smith, Aldrich A Haythoru's,| Riverside Block, McHenry. Money to p Tn'snms of $500 aud upwards, on Mc-|er urtww* Onuit Henry County Farms, at 8 per cent in-^C(dComplmiatm, , . ^ siirElf. VooilSlOBi,m, Itlsfuki ^ -tf' " 1 ' ' «*iueaiee. ButtyMtwlwwr>iq I .W tssfeiis!f "It FOR SALE. i I»«ttwraNdUaktiad»aa A Six Horse Power Engine orintiuulons, &»,< Boiler. As good as new. Will be SOlcbun^iaTe bean offend; mtmiwlli a t a b a r g a i n . - - - - - J . our o*tr®*Sfl6os"K»' XNDAL-WOOft Enquire of O. W. Owene^p^^*. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fills fa'iRi closes the pores of leather, effectually preventing the entrance of dampness, dust, Ac. and rendering the harness soft and pliable, while at the same ; time increasing its durability. Freeman A Clark's celebrated Im proved Flax Mill is uneqnaled for clean iug Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed aud all kinds of grain. Call for cirou- lar at E. M. Owen's. Gould's Iron Pumps, with any kind of Cy lender, that a boy 12 years old can work with perfect ease, in a well from 25 to 100 feet deep. For sale ttr4 Bishop's. t 7 !v Dip tempers. -ConghsJ l"f?otds. 'Wvers" and most of the diseases which Horses Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and Poultry are subject to are readily overcome and cured by using Uncle Sam's Condition Powder according to the plain direc tions. Sold by all Druggists. Bnflhlo Robes! Buffalo A filll supply on hand at Bucklin A Stevens, and at lower prices than ever, HEAVY WQliK JiUiis>ES FOR SALE The undersigned offer for Sale a team of Heavj- Work Horses, One nine and one four years old. Will be sold reasonable if applied for soon. Apply to John Brown. Four miles east of McHenry aud one mile weat of Volo. N B • The underfiigned tartaO Opened n New Miat Market IB Curtis' old shop, where he ti preiMired to furnish alt wHeaMky jjfe avor him with a call wtttl Fresh and Silt . Meats of all Klnda, Respectfully asks a shsra of the jmhllo patronage. Vegetables of all Kind* IN THEIR SEASON. CASH PAID FOR HIDKS. HSrOall and we will try and plet*»v I«a Wltlk Xeattoda Clean Step, It. WAITS. MoHonry, III., Oct. 31st, VST. m IE Buckliu A Stevetis have a lull line eft Selz & 'Jo's Boot and Shoes, which MlNfe given their customers such satisfaction duHug the past ye**?; Every pair fully warranted ao# anteed to give aatteloctleu. i> --"•dS