Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1878, p. 8

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> * ' L-jJll.LLMjft *.vh#S»JN '••.tfvn mwm a §#!; 4»{ >»j ;)1': worli U]>iE8. mi SiifiT a nn> | SS »» t &*$ itih ti&s*h -i VOlTK-wmiW .^HjbWAT and nwaeretia t# v* one management of the Lines «nil, with its pcdalsfa Illinois, Wisconsin. Northern MteM. P^\,M,P.?,*s,ota' !«»«*• Nebraska, OftttMla and the Western Ten itories. Its <**1 U ft* Agricultural *;#<#*#!*<*<*«» "f* »6ln farnlehln^. The Spanish with satin N Minister find hit Mf will attend ceremony, as will also most ef the plomatic corps. ^ * j : But <*,* ly. In Hi* Slteiman Cameron than in the Cubans. The Don's (laughter ha* just left here, going to her father's home to make piopara- tions for the reception of her step­ mother to-be, who is about her own, age. Hiss Lizaie is now at her father's home in Cleveland where the wedding will take plaeewQjihe has bee a into society very little the past season ex­ cept daring the few weeks she was here Visiting her uncle's family. Her bridal outfit is in preparation In New York. Her six bridesmaids are Co wfar finest white Swiss muslin trimmed with' mechiin laoe. As for Don Cameron, the Pennsylvania State Republican Con*., ventien is determined to interfere with his honey-moon, having fixed its meeting for May 14th, only five days after the wedding. | Opinions vary concerning the merit*, of Gen. Shields, the defeated Door* keeper candidate, but the following 14 one incident of suffering in his life*? Daring the Mexican War s bullet pierced his lungs coming oat at th«, back, and in the course of his treatment a silk handkerchief was passed through the wound--straight through his body --to cleanse the passage the bullet ha<t made* The prospects of a gay past Lentat season are not so good as has beeifr anticipated. One very prominent fam* lly, that of Secretary Evarts, has with* drawn from society altogether for the -present, on account of the sever# illness ef the eldest son, just front China. He undoubtedly has censump- tien, and the whole family are m»c4 dejected at the prospective loss. Mii and Mrs. Evarts have never lost • child and a break In thelt large family is looked forward to by them with keen suffering. The four yonng ladies have been into society a good deal this winter and, although this is their first Washington season, they are already great favorites. This Is of coarse part* )y d«e to their lather's position, but they are certainly very attractive girls. Not handsome--not one of them Is even pretty, but well educated, well- bred, and thoroughly sensible. They have something to say besides 6om mato and society tittle-tattle. They dress simply, and not over*richly, as often appearing in muslin as silk, they all wear their hair brushed straight back from the face and coiled behind, they are entirely without affectation, 'easy, lively, aad as 1 have said, at­ tractive. W ,.J? Mrs. Representative Wims. of New York, has been quite a belle In fash­ ionable circles the past season, on account of her beautiful face. A pink and white beauty she Is, whom yon •very soon tire of looking at--as sugar grows insipid when too much is tajceiju Her husband Is an odd-looking mai. He is partly .bald-headed, with black eyes cat on the bias like a Chinees. When he wrinkles his forehead the. lines start from the upper corners of ••hls-ey;?. and ill® .effect approaches th# ludicrous.- Mrs, Ka|*%r«gae, daughter Chief Justice CU&se--who Inherited "Edge- wood'* from her father, was recently thought to have been favored by tlw paiwsge ®f a bill by the Senate relief- lng the property from 990,000 ism*. bat the House refused to pass the biQ, .Edge wood is but a mile without Wash­ ington City limits and is one of oar most lovely suburban places. Olive. V' itf-k*«8f txl' ' "WSi Near the. Etepot MCHENRY, -. ILLINOIS i **** Broadcast other Seeders, both Steel find Irou Tooth Hantews, Corn CuftSvatow, Windttiftls, Grinding Attachments for Wind- mil !ss Iron and Wooden Pomps, Corn Shellers, &c.t Ac. " ThestibAcrUwsra arc now Spared wirhaStock of FINE CLOTHS of all Mads, to«make to order Coats, pants, Vests or entire Suits, on short notice and on the most feeady - Made Clothing) G£NTS s • ;.