Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1877, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, 5th, 1877. DEC. Railroad Time Table. GO!NO SOUTH. vaLake ra.-i£t,MVKei' V* Lake Freight... j oonro XOITL. WSaeva Lake Freight. IIIW»I Lake Patwnser ...7:SS A. X. M. .10:<» A. K. . ..7:ittr. M. CHURCH DIHECTOKT. METHODIST.--ttev. W. A. AtUron, Pattor. rvices every Sunday at 10# A. M.. and 'X M. Sunday School at 12 M. JOHN DUSK perintendent. . fc MASONIC. VOHMR CHAPTER NO. M R A; Convocations held on the second and urth Fridays in each month. HENRY COI.BT H. P. TTLASKI ALLKK See,. <*m Flrot-Class Lftearry paper Tand an Elegant Premium Almost ttiven Away. -,'*^|)ur special arrangement with F. M. Lap. ,1|ln & Co., publishers of the Cricket on the Mtarth, 245 Broadway, Xew York, enable ns to Make the following very liberal offer to all new subscribers to our paper, and to all old oae* who renew their subscription in advance For (>2.-20 we will send the I'I.AINDKALKR for • W* year, the Cricket on the Heurth for one year And a copy of the new nnd magnificentCliromo Size, 30x16 inches, in fourteen oil colors, en titled "Studious." The Cricket on the Hearth |ea mammoth 16 page Illustrated paper (size mt Harper's Weekly,) tilled with the choicest mading Car old and joung. Serial and short tftories, Sketches, Poems, Useful Knowledge, Wit and Iluuior, Answers to Coirespondents, puzzles, (•» mes, Poplar Songs, etc., etc.-- l.ively, entertaining, iimasing, aud instrnc- tive, and every one who sees it is delighted, •is premium, also, i# unexcelled. Remember We send our paper for one year, the Cricket 4hr one year, and a copy nf this charming tChromo, HII for only We are sure that • great many/.if uh r i>ai rons will be pleased to take advantage of such » very liberal offer.-- Mjpecinien novios <if the dicket may be seen at tiiis office. Apply to oraddrosh J. VANSLTKE, MeHenry, 111. McHeiiry Literary. Society. 4 Will hold tlioir next meeting at the Kethodisc church, on Saturday evening -next, Dw. <Stli. Tlie Programme for .Ilie evening will b* as follows:- 1st Jtusle, by the Glee Club. 2d. A De­ bate ou the lollo\viit£ question. liesolved. That ("apical Pkuulshment aiiMtld be abolished. AiHrinative.--M. Kelter, Rebt, Sut­ ton. VVm. Stfceweua, O. X. Owen. Negativ<&.-rH. C. Mead, John Fltz- eluuuous, Win. Sires. R. F. Taylor. The public are cordially invited. Xxcrcisesie commence at 7& o'clock. Ladies' Fair. Remember the Fair to be given by the Ladietf the Universalist Socie­ ty, in Riverside 11 all,' Thursday fte-morrow) evening. ,;?• - • "SM Jr- OWIXK to a ru«h of Job wo«k <6tir fj|japtr is unavoidably late this week. TCEMEMHKU the Literary Society em Saturday evening next, at the Metlio- iflst Church, and be on it aud early. ,m Ju.i/GK T. D. Murphy and Capt. James ||ish,«i'Woodstock, showed tUe.niselves <l|n •ur streets «n Triday last. ,, 1 IF In search of Bargains tlfl feit fall ' tfe call at Smith, Aldrich A llaythttRU, tfc Riverside Block. THK Nunda Pleasure Club will give ft Christmas Party in their Hall otrDeo SSth 1877. A good tjmf fil expected i Come Out, come all. THR ladies and gentlemen connected with the Good Templars, of this village, propose giving a Play during the Holidays. Particulars hereafter, - •*MAN," says Victor Huge, "was the «onumdrum of the eighteenth century; Ionian is the conundrum of the nine feentli century,'" An American «dltor fdds, "We can't guess her, bat will lrJMver fclve her up. No never." WE would remind the Ladies that Mrs. Ph.Baruck, in the Parker House ^ Block. has opened a Dress and Cloak Xflaking establishment, and is now ready to make or cut any garment in the latest fashion aud at the mo6t reasonable rates. Read her notice tlsewhere. PH. BBUCK, at the Parker House Barber Sb«p. is master of his art, and is sure to give an easy shave or a good hair-cut to any who may call at Ms shep for that purpose. You can also find at his shop a good cigar to while away the time waiting for that--next/ "WOMEN graduates," gays a Phlladel- phla paper, "are knocking at t^e dton of the Massachusetts medical society." Bully for the Massachusetts women. Out In this country it is the poor husband who has to get up and dust at midnight's holy hour and