t<. v1- ' it. fy- !*JUkt lwi*<feaeikWAj4<. tS* **~ • • * .- ' "• * '<. ! 7{*%A? "* ' :• V ̂ goBm ̂ CHBBWIHM Nii>980n is leamiogto sing !» German. TKEBB are nearly 8,000 telephones in \jpe in New York city alone. BOSTON type-founders have never he re known as dull a time in their btisi- & °n fran TH* faoe of Mian Blaine will alftja "%ow an ugly soar as thp result of her jround. . , ̂ TuE^gpntry population of California |u&l to the population of San cisoo. SKNATOB MORION'S death, jpst as it d, was predicted by his physi- thirteen yean* ago. TUB famous Madame Bonaparte, of altimore, is now over 90 years of age, d in very feeble health. IT is gratifying to hear that the Pope's jjiedical examiners see no reason why he •hould not live twenty-five years. . MB. STLVAITDS ATKINS, aged 104, was taken to the polls on election day in Val- atie. Colombia county, N. Y. GEM.. FRANK SIGHI, has bonght a farm Pike county, Pa., where he is going educate two of his sons as farmers. EUBOPB has purchased $2,500,000 Horth of our American iruit within the past twelve months, principally dried fruits. THB Grand Jury has ignored the bill •gainst Gen. Pierson, chskged with --*nrar&e* in connection with me riots at Pittsburgh. IT is estimated that turbine water Sheels have, sisce their invention, saved ie country over $300,000,000 in the one single item of fueL THB official canvass shows that the •ote of Colorado on the woman-suffrage Suestion was: For, 8,612; against, 4,053; majority against, 7,441. JOHN LEVICK, who claims to be one of the 600 that made the famous charge at Balaklava on Oct. 25, 1854, is in jail at Cleveland, on a charge of assault with intent to kill. AMONG our Indian tribes the Creeks, Ohickasaws, ChoctawB and Cherokees are steadily increasing in numbers and advancing in agricultural wealth, good order and education, MAJ. CAMPBELL, who, with a battalion 800 strong, led the Turks in their attack Upon Fort St. Nicholas in the Bchipka pass, is regarded by critics as having done the pluckiest thing of the war. GAIA, the pedestrian, who, not long ago, walked a mile and a half at the be ginning of each hour for 1,000 hours, has just succeeded in walking 4,000 quarter miles in as many ten-minute •pells. THB one-term mania has broken out in Mexico. A law has passed the Senate, •lid is expected to be ratified by the lower house of the National Legislature, prohibiting the election of a President for a second term. THB amount of wheat raised in Da kota the present year, according to sta tistics furnished by Judge Brooklings, of Yankton, is, in round numbers, %000,000 bushels, 5,000,000 bushels be ing produced by Southern Dakota. MRS. HAYES has a hearty liking for the "White House, old-fashioned as it is. She took an old friend through it the Other day, showed him the great rooms, and said:. " No matter what they build, they'll never build any more rooms like these V' A HAKRISBTTBO (Pa.) jeweler Bays that neither he nor one of his two workmen uses tobacco, and both can handle any polished tool in the shop and lay it aside unwiped without injury. The other workman uses tobacco habitually, and if h Kegiects to wipe polished tools after using sliextf rust spots will soon invariably •ppe&fo NEW YopK city now contains nearly 1,300,000 people, besides the population of Brooklyn,' which numbers 550,000. New Yoikers lay claim also to the in habitants of Statah island and Jersey City, which, including Brooklyn, would increase the census to about 2,000,000. The principal cities in the civilized world are estimated, in point of population, as follows : London, 3,489,428; New York, over 2,000,000, and Paris, 1,851,792. TUB new monument to be erected to , Ex-President Johnson, at Greenville, Tenn., will