Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1878, p. 5

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1 m%& ft WWMTESDAY, MARCH 27 th, 1878.] aepe^ggg i. i|i<r* < oonro COUTH. l.ior. M. •i»ofc*itr ",u"' I&3&: a^:::;:;:f^;V5 * ! * ! ! i < ' ' " " ' l r i 1 -- MASOJtte. T CVAFTTT JKX M R. A. 3L--Renn- •W'£ 1>*Y»" AU.M a*,..""*? <»»*»•* «£&S 01 thO l5SSMrtBfi*Wlglii and f Dow & Mcfejftgu, Slioe-makers, have dissolved Partnership, Dow taking up his quarter* In the North sill* of Eogelii's Gun gimp, where he Is now ready lo make Boots and Shoes to order, or do your repairing on short notice. " ' 11| from ffte rust indefinitely? /F L IAADIBS are now making rugs that , #';• closely resemble the popular but expen- C s*ve TCWrkWi variety. They select a , W i yard and a half of sprae rich dark pat- |f ii» tern of Brussels carpet and ravel it out* '• .Hhen with two coarse vtcoi needles they knit up these ravelled threads. \9lt StO€K,-llnraaaky demands tihai the ^.«,bestof attention be given to live stock. £{ To keep every animal well-fed, clean | and comfortable is % profitable'and -i kindly act. Cows should not be allowed i|to standi or lie fn filth. Any animal rept m gufeh^aco^^on^ is^a disgrace :j; '^rlNM«gr fiven to the of the, Town of McHeiiry to the Riverside House on Satur- tt«Stt--30th in8t.--at 2 o'clock P. m., for the purpose pfNominaAing Candi­ date to be voted for as Town Officers, *t tt» Wttiliig Town Meeting, and to •vaasiBU. any other necessary. bwinen , tfcfct saay come before the Convention. B* OKDKR O# TOWN COMMRTKK. -n« t?* i <W __a ., 3 gf;;;;:/Ballots! Ballots! #*f; W« «w prepared to print Ballots for <• Town Ifeetl ug on short notice, and at low rates. Send In yonr order* and we • will net lceep you waiting but a short ' *A batvy in the hm»*e Is a well-eprlng of pleasure.** Please cut this oat and paste It oh the goose-grense bottle, so tlfat you may fee gently admonished to take a correct view of tlie situation the next tlmii voir have to gft up at twerve P. if., fin account of the well- •pring*s showinf croHnr symptom*, GILBERT HUHBAHD'S Writing School, it the Roasville Sehool House, closed at last Saturday «vemji# with a$ exhlbi- ci tlon, "and was a'very pleasant'and en- ci joyable aftair. The Priate for the best ®j Writing was awarded to Miss Katie g, Malion, and for the most improvatpent ti to Clark Simp»<»n. w'1 Ttra Lftlies of Mefttnff anif vleHiHy should bear in mind the fact that Mrs. Searles has just received a large stock } of Spring Millinery, which site Is sell- ling at prices never before offered In this section. Her stock camprfsefe the latest styles to be found In the market. Call at her shop's*jf she will be sure to please you. t • • i' r: Oofdf sitOist »t tliO*ceutsto*,fo|r , ftlxDays PoniUoa. ' j : Wmri are o«f Base BaflHts? *; wt si^Wt dmo «• oi^sntz<i for the sss- k Oat., timwoorr and family went to fbe l.*1tes«*t Tlswrsdny last. The *Jo1- , «hel has one of the finest Summeir #ia|- dences in tliat soetlon, jjK As Easter Monday Party will be h held at Schrelt?ei"s Hall, In this village i|^«i Monday evening, April 1134. Gone music in attendance. Tickets 00 centi I* K« HARVEY caaaght tn the river on Monday morning Ja«t aa Eel that meas­ ured two feet tea inehe« and weighed •boot tour iKKMide. Ho oho had sever­ al vety flne Plqkerel. •--• --•• •'•*-' , . -f ^ * d Tmc work on the Steamboat is pro- ^gtsissl*if favorablf. and It <« hopftd to get tier wadjr to launch tHIs week. Jt Ms «#ntetnplated c^au^Ing h^r^i^fi, to -i«i.i|kft.