pound bed­ lam out of the doctor's door with a brick after he hat pulled the bell knob out by the roots. LAST week our soft weather caught a severe cold, and a slight flurry of snow was weloomed as a change from the deep mud. At the present writing, however, It has agyln i^odqrated, and th« roads is anything .fete If there is anyone in tills lias influ­ ence with the clerk' ire wish he would try hia h*nd~ at once. IK the new beer stamp, the head of Andrew Johnson is handed down to the eyes aud esteem of his countrymen on the barrel stamp, while George Washington Ito put off with the little eighth barrel stamp. Aim so to live young man, that when yon are gone, every time a bar keeper taps a fresh keg of lager, he will bang tho faucet right through your photograph. ANY man who neglects to pay for his paper, and expects to enjoy his dinner and in the evening retire to ambrosial slumbers, deceiveth himself and Is not wise; for to such comes the nightmare in its most horrible shape. But tlie man who holds ye editor's receipt for a year in advance, will **f«ld his mantle *bmif him aud lie dowu to pleasant dreams. Wis learn that the McITeury Pickle Factory have shipped since Sept. 20th, ftfty car loads of Pickles and Vinegar, and are constantly working with their force to fill orders that are ahead.-- Since tlie close of the I'icklo season the)' have never been without orders ahead, aud have had to work over time in order to keep anywhere near even. Tlie reputation of the Pickles made at this Factory is second to none in tlie United States. WB would direct the attention of our readers to tlie new advertisement of "Perry & Martin, to be found elsewhere. This old, well knowu and reliable firm, are, as usual, well stocked with season­ able goods ef all kinds, and are con­ stantly receiving from the city the latest styles of Ladies Dress Goods, <&c., thus at all times keeping their stock ties 11 aud complete. Rend their advcrtifetntMU and give them a call before you purch^so. , MINE h«»*t Parker, of the Parker House, of this vilhige, has given us notice that he wlnhws us to get out for him in a few days invitations for a Grand New Year's Party. The music will be furnished by the Geneva Lake Quadrill Band, and we do not exager- at.e when we say no better uiusic can be found in the Northwest. The floor in the Flail will be newly waxed and uothing left undone to promote the comfort of all who attend. Tho tickets will be issued in a few dajv TICKETS have been issued for a Now Y-ears Party at tlie Riverside House, in this village, to take place on Tuesday evening, January 1st, 1878. The MeHenry Quadrille Band, four pieces, will lurnish tho music, and the new Jaudlord, H. E. Wight man, promises to leave nothing undone for the comfort and pie asnre of those who attend, and those who know "Hank" knew that he means just what he says. Should the reads prove passable *Te shall expect to sec Riverside Hall patiked to its ut­ most capacity on that occasion. "MY dream of life is o'er," murmured Mr. Man, as he stretched himself out on tlie sofa for an After dinner nap. ••False songster,"** •exclaimed his wife abeut five minutes later, "'your dream of lifo is'nt ore," and sho fastened a clothes pin on his nose to stop the dreadful noise. 4 Jos. WIEDEMANN, at his Restaurant near the Depot, Is now keeping the celebrated Milwaukee Bottled Beer., which is without question the finest in Clio market. He sells it by the single bottle or by the dosen When in want of a good cool glass of Beer do not fail to jail at (*Joes." How often, oh, how often, a man frith only oil* solitary button on his shirt, and that one a brass pin, looks with devouring euvy upon his wife's new seven button kid gloves, and wishes all the shirts in his collection were just one glove. There does seem to be something wrong in this di vision buttons. THE breaking of a bank out in Neosho, caused tlie suspension of the only daily t l>aper to the town. The editor was a depositor to the amount of $2,17. The fact of his haying such a large amount of money is accounted for on the theory that he was making a sinking fund to buy another barrel of Ink* WE called at the Mill ofR. Bishop ou Saturday last, to see that new Feed Sftane