Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1878, p. 5

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?.<& j- .. A - &':£k$M mtmmm*# mam mua JTEDNESDATF, MARCH 8th,187S. - RaitroadTime oocro^ocTH. nfff 6«i«nt»1nPi QtMTk Lake Vrelfh uftv»d "n- ?fr 7«A.Jt 1:18 P. K. eoraoiroKTS. I*** P*M«**er : • -.!?... .T*fr. W. a Jon* ft. Cotwr, ef Clifton, III., spout nJfew days tn this village last weefci • AT & raffle for a Buggy at Johnsburgh \taat week, a man by the name of Shades Was the lucky one. ' ^ J. Gatis has put in the first gsr- ifth Meeds of the sea?on. a* wesaw Mm Unking garden March 1st. * ^ ThE Good Templar* aire making arrangements to give an eutsitaiunient , Itfeout the last of the month. . THE Cantata of " Esther," at Rlver- e Hall, on Friday and Saturday evening*, March ISth and 16th, for the hfnefit of the McHenry Corbet Band. " KLEIFGKN A SON hare moved Hktr PaintShop from near their resi­ dence to the street West, and it now stand* nearly opposite the Universallst Slittrch. ' i.U .. WE would EALL the attentloaef our readetsto the card of Dr. Anderson, to be found in another column. His office can be found at Gilbert's Drug More, on the West Side. Wg have received the proceeding^ tthe Teachers Meeting, held at Ntfn-eu Saturday last, but they are una­ voidably crowded out this week, but will appear in our next. . Jos. DRAPER has sold two lot* just couth of J. Wiedemann's, near the Rail­ road, to J. W. Zelgles and Mr. Henzle, PjUo will immediately build residences «fi the same. ;• " • • ^ . v. i # WE Inadvertently omitted to Notice iflftt week the arrival of a stranger at MM residence of Mr. Becker, of the "firm of Lauer & Beeker, Me reliant Tail-, crs. It is a young lady of tender years, i$gid weighed pounds. ^ ' TICKETS will be issued In * few days fbr a Sheet and Pillow Case Party, to fell held at the Riverside House, in this village, on Monday evening, March 18th. The best of aqslc will be in at­ tendance and a good time may be ex- . pbcted. I jjjWs would call the Attention of our Hdy readers to the new advertisement II Mrs. Dodge and Miss Stocker, Dress «nd Cloak Makers, which can be found III another column. Tliey have lately opened rooms opposite Perry ,A Mar­ tin's store, and are now prepared to do #ork in this line in the best of manner dfnd at reasonable rates. Read their ^Ivertlseinent. ' J.J. GILLIES and Thos. Knox are building a large Scow, to be used in fringing down wood from the Lukes. It is to be 50x16, and three feet deep. They will have it ready to run in about two weeks, and can bring down about SO cord* a* a time. Those having wood at the Lakes will then be able to' j|£H it, a thing it is almost impossible |V» do now, as it cannot be hauled in ~|he present condition of the roads.-r- fhis Scow can alse^e used for .towing ,||p lumber and other things deetined J^ir the Lake. 1 PREPARATIONS are now being made --*0 put the Steamer "R. Emerson** in fanning order for the season, and it is expected that it will be in better ?.« accommodate the public than .-•liver before. They will pnt In | new 'Ifteel Boiler, much larger than the old ^ne, enlarge t|ie wheels, and 6therwise Improve It, and it is expected that the -iipeed will be Increased full one-half. • Vhejr will be ready to make trips as Ipoti as the hunting and fishing season Commences, of which due notice wlllbe • ' : ; / : • 5 THE McHenrv Cornet Band have fitted »p a room over Bishop's w»re- f'., j|euss, whercthey meet for .practice or • While away au evening in reading, etc. f,^*h*y have fitted it up la nice shape, down a carpet, ornamented the rails with fine pictures, put In papers ,, 4nd books, and otherwise made it a ;.