<*Fe also Keep a Fall Line * if . Made f-jr is fef" Hats, Caps, it# hich will be sold as low (.v. , its at any establishment S, | i*u t'ie County. Olothea Cleaned In the best of manner and On short notice, . piHi tti •Stlli L AUER & BECKER. Mtb% 1877 Fdb» rtvmH r : a.r •*f! k be found on hand at liis Warehouse,,; opposite Bishop's ill, .Mchenry, wil^ ft ftiU jb,i| LEADING In Wagons we keep Plftifotm Spring Wagons, Three Spring and Lumber Wagons, the latter of which is the celebrated Bishop W a g d n l . r c ' l - ' - : ' • Also,-« €onjplete of Mowers, Reapers, Snlky-Kakes, etc. SSTTafce time to call on me before pstreiias. tag eisewfiere. « FBESff GARDEVT SEEDS lis beflk, If the peond or ounce, fcr sale cheap. , . - O-BISHOP. MeHearr. HL. Mar^hafith. iSTS. •s*»K GERMAN INanyfMturMfl by wr y.MARCUS opposite the Parker HotMi , ih • - : iv . HcHoiu^k *•'; tllinois. * » • ' * " • • • Having purchased and til*«n possession of diese well known Shop*, I iivnow ^wfMired, With flwt class workmen and good material, to manufacture Wagons and Baggies oo short Miiee and at as Low Price* aa e good Ixticle can be purchased elsewhere. . A; fe, •cJaiLUB IIP*; • -:t •• Tta ^Tr • 1 J n I* i .t J. > o Have just rweivdd ••tegeat and best assortment of Goods tin their litis eror brought to McHen- ry County. Wcbuy and «ell !• - # Exclu«ive(y F«r Catii. CANMSCOUNTAtliPSI- CES advertised in oonnty papen -,<S •*' *•?!>'•* e,:*»-tl af,-- f t - •• , »Ki .faW'" »|(»| «' W * '•;{ •.•m <Mh» 5 ttJ fit -rt'A L «'#(-:«• tiM «a- We have a pair of Boots, Shoes or Rubbers for every man, wo­ man and child In the ..county.-- £Jall and look at them. Ccirner Mmin 1A14$0 < fajjM£fc *! is' Ceneral Blacksmlthlng Btisineas, and will do yoor work in the best wf manner and with the leaat possible delay HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY. B E P A I B I N Q Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and sop for yoorseit R. ThompHon* McRenty, I1T., April «M, 187«. is not easily earned in theae times, hut it Van be made in three month* by a«r one of either sex, 1|l any part of the country whoJs Killing to work steadHy at the mployment that we furnish--- er week in your own town. - You need mat be awayfr^m home over night. Yon can gftebyonr whole time to the work, or only fOtir spare moments. We Imre agents who an mailing ever #w per day. All who engage once «an makemoney fast. At the present emoney eanno ,t be made so easily and rap- at any other buainess. It costs no thing ry the ouainess. Terms and It On tilttree Iress at once, H. Hallktt A Co,, Portland ine* t* GENERAL rt TVt' .-it t*r'l in (siii fem; $ ||'-»rWto«>d*Mek^ «- ft:# • Vdkaleb mi . * ~ 1 HIRE WINES, LIQUORS AMD CIGARS u; 'JMf oodstoek, III*. issg£?&t^i wotUL F. MARCUS. a week In your own town, p Out FOR- Sll 4k m Madison BUEL, COOK A SCntftt, ManuTrp snd Wholesale Dealers. W^Don't fail to examiue Ooods and Prices whoa In Chica^. Stoek New ind Great in Bought for rtueemenls to Cask Buyers. H.K. Bum, Late with If. aola * Co O. V. Cook, I Late oi Whitney H. I- SEIXAS, I Cook A Co,, N. Y., At his old stand Is mow better ||ian ever prepared to do all work in his line, US the best of manner and at LOW PRiGSS. ^hors® mmmok- > HATlttg iimiiM wiiik 1m 14 tka lmii* *< • -» ^ t v .< •# i ! i ' * tri st |AS. GARDNER, 6ne of the best Horse Shoers In the State, am better than ever prepared to do work >ln this Itqe. sarBad Feet, Quarter Ota^kS, Mtc., made a speciality. We respectfully solicit the patrocafoof oar ^ pftblic gene •dir. , I ' W. r. TILTON. MeHenry, Febu isib, 1 OF ALL KINDS. PLANTERS, Aitt, Sole A«rent for the celebra­ ted Union, Keystone and Star Planters, acknowledged by all to be the best Plantet ln tbe mar­ ket , \t CORN CULTIVATORS. We htVe all the leading kinds. The celebrated Bertrand & Sames and Elwood> which are acknowl­ edged by pll to be the two M Bass'* Cultivators, and are sold at yery I am now prepared to give bet­ ter Bargains than ever. Can sftve votr:i + vaamtt ' 'iUi'iln t-.r'iim »f.' . ' ' « ji!:! iitfiisk • ft PER CENT^vWt^ « : *« :»?