Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1877, p. 7

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M*' x&-• • 1 ^7' ??• •» • ** "• !> / || , TV i '3S f' » v ' I . y** WHAT COMES OF OVERWORK. of K Common Mr-In IHMM* by I>r. Hranoad. |From the New York World.) Before tlte New York Neurological go- liety last evening, Dr. E. C. Begain pn»- ig, Dr. Wno. A. Hammond read a iper UD 14 CX-rebro Hyperemia." This, me Raid, was quite a oommon disease, id was brought on generally by over- lteileetnal exertion. The symptoms VJ-'f*9 noises in the eaw, dark spots ; ^before the eyes, a sta^g^ring in the walk, ^jmrnbaew in the limbs and twitclimgs or Ipasxxis in the iace. There ia a mental Jbstnrbanee which is shown by bailuci- f Rations, oml pnnapally by sleeplessness ^•*he digestion is impaired. These are |he flyuptoms in violent cases. In gen- t{#ral tbe patient is deprived almost whol­ ly of sleep, or ha« unpleasant dreams. tt'Jfe finds st impossible to fix his attention ©n any subject, and is attacked by n pain itol effort. at- vita. the head if he makes a men "jjkn aeenrate accountant who was picked by this disease oould not add np # oolnmn of figures, making mistakes rhieh in his normal condition he would insider ridiculous. In one ease report- a gentleman attempts to commit su­ icide bMaase he could not solve a simple _tum. The patient is forgetful of names "Ind laces, and makes mistakes in using Words. There is, too, a great deal of J^deeisMaRi mamf<»Bted in simple matters. *i, " I knew a patient." Dr. Hammond " Mud, " to carry several thousands of dol- SM* every day for a month to Wall street, , friending to make a certain speculation, 4ut svsry day he put it off without any teason whatever. There is a morbid ap­ prehension of impending evil, and the patient is afraid that tie will himself com- Hsif; some dreadful act. Ihaveknown of • man who drtaded to goon a ferry-boat became ke feared that he would throw ett; of another who would not go Mear a tram, for fear he would throw himself iu mint of it; of a husband who Bade his wife keep liis rnaors locked up; <rf a man who would not tnk-e a warm bttth, m the fear that he would not turn off the hot water. The subject., how­ ever A«ver yields to these impulses. The emotional system is deranged. The patient becomes suspicious and annoyed on ttM slightest grounds. A patient enoe was liable to be afcfeacked by verti­ go at amy time, so that frequently and in the street Jie would have to support himself by a lamp-post, or sit on a stoop until the 3*fctack was over. This vertigo is genemlly increased by mental effort, and disappears more or less when the patient in aVout to go to sleep. The bo- olar muscles are easily tired, BO that the pfttiesst eannot read. Sometimes the sense of hearing is very acute, and at other times very dull. The disease is generally accompanied by congestion of file tjmpanum, and the symptoms are intensified by sulphate of quinine and other medicines, which are sometimes given to patient* who are suffering from jjpia disease. The muscular strength is impaired so th»it the patient sometimes is unable to lift his arm or his foot. •'"The OH uses of eerebro-hypereemia are meafcai. A young lady was once at­ tacked by it in consequence of an intense intellestnal effort she put forth to solve at ma&hmiatical problem. The disease is more apt to attack those in middle life than the young or old. To be < ured the patient should abstain from severe men­ tal woik, should exercise in the open air, indulge in moderate gayety and a plain but nutritious diet." Five and a Half Millions. The award of the Fishery Commission at Halifax, giving damage against the United Btu tea o $5,500,000, will be to most people in this country a disagreeable sur- Sriae. True, the Canadians claimed amages to nearly three times that amount, fixing their estimate, by a curi­ ous eoansidence, at just about the figures of the fteuevd award for the Alabama claims, j Bnfc it was generally supposed here that the somewhat shadowy dam­ ages forth by the Canadians would be dissipated under a careful analysis, or balanotd by our counter-claims. Our energetic fishermen will have to bestir themselves in the most lively way, if they are ever to catch enough mackerel and cod off the coasts of the Dominion to make a surplus profit equal to this award. The convenience of going ashore occasionally with their fish was part of the claim, including the' privilege of buying bait and curing