• y~\ - - v * - yt-ii"'T-oiwf'.yi c ti «? RVYT. , '.•»•-• V J ' C" ' ,/J • ->f." Mi MLanDUmLkt |P||Wrj FHiiiiiiiui§ WEDNESDAY, JULY 10th, 1878. Railroad Time Table; 001*0 »»T| »»««eng<r iMn lik0 Kxvresa Freight.. Seneva Lake Passenger I........7.-* A. X. QMm lak« XXMMM «» ....S:» A. *. OMMMLlkt rrauthi..:..,.k... 1:15 V. w. WMra Lake Through Freight...--8:1* r. K. GOTNO WORTH. (foseva Lake Through Freight.. 4UK) A. *, tl«ne«% Lake freight WTO k. B. Geneva lak«Kxpreis. leiwri l.ake Paiaenaer. 5:4» r. M. .7:02 r. M BED RIBBON CLTTB.f lar Meetings every Thnrsdar armour ITafversshst CLurch, ni 8 o'cVwsk. J. M. MCOMBKX, President. A. P. J*A*80xs„ Secretary. ®| _ DONATION PART*. There will be a Donation Mid lee Cream Festival at the Methodist Church on Friday evening, Jnly 19th, for the benefit of the Pastor of the Church. The Rev*s Xenn. Senior, of Woodstock, Wiley of Crystal Lake, tad others are expected to make short addresses. There will be singing by the choir. All are cordially invited to mttend. Look for bargain* in the nest thirty olys at Bucklln'ft Stevens. THE Board of Supervisors NO Kslon at Woodstock this week. in A. few Linen Suits, light Dress Goods ftc. very cheap at FITXSIMMON* 4k Xv- AKSON'S. , • .;JT- THE Steamer ••Athlete* cattietfftwn flrora Wilmoton the 4th and brought a jdeasaai party to the Elverside House for the dance. JOE BUCK is hauling the lumber for • new residence, which he proposes to iMftild on his farm, just North of the j^i|>rporation line. '; THE weather for the past wiftffc has keen decidedly hot and dry, %nd the Corn is coming forward rapidly. A little rain just at this time, however would be an improvement. - FOUND, a Pocket Book containing i •ntoffHtwiey, Notes, &c., which the owner ~^j»*n have by calling at thl* office, proving property and paying for this notice. A clergy mau who wu stung .between the eyes by a bumble-bee as he nscend- •d the pulpit, would have said it was a ' Warning had the bee popped it to ft man just as he was going a fishing. THERE IS some talk of opening Tee Cream Parlors in this village. We have not learned whether or not it will be done. Lovers of the frozen stuff are living in hopes. IF yon want* bargain in Millinery and Cloaks go to Mrs. S. Searles where you cau select from the largest stock in the county and ut the lowest prices. Come one, come all and have the be;n- efit of the low prices until July 4th. jr.- S. D. BALDWIN, Principal of the I public School in this viljage, has taken the Ageucy of Zeli's Cyclopedia, which p he proposes to canvass for during va cation. This Is one of the best works of the kind now published, and we hope Mr. Baldwin will meet wi|| sue cess. > • As the dew falls noiselessly uf»bn the jnst and the unjust; as t|ie present passes silently in the past; and as the perfrime of a kindly act rises heaven ward unseen; so the hired girl slips out the back way at night to "meet him by moonlight alone," all unbe known to the old folks. . THE pleasures of the 4th were very much enhaneed by the presentation to us on that day of * handsome Bo- quet, by Miss Jennie Searles. For this kind remembrance we faithfully prom ise that when she get* married she shall have a husband. She will also please accept the thanks of jours truly. JAMEA S. DCFIELD. who llv64efew miles East of Woodstock, has left at this office a sample of Spring By* that would be hard to beat. The stalk .aeasures Seven feet seven Inches and the heads are plump, large and fine.-- This Rve was sown the 17th day of April, and is but a fair sample of the entire field. Who can beat Ut As personal Items are now in fash ien we present the following: St. Pan! Js away out west with Minnesota, St. John will spend the summer In New Brunswick, Elmira is la Hew York, Elizabeth Is in New Jertey, Marietta is In Ohio. Charlotte is in North Caro lina, and McUenry i« in Illinois. They don't Intend visiting each other this season. ' WE would call the attention of our readers to the notice of a Donation Party, to be given at the Methodist Church on Friday evening of this week, for the benefit of tije Pastor.