: • . - { j & THE FRENCH ARMlr. Wu Footing fit the Army-Stntg Bacrets * Dirnlg«d . by ® OflraMn Paper. The MiUtar Wochenbktft, a Prussian military journal under the martsgement of Gen. Witzleben, has just published a ^remarkable study on the present oondi- I tion of the military forces of France, by Count de Firoke, a Captain in the army. The author has conceded to the Avenir Militaire permission to translate and publish his works. The Paris Consti- tutionnel remark* on the publication in these terms: " What gives to the docu ment a peculiar interest is that all the measures relative to the mobilization of the army and putting it on a war footing iire regarded by the French war admin- •. istration as state sccrsts, a hr.c,r 'edg9 of which is rigorously prohibited from vul gar eyes. We have frequently protested against this mania of the military au thorities; we have often explained that it has the inconvenience of preventing otur populations, and even our officers, from obtaining an exact account of our military situation. The publication of the article in the Mihtar Wochenblatt • M iV. rt oftAn A? fKa system of impossible confidences and fantastical secrets. We do not mean to affirm that the Prussian journal has dis- 4 ooveied the exact truth in everything, 1 but it has approached sufficiently near the reality to show bow v&m and puerile are the efforts made to dissimulate a state of things which cannot fail, sooner or late? , to be known to every one. The journal in question Btates that the result is that France, taking account of the cadres, but excluding the reserve of the territorial army, can put on a war foot ing the following forces: Men. Horte*. Mobile army of campaign 677,800 189,400 Infantry of the reserve 16*2 600 90,000 Territorial mobile troops 179,000 11,000 GarrisonR in France 671,000 14,000 . Gapriaons ia Algeria. 48,500 11,000 | i, total 1,738,600 209,400 I " The number of pieces of ordnance of campaign, not including those in the stores, amounts to the following figures: For the mobile troops of campaign 2,160 Infantry reserve oorps 546 Territorial mobile troops 316 Garrisons in Algeria...., 4« 86 Total.... 2,952 "At the present moment," continues the MiUtar Wocheriblatt, " France pos sesses the requisite number of men and horses subjected to military service, effectively to put imposing forces on a war footing." A Chinese Thanksgiving Dinner. ^ At 36 Mott street Chinamen gathered in the dining-room before the usual din ner hour, because the dullness of busi ness at the cigar-stands and in the laun dries caused many of them to suspend operations. There were seven small oblong tables, without cloths, arranged about the room. By the side of each china plate were a pair of chop-sticks, a spoon, and a minute china cup and sau cer. The spoons were also of china- ware, pictured like the plates and cups. The bowl of each spoon was drawn out at one side into a handle three inches long. Beside one of the windows some dried ducks were suspended by their i necks. They had been opened on the breast, and flattened with a broad weight, so that the plucked wings and part of the legs were pressed into the flesh of the back. They had been dried on the roof, and preserved without salt. In a large dish in the middle of each table was a stew which had been made of one of these dried ducks, cut up into small pieces. The guests helped them selves to the stew with a china ladle. Then they picked out the pieces of duck with their chop-sticks and sipped the liquid part from their china spoons. A large dish of rice, which nad been boiled with so little water that the ker nels had swelled almost to dryness when ihey were taken from the kettle, was placed beside the stew. The third and only other dish was composed of broad 1 scalloped red leaves, served as a kind of greens. These leaves are dried in China and imported. There was no sugar or miiy on the tables. The tea, which was made by pouring hot water over the dried leaves, was drank from the little caps. When a visitor to the dining- room asked how potatoes were dressed, the caterer laughed in scorn, and said : "No havum pot ate." The room was filled with Chinese patrons. The odor of burning opium issued from several rooms in the tmilding, but was not per ceptible in the dining-room. The little • box of white sand bristling with half- burned Joss sticks had been placed on the floor under a side table. The walls were adorned with cheap American prints, and several Chinese pictures filled with symbolic mountains, trees and men.