fish on the coast. It will be an interesting problem, which may bo roooinxuended to the math­ ematical glasses in our public schools, to calculate how of;en our tailors can make a landing, how many codfish they must salt down on shoro, and how much buit the j Bust buv of the Canadians, to dam­ age them to the extent of--say two ontof the five and' a half millions. decklon of this question of the fishery claims was left open in the Ala­ bama treaty for a future commission. That eommission has done its work in aooofdance witti the general mles of ar­ bitration to which we have heartily sub­ scribed. It would be exceadiaglj im- prope* for us to object to the vwdici, howew much it may surprise us. The*® it really nothing to be done but to aee«pt it, and pay with as much grare as we can command. Probably, how­ ever, the question of returning to En- land the unexpended balanoe of the Geniva award will never be raised again. * of Tramps Like This Man. There was a tramp on the street cor­ ner yesteixiajjand he hadn't had a meal | for a week. Through the holes in the tattered eoat and the boles in the dilapi­ dated trousers and the holes in the sole- less boots that same wind whizzed and whistled. Every little while a dash of [snow beat, upon his face and settled in a [little drift in the rolled-up brim of his Iold hat, He leaned against the lamp- Ipost,, and, watching the sparrows in the [gutter, in a feverish kind of way beg?»n |to talk: "I s'pose* they're havin a j- lly aid time down there now. Long ways lown there, tew Maine. Hadn't oughter )ne away from there. S'p >se they link I'm <fca'; haintheerd from 'em 'n Four years. Wall, I'm n. g. anyhow, i' I hadn't oughter have anything to lowitb 'em. It'll be ThanksgiviH' soon; leo'dYmkee Thanksgivin'. I s'pose ie girls is runnin' around out 'n the sine woods ter day, a gittin' moss an' limbs ter fix up with, and the old lady's plingin' round the kitchen a mixin' up uncemeat, with young Josh a choppin' ^way for d» ar life, an' a warm fire roarin' pP the chimney an' jnst makin' things kim.. Dad's out feedin' critters with that old red comforter on an' them buck skin mittens. Ah ! they'll have a solid old time. An' the little gal that used to live crost the road, she was mighty nice; most likely married now. Then that Thanksgivin'; like ter be there, but they don't want me, an' if they dia Maine's too fur off But what's the use o' talkin' f This ere's my last winter, an' they won't take me at Poverty Barn any mote, an' I won't go to the work­ house. Good God, I'm hungry." And he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, looked huugrily around and trudged feebly away.--Cleveland Ix^rald. How A Tldstw Horse was Subjugated. The horse is a thoroughbred and im­ ported Irish Harkaway, long famous as th« G«!way 44cross-country horse." but the virtues of which breed are slightly vitiated by an uncontrollable desire to •at a groom on the half-shell before starting out. This horse had fits of madness, aud what rendered these fits more undesirable was the fact that there could be no authoritative computation of the time of their return. On the oc­ casion of one of these fits his keeper was sfissd by a happy thought. He had just burned his mouth by trying to eat one of the insufficiently-cooled potatoes whinb. he had roasted for his matutinal meaL He tl; ought it woold be better for the hone, perhaps, and certainly for himself, if he could fool his Harka­ way oouutrrman upon an iuoandescent vegetarian breakfast. As the horse ad­ vanced, therefore, to eat him, he threw into his mouth a red-hot potato. The effect was marvelous, and the attention of the Rareys and Tapps is called to the result. The lioise bit into the po­ tato, and all his attention was immedi­ ately given to getting the hot fodder out of his mouth. Tlie result of this operation was that the horse was not only cured of his biting propensities, but he never afterward attempted to in­ jur.