#*|Exoeis|or.,n ' fi. O* account of thii alMet ! ):;u ; • of Old coining I * Timorf" the ptibl lea tlon of the <ftiajM»rs are necessarily postpondd^^but WlH%e reetimed again oext week. SMUT has got the /iettf] That is ••st, the Baker moved down there last having dosod bp his Bakery here .•odpimsimsed one In tliat city. Mo- ~ Ilenry is now witlwot a Baker. A Demeeratlc Coun ty Oonvetitio^ ii ^•l lo hefdat Woodstoiflc on Saturday , jWf|i'«l purpose of choosing deP attend .tlio .Sts&hCWeiitlou.' **#wMofj Is to lie held sut"Springfield AXM-11 11th. McHenry !s eatltleiS -w ^^IS^'ieiegate^ /\ Wux THURLwnuL Mle4-ba Snoriilttg last on the ri v#f • • a large i|.^i^«,8wais. T^iere were four in and hunters had besn followio |.,>j^pai ail the day before but failed to liithe telling shot. It was a spleti* IsoWng bird. Wo belie ve they'are It stuffed. iJ , ij. ' B. 8. SJIITH started for Nefendts bit ^ iday aftertfooh last. He chartered taking three " lrtrse®., lumber to. build a house, and other ar- ^t>|«lfs. Wo believe he intends being Ifffhmdk kme dnHug the Wool seasoiu aM W«s the taftritoi buying Wood «i f hands at the Pickle Factory are niMMtHIMnK-orders Cor seventeen Car- WeWes. They also have fi»eu *t work making njne more fobs fpr Ipfi^tipn. Everything is i« a i(condition at this Factory, '- LHWn4-JAMi.iAMSIiMKMffor the coming year ^gwtoMrfsea.trt:%s more extsn«ivo dian THE attention of the farming <xj>M- munity is directed to the new adver­ tisement of O, Bishop, Agricultural Dealer, to be found in another column* There is nothing In the Agricultural Tool or Machinery line but what can be found at his Warehouse, and at pri­ ces to suit the times. Bead the adver­ tisement arid eall and see him. As an evidence of the dullness of the times, we may state that during the last tenor twelve nionthe no one lias discovered, embeddedIn tins center of a rock. 300 feetbelow the stirface of the earth, a live tojid, supposed to be 2,090 years old. Tjhtls wearying discus­ sion of tlie liituncial question U pros­ trating all kind* of business. Thb 4l)Miual Heetiug of the McHen­ ry Counts' Sabbath School Association Wt!l bd held in the Congregational Clrtirch at jWoodstock, Illinois, Wed­ nesday and Thursday, April 10th and 11th, 1878. Everybody la invited, and all that ewmt will b« entertained. Singing will be liberally dispersed through the prograttnn«; Bring Bible, pencil and paper. - F. G. MAYKS. Mei-cham-Tallor, has just received a new stock of Goods for the Spring and Summer trade, which those in want of clothing will do well o call and examine.- His stock con­ sists rtf Rendy-Made Clothing, doth*, Gepts1 Furnishing Goods, Ac., and he will make you a cult to order or At yoa out with a Keady-Mnde suit 011 short notice, and at low flgnros, ; ».<ff Jl** t^yol a'H)iit. tlirfatehlng to horsewhip editors, sooner or latri* fetch up iii some hospital. 'J'hat Is not the case hoiv^ however, M«n go about year after year making such threats , with perfect safety. Like a number of our delinquent subscribers, they newer go near a newspaper office nor walk ou the same side of the street that ie fre­ quented by the mam they want to whip. As * rule It Is mudi safer threaten tlxanto try It on. , / "J , V'; /"Title Masonic fatfrrtity, accotnpaaied 'by their wivoa and daughters, to the number of about forty, a«cembled at Misonlc Half, in this Ullage, on Satur­ day evening last, for the purpose of jR^tnesslHg,the instaUatlori; of .officers. rhere was uet u»jai|y^u£:a« \\ m • e*- l^exited on -ace^unt of tlip. .Revere rain ttift sot in, but iievefttiefeas those who did attend had a very Interesting and 'Aftei-the installation jf jrbnipai^y repaired to tli<e fllverside kijwMp, where,,mine host Wightman satisfied the inner man In a iiiauner rely.satisfactory. Had tlie weather be<5s«good Ihe comnauy wolitil linvo •Cp^«>t and pa^telt lii your hat It mayptoe day save tlie life of your raotlieiv)n-\a\v: "A man wlio had an­ nounced his drat attack of rheamntism learned in one half an hour that the, following wmild pure It: Iodide or po- tassiuos quinine, glffl|er salts, dnionM raw lemons, raw silk, oil silk, gin and tan«y,rock candjr and whisky, Turkish Im^a fpSttatoe<mrried In his pocket, ft hoile che^tsiut carried iu his pocket, ^('«ei^j|n around bis leg, a suit of red ^auhet, chloroform liniment, hot lein- StVKRAt ladles alfd sr<!nt1emen, amcilig theiu y| odii#t,; ai^d5 his Tbfettpr half, visited tb« f*wi» «f Hein'er Wattles, Esq„ oa Friday last* to wit- •ea# t ho> working of the C«>o^y iVarto- Mi Craa^ery, Wltfcti Mr. wattias fses attdtaf ^lch llb Is th| A^>m iwia section, aud 11 was the nnan|mou^ vfelce of all that it is the greatest labor-sav­ ing invention of the ag«< It laanra to get all the Cream there is in ttte milk, and at the sam« time saves the work of skimming, washlug pans, Ac. In short the dmdjpeey that heretofore fell on tlie w©tt*o«» fa. oMlrely doirn mwmv with, the mon folits being able to do it i|11. Nothing we ^an sayxwlll half do justice to this valuable invention, but we woidd advise ail who make batter to call on Mr. Wattles and aoe for themselves. It Is well known that Mr. Wstries Is one of the tnost practical Dairymen In the County, his Butter always bringing the bigbest price in market, which of itself speaks volumes. In favor of this new method, as he would not use anything that was not up to the highest mark. After taking a look at his blooded stock, and partak­ ing of a bounteous repast gotten up by his amiable wife, we returned well pleased with our afternoons roovoation, notwithstanding the roads were not what oue could have wished r? , Hofsersdl«h i8 ,_ ripe.. . J. . .Bpritig bonnets will be the port ear... *.. .The Public fleiioiilf has a, vacation •rtftawftek. ...... .The bays «^e fishing ktibWfr only to old set- tteri.,. .. . .Webstier does not give the word ^blatherskite," but you can al- *ay,s tellone when you moet him.;.. ....Oar Arlth metic always told in that. tWfclve Inches nRade a (hot, but we Itfiti-rikd that It maltes taitie difference about whose foot it is. 1^ wouldn't go Into aslkteen Inch tobacco palt«. alid wa pr.pu»« |o keop out of the reach of 11 sure..... A correspondent asks us "*wbat Is the best use for a woman's mouth tftiencd ybbng man. Itisaald that 'waste baskets have ao souk.n Perhaps not. but We have one tliat is very fond of Spring Jfortry... ftUIUMti EMTV* Pi.AlN0«At.Ka:--It ia a welt estiht^led fadt thal lfllwtht Is a %hrl«t tn^l^p fflhige. Sl|ttjj&d on tl» C< it N. W, K. It., alu)u^lp]|pUes from the' far famed city of Cliloag*, aud tlie Mir drftwbeafc ffOtt m»k!*f oar Village a city it not odvarprisoe 'fho people ^:tWs ftbove tm*m vtllage jiff- here strictly to the adage, there is sUfMgth. iTo. more striking illustration of tlie above named fact is required than to look at o»r prosperous merchants, mechanfes, tradesmen, and HU viruses of laboring men and women joiniug hands. ali strivjbc '* makOiOnr villaga tha haai^r city of the West.