-- Ice Cream will be served and several speakers from neighboring towns will he present. All are invited and we hope to see the Church well Ailed. THE wool market is now fairly open in this section, and large quantities are coming in daily, which is bought at from 25 to 30 cts. per ponnd. a very fair price in comparison with other farm products. The principal buyers in this village are F. K. Granger, Buck- !!:: A Stevens, Smith 5ros.,C. T. £1- dredge, E. M. Owen and C. B. Curtiss. WE learn that Allen Colby met with a severe accident on the morning of *he 4th of July. He had started for >Is village "With a span of colts, when x-\part of the buggy gave way, wijlU ran away fragging him fence and bruising him very lioua^ut fortunately breaking no AiAe bjj££y was a total wreck. *a*ayv . PLAIXV \ OCB face is suffused with blushes as we mention it, bnt we have been told that many ladies have abandoned gar ters and now wear ft hoee suspender whose inscrutable mystery we do not venture to fatIMBI which we are assured is highly conducive to, health, and therefore "concern* men most pro foundly.11 It is also rumored that an article called the Mchemiloon" is also making reformatory progress, end that the function of this garment is to trans fer the weight of the skirts from the hips to the shoulders. THE Party at the Riverside Home on the 4th of July was one of the largest and most pleasant held In that House for many ye are. Two hundred and nineteen couples were In atten dance. and notwithstanding this large crowd all were well pleased, and every thing went of! in the most quiet and orderly manner. The Supper it spoken of by all In the highest terms. The last table was as well supplied as the first, and a better supper could not have been wished for by anyone. The Party at the Riverside on July 4th, 1878, will long he remembered jvUh pleasure by all who attended. ~: : 1 "TT H f i f - S Baal Estate Traatferi. Conveyances tied for record in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County. Illinois, for the week ending July Cth A. D. 1878: Maria Brott and husband ta Wu. Wallace Ar. Their int in 880 a IS Greenwood and ceo 81, Me Henry, $1000. Thos. 3. Bolenden and wife to Sarah J Harrington. 40a in nwX see SI, Xunda, $1000' Michael F. Sweeaer, etal to Cornelius Cleary. WX lot 2 11 w 3, Marengo, 0M& Jos. IT. Wales and wife to John Wales jii Lot 11 blk 1, Huntley, $400. John Pierce and wife to Jno. O. Baynotds, Lot in Hebron Wm. Chapman and wife to Jno. O. Earmold a Lota 56 7 ami 3, Hebron, f1200. John Pierce and wife to Jofen CbtMM.-- Lot in Hebron % a, $100. Aaron 11. Brown and wife to Ella K. Taylor Pt lot S3 sec 35, Marengo, $900. T THE FOURTH IN MeHKNKT. The Pionie celebration held In this village on the 4th of July was a success, both in point of number and otherwise. The day was all that could have been wiihed. and at an early hour the peo ple from the surrounding country com menced coming in, and by ten o'clock quite a large crowd were In town, but they were so badly scattered that it would be hard to make an estimate of their number. The Grove selected was on the East side of the river,and was a very pleasant aud oool .place. The Orator of the Day. Judge B. N. Smith, was on hand, and his Oration was In his usual happy style and was well received. Other short speeches were made, all ot which gave very general satisfaction with the excep tion of one, that of Rev. Wm. Itice. We did not hear the address of this gentleman, but if we are rightly in formed his remarks in relation to the Catholics was entirely uncalled for and not in accordance with facts. When an Orator attempts to make buncoinb for a fourth of July speech by slander ing any sect or party he makes a great mistake. The people do not come out ou such days to hear their neighbors abused, but to honor *the day- we cele brate," iu an appropriate manner, without regard to the political ' or religious opinion or principles of othersr An orator who forgets this is not At to address an audience on such au occasion. The occasion wife ft Picnic celebra tion, but to accomodate those who did not bring along their baskets* the Ladles had a table .spread, where a good square meal could he had at a reasonable rate, and from appearance we should judge many partook of their bouuteou* fare. The arrangements on the groutid8 were complete, and were carried out to the satisfaction of all who camc to McHenry to spend the 4th, and we believe will be remem bered with pleasure by such. THE FIBEWORK8 In the evening which were near the Depot, and gotten up by the citizens ot that end of town, made a very cred itable show, and were witnessed by a large crowd. The several dances in the evening ended the festivities, and we believe all anite In pronouncing it a very suc cessful celebration throughout. FOB SAl.fi, Half Interest in a Buffalo Pitts, ten Horse Power Threshing Machine.-- Almost as good as new. Will be sold cheap. For particulars inquire at this office. REDUCTION IK STOCK. Bueklin A Stevens will give you Bargains in ail kinds of Goods for the next thirty days In order to reduce stock. Motley to Loan. From one to sixteen hundred dollars, on good security. Apply at this office Iw in want of anything in the Den tistry line do not fail to call on Dr. Rice at the Riverside House. He is one of the bes^ Dentists in the Ncrtbwest, and his prices are as low as the lowest. Bom Mowers at E. M. Owen's. '•OUM PUINDKAUt" To the editor of the PLASNVKALEB for publication. If thought expedient, I send a few reflections and Observa tions. In the first place* I love home amusements aud appreciate home talent. My husband came home from town the other day, and said. **I have stopped the PLAINDEALER, there isn't much Dolitieal or foreign news in It, and I thought. I would stop it.