Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1878, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th, 1878. Railroad Time Xable. • OOFNO 80U*H. { 4 Geneva Lake PaAsenger. .......7:45 A. Geneva Lake Freight. 1:15 r. M GOING NOKTH. 6EIM Lake Freight ...,10:00 A. M, fienava Lake Paseenser 7:08P. M STEAMBOAT rXCURSlUX. ^he Steamer "Athlete," accompanied by the Flat Bout * North Star." will make an Excursion from McHenry to the Lakes on Monday, June ?4th. leav­ ing McHenry at 9 o'clock A. M., and returning at 6 p. M. Good accommoda­ tions will be furnished for all. Come •ut and have a good time. Full par­ ticulars next week. WE have received the Report of our Public School lor the last term, which will appear next week. ^ A. W. ANDERSON* of Seneca, fathetof Dr. E. V. Anderson, of this village, called at our sanctum on Tuesday. To Old and Young Settlers do not fall to turn out to-morrow and help Re-Une at Woodstock. THE Eureka Tree and Post Hole Digger. Call at E. M. Owen's and see •one. The best thing in the market, and%old cheap. OWING to the heavy rain tlio game of Ball set for Friday last at Nunda was postponed. These two clubs will probably get together at some future •day. 8. L. TAYLOR, editor of the Elgin Advocate, made our sanctum a pleas­ ant call on Thursday. He was on his way to Fox Lake for a few days recre­ ation AN Independence Party willOye held at the Riverside House, in this village, on the evening ot July 4th. Music by the McHenry Quadrille-Band. Tickets will be insued in a few days. THE Base Ball game on Old Settlers' Day will be between the "Actives" of Harvard and the "Fox Rivers" af Mc­ Henry. Should the weather prove fa­ vorable a good game may be expected. THE Semi-Weekly Recorder is the name of a handsome little Ave column folio, lately started at Belyidere, by Kelsey & Welsher. It is neat typo­ graphically and otherwise, and is one of the newsiest little sheets that comes to our table. We wish them success. R. BISHOP has been making some good improvements in and around his Mill, putting in new doors and making other necessary improvements. He is leaving nothing undone that will add to the facilities of this Mill for busi­ ness, and in point of convenience it is equalled by few. . QUITE a number of Woodstockites visited McHenry last week. Fishing seemed to be their purpose, and that they went home satisfied was evident 1*3' the large strings of the finny tribe that we saw them carrying away. If It ever stops raining fishing will be good on the river and Lakes. TiCKETSj^re issued for a Red Ribbon Party and Festival, to be held at Smith & Snyder's new building, noar the Depot, on Friday evening next. Jane 14th. Good music will be in at­ tendance, Ice Cream and other refresh­ ments will be served, and a general good time may be expected. Proceeds for the benefit of the Red Ribbon Club. THE Elgin Club, which is composed «f some of the leading business men of Elgin, made their first trip of the sea­ son to their Club House, at Fox Lake, last week. The Chicago Club will soon follow, and a lively time may be ex­ pected at the Lakes. The Steamer is HOW making daily trips, and will con­ tinue to do so during the season, JOSEPH BUCK had a fine twe year old colt badly cut up by a Barb Wire Fence last week. The breast was al­ most torn out, while'the sides and legs were torn and lacerated in a fearful manner. These are undoubtedly a good and cheap fence, but a man who will use one around a field where young horses are kept should be prosecuted for crueltv to animals. THE PLAINDEALEK News Room will be open and7 ready for business the flrst of hext week, where you can find all the Daily and Weekly Papers, Mag­ azines, and the leading Periodicals of the day. We shall keep as near as pos­ sible such as will meet the wants of our citizens and the surrounding coun­ try. and shall add to as occasion re­ quires. Call and see us in our new quarters when we get opeu, at the Store formerly #oeupled by the Post Office. THOSE of o«r readers who get their paper to-day, (Wednesday,) tf they have not already done so. should im­ mediately make their arrangements "to attend the Old Settlers* Meeting at Woodstock to-morrow. With good weather there will be the largestgath­ ering ever seen in this county. Ample preparations have been made to take care of both man and beast in the best of manner, and all you will have to do is to take along your dinner basket aud enjoy yourself in old fashioned style. Let all lay aside the cares of business for one day aud have a good old fash- toned time. may be of some pleasure f those are happiest when they are sad, to know that Veitnor predicts a frost in July lasting through a whole week, and that the summer will be unfavor­ able to heavy crops. If this does not destroy