-- In aionittonii^ some of tlnr many at­ tractions that causes our town to be so popular do not let me forget o«r Dra­ matic Society. Time or#pace will rot .. ..We said we wouldn't and We won't f P,r®'t »«to efnumerata or dwell on its tel? «»M?.»t that package thai yaiiiig! «terita* '£h» Socistr will please Uian carried and ciimi Into the oreek. Oh no, - n: ,ntm ,4.„. - *Abol Books aiMKliritiog Cheap* aft O. W. Owap'a. *#a of all kintla the in, at Jdl CSdUt an# seethe bes« Coal Stovt i(• >h*HWrketr^ ^vba M. i xki. of Gk»« initio. Lsiis: S&ees fc^SKcr^ u? $t, foritier prf«» at Fits^fiamo(kt ||. Evaiiaou*s. < KE KP FKJC-T* WJMM. li Good Wool Lined Boe«» WM pat pair at teitb, AldrMt & f$»F iIMW^S# le BJbok, Kirerside t, McHenry* jf.T ! f 'a . fbtiMda «t MormaOdy. We nave just received a Potpourri, containing all the popular airs from the new opera called, the '• Chimes of Nbrmoudy," splendidly arranged for ttf* piano, by Charlie Baker, the celebrated American Com­ poser. No doubt our friends and read­ ers who iiave had the pleasure of hear­ ing this superb new opera cannot fall to remember the beautiful melodies contained therein. All these havie been uicely arranged for Piano or Organ. So popular Is this composition that the publisher was compelled to make two sets of plates, tn order to supply the demand. Every person who fs In pos­ session of a Plauo or an Organ should buy a copy. Price, 80 cents, published •by F. W. Helutick, the Great Western Publislter, 186 We«t Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. .Great Bargains. j|t Cost, Qumtt Chut!! for Six Da^s at the 9 eent store. Come early before tho best Bargains are gone/ . £. OAHPKNTKB. MA»T men will go luto business and worTy along for years, never patron­ izing their home paper or recognizing its existeuce£unie*s it is to speak dis­ paragingly of the editor occasionally. But you know chickens usually come to most, and it is a quiet satisfaction, which nobody but a much abused rur- alistic quill drive can appreciate, po see how quickijr those same fellows change,their views, wiie* they get into trouble of some Sort which might be made an Item of news tor thepaper* They dpn't let \veak grass grow under their feet on the Way to the printing office to request, "for God's *ake, aii§r tor, please don't say anything about It. Won't do It again,4* etc. *5 n f.'iiVl onade, a tri p Soatk, a dry • atmosphere equable' temperature, sulpher ' baths, pd trieg tlie faith Ho givei, maetard and hot water, camphor lini­ ment, ahd electricity.** tATfc I|A|tty MAftKK'W' 'm • • tt'-fMi. -i-|' .• NEW Yo8K„M*rcU S3D, 1S71 Botten*~Baceipts for the week were 12.434 packages; exports, 2.428 pack­ ages. The market,\s unsettled, irreg­ ular and lower for all kinds. 'There were sale* of fine. Delaware' and Che­ nango dairies at 28 to lie. and 26 to 26c. was tlie extreme, good one* sold hard at 18 to 22c. Fine early Make creamery butter sold for export at 24 to 25c. Home Sots of fancy fall make sold at 27 to SOe, alsa sales «£ gm4 to Hue Wtfkh dairies at 18 to' iScH and there were sales of soma lots of good Stat® butter at 14 t? If. There was a considerable sprinkling of aaw bul- ter this Week whidi sold at 28> to 30c. for the best, and fair to goad tubs wire unsaleable. The market efesed with a large stock of old butter with light trade ; prices went broken; no one refusing a fair oiler for any kind af stock. State, factory, fine fall, 13} ta 13Jc.; State, factory, fair to good, 11 ta 12c.; State, farm dairy, good to prime, 12 to 13c.; State, ffrm dairy, skimmed, 8 to 11c,; Wisconsin, fsatory fancy, 13} to 13|c. Cheese.