** 1 re plied, -lf yon bad said y»a were not going to fill np the floor barrel, you would not have hurt ray feelings any worfce." He said money was scarce. ete„ when I thai "ether tcr.*ns support two home papers, bnt if peo ple follow your example, wo will be minus one." New, if you can imagine for certain my name, you mnd the PLAIN DEALER to the wife of that man who stopped his paper last, and don't worry about tlK> pay, for you will be sure to get it. When we get our mail, husband takes his Chicago paper, I take my paper, and we sit down to read. "AhP said he, "what a terrible affair: ft whole family murdered.'1 "Yes,** **I say, "I read that here In the PLAINDEALER." After reading a long time, he says, "the Russians are trying to settle their war." I learned of that right here, without reading those pre liminaries," I replied. Then he reads & string cf lies, about cheating, fraud, and sending to prison for two years, which Is enough to disgust anyone. "Now hear this," I say; "here Is a man "and his family you know; yon will be glad to hear of his prosperity or shed a sympathizing tear with him In his adversity; you don't find this in your Chicago paper." Ye* I love the home news, with a sprinkling of foreign. The successful farmer and his family have very little time for leaving home during summer months, but wc are cheercd weekly by yeur worthy paper, and look forward with delight for its comiug. A F.VRMKK'S Wtr*. SOLON. ^DITOE PLAINDEALER:--The San- day School Concert held in the M. E. church last Sunday evening, was a rep etition of one of those good old fashioned entertainments which Is equaled by few places ot its slse and excelled by none. The superintendent, Mise M. Turner, is taking a great deal of pains In striving to have the Solon S. S. excel all others In the county, and earnestly invites all critics to at tend. and see if anything more can be done. The manner in which each one discharged their calling only adds praise to her qualifications as an In structor* and their aptnese to im prove. We will refrain from men tioning any names a« each and every one done far better than could be ex pected. The Solon correspondent for the Ottzette says, "there was a lack of vim and earnestness in th6 concert." Why? Simply because in spite of all his efforts to call the attention of the crowd, to his unmanly actions, they were more Interested in the pieces sung and spoken by the children, and he was unuoticed, except by a few whose quiet were disturbed by bis (trailing tongue, and were annoyed to know the child , had come so far from home without its guardian. There Is many who would willingly Instruct him in what is right and wrong, but know too well there Is no nse In trying to teach the poor miserable little fellow anything good for his head Is a pandore of the largest size. Solon was represented ia various places on the 4th of July, and a general gr.od time Is reported from every di rection. Only one smasliup heard of at the present writing, that of Wm. Overton's, whose horse took fright at some fireworks In Richmond, entirely demolished the buggy and went hone without a vehicle or driver. .. • 11 mmmmmmmarn PRICES REDUCED PRlCfcS REDUCED PRICES REDUCED* at Bucklln A Stevens. A Bearded Indian, Offtn lodian with a beard a roman* tic legend the Tnscarora (Nev.) Timet Review says: Possibly the oldest look ing savage In tKe State Is a denisch of Tuscarora. The oddity consists in tbo savage being as heavily bearded as a Russian troeper. The Indian belongs to the Shoshone tribe, and is apparent' ly sixty or seventy years of age,stands as erect as Pompey's pillar, anJ with his white flowing beard and distin guished mien. Is really a venerable looking old party. There Is a curious legend about this hoary pioneer of the valley. Although the Shcshenes per sistently afsert that he Is a true born member of tjieir tribe, ytft the story goes that the old man Is, really a native of Mexico, and that he was stolen while an Infant and carried to the north by a raiding band of Shoshone warriors. The long beard, contour of features and general make-np of the old fellow give plausibility to the le gend. Whether the tale of captivity be tr;:c or fsl.