Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1878, p. 5

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X4̂ ?hUnk»7 WEDNESDAY. JAN; 16th, 1878. Railroad Time Table. ODISO SOUTH. C!I!2I?V^.E •.... &I££.7:* A- N. 6en«ral,ak« Freight M. OOIKO WORTH. geneva Lake Freight.... #*nera Lake Passenger. «;3V»»«*19rG0 A* Y« 7:02 P. M* MASONIC. MCBUNBT CHAPTER NO. 34 &. A. M.--Resrn- lar Convocations hold on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. „ HRKKT COLBT H. P. PTTtARKI AtUKV Sec.. McHenry Literary Society. The following is the Programme for Saturday evening. ,«f*t this S*aek, January 19th. . » . Music and Singing and aDebaf«oa the following question: Resolved, That the financial policy of the Government is the cause of the present hard time*. Affirmative.--Geo. Gage, R. Bishop, J. Van &lyke, C. V. Stevens. M. Keller Negative--F. K. Granger, Jas. B. Perry, H. C. Mead. ,S D. Baldwin, A. F. Parsons. 'V- Exercises tocommence promptly at 8 o'clock. ^ Sociable. The next Sociable by the Ladles of the Universalis!; Society will be held at the residence of J. B. Perry, Eeq.on Thursday evening of this week, Janua­ ry All are cordially invited. A very fine Sugar, thirteen pounds for One Dollar, at flenry ColbjT's. OUR Nunda, Volo and Greenwood correspondence reached us too late for insertion thin week. (CIRCUIT Court is in Session at Wood- stock this week, and quite a number of our citizens a re-in attendance as Jurors. Witnesses. &ci FOUND, in this village* Rubber Overcoat, wlifcfi the owner can have by proving property and paying for this notice, Inquire of A. C. McCrory. THK Japanese wlieif he desires to saluate a friend. takes off his slipper, and many a little boy is sorry that his mother ever borrowed &o heathenish a custom. ? > ?s OUR readers should not full to read the Prospectus of The Forest and Stream and Rod and Gun. the best Sporting Paper in the Country, which <can be fouut) in another cohimii. RALPH STKiiiiixs, Who has been •con­ fined to the hrtuse for tile past nine 'weeks with inflammatory rheumatism. Is again able "to Wrtii tlie streets, and ultliongh aiittle weak has fair pros­ pects of a *peed«r recovery. BY request of seyeral members, a special meeting of the Teachers Asso­ ciation is called fit Xuuda Saturday, •Ian. lUtli. 1878. it is hoped there will be a full attendance. • , A, W. Cl'Mixe, President. DON.T trj' to do too much. An ex­ change says a mail undertook to make his wife learn to eat with her fork the oilier day, and now he wears a beef­ steak ou bis eye. The pathway of the reformer lias always been a good deal like Jordan. WE would caU the especial attention of our readers to the business notices of Dwight & Forrest. Boot and Shoe dealers. Woodstock, which can be found in another column. They lire straight­ forward. reliable business wen, and mean jMSt what <they «ay. * DR. A. A. IJICE. Dentist, te ««w fairr ly established at hie rooms in the Riverside House, and from tbe number who daily visit his ofllce, tre should ju dge his business was starting off most flattering. lie can always be found at his room No. 201, where, he will be hapr py to see all who wish his services. IF your books do not foot up quite such large prtdits as iif years before, what is the difference? You have done your best. Doti11 go to growling and getting sufleii; laugh and keep your manhood, ahd beg;u the year like a man should, full of faith aud trust that it will be bright aud prosperous. THERE arrived at -the Riverside House on Sunday inoruiug last a stranger, who it is.«aid -makes himself quite familiar on so short an acquain­ tance. He is a diiuiuutive gentleman, weighing about nine pounds, and will hereafter iusist on calling-*flank'" Pa: £tau4 ^<^lju$..aud ©lug bat* for two! .. 