:7~ " # - ' msssm $w» ..«VH VWf>w,^^5|?- M'W ReadhRead 1 •jrW MeMNVtY!ft&. wTA4 r- • " ! •' •J I- »v Hire A compl«t« stock of Agricultural HARDWAM. T&iS'fi M.i ..--w;- y?ar& > yj^p&rfaw* ^ " There«ult of * consolidation «f Ike llnoa Into one. Every article Is , , -J&fcfiM! m Study. wen In a family or iro day to day push tf those who insert them than can be done in ay. The boy who stands itreet corner and thrusfcRoards lars Int® the faces of the pass- Irritates rather than conciliates, the latter is the first step to take the first point to gain in the intro- Unction of a business matter. The V1*1 <Uming daubs that disfigure and dase- # j«rkte the picturesqtie rocks fill «• with * murderous feelings against the man who has instigated this glaring out- ! ./>, rage upon nature and enlighteued hu- \ r inanity. Circulars are intruders, and business operations,of whatever kind e': or extent, are prejudiced rather than advanced by this mistaken enterprise. y ! Every form of advertisement other /«; than that which appears in netvipa- t^rllPWR, magazines or similar periodicals I tfM nn«1 HU UV 1 jwell received. It brings with it a fla- . .,;iTor of abruptness and irregularity that |'Vfnwakena antagonism, no matter how imuch it may be intended to persuade. Ilfc bounces In upon one with a kind of l^emptidus informallty-that startles Und disgusts. The neMfsp*!^ adver- |tisenient. on tile other hand, Carrie* pits credentials. It is found in good Ipoompany, and it has all the advantage |§of being introduced by a friend.--Bos- 1 ton Post. ,, QOTTLEIB 0 Lansing's Block, McHenry, III. Open Day and Evening. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars al ways on hand. Also the best Lager Beer. GOTTLEIB BOLEY. McHenry, III., May 14, '78. GERMAN Manufactured by <3? * -DIALER I*- wFasar*^" Woodstock, 111. She heat TOnic in .th3 Ffcat&ad Quart Bottles. world. Pat iup li P. MARCUS. Patentee. Us«» I Keep Plows, all Hollinsworth Sulky and Drop Rakes, Corn Cultivators, Wind mills, Grinding Attachments for. Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps, Corn Shellers, Scales, Sickle Grinders, &e., &c. In Wagons we Spring keep Platform Wagons, Top and Open Bnggfes, Milk Wagons, Three Spring and Lumber Wagons, the latter of which is the celebrated Bishop Wagon. Also, a Complete Line of Mowers, Reapers, Sulky-Rakes, etc. 49*Tak« tone to eat Ion me before purchas ing elsewhere. OBI8HOP. McHenry, XII., Starch 86th, 1878. --DEALERS IN-- •» -• iS#'1 WARRANTED ^KlrepreMlkMd by the Salesman Cookim asi Heatiu Of different itylei and makes, whicWwe In vitea the public to «kU and examine and learn priees before purchasing. particular attention is calledto , 'ii ft* U ndertaking In all He branches. Special pains will taken to accommodate all-who may flavor with their basinet*, J. SfdRy & SON. McHenry 111., May 7 th, 1878. H. Thompsofl, MAKBIt,. , Shop opposite the Parker House,' :: '<v ' McHenry, - • • Illinois. Having purchased and taken possession of these well known Shops, I am now prepared, with first class workmen and good material, to manufacture Wagons and Buggies on short notice and at as Low Prices as a good article can be purchased elsewhere. I ALSO DO A General Blacksmithing Business, and will do your work in the best of manner and with the least possible delay : .-«/«;• • - I i r urfel.r,.*ti.i' HORSE SHOEING JL SPEOIALWH^." R E PAIB X N G , • * Of all kinds promptly atfendeifto. Call and see for yourself. | McHenry, 111., April 83d, 187*. R. Thompson. & > CHEAPEST AND BEST. CHCIAGrO People's Paper! IB columns Ailed with Editorial, News Ag rfekltural. Miscellany and Market Resorts. One Copy 1 year, Postage paid ,..75c. Clubs "of Five, Postage Paid .:. 