<r pleasant place of resort. They have |l§o adopted rules, prohibiting card r ! jblaying in any form, and in short have ^jlone Joist what they should do to make ' ^hls room a plcasantand profitable r{;|)lace of, meeting for all members of V< 41te Baud Club, and by the way none w ithers are admitted. As we said be-! /lore it Is a neat and tasty room, and an '^jjjeuor to the McHenry COfrtet Band. THE meeting on Thursday evening »e Our citizens have decided to again bring out the Cantata cf 01 Esther, the Beautiful Queen," this time for the benefit of the McHenry Cornet Band, ind we hope to see them get a rousing benefit. As we said last week, the Band ever since their organization have furnished music for every enter­ tainment or gathering gotten np by our citizeus, never charging a cent therefor, and it Is no more than right that tney should' now have a benefit to pnt a few dollars In their treasury, to help them aloug with their necessary expenses. It is true nearly all our cituciM h&vs seen this entertainment oiice or twice, but they must confess never better rendered than by those who now have it in hand, and it will certainly prove Interesting still, while to those who have never seen it we would say this is probably your last chance, and you should not miss It. They have decided on Friday and Sat­ urday evenings of next week, 15th and 16rh, as the time. Bear this in mind and make your arrangements accord­ ingly. ' • •• . • & •. MISS AOTTA WKLI.NER, late of the Kellogg English Opera, Assisted by the musical talent of McHenry, will give a Grand Operatic Caucert, at Riverside Hall, in this village, on Thursday, (to­ morrow) ev^nihg, March 7th. Mrs. Wcllner comes highly recommended by the. Eastern press, having received high ovations ^ wherever she has ap­ peared, and we confidently predict for our citizens a grand musical treat on this occasion. We hope to see River­ side Hal! pstcked to Its utmost capacity en this evening, tor It is not often that our town is honored with an entertain­ ment of this kind. Below we' give the progr^mnie of the evening in fyll: } P&OGltAilMK. • • V1 ' Fart # Music McHenry Cornet Band. Sole--Piano Uunter Tag. Mi 48 Mat tie MfOtnber. Duetto,. ....Spring Returning. Mrs. C. T. BHflredgc and Mro. Litette Nichol. Kellogg Walse, ' Anita -- ArelittL Wellaer. 9olo-PUno.... Pitre aa Snow. . Mia* Mattie McOmber. Duette--Scotch, J. Megtll. Cly<lie Nichol and Freddie Raeo. Eillcen Allanna ....J. Tbomaa. Anita Wellner. ' . r f f : PAKt-'lit' h-| ...Ha il Solo---Piano, Enticement. „ , Miss Mattie McOmber. Increase of Crime....... Anita Wetlner. Sweet By and By,.Freddie Race. .Fisher. Hornuipe Medley,........V.. Miss Mattie McOmber. SeonAs That Are Brighter, Misa l.izette NichoL QMto Diva, .. Anita nobler. .Kwiumu Vorma. Slack. '•ifJ Home Sweet Home, Mlxs Mtttie McOmbelr. ;., .----?ti4£ ,„r. m ;' '.-PaKleiilar Notlee^,-. niM. tehearsHl for the Citiifata IIT ' jftut ;|an „'r 44 Esther," will be held at Riverside Hall, on Tuesday evening of next week, the 12th. at which time it is re­ quested that all who took part before will be present. The Committee have found it impossihh* to see every singer person ally, but Wish all to consider themselves asked to take part as be­ fore. If there any who for any cause find it impossible to do so. it is request­ ed that they leave word at the PLAIN- DEALER office as soon as possible. Re­ member the time of rehearsal, Tues­ day evening next. WALSH & HOWARD, of thw West Side Meat Market, thankful for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them in the past, would !uform their friends and tiie public generally that they have secured the services of a first-class Butcher, aud are now better thau ever SPUMTKRa Muddy and blustering weather. |s that news?. ...Anita Wellness Concert at Riverside Hall to-morrow night........We prefer a Pancake, with 492 gralus in it The boys are bound to see uEsther" again next week. The rest of the girls will get' jealous If you don* t take car* boys.... ....Satan will hereafter be spellod with a little s........Hurrah, let's make a double standard of dried "ap­ ples That new cross-walk has been named and is a great convenience to--pedestrians who are obliged to go that Way Lent commences to­ day, March 6th.........Hen fruit is worth 30 cents per dozen lu this mark­ et Times are awful *hard but wi h industry one is able to borrow trouble The nails sticking up in many of the