1 •. ,--|. . j* •,--:-- WE would cau the attention of our readers to the new advertise men* -of John B. Blake, Furniture dealer, which can be fixmd in another ^©Hiinii. His stock is one of the most complete to be found in the county, and his prices as low as the lowest. Read his "ad" else­ where and give him acatttf in want of Furniture. WE are informed that a youthful Nimrod, named Orlando Richardson, aged 17 years, who lives near Volo, during the year 1877 killed 112 Rabbits, 83 Squirrels, 9 Pigeons, 41 Ducks aud .5 Patridges. This was accomplished without infringing an bis labor hours, as he is a steady boy at work. We woul9 like to see or hear of the young abootist that can shew a better record. C. T. ELDREDGE, Is new dressing and shipping a large amount of Poultry daily, for which ho is paying the highest market price. He ships direct to Eastern markets, and we learu that Poultry dressed at his establishment always commands top figures. If fat- mers have Poultry to sell they should call on Charley, as he will always do tho fair thing by them. USUDDENLY and without a moment's warning,'" says an exchange,*'the plank broke, aud tho unfortunate carpenter fell to the grouud below." Well, now, what would you expect of a plank? Would you expect it to give warning, 'Look out everybody,- can't stand the pressure much longer, and if this blamed carpenter don't get often me. he'll get his head busted ?" WouH you expect a common two-inch plank to do that? The thing's absurd. THE McHenry County Bible Society have made arrangements with Rev, H. H. Monroe to canvass the county .as County Agent. It is hoped the local agents in each town and school district will make their collections and be ready to make report promptly to the local agent at the annual meetings as advertised. Pastors and all interested will please give publicity to the meet­ ings as advertised in their localities. P. WHITNEY, Secretary. Ow Thursday, to-morrow, evening. the Dramatic Association of the Good Templars Lpdge, will repeat the Drama of. "The Last Loaf' and the Farce of the '"Persecuted Dutchman,'* and will also-bring oat another Farce, entitled "Who Died First." Those of our cit­ izens who did not attend at tho last en- tainment should not fail to do soon' Thursday evening, and those who did attend will be sure to go again.--- Remember it Is to-morrow evening, at Riverside Hall. WE would call the especial Attention of our readers to the new advertise­ ment of H. Colby Druggist and dealer in fine Fumily Groceries. Ills stock of Groceries is one of the most complete to be f«tmrl in town, arofl he is selling thirteen pounds of first class Sugar for 91,00. and all other goods in this line in proportion. He keeps none but the best of goods, which be is selling at a small wargin above cost, '"live and le t live ' being his motto. Read his adver­ tisement in another column. THE best recipe we know. If you want to be miserable, is to think about yourself, how much you have lost, how much you have not made, and the poor prospect* for the future. A brave man with afcoiii in him gets out of such piti­ ful ruts and laughs xt discouragements, rolls up his sleeves, whistles mid sings, and makes t'ie best of life. This earth never was intended for a paradise.and a man who rises ah«>vo his discourage­ ments and keeps his manhood will only bb the stronger and better lor his ad­ versities.--Kjc. WE some time ago spofceof Cooler's Patent Portable Creamery, for -which nomer Wattles, Es<j„ is ibe Ageut for tiiis aud adjoining Counties* This was last Fall, when it was first brought to the notice of DUirymen iw this seetmu. Since that time «v>e have .been using Butter made Lroiu one of these Cream­ eries, and have JIO hesitation iu saying that it is the sweetest .and most wholesome Butter wo over used on our table. Besides this we know of souie of the same Butter .thai was made early last Fail, and tf tiow Just as sweu.t as the day it was made. We have been led .to make these remarks from the fact it hat an interested party lrae been trepontlng that Butter made from Creatu .that ilid not Sour before ski i|i- tning. would not keep. Now we knowi (this to be i false statemeaL Any commoti-sense matt who will call oh Mr. Wattles and examine thte Cream­ ery canuot fail to acknowledge that it is the. most practicable ..aud useful article for the Dairy ever Invented. THE arrangements tor tho grand Masquerade are progressing favorbly aud everything premises one of the finest parties ever held In