* any one by lus old methods of crowding, kicking with his hind feet or striking with his fore feet. He became, indeed, a more completely tamed animal tlinn was ever the result of the drugs of Iiarey or the crops-hobbles of Tnpp, his only irritability heing a dislike for roust­ ed potat es for breakfast--San JFran- aisoo Chronicle. The Phantom Dog Whistle. Two singula* incidents, which will furnish nuts to crack to unbelievers in the supernatural, have recently come to light in England in regard to the reoent loss of the Avalanche in the Britiali channel. A lad, who was a great frieu*J to one of the apprentices who was lost, made arrangements to accompany him down the channel and come ashore with the pilot, but, at the last moment before sailing?, he was seized with suoh an in­ definable an ungovernable misgiving that he declined to go, and thua escaped almost certain death. The apprentice who was lost had a retriever dog who was very fond of him, and which an­ swered to a shrill dog-whistle that he carried. On the night of the shipwreck his mother and aunt were in the sitting- room, and the dog in the kitohen. Be­ tween 9 and 10 o'clook the ladies were startled by hearing a shrill whistle up­ stairs, in sound resembling that of the dog-whistle used by the young man. The dog heard it also, gave his usual recognizing bark, and bounded up-stairs, where he supposed his master was. The wliistle was heard just about the time that the Avalanche went down, and it was heard by two credible witnesses, whose testimony WAS confirmed by the response made to it by the dog of the lost Bailor. Our Trade with Br&ziL An unpublished statement of the trade of the United States with Brazil, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877, from the department at Washington, shows thai we have imported from that coun­ try $48,498,041 worth of merchandise, consisting of $36,000,000 worth of coffee, §1,000,000 of hides, $2,000,000 of rub­ ber, and $3,000,000 of sugur, autosome smaller items not neoessary to mention. Meanwhile we have sent out to that country, partly in foreign vessels, only $7,499,718 worth of our own products. Our largest item is flour, of which we sent nearly $4,000,000 worth. The rest consists of railroad supplies, machinery, illuminating oils, lord, and about $500,000 worth of cotton goods. En­ gland, on the other hand, gets about MO,000,000, and pays in cash only $4,000,000. The budaneo against the United States is $35,998,423. This re­ markable showing of English trade is made the basis of a claim for a subside iaed line of steamers between this country and Brazil !o develop the American trade. Man* MMH, Wsbeo the telegraph annooooed th« diweverv by Prof. Hall that our neighboring planet baa two ifij&llitoa, and the dispatch «u read th« next morning at ten thooaand American break­ fast tables, what think YOU waa the elfeet upon the hearer*? Borne oouoquy similar to th@ fol~ lowing waa sore to oooar t " Mars has two m >0118, hey? Pas*me the milk, Kittj. Strang^ i*n°t it, that astronomers never mw them be­ fore, Another ehcip, please. 1 wonder what tbayH dyeover next? These earn mkm are eioetlent. What's the latest from Europe ?" We have beeome m Moustoimd to atartiing discoveries and announcement* that we t&kc them as a matter of course. -Even truth must appear in flaming colors to make herself seen. Strong NWTM •» AttalHUt Blearing. There are many who have never known the blessing of strong nerves, having been bora with weak ones. Those who have, and, through dioease or sorae other oanse, have coffered a loss of nerve jwwer, oan, by eootnurt, mors fully appreciate the magnitude of that loss. The true way to repair It Is to Invigorate the system through the medinm of Improved di­ gestion, secretion, and the of a regular habit of body, three resnltS invariably accomplished bf the use of nostettsr's Stomach Bitters, which insures the thorough conver­ sion of the food Into pursy nourishing blood, from which the nerves, in common with every other part of the bodily eooaomy, gather vigor, th© grand prerequisite of health. The great objection to sedatives and parcotios is, that they not only exert no tonic influenoe, but are always followed by a hurtful reaction. Suoh ia far from being the case with the Bitters, the primary aotion of which is most salutarv. and whose after effects are beneficial in tiui m- trema. (• Bhtumaltaoi Qotekljr Ourwd* "--, -" " Duramen Rheumatic Remedy," the great Internal will positively cure any oase of rheumatism on the fnee of the earth. Price, $ 1 a bottle, six bottles, $5. Sold bv all drug­ gist*. Send for circular to Helpneustine 4 Bentley, Druggists, Washington, 1). (J. . ^OHEW " Gelebrated . rroHiiBiR". I Wood Tag Plug TofcAcbo. * TB»PIO**SK TUBAOOO OoKramL ^ Mew York. Boston and Ohuiago. AnBB«JK Sow's MAXXJAI. contains inform­ ation of great value to advertiser*. Sent free by N. W. Aver & Son, Adv. Agts., Philadelphia. PATBMTKSS and inventors should read adver­ tisement of Ed«ou Bros, in _nother oolnmn. Twa ChNRies Free.