WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10th, 1*78. Railroad Time Table. 4'ii oottro SOUTH. , enevaLake P««M«r ., 7* a. K. eneva Lake Freight l:js r. K. _ OOIWO KOBTK. L»k« rmxH 10^6 A. M. #eaeva Lake Passenger 7:Mr. *. 'I l MASONIC. VcHsintr CHAPTER NO. MK. A. X.-K«tn- ' held <"> the second attd !r?fe Fridays in cacfi iuunth. THOMAS PHALON, of this village, HU the finest lot of young Blooded Dogs 4j)at can be found In the North West. They are Pure Laverlck and Irish Set ters, and as fine as any we ever saw Persons wishing to secure a fine Hunt ing Dog should not fail to call on him at once. And by the way ** Tem " is the finest Dog Trainer in the country, his old dog, whieh he lately sold M a hunter from DeKalb County, for * big price, being acknowledged as the best trained dog in the county PWtASKt AlXBH dee, Ik SKSST Cocbt H. P.' jlcHeiiry Literary Society. V- f The following is the Programme for Hie last meeting or the Literary Socie ty, which wiH M« held at the M. E. ' ̂ liurcl! on Saturday .;|prtll3lh, -- ..." >( l»fc Instrumental Music. .* ^ '2d. Boll call, members to respond by iliivinga eentirn«nt. 3d. Recitation by Chas. Slafter. 4th. Song and Chorus, ' Out of Work'* p5th. Recitation by Miss Effie Gilbert. •' 6th. The following members to re spond to their names by a five minutes Address, choosing their subject: Hon. ®eo. Gage, Hon. P. K. Granger, M. Belter, S. D. Baldwin, H. a Mead, J. Tan,Slyke, C. V. Stevens, A. F. Parsons #id J. FitxsiBimoui, ifiwi^th. Male Quartette, "Moonlight, on M;*^|pio Lake.' i»«l 8th. Recitation by Albert Frahclsco. ««jl ^th. Select Reading by Mrs. Frank ranger. salL10th. Instrumental Music by Miss 'Jpattie McOmber. 11th. Recitation by B. D. Parsons. 12th. Song and Chorus, "Drifting Ifrlth the Tide." 13th. Scene in a Railway station by - Mrs. Granger and other*. 14th. Reclt-ation by M. Kelter. 15th. Song by the audience "Amer ica." . • . v-FRESftr Lemons Just reciff^tf at If elbv Bros, dealers in drugs and *, j§ielco Family Groceries, •?/S4 ROBT. E. STAKLKY will please accept f^ffie thanks of the Editor and family . : tor a pair of Canvass-back Duck), lelt , <-0, our sanctum on Frldav. FOR Fashionable Dress and Cloak '-JkakingrCall o» Mrs. podge and- Miss, fttocker, opposite Perry, A Martin's Store. FARMERS should not fall to call at the Warehouse of O, Bishop, and see the Improved Hay Elevator and Car rier there on exhibition. It is one of the finest things used on a farm, where by the hardest lftbor of hay inakiug is made easy. It is strong enough to carry a tons weight at one time, is handled with perfect ease by a boy. Is perfect ip Its operation#, never gets out of repair, and in short is the cheap est and best Carrier made* -<. fie not fall to call and see it. Wis saw something on tberlver the other night that rattier astonished us. We don't know whether they were ghosts or not. There were four of them in a boat, when all at once one jumped out into the water, then Another dove after him, and finally the other two sunk the boat to tee If they couldn't dip the other two up. The last thing we heard was " Mine Got in lieimel, shust you put me on shore." We shall send our River Reporter to look after the remains and report next week. I EVERT Good Templar will be present swflfpossible on Friday evening next. Business of importance fepondlng.-- Per Order. ALL persons who have subscribed for outside papers or Magazines through this office, will do us a favor ,By calling the first time tliey are In 'town. THE Flat Boat, North Star, Capt. Powers,commander, was successfully launched on Friday, and is now ready for businesk She is a mammoth boat, lieing 50x16 feet, and will be able to .tarry a big load. Bfcv. S. F. GIBES (UniversaJIsr,) will preach In Nunda, Sunday, April 14th, fct the usual hours. He will lecture t before the Ladies Temperance JjJnion ,<|n the evening of April llth.