--New York Sun. X Debts of France and England. A correspondent asks: " What coun try in the world has the largest national debt?" At the latest date for which statistics are now in lmu4, Great Britain had. That was in March, 1875, when the debt of that country was $8,876,000,- 000, reckoning the pound sterling at five dollars. In tne preceding January the debt of France, according to the " States man's Year Book" for 1877, was $3,75C^- 337,129, counting five francs to the dol lar. This debt was then the second in magnitude. Some writers have stated the French debt to be ai much as $4,500,000,000. Probably the true amount is somewhat above that first given, as in 1875 France must have had a good deal of floating and temporary in debtedness that had not at the time) been eonverted into rentes, and the "States man's Year Book" gives only the capital of the rentes. But those who put the French debt at $4,500,000,000 must in clude municipal and other local indebt edness, much of which was incurred for war purposes during the late conflict with Germany. There is probably not much difference between the debts of France and Great Britain at the present Tnnrqpnt.--Chicago Times. A tirave Quarrel. A funeral in MaryBville, CaL, was the cause of a strange public family dispute. The widow of the dead man, John G. Briggs, had a grave dug in the Roman Catholic cemetery, and his brothers and I sisters had another prepared in the city i cemetery. A Protestant minister ' preached the sermon in Briggs' late resi dence, and the procession started--for which one of the two cemeteries no one knew. The road to both was for some distance1 the same. When the junction was reached, the inquiring undertaker _ told by the widow to go to one, and the brothers and sisters to go to the ter. Then the widow descended from the* carriage and walked beside the hearse to the Boman Oatholio cemetery, while the other relatives left the proces sion and went home. Curiosities of tfee Englisk Language. A writer in the Chicago 'tribune says: "Our spelling is perfectly lawless. The moment we try to reduce it to rule we find the exceptions so numerous that the rule is worthless, and we abandon the attempt in disgust and despair. It is amenable to neither rule nor reason. Let us ask a few questions: Why but one p in copy and two in sloppy! One in proper and two in copper? One t in pity and two in ditty ? One 1 in control and two in enroll ? One z in lizard and two in izzard ? One f in clef and two in cliff? Why one 1 in propel and two in foretell, and two with e in gazelle ? Why one o in prison and none in prism ? Why a b at the end of one's thumb and none in drum ? Why ea in speak and ee in speech ? Why is there a t in witch and none in which ? Why an o in touch and none in much! Why ou in scourge, H in urge, i in dirge, and e in merge ? Why z in breeze and s in cheese, and why the letter e three times to one sound of e in either word ? Of what uae the y in play, the o in people, the ea in beauty, the o in you, the w in flow, the e in foe. the i in friend, the u in gnide, the o in double, the oh in schism, the e in true, the ue in plague, the b in doubt? But there is no end to the questions we might ask. These are but samples, and easy ones at that. If o-n-e spells one, why not o-n-e-d-e-r wonder? If t-w-o two, why will not d-w-o do? Let us transplant a few more spellings. E-i-g-h-t might bother a child's peight; s-i-g-n is very fign; some f-o-l-k-s we can colks; I do not k-n-o-w why we spell ksow; on his t-o-n-g-u-e the sound rongue; how does o-p-a-q-u-e taque? H-e-i-g-h-t is hard to receight; i-n-d-i-c-t is quiet po- lict; a-i-s-l-e should make one smaisle; c-a-l-f might make oaelalf; and 1-a-u-g-h is too fanny by haugh; the spelling of c-o-l-o-n-e-1 might be called infolonel; I I will give t-h-r-o-u-g-h and that will dough, for we have had e-n-o-u-g-h of such stough." Decrease off Population in France. In a work just published by Dr. A. Proust, of Paris, some remarkable fig ures are given, showing the progressive decline in the number of births in his country. Beginning with the present century, the number of births per thou sand of the population has ranged steadily downward; tabulated in succes sive periods of ten vears each, the fig ures are 32.9, 31.7, 30.6, 28.7,27.5, 26.1, 26.3. Most other European countries show, in the