Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1878, p. 8

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>'• T' .... '-A"* .Jr i . .4...' if^ - *c' .-.'ifii' .» '. »»V > ! f'«4p ;*»?*»>' ^ #^figiirr~«r re* p* -s*«5ss?»ti\, ~ ^ < *• g/* \^H ># w> i *<«*•* n^vs?-^ *;. ^r * V fe** w •*««-» ^^•v •'^ ,\ '» •" & f^' *A ^"T* ^ * C? ^ f ,, ^ V ;^.. , ,-vjh . . - j. -> v> - . '4* f * •.:< ' i • •••«? |fi#»5 ,r * Batter wnilwi til* game; there Is • Kir ? demand forjstoktf %rades and atfea lit lfi#f£a» |) lb tor common :, #bcI oholoe. Cfeetae hM beta gelling >V4l..iVltBi V !£,*• to quality. Egp hKfbmm In d« ifc: y t f '.-A"; from U«1S. f ^ *«w Tom*, Msay m. w* IfoftiHy^l 2hi#e<i* reportt the fol- lltln rimiltoi of t|> batter nrkii ie.-JfiHr York; Tkw« t« a moderate demand mIt for J* ** and not much new to advise 'At: the general altaatlon. A tone of , " IrwgwiniTty is to be obeerved in th© ~ *• yi qtretuttons by tftrlette dealers, > but this teems to be traceable to the " J dltterent kinds of quality they nfler, „4 m 'lilt reason of the year, as usual, ,U, ,a< Mrfafg much variety of »tod,iiidod> " " tw white, streaked,white bottom and '*•' T f*B§w tops. pale straw color, and rich t. j>' • Ail! grass color and flavor. Oti the lat- ' ter there Is a show of steadiness, but no better prices, and S3c» still ps mains a top rate tor invoices of creameries, and Mo. for the average of half firkins, though some of the latter and «> few choice palls of crass yellow now and then reach Sic. TSae exports £»r the week were 4,161 paclcagos. State creamery, choice, 11 QSSc.; Stale (tabs. cholcc. 20@ilc.; good .to prime, )8<§lto.; 8tat*> Welsh, choice, 18019.; Western creamery, fancy. Ho,; West- ; 4Arn dairy, choice, 16@17c. ^ The decline in cheese sttll centinmw. T[he foreign market Is weak and the ^rice must go lower. Cheese Is worth four cents per pound less than it was a year ago. The top price In New York Saturday was 11 to Ilia \ i-A VT1CA, Maf is, m, On Monday 6£1? boxes of cheese ITere disposed of varying In age from * Jj4 to 18 days. Of these 3,600 were sent H§n commission. The remainder went ft prices ranging from 9f<ai0ic. A irge proportion of tlie actual sales, - ^1^486 boxes, brought lOJc. We quote fxtremes, ft$@10$c.; average, lOJc.; ^-^.'-^jsading facterles, lOJc. ;-"r 1.ITTUS Faltji. Maj ii5 wn. 4J15boxes of factory cheese were g|io}d, the price ranging from 8J@10Jc. |,714 boxes brought 10c. and 1,571 brought lOJc. Farm dairy brought 8@ Oc. Butter went from 15@21c. > ̂ t somas BOLET, ' S A L O O N Read! •4- Agricultural iiMWp & *v*n f -f'J " ^ TLWAf Greadk T all nnwrooi »•_ *>fi ~'r . « fsae«a«h *"*»***»« 'MlPrnta Un ,C"'w q ^ #rfi 4 * i" • * examimnir our I Eiep Flm, all Kinds, Broadcast and other SewlerB, both Steel and Iron Tooth Harrows, Corn Cultivators, Windmills, Grinding Attachments for Wind­ mills, Iron and Wooden Pumps, Com Shelters, Ac., Ac. t «,t Wi.iPta *W'« iLansing^ Block, McHenry, III. pen Day and Evening. Choice <aj .T ines, Liquors and Cigars al­ ways on hand. Also the best ^ Xager Beer. sj r GOTTLEIB BOLEf. McHenry, III., May 14, *78* m-"' tHawiftioHiwd bf In Wagons w« keep Platform Spiing Wagons, Three Springy and Lumber Wagons, the latter- of which is tike celebrated Bishop Wagon. Also, a Complete Line of Mowers, Beapera, Snlky-Rske*. etc. sVTake ttme to call or me baton parches- Inf elsewhere. PRESH GARDEN SEEDS in balk, tar the poaad or oonoe, fer sate cheap. o. SI8HOP. ; : Near the Depot MoHENRY, - - ILLINOIS