Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1878, p. 8

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-fr *r* . >r »j . .»* ™ *£V. ' \4 * v} . -v v • ;!,4; ( • . H<.' "- -•»•». V '-1 !V • iVi. „ " M\ »£*. • $>s, •' ' '""V # - • * ' /- ^J.T, t X 4» ,> rp * •» ' ^ 7*. <* * K-: 5 'J-i&lAi® " A m*#t Wh h • T*$P°cheUe At tilings p ad the ftllo *ay of *• they «•!- fcfr rm •• imy pro- pond t* run their o#i», and foods wirtijttrt pfcyln* for fancy dffks and book keepers, bnaddtth •alts, fine mansions, and all this. Tlity *mtf their •*» -3, BSte"? •>?$, r lta yemr aad It dftlnl prore jgetory. So another man was put ~ |T7. Hi ma Iteae year, and an K§at(on shows a deficit of four tbouaattu u«U*i». Mr. Willsugltby, the Sanager does nat teem to be to blane, it the affairs are wretchedly mixed Hp and there Is a less of four thousand dollars for some one to make. The di­ rectors refused to give the manager a book-keeper on the ground that It was AH unnecessary expense, and be Vtt allowed only OP« *ss!«tant. They farther periodically overhauled bin affairs and lent hie Touchers, so that now there fs no such thing as straight enlng up the affairs. At the Investiga­ tion the deficit was discovered and Mr. Willoughby was bounced at once asd through threats of prosecution made to assume the loss by giving his paper. As soon as he could get alone, however, be determined to get bis pa­ per back or make war, knowing that he was innocent of any Intentional wrong, Mkd he proposes to institute suit at •ace unless they give him up his obli­ gations. Thus the matter stands.--- The moral is that it is better for mer­ chants who have been educated to the "business to run stores, and grangers flito dabble In the business are very >t to get their fingers burnt,'* ' vi'- ; A sharp and aggressive Calvinlstic clergyman, having been introduced to Mr. IngferaoUr persisted in an attempt to draw him Into a religious contro­ versy, which Mr. I, tried t© avoid. The clergyman, not to be foiled, said;14 Mr. Ingersoll, I understand you to have said that you could change to advan­ tage the fundamental laws which gov­ ern the universe--which a wise Creator has ordained for man." M Yes," said Mr. Ingeasoll, *1 have*" "Now, sir." •aid tho inquisitor, triumphantly, "will you be good enough to put your linger upon one single law of nature which your puny wisdom could improve?'* 41 With all the pleasure In life,'* says Mr. Ingersoll; " 1 would make health catching, Instead of dIsease.**---Cfcvc- land Leader. LAUER ft W IW4 ; & 5 SLOVKNLT^GIIAWMAH.--IT Is Impos- Kble to make an angel of a youag lady Who persistently uses bad grammar.-- Ho matter how pretty she may be, or How attractive In outside appearance, m that goes for naught if she says, •HJood mornln* " and "Good eveninY' Suppose she come, like the Queen of f>«ba, "with a very great tf*ia„" and fall to put objectives after her pro­ positions will it not mar tbe glory of •jher coming ? Seriously, should a wo man be called "graceful" who contin­ ually stumbles over her final conso­ nants and says: "Lemmego,'*- "a good ^al," "firs' rate," "'han' me that blot- ten paper?" It's a pleasant thing to llear from the lips of your sweetheart, jrour own especial beloved one, that we resolutely declined young Phit- Iftns's invitations to the theater, but *then the artless maid half closes her l^yes and murmurs, "If be came for me Mi a golden chariot I would not have went!" you don't feel so comfortable, io negligently at ease as you were ftre that last remark of Araminta's.-- pTeraen should not deceive themselves. fFhe most uncouth, illiterate man knows %hat elegant and Correct English is !%hen he hears it. He may not be able #» string three words correctly hlmselft 4iut he sniffs the harmony of a rounded ijentence from afar. It Is instinctive. how workingmen hang upon the ;'|p« of an orator! Of his meaning f|hey know little or nothing, but the ||energy, number and cadence" they ttatch. and the harmonious sound ' |l>leases the ear,--Kermemw Gazette. tQr A Portsmouth man was going East with his wife last week, and the train started ofi very suddenly while he was talking with his friends. He grabbed hold of a woman, chucked her on the train, jumped after her, and away they went fifty miles an hour, with his wife shrieking and tearing her hair ou the platform, and a woman he never saw before going into high pres­ sure in the