same period, a small but steady increase; the corresponding fig ures for Prussia are now 38.1; for En gland, 35. The rate of births for the United States is doubtless higher. On the other hand, France is not among the nations least successful in saving the lives of young infants, and occupies a position in this respect better than midway. In a table of deaths of infants (per thousand born) occurring before they were 1 year old, Bavaria is at one extreme, with 372 deaths; Scotland at the other, with only 156. England has 170; Belgium, 186; France, 216; Italy, 254; Bussia, 311. Probably the record of Turkey, if it could be obtained, would exceed that of Bavaria; the reasons for the excessive mortality of infants in the last-named country are not, however, definitely ascertained; it is surmised that a national custom of wrapping babes very tightly in bandages may be among the causes. * Timber Lands. All timber lands still belonging to the United States should be withdrawn from the operation of the Pre-emption and Homestead laws, as well as the location of the various kinds of scrip. Timber lands fit for agricultural pur poses should be sold, if sold at all, only for cash, and so graded in prices as to make the purchaser pay for the value of the timber on the laud. This will be apt to make the settler careful and provident in the disposition of the tim ber. A sufficient number of Government agents should be provided for to protect the timber on public lands from depre dation, and to institute to this end the necessary proceedings against depreda tors by seizures and by criminal as well as civil action.--Report of the Secretary of the Interior. A School-Boy on Woodchucks. Woodchucks is a very curious animal. It is made of hair and eyes and has two 'front teeth, and can see a man with a gun when the eyes are shut and bolted. I have seen a dog shake a woodchuck till both were black in the face. A woodchuck can snivel up his nose and show his teeth and look as homely as I can without trying. They sit on one end and eat with the other. A wood- chuck can get home faster than a gun can shoot. He is round all over, except his feet which are black. When eaten they retain the flavor of their nests, and seem to have been cooked without being pared. A fat woodchuck, when eat properly, is no laughin' matter. They come under the head of "domestic ani mals," and think there ain't no place like home when a dog goes for one.of 'em.--Albany Journal. Justice in Turkey. Turkish justice as described by an American traveling in the Orient: "To a Turk a court of justioe, in the Ameri can acceptation of the term, is a thing unknown. They never finish a oause at the first hearing, nor do they render an immediate decision; but, after all the testimony has been offered, the Kadi (Judge) adjourns the further trial of the action until some future lime, for. the known purpose of affording the litigants an opportunity of making him presents. These he accepts from both parties, and in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the decision is in favor of the person whose gift is the most valuable," Coii. E. Z. C. JUDSON, better known as Ned Buntbne, was recently at York, Pa,, on his way from Delaware oounty to Georgia. He is traveling with a car riage and pair of horses, and is accom panied by nis wife and child. A Reversal of Things Although the Mussulman is utterly indifferent to human life, which he des troy es without scruple, be preserves the lives of tiie lower animals solicitously. Though he considers the dog impure, and never makes a friend of him, he thinks it sinful to kill 1 im, and allows the neighborhood and even the streets of his town to be infested by packs of masterless dogs whom we should get rid of in one day. The beggar does not venture to destroy his vermin ; but puts them tenderly on the ground There are hospitals in Cairo for superannuated cats, where they are fed at public ex pense. THE ex-Empress Engenie thinks that the chances of re-establishing the em pire are now very slight, and blames De Fourtou for his bad management She also complains bitterly of the extortion practised upon her in causing her to spend heavy sums toward manipulating the late elections. Do NOT GO HOME Saturday night With out a copy of THE CHICAGO LSDOSB. Ton oan get it at the news depots. an Alpine Avalanche. In the rammer of 1864, a party of tourists, while t!siting the Alps, clinibod, with great difficulty, to