thsir relish for strawberries in May, they can move' tip closer to the pole. * V WE would feel obliged to our sub­ scribers in the several districts com­ prised in our circulation--town and county--for information in regard to the prospects of the crops--hay, wheat, oats, corn, etc. etc. Also in regard to the effects of the recent frosts, as well as of potato bugs, etc. The informa­ tion obtained wouid be welcomed by readers. A few sentences on a postal card would be sufficient, and would cost but little time a*d expense to the writers. PETER SCHEIDE has built a new Shop on the west side of the Railroad, near Hanley's Mill, and is now ready to do filacksmithing of all kinds on short notice and in the best of manner. Those who are well acquainted with him say that as a Horse-Shoer he has no superior in the Northwest, while other lines of work are done in a work- maullke manner aud at reasonable prices. He is now prepared to do yonr work promptly and well, and hopes his old friends and as many new ones as may see fit, will give him a call in his new quarters. WE would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement ot the Steamer " Excelsior." to be found in another column. She is now making regular trips to the Lakes en Fridays, Saturdays aud Mondays, for 60 cents per head, one or more, and the balance of the week will run at any time re­ quired, at 20 miuutes notice, charging only living rates. This Steamer is now in the best of shape for quick aud pleasant trip?, and is ready at all times) to run for the accommodation of pleas­ ure seekers and all others visiting the Lakes. See advertisement in another column. ON Thursday, last a very severe rain apd'hall storm, accompanied by thun­ der and lightning, passed over this plaee. The rain came down in tor­ rents, and the flashes of lightuing were simply terrific. The vtaodshed at the Public School was struck, the corner torn oft the splinters flying in every direction. It was certainly fer- tuuate that the School building escap­ ed. "We also hear of several other places where the electric fluid struck, one being a »large oak tree east, of town, the bark being completely strip­ ped oft and the leaves scorched as if by fire. THE enterprising Agricultural Im­ plement dealer, O. Bishop, has taken a new departure. Finding that ©lie story was not enough to accommodate his large stock of fanning tools, he lias taken possession of the second story ef the wart-house, (which was formerly occupied by the Good Templars) am4| has filled It with tools of all kinds; among which is the finest Stock of rumps to be found in the West. This extra room *Was necessitated by the fact that he is now* opening up a gen­ eral Aipply of Reapers, Mowers aud Rakes, besides having just received fivm the manufacturies at Bath, New York, a lot of Open and Top Carriages of the finest styles and make, which he will offer at bargaius. As we have before said there is nothing in the farming tool line but what can be found at his Warehouse, and with his addi­ tional room he can show them to ad­ vantage. YERBA Buena Bitters is the name of a new article being introduced in this section by James A. Scovill. the Agent for the manufacturers. Unlike most ef the Patent Bitters sold, it does not contain a large proportion of spirits, but is a purely vegetable Bitters, made from California Herb"?, aud having tried it we can say that it is the best blood Purifier, Cathartic and Liver Regulator in the world. It is a medi­ cinal bitters, not a mere fancy drink although it is pleasant to the taste.-- It acts on the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and bowels, producing a natural oper­ ation and purifying the Blood. It is a thorough cathartic and regulator; purely a vegetable compound, com­ posed of the native roots and herbs of California. Does not cure everything, but is a never-failing Remedy for such diseases as Impurities of the Blood, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Dys­ pepsia, Indigestion, Billlousness, Ha­ bitual Costiveness, Headache, Ac.-- Try a bottle. It can be found for sale at Colby Bros. A Challenge. The Star Base Ball Club of McHenry, (the junior Club) herebr challenge any Club in McHenry County, whose mem­ bers do not average over 15 years of age, to play a single or series of match games for a Ball. Th<? first game to be played in McHenry. Communications should be addressed to the " Star Base Ball Club." care PLAINDEALER office. NtfMD* EDITOR PLAIN DE.u.EH :--Wm. Butler has been layed up two weeks witb one of those troublesome things, a crick in the back. We feel sorry for him for wo "know hew it Is ourselves. The Depot is nicely painted and grained inside. The outside, unlike all other like buildings, is not an old barn red brown, but a neat cream