\ j^good Attendance is desired. R1 HE Red Ribbon wave struck this town last week, the meetings being conducted by Messrs. Rice and Hall, two gentlemen from Michigan. The meetings were held last week in M. E, Church, and this week are being held in Riverside Hal), and are well attend ed by both old and young. We under stand that about one hundred and eighty have taken the Ribbon, among themjsome who hare been heretofore hard drinkers, and should tliey hold out will be much benefited by the change. We believe they intend closing the ^neetings to-morrow evening. cnampion ocit jp held unupti-he ditions that the winner will l$ave to nd his claim to the belt for eighteen iths, and should he wish. to hnitO it i# possession ha must giv» security the appointed trustees, and und0r- :e to restore it when called upon in rl condition; that the holder, of the shall not be called upon to compete more than two matches within each frent year, and in case of his winning i belt in three consecutive matches, hall become his absolute property; I that the holder of the belt must ac- t all challenges for not less than M) a side, andbe prepared tiqrdefeifcd right to thfe same within thrfee ntlis from the issue of any challenge, p editor of the London Sporting Life nominated stakeholder for any pwfof the firm at the Foundry. They haveV |now constantly on hand Caldron Ket- jtles, of different sizes, which they are refiling to those who desire them at genj'owr fltfure8« They are also manufac- j .totluring Francisco's (patent Pumpkin tchesthat may arise for the beltliw^Seed Dropper, which they will put en bK lii i / Aw election for one School Director, /ill place of J. M, Smith, whose time had / expired, wa# held on Saturday last and A resulted in the election of A. H.Hanley | The Board now stands Dr. 1L T. Brown, \J5. B.Curtis and A. H. Hanley. Vr- -~ ' Iv our report of the ftftitkst week we made a Town Meeting mistake In the of €a:tor Adams, Commlfstoner Of Highways. It should have read as follows: Castor Adams 240, Matbias .^Treuad 196. Majority for Adams 45. HOMER WATTLES, Esq., sold six of the celebrated Coeley Patent Creamers in one day last week, it is a fata that they are just the thing needed by every man who keeps cows, snd need only to be seen to be appreciated. , --r THE Sir Knights of Calvary Cora- inaudery. No. S6, will aiteind divine service on Easter Sunday, April 9l«t, lit 3} o'clock, p. M., at the Presbyterian 'jChurch, Woodstock. Sermon by the fitev. Sir Knight Sheldon, of Harvard. They cordially and courteously lavite their friends to attend. JAMES SAYLOR liad two of bis young Morgan horses on exhibition here on Town Meeting day, and they attracted mention from all. They are very fine ierses, and farmers and breeders ^ ^Should not fail to see them, as it costs 7 ,'#o more to raic>e a good colt than a 'ts scrub. Mr. Saylors colts are handsome stylleh, fine steppers, and la every model horses. » 8PLINTKR8. Oerporatdon on Tuesday n«xt ...A Jel*ar conscience and cayeime pepper will <inre a botl........ Don't forget it; we still receive money on subscription. Roll -in your trade dollars .Either pnt a wire fe«d box on your dog or vacinate lilm with a gun, as sheep killing days have come ..A lull it apparent in the mat- ftmonial market, though reports to the contrary are flying thick and fast.... ... ."Thou art so near and yet so tar." That is when yon view them from a distance, across--lots,.......The bare foot boy has made his appearance on, our streets........We understand the correspondent of the Democrat took his last lesson In Grammar at the School House the other night. When the entertainment was out he was mak ing for the "crqpk" of a young ladies arm, when that "other feller" stepped in, took hold of said "crook" and marched off, and said knight of the pencil found himself third person, singular number,....... Where are our Base Ball is ts? Echo answers........ The financial market Is promising and cash is hard to get........The first thing a young man does when he sees a friend with a new hat on, is to tnke it off and serenely try it on his own head. When a young lady sees one of her ac quaintances with a new bonnet on, she just lifts up her nose and calmly won ders *4wh6re that fright get that horrid thing." The Good Templars have postponed their entertainment fftt-the present. .Sound the toc- siuTTflow the httgag! Ring the Slim- slnm! Beat the rubadub! Worldlings proclaim it and everybody dot it down! Hank McLean has tnken the Red Rib bon!!!........ Bisraark ha« been sued for libel. Great minds run in the same channel; we have been expecting every day somebody would sue us for some infernal lie;....... Ambrosia Jones, county clerk, and all his assis tants have been Indicted for stealing in Alabama. We've heard of Ring's Ambrosia, But this is quite another thing. Ambrosia's ring, as it wen.... v.. .Ducks are now plenty and hunters aniare happy... We wonder*if that wmPotatoe has got cold yet. EhP tell The latest styles in Millinery at Mrs. ^H^earles' and Mrs. Morey's........Oh, I ^jjwish I was that baby........Garden jlol! making Is now in order and tlte ordi- my nary boy is so busy fishing that he for- oldg«ts all about it.....The Red Rib- ol4 bonltes are holding forth at Riversi4« lo° Hall. - - I .. ! . . ' . II H • 1^- GROSVENOB & GALE Is now the nan\ seej for THE Steamboat "Excelsioi" will re ceive her new Steel Boiler this week, >nd It is expected will be ready to jmake trips early next week. She has sen thoroughly overhauled, her wheols Enlarged, repainted, and is now In bet '%r condition in every respect than ]|rtien she was first built. When she vets fairly to running we will publish ;^t|ge time of her regular trips. THE oldest son of Wm. Dow,of Ihif yillage. met with a severe accident one, „;#lay last week. He was out hu iting, fend for some reason 'was resting the (nuzzle of his gun on the toe of his *|MM»t, when it accidentally went off, the jri0barg* going through hip foot, mang- ' iitsg bis toes In a horrid manner. Dr. Howard was called, who found it neces sary to amputate the Second toe. He is now getting along $s. w«U as conld be expected. -- . Ay will be seen by a notice from the Cl^rk to be found in another column. t|re Annual Corporation Election takes 1)1 ace on Tuesday next, the 16th, at which time will be elected six Trustees, one Clerk, *nd one Police Magistrate. It is to be hoped, tlint our cUizeus will lay all local feel ings aside and nominate six men who will frtWhfully work for the interest of the wlnde village. We do Aot wish to be updtsr^tood as finding any fault with the present Board, as they are all good men, and we believe have given very general satisfaction the past yeur, but we would l'ke to Impress up- on o'fir c!t!zens the folly of makiog a local over bur villngs Board. What is Wp the iutcrest «f one sectioq of our vlllngo is for ,t!ie Interest of the other, and ttiis; eternal fighting and bickering Is an lhjdry to nil. Let us w®rk together, looking oujy for the "greatest good to /lie gre*ue#t uum- be«M and all will, be < 'i • . . 1 r. V--(f, ,1; , ' THE Dramatic Constellation, whieh gave "Uncle Tom's Cabin,** "East Lynne,** aj.d the "Two Orphans," at Riverside Hall, Thursday, Frjd;iy and Sa urday evening!? of last week, was a success in every particular, aud we haveno hesitation in pronouncing them, one and all,: the finest Dramatic Com pany now traveling. Each member is a Star. Time and spade will' not per mit us to speak of each part separately, and where s^ll did well, it is not necessary, but we cannot refrai a from mentioning a few of the leading parts. In "Uncle Tom's Cabin"* Mr. Stuart as "Uncle Tom," Mrs. Reed 88 **Tbp4y," and Mr. Hemlareon as "Lawyer Marks," each took their part in a manner equaled by few, aud excelled by uotie, stage?, scenery, and other conveniences taken in to .consideration. Jut he Play of the "Two Orphans," with whieh they closed their entertainment on ^SaMkt-- d*y evening,Mr. Reed, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Stuart and Mr. Buck particularly distinguished themselves, while Miss Marion Deming aud Miss Maud Lafay ette, as the "Two Orphans" we,re sim ply grand. Miss Laflayettq is Almost a child, but ber acting is seldom equalled by those of mature years,-- Should she continue we predict she will yet be Queeu of the Stage. Takeif all in all, they are the best Dramatic Troupe we ever saw outside ef the city. A nd they are not only good players, but gentlemen and ladles in every sense ot the word. Wherever they may ge we take pleasure in recommending them to the public and the press as worth) of their patronage and support. We hope they will conclude to visit •gain at no distant day. .001 fl«|t to any Planter on short notice. out tor their new advertisement week. » ' LAST summer a large number of sheep wefe killed by dogs In this vicin ity, and we leapi that the depredatious have been again commenced. Persons who keep half starved dogs around them should be held responsible for damages done by them, the simple killing of the dog being a pbor recom pense for the loss of twenty- or thirty fiue rthcep. There are in this section many very vtjriuable hunting dojfs, but we do not believe any of .these depre dations can be laid at their door. Tbe mischief is done by miserable, worth less ours, that are of no oartfely use to their errors or any one else, and If they will persist in keeping tltem utauftd, should either ke«p them muz zled or be obliged to pay heavy for the damage* done by tiienu A. 