car, calling him a monster and yelling "Save me T* By a terrible mistake he had got hold of the wrong woman, and tbe conductor, refusing to listen to his explanations, kicked him out of the car, the oreakin an chucked him into the ditch, the sheriff met him before he was half way back to town and put handcuffs on him, and when at last he got home, he saw his business partner holding his wife on his lap and telling her that there were men in the world who loved her much better than her faithless husband ever did. He nays the next time he travels he will Walk. "GERMAN SYKUF." No other medicine in the world was ever giveu such a test of Its dutaftve qualities as Boscliee's German Syrup. In three years two million four hun­ dred thousand small butties of this medicine was distri buted/ree of charge by Druggists in this country to those afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and other diseases of the Throat and Lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that German Syrup will cure them. The result has beon that Drug- gi sti n every town and village in the United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to your Drug- fist, and ask what they know abuut it. ample bottles 10 cents. Begular size 75 cents. Three doses will relieve any case. For sale by Henry Colby, Mo- Henry. Near the MCHENRY1,- ILLINOIS The subscriber* are now prepared with a Stock of FNE CLOTHS of all kinds, to make to order Ooats, Panto, Vests or entire Suite, on short notice and on tbe most Btaseitile T« «*Good Pite Guaran­ teed and, aU Workt.Wat- ranted. r We also Keep a Fnll Line Xsady - Made Clothing, GENTS FsmisMnii Goods Hatsf Caps, &o Hrhich will be sold as low as at nny establishment In the Count jr. Clothes Gleaned In tbe best of maimer and fa,a^:B0ice. LAUER & BECKER. JlcHenry; Feb. 9ftb. 1877 •m-:"; 1879; 1878 HENRY COLBY, DRUGGIST, ) T !<••; v - ' . ; Vfctrn ^AND DEALKtt IK- C H O I C J# ?,% j I B^Preverblal are the mishaps of irill-makere. The law-hooks are full of §he blunders of good people who fond­ ly supposed that in tteir last wills |uid testaments, at least, they had n© mistake. Br.Martyn Palne's ; ««em« to be one of the most curl ©f all. It may be truthfully said Hthat it was the study of his life what ^disposlttea should be made of his ^ ^property tftcr bis death. It was to be ^l^devoted to tlut bonorable perpetuation ^of tho namo of a jon who died by his |owa hand; It wae to vindicate his » | memory from unjust oisplcien. His ^-Jcame waste be enshrined In seats of $ llearning, and there preserved forever. «|Tne manner In wlileb ilm will was / «drawn up showed that this idea had , - ^absorbed the man who drew It, The will was made a volume incize, and handsome copies were prepared tor the libraries, still with the Idea of pat­ ting the son's name in honorable rec­ ord. And now this will is contested on the ground of legal defects, which, it is believed, will invalidate it. When any mortal wants to make his will, let him not spare tbe nton&y that will secure the best legal aid. It is better to spend a Httle on lawyers while you live, than have tbem divid­ ing your estate alter yoa die.--N. Y. , Tribune, It should be the duty, as well as pleasure of all journalists, to impart such useful information to the readers of their papers as well conduce to their well-being and health. If we can save anyone from an hour's pain we have ac­ complished some good in this world.^- Now, we know that the advice we are about to give will save many of our friends from avast amount of suffering, especially those who are troubled with rheumatism, neuralgia, or sciatica. Call on your druggist for a bottle of Lawsou's Curative, and use it faithfully, for any adie, pain inflamma­ tion you may have, and, our word for it you will thank us for our advice.-- For sale by H, Colby, Druggist, Mo- Henry, 111. PUMPS. arge Stock of Adams 'elleorated Kenosha Pumps. The beet Pumps and at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. ' McHENRY, « • • ILLINOIS. I keep constantly"*ohlFiand a large and well selected stor k of Groceries, which I can and will sell at the LOWEST LIVING PRIDES for Cash or lleady Pay. 13 Pounds of Choice Sugar ^.'"lor One- Dollar, . < And all other Goods In proportion Physicians Prescriptions wefully JOHNSBURCH C & N. m r THE PEOPL&- >" i V t •• ^ %t I rn i t W f r • " YJlhi'.- • Vf A,1 ^,'lf I n*'. .41-; f ' * i| fi. L' 4.