Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1878, p. 5

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Sil •*>? m hmm. WEDNESDAY, MAT ®th, WIS. IMS Vabla. of Water- ni'* lug %f *«I»awreaee <* tgl £9**11* QratvaUk* Geneva Lake I u«»n i^»iMihtw.... 9en«va & Mum a, u. •sgi"- VOHintTORirmmln^A. IL-Ben-i t̂ gvx̂ JŜ * rrrl _ ' ' • '-:V H«**T OOLBT HP. IHtiMUAunt ®«c, U~~*L , R CHUKCH DIRKCTO*!. "» 8AW»G&,*& Hit 38% *1*11. JOHW ObMH, 8«Mr)BMad«Bt. A. W, CtJMtlta, «f us ft (rail on Fridhy. WfMitock, made WE LEARN THAT &he Ctscoette . teal* will proimbly eemsienoe runni ng, this season a boat the 30th Intt. ' • " M •?* HIWTOK WHKXLKS «nd WIRE* «f Blackberry Station, Kane county, spoilt a few days In this village last week. PsatKiKfl la the44 Boss** Artist. That1* ; what those say who villi his Gallery, ovsr Perry A Martin's store, McHenry i-. --i *-4 •'• • IF you want a Dress made in the latiit style, cull on Mm. Dodge and ' Hiss Stocker,oppoalte Pbi+y & T&h- tin's. -- : -- tu L ' "WHAtfs honor?" asks Falstaft.-- That's easy. Any woman who sits behind another In .church can.fcpti what's on her in two minutes. ,,,, A A Sunday School Concert will be glvpn at tlie M. E. Church, in this * vil­ lage, on Sunday evening, Jfay llth, All are cordially invited. - --. li SOMEBODY lias written a book entit­ led "What Shall My Son Be?* If the hoy Is as bad as the book, thp chances are that ht will be hanged. ! FTLAD the new advertisement of Per­ ry 6 Martin, to be found In another column, and if in search of bajrgaln* do not fall to give them a calf. A CHICAGO clergyman has preached a sermon against the sin of ladies per­ mitting shoe store clerks to button their shoes for them. Any clerk in the ] hardware trade will agree that It isn't right*. ," IK another Polnmn can be TOO*# the Report of the Treasurer of the village, for the year ending April 25th, 1878. To those who wish to know what lias been done with the public funds, we would recommend a care Ail perusal. WE noticed the Scow '*North 8tar,*' Capt. Powers, The*. Knox first mate, ferrying teams across the River on Monday morning. It makes an easy, safe and quick transit for those who are obliged to cross during the jtouK (hat.|he Bridge Is Impassible. /"THK Commissioners have pomtrieffeeil work on the Bridge across Fox River, In this village, and are pushing it for­ ward as rapidly as possible. Tliey will put iu new stringers, replank it. ami otherwise put it la good repair. They expect to have It completed this week. A PAPKH printed up In Connecticut, •ays: kA firm in this town has discov­ ered s way by which butter can be made with a hydraulic ram.* That Is a lie, and we will expqse it. or die In the attempt, ifouqan't make but^r without tnilk; and who ever hoard of ,a ram giving mlllcf To* oast mttudle us that way.' ' " •• !>••< r. I Ovum two hundred and fifty fish s esttght at the MH1 d»m ono morn*: *• tug last wwtk Wfofb*igfK u*4dtiL, *»Hh hook and line. We eaW o^#ifeI!ow with * string of e!ghl.v-8ye. They were principally tun flsh» weighing Iron 'a pound to two Mid a half pounds each. 'Bow many mors remain In that same hole we are unablp to say, but lb® boys are carrying away large ^strings almost hourly* WE are naturally patient and forglv- Ing; But the next man who comet in­ to this office and says the motto "In God we trust,** which adorns the new dollar, means that we truit for three yean* on subscription, that man Is go­ ing to ret his head punched. 