'log that will kill a sheep oan only be efieotnally cured by cutting hl^ tail eft just back of his ears. Veal Citatfl Tfaailm^ - : Conveyances filed for record fU* llie Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, for the week ending ^pril 6, A. p. 1878: John M. aroeihMk to B. ft L at ber lots 1 and 4 blk ts Hart's add U} Harvard, ft,(>00. Carl Hunetbein and. wife to Fred ZegaU lot 1 ne 2 tp 1 nwX 1 In Dorr, (ex School House) $4,800. Charles E. Hunt Mad wife to Jotuu FIck swX wc S. nX BWM n&M sec 17, Atdea, tl.&OO. GeA. Abb6tt and wife to !Corittan Jacobs vrh vrh lot 2 nw V sec 1, I)OJT, ffiOO. Philip Frederick and wife to Henry Grebert nnd Adam Warner lots i, *2, 3, 4, 6, t)and 9 blk' 3 Wicker's add to Woodstock, SL Samuel Parsons and wife to John If Parse* tOa In swX sec SO. Dunham, $750. - Samuet Kennedy and wife to Sfnitjr A. Oble MK eeM «ec 5, Chemung, $1,600, Charles N. Wheeler to Oeo. D. Elderkln 8S )i a in nej^ sec 2, Riley. $3,000. Harriet C. Douglai to Edgar ItrAustin pot in Alden, $D60. ' ' E. G. Aver end".wi/e to Hanrr irotenfleld WM lot« 1 and 2 blk IS E. G. Ayer*& add to Harvard, $400. John Knolev and wife to John Bell VfX ne 8S, 46, 8, $2,'700. • James sperry and wife to W^a. Tower a ia tw X Hebron, $7*9. s ^ ; ,A Ruth 8. Grosbeek to Wm. l?«wer 20 a in swjf Heb ron, $770. James W. Fisher and wife to C. J. Fisher lots 7 and 9 blk 9 Illaokman's add to Harvard, $i.m Ellen 8. Rid well and wife to AHeaJ. Btiel lot« 8,6,7 and 8 blk S Trow bridges' ̂ ddtoWood. stock, $1,300. Richard Oahill and wife to O. Rilley 8a in see ISand IS. $8,009. 218 ^ Old Settlers Attention. The Executive Committee of - the Old Settler's Organization of McHenry and Lake Counties are requested to meet at the Riverside House, in the village of McHenry, on Saturday, April 27th. at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of fixing the day for the next Annual Meeting, and the transaction of such other business as may be deemed neo- essary^ .By order of the President. J. YAK SLTKE, Sec'y. A1TORS ON A LARK. A very funny incident occurred here on Friday. Two gentlemen, Mr. Buck and Mr. Henderson, the comedians of tbe New York Constellation, after the arduous duties of rehearsal, thinking a sail on the placid river by the name of Fox. that glides in peaceful rlplets by our quiet little village, would be appro priate and beneficial, physically speak ing, proceeded to said river and at a boat house, that stands hard by the Riverside* Hotel, supplied thenpselves with ears and boat and mnh»»•*.-! i»gr l«ff. port, as it were, under flying colors. New any one acquainted with the nav igation of enf" river is well aware ef the easy access with which the bottom Is reached, and under these circumstan ces Mr. Buck, looked at things in a more serious light than his younger companion, Henderson, who, like alt y o u n g m e f t o f t h i s w o r l d , l i k e s f u n ; s o as their little boat glided dawn stream, the observed of all observers, they in dulged in singing sotigs appropriate to their calling, sucK as the "Larboard Watch," "Lone Fisherman," Ac., Ac. While In the midstof their hilarity, and when having a jolly good time in innocent pleasure, th«y suddenly be came aware that their boat bad struck a rock or some other cussed thing. Then says Mr. Buck, "I.told you so," and his hat was blown oft by a playful gust of wind and he becoming tei4or stricken hung on with both hands, his hair standing "like tbe quills of the fright- ened porcupine, my Lord," at the reckless behavior of his companion. Henderson, who was working like an old tar before the mast, was at a loss to know why the peskey thing did not go. But the beat took an idea, got its back up and spilled Its occupants into the raging deep. They gained the shore, glided unseen through the back deor of the Hotel wiser, wetter, Mid we hope, better men. P. S. We were fttrn!shed by Mr. Henderson with the particulars of the above accident, which are true In the main features, but have since inter viewed Mr. Buck, and he says that hd was a yearling with Noah in tlie Ark, and the present Henderson was an old man and gave him cakes and candies pm keep him quiet when Buck was a little boy. When the unfortunate old man Heuderson was struggling In the turbid waves of the Fox, young Buck was sitting on 4 rock, high and drj*. singing "Life fen the Ocean Wave." . uu--.