^ V - 4 ; r r - • i ' ' -'.r i>. h •••'.TJ'". $1* , • >' ^ i'J • r$ii , - r ( XC:> \ r.'i P.'.x'v" « % • 2 < I *^1 «4 ^ 1 . y ... ft -j. f- ^'h:v r .S i CHICAGO A KORTH.WKeVnn MttVA MUM 1 "AiNaarfl ffi* M ts ntrat%«oa* • the iborteit THE Embraces iinder one ma Trunk Hallway Lines , NORTH-WIST, and. wi Branches and connertlonir, and quickest ronte lietween Ckieafo n| all points in Illinois, Wisconsin,, Northern MlehU gnn, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, California and the Western IVriitories. Its Omaha and CaVt#orn|a Un# lathe shoi-test and best ronte between Okkal Illinois, Iowa* _ ^olrado, utak Nevada, California, Oregon, CMna, Japan and Australia. Its Chicago, St. Piiwl so and nil points fn Northern Illinois, Iowa* Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Cbolrado, uta| BWInn-- polls A Lino- Is the short- lino be!*r«en Chicago" ssfi stt points in Northern Wisconsin and Mfnnc and for Madison, 8t. Paul, Minne luth, and all points in tbe Great Northw HPMRY Mmi anil Foreign Marble. Monuments, Headstone^ IILIL American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mo- Henry, III. «i! i i > M. Aug. a>th, MTT. Johnsburgh, 2: »£•?>%* FOUNDRY AND HtmlyicL B. Its LaCrowe, Wiaaaa ft St. ?eter Una Is the best route between Chicago and £<!• Crosse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, Mail* kato, St. Peter, New Ulna and all point* fit Southern and Central Minnesota. It* Green Bay & Marqaetts Lias is theonly line between ChicaK» and IMM ville, Wetertown, Fon rtu lac, OBhkncb, A*, pleton, Green Kay, iHranabfl, Neflaaat ; Marquette, Houghton, Hancock and tke La Superior Country, its Freeport & Dubuque line ^ Is the onl.r ronte between Chicago and Etrili Rockford, Freeport and all pourts via Frei ' port. Its points y Chicago & Milwaukee Line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the onlfe one passing l»etween Chicago and Evanstoli- Lake Forest, Iliglilnud Park, Wsukegaa* Rncine, Kenosha and Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Rem * ^ars ^ Proprietor. -.5 ..-A'. ' , U ;:i,'-.fSfikfyil' , • Jdry and Machine Shop, and is now prewired ,to do all kinds ol Casting for Machinery, on •'short notice and in the best of manner. We also manufacture the celebrated Gale Wind jMill. ' Repairing of all kinds done promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed. , Threshing Machines repaired on short ne> i tlce. Orders solicited. » WARI> B. OAl.a. - McHenry, 111., April 4th 1877. " 'jV i.-iifiaifS' .... : I rodncts of Looms of England Trance, Germany, China, Japan, and United States of Aftiericiti ' FASHIONABLE; '•J*'," «. COLBY. "Mellenfy, Jan. 15th. 1878. i> 5 ---- • • • il'rtt'ittinni NOW IS THE TIME PwnitTiw --<MT-- ipared to give bet^ ever. Ctfn ; lam now ter Bar save you 10 PER CENT f On all kinds of Furnitureir^^ have the most complete stock of COFFINS MS CASKETS Of aU styles and sizes, to be found in the County. Give me a call and I will be pleased to show my stock W& give prices. s Pt MSFTbn Cuban war is brightening • *P again, tbe Spaniards baring met' with heavy losses, the knowledge of which they hare endeavored te sup­ press.' The * patriotsw have lately burned five Hrge mgar estates, cap­ tured and 8«eked the Spanish town of Vuevitac, besides a large army supply train, tliereby inflicting a great loss on the Spaniards. The next news will undoubtedly b© from Spanish sources and inform us that the rebellion is "suppressed." Thus it has fftlar ^in«r twelve years. WINTER GOODS, Of all kinds will be offered at gain prices for the dtBuiikli B&8U Bar- FOREST & STREAM ROD AND GUN "AWeekly Journal devoied to Field and Agnatic Sports, practical Natural Hietory, Fish Culture, the Proteetiou of Game. Pre servjttio* of Forest.