Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Nov 1877, p. 7

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.. M •' J . «--• d *-• ..nj.a.l.u ^-fitfii I r -I)1*t 'c'lift & .1-ifatr^ A-II rf^ 'irt-iifl^fS ti'"lr- • JjjWj^jd^rltei •^TWrifc* »-, •• ^ •$"** %1 . A" *< \- *. * ' f\. 4 IOTABLE COMMITTEE. <*rtjj!» mi the Committee of Ways aa«l v Mean*--The Men Who Have Bmd at Ite Heud. 1$. __ [Tram the New York World.] origin in the Congress The origin in the Congress of the ;>d|Jmted States of tho Committee of Ways f ind Means, and the names of the emi- » Bent men who have been placed at the head of this important committee daring '• oar national life, and the territorial or sectional distribution of its Ohairman- * Ship among the several States, are pre- 1* tented in the facts which we give below. The records of the House of Representa- i lives exhibit the following orders: July 24, 1789.--Ordered, That a Committee M Ways and Moans, to consist of a member from each State, b© appointed, to which it shall be referred to consider the report of commifc- " "tee appointed to prepare am estimate of sup­ plies requisite for the service of the United States the current year, and to report thereon. Chairman, Thomas Fitzsimmons, Pennsylva- ata. Sept. 17, 178®.--Ordered, That the Commit- J tie of WayB and Means be discharged from .."farther proceeding on the business to them re- ferrod. and that it be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to eon- AflSier and report thereon. Dec. 21, 1795. Ordered, That a standing •^Coramittee of Ways and Means be appointed, " Who»e duty it shall be to take into considera- !tton all such reports of the Treasury Depart- '* merit and all Buch propositione relative to the revenue as may be referred to them by the House ; to inquire into the state of the public debt, of the revenue, and of the expenditures, and to report from time to time their opinion thereon. Chairman, Mr. William Smith, South Qurolina. Dec. 24, 1795.--Ordered, That the report of |Jie Secretary of the Treasury, accompanied * With estimates of the sums necessary to be ap­ propriated for the service of the year 1796, also .Statements of the application of certain Mima fit money granted by law, be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. Dec. 16, 1796.--Resolved, That a standing Committee of Ways and Means be appointed, whoM? duty it shall be to taae into considera­ tion all such reports of the Treasury Depart- . ment and all such propositions relative to the revenue as may be referred to them by the House; to inquire into the state of the public debt, of the revenue and of the expenditures, and to report from time to time their opinion thereon. Chairman, Mr. William Smith, south Carolina. _ • It would seem from this record that Congress began, in partial imitation of the House of Commons, by creating a 'committee of "supply," to which, prob­ ably, was referred the estimates coming from the President and the Treasury, and when this committee of supply re­ ported, their report was referred, in 1789, to a Committee of Ways and Means, consisting not, as now, of nine members, but of "a member from each fltate." And this business was, on Sept. 7, 1789, taken from the Ways and Committee and referred back to fhe treasury for consideration and re­ port. Under the English system at that time, the House of Commons did not vote money unless asked by the Crown. T^ie foundation "of all taxes was the declaration of the Crown that they were essential, but the Crown had no concern the nature or distribution of the tes. Thus it was, possibly, that the Sport of the Ways and Means Com­ mittee went