1 Thp sweetest patience and the uebleft for* giveness have their limits, as4 wo would ha ye It distinctly undorstood that we mean buslu»^s this time. WE saw at the farm of A. H. Hanlsy, i ilw days since, a very line three year old colt, and one that will compare fa­ vorably with the best Iri the county.-- Ho Is a half Percheron, and bat as line * step and action as any horse w« ever •aw. He will be three years old in June comlng.welghs about 1W& pounds and If a Anode] ef beauty. \W# would advise all lovers of a good horse to ©pll and sea him. With a few. fs#va. jrear§ he-will be hard to beat. / - i GKK, 8aaTcary says tho the premium ®n gold shows what * poor •pinion people have of , §tf, nobody wants it, and hence Its fall In value.-- Tell >m to bring it right here, Sam-- we'll take l| on subscription. We wouldn't 1HM io be orowdeu with It, *ut«ro*v»^pairs of old stoekiogs that we Wjjw spare the use of lor awhile--ws^ll tgree to take enough to fill th*PW Bring H right along;, we'd alnuaat as soon have it as Bologna DR. J. D. •town, N. Y., win copy of a Pafla Constitution, JRi Westminster Plili Thousand IslaMlai River. The brings back pleasant reflections of our early days In that reg^4Ma,aiid cre­ ates a longit^g io again visit that sec­ tion, which we *h©p« be a We to gratify at ne> distant day. THE new 0RA> of Colby Bros., In erslde Block, are fast getting tiftlr store In shape, and when cotq|M^t#!y arranged will have the handsomest Wtoro in McBenrv County. Their stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, flats and Caps, Boots and Slides, Groceries, Drugs and Medicines, Is complete In every particular, and nil fresh and new, therefore buyers can rest assured of getting just what they want and of tho best quality. Read tho|r advertise­ ment in another column, and do not fail to call and.*** their *tore; you want •<> purchase or not. , ( LEONARD BAMTCS, who It Will be remembered was so severely injured last Winter by falling into * well, te now able to get around on crutches, and In order to get a living for himself and family, has started a Peddling ^vagonjitarrylng Dry Gooda, Notions, (iTOcerles. Tiaware, etc. As Mr. Ban- tus has a large family* and will npt be able to* work again In a long time, we hopeour rsade^ in every part of the County will deal liberally with him, At ye can* assure them he will sell them a good article as cheap as It oan liopurchased elsewhere, /THE Red Ribbon Club of MctTenry 'having perfected tlwir organization, will meet at the Universalist Church Ion Thursday evening of this week, the ^thjnst., at half past*7 o'clock. Speak­ ers are engaged for the occasion, which with other exercises will make i i worth the tlnte st least for aH to atteud. All Red Ribbon meri are r^uested to be present and sign the Constitution and By-Laws. The public are cordially iu-, vited. Messrs. Rice and Hall will be present at|d a general good time is •expected. The Ladies White Ribbon Club Will meet at the same ' place at half past 6 o'clock, the same evenhig. A !is, 1 r. PAHaOMB, ftpg'y. iTlsiiowd^ne lh this way: Age ht with silvery Voice, stops and takes din­ ner wltfi a well-to-do-fanner, and when lie settles his bill represents that he Is doing business for a firm