McHenry. The tickets and programmes will be issued this week, and as but three weeks remain before the p-arty we pre­ sume those who contemplate attending will be making arrangements about their costumes, and from what we can learn there will be a large number who will attend under masks. T^ie tickets, includiug Supper have been put at the low price of *2,00, and the admission w> the Hall for spectators at 25 cents each. Children 15 cents. It will thus be seeh that those who never dance, or who do not wish to join the dauce. can, for the small sum of 35 cents, have the pleasure of seeing the Maskers, and .going home at tlwsir convenience. The music. Rogers & Gillet's Band, will be composed of Six Pieces, which will furnish music second to none in the Northwest, aud we predict that those who attend will witness one of the finest displays and more fun than v&is over had at a party In McHenry. Re­ member the date, Feb. 8th and be sure aud be ready. Every man. woman and child should examiue Hendersons celebrated Cus­ tom Made Boots and Shews before buy­ ing. For sale bp Perry & Martin. It will pay yau U» eome 40 miles and Buy Boots and Shoes at Wholesale prices at Dwight, & F«orrests, corner Main Street Public .Square, Wood- saock^lU- SINCE the Improvement in the roads business has rapidly improved in this village, farmers bringing in and selling their produce, paying their debts and doing their trading, and the gloom that had settled over the countenances of our business men during mud time is rapidly passing away. When there Is any trade at all McHenry is sure to get her share, and the prospect now is that for the balance of the winter our mer­ chants will have no cause to complain. There is no doubt but that our mer­ chants are doing, as well or better by their customers than any town in the county, and for this reason they lire drawing trade for a distance of many* miles around. Our stores are all #011 stocked, and buyers cannot fail to find what they want by coming to Mo- Henry. OP course every one Is turning over a now leaf; it is the favorite pastime at this season. The leaf is not (infrequent­ ly afiy-ieaf, and pertaineth to a diary, which all begin to keep with a most noble impulse, soon begin to conceal and finally neglect aud despise. And the good resolutions which greet the New Year when the headaches and re­ morse for some mean act sets in, are very reassuring, but. ••Th edevil wa s sick, the D«;vil a safnt would be; The Devil was well, the devfl a saint was he." So it will be with the vast majority of those who determine to start afresh with the New Year. They will resolve to be virtuous and happy, and before six months roll by they will be playing base ball, writing poetry, starting a paper, running for office, or parting their hair in the middle.just as ifthere had never been a New Year's with its headaches aud heartache!!, followed by good resolves. But don't let these re­ minders discourage you. Th? season for good resolutions ha* come* boys; make them mid keep them. IN another column cau be found a Report of the condition of the First National Bank of Woodstock, at the close of business December 28Hi, 1877. It will be seen by perusal of it that It is one of the soundest and best man­ aged Banks in the Northwest.and tlve amount of its deposits also shows^hat its patrons have cot for a moment lost confidence in It. The Report publish­ ed elsewhere is indeed gratifying to its many friends ami patrons; that while many institutions of much more pretensions have gone down with a crash, the First National of Woodstock has moved ou without a ripple, ready at all times to meet every demand mado upon it, aud not at all disturbed by any ups or downs iu the financial world. As we have before said 13 * Henry County lias just cause to feel proud of this <Banking institution. To the able a»<!efticieut Cashier and man­ ager, Mr. John J. Murphy, is this state of things mostly due. He is a natural bom Banker, ever watchful and careful of the interests of thw Institution, and while he Is its manager the First Na- ttoital can never be other than pros­ perous. We recnii)men-d to our readers the perusal ot the statement to be T*i?triiTt No. % Nunda 111* Ro port of my A ' class In tpelling for the two weeks ending Jan. 11th, 1878: Ella Magoon,2-225;Ella Flanders. 