biick to the Executive for approval, since in England the Crown demanded money, the Commons granted, a^d the Lords assented to the grant, i In 1795 it seems that ali the estimates the treasury were sent directly to the Committee of Ways and Means, without any intervention of a committee on supply, and early in this century the present Ways and Means Committee had a< permanent exiBtenoe in each Congress •b a select committee composed of nine qjiembers. The records before us do not disclose dearly the constitution of the commit­ tee during the First, Second, and Third Congress, and, indeed, in those nearer our own day there is a want of preoision as to dates of resignation and Oiling va­ cancies, but the following list of names q£ those members who have been at the head of this committee is otherwise sub stantidily correct: Year. Name. Slate. 1TM Thomas FitzBimmons. ...Pennsylvania. 17M»? William Smith South Carolina. t#T«.1801 • ..Robert: - Hai-per South Carolina. 1801- 2 Roger GriswoM • • .Connecticut, 1802-6.... .John Randolph Virginia. 1806- 7 .JoH'ph Clay .Pennsylvania. 1807-9.... .George W. Campbell Tennessee. 1809-11 John W. Eppes Virginia. Mil-IB.,. .Eaekfci Bacon Muwachusette.™ 1812-13....Lang-on Cheres South Carolina. 1813-15....Joh-a W. Eppes Virginia. 1816-18.... William Lowndes Month Carolina. 1818-23.... "aaiuel Smith Maryland. 1823-7/.. ..IjoniB Iflcfeno....Delaware. 182733 '.John Rmdolph Virginia. 1823-32 George MoPuila South Carolina , 1832-3.....Italian C. VcrolaBcl. New York. 1833- 5 .tames X, Polf. Tennessee. 18M-9. C. Gamlweiing New York. 1889-40,,..John W. Jones Virginia. 1841-3. ;. Millard Fillmore Hew York. 1843-7. A". .James J. Mi-Kay North Oerottna, 1847-9 .Hauiucl F.Vinton Ohio. 1849-51....Thomas H. Hayley Virginia. 1851-6.... GeorgeS. Houston Alabama. 1866-7. .I.ewia D. Campbell Ohio. 1 8 5 7 - 6 0 ! S t a c y J o n e s P e n n s y l v a n i a . 1861-3. \. .John Sherman Ohio. 1863-5 'fluuldcuH Stevens. Pennsylvania. 1865-7 Jnxtiu S. Morrill Vermont. lOffMEL... Robert C. Sclianck. Ohio. 1871-5 Henry L. Dawes Maesaelniaetto. |te-7..... William R. Morrison.... .Illinois. From this statement it appears thai the Southern States--known before the Sectional war as the slave-labor States-- have had the Chairmanship of the com­ mittee during much more than half the period siaoe the Government has been in existence under the constitution, and that Virginia and South Carolina have each had the office longer than any other Slate--lougei even than Ohio, which had it for nine years. New York has not been thus honored sino* 1843, when Mr. Fillmore was selected, and, since 1866, the head of the Ways and Means has been taken from the West and X Presidential Electors. Mr. Eaton, of Connecticut, has intro­ duced in the United States Senate a joint, resolution amendatory of the con­ stitution of the United States. It pro­ vides that the following article bo pro- Sosed to the Legislatures of the several tates as an amenrimtnt to the constitu- tion.of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fooi ths of said Legis­ latures. shall be valid as part of said constitution, viz.: A tribunal for the decision of all contested franca arising hi the choice of electors of Preri- dent nn) Vice President shall be appointed in etch State in the following manner : Not less tfrwn twelve months prior to the time fixed by law for the choice of elector*, the Governor of State >-hdll, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the State, appoint not leas than five ixmodh learned in law and other- Wise duly qualified, to whom nhall be referred, in such manner as the Legislature of the State