be twenty-six feet high, with * base of granite and a shaft of Italian marble. Upon the front is a scroll rep resenting the constitution of the United States, and an open book with a hand vesting upon it, suggesting the taking of tihe oath of office. Over the apex is the American . flag, and surmounting the whole an American eagle with out stretched wings. NINB ladies rode for prizes at a tour nament in Nevaia. In order that there might be no ill-feeling among the com petitors, every one was given a prize. The silver medal was won by a daring lady from Long valley, whose horse was - almost unbroken and plunged frightful ly. The other riders got tea-set®, cake- • baskets, furs, pickle-dishes, chromos, books of poetry and other raff. Nor was horsemanship exalted above the humbler domestic virtues. Prizes were awarded for the best bread, the neatest sewing and the prettiest pillow-shams. One lady was awarded a premium for being the best-dressed dancer at the So ciety ball. jfeardkintr for Lost Treasure. An expedition is now preparing to leave this couutry with the purpose of recovering gold and silver treasures which for more than sixty years have been bidden beneath the waters of the Spaniph main, not far from La Guayra, Venezuela. In 1815 the San Pedro Al cantara, a Spanish man-of-war, was sent as a convoy to provision-laden vessels designed to supply the fleet in the Ca ribbean sea. Thirteen hundred men were on bourd, and the treasure-ciicsts contained $3 000,000 in silver. When the San Pedro Alcantara arrived at La Guara a revolution was found to be in progress, and Spanish citizens and churches of Venezuela caused their treasures of gold and silver and jewels to be trans ferred for safety to the frigate. Several Venezuelan towns were also plundered and destroyed, their wealth being car ried on board the vessel. The soldiers ' • and sailors Were so exultant at their suo- > cesses that they indulged in a drunken zevel, during which the frigate caught fixe. The half-erased men could do nothing, and when the flames reached the powder-nuguino a terrible explosion sent the Son Pedro Alcantara, with men and treasures widely scattered, be neath the waves. Several attempts ham been made to recover the sunken millions; but in all not more than$500,- 000 has been found, and this in diver. The gold, jewels and church plate remain undiscovered. Oapfc, Folingsby, an ex perienced diver, has obtained permission from the Venezuelan Government to search for the lost treasure, the permis sion to last six years, and a percentage on all sums recovered to be paid to Venezuela. With modern appliances and .contrivances, with energy, knowl edge and prudence, he believes that 4PBU) millions may be recovered* ̂ [ •' Anecdote of Llnoolo. 3C1? The Drawer is assured that the fol lowing anecdote of the late President Lincoln has not heretofore appeared in print It wt« related to a little company of Chicago lawyers. ̂ " One day," said Mr. Lincoln, " when 1 first came here, I got luto u fit of mus ing in my room, and stood resting my elbows on the bureau. Looking into the glass, it struck me what an awfully ugly man I was. The fact grew on me, and I made up my mind that I must be the ugliest man in the world. It so maddened me that I resolved, should I ever see an uglier, I would shoot him at sight. Not long after this, Andy (naming a lawyer present) "came to town, and the first time I saw him I said to myself, ' There's the man.' I went home, took down my gun, and prowled round the streets waiting for him. He soon came along. ' Halt, Andy,' said I, pointing my gun at him. 