70c. Clubs of Ten,. Postage Paid «5c„ Qkmkmof Twenty, Postage Paid 60c ' I TH.1 BAILY POST.* OaaTear, Postage Paid... •fX^O favta of a Tear is >rogagHeg,- We pv«i>osc to greatly enlarge the DAILY P04T during October, after which the price will be 810 per year, postage paid. All who subscribe before enlargement, at the present rate of $7 will receive the enlarged paper to the end of their time without extra charge. ftuuc terms to Ageuu on both Daily and Woekly as but year. Address THE POST. 88 Dearborn St.. Chicago. Errora of Youth. AtKNTLEMAN who suffered for years trora Xervous Debility, Premature De- cay, and all the effects of youthful indis^re. ftion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to {>ront ny the adviser's experience can do so >y addressing in perfect confidence JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., Xew York To Consumptives. f)pBE advertiser, having been permanently X cured of that 'Iread disease, Con sum p. iwn., by i» frinCMly, U anxious to make known to his feilow-snfferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send aeon* of the peracriptlon used, (free ofch \rire ) with the directions for preparing and usinir th« same, which they will rind a sure cure Mr Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, ftc. par ties wishing the prescription, will plrac* ad- dress, E. A. Wilson, 194 Penn. St., Williams- btfrgh, N. Y. Boots, Shoes, AND RUBBERS, Have just received the largest and best assortment of Goods in their line ever brought to McHen ry County. We buy and sell Exclusively For Cask CAN DISCOUNT ALL PRI CES advertised in county papers at least twenty per cent. We have a pair of Boots, Shoes or Rubbers for every man, wo man and child in the county.-- Call and look at them. Corner Main St., and Public Square. Woodstock9 III. t • • - a > is not easily earned m theae times, but it can he made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- Bfl per week in your own town. Y«u need pot be a way froin home over night. Yon can givebyour wholetime to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over #20 per day. All who engage at once can niakemoney fast. At the present timemoney canno t be made so easily and rap- d()~ at any other business. It costs no thiug o try the business. Terms and $5 Outfit tree tddress at opce, H. HAIXETT A Co,,Portland Maine* F. TILTON, GENERAL O O S £ o Hi CO w -FOR- BOOTS AND SHOES 211 & 213 Hadlioa ftt., BUEL, COOK A fKlXAl, Mamif'rs and Wholesale Dealers. •WDon't fail to examine Goods and Prices when in Chicago. Stock New and Bought for Cash. Great in iuceiuents to Cash Buvers. ILK. BIT EL, Late with M. Selz ft Co. 0. F. C<M»K, I I-ate of Whitney, II. L. SEIXA3, I Cook &' Co., N. Y. At his old Stand is now better than ever prepared to do all work in his line, in the beat of manner and at LOW PRICES. HORSE SHOEING. Having associated ners with me in the bttitK JAS. GARDNER, One of the best Horse Shoers in the State, I am better than ever prepared to do work In this line. ISTBad Feet, Quarter Cracks, Ac., made a speciality. Wo respectfully solicit the patronage of onr friends and the public generally. W. F. TILTON. McHenry, Feb. l»th, 1878. In Woodstock. *« II: U; a week in your own town. |a Out Kt free. X«> risk. Reader, -f you want a business at wliicli n»rson»of either sex cm make great pay ail the time they work, write for par- tienlars to H. HALLETT ft Co., Port- can make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Capital not required; we will start you. #12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. ^ Costly _~.