ffraii direct, all cases of oonteated elections arising in reference to electors of President and Vice President. Tho tribunal so constituted shall hear and determine every such contest, and certify, at least thirty days before the day on which o o-Utn shall be* called upon to give their votes, their decision therein, to the proper jstnnung officer or officers of the State^ and also transmit an authenticated oopy thereof to the President of the Senate. The term of offioeof Mid tribunal shall expire upon the day by law for the oath of offloe to be taken by the President and 'Vice President of the United Kates for the tarrn ensuing aH** their appointment. United States Laii Majj. Powell, at the head of the geo­ logical survey of the Territories, is en­ gaged in preparing an accurate state­ ment of the amount of arable land owned by the Government. Bfe divides the United States into three regions with respect to agriculture--the humid ox arable, tho sub-arid, and the arid. In the arable portion, which includes the country east of a line drawn from the eastern point of Lake Superior to the Gulf, the United States owns no lands not taken up. The belt of country 350 miles in width, from Canada to the'Gulf adjoining that belt on the west, ie the sub-arid division. In this the United States owns ft considerable quantity of land which may be cultivated by irriga­ tion- West of that, in .the immense arid belt extending from the Rocky mountains into Eastern California, only 2 per cent, of the land can be cultivated, and of this per cant. 1 per cent, has al- ! ready been taken ap. " Got. Morton's Disease. The physician who predicted, thirteen years ago, Senator Morton's death exact­ ly as it occurred, describes the way in which the Senator received the predic­ tion. " Well," he said, after being quiet a little while, 441 fear, doctor, there is more the matter with me than I have been aware of. Tell me what you think of my case,, of the danger to life, of the possibility of recovery." I did so; I told him frankly that his disease was oue from which none, or almost none, recov­ ered; that it was one which was almost always, sooner or later, fatal. I saw from his face that it was an awful blow to him. But in a few moments it was over, and his face was as placid as any man's. Thh cynical Philadelphia Timet says: " People will go on in future ages as is the past, marrying where they ought not, and when they ought not, and whom they ought not Nobody oan rescue a persen in love." Mm, General Sherman, Wife of the Qeneral of the United States Army, saya s " I h*ve frequently purchased Durang s Rheumatic Remedy for friends suffering with Rheumatism, and in every instance it worked like magic." Send for circular to Helphenstine & Bentley, Druggists, Washington, D. O. To Worry the Liver And injure the s/btem generally, take blue p>lis and calomel. To regu ate it and endow the entire system with healthful vigor, use Hostetter's Sumiach Bitters, Biiions invalids, which of theao two recipes will you adopt ? We doubt not, the latter. By so doing, you will avoid the disastrous consequences which the persistent or frequent use of mercury on- tsils, and effectuate the desired reform in the action of the biliary gland without danger, as well as speedily and thoroughly. The Bitters invariably remedy yeilownassof and whites of the e; _ ' and uuder the right" shoulder-blade, furred tongue, high-colored urine, nausea, vertigo, dyspepsia, constipation, heaviness of the head, niental despondency, and every other mani­ festation or accompaniment of a disordered condition of the liver. The stomach,, bowels audi kidneys also experience