• of these great heat i ate comparatively cloee upon xsh side* at a distance of about and a half. Henoe, the next cold i due at the end of the present rand frigid weather may foe ex- .e jTh* Trw> Bestmlaa SptrHr lold tramp, with his face shrunken J hunger, wits overturning the con- oflkl wagon down Main tosday afternoon, trying to • a lnndh, when a polioeman came asked: "Why don't yon go sawin' wood, or diggin' clams, bin' and earn mrnini tn get you meal, And not be stuffin/ yoor- ith this unwholesome garbage? fry, 'afore yon know it, you'll be nd the city 'ill have to send your up to titie Brighton abattoir." outlaw stepped down on the and, as he wiped his tangled he said: "Pretty tuff times, len er man hex ter git his wittles ! er swill wagon ! I hain't used to Biness as this, and don't you for : my father was one of the richest this continent onne; he owned half the city of Boston, and I jht np in the lap of luxury, as >; % graduated at Harvard College, »w*d twenty different languages; I all about astronomy; could tell fur the planite Satan, Versuvi- iniper and Venice was from the and could repeat the whole Bible the first chapter of Adam clear jh to the landing of Noah's ark on rath rock." Then the policeman as if he was going to drop down >r a moment, then he rallied and across the street, muttering: I sware, I never heered any- eqnil that for ignerenoe, never." tton Traveller. be Printed In School !er, your eyesight is worth more to m any information you are likely from this book, however valuable lay be. You are, therefore, earn- Icautioned: ITo be sure that you have sufficient and that your position be such in not only avoid the direct rays ir eyes, but that you also avoid jfle of reflection. In writing, the should be received over the left Ider. [That yon avoid a stooping position S forward inclination of the head, the book up. Sit erect also when ite. at brief intervals you rest the |by looking off and away from the for a few moments. ou are further cautioned to avoid as possible books and papers [ in small type, and especially such poorly printed; also, to avoid lg or overtaxing the sight in any Boys may need to be reminded of at importance of thoroughly the eyes with soft, pure water loraing and evening. ( Steam Power* »rding to the statement in the 3Ante Review, the aggregate motive power at present in use in rid is 3,500,000 horse-power em irs stationary engines, and 10,- horse-power in locomotive en- , making a total of 13,500,000 horse- This force is maintained with- »use of animal food, except by the who dig the coal and provide the id the force maintained in the is to that generated by the pro- %bov as about one to 1,000. This >wer is rqual to the working 25,000,000 horses, and one horse les three times as much food as the steam-power, therefore, Ivalent to the saving of food for LOOO human beings. Again, three glooms, attended by one man, pro- ily seventy-eight pieces of cot- (»rio against four pieoes produced loom worked by one man in 1800, [ the list might be indefinitely ex~ of what is accomplished by the steam-power and labor-saving WL_ • Pins. of pins now produced igland is said to be 50,000,- which Binsrisgham produces L000, leaving some 13,000,000 to . Warrington, Stroud, and Dub- kere the article is aim made. The kof wiro oonsumed annually in the lufacture of England is set down it 1,275 tons, one-eighth of this |iron wire, used in the production ing and hair pins. The oon- ion of brass wire amounts to i pounds, valued at nearly #600,- id of iron wire some 345,000 _ worth about $36,000---to these being added, of course, those for , paper, ornamental envelopes, wear and tear of machinery, facturers' profits, etc. Mourning, entomological, and japanned pins-- _ those stack in rows--.realize a profit than pins Sold by weight. Lg it altogether, the pin manufact- ! the United Kingdom is not over bed, it is thought, at the aggre- amount of $1,000,000. In the States, the weight of pins pro- iu a year is set down at 1,120,000 I quantity n England Patents. the year ending June 30,1877, applications for patents were The number of patents issued, ling reissues and designs, was 14,- the number of caveats filed was 2,- L,098 patents were allowed but not i, because the final fee was not is- i 1,257 applications for registration le-marks were received, 968 trade- were registered; 324 labels were Bred. The total receipts of the [from all sources were $714,964.73; btal expenditures were $609,043.24, ig an excess of $105,921.44.