an elevated and snow-covered plateau, ia order to obtain a better view of Swiss scenery, and contrast the beauty and richnera of roidenmrner below with the bleak ness and sterility of midwinter around and above them. In* p'.ay they rolled the moist snow into large baits, they crowded it over the edge of the plateau. In falling it struck softer snow, which immediately gave way, and soon an avalanche wae tearing down the mountain fide, burying aud destroying everything in it* course. As the handful ®f enow became the irresistible avalanche, to the hacking cough with sore throat and Catarrh, if neglected, speedily developes into that dread destroyer, Consumption. Ia the early stages, Dr. Base's Catarrh Remedy will effect a cure, though if the blood be affected or impoverished it must be purified aud enriched by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dihcovery. and the liver and bowels kept active by hia Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Many who despaired of life aud had been given up to die by physicians and friends owe their restoration to the above remedies. EI-T, Linn Co.. Iowa, May 8th, 1877. DB. PIKBCE, buffalo. N. Y.: Bear Sir: I was prostrated some three years sinoe with pleuro-pneumonia, which left me with a troublesome cough, that gradually grew worse until physicians gave me up to die with consumption. I tried several remedies that are advertised to cure consumption, but without obtaining any relief or benefit. Seeing >ur Gol Jen Medical Diacovenr aud Pleasant jativo Pellets advertised. I concluded to try them, and 1 found them to be all that you claim for them. My restoration has remained complete for over two years. Inclosed find •1 .50 for a copy of your Common Sense Medical Adviser. Brer gratefully yours, JASON C. BABTHOLOXKW. Invigorate, and lie Healthy. The source of nine-tenths of the bodily ills of mankitid is a deficiency of vital power. No portion of the physical machinery can effi ciently perform its allotted duty if there is in sufficient motive force in the system. Invigor ate, therefore, ia order to regain health. For the restoration of lost vitalitv, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters are the best tonic that can be selected, since they not only impart fresh vigor into the debilitated system, but overcome dis orders of the stomach, liver and bowels which interfere with complete assimilation of the food, and thus perpetuate weakness. The Bit ters likewise cure and present malarious fevers, remedy debilitating uri&arv troubles, and eliminate from the blood through the kidneys the impurities whioh originate gout, rheuma tism and dropsy. Appetite, digestion, sleep-- m short, every essential condition of health-- an promoted by their use. Mrs. General Sherman, Wife of the General of the United States Army, says : " I have frequently purchased Durang's Rheumatic Remedy for friends suffering with Rheumatism, and in every instance it worked like magic." Bend for circular to Kelphenstine & Bentley, Druggists, Washington, D. C. To Dyspeptics and Invalids. Biscuits, rolls, bread, cake or pastry, made with DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDEB, can be eaten with impunity and relished by the most sensi tive dyspeptics as healthy and nutritious. 9 To HorsEKEKPERs.--The attention of heads of families is respectfully invited to the superior quality of BUBNETT'S FLAVORING EX TRACTS. They are entirely free from the poison ous oils and acids which enter into the compo sition of many of the factitious fruit flavors now ia the market. They are highly concen trated, have all the freshness and delicacy of the fruits from whiph they are prepared, and are less expensive. I HAVE sold Hatch's Universal Cough Syrup for about three years. I keep all cough remedies that are considered standard in thin section. JNone sell so well an the "Universal." My customers speak uniformly in its favor. I can refer any who may inquire to those who have been cured of the most severe chronic ooughs. It ia said also to be unfailing in all casas of croup. S. P. MASON, Webster, N. Y. Sold by H. A. Horlbut & Co., Chicago. BL CHEW The Celebrated " MATOHUSBS" Wood Tag Ping TOBACCO. Txa PIONEEB TOBAOOO CojtPAsnr, New York, Boston and Chicago. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. "Parang's Rheumatic Remedy," the great Internal Medicine, will positively cure any oase of rheumatism on the face of the earth. Prioe, f)l a bottle, six bottles, #5. Sold by all drag- gists. Bend for circular to Helphenstine ft Bentley, Druggists, Washington, D. C. ASK TOTJB NEWSDEALER for a oopy of THE CHICAGO LEDGES, the best story paper in the West. IT will pay to cead advt. " Florida Home*!" FLORIDA HOMES! location elevated, fertile and healthy. Close to R. R. Stations and Northern Colonies. Price ONLY 91.583 FE* ACHE. Cheap transportation. Settlors are delighted. Send stamp for State Map, Views .and " : •anion. Brainerd T. Smith A Co., 302 g.imd Report Chicago >.. 302 Laaalle sfc.Chici WORK FOR ALL In their own loca'.tios, canvassing for Siie Fireside Vlttilor (enlarged), Weekly and Monthly. liaifMl in tlie M orld, with Mammoth Ghromos Free. tig'Commlssions to Agents. Terms and Outfit^ Free, Address P. Q. VICKKliV, Ainurta, Maine. TlBBnionieWorMur Or Antichrist, the beast of Rev. sill. Containing! , . phetic history from the Bible of all the wonderful eventa which are to happen during the next fifty yuars, including the first resurrection and translation in Nov., 1878; the forty year* of relribution on all nations: the universal rtign of Antichrist; the visible cemitigof Christ; the sec- id resurrection, and restoration of the .Jews to Pales tine ; the judgment; the worn! melted by tire and made into a beautiful Eden ; and the Millennium. This is the most wonderful Iwok on prophecy ever polished. A large 12mo., pp. 335. Paper, ; Bostrd, $1; Cloth, $l.S0. A lance discount to Agents. Copy sent by mail on taceipt of price. Address K. W. hWORMSTKDT. Publiater, No. 38 Emery Arcade, Cincinnati. Ohio. DR. WARNER'S HEALTH CORSET H'itA Skirt Supportrr and Se(/".JLcfjust- iny fads. Unequaled for Beauty, Style & Comfort AITHOVKD BY AU. PHYSICIANS. For Sale by Mvrrlisati ' Samples, sny @iz<% by mail. In Sat- tf«n. gsl.SU: CoutU, $1.75; NursingOor- „ set. $2 00; Mitaea' Corset . $ I.@0, AOZSMT » JBKD WASNEE BS OS.* 351 Broadway* N. Y, TER GREAT REGULATOR. ' < sjiiil PURELY VKCETABLK. " s r ^ec*aa^ Specific for | BowalCkunplainta, Dyspepsia, Jg t' Mental OoHe. sUk Jaendiae ASK the recovered drspeptioa, Bilioua sufferer*, ric- Uma of Fever and Ague, the mercurial diseased patient. J--®? beaiUt, cheerful spirits and good g>P«tit«j--tfaes wai tell you by taking Simmons' Liver iGajSrth Mletmted incdMne Regulates the liver, es d»Kw.tion, and fortifies tbe promotes malarial Extract of t letter fran Haa. AlexanderH.Stephens: "loo •ionalty use, when my oondit requires t, Dr. Simmons' Li Regulator, with good effect, is mild, and «uits me better ' active - . • . C^KsSTIPATIOIf. ^ A.r. _ ntsTTMCwrr OF THE CH'KF OF GEORGIA.--'" I have used Simmons' Liver Regulator fci' oonatipM-km of my bowels, caused bj a temporary demiwement of the liver, for the last three or four years, and always, when used according to the directions, with decided benefit. I think it ia a gaoA medicine for the derangement of the liver--at least snch haa been my KMmal experience In the um of 1&."--Hnux WABISKB, Josttae of Georgia. MUQ1NAL AND ONLY GENVIKti KAJTUTAlTCTIF.D ONLY BT J. II. ZEIMN CO., PHILADELPHIA. PA. Wte> tlJQ. BsM to all Drmfats. AKING ML^OWDER Absolutely Pure. _ irsateelt fn i <cr 1-pound oan FRlNTERilND rownsa cow *. STATIONERS! £CAt»tl3a**tk with our popular Books, 9vUnn4li>pi Hu--S. C .9 A DAT st hmne. AftentS wented. Otftfi 1 * «< terms fm,. THUK * CO.. Aagnste, Mate* $t> w'lfl 1 er day at norae. Samples vP'CU IIYFT. STINKON <* Co.. Portland, 1 ling tna fine Oardboard ITIKM in Stationery, Weddi opee end Note with monosrrai " ~ . Addn out Cards, Ravel- fihittiitK DELICIOUS! WiLTERBilEUU BREAKFAST C O C O A ! (IN TINS.) This article meet® all th® reqnirementa of a POOD for IIVSPKI'TICN, beitij? so delicate as not to disagree with the most sensitive, while for the HEALaTH Ylt is S delightful beverane. It is the moot Kt 'ONOrtllCAIj BlffilClOUN^ca *°r oon*um*n> ** waU M tbe Met WALTER BAKER A CO.'S Vanilla Chocolates ue said bjr CONNOISSEUR* to excel all others la richness and E X Q U I S I T E tr-if yemr Mad for ttmm. FLAVOR!! E ASTMAN Poughkeepsie, N. Y., is the best and largest patrooiiMl School in the country. tV>urw> of study short, pracsicsl 1. Studtnita innttendance from every State. . Refer to graduates in evwy oity who kaT* been assisted to bnsinoss. Illustrated sixteen-page jm- per, giving particulars, sent free. Address H. U. EASTMAN, LL.1>„ PKKSIDKR. and proiitable. Terms low. " THE CHEAPEST & BEST ADVERTISING TO REACH READERS OUTSIDE OF THE LARGE CITIES. Wt represent over 1.000 Newspapers, having anMk* !y circulation of over 600,000 Copies,divided Into six different lists,covering different Metions of the country. Advertisements raeeivsd for one or mora lists. 