thek x^ulating and tonic influence. . Glcasou's Publication*. Great reduction in price for 1878 of Gleason's Pictorial to $2 a year. Single copies 5 cents. The Home Cibclk to $2 a year, single copies 6 cents ; for sale by all newsdealers. Gljcahon's Monthly Companion to $1 a year, eingle copies 10 cants. All postage free. The price of Chromos has just been greatly reduced. No one now gives Buch liberal terms to agents as we do. Send for new free circular. Address F. Glkason A Co., 738 Washington street* Boston, Mass. . " True Economy, It has been found that the only tame eoono- my is that which stops the little leaks and saves in trifles. For instanoe, one saves in milk, butter, eggs and flour by the use of Dooley's Yeast Powoeb, which is made from the purest cream-tartar, derived from grape- acid. Good housewives have proved this by experience. Cored. the great cure any case of rheumatism on the face of the earth. Price, tie, six bottles, $6. Sold by all drug- Bend for circular to Helphenstine A itley, Druggists, Washington, D. C. F&atomhg Extracts.-- There is no subject which should mere cngrc^ attention than the purity of the preparations which are used in flavoring the various coin- pounds prepared for the human stomach. Burnett's Extracts are prepared from fruits of the beet quality, and are highly concentra­ ted. The "Fifth Avenue," "Continental,'" "Grand Pacific" and other leading hotels use and indorse Bubnbtt's Extracts. THE GB8AT REGULATOR. the complexion jmins In the right side Rheumatism Quickly "Dtarang's Rheumatic Remedy," Internal Medicine, will positively cur of rhc •lab gists. Bentlf CHEW The Celebrated " Matchless " Wood Tag Ping Tobaooo. Tu PioiSiiKm Tobaooo Coup* rsw. Mew York, Boston and Gives Away. A superb pair of 6x8 Chromi _o bint nnd Morn auy home, tmd a Throe-: snbaorlption to Leisure Hours, a charming 16-pa«« full Ohoioeat^ StortoSg Poetry, etc. to all aendltur Fifteen "•"rsi to ray pottun. The Publisher*, J. L. Patten A Co.. William StTn. Y., Guarantee every one Double Value of mcmey oent. $1,600 in prizes, aad bis pajr.glv iota. Write at once I BEFORE YOU rOLKDO BLADE < lews and Family Paper ioodIm FKKEj Add) THK BLADK* T«1 Subscribe for any pa- LKDO BLADE r Paper ia tike United L<^tidi, Oh|e« CONSUMPTION CURED. cimple vecMabte smedy lac apeady and peAaaneat cum of eomnimption.irmteMHM talmrrk,»Ukma, and nil thn^tand lon« affeetkna; alM« nr< for nerroue d«s W«ty awl aU nerroqe oamplafata, after hiving trrf-d ite enratiw powwr. inthomadao< oaaee. baa fell:: : i S^^SSEsl-' ' " -- • PURELY VICITABLE „ , ^ An Effectual SpectBo far •aliriow IWw, BomI CompUi^^I^pep^ Jaundioe, y--ea, OoMg, . ASK the recovered dyspeptics. Bilious soff< Ums of Fever and Am, the mercurial Ciaeaaed. how they recovwed nealth, cheerful spirits aM wpetite--they will tell you by teklm .Simmons' T^SsjusUy celebrated medicine Regulates th* Unr, proi^tos^ dlgeatioc, and foctlBM lb* ayatem acainst BABBITTS TOILET SOAP. Bxtnpt of a letter from Bon. Atoiawlwr H. Stephens: " '< occa- atonslly nee, when my condition lequireo it. Dr. Sbmuons' Liver EbSfuIator with good effect, li i> mild, and suite me bettor thM lies." M:Jk COXSTIPATIOK. TESTIMONY OF THE CHIEF JUSTICE OF GKORQIA.--" I have used Simmons' Liter Regulator for ooMtipatlon of my bowtala, caused by a temporary dgnuutement of the liver, for the iast three or tonr years, and always, when used aooordin* to the directions, with decided benefit. I think it la a good medicine for the derangement of the liver--at least such has been my personal experience in the we of it."--HiraM Warmer, Ohtef Jwtioe of Georgia. 