Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jul 1878, p. 4

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r *v JfeJfcnry pltialedw. W£DXESDAY, JULY 10th, 1878. ir. TAN SLYKB, Editor. JhVr-"-. : . dates chances are •xithe WHAT DORS IT PORTKND ? % Just at the present time the politi- ^ leal atmospltere is unusually quiet, at " *, .Jleaat in this section, that is if one 1st© $ r |udge from outside appearance. When V. -Ave take into consideration the many : are ready and willing to sacrifice ^Vhetnselves . upon the aitar of their ^ |:ountry in the shape of Congressmen, • - members of the Legislature, etc., this ^ , ibilence is ominous. Usually long be- [ ;;;,';,JFore this the candidates are upon the |V"^ *'war path/' and this and that candi- being discussed on street corners and in all public "l ,'*• ^places, ami therefore We ask what does ^ Ithis silence portend? That it is apa- &>«.<• . thy and indifference on the part ef the people is self evk!ent,„but that, it Pi means quite another thing with the ^;s . jRing and machine politicians is equally ? jtrue. As they dare not come openly ^ 5 before the people and advocate their t - - jhellish schemes, whereby the entire Ho (Bees of the District will be distribu- f/,(i |ted at their dictation, and for their ilJ^-viown seltish ends, they are how Sdilligeutly at work in secret conclave ^|#*^.'to accomplish by intrigue and trickery * "^what • .thejC-'Itiwfs icannoi. I» Ajs -r openl jr.^ • -i • _' TwO years ago We Warned the peo- f'ji pie against this Ring but they heeded r k it not until it was too late. Their ob- "l-w Ject fail is none the less plain.-- Siilc OF > tilii ia tuvif policy, £ nd the ,41 wish or will of "the people is never / thought of in carrying out their schemes. They are to-day holding se- ^ cret conclaves all over the District, making up their slates for Congress- |fr men and the Legislature, and hope, by Ja- covering up the cloven foot. t*o carry It fl'j>* tiirough iji the name of the people.-- After the happenings of two years ago if the people cannot see through this thin gauze they deserve to be swin­ dled. ; F We do not wis£ to'j(* understood now as advocating the cause of any particular man for Congress or the Legislature, as that is uot the inten­ tion of this article, but we do wish to open the eyes of the people against the ;underhanded meui being used by the Ring and Maefaine ^politicians to *et the pins in their &wm interest, where­ by the people are defrauded of their constitutional rights, and the offices filled by bummers and stick*. It is of the utmost importance that ^at the present time our State aud Na­ tional Councils be filled with good and | true men. men who can rise above par­ ty and rings; men who- are openly brought forward and squarely and hon­ estly nominated; men who will not •pander toJthe few to the detriment of the many ̂ men who dare and will come out aud battle against fraud and tiick- , erv, wherever found. We liave such men, but they are not the chosen can­ didates of the Ring, and if the people ^ would have such men to represent j them they should be up and at work to j defeat the designs of the secret plot­ ters. If you allow yourself to be lulled to sleep, and lie supinely on your back hugging.the delusive phantom of hope that all is quiet and serene, until yonr enemy has bound you hand and foot, it will be too late to remedy the evil. Therefore we say that this silence on ail the political matters which so much interest the people at large portend evil, and if not looked to in time will result disastrously. If we are content to be controlled by the i political bummers who swarm around ; in such numbers well and good. If ^ not let us awake to a true sense of the situation, put our shoulders to the j wheel and route them horse, foot and ' dragoon. Their secret haunts are well \ known, and some of their scheming acts I have come to tbe surface. The Plain* | dealer will watch this closely and when the time arrives they -will find i that there is "A chiel amang ye tak'n * notes and faith he'll prent it." A Stilt More r#w«rfti! M. Noble, the inventor of dynamite, has recently discovered a new explo­ sive substance still more powerful than that, fie has given it the name of "explosive gelatine.