which re­ quires him to present a receipt for all moneys expended and requests said far­ mer to write his name In a little hook he carries for that purpose. Accord­ ingly It h so done; agent goes-off. In the course of a week or two the farmer receives a notice that his note payable In the bank is due and to call mid liqui­ date. '4'tie agent is non wt and some­ body Is cheated out of the amount the note calls for* The moral is, don't sign anything in the shape of a receipt or order for a stranger. ^ " As Will be seen by a Mauk form aud questions, published on the flr*t page of this paper. Assessors hsve their la­ bors added to by the collection of Ag­ ricultural Statistics. There are about llfty questions fof farmers to answer, sorte of them requiring much study before they can be answered dorreetly. This has nothing to dp with taxation, being only required for statistical in? formation In regard to the agricultural products of the State; But fanners should attend to this matter without delay .and have the questions ftlled out -- ^ trr v - - . . . . you will he prepared ip assawsr. his aorraetly and' readily* - ;By ioh ^iid ;;; I ' : • ^ r •*'. VAX. .. i in ^ I «f the BoaM^'ttti^, day eyenlrig last. It waft decided that the Poll Tax tor this: Corporation tlie present year should bo one dollar or ten hour® work, for each individual li­ able po be assessed for road labor.-- The list Is now In the hands of the Street C#wTOis»ipner, who will iip^e" dtaiely oall on all tliMe liable, to "n»IM ttp to the Captain's oiHoe," pay their dollar 6r sltoulder their shovel and th- 11st for a ten hourscsampaign. " 8«al KMaMTrMMfm, : Conveyances filed for record lai! thCf Recoriler's Offloe of McHenry County, Illinois, for the week ending May 4tb. A. D.1878: 4 Mwrphy and wtfe to Jaw»a M«. A.ulu> S»*X AW^ ##c 18, Gre«awook. $70tt. .. RilOT GibMM ami w!f« to Stcphfa Smith ivx (K%, MeHtftrr.WNl Geo. d Swan and wife to Daatel Oeaison rvedk Barttou and w Ifc Numaan ^ain Emily II.Hutchlni' ad4 to Wookstock. Same to Okas. Riede) «4 IS radk la same add poo. I , . flame to Christopher Biedsl 8 a la est aad Htime t&.Joha' Baekholta 4 a Hrods In mpa add " '" "." »a Ul iMi In mnvA* A, Wing mid husband to LuclA. ©. fowl Wa la *mk *#f s», » uaa», H.W. / " Lucia. JP. Ford anil Iwisl^nd .to BV H. 4i.% a la aw# »ec Iff N uM Joaatbaa to iane Sandall Tots IS 16 aatt ^^iWWs» ltt«hmoDdsf80». A ^aUnMP to CeiiA Jte!<%e*tqt 00 to Heary 8taxen T. Barrow* .Mat* i . » m ~ ~ w . • --- vms " ~ ft Hit HbfjCJiti Kiotttes of* litst n^^Nitln^ rirffl itttd The Bostda of Joaeph Wiedemann. Ciim#-"WWfa, • Geo* ji^MnviMjr, BoMftt, JoeOph GMllb MMI i»i«k ft tildikM* *ltk * -^lll * » , j W B i f i p f w n i v u ^ w w r Lloeuses tp keej?. : Ordered Issued on iMio same. Also the Bonds sf J. M. MK^lhfr^ Street Commissioner and J. Vs* Siftos, Clerk, were presented and Mi tfllVfil 7 •* *Ww|uvvit Tlie bll! waa nr^s#nted, audited and *rilec«d palds > .f- m J. VaaMyke, PMHU|«, On motion the name «Hao>b tras presented to the Board for appointment Of Pomd ttffter. Moved to amend^l' i^ihstl^utlng fli uarae of Albert In place of BishO{|. ! ,u u J The vote being on the amendtowit was lost by the following vote: Aye, Searles. Ktei, Story, Xelter ati^b- er» .. The ̂ tteetiea the* boiog on the Orig­ inal mtitfon was carried aa fopwa: Ayes, Wetter, Kelter and Ejphop