run, and although we had heard that it would grind a bushel every minute, we did not realize liow fast that was until we saw it. It keeps one mam all the time taking away the bags. It wdll grind a load of Feed almost as quick as you can unload it This is but oue<of the many improvements Mr. Bishop has been making in and around this Mill since he purchased it, and- still he is uot using mere than on« half of his power. To utilize this splendid water power Mr. Bishop in­ forms-us he will, early in the Spring, put up a Wagon Factory, with the capacity to make from three to five wagons a day. This he has plenty of power to do, and with his cxperieuce In the business, and general go-aheada- tiveiaess is bound to make it a success. Tiiis establishment will be a great ben­ efit to our village. We shall speak more iu relation to it in ibe future. BPKLUMO REPORT Of District No. 2, Nunda 111. Re­ port of mjr A. Class in Spelling for the two weeks ending Nov. 30th. Ella Magoon, 3-225; May Parks, 1-225; Licxie Flanders, 1-225; Bridget Doher- ty, 1-225; Anna Powers, 225; Ella Flanders, 1-225; Alma Hunt, 225; Hattie Gofl, 1-225; Emma Rowley, 225; Arthur Mink,4-225; Henry Rowley, 225; Mortie Gilbert,2-225; Ltoua Mink, 1-225. A. F. PAKSOKS, Teacher. DON'T fail to go to Mrs. S. Searles' for latest styles of Trimmed Hats at the lowest prices ever offered. woW>giroCK EDITOR PLAISDEALKR:--Thanksgiv­ ing passed very quietly. Tho dark sky, the snow, and wailing winds re­ minded us very foicibly that "The melancholy days have come the, sad­ dest of the year." This and the al­ most impassable condition of the roads caused people to remain at home to enjoy, selfishly, their own Thanksgiv­ ing dinner as best they coula. The business places, generally, were open but they might as well have boon closed for tlie streets wore a deserted aspect, and the few that did pass seemed to be hurrying to the end of their destination. Services were held in the Methodist and Catholic church­ es, but fro are sorry to say that there were very few gentlemen present, per­ haps because "They had no stomach o'er a grace to sod. Nor time enough to olfer thanks to uted; That might be done they wisely knew. When theV had nothing else to do,'4 The services at the Methodist cliurch were appropriate for tiie occasion and the affecting sermon delivered in the Catholic church, by Father Leyden. moved many of his auditors to tears.-- He spoke of God's infinite goodness towards us and of how very, very much we had to be thankful for. Also Of how many human creatures there were who had not enough clothing to keep them warm or food to satisfy tlie cravings of hunger, ou that cold November morn­ ing. He led us to feet with tho poet who says, •••: "f#*r*ave the poor feel for the poor, : > TWnksh know not how hard, . ItUtobe of needful rest, "-'And needful food debarr'd; • Ifhey know uot of the scanty ineajt, . . . Withsmall, palefaces round; No Are upon tlie cold, damp hearth, :Wheu snow is on the ground." He also spoke of tlie Indians who wandered through our streets the day before, asking aid from many and re­ ceiving assistance from those who sym­ pathise witii suffering humanity. The good Father sharing with tiiein from his humble store. The Literary Circle met last week at the residence of 1. T. Salisbury. Th£ attendance was large and all appoint­ ed to net were present except the Critic, but the members declared that -they had spent a very pleasaut evening and were well satisfied at not having been criticized. We are pleased to hear that our wor­ thy and efficient County Treasurer, Mr. James Nisli, havii.g made his call­ ing and electlou for the next term of two years sure, proposes to make his residence with us, ids family removing here from Cary the coming week.