225; May Parks, 1-I225 ; Alma Huut. 225; Lizzie Flandetra. 225; Hattia Goff, 1-225; Bridget Doherty, 1-200; Emma Rowley, 225^ Aim a Powers, 3-200; IFenry Rowley 2-225; Mortie Gilbert, 4-175; Plinn Hunt, 1-200; Maud Mack, 200; Chas. Maso».. 125.; Wtu. Doherty, 175; James Iloherty, 225. • v»; A. P. r*WM*Srs, Tfcachcr. tW» H »i >< * { PICREIT$:>Y$ M.IOAZIXE for February is already on our table, aud more than maintains the popularity of this unrivalled lady's book. Wo thought the steel engravings, iu tho January number, could not be excelled bu: the principal one for February. -The Challenge,^" representing a mis- chievqas girl about to throw a snow­ ball^ is, by all odds, the best that has appeared, anywhere, for years. There are many who would give a year's sub­ scription for this picture alone. The stories are even better than usual, and this Is saying the "most that can be said. "Her Creditor," by Frank Leo Benedict. iS'^ery powerful; so also is •'The November Night;" both such stot-ies as one rarely reads iti these days. There are about fifty wood en­ gravings of the latestotylesia fashions, of patterns for the work-table.etc.. ete., besides the usual double-size col­ ored steel-plate of the late Paris fash­ ions. At its price, two dollars a year, this la simply the cheapest of the really good magaziues. If you have not subscribed already, do so at once, or get up a club for it, and earn a-copy free. Specimens sent to get upclubs with. Address tbe publisher, Chas. J. Peterson, 306 C^est^t S£jpei« Plpil- Vdelpliit* ? WOODSTOCK. ( EDITOR PLAIN DEALER :--School eom- tr.eueed Monday morning, Jan.?th,aud the pupils with books aud slates under their arms, trudged to school. The new fashioned bonnets, which resemble night caps, are becoming very but, thev are warm and that Is why the girls wear them (not because they are stylish.) Colfax's lecture tha)t has boon so woll advertised was delivered Monday ovening, Jan 7th. The attendance was very large but manv were disappointed in the lecture. Mr. Colfax had a severo cold and this caused him to speak hoarsely but he speaks naturally very fast, so that much that he said could not be understood, He is of medium height and his hair is quite gray. Ho has been called uSmilliig Colfax" and he justly merits the name. After pay­ ing expenses, the society had about Fifty dollars in cash. Mary Dacy is visiting friends here. A new street lamp has been erected on Jackson Street in front of the Bap­ tist church. It will not ouly light the way* for christians on their way to prayer but to all who pass. KWMH Bauu A HIKTHDA V FAltTY. » RICHMOND, 111. Jan, ntli, 1828. ISIHTOB PLAIJIDEALER:--Permit me through the columns of your paper to mention the surprise party which took place at C. Streets yesterday in honor ol his eldest Son S, G.. who has reached his 50th birthday. (Perhape anything more definite as to the name of the son is unnecessary as his name h-is occurred frequently *u your paper in connection with that of his father's.) We count this visit one of the mostenjoyahfa ©«* casions it has been our good fortune to participate In siuce dar stay In Richmond. TUe guests began to assemble about 2 o'clock p. M. aud by 3 o'clock die house was well filled with the frieuds of Mr. Street, among whom are some ofths most respectable of Hebron citizens, thus showing a respect for him and hia excellent wife that was truly enviable. Between 49 and 50 guests were present te> partici­ pate in the pleasure of the occasion which consisted in social chat aud music, all of which was climaxed by a bountiful supper. One very interesting feature of the 'occasion was the presentation of a beautiful Family Bible, .accompanied by a few remarks by the writer, suit­ ed as lie supposed, to the occasion. We never met a more congenial com­ pany. They gathered iu for a good time and were not disappointed, seeming to forget all about hard times (if indeed they have kuowa lately