Noes, Searles and Story. Jacob Bishop was tliea w* appointed ponnd Master. On motion the Clerk waa retracted to present L«niard Bantna, a/Llconse to Peddle within the Corporation lim­ its for one year, free of ctiarfe. On motion it was voted tmt persons liable to pay a Poll Tax be Assessed #1, «r in lieu thereof work teuf hours, and that the Street Commlsdoner he In­ structed tp warn them OUQ and In ca«e of their fai)ure to<work ^o collect the same. • : ( 6n motion a«yonrned ,4ub)ect to the call of the President. / R. snino* Preheat. • J.'tjsi Stfx« Clert. / • • ' r =1 ' ' ' ' '"I • |" .if--a* : • emrvtAL LMSM.1^'1': ^ EPITOR PLAU«I>G/I.KR Again we send you a few ^iiich may not be of a great deal dt interest to your many readers, btu are some of the principle evs^te o^the l|Urt ifew day* In this village,"' /' i Owing to th» Inefemeucy of the weat her and the failure of some (from "Whom we W€W? ^ipectlng conftlde?able) to attend, the last meeting of -the Literary Socie/y was not what might be called a success, but If the weathe r is favorable ye expect to , have one Thursday ev« May 17th, Of which we need not /he ashamed. The Pro­ gramme will consist of MiiKtc, both vocal and Instrumental, select rending. Essays, declamations, chip-basket, query box/ and a debate between O. K. Churchill aud R. M. TliompKui. Ques­ tion, Resolved, That more is doe from the American people to the memory of Washington than to LInenln. Souieouo not having the fear of Qod or man, a respeqt of old age or an eye fbr fln^ horses, stole an old horse be­ longing to Mr. Chittenden and had one out yf tlie barn belonging to a Geiv mui*. but were requested by him not to take it. They left suddenly. If lt^ pays to steal anch horses as these, a m4p ought tp inahe a fortune stealing gf6ufflll»go W sgslii without a sa­ loon aud it Is Jioped will get along without one the coming year. • They are oertaflily not a necessity «id can easily be dispemted with. £. M. Thompson 4^uCo. are selllng Cultivators, Shovel flows. Sulky Bay- -2!:=s, Cera s.1 the very. I ©west prices; Jteapen, Mpwers" "ind Those in jsterft ©jr.i^'Of ttiei^ iifipleuienti ^ill well' dittir.pplessn., .,*,1.' >;- Co5isids*ml4a«4filUise*t waa Biased hen day fail'wobK bft "iirliigef having fits oil our street. He waa a German, gave his name as Myars, said M» home was In Himmc), hut that be had been working at MeUenry. If ho had said Woodrtock w« might' have .asked him if he waa editing MI- inde­ pendent paper there. He tinted about as sensible as some men we have seen before.: . O/wJh EDlT«*pi.Am»»a.E&.--Pettibone's corneya *frfrge ff you will set out a ^otfd'jypik--'™ _ Joh«lhrby Is bjdldMig t^i a horse lawtll have to sfKMi gat more It building* i / for that mw fthM Ira pal«»- it Ituprov- #tli to Mrs. Oeo. Qilbert jr^lots 1 and S blk I Walkupa' ndj vtfi to Treat» Far Mr -- • see VMer, and Ed. Buck ad4 to Na Haary jofta tec tlets**" Oreind Opening of Spring and luMmir We take pleasure In annonnclng that We hhvo Just opened one of the taett complete stocks of Dry Goods, Cloth­ ing, Hats arid Caps, Boots md Shoes, Groceries, ever brought to this market, and what is mtfre uitsidUisg is the /act that we are selling good Goods witli less proitt than ner haiore.-- Among the msHy bargalus we have to ofier^ daring this monUi is a larger line of Ladles, SU«sp8 ana Clslldrqfii Shoes, purchased at about @® cents on a dollsr aud_w^ich wlH bo sold accordlngly.