% • : . . On air kinds of Furniture* I have the most complete stock of low prices* the Leadi nam Of the Bay, aiiiong which Jare th% Walter A. Wood, Buckeye, Peer­ less, Warrior, Triumph and oth­ er MowefS. Also the celebrated Marsh Harvested the old lieliable Hollensworrh Hfty Bake, the Ti- »er Self Dumper, the Archer, Furst & Bradley, Dixori, &c.-- The celebrated IS i<ihols & Shepard Vibrator Threshing l^achines;; also the Sweepstakei. , The Celebrated MM FDIBS. Plows^Plow^ Alt Leading Plows kepi constant* ly on hand and at lowest Prices, Kg"Term* ReasonaWe.j^l E. M. OWEN% •„ McHeniy, April 8d» 1878^? 3 w* 1 corns AND CASKETS Of iall styles and 8i«ee, to be found in the "Connty.""4 '"lt • Give ine ^ call and I pleased to give prices •:W: Wilt be ft^id JOHN B. BLAKE. JOHNSBURGH "•'.t Cm irf'-i iM HENRY MILLER, Omaha and Callfornla Lin* OMM- Oh rc&2o> Sfi. Paul 4t Mlnnsapelli Liiie* between Chicago and sll points in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota. fjy.'L Madison, 8t. Panl, Minneapolis, ]>a. hyht and ail points in the Great Northweefc LaCroise, Winona ft it. Peter line 1 fs the best route lwtwoen ctflcafeo and la. Cro»fee, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna. Van. kiito. Sj. Peter, New Ulm and a|| poiste to Southern and Central Minnesota. Its Breen Bay 4 Marquette Line Is the onl y line Iwtween Chicago and Dalies, ville, Watortown, Fon dn lac, Oshkeeh, An Slet on. Green Bay, Eseanaba, Neganaee. [arqnette, Houghton, Hancock and the Lake Superior Country. Its - Freeport & Dubuque line Is the only route between Chicago and Elfffn. Kockiovd, Freeport and all polhtn via Fr«e* port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the only one passing between Chicago and SvanateiL Lake Forest, iljghlnnd Park, Waukeaan! B»cm« Kenosha and Milwaukee. * Pullman Palace Drawing Room Cars - aire ran on all through traihe ta Ibts'ioMl'^-"' Ihis is the OR LY l.INE rtinnfn^r thiae MWt1 between Chicago and 8t. Paul and MInno. apolis, Chicago and Milwanicee, Clucaao and Winona, or (^hioago and Green Bay. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake shore and Michigan Southern, Mich- lean Central, Baltimore and Ohio, Pirtsburr. Ft. Way no, & Chicago. Kankakee Line an«i Fan H in lle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH, f ast, a„d with the (thlcago and Al- ton ami Illinois Central for ail points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the l^nion Pacific R. R„ at Omaha for all ffcr West poiiits. '('lose connections made at jnnction points iffith trainsof all cross points* Tickets over this route are «old bv all Geo. Em ticket ag'ents ih the United States and inada. R-ememher.yon ask for yonr tickets via the Chicago & Northwestern Railwrty and take ithne otiiers. • . ^ew Jor!f 0ffice. No. 4lS Broadway ; Boston Office, No, 5 State Str6et; Omaha Office, 2« Farnhain street; Sati Franefwcft Office. !•« Montgomery Street; Chicago lickot Offlrea. 6? Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets: Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or information not attainable front your home ticketagents,sp(tty to KARVIN HUGHiay W. H, STISFETT, i-„f GeneralSupt. , Gen 1 Passez^er Agent \ iitriii. wiivC IN- U .'ff\ 'iVfit American aii foreip M. f Monumento, Headstoavs. . - ^ TO., ETC., i • - ^ I : ' • ' • • • • - !•:-? •< - American & Scotch Granite, • . Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles Horth of Me­ Henry, III. ! ii Johnshnrgh, Ang. SOth, 1m. ^i/'f .! ' i L • f:1K it'i n > ! ii •wf 7ifcr 4 ilt» mm i^v-' If so call at the Warehouse of E. M. OWEN, !.