--A pnlr of bMutifnl M Chrowos, worthy to any humo, and a, Tljr»» Months* StitiyoriiitioB to LKTSUUK HUS KS, S hundwimo 16 PMW SitPrary paper, filled with tlio Choicest SUirio*. SkotohM, Piietrj, etc., Kent Free to *1! sendio* cmtR (»UUI1» UUcmi) to pity postage. The publiwUern, J. L. PatteD & Oi., UU Wll&Aa St-TS. Y.. Ouarantto ono Double Value of man ay sank 41500 la ptitet, •.»(] bia BU. >ivoa to aaoata. Sand tt OBM I Xbfi o IU MBSSR8. TIFFANY A OOn UNION 8QUAHS, NEW TORE CITY, the loading Jewelers and Silvenucithx in the United States, have just prepared for complimentary distribution, a pamphlet of sixty-four pages, containing a con­ densed account of eaoh of their several departments, praotioal suggestions rela­ tive to the seleotion of presents for Ladies, Gentlemen or Children, and lists of appropriate articles, that oannot fail to be of servioe to persons having gifts to select for Wedding, Holiday or other oooasions. They will send it by mail, postage paid, on request. ADDRESS AS ABOVB. (tfe /h /h Pemcnx, male or fpmalo, oM or roung, who 'Ik deaire liberal pay tor honest InduBtry. art- V V W dlaM V- SutTLK A Co., lit. Vwnun, O. PIA¥0SalfD0EGANS::~ TtTCRT I'HKAPEST ill the WORL# * For t'nsli or luMtnllinf nln. Nmd fot lUnstrRUMl I'ntMlotBM. AWKNTH Wwttrd 11 urMc niitrrii & Bon», 4U E. Uth HU >, X ONLY0N0E!" OUT IT OUT! \ \ T G i r l * , V o t i n g I ^ n d j M , M e n f V nnil W<iiM>n. to fmnxgo in tUaavant NSI and PltOFITABOS AVbltK, tUaf wUl have tho on- cumragemaut and Mi|MH>rt of Cierpymen. 'IVwcWrw. fRrenis nntl all int-erwted to tho wolfaro of youth. PiUtii'ulara and Outfit trae. Alao. wanted. |,(HK> liWdlre, to K«t a , $79 Sewing Machine for only $ 15. No humbug. .Aditr--s Z. POj-K VONK. Rockland, Maina. r'OTicr. ivii bav. iiu< i-Airr.x.s: ill'r.l.l i j Cl'U. i. U I'.U AAbU Willi A Splendid Wntoh and aver/CCO v/ortn of Qoodn iL^T i.:k! Lot i ti-UoJu ry - l o^it V.. t i'.o worli;* li coU" lut'iKvtKcf Turor, IS C 1VDCU» IVUL^OKICR, Guiticit I'CII, ut:D R ;UCC# Of ralniiblo Joweiry. CnuijOoie ©ampio l^tiU goM ftone ^icwvo Euwtms. j hiuiis, !.*- pravcslGoM iUnt:, unci u Lnv^nf'! ;.' ! Fmicj bet, J'iu un»! ikObt]«r.U 13 cent ^ C 1*.\CKAGKS with Atuiortot! Jowrlry C-»X. " * Chain free, with . SPU f)U5'» i^'iaorU WIPE & CO. 11 Clinton Pinoe, NowYoK NUl HTK. KREPK Pa««nt I'lirtlymnilo l)rw* SlurUo. best quit- ty,only pi«.in ««m« t» tinivh. 6 lor ^7. KBKP'K Custom Shirts to mwiwuiw, b<iet. qaallty, S for 29, delivarod free, OuarHnteod porfivctly saUstaotacy. . HE1I I I.ANMOL, NWEJTNVKAU. Under«hi»+a tu»l Drawers, beat qua lit/. $1.60 each. White Flanno? UnilHrvests, i>oet ttuauty. $1.60 eaoh. Canton Flannel Vesta & Drawer*, ox. boavy, 76c. oach. TwiUed Silk'UmbraUia, para«on fraoMMi, $8 oaub. BpHt Oingham. patent protected ribs, $1 each. Ttmiiiara and Samples ranUnd free on application. Shirt* only delivered fn*i. KRRP MANUFACTURING COMPANY. IttA and 107 Mercer 8tn«t, New York. Anecdotes, sayings wise and witty, etc. Sen a ten /or o co^-. _ _ _ JOHN P. HOfiTON A CO. ® LOUISVILI.R, KY. Dnlen auppllod by Bt, Lauls or CHUeaco News Cok 10,000 A YEAR. It W eatlmated that this snubcr die yearly la the United State® of CONSUMPTION. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM will at once allay the p*lt and Irritated partp, atop the couith. and prarant what raptlon. All perauna with weak Luna _ Couch, ahonid at onee test Um nerita AI Oooffh andLan* Balaam. would be consumption, or aflUcted with " Inmates wili tell ton that they oooaider the ciis* COT-erj and introduction of these remedies of far greater importance to the world than ths n@€>ng of Mars. SsiPMAaf, HL, Jon® 18, 187#. Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Daaa 8m: Last Ml our daughter--ajred IS-- was fiat with eoamroptioD. Different phraioiana had prono«i.K-«d her ease incurable. I obtained one-half dozm bottles of your Gold­ en Medical Disooveiy 8be oommeneed im­ proving at onoe, and is now as haidj as a pine knok Yours respectfully, BKV. IAAAO M. Auacsmm. Mr*. Oenmi Wife of the General of the United States Army, «*ys: " I bi%ve frequently purohaaed Dorane s Rheamatio Remedy for friends suffering with Bneumaufsii, and in ©very instanoe it worked UTO nu^so." Send for eurealsr to Helphenstine & Bentley, Druggists, Washington, D. a " ">«*'• Nothing: Uke Ifc." "The beet we ever iued.N "Find it much cheaper than others," "Can testify to it» BU- penonty. Extracts from letters to the manu- faeturers of DOOLKT'H YEAST Pownca. MEUJOMS of tiottles of BURNETT'S Co- OOAINB have been sold during the last twenty yesrs, in every civilized country, and the pub­ lic have rendered the verdict that it is the cheapest sad best Hair Dressing in tfce world. fey oU Mtdieim* ifssUrc TIh» Hc<4 TrNM without Metal Sprlnn erer Invented No iiuinbuc claim of a wrtaln radical cure, tut a fuiutM el a oomfortable. aeoore and PBIC F lo» all that do not iutt. ¥AU, -- -- -,. ent'M«m*u-poat-paid, oo receipt of prioe. N. B.