-»* In piDf>l Good*, Moaiefy, Notion!), La- dies LTnen Sidts. White GOfeds, &c„ we have Bargains. Please ealt and exam- lis#. FLTZSLMMOIRS FT EVAWSON. Qe to lbs; Sal is bitty's for Lace Scarfs, Rusches, Colla|s and Cuflk, Handkerchief^ HosierT«< Stationery, Zephyrs, J a vdjpm>v*M. MJktoes, Card- Board. Crochf «tHook», Tlur Bui torn). Tidy Patterns, Bead« for Air Castles, Splints, Embossed Pictures,!^ Ac. Do not forge't'that Mrs. Dbdge and sttf^ to be found at fheir RoooiiE opposfta Perry £ Mar­ tin's, prepared to -40 anything in %hf line of Dr«M and %ioak Making, on short notice and in the best of manner. -For-'the, largest and bfit stock of Ladies Dress Goods, go tp BuclUla 4 , '-7 **• &-> 5-w'lfew l^k^p caseorDr. Brillou. r II .may be aeea rim oat afty after the interests pf the ,Co., at the ' ^Sp||... Fi' * grant deal ahi^g/the •h auumfactured thoxe d to See any. ; Albert Buck is manufacturing iotne iplendld Cigars. Buy a box oft trial !*iwi not take our word for It. ^ We have nptloed that almost, every 'town have an organised Base Bali ditb «mpt Kaada. -Bill" caaV you get nine of the hoys together. Ci-o^it iia kk.Wj' •• jra aaya he will nU;k nu* snd pi|JT any tW.O Itt the county for ftin-or eigaM. A Oiw. Heldemaa,^ formeidy night operator, 1a now In in office In Wlscon- •tn, and a new .operatpt, m very fen* looking fellow. Is lu his place. Look out girls, , , Mrs. P. Clark, of Blgln, will open May 8th, In George Beat's Drug Store, a full and complete strtk of Millinery Goods of tlie lastest styles. Mrs. G. Hunt will represent her her*. „ . Wm. McDonald has fitted up his bttitdliig for a fir»t*class Imarding hawse. William's experience In hotel btnlntss ,aud Mi*. McDonald's notoriety as a good cook will no doubt give them a share of the public patronage. So wishes your correspondent. S. G. Hatch, the well known merchaht formerly associated with Butler, has opened the largest stock of Groceries, Ciititted Goods, Crockery, 4feo, ever in Nunda. He has lu his employ the fa­ tuous grocery clerk Ole Arneson, who fan do up mere goods than any two men in town. Give them a trial and you will not lack for attention. You will find tliem in Ji P. Beardstey's Block. " M.T. Ellswort*} informs us that he will edit aud publish at Huuda a news­ paper in the interest of tlio National Gceguback movement. ABIftll.. ^S>Z,l3+*m | | liaps-Hln , ' VNION. HDITOR PLAIN DEALER :--There lis considerable excitement in Union at present over the proposed opening of u street through a pari, of Mr. Bead's premises. Mr. Read was obliged to purchase this particular plecO of land in order to obtain the lot upon which he has erected his new store horn*,-- This piece of land has been utilised as a street for twenty years, simply be­ cause It has not b^en fenced, aud now that the same Is fenced, the necessity af the street Is felt. There is consid­ erable interest manifested about the matter. Kvery other man Is self-ap*. pointed counsel npon one side or tho other, and lawyers lite plenty. Some tliipk that ip order to )ay the street, the town must purchase the land.-- Spme think* that as the land haa been open for public travel for twenty years that It is thereby constituted a street to all Intents aud purposes, and Others tliiuk that those most benefitted by said street must purchase the laud.