'Say your prayers, for I'm going to shoot you.' ** * Why, Mr. Lincoln, what's the mat ter ? What have I done ?' " Well, I made an oath that if I ever saw a man uglier than I am, I'd shoot him on the spot. You are uglier, sure; so make ready to die.' "' Mr. Lincoln, do yon really think I'm uglier than you ?' •"Yes.' " 'Well, Mr. Lincoln,' replied Andy, deliberately, and looking me squarely in the faoe, 4 if I am uglier, fire away!'"-- Harper's Magazine for December, An Alabama Squatter. William Stevens, of Clay county, Ala., has squatted on a mountain tract and built himself a log cabin, where he re sides contentedly with his rifle, wife, eight kids and 100 goats. The goats are hardy and prolific; he shoots them when he wants meat, or leather for shoes; has their milk for milk, butter and cheese ; exchanges kid-flesh for meal with a miller at the foot of the mountain; sells his surplus animals yearly for olothing, hats, etc., and claims that he is the best-fed, best-clothed, best-shod and best-humored man in the county. THE total nominal capital invested in all the railways of Great Britain is near ly $3,200,000,000. This is at the rate of $200,000 per mile of railway opened. More than $190,000,000 of capital pay no dividend ; $270,000,000 less than 5 per cent., and only $25,000,000 more than 10 per oent. Comfort for Uneasy Stomachs. That incomparable anti-dyspeptic cordial* carminative and appetizer, H'lstetterV Stom ach Bitters, yields comfort to the uneasy stom ach with a degree of promptitude most gratify ing to the victim of indigestion. The eradica- tioa of dyspepsia by the Bittera is, of counse, accompanied by the disappearance of ©very oue of its multifarious and puzzling symp toms, among which may be mentioned as the most prominent heartburn, flatulence, ab dominal oppression after eating, and sinking at other times, palpitations of the heart, water brash, vertigo, sick headache and nausea. Hosteiter's Bitters tone and regulate the vari ous organs which assist in the processes of assimilation, secretion and evacuation, fortify the system against malarious fevers, and de velop in the enfeebled system fresh stores ot vitality. In efficacy, as in popularity, they sur- my f*" inMuiiniwnf theaga. The Queen of the Oven. A bre&kfaeit-kiecuit or tea-roll made with DOOLEY'H YEAST POWDER is certainly the queen of the oven--so light, white and delicious. You lift it tenderly, oreak it open gently, spread it daintily with fresh, sweet butter, waiting to be graoiouit. After breakfasting on biscuits made with Dooucv's YKAHX POWDXB what man would contemplate suicide, or grumble because his wife asked him for money. Hhmimatlsm QUICKLY SJURECI. ** Dorang'c Kb fpontic Remedy," the great ifcrwaJ Medicine, will positively oare anv OMS of rheumatism on the face of the earth. Price, Internal licine, will positively cure anyci <m on the face of the earth. rri( $1 a bottle, six bottles, $5. Sold by all drug- gists. Send for circular to HelpfaeuBtuse & Bentkey, Druggists, Washington, i>. ik SHEW The Celebrated " MATCHLESS N Wood Tag Plug TOBACCO. TN PXONKXB TOBACCO OO*F. New York, Boston and hOhUs* BTTBNBTT'S GOIIOONB received the high est award at the Centennial Exhibition. It is filled in elegant bottles--glass and oork-stop- pered, and basketrcovered--and is for sals by all first-class Grocers and Druggists. WE have a larger sale for Hatch's Uni versal Cough Syrup than for any other medi ans of the kind. We have for sale all the old standard remedies. None are in such demand. FLINT & DAYTON, Friendship, N. Y. Bold by J. Blocki & Co., Chicago, I1L IT will pay to read advt " Florida Homes 1" FLORIDA HOMES! Location elevated, fertile and H^TBY. CL^ to R. R. Station* and Northern Colonies. Pnce ONLY -,f •? F1;?1 M. U.v»*LNH3 FIRO DWL 0LHR$TA. at •. , LFCOT'L T'HR "L nonie. Samples worth ® IFTR • AS/U t «»• SXINBON & CO..Portland.MAT-- runora RETOI.VEUS. PNEEXIST free AddreM VIUJIO Great WESTERN Gun Works, Pittsburg. Pa. BABBITTS TOILET SOAP. ***»»• _ . AS A . OB the Twoot rionest, raclest of the raiw Humor and of Oontodrit X ~ cents. Addraaa BANK K i t , PreaMent'A ANII Policy, erer tamed. Fall Jjt> O«RTA aaeta'; BLIADK. Toledo. Ohio. Flv* oomplete iH>rotu, by Mnlatat writers,A»<I FOUR dcHatitfal storfic,, ; In book fora. mold ooet FE&UO. Address THKBLADK. Toledo, UIRIO V"M!" Iff OHAIO* 8toimdMi~BOOKif in all AO. etc.; the bMt and oheapMt book* In TH» world. Cata- >-~I"R A*TBB BLIAPR TOLEDO. Ohio. BEFORE CWUMMM. SIM WIU* O*L of latecMtand VALOOTO PMPL* TITSM*. Specimen* two. ssSsinrsJ •abaeribe for am- other paper send IJBDO B|7APE, IiBUW J Paper OF WD rea4i(>« matter parts of UW United ACENT8 WANTED FOR Creative Science; Or. MNH000, WOMANHOOD, AND THEIR MUTUAL INTER-RELATIONS; LOVE, ITS LAWS, POWER, ETC. A«enta are selliac from IS to 8ft ooptaa A d*> Sena for specimen PACES and oar extra terns to Acents, and mw» • • mm.* wnWl (fcm oabi Mhv J. HOLMES. The new noral, MILDRBD.br Ufa. Maty J. aatborof those splendid books--. ~ -BN(IWTWWUI«II*lin Ltna and for sale by all booksellers. of UM finest read It. DOTSIS ever written. 6.V. Carleton & Co.1PoVrs.)HefTjrt n • • Dunham k Sons, Manufacturers, WnrerMBM, 18 East 14th §tq U.»iauiiahed IBM.L KBW YORK, TARPRIIISA Reasonable. Terms Kam.JB HIGHLAND Military Academy, H'Ott€E^TEIt» MAWI, RstahHshed in UK. The eheapeat school IN IH«- iniid for what is fiiwitshsi. BAKING Absolutely Pure- POWDBK ML, -ir' tor t WAKT- lioveitles Cluoaga JACKSON'S BEST SWEET IAVY CHEWIM TOBMGO was nwasded the Wgheot prise at Centennial Kxpoeitioi; for Its tine chewing qnaUtMS, tho exoellence urflaitinx character of ita SRIIUMILIIL and flavoring. If J-OA want the bait tobaooo MW made, aak jonr grocer for this, AND »EE that each phl« bears oar blue-strip trade-raavk, with wirrtis Jackson's Best oti S«id WBALTMB UJ TU< JOB- ben. Send for sample to C. Ma»«factBim.l'ctfr«b«w,V>. A DA Y at home. AITENTE wanted. Ontfrtl terms free. TRPJB K CO., AUGIUU, . «kwirl mns JIT MAIN. IS; (Di a w*.»»k !»• r" - aei ®Dt t«e. U. ftAIXETT A OO.. 0 K CABDH. with name bcastt £t O SOo. Address K.W Mocî W< C. B. M8TCAU, A. ML. Sept. Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, Beqatree IWIIWH11-**' attention, U neglect OFTENTIMES results in some incurable TUNGF disease. MIIOWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES IT simple REMEDY# WAD will In- fiiriably FIVE immediate rellet> SOLD BT ALL CHEMISTS and dealers1 A medicines, CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from pnetiee. HAVINC re- oeived from an Kast LIIDIS miBiWiirr the foranla of a vegetable remedy for speedy AND permanent ccr» of R»NM<NJX«OM, BRTMCHMT, MMRRT, SITMA, and all tliro>it md "siing affections; fwss SORS lor narvons de. bilitf NIIIT ML NERVOUS oompjatals,alter hsvinf TEMOD its curative POWPN« in thoonands of oases, has fa!I duty to make IT KNOWS to his safferinff F»LLOW^ « . at«d by a DTWIRR TO relieve haman enSeiinR, 1 M i?S FRR*! to all WHO d<WIRE or Kngllfth. withy<_'/ Kninwn, witn.F <_'F I W.W.8HWIAH,£« this feeips in ftetnuw. VV ; " withot . 1C.V. s Chorus, Aifljin&dee Boots Jftwfeol SieittiM Ait Wfakr EFFL M« The (j60 Gleaner. one good Anthem or Motet for eaoh SUNDAJ OF jthe year. taaHlonis Booths tion of Sacred Chonisxs, and an eqaalk- lnrge number ot Seoolar Cbonuw nud ulees. All Is of the beat quality. A iirst-olass Sooiety book. $1.%; or $12 I>er dos. Perfcins' Glee & Chorns Boot ^ 1MM 26 Glees and 6 Snored Choruses, all of the best, ana many UNU-nmliy attraotivs. A iiist-olaas Society book $1.35; OR $13 per doe. Chorus Clifur By E. TOOBJTK, has 75 line Anthems and T/iioruaes, and 96 Chants. Te Deums, AA First- ol«M Choruu-CKUK book. $16 per do.