** on account of Its aspect, which closeljr resembles gela­ tine. The subs tan oe is composed of 94 to tt per cent of nitro-glycerine, and 6 or 8 per cent, of collodion, mix­ ed together. It is viscous, but can be cut with a knife or with scissors, and placerd in cartridges or shells. Dy­ namite, it is known, has the disadvan­ tage of being alterable by water-- when in % moist condition the nitro­ glycerine separates from the absor­ bent. The new substance, on the contrary, does not ftv* the least sym- tom of exudation; it is Impermeable to water, which does not at all affect its explosive properties. It is. inflam­ ed in the same way as dynamite, and its power is at least 69 per cent, great­ er. Several nations--notably Italy and Russia--have, it appears, already adopted this substance for dhargltlg bombs, torpedoes, and mines. , ' • , •<a'V : • > * H .k 'k- t* * » ' 1 " - I . v--mifr I I ijt •. '* -*• --FROM i. •'1 mtjk.wt 44 .• m\ • ?<t <. * «' 5> dtp f «9-The various industries of this country increase s6 rapidly that their magnitude escapes the general obsei> vation. It is but a few years since the importance of hides and leather into the United States exeeeded the pro­ duction, and foreign prices ruled the market. Now the entire business is reversed, and American hides are ship­ ped to almost every European market. It is estimated that seven million five hundred thousand cattle are annually slaughtered in the United States. The amount of manufactured leather al­ most exceeds belief. In Massachusetts alone eighty-nine million pairs of boots and shoes are annually manufactured, besides a large amount ot machinery for making boots and shoes. Owing to the great improvement in machinery it results that since the doubling of the yearly products the number of em­ ployes, male and female, has decreased over forty per cent. The decrease of female employes Is much less than of males, as much of the m*chluery, can be worked by the former, .f , ¥}r- ¥'• " f&"A dispatch from the city Of Mexico, dated June 20th, says: "The professional revolutionists are becom­ ing very restless. General Negrete, who held the highest military rank In tbe Republic, has resigned, and Is open­ ly mentioned as the coming revoln tionary chief. General Aureliano Riv­ era is still keeping office, and is noto­ rious for going about among the lower officers and disseminatiug revolution ary ideas. Gener&l Casio Portenoes is doing likewise. General Mejia, Min ister of War under President Juarer« has returned to Mexico. His return has had the effect of disconcerting the incipient revolution. It is believed that President Diaz will unite with General Mejia in an eflort to save the country from another revolution.-- General Mejia will probably be a can­ didate for the Presidency." *" -'V. '•'S.f §gf-A remarkable case of mistaken indentity occurred at St. Louis the other day. Harman Schuster awoke in the morning and found himself dead At least the newspapers said he was d^ad and that his body was at the morgue. "Mr. Schuster went to the place mentioned and there, sure enough fouud hiiuself laid out on tbe slab as dead as anybody could wish. Mr. Schuster was alarmed. The forehead of the corpse was his, the hair and mustache Were the color of bis and the body would not vary in weight live pounds troin his own. Tbe clothes, also, were exactly like those adorning Mr. Schuster's person. "Vot ish de goior of his eyes?" a»ked Herman of Dr, Ainbaugh. Tfie doctor turned up the corpse's eyelids aud found that the eye* Wt»r« blue. "Dot ish uald Herman with a long sigh of relief.-- •'Dot is not mine pody. Dose Is plue and mine is pluck. Gott in Himmel? vot a narrow esheape--vot a glose gall 4P!6>e vasP" |®-New York Tribune: The phonor graph has done many wonderful things, hot it surpassed even itself on Wednes­ day night, at Irving Hall. Heretofore the sounds have been smothered some­ what, and the tone has had a nasual twang. But within the past week Mr. Edison has supplied a new Instrument, which reproduced words in almost the natural tone and pitch of the person speaking. This has been accomplished by causing the cylinder to revolve as rapidly when the phonograph is speak­ ing a6 when the person talks Into it. On Wednesday evening the instrument sang one or two soprano songs, and gave forth in a capital manner a cornet solo, blown into it by Mr. Levy. Mad­ am Cole sang *' Co min' Thro' the Rye,' with all the trills and flourishes usually accompanying that air. The phono­ graph repeated the tune and the wordi almost perfectly. 