0K1OINAL AND ONLY OENCCTE, MAjrorAfTITRKD OMLT BX J. H. ZCXUN & CO^ PHILADELPHIA. PA. Price, »1JW. MOyaUPwuto. it 7 IMmu h ths TsUstaai the iMfc. Me ariifcial sad SuapU boot, contetalsf S (*kn ol t on. «srhL wet tn» to aay «4> 4rw» «er«*!pt of » omta. AMm ALLffiB 3 m.imm 3 '"taa» «illmlm «lll ml km •' t'"- "(.ssithlM ket w BAKING A h . . ^ P O W D E F f r . Absolutely Pure. am mj p-- iw f $I0I«S25 A I»AV N(7KK made fay A gt-ntB selling our Chronica, C'( ay. .us. Picture and Chn> mo Curds, lift - yort«» §5« e«nl tnr 85 Cents. asssr ftiukkiMd So]IUFFu" $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliofype Engravings. The cMwit jtoMHkoMomgflwMi, PHee Owe IMtar mcA Simd far eatalogtw, JAMBS R. OSGOOD & CO, $1.00 $1.00 ti2 »8» ISVffigBSWW: *btoS20a.'sa£Woi ^i SSSOOufMna PATlKi^j ̂AT Opt \mr ANTEO--Ladies and Gentlemoa . .J," to Ufht, respectable and profits! TO ADVERTISERS!" " - do any i AYER PORADTEI rplicacta who than any which have circulation, and adver light, respectable and profit* I adrertwng, the TBIKD KDtTlOM of 5»»^become.yqur cnaumer. BestneH Son's MANUAL 1 E. WlltM A Co.. as fachanwBi! Id $2500*̂ 1̂ risERs.: LOVE s of this Trade MarK« t H b MGUHE P tKKai r - Isrt Ux paper lor th* Home Circle, aad tks ef HselsMlatkswsrl Great Offer >• mads to latrodse* tt Into Hew £ "** eh«0M- Write Howl AMhms LPPTOW » PP.. PaMhhsw, Mi Bwsawsy, Ksw 10,000 A YEAR. It Is estimated that this number die yearly to United States of CONSUMPTION. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM will at <mee allay the pais and irritated parts, stop the cough, and prevent what would be consumption. AH persons with weak Long*, or afflicted w ith Cough, should at one® test the merit* «f this (food Cough and Long KkIhki, OtM by mil Miiitiimm limit in. WHITNEY & HOLMES ORGANS. Tht Finest Toned and Most Durable Made. New Style*. New Nolo Slope. Warranted Fire Tears. Send for Prica-Lbta, WHITNEY h HOLMES ORGAN CO.. QUINCY ILL. " The Best Polish in the World." 889 Broadway. . CUCOKO« il WANTED! FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. New York City* il. ( New Orlcnnit, La, \ . or Son Francidco* Col. The Best Truss without Metal Springs over Invented. No humbuK claim of a certain radical cure, but a guarantee of a comfortable, secure and satisfactory appliance. We _ will take back and pay FULL PIlIt'JK for all that do not suit. Price, single, luce out, 141 for both sides, $11. Sent by mail, port-paid, on receipt of price. N. B.--This Truss WILL COME more Ruptures thra ai« of those for which ex­ travagant claims are mad». Circulars free. P0MER0Y TRUSS CO.. 746 Broadway. New Yen. P R I N T E R S t il: •* i ! 1 if: l \ 1 : 5r : / , • . f«^ - h c ^ , 1 ; • , r A NO )vf R.'Vio SMALL FONTS" ..v " ' M. T v v, B E T i T O N G O V E 8 c C O . VVA U K * . E W • S TEACHERS Of V0C1L MUSIC, fieeiringr the Beat Book extnnt, «b<mld fatobiteT s I I'rolt H. R- .ail T H. R. (Mi*. I tie, end supervised by Prof. R Mamamsnad IL Mcintosh, the eminent au­ thor and teacher. Price JMK.OU a dozen. Sam] maiLSUeenta. SPKCIMWPAUKJS FF R. iff. CARROLL A CO.. law * HM.T, Ohlcaga JACKSON'S BEST 8WEET NAVY CHEWIN8 TOBACCO was awasded the highest price at Centennial Exposition for its tine chewing qualities, the excellence ana lasting character of ite sweetening and flavoring.. If yon want the best tobacco ever made, ask your grocer for this, and see that each ping beam our blue-strip trade-mark, with words Jaokeon's Beat on it. Sold wholesale by _aD job­ ber?:. Send for sample to l". A. J AJU RSON dcCU.i MaaaiaetBgere, Pettrsbwrg. Va. GOOD FOB TBEOHUDEEN. Boexoa » « - • Boeton, April, 18* Be Re BTtyBW * Dear Sir--We feel thai the children In our Home have been greatly benefited b| the YEGETLNE you have so kindly given us from time to time, especially those troubled with the Scrofula. With respect* Mhs. N. WORMELL, Matesa. Yegettao to Hold by All Drngglsta. COOD "STAIB-8Y. MiXfOAN MU8TANG LINIMENT. FOR MAN AND BEAtT. »ptax«;jshid *SA VXabs Alwayc cutm. Alwaya ntdy. A!waya handy. BMneveryetfaUed. Thirtv millions har* letted it. The whole world spprov»« lb* glorioua old Mustang--the Best end Cheapest Liniment In existence. 