% and the Iiicnlcation ia men and women of a healthy Intercut In out- door recreation and study. Published by forest & Stream Publishing Co --AT-- HO 111 (old XO 1«8) FULTON STREET *. Y. [POST OFFICE Box 2832] XZEVS, $4 A YEAS. IW ASVAVCX Twenty-five per cent off for elnbs of tteee o* more. Advertising Rates- Innde pages, nonpareil type, 25 cent* per line; ontside |»Ke, 40 cents. .Special rates fin- three, six and twelve month*. Notices in editorial coininns, SO cents per Itno. , * Advertisements should be seat in by Satur­ day of each week. If possible. All transient advertisements must %• ae- com\«ni<;(l with the money or tbey will not be inserted. ItatMbliMhed 1805, * ' GILMOKE & CO., Attorneys at Law, AncecMMM-* to ChlpniMi, H««mer St OSt* 629 F Street, Washington, D. G - American and Foreign Patents. Patents procured in all countries. Mo rcs8 Ifi AUVANCK. No charge unless the patent il granted. No fee* for making preliminary exaiat> nation*. No additional fees for obtaining and condiK titiK a rehearing. Special attention (riven to Interference Case* he for# the Patent Offlc* Extensions liefore Oonirress, Iiifriiifrement Sails in dilferent States, and all litigation apjtortalB* Ing to Inventions or Paieui*. SK.NU STAMRROFT PAMI'III.KT Of SIXTY FAUKK. United States Courts and Departments. Claims prosecuted in th« Supreme Court of tke United ̂ tatex, Court of Claims, Court.of Contmi*. sioners of Alabama Clt^iiUH, Souther a Olatm Commlssiun, and all classes of war claims bcfqre tbe ExeeutivM l>epartments. Arrears of fay and Bounty, OrncKKR, M»t.j>ttcitR, and ^AII.OIIK of tbe late war, or their lieiro, are in intiuv ensex itnUtled to mofiey fiom liieOoveriunent, oif which thtfy liar* no knowluilgM. Write- full history of service, and state ainoiiui. of pay and bounty received. l£a> close stamp, and a full reply, after examination, frill be given you free. Penaieas. All orrioEHa, «oi.i>i«its, and NAIMMIK wounded ruptured, or injured in the late war, however slightly, can oltmin a peiiKiou, many now recelv ing iwneittiis me entitled to tin Increase. Send stamp and iuforiniitiou will he furnished free. United States General Land Offlee. Contested 1.11 od Casen, Prlvnte I.and Claims, tffining Pru-eiiiptiouand UomeMiead Ca»es,proM* cuted liefore 1 he (leueral I^tnd Office and Depart­ ment of the 111 ter lot. Old Bounty Lead Warrants. The litst liepori of the Commissioner of the General I.and OlllcetdiowsS.Si^AOO acres of Boun­ ty l<aitd WarraniM ontMtaiidUig These were le­ aned iiudei act of 1866 and prior acts. We pay cash lot-them. Send hy regia'ered tetter. Where assitruinents me imperfect we give instructions to perlect tliein. Each deiwrtmeiit of our business Is conducted In a separate bureau, under the charge Of expe­ rienced lawyers and clerks. Hy reason of error or fraud many attorneys are suspended from practice before the Pension and other offices each year. Claimants, whose attorneys have been thus «ti«>|iended. will be graiiiitoii»ly fiirui»liMU with full iuformation and proper papers on application to in. An we ciiarire no fee tiniest) successful, Siampp for reiurn pm<t:ttre shonld be sent us. I.iheral ;iiTuutreiueni« made with atUnrneys in all classes of business. Address G-LLMOKE & CO., P. O. Box 44. WtiaUington. J>. 0. WtMtiNSTOtt, 1). C., November 24,1STC • I lake pleiuiiirn in expressing my entire conn- deuce in the rexpontibilUii and fidelity of the Law, Potent, and Collection House of GILHOBI A Co, of this city. GEO. H. B. WHITE, {Gu*ki«r it?the National Metropolitan Ban* ) is not easily earned in these times, but it can be made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at tho employment that we furnish.-- Hi" |K>r week in your own town. You need not be awavfrom home over night. You can givebyour wholetimc to the work, or only your Hj>are moment*. We have agents who arc ma kind over fiO per day. All who engage at once can n»akemoii<?y fast. At the present tiineiuoney CAMW t i>e made HO easily and rap- du at any other business. It costs 110 thing o try the business. Terms and $5 Ontiit free tddress at on«efIL UMIAKITM, Vor fP«rt«t»l Maine. • ' As Low a8 any other House in ;he county. Domestic Cotton Cheaper than at any time within the memory of the oldest inhabi­ tant. WaidD^idode,;,,!, FastCoIored Calicos, Caiiw, lawls, j-t'i Ac., Offered at the Best Bargains in four counties. ALSO A FULL ASSORTMEHT OF ' • *v*' \" + Boots, Shoes, \ t'.{ *" mJ-%c", 'X »."A J iV; :a'. ; . Hats, fcEADY CLOTHING, Groceries Of the best quality, and which will be sold at the Lowest Rock- Bottom Prices. Give us a call and* inspect Goods and learn Prices. -- i PERRY i mm McHenry, Dec. ltot, Wp*I I A pr*l?CT H A N MOM EST, 1 CHEAPEST, BfcaiTl Now is the time to subscribe for the Cricket on the Hearth , The people's favorite Literary and Family* Journal. It is a mammoth Ki page, (U column Illustrated paper fsi/c of Harper's Weekly,} filled with splendid Serial and Short Stories, Sketches, l'oems, Useful Knowledge, Wit anil Humor, "Answersto Correspondents," Puz­ zles, Games, Popular Songs, etc., etc. Lively entertaining, a nusing and instructive. The largest, handsomest, best and cheapest paper of Us eln.