sidewalks in town are responsible for a largo amount of pro­ fanity.... .. An exchange says the 9500 greenback! have a six-toed genius on the back. They might have a split- eared rhinoceros there for all we know to the coutrary..... .It 14 really as­ tonishing how much mud a fellow will iget on his boots when going home from the Good Templars Lodge. Wonder if he got on the wrong side of the street? ..Agood deal has been said about the wickedness of "back doors" but we know a North window in a certain brick block that will be the ruination of some one if they don't (iookaleet]e out." Bucklin & Stevens are still selling 14]- pounds of SUgar for One Dollar, and other goods to suit the times When you see a couple standing at the gate be care­ ful you don't mistake the old lady for the girl. It ain't pleasant. ^Fatted calf for one!" Fltzsimmons & Evanson are offering rare bargains lu all kinds of goods. Call and see.... ... .Who stole that kitten f Echo an­ swers The matrimonial market has been extremely dull the past month, with the exception of a few "engagements" nothing of importance having transpired. Madam Rumor now, however, . reports a transaction soon to take place, whereby a heavy dealer will purchase a small but choice lot. No competition, but prices firm. P. D. Smith has a new adver­ tisement this week, which all will do well to read,.......The cry of the owl is now a significant one: "Hoots hoo?" Great thiukers nre not apt to be great whistlers. When a tnan ein't think of anything he begins to whistle There are some who believe the devil is white. Bob! Halloo there, Bob Ingersoil! Own up that you are guilty.... ...Six foot two was going up the street with his coat tails stand­ ing straight out behind, and his liair all on end, while little two foot six was close in the renr with blood in his eye Speed is everything, especially when courage is lack'ng In an argn« ment the man who can't hold his own is always the maddest Perry A Martin are receiving new goods week­ ly, and thereby keep their stock tail aud complete. Their prices^ are bed rock......He was saying", "As the pearly columns of smoke in a winter's atmosphere rises unbroken heaven­ ward, so my heart ri«es to thee. As the sunflower follows th* cruel sun which gives It life, so my heart follows thine. As the blue brook funs its un­ hindered course to the sea, so my soul, in slavery, goes to thee." Said she, "Henrj\ now tlint we're engaged, will your nail blade cut corns?". And while you thiuk of it do not fail to call at Smith, Aldrich A Haythoru'*, ia Riverside Block, and examine their fine assortment of Goods,-#«rw prepared to furnish their customersWm "spreading with Meats of al| kinds of the best quaK « full of ice. Hemlock weather^ ify and at prices to suit tiie times. i ifr iot>jfecjb bo to I I . v e r y c h e a p house.' The roof *rr;n| Thi nietj not the Sausiige line we cannot be beat, our business and second to none in the n, battened State. Give us a call and we will suit " you with anything in our near the Depot, McHenry. >i! .'-I , e Sausiige line we cannot be beat, as**3r,*cy * me root r workman is a practical man (h the j jtrnii^ An i-^ sinesft and second to none in the battened nv«r ysmr NUN OA- EDITOR PLAIWDEAC.ER ^&»rljf last Saturday morning a rumor to the ef­ fect that President Hayes had been as­ sassinated was brought hj a traveler who came from Belolt, Wis., and who gave, as his authority for the news, th* telegraph operator at that place. No­ body put any confidence In it oven fbr a moment, although it was brcught from the south also. Nobody took any pains to'ascortalh the truth oft he matter because it was utterly disbe­ lieved from the first. We have not heard how, nor can we see why such a report was started. Warner, Watson & Chspln, a tran­ sient company, have had the Waikttp store partly filled With a general as­ sortment of goods out of which they have been selling at auction. Many people had the opportunity of passing by their Home stores and buying goods at the auction where th^y sometimes paid