color, trimmed with a darker shade. Lust Saturday a fast freight train loaded with flour from St. Paul. Minn passed through here. It had special orders for right of way, as it was to average 25 miles an hour. An extra engine was behind helping, and for freight it beat all fast time hereabouts, Alva Clark has another tamo coou and he thinks this one will stay with him. The other one, some two weeks since, left in the night without paying his bills. Wm. St. Clair has ornamented his residence with three nice panelled screen doors, with corner brackets of handsome design. I. M. Mallory has sold his Store to John Ay Is worth. Consideration 91,000. Ira has gone to Michigan to open his Store and will then return for his fam­ ily. George Vermilyea--well we hate to say It, for it makes him feel as though he had done something big, but we must--hejs " Papa." Cigars George. Last week was very unfavorable for Base Bail, but the Coming week Satur­ day will bring the "Duhlins" here to play the first match game with the Nuuda's. The boys expect to make it very Interesting for them, for they will have their nine if nothing hap­ pens. G. H. Clayson commenced drying Red Clover blows Monday. He has contract to furnish 20,000 pounds, for what purpose we can only conjecture, but it is rumored for medicinal pur­ poses. B. D. Vosburg picked in his garden one quart of ripe strawberries June 6th. Who can beat it In this Green- landlsh country. The corn in this section looks very yellow and in consequence the fanners look blue or at least feel so. On ac­ count of the recent cold rains com grows none and weeds grow sponta­ neous. Last Friday evening we noticed a large gathering of men in front of the Post Office and bteing olf an inquiring turn of mind we walked over. It ap­ peared C. Henry had been trylug to sell some farmers a seeder. J. P. •Beardsley got on track of course and succeeded in selling the man the „ ma­ chine which led to very hard words between tlie two Agricultural dealers, but all blew oft in wind, without jmy hard blows either. < ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEAI-EK Fine weath­ er again. Base Ball Is again raging. A. T. Lack, ot Chicago, spent 8u;u1ay in town. Red Mike went south as usual Sun­ day. He was lucky. W. A. Wray, the Congregational minister, moved to town Friday last. Choice Fresh Lemons at Ferguson's. Carrying fire arms is becoming quite fashiouable atuong our young men iu town. Chas. Roe Id's butcher wagon was lowered to the ground from the top of the Hotel barn Friday evening. It was the smoothest way to avoid trouble for the boys an&we hope they will not try the same game atraiijj " L Those who haven't worked their poll tax fork over. Now is the ac­ cepted time. J. 1). Ferguson will soon arrive from the West with a drove of well selooted cows for the dairy market. David Mitchell and wife returned home last week from Kansas, where they have been visiting friends. They speak very highly of the country and say small grains are lookiug splendid and promises good for an immense crop. Henry Keyes & Co., are building a large house for James Marshal). Helm & Peters received last week a cargo of Lumber and are fast filling up their yard. Some 250.000 ft. has* been piled up and more on the way. Give them a call as they are close buyers and will be undersold by none. G. Schmidt has taken the contract of building Jas. Sherwood's new barn on the lot joining H. B. Hubbard, lately owned by Henry Keyes. A new stock of Embossed and Trans­ fer Pictures that will suit the most fastidious. Tidy Patterns large and small. 52 shades of Zephyr. Cardinal, Sf>al Brown and Navy Blue Hose of the finest quality. Embroidery Silk for Cloaking, at Mrs. Salisbury's, McHenry Do not fail to oall be fore purchasing. FOB ODK BOYS AND GIKL&£-- The American Young Folks, a 16 page illus­ trated monthly, published at Topeka, Kansas, comes to us for June full of in­ teresting, amusing and instructive matter for Boys and Girls. It is pub­ lished at the low price of 50 cents per year and it is certainly one of the cheapest and best in the country for the price. The publishers will send a sample copy free. MRS. DODGE and Miss Stocker have all the latest Patterns for Dress and Cloaks to be found in the city. Rooms opposite Ferry & MariiirS. A good assortment of Spliuts can be found at Blake's, cheap. Barb Wire always on hand at John M, Smith's, Ladies Lined Shoes reduced to $1, former prioo #1.60, at Fitasimmons & Evanson's. CRYSTAL LARK. ' " KMTOR PJLAINDEALEU ;--WE here­ with submit .to you a few facts con­ cerning this village, which though they do not relat'e to dog fights, horse trades, etc.. may be of full as much interest and perhaps lend as high a tone to tho columns of your paper as the Democrat is favored with from