-- The house they are to occupy Is now being made comfortable for their reception, NOKAH BELL. ON Thursday last, Thanksgiving'day, the hoys got up anethcr Glass Ball ^hoot, aud although tho weather was verv severe, they stood it out well, and some Very good shooting was done. The first m atcli was for those who had never shot at a Glass Ball before, and the first Prize was won by Alson Ostratider, who broke nine balls out of ten. the second by John Murphy, break­ ing seven balls, aud the third by A. C. McCrory, breaking five. The next was open to all, aud tiie first Prize was won by A. C. McCrory, breaking six and tieing withOstrauder,and winning by one ball in shooting off. John Murphy got second and C. P. Walte third Prizo. As we said before, con­ sidering the cold day some good shoot­ ing was done Our space will not per­ mit publishing the Score In full this week. The horse and wagon was won by two or three different ones, uot making a score in the match. NUNDA PUIILTe SCHOOL. BKrOItT; The secuad school month clescd Nov 22nd. Number of Pupils enrolled 89. Higher department 36. Primary 6S. Average attendance Higher de partnvent30. Primary 55. Number Of tardinesses 19. Neither absent nor tardy during the month 26. Number in last 300 (to close of mouth) of words missed by members of the A spelling class Higher department. Clarence Becktey, 1; Willie, Beckley 6; M«jor Beckley 9; Joseph Benson, 10; Arthur Vertnilyea, 10; Perrio Johnson, 11 Hattie ̂ rruax, 6; Nina Darby, 0; Emer«on McCullum. .5; EUa Wiley, 2-270; Mary Dygert. 4-225; Eva Elzea, 5-200. 5. W. WlIKELKB. KS. MART CHAMBEKLAIW, Teachers Nunda, Department* of Train* at CryiUl La feus. WISCONSIN DIVISION. oonro BAST. ,' S •St. Paul Passengar AM. Woodstock Passenger..............,,7:45X. *. Fond du Lac Paaaengar 8 S7 A. M: "* - F. *. Paul Passnngtf. Mall Passenger. '.Wa s7 r. x. oonro WKST. '* Freight A. at. Mail Paaseng®r. ||:J6 A.;*. St. Paol Passenger....... ... 11:37 A. *. Woodstock Passenger F. *. Fond du Lac Passenger ..6:43 F. *. tSt Paul Passenger (night) 10:46 if. X •Runsevery day except Mondays. fttuns every divy except Saturdays. Other trains rnn dally, Sundays exc« CRYSTAL LARK SCHOOL. Spelling report of all the pupils in the Higher Department of the Public School, for the two weeks (nine days) endi ng Nov. 30th. Mary Crosby, 1-100; Jennie Knox, 6-150; Clara Nash, 2-225; Dora Clow, 1-150; Sarah Clow, 3-175; Louis Crow, 125; Charles Crow, 8-100 Anna Harris, 3-150; Louisa Wilber 100; Edith Lowell, 1-225; Frank Pomeroy, 225; Bird Sanford, 225; Patsy Leonard, 1-200; Clarence Hill,* Willie Hill,225; Laban Borden, 1-225; Alice Dunu, 3-175; Resa Smith, 6-175; Julia Goodman, 3-200; Olive Van Allen 6-150; Minnie Lanning, 4-175; James Leonard. 200; Sarah Ford, 1-125; Mary 'Welch,* Luella Short, 2-175; Charles Knox, 1-200; Frank Pease,4-225; Willie Harback, 5-225; Mary Cad we 11,* Katie McGarry, 10-225; John- Knox, 2-100 James Ford, 100; Daniel Clow, 9-75, JOHN MOBTOK, Teacher. •Absent. A large stock of Robber Goods Wool lined Boots and Shoes, Gloves and Mittens, Hats and Caps at Bottom prices at Fitzslmmons & Evansen. Last week "Wt" was Interrupted by an earthquake (as 1 presumed) and the concussion of things around would entitle a person to that belief, but you can imagine how I was taken back when after following where the shat­ tered window-glass lay thickest and being led to Warner & Hamilton's door by the marks of some destructive agency, 1 was met by "Dwight" who read the evidence of astonishment on my countenance and volunteered an explanation, graphic, terce, laconic: "Tip Laughed." That simple ex­ pression would acoount for many won­ derful things and mysterious sounds heared by affrighted listeners on our streets. We are left to wonder how so much noise can comO from so small a source, but fre leave tho unsolvable question and look at him frith pity for fre can see how it injures him. Wo can see it wearing--wearing away on the constitution of the lnflicter, and I think it will be bnta few short years before the--World's Fair In New York, "Dwight" is D. 8. Warner, P. M.4 Tip" Is W. T. Hamilton, ass't P. M. and junior partner in the Hardware Store. A sociable firm it Is too. It Is impos­ sible to maiutain an ill huinor iu that establishment, for if your are not III a good humor they will either joke or provoke you to it. They claim to be Old Settlers, but 1 think they would be older settlers if they were older, yet they lack noue of the stability com­ monly ascribed to the First Settlers. Either will display goods with an alacrity, continuity and variety be. tokening a close attention to business, good selections and an unfailing stock of stoves, cutlery, tin-ware, &c„ Ac., and postage stamps. During the last six weeks they have sold Forty stoves which is probably a fair average of their Autumn trade. They are both gentlemen who will be patronised as long as, and whenever there aro users of Hardware. I antic1 pated the pleasure of speaking a word for S. G. Hatch, of the firm of Hatch & Butler, but are too late a« he has withdrawn from the meruhantlle business. We are sorry to lose Mr. Hatch from that class of enterprises but cannot help congratulating him on the change because the occupation of Grain Dealer is better suited to his energetic but nervous constitution which will uot live Inside of a store's walls. The business of tlie firm will not suffer loss however, for it has been converted into the hands of Wm. But­ ler & Co. who are experienced mer­ chants and have the confidence of the community. They do not put up startling placards or quaint devices to draw a customer by faucy. but depend ou the uueinbelisiied worth of their goods and honorable dealiug. The house works for small profits, hoping to receive tho number they will merit. The Drug Store of G. W. Best A Son flourishes In despite of the downfall of their sign which hung, suspended In the Heavens, but a few hours. They attempted to hang oue across the Street, Chicago style, but the damps tttic tho fro&t and the gale of one night frustrated that ambitious scheme of Georgia's. Such signs may flourish In cities but they are too "Hlfalutin** (high-f-lutterlng) for tho country.-- George" vows he will yet make it swing there and gaily flutter In the breeze to tell folks where ho is George, irrepressible George! Who is better fitted to welcome customors than he, with his buoyant spirits and exuberant exhilirationf Starting as he did with liis father, frith the deter­ mination of keeping things in a tasty condition and with the expressson '•This Drug Store shall not be a Saloon" his pre parations for business were very auspicious. Fair dealiug is the kind found there and wo hope to have him frith us for a long time yet. Ira M. Mallory is still working with his amateur printing press and although the Advertitel has not been issued lately fre see him delivering numerous packHges of job frork. He keeps general assortment of goods, such as Candies, Tobacoes Jewelry, Notions <fccM selected to meet tho public de­ mand ;and he sell) at tho lowest possi bio margin. D. C. Mai lory's la one of those stores vrhich stand unaffected by the ups and downs in the merchantile world. It is managed by Mr. Mallory and has been managed wisely since the early day of Nunda. It is in pleasing contrast frith the modern stylish establishments who I really believe have it as a principle to put the fairest and fattest on top, and count as clear gain all that is made fey trickery. It is seldom that we see a store whose manager stands so ami­ cably between the wholesale trade and a large number of oustomers who havo had intimate dealings frith him tor years. His business could not be other- 1 wise than food, frhen it is good any­ where. Dry Goo&i and Groceries a** what he sells but fre go there to the matrimonial knot clinched, toget our Drafts cashed, to get his Services In the office of Notary Public and, if we are deserving, for almost any favor. Last comes D. P. Wood burn's Boot and Shoe Store. There 1s not much, that can be said about this business for it is one which is affected by the alter­ nations of public economy and ex­ travagance as much if not more thau most others. Business In this line is dull at present but Mr. Wood burn has a fair share with all the rest. What we say for the respectability and honor of the others we say for him, and that equally frith thorn he merits patron­ age. But a lew years ago onr town was all full Of tho bustlo and liveliness of business and many look to that time frith pleasure but I can't. Whenever I look to that time I see stores filled on credit, and men in business with but little capital yet active competition.