1W catalogues, containing nasaee of papers and other la- fanaefion, and for eatwaates, address BEAL8 & F08TER, 41 Parle Row (Tlsies BulMisg). Nevr Tm+* Sough, Cold, or Sore Throat, Beqialras immediate stteutlon, as neglect oftentimes results in some incurable Lung disease. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES are a simple remedy? and will almost in variably {jive Immediate relief. SOLD BY AT.T. CHEMISTS and dealer* a medicines. •ETEOPOLU'AH C0E8ET! Tn ONLY OOBSBT COMBINING Grace, Comfort and Beauty! I* constructed on pure!)- pHsntlfle principles. The bnck i» iviioln iKined and left open xt the hip* to laced at pleasure of wearer, and In t>o sored in Dack that the fi»l>rica and bones adapt themselves with inarvolou* no- curacy to evt'ry < urv« ami undulation of the finfwt t>t»» or figure. I'or sale by HII lendinr merchants. I-udy Agent* wanted. Sam- plei by mail on svc.oi|>t of $1.50. WESTERi DEPOT. KEITH BROS . Chlcspn. Iff. A 600D OFFER $19.15 for $11.45 The Manager of THE INTER-OCEAN, of Chica go, makes the following offer to new subscribers : 0nMeceiM0]ilF$11.45 We will send you TUB WEKKI.Y INTB1U IM'KAN for one year, postage paid, price SI .65* '* l|l)(M)U A .NO OUT," an illustrated monthly publication, price $ 1.50« and an E L G I N N A T I O N A L W A T C H l»rlec, These Watcher whioh we offer are made by the ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY of Chicago, and each in GUARANTEED by the Company's own MEDAL CERTIFICATE, which will accompany the same. Thm very superior value and workmanship of these Watche# are too wull known, and their reputation too firmly es tablished to need any praise from m. They are manufactured expressly for as, engraved " Inter-Ocean," put up In warranted Rilver huntingcasee. and ure good reliable tiinekeepere, no paint being spared bv the Company to make them trustworthy and reliable. THE INTKU-OI KAN Is a large, eight-paged, auarto newspuper, r.nd one of the HKnT AnU tKINT It published in the coantry- It has the largest oirculstioii of any paper published west of New York.- Remit in moos? order or resi«t«red letter. Addrsse TI1K INTEU-OCEABf. . • HO Lake (St., €hlea<«* 111. flmro HEfW.Tl!BSrti^$HAwTAddr*i tfUriH Greet Western Gun Worka. Pittahnm. Pfc MK A Perfect Eair Dressiag. A Promoter of the Growth of the Hair. A Preparation Free frca irnttttinr matten '/ BUENETT'8 C0C0AINE. JSErauavssfii C o c o a - n u t O i l . prepared e*pro.,ly for th!« purpow No other Compouiiil pomc»»e» tho peculiar nrop Ttirs which no exactlr SUIt the T&naua > * man hair. ' || **[8 h,l.r w'ien b«ni and drr. {; »'•>« irritated •cuip »klu. w J thp richest lustre. It remains loagcst in efitet, Jt it the Best ami CIMapnt H A I R D R E S S I N G W TUX DIRECTIOS8. Apply wtlh the liand.orasoR every other day, or BS olVn AT the X may require, ruhhluc it thorourhlr Into the rents of tho Iu:ir. To remove Jkintfrvi. Srtu-r wash the head with Bi-Rxgiy'g'v .,2 LISTON, nib dry with a towel, and a»- ply the Cm-oaiii« as (iirccted. rXKt'ARCD o it L r IT JOSEPH BUENETT ft 00. BOSTON. to Art of Conft«M, teili* rr'v'^"-T J."l"yl1""m * Co., bi Uw . • , r 1, ' lh® Court of tlu IMi-Im-tof P'MPRchuitetU. d{CL a weeK is -own town. , enns and _ two. 1L ftALLRTT * CO.. Portland^! Books OM&Mew wanted and sold. Immense logne. Amtriean Book Exckm*fe, 65 Btehnin St., M. Y# WnUDER box. contains B7 naefnl articles; • " "W stamps. Mies Bra Grant, Mlddhboro, 1 3new vocal and X new Instrumental pieees Ski Mnsio, lOo. Olobe Mnalc Oo., Mkidleb<wo/Mass» S3300u."ft«'g?aKig^g • "8200 ^.Th'suWa.ry.'