--L~gs= IT^r. 5 - WOODSTOCK. EmTOR PLAIKDE ALRR i-- ANOTHER jf eek has passed and no burglaries to chronicle for our city. The principal events of the week are two School Elections, one for Town ship Trustees, and for District Direc tors. The latter as your correspondent is InfortnOd passtftf oft quietly and resulted In continuing the old Board. The former was closely and( rather un- derhandidly conducted on the part of some. As ietwefu the two opposing candidates there seemed to be no particular strife, as both *ere acknowl edged to be good men and true." But one was supposed to be pledged to continue the present School Treasurer, viz: John Bunker in olHue, while the other was supposed to be pledged to his removal aud the appointment of some other person. As to that person there was a division, even tn tbe ranks of Bunker's opponents, who was to be the lucky mail. In this fight the gist seems to be to on»t Bunker simply be cause It Is Bunker, and not because there is any pretence of malfeasance of misfeasance OR bis pnrt. It is g~r. erally admitted that in loaning the funds, which are subject to loan, he has been very obliging to that class who are unable to make loans of the regu lar money leaner, from the fact that not as large an amount Is needed as loaners insist in placing in one place-- always insisting upon good security but on(le&vQ!*l*tg to accommodate a class who most need such favors, whether friend or foe. Neither is there any tiretenoe that he is not obliging in paying Teachers their monthly wages and in cashing orders whether he has received proper funds from the tsx collector or not. If he kiiows the tax is levied and sure to be collected and paid in, he is accustomed to cash the orders and abide his time to' get It back, ^or Is It pretended that the fuuds are unsafe in his hands. If then, he is faithful and accommodating alike to all. often disobliging himself to oblige others, who can do more, and why tbe need, (the result having been a tie and neither candidate eligible 09 account of resideqiie) to put the Town to clue expense of a new election merely to gratify' the ambition of somebody that wants to get somebody's place. It seems to take a good deal of talk to get the dear people to see the point to the entire satisfaction of tho few real partisans lu this warfare, the people generally appearing ^tilte indifferent and of the apparent lielief that " what ever Is, is right,*' as long as there is no danger> that it many be wrong. Still the innate grumbler Is doomed to disappointment on account Of the weather. That terrible March Winter did not oorae *g he predicted, and April seems Inclined to stave it oft. He still Insists however that it must come If not till July. The prospect for fruit is fctlll good. Farmers seem happy* and business prospects 1q general ar$ more encouraging. Own, Richmond Department, Thev as signed the paper, only ttilsjr didn't. If yen want to see a nlee Wow, call enl.N. Meade. See the Immense invoice of Wall Paper at Smith, Aldrlch A Havthorn's His beard jtt&t begins to grow, hut he takes his sister wltb hla aad he don't feel so bashful. ^ T Alexander A Hyde have a splendid assortment of Wall Paper, all trimmed re^dy for use. Wear the Red Ribbou and "Dare to do Right." That Is our motto, but we know ot some that dare do most any thing. ' It seems to be quite sickly in this vi cinity this Spring as prs. Wafll and Bennett ar^/4n tlie go most i»f the time.. • T v. . vt Mrs. G. P. Wodell ha» just returned from the city with her «Mt, Millinery goods. , You may travel Main# to the fartherest West, no matter how long or how fat*, you can never find comfort and never find rest without a Chevll- lion cigar and shave. So says Hank. It Is getting warm and that