--Receipts for-the week were 8,730 boxes. Exports 24,536 fcoxes<-- There was a fair business# done at a slight decline in prices. We quota: Fine September and October make 13 to I8J0.; fair to good do, 18 ta 18c.; e»r|y make^ood to fin^, 10 |« ISd,; part skimmed and oft flavor, 8 ta near dropping we are mttmf .1..... .It's a wise chicken that knows Itt owh f«tttber. fih, what t........ **Hug pariies^are twi^g talked of id a neighboring town, to take the place of "muni sociables." Ten oents a hag or three for twenty-five cente. Asa mat- ter of econaniy we would always take three...::...There is ho sadder tho- ment in a paor man's life than when he rakes together the last few grains of a ^ fifty cent bag of smoking tobacco.... .. ..Oh. don't I wish I was a kitten.... Young men who irear Red liib* lions should be careful ta notice the kind of pht used to fasten It on. it Is em harassing to liave a woman with a baby say, "lei.d me that pin!",.....,, It is easier for a needle to go through the ey» of a camel than for anybody to make a weather prediction that will •tick. Itisau aggravating season.... . .. .We know she fell better beoanse she said she did, and being in a like predicament euftelves befbre now we know what she said waf true........ That fellow with the- "white hatw has made his appearance. We sliali keep an eye on him. .About these days the amatettr sportsman stations him­ self on the bridge, points his double- barreled gun at a flock ot Ducks, shuts his eyes, pulls both triggers, aud the Ducks fly on, aud perhaps wonder at tljo liolse........Rain, thunder and lightning en Saturday evening :. "When tempted to anger," says a wri­ ter, " breathe a prayer." Jes' so.-- When you happen to stub your toe,, for Instance, murmur, *Now I lame art't heard a young lady say she hated awfblly to have Women kist her. Sorry wo can't agree with her. Town Meeting on Tuesday next Tax time is over, but there must be papering, whitewashing, and a general ripping up of. carpets gone through »vitl«, and by tliat time 4th of July will be here tu trouble tlie nervous, Oh, my!..... j. ."Don't, you haven't shaved this week." By tlie noise we guess ha didn't, but rather lost his overshoe in the UMid. It was dark, we couldn't see. That was near that uew crossing ... .. .The press, the pulpit and the pet- • tlcoat. The first spreads the news, the second spreads religion, aud the last --all over the sidewalk,..'...,.t&S re­ gard for the fellow who kntwed those pickets. Remember young man, there is two things nat safe to trlfie with,, the girlsj opinion and the old man's boot.:'..'....There afo onljr 28.(»0,oix) gallon^af whisky in .tlftc country Now the questloa is how many fingers will each of us have to drink ta remove the curse fro«t the land forever?...v ... .Read the uew advertisements ta tills ' paper..... .There Is' a. lady In Richmond who ueede eenverti ing. W® !esrn s-fee wes eagaged all day last Sunday with W> Tubb* Will oui^ correspondeitt plesse look to the naM ter1^ Is a good time tp plant advertlsetnents.' The crop is sure adt- wlttostandlng the weather... One of the end men of the Georgia Min­ strels was presented with a fine Boqttet at the close, of the last entertainment eept our congratulations on the nbk and efficient manner fh which they ten­ dered the drama "Tl»e Fruits of the W! tie Cup," ou Friday eveuiug , last week. .. -J ,.s The Sep«i^Hca«if^Votewof the Tiwn ofNunda al^e requested