Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1878, p. 4

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K A * : ' t ; . .. r. -wsiii f- frW tt i! «R». i*W' •Ml Estate TKnifcn, Conveyances filed for reosM in the Aecorder'a Office of McHenry County, Illinois, for the week ending April 27, A. D.1878: Jmmi Mitchell aad wife to Oathriaa D. Mitchell land In section II8 Dorr, fBOO. *s WJiJ M -F0* THE JPEO?LI^ Every Day WEDNESDAY, MAY lot. 1878. t>rs * J-,tt Seneca and iee 7. Editor. Dexter B. Bailey and wife to Agnis M. B. Smith lots II and 14 bik 4, lota 14 15 and 8 and pt Its 1 and 3 bik I Trowbridge's add to WooJ"*"k --#m • 1 ' -j'.-1-essMt/tW" *mt> _ <;.• >"' tM m . * -mt& llllf, ar*v I: oM> HKTTUBltr KK-UNIOX. lEverjr town In McHenry »nd Luke Counties should bear In mind the date lit the Old Settlers' Annual Jte-Ur»ion, Which Is to be held at Woodstock on Tfeursdi**-, the JSth day of June next, the programme and posters for which will be Issued an soon as the proper Speakers can be secured. It now be­ hoves every town in both Counties to organize and prepare to turn out In force on that day. Let each town do their best to carry Wine the Champion Flag this year, and our County Sent will witness one of the largest crowds ever assembled at one time within tlie memory of the oldest inhabitant. Wm are assured that the citleena of Wood- Mock have made preparations to take good care of all, and from our inti­ mate acquaintance with the citizens we know there will be nothing lacking that will make it a day long to be re­ membered with pleasure by all Who are there. The Be-Union is to be on the Picnic plan, and ample table room will be famished all. The entire stable room oil the Fair Grounds will be thrown open for the free u»e of all, and the President of the Association also luforms us that Hay and Grain will also be furnished on the grounds. Particular pains has been takes to set the date of the Be-Unlon at a time when the farmers Were the least busy, after planting, and we hope they will all see fit to take a Holiday and help the Old Set tie re' " Re-Une."" Remember the date and make your preparations accordingly. Thursday, June 13th. »®-If Beeelier had foreseen the pub­ lication^ Mrs. Tiltoirs latest confes­ sion, lie would not have been so bitter In his opposition to the silver bill.-- . Every time he gets a bad knock down He readies out for public sympathy with a new burst of captivating liber­ alism, early death in the 'most pathetic language. The following' from an outline report of his Eastern sermon last Sunday.shows what an eflective actor he is in this line of business. It was one of the "marks of progress that the American Churches were ' coming back to the old and beautiful ceremonies of the Mother Church, as ahe loved to be called, and the time was coming again when beauty would be joined to piety, and art to religion. For one he rejoiced at it, as <t sigu of closer union betweeu the sects. **lf I were not afraid it would go abroad," said Mr. Beeelier, **I would any that I rejoiced in the progress of the Roman Catholic Church in this country a great deal more than I do In Hie progress of no church at all.-- Although it would be ridiculous for me to like Romanism, although 1 am the very antithesis of it, I will believe In good wherever 1 see it." In conclusion, with a solemnity that moved many of his he arc as to tears, Mr. Beecher alluded to his death in the near future, saying he felt sure he should go to Heaven and ^ee God face to face. In that thought dll the trouble of this life was as a matter of no ^pmneat. 