• . lift WEDNESDAY, PEC. 10th. 1857. h VAN SLYKE, Editor. 19"An iron mountain, 30,500 feet jfh, and rivalling the famous iron »oiitain of Missouri, has been discov- id in Colfax county, New Mexico. ore is almost entirely pure iron, id in connection with the Immense Itiantities of coal found in Colfax sunty, this huge deposit ef Iron ore at uo distant day become the urce of Industries which wiii gather id support a large and thriving pop- latlon. rThe Cincinnati Commel rial "Watch Mr. Bout well! Let his >vised Statutes be read by forty »mpetent proof-readers and half a izen able lawyers. Mr. Boucwell is of the persons who was engaged In the trickery of demonetizing silver." Mr. Boutwell occupies the position of revisor of the United states Statutes, at a salary, and Halstead fears lest he Inject some little word, by way of ex planation, so that "payable in ooin" may read "geld.** tSTThe winter season of Texas ost* ally lasts from the first of December to the middle of February, and its, most distinguished feature is the "nor the re" a periodical wind totally unknown to other States. They occur on the aver age twice a week and last a couple of days. They are preceded by a warm, close, summerish atmosphere, and du ring their continuance the temperature not unflrequeutly touches 17 degrees* The cold is the severest imaginable, not steady, as in the North, but a keen tearching, biting description. 19* The richest man in the world is •aid to be S. W. Mackey, of Nevada. Thirty years ago he came from Ireland « penniless boy. Earning enough money to buy a few goods, he com snenced life in this country as a pedlar. Sixteen years ago he became bankrupt and had to commence life anew with out a dollar. He went to California and Nevada, and was lucky in mining He is now estimated to be worth 9275 000.900, which pays en income of Q2t per minute. The next riches man in the world is Baron Rothschild, whose income is f20 pcr minute. CRYSTAL LAKE. EDITOR PLAINDEALEK--Mud is get ting quite deep again but sidewalks are being built so that the scholars can get to school without wading through as much of it as they have been in the habit of, which well pays for the cost of thv walks, to say nothlngWthe value of them to others. r There being no Pastor at the Baptist Church last sabbath Mr. Sumner, who Is teaching in the district East of here, known as the King district, occupied the Pulpit. He is a young man who is studying; for the ministry, a very earn est worker and one who no doubt will do a great deal of good. r v The meeting of the Literary Society will be held on Thursday eve of this week. There will be Music, Beading, Debating an original orator. Singing and a query bcx. That these meetings are interesting is showu in the atten tion given by the boys who attend them. We cannot help but speak In terms of the highest praise of the at tention given and respect paid by this class, and will say that wo are glad to see them there to amuse and instruct them. The Festival given by the ladies ef the Baptist Church last Thursday, eve proved a success financially as well as otherwise, over thirty dollars being cleard. ODD JK MP*The following from the Belotf Graphic must be taken in a Pickwick ian sense: "Loaf around town nights, boys; it is much more pleasanter and much more attractive than to remain cooped up a£ home, where th^re is no way to pass the time except in reading, playing chess, checkers, etc., or in con versation with the old folks. By put ting in your evenings at the barrooms and saloons you will be able, when you grow up, to pass muster as a first-class bummer, beer guzzler, gambler and fancy man. Think of these things and do not waste your time by staying at homo only long enough to take in rations." Mr There is no city in the world that can show audi an array of mil lion tries in proportion to population as San Francisco. There are over for ty men hero whose fortunes exceed foar millions of dollars each. There are as many more whose wealth is from one to three millions each. None of these fortunes were inherited, but were acquired by business and specul ative operations, and all within a period of twenty-five years. None of the millionaires here have passed the prime of life, and they are all lust as ! eager in their pursuit for riches as those who enjoy no reputation for opulence. The passion for great wealth here it unprecedented.