-- Whether that was the cause or not, I know it was but a short time before some of them were squirming and do­ ing everything to stave off bankruptcy and failure. But to-day there is not an unsound fans'ness firm nor an irrespon­ sible business man in our town. A Merchant Tailor would supply a a want which is felt very much. There Is no reason why this place could not support one yet our peoble are obliged to go to Woodstock or MeHenry (Or or­ der-made clothes. Perhaps I may be accused of flattery for saying the things I have. All the excude I have is that 1 did not start out to find flaws but good qualifies. Our busines men would be superhuman If they had no faults, I see some faults in them all but they aro slight and 1 do not feel it a duty to mention them be­ cause there aro many persous who seem to take pleasure in publishing faults while fefr take note of the many virtucs. The members of the Y. M. C.T. Association, assisted by several young ladies, are preparing for an exhibition of the play: *'Anieng the Breakers.'* The time of the exhibition will be d'lly announced Iu these "oliimns. By the way, do not forget their regular public meeting on Dec. 17th, and the meeting of the Ladies' T. U. on Fri­ day evening Dec. 7th. ALPHA. leave your dock frtflUfBrf--<1*. him to acrub it up add he frill Ai; good job. But Uncle WUHwui earth yet and we would aljifl employ htm as he has had more rience and we think will do yott ft tor Job for lese pay. Notice*. Richmond Department. Undeniably the best 5 ccut Cigars in town. Garver lias 'em. How happy he seems to be as he es­ corts her home from church Sunday nights. J. West seems to be doing a'lively business In Harnesses, Blankets, Robes, Boots and Shoes. He sells them cheap. Perhaps fre should apologize for uot fiirnlshliig iU'ms for the past two weeks and a poor excuse is better than uoue. Our excuse is that in reading an article In the Gazette frem tlie peu of "Flint," it took our breath away, and it was some time before we could catch it again. Those (wins we mean that traveled all the way from heaven to live In this sinful world and then alight in Hebron, It was as simple as a teu dollar bill iu one hand and a ci­ gar iu the other. Oh how sent!mental I The Club Dance on Thanksgiving night passed off very pleasautly and fcOodiy number we o in attendance. We think that all who attend danoes at the Richmond House, while Mr. Blllett is landlord, will have a pleasant ti me. He will do his best to please you all. A young man not many miles from Richmond front out rabbit hunting without success but on his return bought a stale one at the market. He was told by his mother when she got a snuff at it that he had done well for It was high time that rabbit was killed. O dou't be afraid. We won't call no names. There hat been several weddings in this vicinity the past few weeks and some of the young ladies that are get­ ting along in years drop their under Hp and look as if their friends had for­ saken them aud their chances had passed. Girls you should not envy those that are the luoky ones for there is better ones left and try and get them. Once we was an old matd and some fellow took pity on us and we have felt sorry ever since. High prices have vanished at the Mill and they are selling Flour at bot­ tom prices. Look at their posters around town. Pure Drugs and Medicines at Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn's. Call and leek at their Holiday Goods. John W. Hn has just returned from Chioago and you cau get a nice present for your girl. Go early and have yonr pick. Mrs. G. B. Carpenter has just re­ turned from Chicago with a new sup­ ply of Millinery and Fancy Goods. The ladies frill do well to call and see stock. Holden GUlisple, Merchant Tailor, is making some very nice fits. Call and see him when in frant of a suit of clothes. ^ ^ We saw Garver ff the Street the other day with a clock. "Where are you goiug John ?" suld we. uTo clean a clock,'" said he. Now what John un­ dertakes he does it well aud if you NRVT Goods received oveiy week. Smith,Aldrich & Haythoru's, side Block. _ HOUSE TO RENT, Inquire of L. Bonsiett, HeHenry, MONET will procure the Bargains tlie next 20 days at Mr*. S* Seartet^l MeHenry. Turn Belle City Feed Cutter, the' In the market, can be found at Bishop's Warehouse, Fer a good clean shave go to Parker House Barber Slaop. Halfr Cutting a specialty. » * Til Hooitf A flue new Stoj* of 541111 nery, of tho latest styles, at Mrs. C. H. Moray#. Overcoats! Ovsrcpatsl OvefoootsI at Buckliu & Stevens MeHenry 111. Tinware, from a tin whistle to wi Wash Boiler, at John M. Smith's, near tlie Depot. 