to meet in Cahcus, at Bitrrevllle, on Thursday, March 28th, 187^ to put In nomination officers for the coming election. Our Cabetfeet are v irtnally onf oi ections. Our village election wtll be held the l#th.of ApH!, and not a petition In circulation yet. What Is the »»atter with our ladlesf U«t year we signed two; one for and one againat, Wmi *hia year, Wells tVell never mind. That 8enHiitt temn_ thinks onr'Ex­ press Office wants eiijai^lng, being to© small to hold eggs. fMuttry and game including (Buck Dear;) Ac* By the way, the Dear Is a native of Waodstoi4( (and our Informant says) perfectly harmless. :"i! ^ ti'" 'if* . 1 Ml; in. i>-?> We make choice Tei|S a siNxfefttf, Will nsok»i oxtreaiy sow prices a**! seB you a dmle(i article. Vmitli, Al- dr|«h jb Hay thaiTOo , SPECIAL BARGAINS Cl^OSB. Overcoats, Waterpropfe, n*Wii> GWMI^ and .all atl»r Wlutar at less than cost to d«M. • T s f P . P . S M i t t f » of C%olea i* S" Vwtiitsraf tho period when •ns short of news, or oopy, takes hi itaoth pair of shears, dive« down" the bowels of an agricultural joui'n- Ht°alaad amikea out au article telling the ,4|tJlafcavert» plow deep, or when to kM v^illft l»eg«; ftnd one fourth of them doirt a patent'hand cora planter ln>m "^#'|»Mr of candle snufiers. "VMm eoatost lu big eggs still eontln- •S. The last was left on our desk1 $y Mra. Dr. Howard, and measures 8x7 aad weighs 4} ounces. This is biggest one yet. We would like to ^ipMMrfrem aftrwtnore of these enter- ^pHsiug lens, and then if some one will ^fl«l»aa ham at our residence we think 0 we may weaytaf it, ilirougb ttatfll the roads dry; _ We are on led to discover how little we have: , id to have our minds rightly stayed lid fixed on God and His dealings we iwwe -Agalit -4e aebd a few Items for your valuable pa­ per representing some of the passing events of this villager hud vicinity. ' farmers are busy getting the ground ready to receive the sead, which is to be the future harvest. Some pleoes of spring wheat are already up aud win­ ter wheat Is looking finely. ^ ' It would pay people to come to the Lake and visit the extensive Ice Works of C.8. Dole. They are certainly a sight worth seeing. • H. B, Thorp'k enriltlfig oauntewiace can noW be seen behind th4 counter of Hill & l|awley ready tq accommodate custamers in anything' they may da- sire, ' E. M. Thompson ft Co. mra selllag all kinds of Agricultural Implements vei^ clieap. Those In want of any kind of farming tools will find It to their to­ te feet to give theag^a call* as their foods an» bought for oashv whiak an- ables them to sell very low. VMy handle the best plows made--the Gar­ den City and the Case-Whiting--Which beat all others that have ever been placed on the market. They also have some of the vary bestef wringers, and repair old ones. Ot>i>#*, . - Intter, for which wo will po> tlie iOghett market price In Goods at eaeh value. FiTtstMMostf* Kvjixaoaw Freemam fic Ckirk's eelrbvated lii* proved Flax MIBSaweqaaled fovvfaaa lug Flax, Cloverf «nd Tiinotby Seed and allkla«tsof gralw, €a» for«ln» lar at £. M. Owen's^ * , fr lu want of itk Coblr ev fle«st«| Stove, do not fail ^ oil! at Mi ll Siqlth'a* near tlie l^ROt. as lie calimit fail to please you both tu quality, and price. s 4 - 8HEI^HA«I)WABM*OEKET AWI TAOLA Cntelty, if any quantity, at Ari«nwk yrfaestat John M. Smith'a, wear tlM , -- P l T l l l ^ t V - ' " ' or A^s£-msiM: MARKED DOWN AGAIN. Overcoats, Underwear, ShaWlk, marked wtaf down below whsdaaale price* In order to cjose out. Ifv riTKsmwws * KvivfoK v MotlMna wm Um! Dr. Wlm^ai^t Tee tli I fig Syrup just thf mediciite to WW Mouse tor tho frojda, coughs, sorethroai and hf bowels, try It. l e t s . ' . . . It >4 SKIPES, 'a balP-wltted^ M|ow>** noed of-most oontiniiod a«d per- st«ie a pocket book containing 936 onsv5iu« Lord-^ U'NJT TL .