what thry were. The Supper deserves particular mention. It was provided by the mother of Mr Street. She fs a lady who has reached the advanced age of 78 ye«rs. (Tlte reader will understand that the two families occupy the same honse) She did all tbe baking without the least assistance, and entirely and completely secreted the whole matter from iter daughter-in-law, tlms demon­ strating two things, First that her nattirar strength Is not abated, and secondly that she has lost nono of iliat secretiveness of which women are- nat­ urally endowed. The supper was a complete success li> every particular, both as to quantity, quality, and tho way in which It was disposed of i believe 1 express the feeiiugs of tho entire company when I say, we like to live by this Street and should con­ sider U no offence should his birthday come three times a year with similar demonstrations. F.C. STIKE. HARKED DOWN AGAiaf. 'Overcoats, Underwear, Shawls, Flannels, Blankets; Wool-Lined Boots ami Shoes, "Men and Boys Caps, Ac., &c. marked way down below wholesale prices In order iv close out. VlTZSIMMOMS 4 Kvansox. After yon have looked through all the Boot and Shoe Stocks iu McHenry County, call aud examine quality of goods and get Wholesale prices. At Dwight A Forrests, Woodstock I|l. Prevention Is better than cure.-- Check a Cough or Cold at once which may lead to Consumption, by using Dr. Marshall's Lung SyrtiD. an old, reliable remedy which never falls. Price only 26 cento* «Sold by A. B. Gilbert, Mo- Henry. CHICAGO MARKETS.--'From the Post of Tuesday Evening: Under unexpected light receipts of Ilogs, ami better weather for curing and handling products, there was a sharp upward turn on all articles of provisions at the opening of the mar-' ket, at which advance there was an ac-H tive business, both on cash and specula­ tive account, but toward the close the demand slackened, and the market final ly closed rather tame with part of the advancc lost. Short Ribs closed about .$">.30, loose; Long and Shorts at #5.50; Shoulders (a country lot) «*dd at $2.75, loose, and elty were quoted at $3.62| loose. Oats fairly active and unchangecL-- Rye dropped 1c per bushel under In­ creased receipts.. Barley ruled weak aud l(tf;IJc lower. Business along South Wtter street was dull and unsatisfactory. The re­ ceipts of country produce were limited and the demand rather light, while prices on all articles, except prime gra-les of Butter, were weak aud un­ settled. The weather during the paft 24 hours, has turned colder, and this morning wa« quite favorable for pack­ ing and handling dressed Poultry and n«gs. Cattle quiet and unchanged. Hogs ruled strong and 10@15e higher. Range $3.75@4.10. Receipts25,000,showing a tailing ofl of 19,000 from last Tuesday. Richmond Department. , P*»»ag«r trains pa*« Richmond olfttioa a» follows- OOIWO SOTTTII Gener* I*ako Pa^mmiwr...... Geneva Lake Preijfht Gor*o j*o*TT» Geneva Lake Freight..;; A. * Geneva Lake Pa^aensor..:26 c» X 'Business NotlceW't All classes of Winter Goods helot? Jwtt.nn prieo art PeTry St Martin's. Ur dose. CHURCH DIRECTOR}*, OOMOKlK>ATi«mA(.:rRev. V. J. Di>a«l»a«, Pastor. 8ervic«#at 7^ p. a, MRTWOMST:--Rev. P. V. Wire, Pantnr. ">:•*> A M. 8nbboth Schu^l IIJOAX. J. L. ltowiuiiK, SiipU -MASONIC. t . ItiritMoNO LoiKiB, So. Id, A. r. Jt A. M. Regular Courm-atktn* Mr«t Monday in «nch month 011 or before the lull moon, and the werontl Moo<tay thereafter. ». p. WoOBU, w. m C. G. COTTIHG, Secretary. Collector James K. Bacon has that little pajMjr which tells tax-payers what amount they atre to fliiaitcfally bleed In support of their beloved country amf Its office-holders. o C» Dwight A Forrest carry ffcc ImfPtl stock of Boerts and Shoes kept by an* one firm in McHenr? comity, and sett goods for cash at wholesaler prion. --a ... . » POUNDS- Of To a for Oho Dollar, tho feitf Iho money at Bucklin & Stevens. We make choice Teas a Will make extremly loir self yon m olioice article. drich & Uayibom. The best Woolen Socks for the market for twentjMilfO Perry & Mini in*s. •U- t' "i? :;;4' "A mighty nice stute of afTairt ttifs is," said George, when they raised his subscription on the preachers list, "Gospel going up and pork coming down.'