^ii-.srr , A SK tor KrndnllftCo.'s Tliermseietsn^ A They are the host, cheapest and most raltahla , ; o.V: A A A MONTH. Af.TJMSWAllTi , { '• V alfll •• |Kt>. it!H> ot the mteet lNrreittee. /It 1* • ̂ Vsend tor Catalog. VAN & Co.Chic«(Ht 4 S2500S5HSSs' 4*0 K A * MONTH--A6Ei WANTED 3« I jk.'f nil sriling articles In thJ ^rld; onesaznplej Addrees JAY BRONSON, Detroit, II yrlfinaw, A. COULTER A CO.. Oucmo. lu. RFITTY Orwr ji best, trtmk) staitt DEfl II news. Onaas.U stops #86. Puuu*onlyS] *>*< Wfc Oir. Fnw. Daniw F. Beatty.Washington, K CLOCKS snffering fens wounds, injuries, orateease. PENSIONS-Sf®. can procure pension, and thom who are pensioned oan have their pensions inrrmjni, where their preeent rating is too low, as i* tho case In thousands of instances. Widows and children of soldiers who died in or out of the army, of disease contracted tn service, are entitled to pension. Full l ounty is due all soldier* discharged for wounds, rupture, or injury other than disease. Holdiera who were prisoners of war can secure pay for rations for the time so held. For full information, address, with stomp, Mc&KllA tfc bIKChT Wuhiiitos, U. C. May** till claim allovrd. E. INflKAHAM & C< are superior in dsslga aa< equaled in quality, or as keepers. Ask your Jeweler tap tUain. Manufactory--Bristol, Y0DH6 HEN; while learning. Situations furnished. Address, stamp, R. VALENTINE. Manager. JanesrSe, Learn Telegraphy : earn from$3ft«>9l ~ month. Small i WATEBFROOr 00 Awnlnsrm Tests. Hlgss. Window Mhaitrs. i RRAV A BAKKEtTniOB. De«plaii>ee8t..CbilU MUI Send for Qlnstrated Price-List. V M E D I C I . HUNT'S REMEDY <IDNEV" «D',CIML . po«iiiv» remedy ior 1) ro»ay aud ull diseases of I KMaer*. BtaMsr and Drlaarr Or-1 g«na. Hunt's Remedy I* purely vegetable and I prepared expressly for the above diseases. It has I cured thousauds. Kvsrr bottle warranted. Send to W. I E. Clarke, Providence, R.I., for illustrated pamphlet I If your druggist dont have it, he will order it for you. I ' A JN®wn®®HssY' Cents (corteocy orsilvsr),we wul Elegant Frenoh.OII Chromoa READ upotreceiplofetil amen, WHM 4> uw. R£AD ! y * * ^ -- -- - • s a s i i B u u i i w i i i A V J - P a K f t v « - O W B Z n O Illustrated Of w^kly), filial With toltn- bbort flkelcbca, Poem®, l£elul Wll snd etc. The Wirt Vid|»apcrofft0e]Ke«1- Uio vrorhh Tblt Great Ofrer!e i^ade 10 Isurodcw^itlnto New Homes. Wriu Now. F. H. X,UPTON ft CO., 8 -- * Broadwf.v, Vork. H • D n i i l i f t n i i t S o n s . M a n u f a c t u r e r s , Wti rorooni*. IN Kast 14ih St., 1 8 3 4 . ] N E W Y O R K * 0*pri«- rt-t'blo. Terms-Basy*JO UNHAM *NINEPOUNDS- sw 0| PROF. BEDFORD'S LETTER SHOWING, SUPERIOHTY- OFTHTS ARTICLE OVER ALL OTHERS.FOR SOAP MAKING. SENT FREE BY MAIL ON APPLICATION TO H.M.ANTHONY 104 READE ST. NEWY0RK. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. Uaiivsllsd fcr tbs Tpllst and the Bath. No artificial sad deceptive <xlon to cover oanimoa sad dtlgtorious Ingredi* eats. After ysartof KteatlCk «zpsrlmeBt the msufaulscturer el B. T. BMitt't Bit* 8o®P b i« perfectad smi ap-*rs to the SOAr 8b tbe World. manufaaurt. every motbVr&nJ\amilv1nC?i^t«adott. Sample box, containing 3 rake* of t oss. each, free to any ad- dims ea receipt of ?5 cent<. Add re*1 £000 OLD STAND-BY. MEXICAN MU8T0W6 UNIMEHT. FOR MAN AND BEAST. XstABLtsaKD<SA Y£AIW Always curas. Always Mady. Always handy. Ess asver yet failed. Thirty millions has* tetted it. The whole world approves lbs gloriooa old Mustang--the Best and Ohsapsst liniment In exUtenoe. 23 cents a bottle, thm Kastang Liniment COM when nothing else wffl. BOLD BT ALL MKI>ICINK VENDERS. PULM0NA, Ifsde from the prescription of one of the most em Inset physicians in the medical faculty, is now offered to tbe Sublio as a radical cure for CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, ATARHH, ASTHMA, and all affections of the THBOAT and LUNOS ; for all Disorders of the Nervous System, and Diseases of the Blood. PULMONA Increases the strength and deepens the color of the pate blood. It ohecka Night Sweats within a fortnight. It snbdui the Canxs and FITIR. It diminishes Expectoration, It causes oalA and refreshing sleep. It invigoi ' tbe appetite, and the invalid gains flesh rapidly. rates is beyond comparison the best remedy known for CONSUMPTION and all affections of tbe THROAT, LUNGS and NXBTOUS SYSTEM. Extracts from Luttrs from Pastors ef Churches. PUUfONA saved my daughter's Ufo. * • " e BEVTK. JONKS, Rssnssn, IT. T. TL^RPULMONA.TH,N*FLU ^ R*v. P. WABBBB, Canton. Pa. Evenr one who I have recommended it to haa benefited much by its use. Rev. O. D. HUMPHREYS, Racine. Wis. A circular containing advice for the treatment of the diseases above mentioned, certificates of MANY actual cures, and full particulxrs of cases successfully treated will bo Rent J'ren to applicants, PtlLMOPTA may lie obtained through Druggists, of Mders may be sent to tbe Proprietor direct. Price. SI A O A V SI'IIR n Ag- -nt» Belling our CI C l P i c t u i o mo Cards. 