•f WEDNESDAY, JUNE, 5th, 1878. VAN8LYKE, 'in • in! nn Editor. • : 'MiWWtJOAll COt^STTir COSTKNTIOH. llpilildlB fotersof McHenry Cou»ty, , HV6 l«f*eat«ri to send delegates to • Conventei, to to held at the Cotirt m«e, in Woodateek, on Saturday, the SM «iy »f Ju*6, tm, at I o'clock p. m., tor the ytirpAse of electing nine delegates to repre- Mnt McHenrrOonntyat the State Convention Ml**held at Springfield, June », 1878, and to such other business as may properly before the Convention. The several t*VM win be represented as follows, vft? «|#r. <*??.... «lDorr, 1# arengo, j?» Greenwood, 7 ennham, 7|Hehron. ........ toraanf, .v .,,..#5 Richmond .-M Atden,........ frmmon, ; S Bartland, J McHonry.............It fcneca,. 8|Xiind#, .tt ... 11 Algonqalb,......:.J- |b GHrmfton,........ t| > .<» ^ Toial,.--.. fcil" G.8. SOI THWnKTH, ;•%. J. B. BAnroCK, a. H. Whits. Hi I -g--! ) > County Committee. fefMposed law for Meeting President and Vie* T*r«>i»l<iS Senator Edmunds, of Vermont, on iday last reported it bill to the Unit* •4 States Sanate in regard to as cer tain ihg and declaring the result of ftastdentlal elections. The titll pro vides that the Presidential electors •hali be chosen in October instead of November; that the electoral colleges •hall meet in January, thus giving three months for the set dement of any dispute within a State; that the IStfttes are to decide for themselves what electors are legally chosen, and their decision is to be conclusive; that Congress shall meet in February to connt the votes; that where there Is tot one return from a State it shall be counter! unless rejected by both Houses; that where there is more than •»« re- tarn that the one only shall be counted Which both Houses agree was certified by the proper State tribunal; that if no such determination was made with in the State, then only such votes shall bt counted as both Houses unite in -pronouncing valid. One or two other electoral bills have teen reported in th* Honse of Repre sentatives, but it seems to be conceded that the Edmund's bill is the best ma tured of any yet reported and that although in its practical working it •light not always insure complete jus tice, yet that its maiu' features are iibout right. His bill practically puts lit the power of either the Senate or lUusa to reject the vote of any State «ver which there is a dispute. Had Hie Edmund's bill been a law in 1876, tt is quite likely that the'vote of Louis iana would have been-thrown ont and Hot counted on either side. Mr. Ed- •lunds has given notice that he shall Sfcll up the bill this week and the mat ter will then receive attention by Con gress. One of the pressing duties de volving upon Congress is to provide safeguards against the repetition of • the dangers which threaened the country in the Presidential ejection of lloveniber, 1876, and the mouths in tervening between then and the fourth •f March, 1877. The cabinet meeting ways of ||ro famous Presidents are thus tersely described in one of the Harper's new American novels: MJobnson need to •feat the members at a table, call the •>11 as It were, and go through bnsl- •ess by departments, beginning with fbe secretary of state. Lincoln was Entirely different. Every man took a •hair where he pleased. The president Walked about, discussed matters in a free-and-easy way, or sat down with •ne and another to private conferences Me did what he liked. I have known Mm to roost his feet on the table, tell .Stories to the secretaries for two hours, and tbfeu ssnd them home." 5^-The scaudalized Bishop MeCos- fcry, of Michigan, having deferred his trip to Europe, has now returned to Detroit to meet the accusations against kiss. He is accompanied by his wife And niece, and though greatly reduced In physical strength from bodily and »®ntal suffering, he says he shall imme diately resume his duties as head of fte diocese. Regarding the scandal tfoupled with bis name, be is reticent. •«d announces that the matter is in tfie hands of bis counsel. The regular Michigan Diocesaa Convention will meet next month, and the Bishop Binst necessarily be fn attendance.