fellow won't need much wood now, but horses need oats all the same. It Is mean for any one to steal wood from a poor edi tor, for they can't aftord to fcQjr Wood for a whole tov?n. -- 1 i If that tubb rolls himself up here again on some Sunday when that young lady should be engaged other wise he will be msailed from tlie Southeast, and perhaps be disablfdand unfit for duty on Monday. ' The women who are henceforth to to be allowed to practice in the Su preme Court of the United Stales must be of good moral character, suppose the same thing were to be required of the male lawyer? What a thinning of the ranks there would be. Easiness Notices. New Spring MiUln +.rf at Mrt <1 H. Moreyil . * ' - * .; School Books and Wrttiac Paper Cliea|>. at O. W. Owen's. . Stoves of all kinds cheaper than yoa can steal them, at Jolui M. Smith's near the D«|>ot. RheoiOatfsm, neuralgia, sprains and bruses will be rellvved by tfnc> Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment, sold If all druggists. V/o ui»M« i 6«<S & fipcv'aiilty« Will make eat re inly low price* aud sell you a choice article. Smith, Al drlch A Hay thorn. 4 ^ Freeman A Clark's eelehrated proved Flax Mill Is unequaled for clean itig Flax. Clover, and Timothy seed aud all klnd)> of grain, Call fer circu lar at fi. M. Owen's. IF in want of 1 Cook er Heating Stove, do not fall to call at John M Smith's, near the Depot, as he cannot £r|U°i#«> JUM feW'wSlE"- •' ; .* >1 1 • - . • . ! • j . V l . ' t f r , A large Stock of Adams celebrated Kenosha Pumps. Tlte best Primps aud at lowest prices, at S. M. Owen's. SnKLF-HAttbWARk,Pocket and Table Cutelry, in any quantity, at Bed-rock Erices, at Jobu M. Smith's, near the •epot. FOB SALE CHEAP A food Work or Bngry Hone* W|M weigh about 100* pounds. Enqulrfe of E. M. Owen. We saw Judge B. N. Smith on oar streets on Monday last. Came over to attend a Hug suit between Cevel plain tiff and Co we 11 defendant. We think the%h«gs got beat, at least Cewen proved they were his and Covel was mad and carried It up. Come again, B. N., for pleasure next time, aad we will use you well. ' i Jehn McConnel and Seaton haie rented the Cheese Factory of R. Stone for a term of years, and the pattrons of the Richmond Cheese Factory need net fear but that they will get justice done them, as Mr. Seaton has been one year with us aud is a first-class cheese maker. We have yet to hear tho first wm plaint from any of the patrons o'f last season. ~ ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEAI.BR. -- Thinking that so excellent a county paper as the above should have a correspondent here I will send you a few items for publica tion, If you think them worthy. First understand that our name did not be gin with "All-gone-quln." Two young ladies from Aurora, art visiting Miss Anoa Philp. We have an excellent school, tho at tendance for the first tveek of the year, jufct begun. Is 70. L. H. Skinner and Miss Goodson art the educational team another year. - Officers -• «e: Supervisor, Ouy Frairle; Clerk, H. Ecycs? 'Assessor, J. Brink; CoiiocUr,^ fck Smidt? CopMlssiOner; ol JBighway, K.,Pease.. The Evsrhgellst, Joseph pellett. 1s preaching to full bouses at the Free Methodist Church. He is a very ear nest speaker. If you don't find goods io ijftt at "fV Ferguson's store go fco Tomisky'i---peo ple of the missionary station called Woodstock--for the prices will pleasa yon at either. « Kugee, the FurrtittfrO mae, keeps constantly a large stook of goods which can be bought cheaper than lii the vil lage of Elgin. ',-2 " Besides the above we have a& Hard ware, Shoe, Shoemaker and Drugstore. Por the latter we have two Physicians to prescribe for you or, take t|ie patent stuff. The above artlclea are free gratis, and I would also add I don't charge a, cent for thom. KENTUCKY. ^s..TO RENT., A House and four acres of land, within thirty rods of the Plokle/Fac- tory, if applied for soon. Gilbert, near Dspot. -•• •• • .. i.i. .M... im. iiAei1 • -- 1 , I 8 f 2 P e n s i o n s . tfttder this act, any persea who served fourteen days or participated in one battle in the War of 1S12, is en titled to a Pension of #8 per month from date of approval of *°t. Wid ows of such soldiers as have died after similar service, no matter what was the date of marriage to tlie soldier, are entitled to the same Pension. * iNo ether parties are entitled. f ': ' All ISlil Pensioners dropped from the Rolls because of alleged disloyalty are restored by this act. AppHc^Nu* *l!ST b« oxecuted he- tore an oflmer of a court of record. Send to us fqr any iuformation or blanks need«J.