-- We await developments. Some time since Mr. 8. Farr and wife wefe driving wlfti a yopng and fractious hor^% the horse •.heeaatt frighleaa4 and unmanageable, and ran away, overturning the buggy. Mr. and Mrs. Farr were both severely 'iil'S. £ Uiuiug ,Oil0 fraptupsd* It Was t|H>Mght, kfife^c, tMt injuries 'fiffituiued l»jr tfeem --oUi-Vsira-.tccovei*' fagrapltllf -ondpiE.--the eUillfut trsat- Htkeut of Dr.,i$'he'Pon. • This. morning,, .towevfr, tlip UrlO^de of tbe' fsmlly , art. Miitoimtrii««l itMrn that . Mr. Farr, ievesgr «|Bk|M fchSi r»«ilt of hU iojui^. les whMkwera dArst tlmsmhi to h^- 'i\m (5>t^l J-.yeeum and Dehatli^p Sp>. claty;lMW%«| *ho question far discussion on Satwrday eveulog, Mtajr 11 th, tlip, Rmotvyi, That this country Is in danger of an AristO- orney. Affirmative--Ot G. Clark, M. Austin, R. dirties, C. Gilbert and othiVi. negative--T. V. Sddy, H. Cieaver. K. W. Derry, Ca^t. Eddjr u& others. A food time ia exftct«N$!. The new Coral Cheese Fa^wy his eommenced oj»eraii@ns with 5.000 poundi of milk per day. , W. A. Boles, ProprlOtor. * v ' * ;;k- !MAitK. ' Eurrwn BrvwipMosn 'fipti «t«M>t4ithe old line office is now at the Old of Parpen Btti; ' Cmk*? HAVP^ULT, |K%AISJOO» BTY|N)ESS.: If YOU want gps<D! - bread, 'SS^ARE It 'WKllo Bob. Pattonon'a wagon ia in RYONR FSLTY. HIS. hitad; §90 'HT MM* are always eatable. . ' 'J We ^T^t^tP mention U our last weeks ao«Ba*inlC5il.loiii that % new dJU- eaMli ira9c«n otit amoag;ti|0§s In thli ffWiiity. The snimftls' attauked ' by, th».4!fii«iaW shed Aheir 'Slttilitikd de- ' part' to-^--f^|U"y the appetite of some party, tf thi i#imnnl|y uaknown, but ' who Is^Ofidititlp skHlod ia skiuniag bogs,, . ^ MORNHTG 4^PO»«P tho «O*PAI U». ^>GE AND IFPFTIFMHY* congsregatlaas ,IU,A 8at'»fl»tirf»iiw«ner. ' to he* i favorite local- i(|R for yo^l lawyers and yourig .Physicians, as well as young Mlnt|tfi|*, At the old prices, there are enongh ne w goods com INN into town to luvpshr- erlsh the <jOuiitr^,ri b«t our merchants are selling them so chtap that no pup need go without as muuli as • of any thing In their lihe. -h . , Mark is absent again after another Installment of cows. '* Oisax. & . ;'*i' * * aad-araiaot m a T Bull ^ ta^ i,tii Shoes reduced Ibiaitr irtai #1.60,: at - fitssi v>, . • -vi-' Ladle*Jtiiitn Strtti an3 Dnsteii lit 4* . K«« JrSfe«® *y*"" *»|i than evet II A CII APT ICR or OKtitffimtObWIt. s; O#' pi Rutherford[, tbe Paclfler,1there dwelt in one of his western provinces a per­ tain man aaNod Johu, who was alsii named BuiMetr. 1 And ^ohtt Wlir a wervant «f the* people; and, la, these many years^Ifd he serve them. I. And the :frise men, whf were also servants of tho people, cant*: together as wis their wont^ oh %he second day of die first week' of the foPrth month of thiiyear. IrAnd they called John hpfprp them and sald unco him: BehaUlone Timo­ thy hi^h iliade oomptalntfagitnat thee, aud Aiidrew alw hhth accusOd thee, that thou art , a malefactor. Give us therefore aa account of thy Ste^ard^ Ship, .'•t'-.'i 'S-. • . • --v..; t. And JobW bared h la head and stood up l»e(pre tlie'tn ind slid: l am hippyi O Wise'lSiiters, that I pcrrarittol to speak wbfcrset 1 aua aucuatil by ral^e 'enemies/ - :;».«• . ./ ••• 6. Lo here are the ten talent* which ye gave into rty hands, and whtahhave gained other teii talents. • " » ) 7. "Take, therefore, and proclaim It unto the people, whose ierv«M|t«jWe ai». 