--Thia Troaa wiu coil aun Rupturee than anr of Ibwi far whieh es- Iraracunt clalma are made. Claealaiu freau TOMEItOV TRUSS CSu Bras*ny.Nsw Teta. AGENT WANTED! FOR PARTICULARS. ADDRESS WILSON SEWlia MACHINE CO. nasssriiCnixrfcsgit.., s«r Ban Fri arUre, JACKSON'S BEST finla SWEET NAVY CHEWIN8 TCBACOO waa awasded the hisheat price at Centennial ExpoaiUit* for lta tine chewing qualities, the excellence ana laetin* character of lta aweetening and flavoring If you want the beet tobacco ever made, auk jroor gmow for thia. and aee that each plug bear* our bloeetrip trade-mark, with woida Jackaon'a Best on It. Sold wholwale bjr all job- ben. Send tor aample to A. JAl'KaON CO.> Manalm'tDwrw, IVtfn»fcMr«c. Va. When worn it generatea £!*etririty--thei great en- ratire agent. Phyaiciana UM ana reoommead it. Nov elty Ti Hernia a ">_™1 mended-- narr--onmblnea ijitetnble Uterine Supporter--high! mended--$8. IXaititl Hrringf-ena 1nse, forcepa ana apeeuhiin. hard rub! [ HI»»|H»rter--comfortably worn on horae- > back--afflicted onea get it--SJJ.ftO. Diaoount to iblneaa*- bor-a3. TEiCUERS efVOClL iirsiring the Beat Rook extant, should trj . i-, . -«r/\n f ml.> I An unequaled collection oi i FA V Oti 11 JCi I C«ms cunii'iled for their use bj I ^,4» Vi tu I Prof*. U. K. and T. H. R. Chrla 1 bl/AuS I tie, and aupervlaed by Prof X. UWMMMI M. HclatvslL the eminent AS thor and teacher. Prioe SO.CMI a oosen. Sampje to mail, do centa. SPK('IM£N i AiiKS R. iff. CARROLL a OO., XdNNi * HliU, Oht--n Muv J. HOLMES. The new nnrel, by Mri. Mary J. Holme*, autiit>r •> ihos» splondid books-- Edith Lt/I»--Wesi Ltttnt -- Trmyfwt and S'tmAinn--stc., ia now ready, and for aale by all bookseller*. Prioo, $ 1.50. It ia one of the fineat norela ever written, and everybody ahould read It. &.W. Carteton & Co.,Pntilrs,. NcwTort. |H The STAND ABO and POPULAR IUcts Weitern Famer's Almanac Original Articles by the best au- thore: Pnietk'Hl, Humomus, with DPMftlARIft PmamS.or IfO FAT. for rtllwIWllOewn wounded, raptured AU'T WMhinjrtoc. f>f AGENTS WANtED FOR Creative Science; ETC. An Unparah ALL FOR 3 CT8.IMSW !tiofr«piucT iBg, aatUlaa ** TIL* ef ta «la»iatfc»worM^Kg eat Offer " Bad* tgjatndaea it Into Vfvr Unrnne 'IK BEST HOLIDAY GIFT FOB PAREHT. CHILD, TEACHEB, PASTOR, FRIEND. CANCER treatment of Cancer ha* become »o intensovea aqnackery that the progreaaive phjsloiM haa a un trilling to enter Into the arena againat the ~ uently the a " " > totally ign ease. They: appeared an trilling to enter Into the arena aeainat deception; (vmaequentlx the maaa of the medical pro- t«*•#«»« rlmmt totally ignorant of thia feaifol and m.wt prejslent disease. They regard cancer aa iaonrmble beoauss they do not onderatxnd lta origin or pathology eonspqiientlv th< y m»rolj try in nlloriate the excruciate tnit pMia which thU dlpeanw nntAila npon ita viotims. »Vo resns'il cancer *s eurnble In both ft.nni -medullary aud *i.nrrh>sj», We haT» «m»d our rp^edlee in thia coun­ try and Kurope for the laat twenty ymua with marvdfea* irjowES, est^eoiaUy in cases of the woir.b, breast andlac*. o e;t solicit a call from thoao who have given up h.ip j. < >ne of the phrstcians of the institute will visit j'-hose in r.ny part <>f the nountry who are unable to calL u j" knife, olastor nor caustic, and oaoro no pain, dfppndinc «ntir«3y upon our sjx>i-ilio. Patiwits oa Ixwfinninat rest meat only nay tor the mtxiiotne* tlwu-1*. ceivo untu tboy are_ s*tl?.Kvi they ro improving. Fa# "" in ail caaea. bn^nmng treatment only pay tor the modiclnee tlwu oeivo until thpy are MtMod they ;;ro imp loreximinaMoa *nd consultation S;i.OO Ail Ijft^re of ircjuiry most oontHin ^UN). aa ourtiwa '••"""bleand cannot be given for nothing. Addreaa all iH'turs to thf ^upotintendent, Dn.. ROHKRTSON ai 0tv» o! Inttltntp, |H Trcaont Street, Boston. HENSLAY|-» IPROUMDCER, scrjiim not needed; 1 lb. Is ertoosh for 10 bona a month. Cirocerasell It,4 lbs., fl. 1 lb., » eta. C. \\\ «6JY, M.inufaot'urer. 33 JUvllord St., Boston. Cireulara torn. One t'liumi sent, piietftgo paid, for 80c. Agents wanted in every town in tha I'nitod StetM. K1)W1>. I. MUKI-LKR, LFT N. MMn stT St. LooiS^aL A MAMS. Pl'TTKRFlELD A CO.. Jlil^ JOHN T H.VNOO.