The sabeerllienarenow prepared with a Stock or FINE CLOTHS of all kinds, to iaake to order Ooots, Paatt, vests «r «li» SniKi on short •otlce and on the most BfiosiaUe Tuns. S^Qood Fits Guaran­ teed and all WM^War- xaated. - w™~ We alse Keep a FollLue of Beady.Made ClotMaf, * GENTS luiliail M Hats, Cape, Ao Hrhioli will be sold us low as at any establishment in the County. Clothes Cleaned In the best of manner and oa short notice. LAUER A BECKER. K«BMrr. »•».. «u,au MAKER^ shop oppos^pgi^riier Hooit^ HcHenryt * ̂ ; Illinois. Having pnrchased and taken possession of these well known Shops, I am now prepnrod, with first class workmen and good material, to manufacture Wagons and Buggies on short noUoe and at as Low Prices as a good article can be purchased elsewhere. . . ... . ,, . . ' .I" ' < £ f + " • . . I ALSO DO A General Blacksmlthlng Business, and will do yonr work in the l>est af mannnr and with thin Iflaat nnaalhlft dulftV M*£i Wt&FoM .-i :• n&ZW- ;-v^4v. •M!; ,E.rf % Boots, Shoes 1^. AXO MARCUS -nSALxa I*- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AMD CIGARS Woodstock, III. Vat' ap la RUBBER^ ,ti*}, m just received the largest and best assortment of Goods in their line ever brought to MeHen* ry County. We buy and tell HORSE SHOEING :S(!i , •. ^ j R E P A I B I N G Of alt kind* promptly attended fe. Call aad . . ^ B« Thompson. McHenry, 131., April ttd, ism. »' nniK Have just: v -j " *k, * * t .-c " The best Tonle In the world. Tint and Quart Bottles. P* MARCUS* Patentee. Mc *• • * j-'rf • && f % % ' * Jf ' ' V \:'f CHEAPEST AND BUT. CHCIAGO Weekly Post! Exclusively Fsr Ciiii . '-.v ' CAN DISCOUNT ALL PRI­ CES advertised in county papers at least twenty percengZ not easily earned in these times, but it can be made In three months by any one of either sea, f I f in any part of the country who Is III willing to work stoadily at the III employment that we furnish.-- par week In your own town. You need not be awayfrom home over night. You can givebyour wboletime to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who ®m making over (30 par 4ay> All who eag»g* at once cpn makemoney fast. At the present timemoney oanno t be made so easily and rap- <3|y at any other business. It :ccsu no thi««? o try the business. Terms and #a imtflt fro« tddresa at once. H. 1IAU.EI1 AOo, ,PortlMd Maine- * •"etwemn Chica* ijillfneli, Iowa, eeettado, Utak ant •»»?«»«« §hieap, at purchttBmg elsewhere. Prints, Bleached &c Brown Cottons ̂ Cottonades, Tick­ ings, Denims, Skirtings and Patil ^fc, WlnneapollI Is the short line bet points In. Northern and for Mnilteon, 94 orttiwesl. for llnilteon, sc. Its alt p0,nt* te the Great Wisconsin and . u Paul, Minneapolis, WO! " go and sfl Minnesota, h- ; ; I-.-frui -i ' J),.-, . «"v Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds. In Ready- Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, we will not be un­ dersold, quali^^ ̂of |G-oods considered , „ JH* |4ae Is tha tost r*uta_t»tmre*a Ohicago and Li» - prossa, WU«otta,.Boebester, OwUmm, MaiT' kntn.StwPetor, Wear Vim and all peiate m CeutmlMlaliesota. Its Green Bay & Harquetts List pleton, Greieal Bay, £scanaba, Negann«a. MRrquatto, Houghton, Hancocfc and the LaH ' 8mporior Country. Its . Freeport ft Dubuque Line "~T I» the only mute between Chicago and' £I*i& P^t Iu* Fre*l,ort and all points via Fref*' Cbieago ft Milwaukee line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the on# ?n_e. P*",n* Chicago and SvanstoE Pullaaa Palace Drawing Roe* Cars «»this road. ^This is the ONLY LlfilE running thsse care Oh'Migw and St Paul and Mlnne. sJ?f ' *n<* Mllwauaee, Chicago and Winona, or Chio&go aNl Green Bay. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mich- l!?:BBt,*liB»l*,,«w»re »hd Ohio, Pittsburg. M. Wayne, A Chicago. Kankakee Line and pun Manilla gon|fta. fortjl po Bta FAaT on ̂ SOUTH-BAST, and with theChlcaro'and M- ton and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacilc B, E., at Omaha for ail fhr Weil points. Close connections made at junction point* with tralnsof all cross potato. Tickets ovar this route are sold bv all Con. go» «eket ageate in the United States ami J^meinber you ask fbr jronr tickets via the Chicago ft Northwestern Hallway and t»fc« none others. ^^"Gloves and Hosiery a Specialty, and Oil Cloth Carpetings. . • > ;#lso a FaU Lkr * e Venetian, •- -v- ;•« vr J. n si PERRY iL MARTIN McHenry j Mfcy 1st, E. M. OWENl "ow 18 THE T,ME OtD AXD BELIABI4B-- yJ,jyiEL\XJETt Can be found on hand at his W arehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill. McHenry, with a foil line of LEADING -TO- To# Fur&itin I am now prepared to give bein ter Bargains tluw Qm gave von / 1 -;r*' • ' OS ALL KINDS. W. h>: yuvf Q We haare a pair of Boots, Shoes or Rubbers for every man, wo­ man and child in the county.-- Call and look at them. Corner Main St., and Public Square. ' >&<}?:& : The Peopls's Papsr! 'iajsu SKW* One Copy l year, Postage paid Wc. Clubs of Five, Postage Paid 7*c. 52ull! °1 Ien- Postage Paid tffL 1 !*•**• e« Twenty, Postage Paid Mi TBLE DAILY FOST. Oae Tear, Postage Paid *teta ef a ^ear in freporticxL rate of^gT^ill recelve the enlarged paper to mmv w»-v. •»£.; „ .tliOiil cnirii, WlIBnSiU'ASr̂ Ŝ "H"'--"> t THE POST. M Dearborn St., Chicafto. ,$TM m IN. I-!* h' >J- i > 3 s u! CO m M -FOB- BOOTS AND SHOES Stl * SIS Xiadlaaa Ik, BUKL, OOOK * eKIXAS, Manurrs and Wholesale Daalers._ «arDon't Sil to ezamiaa Ooods aad Prices when In Chicago. Sleek Hew tad Bought for Casa. Great in lucements to Cash Buyers. (LK. Bum, Late with M. Sola A Co. D. V. Oook, I Lata of Whitney a. L. SntXAe* I Oook * OA, K. T. , _ , MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted W County rights given gratis («r the of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed i uevery fiunily; reputation world, wide; established man/ yean; made bj of evidence given. _ _ make snug permanent Income an<i very liberal terms, by addressing with reference. S33 gtffMt. fkittdiillihii > €o!cb'rat®d physician; pwofi An indastrions, energelx person can naan make monef faster at work for aa than a* anything else. Capital not required; we will start yon. gtt per day at homa made by the Indastrions. Men, women, bovs aad zirls wanted eeertwkere to U work for us. Mow Is the time, uostiy outfit and terms ftna. Addveae Tsva * Oa, Augusta, Maine. F. TILTON, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. At his old stand Is now better than ever prepared to do ail work in his Una, in the best of manner and at LOW PKICKS. HORSE SHOEING. Id *be best. Having issaslatid with nets JAS. GARDNER, Or© of the best Horse Shoers in the State, 1 am better than ever prepared to do work in this line. *STBad Feet, Quarter Cracks, Ac., made a speciality. We respectfully solicit the patrocage of onr frif|>4.