1.ATE IIAIltf MAHKBVA. WATSKTO/WK, sr. T., July 1st, 1878. The attendance upon the WatertoWn hoard on Saturday was large. X*pon the register there were 33 factories recorded, offering 3,662 cheese, mostly June make. There were, however, about 6,000 boxes represented. Of these there were 3,140 sold and consign­ ed. One lot of 376 boxes sold at 8$c; 8 lots, aggregating 316 boxes, at 7|, fi, and 8c, only one lot going at the ex­ treme price; 6 lots, 700 cheese, at 7|, 7-J and 8c; 2 lots, 390, at 7| and 7|c, the bulk at the latter figure; 160 consigned. At Utica, N. Y., on Monday, 7830 boxes of cheese .were offered. The heat of the past Week acted unfavora­ bly on the market. Sales were made as follows: 495 boxes at 7|c; 1,043 at 7|c; 92 at 7|c; 2,621 at 8c; 7.639 at 8}c; 6,315 at 8$c; 640 at private terms; 3,281 on commission. The quotations for the day are: Extremes, 7gc to 8£c; leading factories 8}c; average. 8$c. At Little Palls, N. Y., Monday, 10,250 bexes of factory cheese were sold, at prices ranging from 7 to 8}c. 433 boxes farm dairy were sold at 6£ to 7}c. There was no creamery butter sold and but 34 packages of ffcrm dairy at 16e to 17c. At New York, Saturday, fresh made creamery butter sold at 19 to 20c; fresh made dairy butter in pails, 16 to 18c; northern Welsh butter 14 to 16c; choice western creamery, 17 to 20c. Receipts for the week Were 31,951 packages. Exports, 11,935 packages. The re­ ceipts of cheese for the week were 139,874 boxes. Exports, 120,273 boxes. Largest receipts and exports ever known. Sales of finest State factory were mostly at 8}@8Jc; fair to good wa8 7£@Sc; half skimmed cheese 5@6c; full skimmed, 2@3c. At the Canton, N. Y., Board of Trade. 28 factories offered 3,773 boxes of cheese; 17 factories of the largest offerings sold. One at private terms, three at 8c, six at 7$c, two at 7}c, two at 7$c, and three at 7Jc. One factory only sold to go to Montreal. Cheese sold within f of a cent of the highest quotations in New York for colored oheese. Undoubtedly the competition between New York and Montreal buy­ ers helped the price. --------a---- i /M'- i f i* The Cheese Market. ; The depressed state of the cheese market all over the country is musing considerable discouragement among those engaged in its manufacture.-- This feeling is hardly justifiable, how­ ever; at least not to the extent that it exists. Our dairymen show to a large degree the.feeling of all business men, which Is a determination to compare present prices with those which were Inflated and unreasonable, and a refus­ al to be satisfied with anything eMjrt of that. Not that we mean to say that* the cheese market is what it ought to be, but the prices of the last few years have certainly been beyond what could reasonably expected, The Elgin Ad­ vocate has the following upon the sub- ,ect :• "The future for the i dairy business, for the next two months at least. Is not very promising, and low prices must )>e expected, unless some unfore­ seen event transpires to relieve the market of the large amount on hand. The same depressed state of trade is felt In all parU of the country as it is here, and many are greatly discour­ aged at the condition of aflairs and feel that the business is ruined for all time* We are of the opinion that better times will prevail iu the bus­ iness than at present, though we do not expect to have such prices as we have had In the past few years. Such prices were out of proportion with other products, and could not ex­ pected to last always." fg^Dld you ever hear of a cow eat­ ing an umbrella? No! Well, neither did we, but we heard of a circumstance the other day that Is a very strange one. Mr. D. Partlow, of Flora, had sick cow, and it was pronounced para­ lyzed. While doctoring it and work­ ing around it* Mr. Partlow noticed something under the skin just back of the shoulder, that seemed to be push iug against the skin and was hard and pointed. He cut through the hide, when there appeared the end of an umbrella iron. He took hold' of the end of it and easily pulled it out. It was evidently part ot an umbrella, and was two feet and five inches iu length Two or three of his neighbors were present aud saw the circumstance.