« * CO., DUB'U<LNE7L£5! ,̂ ('HAS. 1!. TKLIJIH, 44 Joy at., Detroit. Mt«K, * I.BKItT FIUKS. St. tHrlLl.l eii AS. UUIJJOCK, Trenton, N. J. BABBITTS TOiLET SOAP. Unrivalled for tbft ToUH Mtt th« BMlft. No irtUicifti u4 dftctpUw udon to cover crtii&UKifi wu, AlUr yt«riol coicntilu- txprriin«Al tb« mawflultirtr •! B. r. BMiU * M i kM wrWctsi •Dd »ow otf*rt U> Ik reWU Tk# FINEST TOILKT SOAP le the World. mU •£ it* OnJv tk$ pmmf 949* wtelfiisf: 9 etke* of € aaeh, fw ttjr I of 16 cvoU. Alldm® rf«8KTifURi,Y£riflt»* Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, Require* Immediate attention, as negleot results In some incurable Lnng dlaeaee. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES are a simple remedy* and will almost in­ variably give immediate relief* SOLD BY A1X CHEttlSTB and dealers t Semes. HETROPOLIfAN CORSET! lbs ONLY CORSRT OOUBININQ Grace, Comfort and Beauty! iined koed L'or»d r'n . is wluilo Ix and loft ippn <-t the hips to ho If r.t pl©ii»uso of weiuer, and is no roi in t)!ick that the fniirics and bona* adapt themselves with iniirvuloua so* cait iK-y to ovory curv« ntui unduliitioa Of tho fin«-<t typo or figure. I*'ur f»le i f Jill leading Bmrohnntti. I «dy Agouts wonted. plea by mail on receipt ot $1.50. WESTERN DEPOT, KEITH BROS . Chicapo. IB. ro :;OJT •n::5tV!."fa5,j.!VEf MUST BE KCTT IN ORBfr. n'D •;-;5^th5rt,C. .4 • -fij' - * " r.' t $• T-NIC M OEf: i^AN F0Rl^S|^^-r : ^ LI VER'tif' % ^ I ^ • \ if *c •••••*:: \ j OLIVER STOMACH' ./ Biiio^Ntss'.^ PULM0NA, Mad* from UM I 1 Um presotlptlun of am of ill# _ _ h> tha medical faculty, ia now offered to the bUo aa a radical sure for OoaiOMFTioiLBsoNaHiTU, TAXRa. Arniu, and all aflecUotia <7 UM THROAT Loupe; for all Disordara of tha Kanroua " ' and Diaeaaaa of the Blood. PUMIONA atrength and dMpana the eolor of tha abaaka Wight Bweata wtthlu mi tkeOanxgaad Faraa. It diml B aauaea calm and ivfreahing tha It fortnight. It aobdoas iratloa. the appctlta, and tha invalid gaina 1 $*1838*WKiS^fai Ldkm and MnTon SnnM. * btrattt flress X^ettcre ftaa fiam «f CSiiircfae*. POXJCOMA awed tiiv d»aurhtet«a Hte. • a a Rxv. M. Joam, Ramaea, K 7. (^•wcTroLHO&Lbeneflt* wa bmm reedrad bea JSS.T: R*T. P. WAKBEH. Omton, PS. --v- vw-- f t'tiniMtimflirt --k Rn.aDkHnmani.SMtai.Wli A aireular containing advfcf tor the traatneat&f tha diMaaea above mentioned, eerUficstaw of KANT aotual -- --* • ' •• troated cures, and full partio lulara of ppOcant iUKooisfuily will be aent frr* to ap,^..^^. PULMONA mny be obtained through i> ordera may be «-sst to the Pmprietor direct ^ tiJK bottles for $& O^iOAR ' er bottle, „ --. Str,* •t. New York. S^stjb 1 G. uoau. IF YOU WANT II First-Class Magazine Subscribe for THE ATLANTIC MONTHL r for 187S now, and you will receive the November and December numbers FHKE. Price $4.00, For One Hollar extra you can obtain a splendid life-size portrait of either of the world-fa­ mous poets» FVhittier, Bryant and Longfelloiv, by mail, postage free. Mark Twain is a constant con­ tributor to THE ATLANTIC,atul the best Authors, Poets and story Tellers in the country write for its pages. Address M. O. HOUGI1- TuN <B CO., ftiveraide Pre««, Cambridge, Han. BAKING Absolutely Pure. MWUBB «•* it WHITNE Y ft HOLMiiS ORGANS. Th*Fime* Toned and Most Durable Had*, New tttylee. New m«io Mtops. firnaMDnlan. S«ad for Prtca-Uata. BBiMat > MOLMfg Qg<jJ>K CO.. QUINdY IU. grUOOtt ACBIT8, TARE NOTSCSI--' JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE Qaa " wrota another book," and it la really SAMAHTHA. AT THE CENTENKIAJL! A* a r. A. and P. r. ootdoea heraelf.and Wn>ow Boom^s IMvee BKTOT BOBBKT far behind. Dont wait and lose A DAY at homq^ A^euta wanted. tnaifmi W tt tbrttoiHIS a week with our populnr yOymiia A SajK Oiiodapean'a Wg fUn Auguata, S6T L'ob'g Haaan, a week 11 . ;™*n town, ^amwaadfv W 1L fcALLRTT A CO., Portland. !ft, • a-^u !.vg^syc,aagj stos PSOOixr^k'srTffliS^ri WBVIiffiiST^reSSffS0 Jleeka Old N«w wanted u>d aold. iQSae. Book Exrhany*, 56 Be The Best Polish in the Worid.w 100,000 "lj A r|*<m»>r Wt<o4-SfHnt fontf •cork; 1 gc twattmid. J JAY Gouu.R HAWL« PK>I--Wriiee w thout BK-at«a»|» for anroplo. ITninn Niiva^tyOn,, 000T0R8:"i!; Medical Mtudenta--A HoS h MONTH-ACE. aelling article* in th% Addmw JAY Tear. Afeati wnated eMwa*«l tort. WANTE0 STOVE