-.. The American Glee Boot ByW.O.Pnfe KINS, is a tnis Glee BW^CT with the best and most entertaining compositions from beginning to end. $l.FIO; or $18.50 per dos. OLIVER DITS0K & CO., Boston, C. XI. Ditson «FCCO^ 843 BIT>adway.N.Y. J. E. Dlt«on «& Co., 922 Chestnut St.. Phils. HULL & SCOTNEY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 346 NORTH WATER ST., PHILADELPHIA, And wholesale deslsri In Batter, Cheese, KCP«, Biultry. PS _ _ Game, PotaUx *. Appins, Grain, IJ | |UAM Floor,_F«r, Wool, CotUin, PEA; nata, BNN'TTI Corn, Foreign and tact. Domestic Fruits, and, in _ CAN sell any and everything at the bUrhest market prioe, make prompt retunis, and illlKKALill CASH AU-VANCKMmadel | la JA A A on ail shipments except peilsh-|-l||]QOD able artioles. To snowtnat wej 111111 W |I - do an extensivo business. IMWLLW¥WWIGAM dealer In Philadelphia will tell yon we handled mote gam* last season than all other Houses •% | ^hr»Es?t«5i. Pniiltrv ruuiii¥i Any RESPONSIBLE HOIMK in OUR CITY.' ECC8. GAME. INE POUNDS PHQF. BEDFORO'S LETTER SHOWING: Y TWFTAFIALE OVER ALL OTHERS FQR SOAP MAKMCLSilT FREE BY MAIL ON APPLICATION TO HJL ANTHONY 104 REAOE ST. NEWYDRK. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED The FMNSTFM and eur* of CONSUMPTION, as also of Asthma, Breachitls, Catarrh, and all dis> eases OF the LOOS and THBOAT, may be reallced ta PULMONA, which is also tseommended as a certain and radical ewe (orittfcnmiJ and FECIAL derangements of the Nervous SvNtem, Disorders of the ItlofNl, snd lfunonoML IKsorders of the STOMACH and BOWELS, and M a GE»-SNL BUAM, Nun and BLOOD Toma 1'1'L.IHUNA banishtes. with wonderful rapidity, all tiiu geneml symptoms of C30NHU.MPT10N« ASTHMA, BitoKCHrrfa, Ac. It imparts strength and color to th* pale blood, subdues the CHILIS ana FEVER, and dimin ishes the expectoration. It checks the NIOHT SWEATS. suit InviRormtea the , relieves the < and refreshing sleep. ITLI.MONA is adapted appetite, relisres the oongh s breathing, STO|W TII« wasting of flesh, and Induces a calm to every diseaae, hovnnr called FTY name in which is exbiblte<l any derangement at either tne NERVOCT or the BLOOD SYSTEMS. For Femal* t>i*ortiert it Is ptmiiivtly untqualed. PI'LMON.T SUPPLIER th® place of "Cough Mlstures* for the Cough, " Tonics" for the Appetite, " Expecto rants" for the Expectoration, Anodynes for the Nervoug Irritation, and Iron for the Blood, and thus is both the ki.? A.nd the moat economical medicsina that can be taken. By A specific action upon the Cunflitutiimal Condition it reaches and has a direct effect upnn the whole teriee of ftymptnmn. PI'LiWONA ia confidently recommended in all cases WHEREIN an exhibited'any one or more of the following NVIIIMTININ > COUGH, DIFFICULTY OR IRREOTTLARXTT OF BREATH ING, WASTIMO <>F THE FLESH, LOSS OF APPETITE oft STHF.S<»TH, BLEEDINO FROM THK LUNOS, GENERAL DEBILITY,FLYING PAINS THHOUHH THE CHEST, LIMBS OR FACE, NERVOUS HEADACHE, NFRVOUS PROSTRA TION, NIGHT 8WKATS. DIZZINESS on VERTIGO. SORB THROAT, SLEKPLKMNKSS, INDIUESTIOM, SIKKUIG or THE STOMACH, RKMI TTKNT FEVER, AND esptciaUy in aft Female Diataies or Uterine Irregularities. Read the Following Certificates* OOLLXOX Hnx, CINCINNATI, O.--"/ teas in the to* iitaae of Oontmmvtum, Ten day® after taking PUI, lift. V\ my Chills, Nigiil Sweats, Fever, Ac., decreased, and finally oessed altogether. My n*stored health is a mar vel to all who know me."--1T. J. CAISSON. "PI'IJIOMA tared my ,tavqh/rr,» l\fe, and protiabljr sared ME hundreds of dollar*."--REV. K. JONES, Renv sen. N. Y. " We blem (7od for the benefit ire received from your PUI^IONA."