--Re ef the Commissioner of Patents. A New Motive Power. the corner of Church and Barclay B, says the New York Evening -, is a model of a steamship, which, piVentor claims, will be propelled by lotion of the sea. The pitching of eBsel is to be utilized by an iron arm extending from the keel at the of the Bhip, the pressure of the giving; it a vibratory motion ; _ a d keelwie whole length of the ship r _ 3ted to communicate power to the pry when the vessel rolls. ALL SORTS. IOWA has thus far expended $1,250,000 on her State CapitoL A WOMAN in New Albany, Ind., has been married eight times. TH* total cost to the State of New York of suppressing the railway riots was $206,000. FOBTT-TWO days per year are deducted for good conduct from the terms of Vir ginia convicts. IRISH people in Boston have the past year sent to their home friends, through one office alone, $114,579. SCHOOL savings banks, first intro duced by Prof. Laurent in 1866, have proved very successful in France. IT is observed that modern history affords no example of a of 80 who was so important to his country as was Thiers. WADE HAMPTON is soon to be married to a beautiful and wealthy widow, prom inent as one of the leaders of Louis ville society. THE first foundry in Pittsburgh wm erected in 1803. The first cannon made west of the AUeghanies was cast in this foundry in 1811. INDIAN custom makes the squaw prop erty, as much as a pony or a blanket, and the right of the husband to kill his wife is never disputed. SENATOR DAVID DAVIS is said to be one of the most popular men in Con gress. He is a teller of stories, and is sought for dinner-parties. MESSRS. FLOOD & O'Bsmr, the great mine owners of Nevada, propose to send to the Paris Exhibition one solid brick of silver four feet square. HAWK shooting forms quite a business in Custer county, CoL Sixty cents per head is paid by the County Treasurer. One man brought In sixty a few days ago. A CAVE has been discovered near Wytheville, Va., which is said to rival the Mammoth cave of Kentucky in ex tent and beauty. MR. JOHN MoCmoouoH, the aotor, who has been calling Upon the President, says that Mr. Hayes has a remarkably thorough acquaintance with the works of Shakspeare. THERE is a crusade against dnnmwg in Baltimore social circles. Many young ladies who are church members are dropping the amusement from their party engagements. THIS Russian debt was, in 1831, 220,- 000,000 roubles; in 1847, 315,000,000; in 1860, 515,000,000; in 1875, 700,000,000. In 1878 it will have reached 1.193,809,- 956 roubles, equal to $501,557,700. THROUGH the prosperity of its tobacco industry Lynchburg, Ya.. now boasts a population of 17,000, a property valua tion of $6,530,476, and many handsome buildings in what used to be the suburbs. THE Bulgarians are the most ignorant people of Europe. Their ferociousness is said to have originated the well-worn term "bugaboo" with which Vienna parents formerly threatened their off spring. IT is believed by the Chinese that the inventor of ink is charged with keeping an account of the manner in which all ink is used here below,, and that for every abuse of it he records a black mark against the offender. PAPA WRANQEL, as the Berlin gamins called the old General to his face, per sisted to the last in lying, on a sofa in full uniform instead of going to bed, saying that a soldier must always hold himself in readiness to wait on his sov ereign. COL. INGHBSOZIXI'S reoent lecture in Albany has roused a protest from the clergy of that city, which protest is ad dressed to the President of the Young Men's Association, under whose auspices the lecture was given. The association has consequently passed a resolution disclaiming its belief in CoL IngercolTs views of religion. THE DEAD BEE. Where honey suckles scent the way, I beard thee humming yesterday; Thy tittle life WH not In vain, It gathered aweeta from other's gala. And somewhere in a dainty cell la atored delicious hydrome!. O pact ! is thy calm retreat, From joy and grief extracting nwaat,* Some day thy fancy's wings must fold And thou lie motionless and cold. Feriispa thy garnered hoaey thou - - - •' May be the food of living men. --FUtcher Bates, in Seribner's Monthly, An iron mountain, 10,500 feet high, and rivaling the famous Iron mountain of Missouri, has been discovered in Col fax county, New Mexioo. The ore is almost entirely pure iron, and in con nection with the immense quantities of cos! found in Colfax county, this Iimge deposit of iron ore must at no distant day become the source of industries which will gather and support a large and thriving population. FROM the census taken at the close of last year, it appears that France was di vided in 1876 into 362 arrondiesements, 2,863 cantons, and 36,056 communes, with a total population of 36,905,788, This population was made up as follows: 18,373,639 males, of whom 9,805,761 were unmarried; 7,587,259 married men, 980,619 widowers; 18,532,149 females, of whom 8,944,386 were unmarried, 7,567,- 080 married women, and i,ik80,683 widows. TBOTOM AHEAD. Merry Christinas! girls and boya. .