less, but usually as much-- often a iMp.tlr, more than they would have had to pay their own merchants for goods of like kind and quality. I know their rooms were weli-vislted but whether well-patrouized or not I cannot say be­ cause I, for one, will not encourage such a business even by my presence, however much or little It might be worth. Self-interest, as well as my In­ terest lu my town, demands that I put confidence in the meritorious mer­ chants at home--and we have three of them. The traveling Auction-men know Veil how to make rich profits from the '•Penny-wlae-pound-toolish" traits of the people, and (I hope T am mistaken when 1 say it) Nuuda is a fertile field for them. Warner, W & Co have gone but others will probably be along to unload more cheap goods. Earnest Beardsley and tals bjrother- in-law, Jno. Lund, of Kenosha, recently started for Kansas whither Mrs. Beard­ sley aud Mrs. Lund will go very soon. The men went provided with lumber for houses, horses, huuaehold and farm­ ing utensils and with the iutetitlonof locating farms. As we see -our two old friends. Earnest and Maggie, leave us it seems that a pleasant friendship Is about to end tor they will become absorbed in that pioneer life while we will be wholly occupied with the never-ceasing changes of this. It is not possible to see old friends go away, probably te remain, without feeling sad. But no such feeling have prevented the development of the West as yet, and we shall always en­ joy seeing our pioneers go from among our intelligent and worthy peo­ ple. The youug couple goes with the best wishes aud God-speed of a large number of friends, young and old. M. Smith and family also are intend lug to remove to Kansas soon. By the means Nunda will lose a good citizen and a good artisan. The ladies, es­ pecially in tne church and temperance societies, will lose a strong friend aud a zealous co-worker. All wish thein success and prosperity. We are indebted to M. F. Ellsworth, N uiul a correspondent of the Woodstock Sentinel, for the facts concerning the work which is progressing at the Pre­ serving Department of the C. L. P. A Pi Works--works known to be prepar­ atory to some manufacturing business. It ta a pleasure tc help quash disagree­ able rumors by quoting f(fremMiJ E--* account of his Interview with A. J. Russell, Sup't Janesville P. A P. Co,) "That as' to the business te be conduc­ ted in the brick building, that himself aud partner were to control that; and so far as that business was concerned it was simply a branch ef the pickle business." "Success say we" "too Mr. Paamager traiaa MW Hiebntcmd atatioa a* follow** oOuro sotrr* 1 Geneva Lake Paapenger Geneva Lake Freight QOIHU HOMT# GeaevalAfcei-ragat.... .. Geneva Lake Passenger.... KM. m D. A. Potter has just received a oe'ir invoice of Qoods. Call and see theas. A. S. Wright Is building a barn and Intends te keep a Livery Stable this Summer. , » Snrlth, Aldrich A il ay thorn aN In­ voicing goods and getting ready for new Goods and Spring trade. Have you tried thosfe Rifle Team, Five Cent Cigars at Alexander A Hyde's, if net go and see 'em. .Come out and hear the great Concert to be given by the Clement Bros. A Forrester, In the Baptist Church March 6th. * G. W. El dredge bought*** fast week several hundred Turkles, and iome of them came from eighteen to twenty miles. Eldredge is known *s a first class buyer for miles around. Everybody should come out and hear the Concert to be given by Prof. Stan­ ley and the High School, In the Bap­ tist Church March 7th. Proceeds to go to buy Dictionary and ether rtfteded articles lu the School. School Boohs and Writing ft|n Cheap, at O. W. OwesX Stoves ef all kinds cheaper than fen can steal them, at John M, Smith'*atfcr *** Depot . % ; IJ- ; Sweeter Yet. f"{:* •; t fi 14 Goed p Sugar rer fl at P. Dl Smith's. - a ; KEEP YOUR FEET WARM, " Good W«*9 XHied Boots «lfi0 per ,, pair at Alrtrioh A Haythenft, | Rlvevsidg Blsck, McHe:irjr. ;. At C«*,Overco«U. At Bneklln A 8tevens« ^ We rnnke liselce Teat i mcfsHiy# , ,,,f' Will make