--REV. P. WARREN, Canton, Pa. A SOTFERER FP.OM ASTHMA wnt««: "Your PITI>-1IONA ileciilfilly the bent remtilii tee hate ever hatI, rtnd the only one. that ha* produced entirely favorable rs- •IUTT*."--GEO. M. GRAHAM, Amsterdam, N. Y. The price of the PITLMONA is |I per bottle. It msj XEW York. Send for fret circular, containing parttoo- lsmo< mn --ss sucusmfnlly UssUsd. CAN be finished as easy The very best, aix FOC®7 4)0. Keep's Custom Shirts--made to EOEWVWBATTONA given with each half dos. Kbep*A FHIT«ta KeojiShirtiandeUreredFREEonteoeiptof prioe In anjfpart of the Cnica--no express ohartrea to pay. gamjrtea, with full directions for self-measurament. Free to any address. No stamp required. Deal direotiy with the Manufacturer ana get Bottom Prioea. Keep Manufacturing ,9o., LFLFL IFAWST., H.Y. •ETBOFOUfAH COSSET! THX ONLY OOBSBT COMBINING Grace, Comfort and Beaut J! Is eon»tr«cted en PURELY scientific i principles. The back is whole boned I and lett open «t the hips to be laoed SI II!E;II«u>« «>T wmtn'r, and is TO eored is linck that the FABRICS and bones Stlapt IH»'U)»elvt>a with MARVOLOUH ae- «lir;icv to T" ery I-iirv firvl ttiulnlntion ot the typ»> US iigutv. Fur Hals r ail LENDING merom-nts. T-NLJ AREATA wanted. Sam oa by MUIL ON receipt of $1.60. WrSTERN PFPOT, KFITH BROS.. Chieaoo, 10. THE m STAND-BY, IEXI0AN MU8TANG LINIMENT. rOK MAW AMD BEAST. .... ,*BT*BIJaHBDi8d ITABS Always OUNA Ahraja ISadjr. Always handy. Has never jret failed. Thirty miltionit hare teMed it* Tho WHOLE world approves FEE GLORIOUS old Must«ag--tho Best and CHEAPEST lAnlmcnt ia exiatonco. 25 cents s bottta, Iht Hostftng Liniment cures when nothms etse wOL SOLD BY ALL MEDICINK VENDERS. i i Is ths Qrsst Blood Purifier. VEBETINE; Says A Boston Physiclsn, " has no equal as a blood pmt- tier. Hearing of its many wonderful cures, a»'t*V all othsr remedies had failed, I visited the Laboratory and COB* vinced myself of ita genuino merit. It is prepared frtMB barks, roots and herbs, e:ich of which IS highly EFFECTIVE and they are compounded in suoli a MANNER m TE pas> DOCS astonishing rosulta." VEGETINE >lood Purifier. VEGETINE worst case of Scrofnls. VEGETINE is iSMMSSUded bf Phyxicians and Apotbiosrtss VEGETINE MM* marvelous onrss in oas VEGETINE it cases of Canker. VEGETINE ndscful SAOCEAS in MeresiZa VEGETINE I Salt Rheum from ths GFSTEI VEGETINE pies and Humors from the fa VEGETINE stion and regulates the bow< VEGETINE smedy for Headache. VECETINE WDS. VEGETINE otirs system to s hsslthy SSI VEGETINE anas of DISTIAEK, VEGETINE tnass at the Stomaeh. VEGETINE I ths Back. VEGETINE res Kidney Complaint. VEGETINE lis cure of Female Wsakasa VEGETINE medy for Qsasral Debility. VEGETINE bseknowlstised by all CLASSNOF people TOBSTKSBSRT sad most reliable blood purifier in the world, VEGETINE PREPARED BT H. S. STEVENS, Boston, Has. Vegetim© m Sold BY All Druggists. HWTI Kith frondscfu! STINCEAS in MeresiZal Osiss Oosstlpatlon and regulates the boweia L»sfmlsslili remedy for Headache. ISLLIM Ultelnm at ths Stomaeh. Is SFLMTTFS Is Its cure of Female ffutnia b ths gmst remedy for General Debility. AGENTS WANTED! ; wont PARTICULARS, ADDRXSS WILSOI SEVINIjUCHIIE CO. IIO BI^WAY.NMRTAKCIFTYI iZOo^yaiih^PBag TRf AWfiKRbox, eoatatss W nee " "™ gtamps. Mias Eva Grant, _ new vocal and 8 new instrumental O Muaic, 10c. Globe Msrte Oo., MMDHIHWIS^ A MONTH--A6E> WMVTG selHnc articles In TM ^rid;eae Address JAY BROBSOK, Deti H' TO ADVERTISERS! We will BOI.. free to all UP piicanta WHO advertising, the THIRD EDITION ot SON'S MANUAL atioa of value to an ADWTTEW any other pubUcatlon. AU lists revtsed, and where prsotioable contains mors informatioa than can be fband in AN have been carefully rev , snees ham been redneed. Ths special offers