> • Santa Clftiis, with team and toyi, Mow i« starting on his way With his overladen sleigh- Never heeding cold or wetting, Not a t-iugte town forgetting ;• » But a puuled look he bears As he moves among his wares; And I doubt if ever yet Wats Surita Claus in such a pet. Kow he purses up his lips, iinajis his rosy finger-tip#; All in vain he scans his store, Kami h the children o'er and o'w-- Just out- boy deserves a switch, And he has forgotten which. NEXT to wine, cider is the liquor most consumed in France, but, within the last twenty years the consumption has fallen from forty-two to thirty-five gallons per head annually. Its use is now confined to the northwestern departments. The consumption of beer steadily increases, but is almost entirely confined to the departments contiguous to Belgium. Experience has demonstrated that white win^s are much more likely than red to act on the nervous system. WM. DOOLKY, an amateur detective in search of two cattle thieves, found them at church at White Sulphur, Ky., where upon, pistol in hand, he informed preacher and congregation that they were all under arrest. While everybody looked astonished, he picked oat his men, marched them out of the building at the monle of his weapon, aadf turn ing on the step, Bhouted to the ministe r that he could go on with the hanadiq tkm. ' ILLINOIS ITEMS, %i • 4 BHUIVULB has six hotels. DR. REYNOLDS and the red-ribbon movement in Centralis. No MORE "stick in the mad,** Irt&t plenty of rough roads. Gov. Csuoa and his family have started upon a prolonged Southern tear. MR. WH. ZEN OR. Treasurer of Put nam county, who waa defeated for re election, proves a defaulter *nd ab sconder--$2,000. A SON of Stephen Glidden, 'named James Glidden, residing seven miles south of Joliet, shot himself while out duck-shooting the other day. FIRE recently broke out in the Havill Hotel, at Irondale, Cookoounty, and the building and part of the furniture were destroyed. Loss about $2,500; insured. JUDGE MCALLISTER, of Chicago, has rendered a judicial opinion that the law passed by the last General Assembly, known as the "Tramp law," is un constitutional. THE first prisoner received at the Joliet penitentiary was in 1858, and since that time about 12,000 prisoners j have been committed. The largest oount was on Nov. 26, when they numbered 1,865. THE January term of the Supreme Court of this State will commence at Springfield, on Tuesday, the 8th daj of January. There will be plenty of cases to engage the attention of the court. BIDS for the construction of the pro posed new Sangamon county jail and workhouse have been opened. The proposals were numerous. Boltes ft Nelson, of Fort Wayne, Ind., were tfaie lowest bidders--$57,000 for the entire work. THE Vioe Presidents of the Social Science Association of Illinois are re quested to send reports of women's or ganisations in their districts to the Oocw responding Secretary at Evanston. Secretaries of the societies are particu larly requested to send plan of work. THE Hon. James M. Wight, former member of the Illinois Legislature and oldest practicing attorney in Northern Illinois, outside of Chicago, died last week He was born in Massachusetts in 1809. He was nominated for Repre sentative in 1870 by both Republicans and Prohibitionists, and elected by an overwhelming majority. Tots on the Stat* JBOUM Affwpi InM--. The following is a copy of the official abstract of the votes cast at the election on Nov. 6, 1877, upon the proposition to appropriate money to complete the new : State House. The law provides that the appropriation shall not be made nnless a majority of all the votes oast are in favor of making it. In consequence of this provision the votes oast "against" the appropriation really do not count, and the law requires the County Clerks ••• to certify only the votes for it and the whole number of votes oast. This part of the law was not, however, r?eii under stood, as will be'seen from the fact that nearly all the County Clerks retained the votes oast against the appropriation: , "I . \---i VI '•*4 •4 -•is Ooumri Adams. Alexander. Bond. Boone. Brown. Bureau. Calhoun. Carroll. Caas Champaign.......... Christian.....;...... Clark For ap propri ation. , Clay. :,CUn" ^lUntou. ^Do les. • Cook.. €rawfog<d Cumberland peKalb fee Witt )oufflaa... )u Pag* td wards Effingham.... ..... fayette. Ford. Franklin. Fulton... Gallatin.. Oreene.. Orundy. Hamilton... Hancock.... Hardin Henderson. Henry. Sroquoie. Jackson. Jasper.... Jefferson. Jersey. Jo Daviei Johnson. Kane. Kankakee..... Kendall Knox, Lake La Salle Lawrenot Lee. Livingston. Logan. Macon Macoupin Madison. Marlon................ Marshall Mason Massac McDonough Mc Henry. McLean •.Menard TMercer Monroe v. Montgomery... Morgan ^Moultria. Ogle.... .{Peoria. 1Perry.„.. 'jPiatt ..#4,̂ Pike........ ... Pope.,., Pulaski. Putnam.... Randolph Richland Rock Island Saline Sangamon............. Bebnyler. Scott Shelby ................ 8k. Clair Htrpheuaon TuzeweU Union ...... Vermillion Wabash Warren Wellington Wayne. White Whiteside Will WiUiauuea Winnebago........... Woodford > Total... ..... 984 746 114 900 1,48# appro priate 1,717 1,607 1,110 a,iM 859 Votm Mil. *-3 KS 3,741 l^M 1,149 1,099 3,0*6 14,881 1,0" 1,987| 1,M3 2,638 3,1*4 897 ill •VA '•ij ' 3,418 4.188 m -1,766 8,778 3 038 3,866 8,411 1,615 4,4»4 1,388 4.l*J a.m 3,330 316 1,b3t 2,sir 2,826 2,061 3/278 3,366 i,W3 *2,233 AU,M3J 304,860 1,898 8,085 im « mi J S < - ^ 4,86® 2,328 ' 3 7,367' 3Jl» L 1,988 S,IM W -m 1,341 • * -I &S4S r -\m m AS 1^18 uat • .-i, . 889, M .W