POLISH • i- r>- 1 A-5 THE GOOD OLD STAND-BY. MEXIOM MU8TAM6 LINIMENT, roa MAN AND BEAST. CSTABUaaKD'Od YZAMB Aiwajnieur«^ Ahr^S SMdy. Always handy. GaaoeveryetfaitaL Thirty ftilHom* hare luted The whole world approrea Ibe gk>riou» old Mustang--the Brert. and Choapeat linlmrat 111 C)iiste. -e. centa « bottla fbe Hus?.!ua£ Liniment cu. •" when nothing i«se wilL 8QLP BY ALL MK-'ICINR VENDERS, F | BURNETTS KALLI8TON FOR KRHOVINO Tan, Sunburn, Freckles, Redness and Erup­ tions of the Skin? and for Rendering tha Oompkdon Oleax and Beautifu. Of all tho efToct* thftt cs|KV»uro of tlso Rkin to the air or turn iirt>du<.'»0s tho «»*t diaagreeabSo Li cslle<i frtK*kles, «>r IHU. If epread over the entire surface of the j>art« o*p«6«Hl. It- is t-all. «l tan; if scattered at intervals, freckles. The skins are imift subject i« them. The KALLLSTON, prepared by .lo*epl» Buruett & Co., Boston, «ou- talnn a peoultar amir* pro|>erty which will ro- movo tltese disagreeable eUtina. It ia at the eauie time jkerfeotly harmless, alluya all teiulonoy to iiittaniniAtlon,' and rentiers U>«i cwnpleuoa clear aud l»eauitfui. MEgy > --Tunes |MARK--- FOR ASTHMA, ROSE COLO, HAY FEVER, Etc, Tlr's jvmftdy hns hem u»»d In thnusandia of tlv wont •nivs, vrith uKtouisliiiif and (initorni »ocetu, nnd (> Oftcmt to the p»ihlc with full confldcneo in Us merits. It eontain* no poii>oiiou« or iuiuriou* propertie* whatrrcr, •nd au i&iaat may take it vlt!i pcrfcat udety. Extract from the " I.K rlon Irving," by hla . i.'o of Woshlnelo aephew, Pierre M. IrviuK, VoL IV., ran 27^. " The doctor pwcriUeU, c> an experiment,--^what had fcoen sutrrcstod l>v Ur.(O. W.) Ilolniei on hi* Wue vi»iL-- *4ono« \Vhitcnn-.I>'» Itcmcdy for Anthma,' a tnupooniul In a wlnc-pUii-a ><f water, to be takeu every four houra. A good uight wu» the rtauU." u 1 have had tho maimedie asthma itfteon ywera. I eommcneed tokiug'Jonaa Whiteocib's ltcmwlv for tha Acthmn' cighU'in snontha ago, »»d have not had aaerete laroivrm emoc." SARAH REELY, Eddy town, Yatw Co., K. V., to Editora Jturul Sew xerlcr. " llavo told " Whitooml^B Busedv' for neartv twenty tan, I know of nothing to uniformly •nu'vofuL'* THEODORE AlETCAXd, PruggUt, Ticmont Btreat, Koatoc. Jonm WhHi ^ retidaat * My toother bad suftend eight years from the harreat hma. The recurrence of thia thrcc-muntlia' in thi. jpid; «i>ea*Mpi*f im BROSSON, UetruM^ )«£ sis •iiiiliiilnniijijMpwl-- AHAnaJ.W«m*Oa (UsSpE %|fVAaown>, A. COCLTKR & CO., luu ywWBenJterOatalog V JliVTIWAKTi ie utteat iwveitlsu. YAK & Co,ChMi--a UKtopcaSs, PiaaoaoAiyl F.ISluZsitm* dn^ogi Q^nnRRjugg mall. StoweliafOBfc leatown, MMSk NI^INTENTpl ^•'WsshtogtoWtP. O. RatabUahadhi fVwafter allowanoe. C»r'Frof lntmnttiiiw.ativ.aatiiwa YoungAtueric* hand A nell-hriwiklbe h*M forj>o*lneaa. Band taUUH t'ormtdwpaa ^AT&OW. 78 CorshtS, BpstwuSw. AlS-pag* year, 1 tti 116 i&mmi WailiiwSw W.K IM% IAEFLWU IWHFITIOILLNRMIMH _ SMITH * CO., SETO AA^f^L snuum. In advance. spevuiEir COPY SI8HS25 CMTIH. UA W H It. WmSSfim * K utx wJttrijf uurC" t.'iuj l'ic(ureal mo lUuxls. 1 lift tt dt, nchf«t, raoieat. psmblOeta ever tamed. KV • " li*! . . - 1 tl cants each; three lea _. rldchees 'l'«lf«|Si *h«ie. -- Mv» uo:np!et« BUWK BY «in< iicnt u nters,.i!MtnHU' of tlio r.ire Humor nnd i>i\if<<uiid PtilloKopliy nf tasSifs of tmfodrit X R««»d». lit cants each; three las U 8U:&S* •d«, Uhtk. STORIES. ltd eonta. In book form, would c->«l ^4UU. TIIK hi.AUK, Jolt-da, _ rj I* Oiv'.#~ StnmUrii BOOKR la all de> 1"DCfi" if piirtin n>a of litoriiture--Poetry, Bio. • •••seass ti'in. Hiwtoiy. l<i)'nr i:)hv. the Olatrtw, etc.; the heat and cluutpeat book* in Uut workk date. toRueffee' AJiinwu tii:: m.Anr.. ToinitkOWs. BEFORE YOir̂ pJTJZ fcr » B|>oeimHn >-"[w «f TTl; I' It to n Ki^ht-l':ir<' Wntklf I'.ipHr of "iit| lm Cpn'umng, lillol witn cwrw.ullj iitnune l rendinn matter nf iater»*«t nod valuo to people in ail patt* of Uw Tla'led- Htaiaa. gpeaimena free. BOYS AND GIRLS Wanted everywhere to get up clubs for Ttt OOMPAMIOK--nor a tnuhy smper, hut one of the hnsa and test pubMahsd tor young folks. Over Bgbtea readen. On^ S» ot«. a ' Splendid Hit of premfu •gntea reai picture. 8i 10 oente, or, aample copy ritKK. jihw, U Bolivar Bt., (fie veland, Ohio. • muiit aeon wear her out DmdeiO. Prepared only by JOSEPH BURNETT ft 00. Bwum. For salu by all Druggtota. $19.15 for $11.45 Tbe llanager of THE INTKR-Of 'EAN, of Ghlsa. go, makoa the following offer to n«w cubrorlbsis.; OnttieReceiDto[unly$!1.45 We will aead you 04 TUB WKKKIA' INTKb. i:K.