etwsoly left prices mid L *; Mil yon m articler wmtth# JIX* „ dridi A Hay them* i ® i in There is to be a Donation Party at the Richmond House, for the benefit ef the Baptist Minister, on Tuesday, March 12th. Everybody is Invited to come, and don't forget that most es­ sential part, money. That is what he ueeds at preaent, ---- 4T W. S. Eroanbrack has bought this place formerly owned and occupied by Dr. Hyde and moved in last week. We are glad to see She p. op our streets again as one of our townsmen. His brother, P. J. Ercanbrack, has moved into the Russell Fuller house and In­ tends to remain there the coming summer. ./last for the ^ r«»o« ...v. purpose of taking some mwffteps to secure ground^ for a perma- !lient Picnic Grounds at Fox Lake, to fa owned by the citizens of McHeni'y, was well attended and It was decided - kfjfo draw up a subscription piper and -i^piradate it among our citizens, so that . all who deeired might take a Share therein. This paper Is now being cir­ culated and it is hoped our citizens will take hold of die matter ia earnest, pnd by a united effort secure one of the _ ^finest locations on the Lakes, ft is m |be known as the McHenrjr Picnic • iliiGrounds. and will be'a free resoit fot who visit the Lake# fee Picnic er Spring Grove School. The following: is a correct report of our spelling class for the two weeks ending March 1st: Eliza 260, Libbio Hendricks 250, Ophela Hen­ dricks 6-250: Emma Crane 1-250: Lydia Thomson 3-250: Cora Turner 2-150: Ida Turner 3-175: Edward Turner 2-250 Orrin Sliter 8-225: Cora Sliter 12-225 Libbie Hendrit^s 7-250: Jennie Wilson 16-22& ' Edwin ,Holdermap 15-225: Fraijk Sliter 18-250: John M^r 250 i^Ibert Reading 17-200. r ' ALTSOK TeAetor. Ladies Lined Shoes reduced te 91, former prior #1»50, at: FiUqimmons A Evaiksou's. i LIST of FETTERS I^matiiibrg at the Post Office, in McHenry, llar^h 1st, 1878: Mrs. Brnhon, Mr. L. Buhner, Stewart Campbell, L. J. Cale, Fredrick G. Darling, 3. John Danigan, John Fox, Alvaro A. Heath. Minnie Haughtaling, Cletnont BtoXer, Erastas Thornton.-- Persons calling for the above will please say advertised. J. B. PRAM*, r. It POULTRY WAITED. The Highest. Market Price paid for Q T Eldrnd^^r;the P*!'"*- • . M • '•* •'"' "-WASTED. -"."t'Mi.r, 5000 pound* of Choice Butter, for which we will pay the higl»e?t market price in Goods at cash value. PlTZSIMMOHS St EVAWSOK. Bargains at the Nine Cent Store.-- MettoV 2 to 80 cents each. Nice Pa­ per Collars, $ cents per box. • nm >r- 0 ̂•• ' "i- f/i SCHOOL KKPORV. Below is given the report of the Mc­ Henry Public School .for the mouth ending March 1st,. 1878. WhQle num­ ber enrolled 149. Average daily at­ tendance 120. Whole number of visi^ ton 30. HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Whole number enrolled 58. Average daily attendance 47. Number tardy 10 Number neither abseut nor tardy 14^ viz: Eugene Perkins. Chas. Si after, Fred Colby, Willie Bonslett, Gerty Bonelett, Effle Tiltou, Hattle . Smith, Belle Stoddard, Chas, Owen, Charles Granger, Frank McOmber, Stella Beckwltn, Kate Kelter, Ella loiter.-- Number of visitors9. INTERMEDIATE liE PARJ-M EKT.--LljCt A* WAKE. TEACHER, / Number pupils enrolled 50. Average d*Hy attendance 40. Number tardy 13. Number neither absent* nor tardy 23, viz: Willie Best,Mabel Ford, Frank Fay, Peter Bulir, George McOmber, Phil Mayes, John Bishop, Cera Mc­ Omber, Willie Went worth, Howard Perry, Maggie Halpin, Mill Stoddard, Nick Bishop, Millie Waite, Clara Wright, Etta Rosenberger, Stacy Clark, August Norquest, Elena Beck- tylth, Bell Beckwith, Henry Reveir, Bert Colby, Walter Wright. Number of visitors lb. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. - yilt n %Tfh • TORRANCE, TEACHER. Number enrolled 41. Average dartl^ attendance 33. Number tardy 1 ir-" Number neither absent nor tardy 9, viz: Nicholas Buttr, John Buhr, Lena Gilles. Frank Gilles. Mary Griswold, James Halpin, Wallie Moray, Fred McOmber. Russell and his enterprsle," but we feel' but little thankfulness far the sneer .