-- At that time the preliminary steps of the asked-for investigation will prob ably be taken. LAIK DAIRY MARK K1X New York, June 3rd, 1878. The cheese market is badly broken. The early season and Immense increase in production have glutted the market. The only remedy Is to hold back the cheese and give the market rest. The receipts have boon 91,000 boxes as com pared with 56,000 a year ago. The top price Is 6c. One year ago it was lt$ots. The pros beet ts that there, will be a further decline. Butter la steadier than cheese, but declining nevertheless. The Price Current gives the follow ing report: Receipts for the week tndfng May t4, Inclusive, 28,804 s; last week. 24,811. To-day we consider prices 1@2 cents lower than on this day week Haif firkin tubs and palls can only be sold in selections at 20c to-day, and Invoice lots of prime have not b#*»H easily placed above 18c. Firkins have arrived more freely and are now in larger supply than required. State creamery butter has ruled steady; palls are to© plenty to-day while tubs are relatively in small supply. The foeling to-day Is depressed and the future prospect regarded as quite gloomy. State half tubs and pails, best Invoices, 19c: Slat® half tubs and paila. gOOu tO prliiie , *7@18c; Slate fir- Kins, t invoices, 20; State, firkins, good to prime, 18@20c State, Welsh tubs, best invoices, 17<® 18; State, Welsh tubs, good to prime, 18@17e; State creamery, best invoices, 21@22c; State creaosory, good to prime.*0<g21c. Utica, Juno Srd, Mt78L There was a large offering of cheese. The pflce ranged from 7Jc to 8Jc. 2118 boxes were sold at 8|e. There was one lot sold at 7Jc; three at 7}c: three at 7f, twelve at 8c;six at 8£c;aad flvo at 8£c. The total sales were 4,660 boxes, and besides 5,500 w^e sent on commission. The quotations are: extremes, 7}c to 8}c; average. 8}{leading factories, 8}. Littlb Falls, Jnne Srd, ISM The cheese market is demoralized.-- The offerings to-day were 7,000 to 8.000 boxes. Seventy lots, aggregating 5,- 022 boxes, were sold at 8c; 146 boxes brought 8|c, and 88 brought 8Jo, The rest went forward on commission.-- Earrn dairies brought 7} tg 8a Thirty packages of butter were sold at 16c to 20c, most of them at 17c and I80. REPORT OF THE O O N D I T I O W -OF- THE riBST KATmU. IUIE At Woodrtoofcr Illinois, 1 --AT-- Close of Business Hay 1,7 8i •KSOtlBCKS Loans and Discounts, Overd rafts IT. 8. Bonds to secure circulatt XT. S. Bonds on hand In suspense Due from approved Reserve Due from other National Bsii currency T.._ Dae from other National Banks, gold .* Real estate, fnrnltnre and flxtafes Checks and otlier Cash Items ...... Bills of other National BaarttS, tfract'l currency, (hiclud'fr ntekela) °{Incasing gold Ttenniiry Certificates.) . Legral Tender Notes, ' .. LTABTLlTIBf Capital Stock paldln J Surplus Fund Undivided profits.: National Bank notes Ontstand Individual Deposits subject check A* It Should Be. The United States court at Indianap olis, Iud,, rendered a decision the eth er day that Is not calculated to glad den the hearts of stockholders In banks. The defalcation ot an officer in the First National bank of Franklin, Ind.. caused the bank to close its doors, and it went Into the hands of the receiver. A Vest case was Instituted to the lia bility of the stockholders, one of whom was tued, and the court decided against the defendant to the full* amount of his interest in the concern. This is as it should be. 14S,?ft5.fi9 1,148.74 . : 60,<K)0. O# 1,100.00 2.478.fi» 2,980.35 179.60 S.03S.97 4,«00.00 R4.M 10,531.0® 21.98 007.75 15,000.00 2,230.00 *242,178.19 60,000.00 67,0*8.37 20.50 45,000.00 90,074.38 *242,178. Total.;.... status of ILLINOIS, ; Connfcy of McHenty I, JOHN J. MURPHY, CJfcshior of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MUBP^, Cashlei. Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 14th d»y of May, 1878 C. II. DONNKtlY, N. P. CorkkOt--Attest: Kuerman W. WHITWO, W. U. .STEAVAIW, K. A. MlIBfHV, | ^Directors. ^4 I The Thorough Bred Soziw AMMADTJS, Will make the SKASONof 1878 at McHenry;^ and may he found at the Stables of Sir. A. Hankins, East Side of the Public Square.' . Ammadus is a beautiful rich bay, without any white, excepting a small spot In the fore- " " ' " iiiBds hiirh, and weifchsabout 1371. and bred by head; stands IS hands high, and weighs about 1,200 pounds; was folded in 1371. and bred Col. James A. Grlmstead, Lexington, Ky. Ammaduitwas Sired by Rivoli, Rtvoli by Revenue, and Revenue by Imp Trustee. Rivnli's Dam Topai, i»y Imp Giencne. Arti. madii* first Dam, Nellie Gray, by Alexander's Lexington. The above pedigree is taken frtful Bruee's American Stud Book. h Tor the record of Ammadus' performances on the Turf, and also particulars as to price and terms ot service, which ar& reasonable, enquire of the undersigned, at the premises above named. Mares from a distance cared for. with good pasturage, or stable with gnod hay and grain, at #3.00 per week. Accidents or escapes at the owsers risk. W. H. HANKIN8, Jane 1st, I87& McKenry, 111. House and Lots for Sale, rpHE undersigned offers for sale his house and two lots, situated in the village of McIIenrv. There is a good house, liarn, a good well of water, cistern, a line orchard, ail kinds of small fruit, and in short is a very de sirable place. Will be terms if applied for sooii. • AaaerloM Socialist*. There is a Socialist society in Syra cuse which is composed almost entirely of members of trades unions. It was formed a year ago by aa, agent who acted nnder instructions "from the r*adquaitere of the national order.