art advantageoua. Be NM te send for it before spen«nng^my money in : . HUN Tr S RE ME DY - <lDNE ,YS,E"O,I«..NL I _ _ LFT»p>y and all dikhiH of I the KMSSYT, Btaililer and Vrlaar] ~ gana. Hsars IKeaiedy i* purely VEPTD prepared exprsssly for the above diseases. It has cured thousands, fivenr bottle warranted. Send to W. I S. Clarke, Providence, K.I SL Clarke, Providence, R.I., for illustrated pamphM. If your druggia dont have it, he will order it for you. FID'S EITMCT. The People's Bemedy. The Univeraal MS Iitmto*. Mote: Ask for POND@S Extract. Take no Other. "Besttfor 1 will aftak ofexeolleat thlacs.** POND'S EXTRACT -- The great Vegetable Fain Destroyer. Hss beanln use over thlrtr years, sad for cissollnoss sad prompt curatlvs F CSB afford to be with- Accidents. Bralses» „ni .grains, are relieved al« , external applleaUon. Promptly STISFSSIS^K!..; barns* etc. Arrests Inflammation, reduces swell- Inga, stops bleeding, removes discoloration ana f.Atrtf8cHl'flu!?fit their best friend. It as pains to which they are notably fullness and pwssnre In the head, nausea, vertigo, etc. It promptly^ameliorates and pormaj neotly heals sll klnw of Inflaawatlons sad W^ORKUOIOS or P1I.K8 And in this the onl» immediate relief and ultimate cure,.No esse, how ever chronic or obst/nai© cun long resist its regu lar nse. It Msuaeos the aubjoct-- ILEE1 AM 11 QAB UVEA UUUUICW VI "'.V** -- remedies failed tojwrwt_Weedlng from »ose> nnd often "f nil schools who are acquainted with PoniPs.Extract recommend It ^in their Mmctlce®nwe have letters of commendation from ll^irpds of Physicians; many of whom order !t fur use?n tticlr^ra practice, 'in addition to tin foreeoinK they order its u^o for Hwelliuxs of all wS* Quinsy. Sore Throat, Inflamed TonlillH, simple und chronic l>iarrh<rR, Ca- tkrrh %r wftch it is a Chilblains, WVOYROD Feet. Stings of Isiwects. Mosaai- ^Kc^thapped lhmds, Face, aUd Indeed T i l l I I J S f i t K e m o v e s ( S o r e n e s s , B o n t b * npJSiid SinartlnBt ii< ^l« Cuts, Eruptions Tnd Pi««wl"«' 14 in***™** r** "while wonderfully improving the Com- •Hi'DtRMVitA--Pond's Extract. No Stock Breed?*no Livery Man canafford to be without It. It is used hy nil the leading: Llyrry Stables, Street RailroadB and Horsemen in New \ ork ^ ity. ir h2 no cawol for Spmin«s il&rn^s or Saddle J-Ufi ^ strfM Swellings, Cuts Lacerations, J-Ufi 6&B. strfM Swellings, lacerations. Bleedings, Pneumonia, \ oilc. - ri^L Chills, < old-*," etc. Its range of action Is w d^and tl^ relief it attords is so prompt that it Is invaluable in every Farm-yard as well as In evenf Fami-iiouse. Let H be tried once and yoa will npver Im* without it. CAUTION I Pond s Extract has been imitated, lhemine artici-3 h -s the words Pond's Ex tract blown in each b«»Uc. it is prepared by tho ink ncmoiiK llviua who ever knew l»ow to prepare ft pr >5>c ly. Uefuneall other preparations ! f ftltrli lla/«:. Thl" ia tho only article used by riiysicians, aud in the hospitals of tins country HI8TOB-^ nnd Uses oT Pond's Extract, la namnhlct form, sent free on application to PoWs EXTRACT COMPANY, 98 Maiden ]W. KEW I OIK. FF OGOLD PLATBD WATCHM. In the known world. PIMPLK WATCH PKSSTOS WW AWUM, A. COULTER a CO.. C«C**o, lu. EVERY SOLDIER or oontncM permanent dteeiw to ttoaims ywiioD hy wrttinn to John KHpititttOtiiiB willI bsoonmronr eaton«r. Bnslnsss psnsi profitable. No lettsn tniwtnd unless stamp I G. K. Wilson A Co., H Ksehange Bnttdteg/DI HIT R •ddr,» 1«OCA1 nnd _ WOUUML. N**W BUSIU^SA. n«r. Hthi T unit al I rxpfnim |aM fc,.