^""Itliat Is thrown out to us because we feel a natural interest in an institution which the sneerer himself acknowl­ edges to be one that will add business and wealth to our village. A« such, and in that respect it Is our business. (The rest of the sneer I take mainly as a personal matter aud will iutrude no reply on the attention ot your readers.) RINCWOOO- " • £LAIN DEALER i--Th#*n%#th- •r for the past week has been quite Spring-like. Some of our farmers have plowed and sown wheat. ^ Mr. Peter Whitney made this place a Short call last week. Mr. Gtoorge Smith, of Elgiitv if here at present, for the purpose of sell lug or renting his farm. Mr. John Rain thorp has moved Into the house owned by Geo. Herbert. We hear that the Red Ribbon move­ ment has been working to a large ex. tent in neighboring towns,,but as yet we have seen no signs of it heft. Mr. William Stevens has rented his farm to bis son-in-law, Mr. Parks. We understand Mr. S. intends to vifit friends In Pennsylvania where he used to live. JONATHAN. 9M?- NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given to the orlgl nal Stockholders of the Union Com- panyf that we the undersigned are now preparetX to contract for the growing of Cucumbers the coming season, and that preference will be given them, in taking contracts until the 15th of the present month. After that contracts will be made with other parlies until there are a sufficient number of acres contracted for. Contracts can be made Fac-with C. B. Curtis, at the Pickle We believe in equal and exact Juatice to all, and as tre have noticed the do­ ings one side we think justice demands that we chronicle the other. It seems since Robert Ingersoil has searched aud found no Hell that the Devil lias been let loose and was running promiscuous­ ly through town, and had a firm hold of several. Even Ministers that preach to us from Sunday to Sunday and tell ns hew to find the straight aiid narrow road that leads to everlasting life; yes, Divines, get Into a loud­ mouthed brawl and feel like flighting, and use slang that woulcl be a dflsgrace to New York City Five Points Boot Blacks. We care not who was In the fault, It did not look well for a man thai pretends to be a model of excel­ lence aud a pattern of purity to go by. If it had been some of the Richmond boys we could name there would have been a great hullaboo and whiskey would have been to blame, but as It was It was fuly cussed meanness and we find it rooted deep In seme, and the Church don't seem to help them much. We hope the world's people will set some ef these good people an example and see if tliey will not do better in the fiiture, for we don't like to see a commuulty in a quarrel all the ""'V --r- u Spring time isv coming, gantle Annie," said the Miss. Bnlldoser, as he swept around the circle on last Wednesday ev«n with his Smith and Wesson and bis Bowie-knife, his fist came in contact with John West's head, at Alexander A Hyde's. It was an unprovoked usiattlt. The coward had no Occasion to strike, m West would not harm anyone, It shows that he is a coward and a sneak. Why will people patronize such a man. Ho is of no nse here, and certainly is not aa er- nameut to society. He is the same eld chicken lie was sixteen years ago, and we believe we do nut exagerate when we say there Is not a business man in this town but would bo glad if he wonid keep out of their place %frd attepd to his own business and let htt taAgfebors alone, He would have less trpl$Te aud be a better Christian, for he is* we believe a member ot the Church. |i they were all like htm Tom Paine, if fin earth, could And his Hell and be fWnifhed with a Devil, He puts us In mind ef a story we cead lu our youth­ ful days, and we think It Is a, good comparison.' An Asv finding the skin of a Lion put it on and going into the woods and pastures threw all the flocks a»dh#r[de Into a terrible commotion. At last meeting a Fo* be would have frightened him also, but Reynard see­ ing his long ears stick out and hearing bis voice knew that, notwithstanding his beinK dressed in a Lion's skin, Ho was really no more than an Ass. 9'S§| , .'