--Cor. Boston Journal. Solvents historical crowd upon •ach other's heels so rapidly that the nest important are quite apt to receive the least notice. The imminent peril •f His Holiness the Pope, the siege of Plevna, the taking of Kara, the very general bad condition of the sick child of Europe, the proposition of English statesmen to give up India to native niters,th% seating of Kellogg and Butler In the United States Senate, the attempted cmeMxfen of President Hayes, the new outbreak of a couple of thousand Sioux Indians, the Ohio Sen atorial question, who Is going to strike Mr. Patterson ? Is the silver dollar of •ur worthy daddies to be introduced Into polite circles and made present able as a work of art? and are we go ing to resume on the first of Jauuary, 1879, or not. and if not why not or which It Is no wonder that In the multiplicity •f momentous questions, wo almost lose •ight ©f the fearful struggle that is now ; going on in France--a struggle that is : none the less fearful, because carried on for the prsent in the intellectual arena *n4 regulated and controlled by the outward observance of constitutional law. It seems to be the settled pur pose of President McMahen to disre gard the plain and unmistakable ex pression of the French people. He re vives tfre theory of "personal govern ments--that is purely Bourbon or Napoleonic--in his own person, and prepeaot to introduce "my policy* --with the army £o enforce Its adopt ion. He counts like a madman upon It Is personal strength against all France* Ho relies upon the army, which he of- ly commands but cannot control.-- i oxpeot* the suppoit of the Senate, _• mt whom are the parasites of his i frowvh, to define his constitution- ItSea, if the Legislative Assembly re recalcitrant in voting supplies, itben comes the last, long, final pgle of Republican France for ex- It is now well known that the Is not a free moral agent, but " the Monarchists and the , who have joined hands in Iperate effort to overthrow the »public. The next four weeks * tf#l in the history of our i jmd modern imitators. i&"The politicians of Los Angenls, in Southern California, are insane on the subject of dividing the State into two parts, aud making their city the capital of the proposed new State in the Southern half. The question is agitating all California just at present the northern portion being strongly opposed to the cutting-in two process, while the southern portion is as warm ly In favor of the scheme. It is safe to predict that the proposed division will not take place. 19"The governor of California re commends the abrogation of United States treaty with China, which per mits unrestricted immigration of "Ah Sin" to this country. The governor says, he is powerless to prevent hos tilities where these people are allowed to some into his state in such': largo numbers. < ^ iQrThe failure of Greenbaum's Bank makes the thirty-sixth Chicago banking house that has failed since the panic of 1873. Nearly all of them have promised to pay depositors in full but have any of them done it? Those fellows that are centia- uHly finding fault with everybody, as* generally very inaccurate thetqselves. Any-mad version suits them. MT John A. Wilson, a survivor of the "Charge of the Light Brigade," at Bala clava, resides in Camden, N. J* He is a wool dresser by trade. MTIt is held by a New York court, that sleeping car companies are re- gposiMe for thefts committed on their guests and patrons. HOG KILLING. C. Stegemann & Son are now pre pared to d© all Jobs of Hog Killing, either in the village or country, ou short notice, in the best of manner and at reasonable rates. Farmers, by leaving their orders will have them promptly attended to. Satisfaction f juranteed in all cases. Orders can be eft at my residence, near the School House. C. STEGtMANN&SON. NO HUMBUG. Gilberts Butter Color, will Increase the value of white Butter 5 cents per pound and costs less ti: an one cent to color ten pounds. Every Bottle war- rented te give satisfaction or money refunded. For Sale by Druggists and Groeers generally. Ask forlt and take no otheh Manufactured by ( ^ A. B. GILBERT, Mcllenry 111. v | -tn * (? I •iify-'tic-" < . a> ^ t»' <*•<* * .»• V « ' • 1 ye i V <«; J -- rl'tf *'* J «rTt O. W. Owen's] McHENRY, ILL. a five cent Doll td "ii set of Silver-Ware, Gold Watch, or au E&tey Organ. } a iU«£JiJytAkstiA: Early, FOB SALE OR RENT. A fine new Dwelling House, with good barn aUd other improvements.-- Terms reasonable. Inquire at this office. •25 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any one who will find one Of our Buifalo Boots in which there is a counter, inner-sole, slip sole or piece ©f heeling that is net cast from a goed. thick, piece of sole leather. P.D. SMITH. Near the Depot. It in search of Bargains do not fai[ to call at Smith, Aldrich 6 Hay thorn, in Riverside Block. And g?t jrp»!;,|r?t choice. , , V> . , • * Prices Lover Than any other House in the county. O. W. OWEN. McHenry Dec. 7th 1877. 0P JA.T THE* •KM# I ui Jit i R E D F R >s M Woodstock, i87Z- ; 'mi V, 'ZMX'J • M DOK'X go home uutil you have ex amined one of those Feed Cutters at O. Bishop's Warehouse. They go like hot cakes those seamless back Calf Shoes at Bucklin A Steven. NEW Goods received ovei y week, at l $ Haythorn1s, River- aidc Block. ' • Fox River. Valley Mills. R. BISHOP, Proprietor. IMcHenry - - - • Illinois. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CUSTOM GRINDING * Done nromptly, and satisfaction guaranteed Having just put in a new Feed Stone, capable of grinding sixty bethels of Feed per hour. I am prepared to do jrovr grinding on short no tice. *S"The Highest Market Price paid for good Milling Wheat. R. BISHOR McHcury HL, Dec. Uth, 1877. iSjt A