- •* • *rT|, "J* orlEl̂ s. «•«> '«e»r "Tmj a,,* **• II PIANOS BEST Fori HSRACC ww 9LZQ Munw, T, AND OBOAN8. «T In tlte WW tallinenr WiTEinUMF GO nsToi ffiBlT Tiinemrr Ths b«st family newspaper published; etsht flfly-stx columns reading. Terms--§2 per annum; clubs of stsraa. (19 fN* ssnum, in advance. SPECIMEN COPY GRAm A l>AV M ltH ! A Rents selling oar ( ;y if**# Ihnrnts. Hsa ^futk KSJ? CiajMiis, Pict'.irs . mo Cards. 1 i{5 worth $,t. sea" for H5 Cents. Ul'FFOUIW SI0HS25 Gataloicue free. Js II. .. Boston* f Established. 1©0.J 'I •« •NMN'FMM WORK FOR ALL I F',( 'r -TI , • Isltar < orld. missions to Im P. O. VAC NEW DISCOVERY; It s quack s worthless Jta>,)M* otsrsd LW ons WM snMstsantos onounosd by ths IMMICPIM^ Cure for PILES, Net I ati honest remedy, dinoon many years, who was pronounosd by the l«adlnir elans of New York as incurable, but cured htnisslt la tsn days, ilaa «ested the merits of tke remedy OS assr- If 100 canes, and itow offers tS(K) for any oass of nhsgt nnot cni«v KnmedyJsWith fulljnstractioiis, 91,|n sannot cni«v Komedy, with full Instructloss, GI'O. E. WILSON, 83 fciohanKe BuUdins, Chio ^ Semi for Ilethiced Price-List ®f" MASON & HAMLIN. - CABINET ORGANS, KW snd8ri.KNIU» STYLK8; I'ffrrKS KSVVCXB* SO to «.»«! KACH THIS MONTH (NOV.. WttX Lddress SlASOJS \ 11 A.HI IN OIIUAS CO.- » . . .. . 8IO to IJi.K. - - _ Address 5lA*ON «fc 11A.HI IN ORti llokton, Kew Ysrlt( »r Cfcltaio. $1,00 ' • < $1.00 Osgood's Heliolype Engravings. The choicest household ommment». fllw Ons Dollar each. Send fsr imtaioffHm* JAMES R. OSGOOD & OO, $1.00 BOSTOIf4 MASS* $1.00 DR. WARNER'S HEALTHDORSET WUK Skirt Supporter cm*&t(f L»L< «»V HUK Unsqusled for Beauty, SIyfe * Cun^lit APFBOVED BT Azx Fsracjujm. For 8ale by Leading Me*«fca»i* J Samples, any stee, by aiail. In Sst- [ ^Grm&vjym •ixrjk.Tir'vmm WABNSli BttOS.. 351 Braadwray. K. H : 10,000 A YEAR. " It is estimated THAT "its num! :; dl?> «A.TL». Vnitod 8t&tes of OQ3ST SUMPTIONS AIXKN'S liUNO BAMAM will at ones allay thsfpto snd Irritated parts^ stop the cough, and present m fl3 So J}L J i "" " ~ or'afflicted wit ii Cou«h, shouM nt onos tsat the aawi this good Cooxh &nd Lung .Beisaia, m » Ba owjs tin*-. --t would be'consumption. All persons with weak flUctc " ̂ Sol&tif alt'^edicine'i)eaifTi< Kbesmatian, Dyspepsia, NenmlsfisITB m Weatoiess snd Diseases is Tho VsUw'J Whea worn it generates Electricity tae C(S rative a«eat. Phy»ici*ns nss and C3 Try It 15. Novelty Truss-- durable and psf«sot Hernia suppor C9 JUHtnble ̂ T * TIT; 4 d perfect Bern! Uterine asp 16. OiirltnT tinge, forosps snAspesnlam/hard Pile Nnnportar--eamfoc^Mjr w< back--afflicted ones iet JOSIAH ALLOTS WIFE: Has "wrote another book,** sad ft is asslfci S1M1MTHA. AT THE CEHT1NSIAI*? As a p. a. and p. i. onMoea herself, snd Wlpow Doonu leaves Betsy Bobbet far behind. Daot wait i READ ! 0mrMsisleresl|' a« t.ent6(curr«icv Wrllwfc«w»U Oua P îr ISetant Frenoh"OirCKromoa liltistrated papvrftiw ol Hnrs ar'a W«klv:. lilUd» did CoDiinu«t and fcu>rt S$or ta, rusoi?, IMU KnoitW^e, Wit and Homnr,«tc., tte. Th« larjceat.b»aSn»«>l» brst and cheapest pap.ro tilsCIMI ia tU world. Tbia OrSSft. Offer i» made 10 tn nxloceltinto New Homes. Wrtta Xeet, A.ldres? K Iff. LUPTOi* As CO., DC A V*fe I' i;.Mdir&"| >vW York. C>«% mmLmt SANDALWOOD. A poaltti, tefc. iy for all diss--rs of the . Bladder snd Urinary Or*aaa i «Ib®» (too# Dropsical Caaiplaints. It never prodiMee i to certain and speed* Aits aotton. ItisfasWa"-. all other remedies, taty oapsolessar* ^ stesai days. No other medicine can do ths Beware sf lmltatiaaa, for,owing to its grsstse*. osss, many ha»e been offered; MMSSXSBHStdsaciMa% oansing piles, dbc. DUN DAS DICK •' • CO.*8 gissftii 5^» rule*, containing Oil 4, smlst WW.«PM mt all *mfh. S t o r e * . A u k f o r c i r c u l a r , o r s a s d / W e n a t o W S M l W 1 WooHer etr*+, Ame Torik mi' avt.v. TTHER WKlTllUi TO APVKR'flSlf Ip.l»ryyy ywasaw fhm »<wan In niinii--f, j