--- The natural question is, "how did the rod get into the cow f* Tbe cow is not paralyzed Northwestern. auy more.--Belvidere Are now pre­ pared with a full and com­ plete Stock for the Spring and Summer Trade, and at extremely r Low Prices for Cash* u t Mtfneyrn ttfbrtwriT ONE PRICE ONLY ! GASH ONLY I Goods at Unheal LOW PRICES. Quality the Best and everything; a» repre- uit vf "8.. rep1 ,tented or Money Beftmded .̂ ̂ AT THE FOLLOWING PHJCEajii" '" U'J . All are vited to call, inspect Goods and Prices be­ fore purchas­ ing, whether you wish to buy or not. No trouble to show Goods. CASH! CASH! Best Prints......... Off Best Prints,.... 06 Coats' Cotton 05 Good Cor80t9,.....:i.,.,.It. 35 S o . 1 B l a « k A l a n a c t r , . J . . 2 f t All wool Cjistraneie'-ExtM 66 Table Linen,.. 86 Ladies Hose,.. 06 Gents Hoge, 06 Ladies Black Ties--best,. 26 Wo's shoes--cloth & button 1 00 Misses Shoes--11 to 2,..... 100 MM BoetS,£tt#^:*J Boys Pants--Good,.. Boys Vests--Good,... Boys Coatc, Mens Snits, 100(12 *>s Bice 501 No. l Baking Powder. i 50 3 lbs Tea I1 fJOO'ttbs Teq, i... |< Mens Suits--Gom1,.|S TSto '7 00 Overalls, leather trimmed, 50 10 ft>s A. Sugrir I 00 11 lbs No. 1 Raisins,.... ... 1 00 14 lbs No. 1 Currents, ' I 00 15fl»s Dried Apples, 1 00 11 1t>s Jiest Dried AppleSt i:ifl>s Best llalfs Peaches,. 1 00:Choice Syrii Best J»pa» Tea,.. Best Younjr Hyson Tea*... Best Y. H. A Jap. for ptfee, Axle Greese, Stove Polish, Fine Cut Tol»»ceo,....,"^w. I 00|stove Polish, Tacks, i 8 8 17»|7 fta Choice F«Ml ' ^'iUIIUIU^ I II l wis »s Urouad ........ I-"' I sell cheaper than my neighbors Tjeoaiise I biiy cheaper, ana say to any one coming to bpy of me, you will be more than satisfied. In Clothing, Boots and Shoes and General Merchandise, my stock ii three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock of Clothing is now being sold at less rates than other dealers can buy . Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises at much below. regular prices. Am weekly in the market', buy for cash for two stores, and do secure bargains which I more than divide with my customere.-*?- Our interests are mutual, and my constant aim will be to self goods at such prices as will convince you that I am selling Merchandise cheaper than any store in the Is orthwest. Come and see me and 1 will do you good, and in this way yon can make money easier thau you can earn it. C.RHALl^V Chicago Of¥lcey 123 Franklin Street. Richmond, *ll. P. HAUL Duxdvk, III. OEA C. COLBt. HENRY COLBY. House and lots for Sale. Til 10 undersigned offers for sale his house aud two lots, situated in the village of HcHenrv. There is a good house, barn, a good w«J t of water, cistern, a line orchard, all kinds of small frnit, and in short is a very de- sirablo place. Will be sold on reasonable terms if applied for soon. Aupiy to J. S. IIINES. McHenry, 111., May 28th, M78. / Dr. Jsque's German Worm Cakes are effectual and pafe remedy for worms. They are Pleasant to take and not only destroy the worms, but remove all traces of them from the system leav­ ing the child healthy and strong. They ere warranted to give perfect satisfac­ tion. Sold by all Druggists. "Aim tb<! Daily and Weekly Papers, Magazines,"etc.. can be found jtf. the Plaindkalku News Room. Bucklin & Stevens' are in receipt of cw l>ies»<jrood«,Parasols, Tiiminings, 5iitrous, and at tbe lowerit living iriWi,,. i Captain A. H. Bogardas. the American wing shot, gave a reinarka ui« exiiibition of h!» okili at Stanley, England, a fortnight ago. He under* took to break 300 glass balls in twentjr one minutes, using three guns of dif­ ferent weight and calibre. The hu­ mane objections which have been raised to the destruction of pigeons in matches of skill are completely over­ come by this system of firing at glass bails, in the space of nineteen min- ntes he flred SOB shots, and missed only eight balls, thus performing his task with two minutes to spare. v mil iMnmci sauk win m n urns. Here is a curious story afcont some native wines which are extensively advertised aowa- days, and have only recently been pat upon the market. Dr. Underbill, tbe well-known grape-grower of Croton Point, died in 1871. Some of Us heirs entertained temperanca views ©f such extreme kind, that they were tan willing to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any snore to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines on hand. Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more than any other European wine, and being wholly unlike any other wine of American growth. Its purity, age and mellowness are remarkable, and both physicians and wine- fanciers have a special interest in it as the oldest native wine now accessible in any con­ siderable quantity. The whole stock is In the hands of the well-known wholesale grocery- house of the Thurtoers.--M Y, Triimt, Nov. tg , t8 f f . 1000 BOYS & GIRLS act as agents for the Iwst Boy's and (Jin's paper published ill the vVest. Ileaittiful presents t<> Hubscrib. ers and agents. Every boy and girl ran enrn lots of money c.unvussinK during leisure hours. Don't rail to send for it at once. To introduce it we will send to any address on trial three months, for 10 Cents in cash or postage stamp.*. Simple of paper and fHntioiilars FREE- Address » 91 f? I> Hoiuohold Gem, oiiweland. o* • *» COLBY BROS., Having purchased the entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., ot Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they are now prepared to meet their cuetomen Il4 the public generally with a large and well selected stock of Drjf GocKds, Groceries, READY-MADE CLOTHING, ots and Shoes, Hats ' and Caps, Crockery, are>, Az;e., Ac#* Which thev will sell forOish or, Ready-Pay as cheap as any other House in the County. Our Goods are all fresh and have been bought with especial reference to the wants of the people of thia community, ana we WILL WOT BE UNDERSOLD, We also keep our usual stock of Running Steamboat H Having been thoroughly repaired and fnrn- lshed with a newfteel Boiler, id now making iftguiar Trips hetwegu Mellenry and (he JLak esae follows: ^ Fridays and Saturdays will leave McHenry on the arrival of the trains from Chicago mid the South. Mondays will arrive at McHen ry in time for the 7:25 A. M. train for Chicago. Fare 60 cents ner head* All other days In the week will be ready to rnn on 20 minutes notice at rates according to number. No pains will be spared to secux$ the accommodation of passengers. C E. CRI8WOLD, Captain. The above speaks for itself; bat we woald add (hat this is the pure juice of the grape, neither drugged, liquored nor watered? that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive ̂of charge, on application̂ ' Respectfully, etc.. H. K. 4 F. B. THURBER * CO. Wmt BmtAMP. Jtmdt and Hudson Strut* • Haw-Vaa*. L The McHenry MEAT MARKET. Having ne>f4y Be-Painted and fitted up our Shop, we are now prepared to furnish our customers with Fresh and Salt Meats OP ALL KINDS. Sausage, Smoked Meats. 4c., AT THE " m X-owe«t Living Prlo««. We buy none but the best of Meats, and iiavlng served our time in »one of the best Markets in Chicago, flatter ourselves that we can offer our customers Meats in better shape than any other Shop In this section. Thankful for past favors we solicit a eon- tinu.ince ot thu ^?uae, an<l we will ffiiav&iitce satisfy you both in quality and price. Frett & Son. -- VcflfcvftT, 111., May 20th, 187*. 1 its; OAs, K An d ns heretofore, wili(Spar& ao to -pleas© oar customers in thisliwe. Physicians Prescriptioiui Compounded in a careful manner and by none hut experienced hftndt. 'Thankful for past favors, we solicit, aud hope to merit a continu­ ance of the same. COLBY BEOS. McHenry, III., May 7th, 1878.» y == Slier Stock, Will not be excelled, either in quality of Goods or Low Prices, oy any in this or adjoining counties. Gash or Ready-Pay and One Price is pur motto. •4k*'k P. D. SMITH. Near the Depot, McHe

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