this place. Notwithstanding the ungfentlemanly, untcholarly, and libelous attack upon it by " Bird," correspondent of the Dem­ ocrat from this place, we must say that our Literary Society is in a flourish- in®: condition, the meeting held by it Friday, May 31st, being a grand suc­ cess. The house was filled to overflow­ ing, many being obliged to remain standing during the entire evening. The programme consisted of Musi«| Select Reading. Essays, Declamations, a Query Box and the djscussion of the following question: Resolved, "That it Is the duty of Congress to pnss a bill prohibiting Chinese imigration." Decided in favor 6f the affirmative. Roll call wa# answered by facts con­ cerning the early history of Crystal Lake. Next meeting Friday evening, June 14th. While we consider the un­ truthful, scandalous and blackmailing articles, eminuting from the pen of " Bird " in regard to the Literary So­ ciety, beneath our notice, we must say th«£ a " pollution" with but one 1 in it would not contaminate a very large society, while a "descent" made with­ out ac would be almost an up hiU affair, yet this spelling is done by a man who boasts of his educational attainments and his ability to impart instruction unto others. The F.M. Church held their Quarterly Meeting last Saturday and Suiday which, considering the condition of the roads and state of the weather, was well attended, several being pres­ ent from different parts of the country. Those who attend the Baptist Church from Sabbath to Sabbath, have the pleasure of listening to a powerful, thoughtful and eloquent discourse de­ livered by Dr. Ives. The S. S. is under the supervision of Mr. Wm. II. Beards- ley, a gentleman who takes considera­ ble pains in doing anything that Is calculated to promote the welfare of the young people of the village. We have noticed several trees and some fencing down, caused by the wind last Sunday morning, which blew quite strong front the south and south­ west for a few miuutes. ODD JR. Richmond Department. Our Base Bailists don't act as though they Intend to re-organize this season Of what use is the sidewalk com mittee our sapient Board appointed! There Isn't a walk repaired yet. 1 think that committee a lot of stougb- toii bottles. * The Richmond Rifle Team an mak­ ing some good scores lately. Last Saturday Nason made a score of 48 out of a possible 50, at G00 yards. Why don't McHenry get up a Team? Our Village Board are now wrest­ ling with another great public meas­ ure--the taxation of dogs. BY all means have the dogs taxed. Stick it on not less than five dollars per dog.-- Tax the dogs and--mnzzle the Board. A Splendid new Bell was'pnt upoti the High School building Monday morning. It is from the, Hardware store of I. N. Meade, fine toned, and I- think undenominational. May it ring for the scholars ef that school tea thous­ and years. Otis Wilson has closed Ills Barber Shop, advertises his household effects to be «oJd at Auction next Saturday, at the house of Dyar Thompson, and will soon start for Weeping Water. Cass County. Nebraska, where he pro­ poses to locate perm; neurly. The closing exercises of the Rich­ mond High School will take pla& in Mr. Aldrich's Grove, on Wednesday afternoon, June 26th. In addition to the superior exercises of the School. Miss Gavin, who favored us with rhe­ torical Reading last Spring, will prob­ ably be present and read on that occasion. Music by the Illigh School Band. GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAINIWDALKU:--Some time ha& elapsed since the columns of your valuable paper have contained a com­ munication from this place aud al­ though quiet and unassuming as we are by nature we do not feel like let­ ting our sister towns hare all the say. We wish them to understand that not­ withstanding the extreme stringency of the times, we a|e yet alive and hold our own iu the general line of progress, by way of new buildings and various oilier improvements. Mr. H. M. Gqrould has a new barn ill process of erection aud nearly com­ pleted. Mr. J. P. Dassow has also a neat and convenient little barn nearly completed/ Mr. J, L. Ilart^vell has his large new house nearly enclosed, be­ side many others of which «we have not time to make mention. Mr. Richard Harrison, whose hand was partly taken,off some two weeks since with a spile driver, is getting along finely. * . W.D. Paine, of Exeter, Nebraska, who has been spending a few day vis­ iting friends here, returned to his Western home on Monday last. Miss Jennie Moses has returned from her visit to friends in the East. Prof. S. N. Tower and lady will give Concert at the Baptist Church, in this place, on the evening of the 18th of Juue. EVEN. We hear a rumor that $250 has been raised to find out who is th» Richmond correspondent of the PLAINDEALER.