^^.41 -- IN*. 0̂ ,.-1.?̂ .... .11 ̂ 41*1 N. Blake, General Blacksmith, Ring- on[ Friday last, from a shoemaker who works' for Fred Schuorr. He took the uey in the morning bqt it was not misled until afternoon, and on looking for Selpee It was found that he had taken the traiij for Nuu<la. /Constable Knox went down oft Saturday • merning aad found him at the Crossings and brought him back to McHenry. 1 Ho had 827 of the money In his pocket, tho balance having been spent. Selpes whea captured did net appear to know enough to realize the crime*lie had committed. He was locked up in the Calaboose which thoroughly frightened him, and as the pj»rty decided net to appear against him, he was let off With a lecture, which may dotar him from doing the like again, . wood, would Inform his patrons that he has at his Shop a first-class workman and is prepared to do all work in b|s line on short notice and in the best tif manner. Give me a call if ir. want of anything In my linja'^. We guarantee you good work. N. BLAKR. Go to your druggist and enquire about Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup. Ii Is the best remedy known for breaking up revere Coughs and Colds of long Standing. Price only 25 .cents. Sold by A. B. Gilbert. McHeniy. Why suffer with such a dread fa! Cough and Cold t For 25 cents yoa can purchase of your druggist a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, and your cure la certain, gold by A. B. Gilbert, McHeury. If"; ' $ltt«Wfflig> LAKK. EIHTOKI^LAIIFDEALKITThree (fleers for the flue weather we are having. .' The farmers are flopping around to get their wheat and oats in.' Crass|gg4«fll|| for tfye milk men. , , Our cheese factory ta tlkHvtnf finely under the superlnteadeacy of * Mrr Clark lbs mmet ^ud ; Mr. Fasl thentm^r,, . : > 'Our M-tiaal, daied .last-^fi^^ Wm, .uhderstiuid ehe Is II fit!* mer. Goad for her. - -•>... Mr. C. D. Parker haa' aMSe-af all hts stocks mestly cow®, n&iit,' Tnet^ty. lie being unable to rent-a • 4 u.,- Mr. A. P. Peek It re+ldfug with hlai father-in-law In <mr ualgMMnrhood. We recogniae In ourmldet ttia famll^ iar faces ot two of our Old neighbors. Mr, Womsley and Mr. Wilson, T Plenty of hands but no work, n» wages. One (frflttr n^lilwri oflind a man 12 wh6ft» dtftira nr a month. O.M. Hale*a)ltt|ittef who Kaad hta arm broken a sh#| tftub'ago la getting along a» wall as could be expected. , T Atarax, MoanonObrriaai^ MM 14.1STI. Gent*.-*l Was very sevea teen yaare; used to ooarittey halr np from bohlnd sMMt fVoiw tho aldas aod ptawver It dewtr, that this deformity Might «aHiA f triod everything, but nsy iMHufimraw/. wM»e, until finally I comanenoecf toa Slug's Ambrosia* and in aix mofeths my krnt began to grow m>4. tMilken, uutiV H (| how looking litka tlwhaii 0f a«young pammm There Is no discount on l^fi*s Aaodtroala. Send me ^ve more botnei, '•' Yo«"%«y. S^CtAXR. THE ATTENTION OF AGENTS la called "to The Housekeepers* Supply Com pan j, of Clnciuaati, Ohlo,^ wbo make a business of getting up aud manufacturing new and Mot'tavimff conveniences for housekeepers, aad give employment to haadrsdsof agents of both ' sexes throughout the Whole United States to Introduce, and sell them* and offer indoosmeata