** Afte members are mainly Germans and * renehmen. The presiding officer is An toil Anton, a carpenter. He states that the organization <• opposed to monopolies and capitalists, and Its fundamental principal Is this: the la- ™"ir*1! 18 resorting to Jilhtl r!iUl extre,nlty obtain his rights fiom corporations, monopolies * When asked tr there is any prospeet of a general railroad strike this summer, l»e «d«attl that he has received advi^ ^J,! lead him to expect such a demomtr^ tion lata in June. If a strike occurs fie members «f this society will be in fluty bound, he says, to extend to the * iisurgents agtiast capital all the aid in ,^p:ieir power. ,'ri '.J&Ml'. "S. ' <•>**>••• . VOUO. Editor Pla»i>kalkr>--The white horse Death with his rider and scythe are passing to and fro cutting down children and youth, the middle aged and aged that have lived beyond the allotted time of men. David Balen- tine, an old time merchant of Wauke- gan, Hulbert Swan, once a Representa tive of Lake Co., both had seen four score years, Peter Sarr (the grasshop per) the minister of the gospel of peace and good will to men, but raised the devil in the Methodist Church here some time age, aud Mrs. Augustus Townsend, daughter of Henry Hull- man, have all been cut down and con signed to their mother dust. Mrs. H. Dilly, recently of Nnnda, Is In a very critical condition with Brain Fever. Mrs. E. Carpenter hasgone te Minne sota to ind the balm ef Gllean for her lungs. Mrs. H. Day's littla child, about eigh teen months old, pullsd over a dish of hot lard into its face, neck and chest. Oh, doar, will the angel of mercy and kindness take this mothers pet diuiing and cover it gently in the bosom cf mother earth. Our anticipation #f having esceed- tngly g°°d apples to eat this harvest, fall and winter, gradually begins to ooze away, as our orchards are attack ed with the deadly Canker Worm.-- They have been here some live years and a few orchards are already about dead. Mr. James Kevel experimented with Paris Qreera and saved a few trees. All that knotr of this remedy are applying the same, with what re sult time will tell. A few mount a tall ladder and use a sprinkler as for pota toes but a syringe with line holes thrown from It In the form of spray Is preferable. The small ones cannot be shaken from the tree but the larger ones can be easily Jarred off and then hang suspended by a web and after a nice swing will mount up by the same in measured length. The worm teeds upon the leaves the tender fruit and even the stem of the apple is devoured. We shall not give up in despair but fight them early and late, and as a last resort shall send for our grandmothers dye pot as we have faith that the con tents would fetch them down. Bought A Bro., fetched In town on the 96th day of May, a bundle of Bye straw cut that day that measured six feet nine Inches lb length. Beat It McBenry Cs. We learn the Sheriff has called on Ben Boeing, proprietor of the Volo House, for whisky erooktdoeas. BDCM. Li sold on reasonable Aupiv to J. S. aiNES. McHenry, UL, May 28th, 1878. BUCKLIN .ft*-!*"'"*" i i »"> in ' »• ;• ,£•« V i H ft -"iV \n , ... I'ylnVty -ft; ,'>w' i ' J, now pre- ared with, a ull and com plete Stock for the Spring and Summer Trade, and at for Cash. are in vited to call, inspect Goods and Prices be fore purchas ing, whether ou wish to uy or not. No trouble to show Goods. I QRAC. COLBY i HENRY COLBY. m l. f ima lows C*>- i BROS., ?aTiSg e"tiw stock of Pry Goods, OraceHe*. A«.,oi bmith, AWiich & Hay thorn, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they are now prepared to meet their customers and! .tukd well aefoeMitook q| S A4&, The WIcHenry MEAT MMl Having newly Re-Painted and fitted up our Shop, we are now prepared to furnish our customers with Fresh and Salt Meats OF ALL KINDS, Sausage, Smoked Meats. &c., AT THE Lowest Liviiifr Prices. We buy none bnt the best of Meats, and having served our time in one of the best Markets in