0A eentt a bottle, fhe ICostang Liniment cures when notion* else will. BOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDERS. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED file prevention and c«r« of CONSUMPTION, as alio of Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all dia» ease* of the Lungs and Thboat, may be realised in PULMONA, whioh is also recommended as a certain and radical «*»ir* eral Biiain. Nf.kvk ami Buwd Tosic. P l I I JHlNA baniehes, with wonderful rapidity, all the general symptoms <if CONNIFAHTION* ASTKMA, Bbonchitis. Ac. It Imparts strength and color to the pale blood, subdues the CHILLS and Fevek. nnd dimin­ ishes the expectoration. It checks the Niuht Nwk/vth. invigorates the appetite, relieves the cough anil difficult hrtathing, stoits the wasthig of fleab, and induces a calm and refreshing sleep. 1*1 li.'IO.N A is adapted to every disease, *ow«r«r railed by name, in which it exhibited any derangement of either the Nkbvous or the BLOOD Svstbmb. Kir Ftmal* Dietyrdera it is piwifivtly uneywitetl. PIlLllIONA supplier the place ef "Cough Mixtures" for tho Cough. "Tonisa"' for tho Appetite, "Expecto­ rants" for the Expectoration, ifnodynes for the Nervous Irritation, and Iron for the Klood, a nd thus Is both the bt*t and the most tconum ira I medicine that can betaken. By a *pec\Ae action upon the Citmtit'itional Condition Ik reaches and haa a dlrt i-t effect upon <Jb« whole serif* of ei/tnjti'imr,, l'lJLillONA i>i confidently reoommended in all cases wherein are exhibited any one or more of the following evmptOHiN i COUGH, DIFFICULTY OR Ibweoulamw OF Brfatk. raa, Wastiuo or THE Flksh, LOSS or Afpbtjte ob MKtNUTHjBUIDIMO FUOM THE LUWOS, GENERAL Deiulity, FLYINO PAINS TUKOTOH THE CHEST, Lraog OR FACE, Nxnvous HEADACHE, Nt RVOCB Pbostha-tiok, NIGHT SWEATS, DIZZINESS OK VKBTIOO, SORB TBIIOAT, SLXXPLBMMKM, lNL)IOE8TIOM, 8ixkino of THK STOMACH, Rkmittknt Fs:vkk, und etptcially in all FtmaU Diseased or Ut&rint Irreg«icsriIies* Head the Follow!u« Certlflentee* Oolleqi Hell. Cimcinwati, O.-"/ mm in ih* leM HESSih"n deLS R,tor>klw IUI v«l to aU who know me."--T. "J. CABSOX. PULMONA laved my daughter's life, and probably saved me hundreds of dollarm."--Rkv. K. Joitks, fUrat- sen, N. Y. '* 0°d for the benejt tee received from your PIJTjMONA.*'--REV. P. WARREN, Canton, Pa. A BDFFBBRB FROM ASTHMA writes: "Your PIT1* MONA i* decidedly the best remeili/ we hare ever had, and the only one that has twodnred entirrlv favorable rs* mils."--Uko. M. GRAHAM, Amsterdam, N. Y. The prioeof tho be obtain ad " the Propriet YoHl ^nd for ./rwciro^r.'oontalalsg If-Ol MANT «am mmmmfnllv tmiitMl It may ' from itreet, r-s- i OKAUE'S 2t,-A -Mkis 80 Sro.pp. MoreeompletQ -ed it. Oivee the names, ratee of eevwal thoosaad , . States and Canada. ai>d eontmns note Manaatlon of vaine to an Advertiser tbaneaa be found m any other publication. All lists have been oarefolly rsvised, and where p?acticablo reauoed. The apeeial offers an advantageous. Be sure to prices have been numerous and nn send for it before edvertistng. Address Advutisino Agents, :,1 "as ladies Wsgantira- taiion Rose Coral Set, Breastpin and Eardopa, seut port- paid to any