«s published. Only $1 per year, with large and handsome chromo, "Stnilious," or 75 cents per year without premium. In order to introduce it into Xew Iloines, we make tho following special otl'ers: Special Offer No. 1--Upon receipt of only 25 cents we will send the Cricket on the lleartlt for four months on trial, and one pair of elegant French Oil Chromos, free. : Special Offer No. 2--For on© three ceht stamp we will send a specimen copy of the Cricket on the Hearth, and a copy of n beauti­ ful lithographic engraving entitled "The Proffered Kiss," free. Address, F. M. LUPTON A CO. Broadway, New York* CHEAPEST AND BEST. CBCAGO The People's Paper 1 92 columns filled with Editorial, News Ag' rleultural, Miscellany and Market Reports. . One Copv 1 year. Postage paid... c. .f^irUrA *>r».a^n trn I'ftid 70c, •.•..wW* Clubs of^Five, Postage Paid. Clubs of Ten, Postage Pai<J. , Olubaof Twenty, Postage Paid... THE DAILY P0ST^ f ;i| Ontt Year, Postage Paid..... ..CJO® Parts of a Tear ia Proportion. W*> propose to greatly en la rge the DAILY POUT during Octoiler, after which the price will be $10 per year, jMistage paid. All who subscribe before onlarnement. at the present rate of $7 will receive the enlarged paper to the end of their time without extra charge. Same terms to Agents on both Dally and Weekly as la»t v'ear. Address THE TOST. 3 MDaarbornSt., Ohlcagoi ftr£.rnn.on through trains on tbts This is the ONLY LINE running thsao ean between Chicago and St. Paul and Mian*, a polls, Chicago and Milwaukee, Chicago and W inona, or Chior,go and Green Bay. Close connections are m.ule at Chicago with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mich* igan Central. Kultimore and Ohio, Pittaburc. Ft. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Koutes, for all points EAST and 8OUTII EAST, and with theCMcajp, and Al. ton and Illinois Central for all points 8OUTH. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R* R., at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections made at Junction pointr with trainsof all ffross points. Tickets over tliis route are sold bv all CToU' pon ticket agents hi the United State* aad Canada. ltemeniber you as* for ymr ticket# rfa tha Chicago & Northwestern Railway and take none others. New York Office. No. 4fH Broadway; Boston Office, No, 5 State Street; Omaha Office, MS Farnham Street; San Francisco Offlee, IK Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Office*. 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 7$ Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzle Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Street*; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kiasl* Streets. , For rates or information not attainable froai your home ticketagents^apply to KABVIK HUOHITT General Supi. ^W.s. STPSKXtT. Gen'l Pn8se;.ger Agep| V'M:> y rtli't- J. STORY, At ftia oM fltand opposite theKtV ' McHENRY ILL, . 7 { . • -i Raring enlarged his Store is nolr l^ttit than ever prepared to furnish his cnatoMera and the buying public generally with Hardware, Stove*, Tinware, » : v i ; AO, > At Prices Lower than *rer beiHre flberwV I* this sec tion. We have la stock »large vmrttif of the leading Eealiif Ste?8j. Of different styleikAnd makes, which II ntes the public to call and examine ana ne i) prices before purchasing. we Is mr> It is almost unnecessary .to call the allajb tion of the public to the fact that we keep constantly on hand a large stock of 8he 11 Hardware, Nails, Table and Pocket Cutler}. Tinware, Galvanized Band Iron (Barbed) fe* fence, Itarbed Wire, Shovels, Forks, etc., m fact, everything found in • first<e!ass Hard­ ware Store. 5IcHeniy, !r<w. »tl», 187T. E. M. OWEN --DEALXEI3T- ^OODS, liana a cnoice T©¥ of OWS of the best make, which i& se.liug at tbe LOWEST PRICES for Cash. Also Farm and Democrat. W A G O N . S t PANNING MILLS, The CeletrateH Kenosba FSBPL &C*p Call at my Warehouse when fas want of anything1 in my line. vji !"J • * a '-<.wr McHenry, Sept 25th 1877 Please bear in mind that a hazy light is just as good and oftimes better than sunshine for taking pictures.-- Only come early in the day and w*- will nlnaan vnn Pvftrv time. S. MkvtAK, Woodstock. n' yC""- • . j y mT

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