% N for one year, postage until, price SI ,6A« • INDIMIll ANI» «UT,»ran Uuitmted monthlr publication, prioe $ 1.50, and an EIXIN NATIONAL WATCH Pi-Uie, H1G.UO. Theao Wrtche* whiali we offer are made by tbe EI/HK NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY of Ohleago.and easb is OUAKANTKKl) by tha Oompanjr'a own MR1>AL CKRTIKIOATE, which will aooompany tbe aaaie. Ths v«]i-y superior value and win lunanawp of these Watches ara too well known, and thdr reputation too firmly as- ititiliahed to n«t<t »ny praira from us. Tuer are mnnufaotured Mpresaly for ue, eugrared " InterOoean," put up In warrantedriiver hunting oaaaa. and are good reliable pains being spared by the Oompiuur to make them truatworthy and reliable. TUG INTKU-OfKA* U a large, eight-paged, aairto uowfpaper, and one of the BEWT A Nit .HOST l'Ul>|Tl<AK published in the coaatry it luu tho l^r^ott circulation of any paper pubUahed west ef Kaw York. Remit hi inaiiMf «rdo> or registered Mtor. Addreaa THE INTKlt-Of KAN» .. Iisl linke Ml.i <;hlcuaet Hi* C®»AJltai;Gfitoto JTaafeof SusiMm IM* WihUtr wtil mm The Gem Gleaner. By J. M. CHADWIOS. IS especially for Cholra, baring rather more thaa one good Anthem or Motet for each Sunday of the year. Jtwt published. Music by Or. Mung«r, J. it Otadwiok. and other favorite oomp praotioe of Hoc to ties, 1 A good book fur tan. easy *•9.00 p * I per do*. Emerson's Clm Boot %£& tion of Sacred Choruses, and an squalls' Ittw number of Seoular Choruses and Gleee. All is of A Ami-elms Society book. Xxaa* an ad- collao- tha best Quality. $1.25; or CIS per dot. Pertins' Glee & Chorus Boot ^ Si,lis 36 Glees and 9 Saored Choruses, all of the best, and many unusually uttraottTCb $1.25; or $13 per dos. the best, and Booisty book Clorcs Choir. class Oborus-Chuir book. $15 par doz. By R. Tuuajsa, hss 78 fine As­ thenia and Choruses, sad tl Chrnta. Te Deums, Ae. Viist> The American G!ee Boot ByW.O.Pm. KINS, is a trus Ulue Book, with the best and mo»t entertAining ccuuKiBitiona from beginning to end. $1.60; or $13-oU per doz. OLIVES DITS0N & CO., Boston. C. H. Dttson Ai Co*, SASRros^way.R.T. J. BU Dltsen A war fiend for i&etluced FrU^-Ust et . v MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. and SPLENDID STYLUS; PRWXS BMP ~r»0 EACH THIS M6NTH (NOV., I ANON & II AMI IN OKtiAM !§, Mew York, or t'hiouae. llO to ddrnss M, Isdsa, H TflK AMOITBSOFPHILLirPK. AU)VltSTOH¥, Octave Keuillet Paper cover CO eents, Clolt*SSJHt Abotr Bottk* art for tale hy (ill Battkt'tlrr* < Affrnt*, <>r ropit will be *emt per mnil, fx«/.j on#, en um/ om remit tin •/ prir-e ti> the l*i>bli*han^ T. ». PKTKR80N A MtOTKRltH. PHII.APRrjnBUk GLOVE-FITTIN iMmmujio •nimrasai MIIUON nNHlMMttlN MKOALRKIIVCO arc ^ ai«s«MMa iTi LhlJ'O^ SANDAL-WOOD. ! - : ApositiTe m. lylavall disssMsefths Bl»d4«r SD4 erisary Orgaaat aho, Dropwical Ceatplolnts. Itnsrcr is certain end spssd> Ju Us actios. It is all other Mtnsdies. fusty capsales eon a sfes ss •Va Mo cther aedicleo can do tba Beware af lnaitntiona, far.owtsaSslls Ms, many ha*s bean offaiedi sows waing pilas, Ac. DUNDA8 DICK ; OOM mltm, ssslsfafag (Nf % mmial tsl, ssM mt si Asf storm. A*for circular, ar mmdfm ssifcM mmd fg$. yposter afrast, Juiws IWfc • Vl£ jigawMia is taj»tal. TV* #*Slia vui mm 4m --Una IM BBSTOl WEEKLY TRAN8CSVT The Iwt family newspaper publiahsd; stgM MSS; fifiy-eix dohtnuis reading. TflrniR--$2 per annum; slabs of elerem lift wurth f^nt, postpsMU for (>nts,. Dtaatmtis# Catalogue frr<>, ,1. JT. HH'FOiiU'S 1KW.) WORK FOR ALL In thsir own locaUtles, canvassing tot ths Vlettar tenlarced), Weekly sndMonl"" " ; Worle, with" I'ltprr U> the World, with Mammoth C Big Commissions to Agents. Tortus and Addrsaa >*• If, ViCK^it V, AmimUu $1.00 $1jOO Osgood's Heiietype Eagranta(|. The ehoteeet how»eiwM ornamentm. FWls** One MPollar each. Band f&v srtftlvgu** JAMES B. OSGOOD&0&. $1.00 $tm. TMAT BiRL OF MINE. THAT GIRL OP MINK. A TlriUimf l*j» with " Theo." Paper oorsr SO own, Ciotb $laa THAT LOVER OF MINK. A Lot, Story. ] "That Girl of Mine." Paper corsr M csnts, "THBO." A LOVE STORY. By author of o' I^wrie'ci." Paper cover SO oents, Ciotb (L1 THE RED HILL TRAGEDY. By Mrs. mama IK Southworih. Paper coTer SO cents. Cloth $1JU PRKTTY POLLY PKMBBRTOJf. A toM&erv. B|sa thor of " Theo." Pa^»r c.jvor S3 csnts, Ciotb 1141 BErtSIK'H 8IX LOVERS. A eh>u-mi»9 Com furai with "Thoo." Paper corer 10 cent*, Clofe 3 ^ «• (to. 49 tTHKS WRITOMO TO AJDVER1

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