1 Just opened a full and complete lin# of Clothing for Men, Youth and Boy* at Buckliu & Stevens at MeHenry. Stoves of all kinds cheaper than you cau steal them, at lohn M. Smith's near the Depot. Just reoetved, at Mrs Moray's, tho finest stock of Millinery Good* over brought to MeHenry. CALL and see the best Coal Stove In the market, at John M. Smith's near the Depot, Ladles Clonks, and doaktiifc and new patterns of Waterproof at P. D. Smith's near the Depot. SnEi.F-fIARDWAKTE,Pocket and Table Cutlery, lu any quantity, at Bed-rode wices, at John M. Smith's, near the >epot. DBKSS MAKING. Fashionable Dress and Cloak nHtkfmp alse cutting aud tlttlng at reasonable prices. MRS. PH. RRITK, Parker House. BUFFALO ROBES. A large invoice of the finest Robot ever brought to this market, just re* ceived at Smith, Aldrich A Haythem't, Riverside Block, Ladies do not fail to call atXn. Morey's and examine the latest styles of Millinery Goods. Her stock is cose* plete,aud prices as low as the lowest. Sugar is Cheap. Cheaper, Cheapest If you want to see how muohSweeten. Ing you can get for a dollar--Silver or Paper--call at BUCKLIN 4B STKVKXS. Please bear In mind that a hasy light is just, as good and oftlmes better thau sunshine for taking pictures.-- Ouly come early in the daj mi «• will please you every time. * J. 8. MBDLABI1 Wanted 10.000 lbs of Choice Butter for which we will pay the 'kigheat market price in Goods at the very lowest Cash Prices. Bvonn * tTBvsm. Ladles, call and see thos* splendid new Bonnets and Hats, at Mrs. Morey's. She will sell you the latest styles at the lowest price. HORSE BLANKETS! You can buy a five lb Blanket Iter •Mi­ ner pair at Fitssimmont A Evaasoat Near the Depot. Just received at Bucklln A Stevens at MeHenry a new and full line of Seasonable Dress Goods, Shawls In desirable Styles, Prints, Domestic^ Cotton Flannels. Bed Blankets, Horse Gould's Iron Pumps, with any kind of Cylender, that a boy 12 years eldcao work with perfect ease, in a well from 25 to 100 feet deep. For tale at Q. Bishop's. - BaJRtto Iteffiilo I , A full supply on hand at Bucklla # Stevens, and at.lower prices than «Y HEAVY WORK HORSES FOB SALE. The undersigned offev for Sal© a teaafc of Heavy Work Horses, one nine and one four ytars old. Will be soldi reasonable if applied for soort. Apply to John Brown, Four miles east of MeHenry aud one mile went of Velbw GREATEST , .BARuAINS XTVB OFFERED IN McHENBY. Mrs. S. Searles frill sell for the next 20 days for Cash, one hundred latest style trimmed Hats at |1JM per Hat; Fifty trimmed Hats at H. Fifty trimmed Hats at •&. Also frill make great reductions in Cloaks, CI eating and Trimmings. NO HUMBUG. Gilberts Butter Color, will Intrtiti the value of white Butter 5 cents per pound and costs less tFan one cent to color ten pounds. Every Bottle war- rented to give aatisfaction or meaty refunded. For Sale by Druggists ana | Grocers generally. Ask for it and take •% to^#i&er. Manufactured by . ,j \W* A. B.GILBERT, McHeniyW TAKE NOTICE. All those who are interested in tha purchase of Flannels, waterproofs. Blankets, Ladies and Gents Under­ wear, Men's Jackets AoH Ac, We have marked our stock daum on account of warm weather, and as we have a largo stock en hand which w® are bound t® dispose of, we shall offer special in­ ducements. Fltssimmons ft near the DejiotJMcHenrjrllK^ TESTATE of John Connell deceased. She f*j nndersipned havtag beea agpMBtei Executor's Notiee. deceased. lag bees I MM, tor* of the last wBi and 'teataaaeet < John Connell. late of the QMwty of MnH--' and state of Illinois. hereby » notice that tiiey will aattaar before the W tv Court of McIIeury Wunljr, at th Kgy.; itouse, in Woodstock, at the Jaanar ^ on the third Monday. In January ~ which time all versa**havtsveMau, said Estate are notlted aadraquaa*' ^ - tend for the purposo of having the . . jn*ted. All paraona tartebleil to are requested Imaittdtoto f < the u,nder#l?ne'l. Dtltd thisTth vember A. D. VS7. , ..jjUraAunBnmirciuj j. rwt** IP* m •W, ; vi-V- ;

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