reader of thU paper for 85 cents. ThreeseM tor 80 cents. Imitation CORAL BUTTONS to match SB cents per set, or threej*ts for BO cents. Klsgnu- Necklaces . wiOx Burnett's Cd6MLne FwTents tho HaSr from Falling. Burnett's Cocoalne J*mnote» its Healthy Growth. Burnett's Cocoalne la not Greagy nor Sticky. Burnett's Oocoalne Imws no Disagreeable Odor, Burnett's Cocoalne Bobdues Refractory Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine BcsTthcs tho Irritated Scalp-SUn. Burnett's Oocoalne Atffontatho Rlobest Lastre. Burnett's Cocoalne 1b not an Alcoholic Wash. Burnett's Cocoalne XUlBlklKlraft Burnett's Gocoaine Oiree New Life to tbe Hair, Burnett's Cocoalne BemalTm Longest la Kl&et. $350: SXBMEKSSS MONTH--A6E. sailing arttelee in tld , Address JAY BROU $400̂ H fbrCatalog. Vax & O Burt relief tangents BRIMAOO.I 11 Clinton TTaoe, Jfew Toslc Otty, A? • i*?*?.'0*, ecwplexion, has no equal, it u dU- /^M '̂rnTS^ the ii ~ After Shaving, Seflcelag the msrd and rendering the skin smooth. tt* Namryi PMallarly adapted to the bathing of Infanta. A, Ihw Jlwps .uaclsnt for a bowl ef welsr. For Chapped Hands, f *•1 ̂ An effective application. We aetlon of the i |Bsllsvhv fhe dlsagressble, the sun. A Wash fbr Use Head, Cooling, CUsndngsad Bafreshbig. \Fet BHes ef Mosqnitoee aed other lagaetk* fentrallslng the poiaoa |lmost inatantaneoualy. To <tte» NmI aed liritafiea eflke Mta, «a nidnHf, to prevent the HsIrfWmfhll- 1^"* ^ pwiMito lit rfgomi ywth. * thofn«|hly with a spenae or soft f the Hatr It should be applied night and ncer JournaL •KTAINING the causes and treatment of during tbe past thirty Tears. Over er the new treatment. Edited by Robt. Professor of Suigery, Eclectic Medical the City of New York. MnbseriMlea--VI I A ^ g M * . a n b L » • ' Now I Livingston Place. New.Yeritf ' \ ' 9$cnd for Seduced Prlce-Ust «T •' MASON & HAM LI M I CABINET ORGANS^ Of th® CocoAtNi; Si best secured before Its apolication, of the hair purpose the Kaixiatoit Is recom- IU Ingtedlents ate co-opmUve with (for which purpose the Kaj •use Its lnnedients ate _ai*s), under which clrc OTthe'̂ pte.^ A miETABLB PREPABATION, thatbaffled tbe skill of his dsy, and was regaiflea pnbtteDeaefaotor. 8a asets tanees it allays asajar rmiĵ iloalyby JOSEPH BUBKElTJfe'CO. Boaton! For nle by all DrunfMa. "m-'slpll. ACEWT8.TAK.B NOT1CB ! Aimrewirc TOte another book," and it is really T THE CENTENNIAL! i. outdoes herself, and Widow Doodlb obbbt far behind. Don't wait and lose nd for circulars, territory, Ac., at onoe. UCAN PUBLXSHINOlbo., CmcAtto) n. Q-. sad HfTFQBD, 0ohw.__ tcks m and SPLEND to SAO BAC (NO™ KUAlT AMON tea. New Ye 8AJHA your c Addi Xuu, Cough, bid, or Sore Throat, Requires oftentlmee i dlseaae. BB< are a slmpU| •wriaMy gii SOLB BY i il wwdlclnett .ate attention, sa acflcet In some incurable Lvng S BRONCHIAL TROCHES ins©cly» a.nd will almoet in- imedlmto relief. CH£MISX3 and dealer- AGENTS WANTED FOR Creative Science Or, HiWIIOOD, WOMANtSOOO. MI8 TNCMt fllTER-^EUTIONt; 4.0V6, ITS UM P0WEB, ETC. . Aasntesro selling from 1A te 'S& cjNss a Aqt for speolaen pagw and our eatra lei im to SANDALWOOD; Aposhlve ml trior aM disaassae* toe IHm BlaHder and Vrlaary Orcaaat also, Droielcal Complaints. It never peedaa laosr^tnuule|Nwd»^>Usacttoi&. ItiaCaala all otb«r remedies, bi&if e»i«ales otn ij s>a aa I days. other BMdleixM. tea do tola of laaluutoaa* te,< r > i K' ' r' * .i- DICK r -, oojm eem-a-av* m#*-' <Hl eedol-IVbod, ssM «»jf«. Sorss. Aek/w ctreulm^ er tmAfm one to M •"* 99 Wooeter e*rerti Stew TorH, O.M.U. «a«f Whe» wumso TOAUVERnnobh tVr?rm̂ em'Trrom **w •• 4s ; The Lakeside Library. 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