1t: , --^ * ; ' •• ! ' ST; • .k ; UNION. •„ .. EDITOR PLAWDEALER:--We are glad to inform the PLAINDEALEB, that "Union--notable for its business enter­ prises and historical associations--still exists, and despite the destroying touah of time still 1oui!.t!-cs, proud of tier record as one of tho oltfesS towns 011;McHenry county* ; • J6ur enterprising < Bead, has added much to the appear- •aces of his premises by erecting there­ in a new and spacious building. His business interests have increased to Meh an exteut that older and smaller Imildiugs no longer suffice. Mr. Read has also hedged in his hitherto unoccu- laixl with a new barb wire fence* 4 Dean & Binaildridge have rented •aid land and have erected thereon a new building in which to store Agri* cultural Implements In which they are dealers. Withal the appearance of ,l|pion is much improved. • NChas. Wayne, student at the Chicago University, has returned to the city to mume his studies after a very pies s- ant sojourn among his relatives and friends. Charles Is a very careful and thorough student and being a young Man of good abilities, sanguine hopes sid expectations art entertained for ultimate success. ' , - jBoys would tt not be Just as well if f#u »e« a little more gentlemanly eifaesi returning from church on Sunday •veniags? Would it be better if ro- •peetaWe people could walk the side­ walk wittoawt being obliged to hear so «uch vik Hugiiugai.. Think the mat- ^||ferover. ft Why can't w« hare a Literary Socie­ ty in Union? Tbene Is certainly abll* ' Ity sufficient. MARK. ^Persons afflicted with iibeumatism or Melalgia are the bartast to be cou- f|lneed that there is a rente <3jr which trill reach their case, having be*>o so • 4tften disappointed by raeftiil tneat- by the a tie <jtf tioctrumi 0lal niing to be sure cures. J,aN»-Hu0*g .Curative was discovered by a chemist to£ |>owell, Mass.. over tweii{Q--tir<e J**r* ago. «i»«e then has i»ertorine^ SMM Mires of Uiieuinatism. jSTeuraUiria Tic EXoioureiix, Diphtheria,Headiclie id nervous diseases than sJl «tl»er 3 înedies tsombiued. So greia is the proportion of <iuies, even in ^sases of >fbiig st.andjiix- that the proprietors do Mot hesitate to warrant it when prop- Arty used, ueoording Ut <dtreeti«n8. ft (s for sale by *Ji driiggista. Old Settlers' Meeting. The Executive Committee of the Old Settlers' Association, met pursuant to call, at the Riverside House, In Mo- Henry, on Saturday, April 27th, at 1 o'clock p. M. President Johusoit In the chair. Lettcra were received from Hon. E. M. Dennis, of Weukegan and J. Bangs, Wauconda, stating their (nihility to attend. On motion Thursday, June ISth, 1878. was fixed aa the day of holding the next Re-Union, and that lt be t^t the Picnicplan. The following Yioe Prosideuti were then appointed; LAKK OOUHTT. Deerfleld, Shields, N. B. Helm; Waukegan, John Bishop; Ben­ ton, Enos Ferry; Newport, Hey- Warren, J. Harvey; Liberty- ville, Wm. Price; Ela, Ely; Fremont, W. L. Converse; Avon, B. S. Drury; Antloch, Mr, Ring; Grant, D. C Townsend; Wauconda, H. B. Bnrritt Cuba, L. H* Bute; Yeruou,, £^sha Grldley. V- ; XCHKXRY COL'KXT, • Algonquin, John Gillilan; Nanda, J. £. fieckley; McHenry, A. H. Hanley; Richmond, W. A. McConnel; Burton, Robt. Richardson; Hebron. Chas. H. Tryon; Greenwood, Job Toles; Dorr Henry M. Wait; Grafton, Thos. S. Hun­ tley ;Coral,Calisle Hastings; Seneca, A. W. Anderson; Hartland, W. G. Conklin; Alden, Frank Wedge wood; Chemung, E.G. Ayer; Dunham, J. N. Jerome; Marengo. Calvin Spencer; Riley, Valorus Williams. Chief Marshal for Lake County- Walter White. Chief Marshal for MoHenry County-- Col. Win. Avery. The Ciiief Marshals were empowered to appoint their assistants, one from each town. The following preamble and reaolu- tlon was presented aud adopted: WHERKAS. The editor of the PLAIN- DEALKK. J. Van