~a A„ <1,1, , 4 flA vul ui sanu wi me uw* auui vav •* j»jm w w»| Augusta, Maine. Catarrh, Consuutptlon and Bronchial complaints, if neglected, speedily end in i)erinauent sufieriug. The best known remedy, after long practical uae. is Eilert's Extract ef Tar and Wild Cherry; compound by skilled chemists, from some of the best k»;own vegeta ble remedies. It is not only valuable in pulmonary diseases, but it is (unlFke most coua;li remedies, which are ex tremely debilitating) an excellent tonic if taken ag directed. „ W e w o u l d a n n o u n c e t o t h e p e o p l e o f M c Henry County and vicinity that we k#op a good stock or * MARBLE AND GRANITE Monuments, Tablets, Table-Tops, Brackets, Shelves, Etc. To which we would call your attention before buying elsewhere. We shall sell at BOTTOM PRICEJp ALL WORK f Warranted First Class, M. PECK A CO. b Woodstock. III., May 1st, l$T8. W You will cave money by examining out Stock of Goods before . t " ' p u r c h a s i n g e l s e w h e r e . • / C Pitnts, Gbttons, pottonades, Tick ings, Denims, Shirtings and Ginghams. ^ • /« ' Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and Whit^ Goods of all kinds. In Ready- Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, we will not be un dersold, quality of Goods considered. Gloves and Hosiery a Specialty, and Oil Cloth Carpetings. Also a 'ine Venetian, Ingrain Lim of Family Cfroeeries. PERRY dt MARTIN McHenry, May let, 1878. ' TFFIT CHICAGO* WOBTH.WSBVTMIR HAW#AT Embraces under one management the Great Li"es °f .th« WEST and NOKTH-Vl LSI, and, with its numerous Branches and connectiona, fbrntUie shortest [and quickest route bctweea anTali joints in IilifioU, Wisconaln, iwtthern Michl- gan Mnm««ot«. Iowa, ItelMHka. California and the Western Tcriitoric^. Its Omaha and California Line .*n,d H?1 r®nt® between Ohica- i vlhSr.wi1 ,n Northern lillaei*, I«>Ta, ^Wyom'ng, Ceelrado, tTtah. i AoItSto? ItT1 ' °r*SOn' Chln<1' j Chicago, »t Minneapolis | Is the short line between Chieam and si) ! points in Northern Wisfeohtfn awtMinnesota and for Madison, St. Paul, Mlnaiamtlis T>u ' hith, and all points in the Great iforthwest. LaCresM, Wiacma k It. htu M«» Is the best route between Chicago and La. Crosse, Winona, Rochester. Owatoana, Man. kuto, bi. feter, New IT Int and all *•>%*• aouinern anfl oentral Minneseta. it*' "" Green Bay & Marquette Lim Sl^^vrrr.,^: pleton. Green Bay, Escanaba, Nejraunee, Mrtrquette, Ilonghton, Kunrock and the Lake 8upcrior Country. Its Jreeport & Bubuqiie Lime lathe only route lx>t ween Chicago and Elgin. Bockford, Freeportswl all potuts via Free! port. Its Chicago ft Milwaukee tine Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the only one passing between Chmgk awl Evanston. Lake Forest, llighhi»<S Pnrk, Waukecan! Racine Kenosha anil Milwaukee. Pullman Paface Drawuig Rotm Cars ara ran on all through trains eft thlaiaML This 18 the CWLT LINE ronabg thsse eara between Chicag*) and 8t. P»ml and Minne. apolis, Chica|»»Bd Milw»uK«*. Chicago and \V inona, or Chio&go ard Gree* Sky. CloseronneotiHiart madeal Chicago with the Lake fshore itadMichlganStMitfMmr Mlclt- i.S?,l.V<intraI' «al«H*e»eand Ohio. Pittsburg. Kt. w#yne, « t hicngK JCankake# Line ami Pan Han lie Route*, 6u- all point s 15AST and SOUTII-KAST, and with theChicago and Al ton and Illinois Central nil jioints SOtTTII. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R.R., at Omaha tot all fai West points. (!lose connections made at Unction points with trainaof all cioa» points. Tickets over this route aTe sold by all *Jfcu. gnn ticket agents in the United State* and anada. Remember you art fo-i your tickets via th« Chicago A Northwestern Railway and take none others. New York Office. No. 416 Broadway; Host Office, No, 5 State Street; Omaha Office, 246 Farnham Street; San Francisco Office, H2 Montgomery Street; Chicago. Ticket QfHces. 