* D. A. Potter left for Chicago Monday morning, to buy goods, we snppose, and1 "Dave" will be pleased to show you­ ths new styles when he comes home and sell yon all yon want for cash «* , n«4y W* *' ..." '< '• - • Business has materially revfvecTsftYce tl»e mud froze up, and the faces of our business men are looking bright atvd happy. Richmond has no cause to complain, as her trade so far doing the winter has been fully up to tfte awrr- t*g*. (jit. yon onght to see those ladders.-- TUe Village Board have them all paint­ ed and fixed up In line style all ready for use we should neetl them In a Are, and the* know where to pnt their hand»on them all on a minutes notice. sh*irr ^'-- w tlMf Parker House Barber Shop. Hair Catting a specialty. Fi. BKUOCt A If tie new or Millinery, III# Ertest styleat Mrs. C.H. Moneys , For bargains in Siilrtln^ Hatifttlr l>:Kierwear, CI«nhlng «.%e., call at Shullls- Aid rich & Haytliom 9 Kiversido Biock. Tinware, from a tin Whistle to Waeh Boiler, at John M. Sutltb's, Mtf' the ifepot. , Just re eel red. at Mrs Money's, ffir finest stock *>f Millinery Goods ever^ brought to McHenry. , ;-- CALL and see the best Coal Stove lis' the-market, at Johu M. Smith's near* tho Depot. Smithy A Id rich Jt Hay thorn are ten usual ready to wait apoir atf who come to see tbem and do it iu a business like way. They will show you all the latest styles and as cheap as you can And tho same a»ywhore, quality of goods considered. We hear that there is a place in town where they give email boys five cents apiece for cats ami torn them loose in their bock room and let their dogs kill them. If tills is a fact and they still persist in it they "had better look a leetle out," or there will be less dogs Iu town. We learn that 6or enterprising tnd go-ahead stock arid produce dealer. Geo. W. Eldredge. is now dressing and shipping 4,000 pounds of Poultry per day! He says if the prices are low and the margins email, all you have to do is to ship morefo make up the balance.-- Well, George Is always ou tho rigbt side. , , ., . E. B. Young, our Teaciior and Prin­ cipal of the school. In reviewing aclass asked a small papil of what the' surface of the e^rlhco-nrsisted, and was prompt­ ly answered "land aud water.*' Theu he varied the questiou slightly, thai the fact might be impressed OH the boy'8 mind aud asked," What, then do land aud water make lo which cam* the imtuodlato response, " "Mud."" Molt any small bey could have au- s we red that qaestiou this winter, or at ; least of late. Col. J. P. 8aufordv the re/iowned Traveler ̂ nd Loctuver.will deliver his celebrated Lecture, "Old Times and Xe vv,'* u udc r t!x» auspI oes o*f t'ie IIIch-. mond Lecture Association, at the Methodist Church, ou Friday evening of this week the I8&I1. Ho conies high­ ly reeomuieiided by both the public and the prossT aud no one should fail to hear hi in. Among the many flattering notices of this Lecture which we hate before us. we glean the following from tho Milwaukee Sentinel of Jan. 1st: "Old Times and New" was the soK ject of ai> entertaining lecture by . CoL •J. P. San ford, at the Academy of Music before the Sunday Lecture Society.-- He is a famous traveler having crossed th© Atlantic nineteen times, and hav­ ing taken his mealo iu every hind on earth. His introduction of himself was very funny, and put him on good terms with everybody !a the house. The lecture was both instructive and very amusing. Should be revisit Milwaukee he will drawweH.** The readers of the Pr.AFXDEALER should not forget the date, Friday eve- nipg of this week, the 18th. LADIES TAKE NOTICE. The Ladies of McHenry and vlcini ty are invited to call at Mr#* S. Searles Millinery and Cloak Making Store, aad examine tho aew fcnd delightful Per­ fume and Lilly White combined.