Slyke. has heretofore done all or a large part of the Printing for this Association, and has received less than half pay -«r the same, There­ fore Bcmlved, That J. Van Slyke is here­ by instructed to do all the necessary printing for the coming Re-Union, and send in his bill for a reasonable com­ pensation lor the same. On motion it was reeolved that J. Y. Cory and Chas. Partridge, ex-Treasurer and ex-Secretary and S. H. Walker, ex- Treasurer of McHenry county of the Old Settlers1 Organization of Lake and McHenry Counties are hereby request­ ed to make Immediate settlement with the present Treasurer, tb-wlt: W. Ladd. of McHenry, and pay over all money now in their hands belonging to said Association. And should they refuse to do so at once the Treasurer be instructed to take the, proper ateps to collect the same. 1 On motion adopted. On motion J. H. Johnson was auth­ orized to select the principal speaker of the day. Ou motion the Secretary was In­ structed to get a Red, Whtle and Blue Badge, with "Old Settlers" aud date printed thereon. On motion adjourned. J. H. JoHHaov, President A Ti> 8LTKB, Secretary. *toek, «S,00a Daniel Ketulig to OhM. ft. lfowe wfrjf BOX •ec 8, Marengo, 01,21*. Rlisabetk Oram to Seott K. Phillips »m 14, Coral, |KV. Mary Howe Hat to Seott JK. Phillip# MO a see 14, Ooral, (6,000. - ' Henry (iulx-rt ami Adam ffarneT to Hearr A. Stone tots 128 4S 8 and 9 bik • Wielien' add to Woodstock, fSOOi, Mark S. Thompson to Jas. H. Thompson 37 a In »\vX sec 18, Algonquin, $L J«s. K. Howell and wife to David Baker lots 7 and 8 bik 6 Harvard, MMt Fred. Lam pke to Ida Lampke 10 sq|rio«sia •ec 88, Grafton. . Homer L-. Wheeler and wife to Peter S. Crawford lots S3 aad 4 see SO, Seneca, t/50. Michael Cronlejr to Jeremiah Cronley tijtf lot 2 ;; w sec 5, Marengo, s$M mc Dun- bam , $ i. Jeremiah Cronley and wife to Jotin A.»wee »ey same disc, as above, fAJO. John 8. Ford and wife to Patk. Flaanary lots 4 and » n w see SI, Dunham, $900. Theodore M. Mitchell and wife to Levia K. Htmiuond pe in ne^ neV sec 2, Dunham, $U0. Do not forget that Mrs, Dodge and Miss fttocker are still to be found at their Rooms, opposite Perry & Mar- tiuvs, prepared to do anything in the line of Dresa and Cloak Making, on short notice and in the best of manner. w£/i ft •' 1 AHH | """ X if ] lahif. .ni r'A '*'« * •!.!• isiatf • .1 o-Ji-ll" ./j.h ; > * V'A u# n,..i / Ahf i-th t riU '% .H* 1 u i UOBXIN pii Are now Dre- i imb full and com­ plete Stock - f KM * t; rifs Inn# v. jj, mi'Uj f 3 .:a »=,' i™. t jf ytu'Titi '-yri rtVA-.lj ' ">!!<> 'i4tUx *r v>rsif>r j">,i -J f/M.llijLr.C i-.Gfh-ftfii •» ̂n fl' .,fO " ' ^ ' tjw t «-hi p t ' V f { i i , | • » r! f.:.:i„ % tUir/ > r m i b l ! : * V ,,Lt. tj , ^ .. . ; r- •* H 3j,«iif/>v ri (»wbf/r i. eri#'»r 5 ' •' p4 ,»£'/[ Zhibist:*# I :.jUJLhtw- . '• '•mtht' m.: :>4i\T/y-l hh ' and Summer Trade, and SPRING QROVE. .EDITOR PLAIKDEALKRNot seeing onr little town represented In your valuable paper ,vc thought a few lines from lie re would be very acceptable, arid having a few spare moments we wonld like to Inform you that we are still alive andkleklng. Lively times at the election hat all Is now still on the Nippertdnk. Mr. Charles Kimball, who has been visiting friends in these parts, haa re­ turned to his home in Michigan. Robert Tweed has returned from Chicago where he has been attending Bryanta A Stratton's Busiuess College the past winter. The late change In the mall route, by which we receive our mall three times a week instead of twice as formerly, is very satisfactory as well as convenient to our people. V*Fhe Spring Grore Turkey Street and [Goose Lake Base Ball Club have reoiw Lganized and meet weekly for practice. They