9. Then the wise men comaianed »pe with another, and said, ho doe th-all things well: th«*se iff fatw charges which Timothy and *Andrew have made against him; and we will vindi­ cate isilll. . j 0. And again tho# called Johtsfeeforp theni and said nnto htm, thm* base been faithful over all these tMnjg* which we ham placed into thy we pray tbep therefore i§ continue th/ Stewardship. ,: . 10. And Timothy and Andrew were wii>th and rebelled at the doings of tlie wise men and appealed anto the people r .., r, i'. II. I'hen came people together from the utmost part of tho Province, IS, And whoa they hail hoard the law and the testimony and oommuned amongst theiswfilvei for the space of •i»atyf,!ii;Uri thsy %||l «t\fp John, neith­ er do w+ aec»»a thee ; cuntluue thy Stewardship. 18. And 'ftuiui&ir &ud A»iuw?w went tbair#rords into plowshlres andfrun- i n g h o o k s , v . ' J ' 11.* A*4itifcro.irJii ipaacaagalnlii Hf- lamAil --"'lu, •};•-! <i th ft; Stevens; YrtemiM,'* OaMPs eaiihraeed taif *provi# Flit MlM li naiqhalodforclesii* ing Fh^s^iovpri^aad? Timothy and atlddads of grain, Ca^ f«t pifpu* :: lar at^iBLA. Owen's. shad^jlf*the lew pi-- p«r pftlr, at Buckiln A Sterehs, ------.-- •< vfp- lr ywi want a goc-d Picture pall *ai vi Hie l(nt GAllery, over Perry # jfartin'f, ; COM* No pimon asked to t*ko a Pic^V.. from tftto Gallery uwlesi fully «ftod. • Ut, - - . , • •.». . '.*3^ Buckiln. 4 Stevens have added to ' ^IfrjitOck. a Well selfcted j»tock m ^ Wall PkpCr, Oil Window Shades ahj ,• ^ Carpetings. Cbiip for Cash. * v Before making yowr purchases for * i tlie Spring at^d Summer, take a look a| C/ Buckiln A Steven'sJarge and well se- t M < lected stock tn all olpartmeuts. , |lcl HORSE FOR SALE. ; ; A good Work Horse for Sale ver#>-„ ,.JS ohoap. Apply tp^DR. E. A. B«ERSl - A I^rgs and beauHful line of Ham» ,«1 bun Edgings, joit received Irom Ne#:;^ T«»*. from 5ets per yard up, it Buck^ , :Hin & Steve us* 4 « FOR SALE CHEAP ;* ^jfbhd Work or Buggy weigh aboilt lOOO ponl»i«. E. M. Owen. II«»rse.Wi Euquire Boots and Shoes, a full and complete* stock of M. Sel* A Cos. makp, the bes| g(K>ds in the marker, at Buckltn Stevens/ 1 V" ::Sl ' rAinoWAK mitioft * ,,,:tkit wPek, some Ohildrea enterad the Cemetei^, and either inalitiouatv, or otherwise, tore down lei pf sod­ ding which I had been fixing o» loh, thaeohf putting me to extra expense and aunoyanee. 1 therefore wfsh to here give particular notlce <th«^if aei U, com m i t te d again 1. aCnilit t) "palup to Ami out who the, partipp and make theiu suffer UK the folmst < teut of the law. And I would ,|n«!t say that children under twelve years of age. have no business In the Cems» tery unless aeeosirtianled'by "theIr par- @nts, and should i hp^eafter find theai tliere'tWy will brf phtflshed record- i n g i y ^ ' J 2 2 L » S , E , U M ^ J ' ' 6 poniids' of Green Coffee $1. Sounds Ground Coffee SI. 8 pounds apart TPa 91. lifa and Boys Caps- Jit Pehts. Good vara wide Sheeting 6 ««. Good Ladles Corsets SO cts. ft pair of SOcks 26 ess V . a rf 5 : M • . VFYMIPFKOKS * BVANSOH. , If; in waut of CMI , Pi"" HjMttaft* Stove, do not fait to call at John Jf. • Smith'*, near tliP Depot, as he cahho| fall to please ^bn both i^i • MS.: i A tMMfe Stock of Adams celebrated. Kenosha Pwwps. The best Pumps auti at M#l«t