« anf |%e |wbl!c generaUy. W. r. TILTON. JlvnlSITf Fin Villi wiSk • Am Sole Agpal twv the celebra­ ted Union, Keystone and Star Planters, acknowledged by all to be the best Planter in the feet 10 PCR CENT On all kinds of Furniture. I have the most complete stock of mar- CORN CULTIVATORS. We have all the leading- kinds. The celebrated Bertrand & Sames and El wood, which are acknowl­ edged by all to be the two "Boss" Cultivato^i'S. SfiJd #t v^ry low priced n f, Also the Leading|s^ | . •% - a&ilfj 'i A ea mm k^l Errors of Youth. OhMtaat •ttreetioif for- which he was-e«i „ profit by the adviser's experience"can"^o so f>0^dre"tngifn ierfeetconfldenee JOIIH ». OQDEK, M Cedar St., Hew .?>:•'A • i' kk NIW MARBLE WORKS, ; In Woodstock* , 1.1 _#e would annonace to the peopie o^^CC' Henry Count/ aad vicinity that we keap a good stock or • MARBLE AND GRANITE Menumantf, Tablets, TaMrToptt Braokett, Shelves, Etc. To whleh we would call your attention before baying elsewhere. We shall sell at P R I C E S . WORK Warranted First Class. IN. PECK A CO. Woodstock, I1L, v• 'it Of the Day, among which {are the Walter A. %Vood, Buckeye, Peer­ less, Warrior, Triumph anil oth­ er Mowers. Also the celebrated Marsh Harvester, the old Reliable Hollensworrh Hay Hake, the Ti- fer Self Dumper, the Archer, urst & Bradley, Dixon, Ac.-- The celebrated Nichols & Shepard Vibrator- Threshing Machines; also the Sweepstakes. toieiraM Ma Psnns. Plows, Plows All Leading Plows kept constant­ ly on hand and at lowest Prices. E. M. OWEN. McHeniy, April 2d, l$f£. • 'sOf all'-^l^los <aad- found in the County. Olve me a call and I will be pleased to sbofr my stock ami give prices. JOHN B. BLAKE. JOHNSByRCH „^ew York Ofllee, No. 41ft Broadway; Boston Office, No, § State Street; Omaha Office. 311 Farnham Street; San Francisco Office, ]f| Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Officea. 62 Clark Strmt, uader Sherman House; 78 Canal, comer Madison Street; Kinzie Streot Depot, corner W. Kinsie and Canal streets: Weils Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinala Streets. for rates or Information not attainable fhm your home ticketagents,apply to XAEVIH HUGHlTt 1. H. STIVITXTT. UvneralSupt. fien'l Passenger AgeW Fox River Valley Millg, R. BISHOP, Proprietor. He»H«nry » . Ullnola. v. .-.Mi , andsatUlictinn gnaran ieed in a new feed Stoae, capabla • buthels of Feed per hour. I Bone *>rom Having Inst put . of grinding sixty buthels of Feed per hour. aiTfit matte Mining Wheat. 'orKuod r^i ^MciTeiiry 111., Dee. llth, M7T. II I .. f ' I 'I " ' MAY, umi FADEH --AJTD-- RED EAIK Are changed by afewappilcatioai of tha AMBROSIA to a beautiful auburn ar to tha dark, lustrous oolors of youthful tmmm. Humors, Dandruff, Itching of tha Scalp« mA Falling of the Hair are at onee autad by It. Where th® hair folllclea are not destroyed, Ik will oauae th® hair to grow on bald heads. It la perfumed with a^tnota Sin .fragrant flowara. All who use It praise it. a&DrraR Cskls, lirlltjnh HENRY MILLER, --DEALER IN-- , Mm aid Foreip MarUe. Monuments. Headstones. •woe*! J£s?'- "SiiStSa:?, Amerlcts A Scotch Constantly on Hand. + £hop T wo ^ Henry, 111. -r--, Mnsbttrgh, Aa|. Sth, M7. Are alleviated, and in moat aaaea enred, by tha use of this PAIN XaADICATOR. It is an in­ valuable Family Vedietna, affording relief b»> fore a physician ana bo reached. Procure onr elreular describing above dlseaass and their propor treatment, and yen willhtaaa the remedy that bringa aueh healing. Fnr Sale by ASL frf pared byE.M.TUBM A CO, V. IfcpSston ef "Mag1! AmMa»" ̂ MANCHESTER, N. H. Hold by HENRY COLBY. McHenrj, III.

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