-Hi For bargains In Shirilmr flannels underwear, Clothfnr atSmltli i Aldrich & Hay thornet WPHI. i Tinware, from a tin fbfclls to tf i Wash Boiler, at John M. Saa4?«iV fVff the Depot. BEsuMprioy. £ l • f*v- Low Prioes tiie basis at B«dU¥ar St"\ Stevens, PUMPS. I A large Stock of Adams celebrate* i Kenosha Pnmps. Tiie best Pnnips and ! at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. * j SPECIAL BARGAINS TO CLOSE, j Overcoats, Waterproofs, Nubias, 1 Dross (Qpods, aud all ether Winter Goods at jefct than cost te dose. "* ' P.D.8imi» • .... A THE Store formerly occupied by the Post Office, opposite the Riverside House, Is ottered for Rent on rnussnUs terms. . WINTER GOODS. < / Of all kinds will be offered at Bar­ gain prices for the month ef Femmanr at Bucklin A Stevens. ^ «r ,, #25 REWARD. Thi! above reward will be ptfi any : one who will find one of our Buflhlo Boots in which there Is a counter, inner-sole, slip sole or piece ef heeling that is not cast from a good, thick, piece of sole leather. P. D. SMITH. Near the Depot. \ I»-'i llARKED DOWN AGAIN. : ©Viereoats, Underwear, . Shawls, , Flannels, Blankets, Wool-Lined Boots . and Shoes, Men and Boys Cape, At^ Jte. •;*: marked way down below wholesale . < prices In order t« close ont. -*5 FITISIMMOKB 4 EVAVSO*. FOR SALE OR RENT. ^ ^ A Boose of 10 rooms, a stable ' seveu acrea of land, situated in the vil­ lage of Rlngweed. I will rent the house with or without t^e land. For4^ particulars tnquireof J. W. Crlstjr or-"" *'•<• W. Ladd at Ring wood. " ' . ^ GILBERTS BUTTER COLOB. ^ . Will color white Butter so perfectly nature, that an expert cannot deteet' the difference. Sold by Drnggtets and Groceries generally. Try It. ' Maau- factut^l b} 4* Gilbert, MeHonry, HI. AUCTION SAL®. Th# undersigned will Auction, on his farm « Sonth of Ringwood, on Tuffda) 12. 1WB, commencing nt mi? m., the following propertys 1 two-year-old Heifer, 1 two-1 Bull, 10 Yearlings, 160 Bhiep, . Mare, 1 pair WortcHorses, 1 pair Light Pi Horses, 1 Colt live years old, 1 volt „ four years eld, 1 Colt two years old, I yearling Colt, 72 Shoats, part Sows wlthpi^, 1 Comblnd McCormidt Ad­ vance Reaper and Mower, 1 Wood ^ Mower, S Snlky Cultivators. Plows, Drags, 1 Soed Drill, 1 Hay Rake, lp Brown Com Planter, and other tools# to numerous to mention. Also } Lnm-; her Wagons, 3 Bqcgies, Sled and,Ont-i#l< Uts 1 Patent llM Safe^lUm J»a#s.r Palls, aud a quantity of Sale.--All sums Cash; over that amount « < months will be given on Notes at 8 per oent. tpar . „ AOO^IOSMV. ill seU#t Public ~ farm, AUCTION" • SAtiB. ^ '*HN|k'%ia^rs!£nei. Sleigh, 1 Cutter, » Set Donble Har.^/ ness, and other articles too numerona to mention. Also a quantity ef Hay* " CJOrtt and Oats. Terms of. 9*le.-~All n sums of $10 and under;Cash, Over that amount a credit of 10 month* will .<•" : bo gimm -4»v. aaprevid iMoe nt$. per !<}enu:f.riH •'••"""Boiimw THOMPSOII. ART GALLERY FOR REJHV Located in McHenry. aud leng^ and successfully run by B» A. Ferd. without doubt the best located < in the couixy, HM both Sky ai Light#. Possession givenimno Fixtures.for Sal© or Rent If desl Apply at one© to B.M. Owen, FOR RENT, nice Tenament of four. tm' Brlek Building, ever ttw Feet Office. Apply ef Parry A Knrtta or B. M, Owen. : . Tiro doses of Dr. Marshall * Lung Syrup completely cured n»y cliUd or a severe case ef Croup. 1 h^ve used a great many different Cough medicines out have never found any e Dr. Marshall's. J. W. hart. Ind. Sold by A» B» Gilbert, Mc­ Henry. Distempers. Coeghs, Celda, FoYera aiid most of the diseases which HeriiDS Cattle. Sheep, Hogs and subject to«are readily e cured by nslng U»^e Sam> powder accordtef to l^O pWd dlMOv | tionS. ^uiahyaS Dmggi mjkmmxmsK HOTT-CRATB1W--Oa the the residence of the %rMo*S CniTeao, IT. &. ladlaa River AgencT, D. Tn J* th mrin. Limit. Ralph w. wtA, ftMrjr, a«wl Miss Utaija s. eat««. mm isr r ,1 m % ,JKK^y'- . \ •jf -V Pavfcer oCkottd aon and$t FOURTEEN ';||r Qm IMlwr. »y 4

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