1 Hi wtirth So. sent MIIMWI 11 for 85 C-ents. Catalogue free. .r. IT. MO: Kuslntt. (E»tAbllshodl8S0.] v| SIO10S25 A i t A M t K i t , A I Oa tb« President's Peill A » NASBY Two of the riches , of the rare Humor and profound Philosophy of thi of Oonfedrit X Roads, IO cents each; three f< cents. Address 1ILAOK, Toledo, STORIES. roiie. Five complete nov _ eminent wrlters.and 1 doliiintful stories, all I 2<i cents. In l>ool< form, would cost $&.UU. Address , Til K KLADK, Toledo. Ohtsw , PH f I--" Choice Stan.lard BOOKS'ht all"" H*" BV I* •"* partmenta of Utemtaw--Poetry, ] • tlon, History, Biography, the Cl etc.; the best and cheapest books in the world. logoe frse* AddreaR T H E B T . A O E . T o l e d o. OMe. : BEFORE YOTT for a specimen copy of Tilt1: TOL8DO nl<Al It ia a Mammoth Right-Page Weekly Paper of 8ixtr- Ooiumns, filled with oarefully-prauared reading ma of interest and value to people In sill parts of tbe Us States. Specimens free. VntOK AGENTS TAKE NOTlCXSja; BETSEY BOBBET COME AGAIN) New Book Ready for Agents, by . J0SIAH ALLEN'S WIFEf 'SAMANTHA AT THE CENTENNMLlv* Send for Circulars to AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO|. , Hartford, Ct.; Cinn., O.; (Jhioago, llL -, Newark, K. ' --~AC EN TS WiSN TED FOR ?*• Creative Science Or, MANHOOD, WOMANHOOD. AND THEIR MUTUAL INTER-RELATIONS ; LOVH, ITS LAWS, POWER, ETC. Agents are selling from IS to a day. for specimen pages anil our extra ti'ri.n to Agents, rhy It sells fsster than any other book. Ad iONA -NATIONAI, PUBLISHING s&: Chicago, 111. Ken* •M [thin. Mid wholesale dealers in Batter, Choose, tihiu, and wholesale dealers in Betunr.U Poultry, Game, Potatoes, Apples, Grain, -- Wool, Cotton, Peanut) Bwnn Corn, Foreign and tic Fruits, and, in fact we can anil any ana everything the highest market• price, make prompt returns, IJIBKKAI* CA8II AOVASC'KM made on alls inante except perishable articles. To show that we < an estenalvo business, any game dealer ia PhiladelpI will tell you we handled more game last season than other Houses In Philadelphia Put tf«ether. Sent* Price-List, Stencil, Ac., Ad HEFRKMfC'K CA oc we refer you to any respouwible House in cur 10,000 A YEAR. It to estimated that this number die yearly Is United States of consumption! AT.I.RN'S LUNG BAT.SAM will at onee allay the and Irritated parts, stop the cough, andi proven}_whH' would lio coneumptlon. All person# with weak ~ or aClicted with Cough, should at once test UkS this good Cough and Lung Balsam. Sold by all Medicine . . ! . . - SIIIBT8, KEEP'S Patent Partiy-made Dress Shirts, best _ .. ty.only plain seams to nmkh,6 tor #7. KEEP'S Custom Shirts to measure. bestquaMty, «lift.' $3, delivered free, Guaranteed perfectly sattefactoiy«, * KEI» KLAMNKL DNIIEItWEAlt. Underuhi'+s and Drawers, best quality, (1.80 escfr.. White Flannel Undervesta, best (giality. fliW e&ete. Canton flannel Vests A Drawers, ex. heary, 76o. Twilled Silk Umbrellas, paragon frames, $3 ea^b. Best Gingham, patent protected ribs, $1 each.. llrculars and Samples mailed free on Shirts only delivered n«e. B&trts only delivered tree. KEEP MANUFAt COMPANY, t6ft and I6T Mercer Street, N< MARY J. HOLMES! The new novel, MILDRED, by Mre, Mary J. He anthor of those splendid books--Ediih Wmt --IVineMl anH SHnnkinm--Ima Hirers--site., I« HOW I and for sale by all booksellers. Price. 11.50. It of the finest novels dver written, and s very body si mad It. 6.W. CarletaaS Co.,Pali:rs.IH3wTi AGENTS WANTEDS PARTICULARS, ADDRESS WILSON SEWIIB MACHINE COl. 3!!" p,., _ ; sr Iss nssiMMk JACKSON'S BEST 8WEET NAVY CHEWINB TOBACCO was awarded tbe hlgheet prise at Centennial EzpoeltJUS for its fine chewing qualities, the ex«elk<nco una Iw*** j character of its sweetening and flavoring. If yon W™ the beet tobacco ever made, ask your gn.cr i«r this,! see that each ping bears our blue-strip trade-mark. w. words Jackson's Best on it, Sold wholesale by all jo bers. Send for sample to V. A. JACKSON A Musfsctsrers, Petrrw>sr». Vs. SANDAL-WOOD. A positive Ijrfbrall disessseof tbe Kktaca^t Madder and Urlsary Or«anst also, ss*A lp Drop»losil Complaints. It never prodeeeesteksse||(, Iscsrtain and speed) >> its action. It is fast sareteedAojf all other remedies. Sixty capsules can vu six or algly tsis No "tlif medlcino can do this. > »wsure of Imitations, for, owing tottsgfesftMS^* many have been offarad; sogBear«MeAdeacsaM4i||f ing piles, Ae> ̂ DUNIJAS DICK ^ ; OO.'S «*m*m mjr mO-. containing Oil --isf Whsr*. Mil* ataM Aorss. A<*/"or cir««far,er sMrf/Woftsle mmd Wbotttr t*rm4, i>t* Y--A O. N. O. No. SO TPHEK WRlTiro TOAiygCTTISER