Chicago, flatter ourselves that we can offer our customers Meats in better shape than any other Shop in this section. Thankful for past favors we solicit S eon- tinuHnce of the same, and we will guarantee to satisfy you both in quality and price. F^ctt&Son. '30th.'ma. ' • ' 5%'* ism w a mm., A jrood assortment of ftp! found at Blake ̂cfceap, Near the Depot McHENRYy - ILLINOIS. An entire Kew Stoekof BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Ism- ishlng €ood»^ Act) &o« Which are being »old at a Less Trice than ever before offered in tt^s vi cinity. Good btnmeM •nits made to ot<ler, ft Prices as T,ow as the Lowest. Cutting done at reduced rate*. We take pleasure in showing Oar goods and earnestly lavite an examination of our mock. We guaoaa- tee each article as rep- re*ente«l. *• Our Spring and Sum ner Stock was l>ougbt with estiecial r^fi p»n«« to the wants of our cus tomers. and ! W* Will Net Be Undersold- Give as a Call. LAUER £ BECKER. IIL, mrsstfc HA , v i-' ; -i Look Here! Do yo* want « First Class CHEAP. If so call at the Warehouse of E.M. OWEN, And he will sell yon one, giving you a written W a r ran tee, cheap er than ever offered in this sec tion. .This is no humbug* as he has just received a Car Load, and is bound to-sell them. Call and examine them. / F. C. MAYES, --AND DEALERIX-- Beady-Mads Clothing. • ustil mu'«, READY-MADE CLOTHING and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Glass-Ware, dcos. m?. other Which thev wi)l sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap ai House in the Couuty^ Our Goods are all fresh and have been bought with especial reference to the wants of the people of this cummunity, and we ^ Wil4̂ KOT ' BE U^DEBaOLD, r f - We also keep our usual stock of And as heretofore, will s^ce no pai^s^ this line; our eurtomers in m ysiclaH^ Compounded in a careful manner and by none but experienced liands. Thankful for past favors, we solicit, aud hope to merit a continu ance of the same. McHenry, III., May 7th; 1818. iQWfWC BROS. Invites the pnblfd to an in spection of his newly purchased btoc|t., . ISlPPrices to suit the times aud Goods warranted as repre sented. > t Cutting uone as Usu^. Store One Door Xortb nf Colby's Drug Stor^ 4 # i - ". • - v .• - -s -FROM THE-- There's Money in it for You. PRICE ONLY ! CASH ONLY t Goods at Unheard of LOW PRICES. Quality the Best and everyt]u^g its repre sented or Mosey Refunded. % DO YOU BUY AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES? W0! 12 lbs 60!No. i Baking Powder... Best Prints, v ,.f (WfRoys Pants--G>oodf.... Best I'rints,' SSiBove Vests--Gdod, Coats' Cotton,.. 06!lioys Coat.., Good Corsets, i/ii .J 3fl|Mert» Suits, 1 00 4 Ibo Tea,, No. 1 Blaek Alanaca 251 Mens Uood,.f3 T8 to 7 (H) Best Japan Ten, All wool Cashmeie--Extra 6ft|Ovcralls, leather trimmed, 50 Best Yiiiinjr llvson Tea.... Table Linen, 85[I0 lbs A. Suirnr, 1 OOj Best Y> 11. & Jap. for price. Ladies Hose Gents llose, Ladies Black Ties--heat. 06|11 IbM No. 1 Itaisins,... OfiiH No. 1 Currents,. 25'15lbs Dried Apples,.. Wo'# shoes--cloth Abutlon 1 (Will Ihs it est Dried Apples, Misses Shoes--11 to 2, Good Boots,., 1 00j 13 lb* ISost Haifa I'mucImm,* 1.76)7 lbs Ghoioe Pai-ed " " 1 00i Axle Ureese,. 1 oojstove Polish, 1 OOiFine Out Toltacoo....... 1 00|siove Polish, Titcka, t OOiCbolce Syrup, 1 oojs ft* Ground OoMse, 1 00 25 I 0O I oo TO W 60 0* 05 ®o g 1 OO I sell cheaper than my neighbors because I bny cheaper, and say to any one coming to buy of me, yon will be more than satisfied. In Clothing, Boots and Shoes and General Merchandise, my stock is three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock of Clothing is ilow being sold at less rates than other dealers can buy. Hats and CftpsKTrtinks and Valises at much below regular prices. Am weekly in the market, buy for cash for two stores, and do secure bargains which I more than divide with *mv customers.-- Our interests are mutual, and my constant aim will be to sell you goods at such prices as jvill convince, yqn that I urn selling General Merchandise cheaper than any store in the Northwest. Come and sco me and I will do you good, and in this way yon can make money easier than you can earn it. O. F. HALL, RicniroND, III. Chicago Office, 132 Franklin Si-kkkt. a p. hall. DUNDEK, III. Our Sirii id Sumer % i •4 ; ' * < *4 1 , Will nbt exceHed, either in quality of Goods or Low Prices ̂ by any in this or adjoining counties. -1: Cash or One Price is our motto. and JH ts if'm / ; r * P. U. SMITH. •• «"* lijp » . . •'#* f i'-if ) .1. : - . »• . the Depot, HoBsnry