prtoes, at £. M. Oweu'«k ' t ' SH«.r-Haiu>WAB», Ppcke t and TaDllr Ostslqv in any quautity. at Be'l-rotit priaM^si| Johu M. Smftii's, uoar tlia DapPii !: PI.ANTEIB. Jjam fS^e ^gent fp4'^. Uuluu, fifcystone and Star whlcli I offer at low prices. Er^sOw|p*. SIlert's Daylight l.iver ll||p i are r$> iMoie " liable, safe andcfiMent. T|«|r ;purl the blood, fegpiate thpUwrand dige 4i?p; • oisanfti,; apd f.. raltp, iieadach|| , ; JPOftSALK C A sopbad hand Union Cor# in good order, and as good us new; f. <11 ffhM or tradp. plaints, or Choterai" hs fan turn there Is ne thing aiaalb and reliable^as Dr. WlnchelW Teething 8ymp, lt never fails toari?e Imniidlati ' and is har«nle®8. Sold by aft-, t#lttfB<0ti. per bottle. ! Farmers I! Would you hava s in prime aendltion for ^ourspring and smhraer work? if s4 several tlaliiga ibosld be strictly ol>- sarved, good eavo, regular feed aud liberal cstrrying are among l%p«f|Be% tials, but do not fail to glui Mn Ui*^ cle Snm's Condition Powdw,'te«»rdin|| .to directions; iod jfsu \?lll hpipward«^, 'far your «xpoii&e .aucl tr#9bw. Far' Sale by ail our aftirio to that paper hut f< shall'i^^'hiti'the pjpiinre?©f Wa uttderstvid tbatiomp pf ppr far- rotors; "ha?*MM>*'-ppnsideraWp;: jmonpyi through tha*ailure of Wm. Wood, ®f ar^rtW)hl*l ed»l ' best/ Samssar hii coms»«nd. ffm we hope,pleaspht weather. Thf4fa«#itMion Chsh meets Thuri- ,Jjr eventngi. . Th# attwadancp his hapl^ sm^|, so far» oh " wS6(Meuit Of the weather. JHtoaae etoaniiif is n%arly. avpr'ond the sajk *fcptf«s«>ou worn pf late ^atb« IAMS trtphofave. aoag. . • ** W» a«pJ- patthsntly • wAlttug tp. *lgft ; " Catarvh 90(tip]|ttn In i known r^.«««..^n.jnp0.,vm li Ellen's Exfrpjt «f % aa« Wild ClierHr; oo^po&hl%y Allied Phomlsts, rrom iotne^r tho beirt known ivagera- bis remedies, lt is aat anly vahiable tjjifiidnftwaryifleeasps, hat it is (unlik# most eough rOmadiei Whicb are ex­ tremely dibiiUatlng) m excellent tonic if tekpn as directed , ; Neuralgia i«a.W#rd derived from tw®«« Greek words ̂ •**«* fylng Mrw pat% Any one who has ifcfcred from Urn, disease knows hp#!fhp aifiite p»»in fol­ lows the coursa^mr i nervous branch, extending thronga all Its raniiiicatienx, making Hfe a burden. Froth thp uatnra of , lhtemal"'|i^athiei#^; '7U;:0' senies. leaving the patieuf 'Wire sup* toilbw to tlie palu atterarard. the rves heinf wnsksftad hy tt»mae pf _ iii dn»ffs. %«Mfoi»fe Ctifadlre heala taiM| seethes, jtMhg thPtdHasad aervea r tnedlplpe In the w« • <>'V; U Pf»Uf V4m*J5! • «Tlsa ftneteots proclaimed that; Mer- roalds.Uymphs, Sialadsend theGraces had / long, SawAng t¥PMi wW«h thorn envied by their sisters,of, earth. M thtrarpae ou^V the *#*•{•. Mite Jfoother ever given suche«,^aat quaiitipsiKi In throa i dredthp midtoln|o world wm its cwativa '» Gwha# SYRi-r^ million fbur I«ia- paal) teotttefc fystributed %t Ih^aSftpt Be sure W call for Dr. Marshall^ Lung BfWH^W'yow are trohbied with » bad Cough or Cold* It roHeaei aftean taking the first deal. Pries IB emits. B. OilhaftT^apmry>i^ i A. hery at Mrs % ms - tBPie.ji: thmaC la and othar dlseaspa of . lnng#ig4'Hd« the Ahadtii deinahip pm»t fhat ^Kiu wtti eure thorn. 'IW repflt AitlM^att is««|f Msai VII- )«£» in the United SMtes are ibooa^ ft t* MMfer oastamers. Go $t» Colbjs u. '*# vrt, - s / , .* *'y< - 7'- Wi & * *' h > : M.

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