thst will pay them handsomely. Many of their agents are now making Iroai 49 *0.iP Mr day, and seme of them even asoira. Wsite to them at one* aad thgy W|II send you circulars^giving you wl dO- rcriptiou of each article thajr .ataMh fjicture. and their terms to Sgf^tS, il^l wllfassfgn yea exclusive ferHtory to gell in. Their ad<lres» Is The Hoaaa- keepetrs' Supply Oamnany, Hs. S«t Slai _ , Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. • FOR MM' Tjnware% from a tin wWtW to Wash Bollor, at Jibm M. SmltU'^ "1 the Depot. Diseases of the Lung*. (%••! and Throat are so prevatmir lit our over changingolimatatthat-SIN* aaeedlolna as Dr. Marsliall's Lnng gymp U laivalu- abloto the whoioMMUbltfi Itaurra alinosNiMattt^. T^et tfeeata. Mft by A. B. Gilbert, McHenry. auptmrs EuViTlR opLo^. Wfll aolor white iMrftctlV llio' . IXV . V* b*wihrii0i t!»« . of Esthcf, ,^«d lie. <rai;fiessl^we^t off and left It on ^he stage. "Who trowed dat Beeff'......,.See tlie Caucus No­ tices at the head of the local page.... Ue dreams ttgg talks in his sleep, aad the burdeu of hid song Is "Pickles! Pickles!" Young mau go slow. Vlue- gar will sour on your stouadb*........ ... .Read the notice of bouse and four acres of land for Beat, to be found in another column. ' • fvti'T iu . rn>4 j ua j ; • ( 'a* A au •fi ti ENJOY LIFE. WHAt v truly beautiful world i wo live fti! Nature gives us grandeur ef meuutaius. glens aud oceans,and thous- ada of uiaatts for enjoyment. We eaq desire no bettor when in perfect health; nt how often do the mafority of peo­ ple feel 11 ko giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worried out, with dis­ ease, when there la no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily ob­ tain satisfactory proof that Greens' August Flower will make them as freej from disease aa when bom. Dyspepsia' and Liver Complaint is the direct cause/ of seventy-five per cent ef sneli mal adies as Biliousness, Indigesttou, Sick Headache, Costiveness, Nervous Pros- tration, Dizsinesa of the Head. Palpi­ tation of the Heart, and other distress­ ing symtoms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect* Sample bottles, 10 oants. Try I*. Hit. . , II. •'•"illlR""" A quanlty of Corn in> the e«r. In­ quire on the premises of F. B, Doran Tfe^lawae*tMyhM 1-- HUM Mtxl liuiltl^ ftedik .Iwfcsatai Ita passaSiar t»|s4stan>r, H iata^i If. if I*sV». ll.0wa«i. 3... Sw^cenlw^ lots «f lt fin©*® m cprtf^lr aiMlae FOURTfcKK .tmSmMi'Mx One Ww*. fttiU aubjeet to any Mi cHno. BUCKLIN A STKVKVS. . Dineas* and P«>atli, when ihej mm&: our «wjt. households, are too serCps fat Jesting, we use our best cudei drive oil the dread messengw only happy when we feel H nt a distance. At the first appraask «f that fell destroyer, CaUMMukitlia, l« the shape of a cough OT . Slight. MM M well as more severe BrotMf«faX t» Oft» tarrh Complaints, weshouia at 0«wr Eilert'8 Extract of Tar an<t ry. It has no superior in limh'^aaijfc"- Every bottle warranted to rtn- aall|« - faction. SoSdbyaU ^/uglstl. • >•>»"»•" Hsboidd b« tts pleasure of aU journalists^ to siH'h vseftd infognatlott tat the of their papers at wall mmium t# their well-being and health. If wore* «av% anyone frotn au hdf|v*a " " complisjbed w>megsk Now, we know tha^i about to give wlB'tavO ' friends front a Vast especially those who with rhetoniatism, wistiea. Calt on hottle sf Lawaon'a1 ftlthfuily. for any tloa yonmay havo It yOu wtil thank aa for saia by H. OMhyw fanry. 111 f¥iM' •

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