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets: Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to MFEVNRHUEHITT W.H. SUKSITT, UeneralSupt. Gen'1Pa s*e;.g«r Agent r« RjTjf TjJtay up. E. M. OWEN -THE OLD AND RELIABLE-- DEALER Can be found on hand at his Warehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill, McHenry, with a full line LEADING NOW IS THE TIME JEhiy Toir Purniture • -Of- 1W R. McHenry • s . - . -'Jb roprtetar. Illinois. I am now prepared to give bet ter Bargains than ever. Can save vou OF ALL KINDS. Am Sole A»ent for the celebra ted Union, Keystone and Star Planters, acknowledged by all to be the best Planter in the mar ket CORN CULTIVATORS. We hare all the leading kinds. The celebrated Bertrand & Sames and El wood, which are acknowl edged by all to be the two **Bo8s" Cultivators, and are sold at very low prices. Also the Leading 10 PER CENT On all kinds of Furniture. have the most complete stock I of Of all styles and sizes, to found in the County. be MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted ^ County rights given gratis f„r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed'i uevery family; reputation world wide; establinhed many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. An industrious, energetic person can make snug permanent income and very liberal terms, by addressing with reference, 388 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Of the Day, among which jare the Walter A. Wood, Buckej-e, Peer less, Warrior, Triumph and oth er Mowers. Also the celebrated Marsh Harvester, the old Reliably Hoi lens worrh Hay Kake, the Ti ger Self Dumper, the Archer, Furst & Bradley, Dixon, &c.-- The celebrated Mchols & Shepard Vibrator Threshing Machines; also the Sweepstakes. The Ceieuraieii Kenosha Fimps. Plows, Plows All Leading Plows kept constant ly on hand and at lowest Prices. f^gPTerms Reasonable ^Fl E ; M . . O W K f t ' " McHeniy, April 2d, 1878. Give me a call and I will be pleased to show my stock and give prices. JOHN B. BLAKE. JOHNSBURCH MarblfiWorls. HENRY MILLER, --DEALER IN-- A p' 4 American aii Foreip Harlle. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American ""A Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mo Henry, 111. Johnsburghi O&Q. is SAAi';., •pOVST*8*tt OIC 'CU»roll OBINDIN0 Done promptly, and satlilhctlon gnarantee<t Having |ust put in a new Feed Stone, capable if grinding sixty btu hels of Feed per hour. I im prcpr.red tcrdO(i'3tir grlmlliig on short no- tice. . Milling Wheal. v (.. McHenr/ UL.l)ee.lM .̂*77. BEAT, LIBfflJ FADED, -iro- RED HAIR Are changed? • few applications of the AMBROSIA to a beautifol aubtmtor to the dark, lustrooa oolors of youthful treaasa^ Humors, Dandruff, Itching of the Scalp, tmA Falling of tho Hair are at »nee cured bjr it. Where the hair follicle* are not destroyed, li frill cause the hair to grow ornbsM heads. I* is perfumed with ostiMto 'ism*. ItacapMl Hovers. All who use It praise ft. AtMa fimA VV«^ Khwiiutia, Stiff leek, lini^ 90th. vm. Manktt, ^1K ¥eolbacks Ait alleviated, and In most eases cured, bytkt use of this PAIN ERADICATOR. It is mm ln> valuable PamUy Medicine, affording relief be- tve a physician c*n be resshed. Preesrs ss? eireular describing above diseases and their proper treatment, and you will bless the remedy that brings sueh healing. For Sale b jr All Dr«g|Mb Prepared by E. M.TIIBB8 A COe ' Piqprietei of MANCHESTER, H. H. Sold ty HENRY COLBY. McHeirjs III.