have good material and with plenty of practice they will bo socoud to none in the county. Mr. John Carey, one of onr enterpris­ ing go-ahead farmers, living some two miles Northeast of this place, last week sold 200 sheep for 9900 and 19 steers for •930, all of his own fattening. Cheer boys cheer. John Hendricks has doffed his old flat top hat and donned a new stove-ptpe. We learn he also contemplates changing his flat boots for some with biffh»r heel*, then as a Sewing Machine Agent he will be second to none in the county, (as Car as good looks are concerned.) We are sorry to announce the death of Mrs. T. C. Mowatt, who died on Monday evening the 22th, of Consump­ tion. During her short stay among us she has been loved and respected by all. Her loss will bo deeply felt by Iter sorrowing relatives and the society at large. Her body haa been sent to Poughkeepsle, N. Y., for interment In the family cemetery. Mr. Mowatt haa the heartfelt aorro* of h!« aympathia- ing neighbors. G, J. Low Prices for Cash are in­ vited to call andPrices be­ fore purchas­ ing, whether yoxi|;i|vis]%",;;;to buy or not. No trouble show Goods. «t&f Serf) f •• .... , . ;>f * ^ Froauct8 of Looms of England France, Germany, China, Japan, and /United tttutes aft' America. FASHIONABLE GOODS; As Low s.j»t ftny other Houae in Domestic Cotton Goods, Cheaper than at any tim* within the memory of the oldest inhabi­ tant. Also Pfaid Dress Goods. • sw -1 •. Faat Colored Oallooc, Cashmeres. '• u\ : f L iur? 1 'f»2>f OUfcmlrt the Bat' Bargtfailn four countie*. >*<! , AMO A Wvm, ?W" •f ' ' ndm# j • p:>" '••••'• "• ->• ml I. m ' ' , • . . . u - r t ' . j » « } - . ' tt r Boots, Shoes, Bueklin A Stevens have added to their elock, a weil selected stock of Wallpaper, Oil Window Shsdoa and Carpeting*. Cheap for Cash. In Woodstock. We would annoBBM to tb« people of Mc­ Henry Gountr aad vicinity that wis keen a food stock of MARBLE AND GRANITE Monument*,Tablota, Tablo-Topo, Brnokota, Sholvoo, Bte. Te which wo would call your atteotfoa l»for« buying elsewhere. We shall sell at B O T T O M P R I C e a . '?* 'M ALL *VORK . *- Warranted First Class, '-s- JZ M. PECK ACQb ;1 Weeds toek, UL, May 1st, 1878. i Hi (tl'.V "5 •• :ady-made Qrooeries, &c<5. Of the best quality, and which will be sold at the Lowest Rock- Bottom Price#. Give us A call and inspst S(«4l Jfd le^n irricea. ^ • 1 wi«» | *<Vi PERRY &MARm McHenry, Dec. 1st, 1877| iflf f, -•} Jiii There's^ Money in it lor You. ONE PRICE ONLY 1. CASH ONLT I -S[}ood. »t Unheard of •JVW, PK1CES. Quality the Best and everything tt np#' sented or Money Refunded." •I- ' • ! P?., -m. YOU BUT AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES? Best Prints,...t,.i» Best Prints,.... ..... Coats' Cotton,.. Mvs i*...;:l • C6 Ooml Coreots... .. V No. lBlaek Alapaca 25 All wool Cashiueie--ICxtva 6ft Table Linen, 86 Ladies Hose 06 Gents Hose, 0(5 Ladies Black Ties-best*: 3A Wo's shoes--cloth AbutlOh 1 00 g[|8ses_Slio<9S--11 to S 1 00 i t K5 Boys Pants--Good, iood Boots, 175 ^ M9IM »S Rice...... Boys Veats---Good*,...... • • M So. 1 Baking Boys Coatc, :.....yvv; .... 1 »s Tea, Mens Suits, 3 00i4 Tea Mens Suits--Goo<l,.f3 75 to 7 00;Best Japan Tea, overalls, leather trimmed, 50 Best YOUHR Hyson Tea.... 10 tts X, Sng »r, .... 1 001 Best Y. II. ft Jap. for price, 11 Ifcs No. l Raisins 14 lbs No. I Currents,. 100 1 00 1 00 11 lbs JSest Dried Apples,.. 1 00 l.'tHM Best Half* Peaches,. > 00 7 fts Choice Pared " 100, 16Iw Dried Apples,.... " ll<! " " Axle tireeaa, Stove Polish, Fin« Out Tobacco,... Stove Polish, Tacks, Choice Syrup, ... 