-- Nothing like it has ever been offered for sale iu this place. It is prouounced by all ladies who liavo used it to be the finest aud best In the market. Re­ member you can get a beautiful Per­ fume and Lilly White all in one. Your choice of six different odors. Call and see it, and while you are here examine my Winter stock of Millinery aud Fancy Goods which will be sold at the ; most reasonable prices. ' MKS. 3. SLCAWJKS. Sole Agt'iii for llcilenry. We sell goods for "cash only," and make no poor debts, thereby saving muuev for our customers. At Dwight A Forrpst's, Woodstock III* speciality Me a to «p«Mal Ladles Ctoats. and Cloakltig new patterns of Waterproof at P. Smith's near the Depot. JPn order to ri^Uiwe stock. before *vtrr' annual inventory iirFebruary we will1 make it nu object for aH' to- make tlwfflr' (rurciiase of us. „ , Bf^cKLtir ASiaVKKIi;- ^irKT.F-ff.*!*ntri«fft,Pockerand faii^ Cutlery, iu auy quantity, at Bed-focfe prlces, at John M. Smith's,- near tiMT Depot. _______ •••:*;• •• I»RB.S9 MAKING. • /' Firshiofiable Dress and Cloak nrtaitfif|^-i ; :ils«cutting aud fitting at reasonabl* prices. Mats. Pn. Bare*, Parte* Iioaao^ ' . < '< ^ BUFFALO ROBES. *j %: A largo invoice of the ftiesfi Ro%i# ever brought to this nmrketr .fnst re­ ceived at. Smith, Aldrich & Ha'Vthoru's* Riverside Block. " f - Wi * Ladles do not fail to eaXI at Hirf, More vrs and examine the latest stytol of Millinery Goods. Her stock is covs* plete,aud prices as low us tho lowest. IF in want of a Cook or Heating Stove, do not fail to call at Johu M Smith's, near the Depot, as he cannot fail to please y ou both iu quality and price. THK Store formerly occupied by tfta Post OfRce, opposite the Riverside House, Is ottered for Rent ou reasonable terms. Ladies, call and see those splendtit U new Bonnets aud Hats, at Mrs. Morey^i. 1 She will sell you the latest stvles at tftia lowest price- • :. - ,, i - . ; CLOTHING, ^ Bucklfn '& Stevens tremely low prices on all kinds at Clothing lu the next thirty days. Just received at Bucklin 4b Ktevetitf at McHenry a new and full line of N Seasonable Dress Goods, Shawls la desirable Styles, Prints, Domestic# Cotton Flannels. Bed Blankets, Hom, 1 - f J. e OVBRQOATS, OVEPCOAT». ^ We have a.few left which wis Wftf « » sell at very low prices. If In uoad it will pay you to look them over. SMITH, Anmirn AHAVTMMfe Bnftalo Kobe A. r • • ett", In view of lhe> warm weather tha price of Rob !»as been reduced at Perry & M» .tin's below tlia ItwMt price ever kr wa in tbe coautjr.. 0U1 aud get pric ........ ? S! {, BOOTS & SHOES. . It Is a etmceeded fact that tht lo Cu?to:ti Maie Boots and Shoes hav$ BO superior ou the market. Selec^4 stock. Warranted werfc, Forstfo ay Smith, Aldrich A Haythora. BlitUli# Block, McHenry. . Money to Iiosn. / W SHms of #5(X) aud upwards,on Henry County Farms, at 8 per conti ||k| tercet. Address o>- applv to ASA W. SMlTli, Woodstoek, ZX|« : 13 POUNDS Of Mee Sugar for Out ZMIar at Bucklin & Stevens. W? .a»- 3^1 Buckllu Stevens have a full Hue of Selz & Co's Boot and Shoes, which hava given their customers such universal satisfaction during tho past year. 4., Every pair fully warranted and anteed to give satrsfoetiou; NO HUMBUG. Cillherts Batter Color, will the value of white Butter ft cents pep pound and costs less tl"an on* cent t# color ten pounds. Every Bottle waiw rented to give natlsfinrtioni or money refunded. For Sale hv Draggfsts Grocers generaHy. Ask for it an#takft. no other. Manufactured by ; A. B. GILBERT, McHonry 111« Disease and Death, whou they retell oar own households, are too serious for jesting, we use our best eudeavors ta drive ofl the dread messengers, and are only happy when we feel that they am nt a distance. At the first approach of that fell destreyer, Coasumption, In the shape of a cAngli or slight cold as well as more seyere Bronchial or Ca* tarrh Complaints, we should at once usa Eilert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cher­ ry; It has no superior in such oasm Every bottle warranted tctgivo aatia* faction. SOW by all I><*ugists. • * - :J II '̂8 . • ̂ MAHRIED. M ATTHK WS--I'AUKS--At the realdetwirof 0eo. Park?, raHh» tow n of Xuada, JaoJjttlf JAIIH'X N. Porry, Alberto C% MSLTBEWA an«f Miss Ktniua J. Parts. RCKiKR^--IIAR1JIS--In San Fi«l»c»sco, OaU December «7, bv KL«ler II. P. Carpenter, 1 fet mailto:3.75@4.10

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