$rr&!ie^H ^vfatg you a written Warrantee, cheap- er than eirer oflered in this «e<^ tion. •• • • .ii This is no humbug, as he has just received a Car Load, and is bound to sell examine them; « Tt| i F. C. MAYES^ i >|W il •fib .^n make money ante* at work for as Mail, at anything else. OSPttnl .not reqatted; we will start you. SBper day at hea^ made by the industrioaa. M«u, woomi^ hoys and girls wanted everrwliM* t»i work lor us. Now is the tisa|r Costly outfit and twma free. Address Tm A Oo., Augusta, Maine. ' Errors of Youth. AGENTM6MAN who 8 from ITervous Debility, • basiness at which persons of _ -sexcan make great _pay all the tiate tker work, write »r nor ticulM* to tt HSU*"- * iMd, lCstae. esg, and all the , tion will, for the Sake of stt send free to all who ne< direetion for raa " whlch_ he was Sareil, r §agiXb§» -i s experieaee rfect conSdene \T^ -- 'tz tTT a Co.,Port- I IH lJrtw ianm P^fit jby"tbe7if"hM ^sKV&'sig jrwafstlsilUKre. nfertng fcrtwaMiity. TheMolle'hry M T i r a , The undersigned having pnrchajed the Bleat Market of Wm. Wisher, is now prepared to furnish the citizens of MeHenry ana svr. rounding country with fnth '} • • and Salt Meats pF ALL KINDS, Sausage, Smokei ; •• * / a* mm . / , Ixrwe** Living PrlcMii. ^ In the beginning we notified all oar Cus­ tomers thai w« intended U> <Io a Oash busi­ ness, and in trying to accommodate a few for a day or t*vo wo have more on nn ~ we want. Ws aow give noti«i Marco 1st, wo.will sot Rook a of. meat t<ij&o noun, woman or < notiee antf aissvern yourselves ac * • Frett St inesf. a . i- - .K:^ 'Hm ' Iff *tw<»AHD DBALKI Xlt^' Beady-Made, dethlag. / • - - . K \ ' Invites the publie to «ki In­ spection of his newly purchased 8toc|(. I^^Priees tatsuit the and G-ooda warranted mm' sented. i. •*«» Cutting Owe ss Oss« ?%tore On© Door Xortli: Colby's Drug Store MeHenry, UL, April 18th, 1878. (business yon can engage 1*,: (S [to f?0 per day made by any •worker of either sea, right ia their own localities. Particii. lars and samplon worth #5 free. Improve your spare time at this Address Stihsok a Oo., Portland, 2>* / E S M -» 2 • ^ © --• Q . J) s w * m m Pis oe c o»3r • T v S o fi t So 2 'Stat f(»M S S»583 jso^SO JOHNSON'S CdUMERCIAL COLLE&E, aioaaia N. Third St. t* aaildlng Sontk ^ Us Post Offlee 8T> groins. ' • ' * • i ' X ' Tor Ls£ei sad Seatlemen. Open Day and Night all the year. times . All of the branches of a Practical Bnsiness Sou(vition taught. ^ , repre- Independent Departments for the English Branches. , Higher Mathematics, German and Rtoeution Phonography taught personally or by mail. j Fo/a Full Cowrse of Double Entry K|--^Book-keeping In atl Its forms with Commercial Correspond­ ence, etc. Reference made to thousands of students who have completed under our instruction. For Circulars giving: full Information con­ cerning time to complete, board, course of struotion, etc. Ahuhkss, J. W. JOHNSON, PIN. *» ,Tl & ' / ; m Ui - Fox River Valley Hills, i'-i f um. I}.LH ii n y,a'u :y • WSHOP, Frsprrtttr. • : ; tt'tn - . MeHenry . fflllnola. sU. M'/1 , I, j < 5 ' >"f i ' , 'l ft ; 't % , I I * H II' !£' V' « if*1 j t/®3 •/ 31'* eON9TA9TLT iOT v*tp. . i S ->;>:*! 'it .;-a, *:». j ^hHt i "mm ̂ W -t n<',} S t v CUSTOM GRlP|Dm0 Done promptly, and satisflietlon gnaranteed (Caving Inst nnt in oneW Keed Stefie, «aaaMO of grinding sixty bushels of Fee* per bonr. I - per l am prepared to do your grinding oo short ao. tice. • ft^The ^XsheatMiirket I*rtce caul fbr j m i ^ v« v. • • 'Mc#£*ry . • fr"':w ' CUT THTS ADV EUTISEME5TT OtJT. Short Hand Writing taught by lAsil. ,150 woni* per minute jritaranteerf. Every yer. Doctor, Business man and Accountant and every T.;idv sliould arldjess, "The St. ijsp8si;ipstej""- AVBROSIX: RINQ'S AMBROSIA RBSTOREa GmjL-w »Lkm ORIQINAL^OOLOII. rinci's AMaaoaiAi ERADICATES Cters* RING'S AMBROSIA Pmsats BsWa^asb SOLD BY DBUOQttTS And MERCHANTS CMrywlMve mceoy WitwtWk E.MTUiHS^ Sold by HENRY COLBY. MeHenry, 111. " fmrh.Sfe-ii'i'afri f niiif-i

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