-- Deposit that amouut with some man who don't belong to the Methodist clique, say C. G. Cot ting, to be paid to said correspondent on owning up. and ycu c;«n have the name. Now if you have got the sand put up,, if not shut up that kind of wind. I haven't got through with you yet. Mr. Stanley Grimes has been lectur­ ing upon the cause of Temperance in Richmond. He's a good speaker and makes lots of fun--fully worth the ten cents admission fee to gentlemen aud five cents to ladies. I don't see what he lets women in at half price for, un­ less he tiiinks a woman's soul is worth only half as much as a man's or else that a wornaii needs only half the per­ suasion to become temperate that a man does. VOLO. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--After pa­ tiently experimenting with the Can­ ker Worm on the apple trees I find Paris Green Is sure death to the worm. On a trial with twenty worms, by sprinkling a very little on a few death was produced in three hours aud those that eat a leaf after being carefully sprinkled on the upper side with the same died in half that time. I placed a few apple leaves with those worms on a new tin dust pan and found they could not crawl on or over the tin With that discovery and a careful trial I find by hoopiug an apple tree with a hoop of new tin one inch wide which is quickly and cheaply done by punching a very 6mall hole in the hoop and using a carpet tack and taek- iug it anywhere around the tree be­ low the branches, now shake off the worms from the tree using a long whip to break their webs aud their commu­ nication hack again is effectually cut off. With this discovery our anticipa­ tions goes up to apples and cider and nuts to crack through the long winter evenings and with the PLAlSDEALEli,/twuici 1 was held, and--that to peruse at the same time Is a pleas­ ant and agreeable contemplation. EDEN. WAIT FOR THE WAGON. We are now offering one of our cele­ brated Lumber Wagons, with top Box. Steel Spring seat, Whiffl«trees, Neck Yoke and stay chains, all complete, for •5Qi Warranted for on§ year. R. BISHOP. The Surprise. ^ On Decoration day, the 30th of Mayjjj about four o'clock a young aspiring " *' Deutist of Richmond might have beetf seen driving a horse and buggy west|§ possible speed. A aweell playing ever his placi<j| ward at all smile was countenance as he neared the object o| his adoration, his face breaking into 4 broad grin resembling the full moon : as he espied a large farm house neat ' at hand and the happy thought Hash* lug through his giddy brain that sooi| he wojld be in the presence of bitf ~4\ adored Emma and that lie would havf the pleasure of her charmed society a| the Ice Cream Festival that- evening ~i Richmond. But imagine his surprisf on inquiring /or the object of hi| search on being informed by her Mj|H that Miss Emma being very mnc|k; fatigued had gone to bed about silt". - o'clock. Was very, very sorry indee (exit young dentist) and ! am credit bly informed by one of a party of ci quet players, that young man carrie the saddest countenance back wltlj| him that has been seen on tho pralri«§ for many a day, but being a resolut young man he determined to make t best ef his disappointment and drlv< dull care away by indulging in a dis of Ice cream with Miss Carrie, (col comfort) yet report says he found on listener to whom he could confide pour forth the bitter disapj^| of a pent up breast. Business Notices* Six 8x10 Chromos, for 25 cept8vttt £. B. Blake's. Forks, Hoes, Rakes. &c., as low ai the lowest, at Johu M. Smith's Depot. I did think I'd never say anything about it, and I wouldn't now. hadn't two parties interested been lately chuckling over It. and congratulating themselves that there was one thing that "PLAINDEALER fellow hadn't got hold of." We'll see how good a hold he has got! Before the report of the Debate in the Red Ribbon Club was published in the PLAINDEALER, (the time that Srire was voted diminuendo and Stanley crescendo,) Ess Arr UU went up and had a talk with Pee Cee Ess as to the difficulty between the latter aud Bee Eff Ess. When Ess Arr UU got home he threw his hat on the floor and said that he had at last heard the Pee Cee Ess side of the story and of all the ****** taik_ ing men he evei heard, let alone one of the "cloth," Pee Cee Ess was the worst 1 So it was evident that there was not the most "meek and lowly" feeling between the two wtien they parted. Sotutyih lor that. Now, when the report of the Debate came out Pee Cee Ess was so hurt in that part of his spiritual man, which may be called self esteem, that he didn't propose to have anything more to do with the R. R. C.. unless the PLAINDEALER'S re­ port, (which was in "meek and lowly" spirit, denominated "a lie") was con­ tradicted through the columns of the Gazette. So Jay Ell Dee, anxious to fugle for his spiritual head, (I don't know whether said spiritual head hired him or not.) went to Ess Arr UU to write a crusher, lie being the only man in the crowd with brains of sufficient elephantine proportions to prepare said "crusher." Feeling as he did, it was so big a mouthful that he at first rebelled, but others of the faithful were counseled, and at last he consented.