\ ^ GILMORE A CO. 629 FSXrtet, 2V.lTn Wanhington ̂D. C. Apj^ly to PLANTERS. I am Soft Agent for the celebrated Union, KeystuMo and Star Planters whieli i offer at low prices. E. M. om 1 FOR SALE CHEAP. AClicend hand Union Corn Pfapter, in jfbbd order, mid as good afe hew. Will be sold cheap for cash or trade, inquire at the Brick Mills. A. H. HANLY A SONS. Mothers will find Dr. WinchelPa Teething Syrup just the medicine to have in the house tor the children. It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat and regulate the bowels, try l|. 8<ftd bf all Druggists. Endorsed by the people as a Safe, reliable, harmless and cheap remedy-- Dr. Marshall's Lung Syup, for Coughs, Colds, etc. Price W "cents a bottle, large siae 50 cents. Sold by A. B. Gil bert, McHenry, 111. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fills and closes the pores of leather, effectually preventing the entrance of Oam^WM, dust, Ac., and rendering the hamesa soft and pliable, while at the tame timeIncreasing it* dnrabllit|li PRlUEIcix A thorough-bred Jersey by S " ~ " L. I - Bull, bred Greenllef, five yearn old, kind and a sure getter. His get at i years old make f half pounds Wt e mm mm* «r« roAH^auidto Is of butter per da one aad per day. T. BAOOW, Waacoada, IU. BOOTS A SHOES, a eonceeded fact that the Btiffa- o Custom Made Boots and 8haes have ho superior on the *tnarket. ; Selected stock. U strranted work. Forselo by Smith, Aldrlch A Ilaythera, Bivarsldo Block, McHenry. GILBERT'S BUTTER COLOR. WiH color white Butter so perfectly itoral that an expert cannot 'detect ie difference Sold by Druggists and Groeoriea generally. Try it. Manu factured byilfe B. GllheH, MeHeBry, 111. Check a Cough or Cold at once and use an old reliable remedy such as Dr* Marshall's Lung Syrup. PrloeSS cents, large slxe 80 cents. Sold by A. B. Gil bert. McHenry, III. .There I? earthly boon more gracious" than good health, and St behooves Its;: possessor to endeavor to retain It. If yon are assailed with auch p.rwokinjr, •ills $!«k Slvar, sour"1 etoiuach feeling- ot «•€-;;;••" Iccss and disgust, don't so and commit suicide but tiMui.Ellert*sDaylight I.lver Pills and bo eofed* W ̂ <>*««- gist«. . „r •>-. . v •• 'fi j Those Irreverent iads who called jtmme*aft<(r a certain "bald head" of deseryed their untimely end, b«- cause at tluit time no panacea had been discovered to restore the human hair irpOn the o%ld spots. But now Ring's Vegetable' Aibby^jftajs known to pes- fess the rai9*«Mi^p-lnvigorating the roots and so full of life, where not entirely dead, that they cannot help putting forth a new ; growth which rivals in beauty tho ocks of youth. Disease and Death, when they reach our own households, are too serious for jesting, we use our best endeavors to drive of! the dread messengers, and are ouiy happv when we feel that they are at a distance. At the first approach of that fell destroyer, Consumption, in tlie shape of a cough or slight Hold as well as more severe Bronchial or Ca tarrh Complaints, we should at once use Eilert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cher ry. It has no superior In saelt eases. Every bottle warranted to give, satis faction. Sold by all Drugists. DIED. JO&OftN'--On Saturday, Delia, oldest chill of C. B*.aa<t Louisa Jortw. Mareh lOth, 1878, _ _ . _ - - aged 2 years and 8 month* One more sweet flower of earth Is telee, A lovely Sower BO pure and bright; The angels took your precious darling. To bloom again in heaven's Lovingly they shield your daritag, Joyfully they take her borne; « ; Hark! she hears the angels calllafl|:4 Sweetly calling from beyond, , O, how sweet the recognition, When your treasure there you'ttiseft-.;.'^ She is watching, she U waiting^• - : Waiting at the heavenly gat%* Qeirtty o»w the day is breaki Bnntiy beaiua the morning llfM; The JWSr of hoiw for you is shintag, ' Jt radiates the darkest night. * A bsaatifal light Iter you ie •hitting, I • preoiouii «eai awaits you UMBO^ | Its your peUa, household aage^ SJM kes left the gate a|»r« " , . : - M i