5 lbs Ground Coffee, . I sell cheaper tban my neighbors because l buy cheaper, and say to any one coming to buy of me, you will be more than satisfied. In Clothing, Boots and Shoes and General Merchandise, my stock is three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock of Clothing is now being sold at less rates than other dealers can bu^. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises at much below regular prices. Am weekly in the market, buy for cash for two stores, and do secure bargains which I more than divide with my customers.-- Our interests are mutual, and my constant aim will be to sell you foods at such prices as will convince you that I am selling General [erchandiso cheaper than any store in the Korthwest. Come and see me and 1 will do you £<>od, and in this way yon can make lnouey easier than you can earn C. F. HALL, -RICHMOND, III. R."' Chicago OfTlc«, U (ii' *>•« .*,•/ 122 FUANKLIN SrBK«T| . H Al DUNDKK, III. tt Ol iif'it i<>. » (1 •,% either in quality of Goods or Low Prices* any in this A _ __ xi mg eountiesi MP n •" . In. •r rliitfkt is onr motta. . K̂ J. 1, D. SMITH. ^ r - 'i' Near the Bepot ̂ McHenry. . W > TX, Tliompson, Wapn i Cam; '^*1 ' 1 , • . . 4.6 I „ I 1 Shop opposite the Parker House, 4. *.«*•: McHenry, Illinois* Havlnff purchased and taken poscession of these well known Shops, 1 am now prepared, with sirst class workmen and good material, to innniifiicturc Wutfoim aud Buggies on short notice and at us Low Pricus as a good article I ALSO DO A General Blaoksmlthlng Bnsiness, and will do your work in the best R S - i & i ; ?• • '...VSITIRH Mtl* -••• • HORSE 8HOEING A SPECIALITY. B E P A I B I N G Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and see for yourselt B. Thompson. McHenry, 111., April 2Sd, 1878. For Sale. A House, Lot and Blacksmith Shop, in the village of King wood. The Shop is an old established stand, and now doing a good pay­ ing business. Reasons for selling poor health of the Proprietor.-- Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. ^ N. BLAKE. fK>n^wo°d, April 2d,*78. Stoves of all kinds cheaper than you oati steal tbem, al Jobn M. Smiths near tbe Depot. J. STORY, Al bis old stand opposite the Mil|' McHENRY Bating enlarged liis Store is now better than ever ure pared to furnish his customers and the laying public generally with Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, &Cay &Oaf t. TO At f%!re« Lower than ever l«efot* ®wred In this section. We have in stock • burge variety of the leading Csotiu ai Heatini Stives. Of different styles nnd makes, whir.h"!we in vites the public to mil and exan^ine and leara prices before purchMslng. It is almost nnnece*!«arv to call the atien. tion of the public to the fact that we keep constantly on hnnd a Innre stock of Shell Hardware, Nails, Tablo nnd Porki't OuHerj, Tiinvaro, <iiilva»ized Hand lr»»n (Barbed) for fence, Itarberi Wire. Shovels, Koran, et«.. In fact, everything foHfid in a flrst-class Hani, mare Store. .. J. 8TCRY. Mcllenrr, Nov. Mth, JST7." • ' ^ • " ii . ; ii &1AA MOXTIILT WADk' Agents Wl: W'Sul"' flpiUv County rights ftiven aralir fcr the sale of seven well-kimwiifttanaardJMedit-iisea needed i u every family ; rcpuiartwb world, wide; established many years-; awde by » eelebraled physician; proof* #f evidenoa given. An industrious, euergatlo Wwoa caa make snug nerniauent inroms aad tefy IiIwum terms, by addressing with isWMes, mm ChestntfV Street, Philadelphia. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fill** clones the pores oi leather, elit-cti pre*erting tlie entrance of .ulsmt|>i-- dust, dc., ami rendering the itara#S«rj •oft and pliable, while at lite *an»e time increasing durability, sobftfy all HarneM Makers In lrather. Z&O* ̂ .A&rf > JL V . feiisfiii. i

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