-- Imagine him writing that article! It was like eating red hot chestnuts, or sitting on the business eud of a whole paper of tacks! And when he got It done, his very sensible wife thought, that he had only spilt the fnt into the fire, and had better said just what he did when he threw his hat on the floor. How your correspondent got hold of this will inix'em up some, but she did, aud concluded that a double header in the PLAINDEALER, provided the PLAIN- DEALER got up here on Tuesday night, wojild kind of bust them up a little.-- The PLAINDEALER camt-- a solemn communi­ cation never saw the light. So poor Pec Cee Ess re in !»i us to this day un- vimlicated. and he hasn't been arouud the R. R. C., rntu'h either. 1 don't blame him fon kicking, for the vote was not a test of the argument but of the popularity of tho two men. Pee Cee Ess and Bee Ef! Ess, in that assem­ bly. And everybody knows it. A word of advice. Be careful how many of the "faithful" you trust with your big secrets. New and desirable St vies In Dres^l Goods, Ginghams, Prints. White Good Parasols, Ac., just received. Inspectio solicited at FITZSIMMONS FT EVANSON Mrs. S. Searles makes a specialty I Mourning Goods: Mounting work on short notice. Hats ai guarant Men and Boys Clothing, Caps, a large variety. We the lowest prices. FIT/81MMOK8 « KrAmOX. FOR SALE. Two full Blood Durham Yearling Bull Calf's, fit for use. J. FLU SKY. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Mrs. S. Searles is now offering De­ cided Bargains in Cloaks aud Mantle! in Si)k, English Diagonals and Mate- lasses, Cashtuere, Ac. FOR SALE CHEAP. Several good second hand Buggies.-* Apply to E. M. Owen. A new stock of Table and Pocket Cutlery, just received at John M. Smith's, near the Depot, cheap for cash. Go to Mrs. S. Searles McHenry, an see the largest stock of Millinery the county aud selling at the lowesi prices. 1 . A fine lot of Zephyr and Card Boards, just received at J. B. Blake's Furniture Stoie. PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams celebrated Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. Have you a cold, cough, hoarsenefts, weak lungs, bronchll trouble, or asth­ ma? use Eilert's Extract ef Tar and Wild Cherry. It is a sovereign reme­ dy for all pulmonary diseases. It is warranted to give satisfaction; do not fail to give it a trial, and if it falls, yon may return the bottle half empty ' to your druggist. Sold, by all Drug- BOOTS AND SHOES AT BARGAIN'S. During this week we are openings, large Invoice of Boots and Shoes, which we have purchased direct from first hands for cash, and we will guar­ antee the Cash buyers a great savlugx on all grades from a Child* Shoe I© a Men's <Julf Boot. We are also offering a fine Men's Plow Shoe at 91,2&cts per pair, to close. Our goods are worthy of inspection, as they are decided bar- gal us, FITZSIMMONS A FVANSON. MUSIC LESSONS; MIM MUttte MoOmtMNT, Is now prepared to give Lessons on Piano or Organ, either at home or will call at residence of Pupils. Terms Reasonable. Good References giyen if desired. 25 Lessons will be given for a Term. Where Putdls come to me I will furnish Piano or Organ without extra charge. M ATTIE McOM&ER. Summer Complaints, or Chelera-ln- fantuin. this fearful complaint whieh Is carrying off the infants and children by the thousands at this season of the year, can always surely be checked»and cured by Dr. Wiuehell's Teething Syr­ up, it has never failed to give immedi­ ate relief in the most severe cases. It is a boon within the reach of every mother. Do not fail to give it a trial, you will be pleased with Its charming effect. Be sure and.ask for Dr. W|n- chell's Teething Syrup. Sold by all r>rujrgisfs at 25 ets. per bottle. The Fast Running Steamboat Umrnrn mnn n Having been thoroughly repaired and fnm. isheit with a new >*teel BoUor, is uow maklnr K<>I?Utar Trips between MtfHenry and the Lakes as follows: Fridays and Saturdays, will leave McHenry on the arrival of the trains from Chicago and the South. Monday? will arrive at ~ ry in time for tbe7:t5 A. M. train for Chicago. Pare 60 cents per head. All ot Iter 'lavs iit t he week will be ready to rnn OIJ 20 miiuitcs notu-e ;tt rates neenrdiaat to number. >io jains wilt he spnrcd to secar*- the Rocommodatinn of iwssenjeers, E. CRISWOLD* CaptaUu

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