=v, our ravage is an odd specimen «f the American red man WOOMTMK. EDITOR PLAIMDEALEB:--AtkChauncy F., which end up he bulldf chimney's nowadays. If it is any Improvement to top off in the cellar the public ought to know It. The sick are gaining and the well are praying {hat tfief may retain their health till hot weather Is over In hopes to have passed the Rubicon. The Fourth at Woodstock was very much like onto other days. > A few fire crackers, a few extra mugs of beer, ft fight or two and the tale is toldt The neighborhood Picnic just out-* aide, of which we spoke last week, oame off and was a very quiet but cheerful and enjoyable affair. The ta bles were furnished, not only with far- mer-like substantial*, but with all' the delicacies of the season. Timely showers and warm weather are making corn grow "maaln," Hon. Wm,Xathrep In town Saturday His visit was about as silent as his pres ence at Washington. Wonder if he has seen Mr. Lord on his circuit. A. E. Smith is in our city unable as yet to return to Rookford on account of sickness. Is hi* faith in Lord as strong as two year* ago? We have good authority for saying that Abe la not very zealous in the support of Mr. Lathrop this year but that he Is look ing up the "Dark Horse" to substitute at the proper time and It Is Intimated that the "Dark Horse** is' ft citizen of our owrf county and one who will be likely to get the honest support of all republicans should he be fairly nomi nated, but if he comes before the peo ple tainted with the trickery aud treachery of Lord, Smith & To., It will da'mpen the ardor of many of his warmest friends. Let the peoples* wishes be consul tod and the man fair ly nominated and the distentions of two years ago will not be a element in thia falls campaign. So mote It be. XDtTOR PLAINDEALERAs quite a number came in after 1 bad commenced my Lecture, and consequently did not quite understand the subject, I would ask ft short space In your paper tor the following: The object of Mr. Taylor'* lecture on Sunday evening last, was fully accom plished in that he proved by a critical reading of the text that the Mosaic reoord of the beglnuing of time and life upon the earth, will read with more fidelity to the Inspired authors meaning as follows: Mr. Taylors com ments or paraphrases will be found written in the italicized letters.. "In the beginning of the prepara tion of the earth for Ufey. God created the heaven of the firmoanet%t of the at mosphere which envelope* the earth, |»r the oorth was before time without tt& preeent form, and void of life. And darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved np- 011 the face of the waters, and willed the hght to be and there was light.-- And iu the Aiffht of God the light was good. And God caused the light to alternate with the darkness, and by the will of God we call the light day and the darkness we call night. And the evening or ending of the primeval darkne«$, and the morning or begin* ningof the light was the flmt day." Mr. Taylor desires to free the word from its fault* of translation,. He re spectfully Invites auy or every Hebrew or Greek scholar* In the church or the world to refute the above translation. BOLMN MARSHALL ITAYLOB. •Br By those who know something of him, we lean* that Prof. James P. Slade, of Bellville, who is the Repub lican candidate for State Superinten dent, a very capable aad worthy man for the position. There being only two candidates to nominate, as aeon as the Treasurership was awarded to the northern portion of the State It was proper that the other offioe should be given te the other portion. This was at onoe acknowledged by the other candidates, who also spoke ia high terms of Prof. Slade. Richmond Department. A few Parasols at still farther re duced prices to Close, at FITZSIMMONS A EvANSON'S Prices Reduced on clothing in order to sell to make room for Fall and Win ter Purchases, at Bucklfn ft Stevens. Uncle Sam's Condition Powder pre vents disease, purifies the bloed, im proves the appetite, gives a smooth glossy coat, and keep® the animal In good condition. A11 Druggists sell it. BASE BALLISTS should call and get a copy of the N«w York Mercury, the best Base Ball paper published. Trade was never lighter in Richmond than at present. G It is hoped the wool W1Q.M14 Mitla money afloat. ^ Muzzle* for dog* and th« Mr* at Meade'* - ' , : • v« Immense quantities <k We*t were brought to this market last week, and yet it comes. Musical Union meets on Wednesday night thia week. It fi rrtrpomd to change to Friday night. Bed Ribbon Rice lectured oti Tem perance at the M. E. Church Sunday evening. It was a good lecture. All good people In the vicinity de voutly pray that lightning may strike that goat of Mrs. Gibbs. Several four footed dogs have got the badge of servitude on, vis: a muzzle. None of the Board are ypt muzzled. Mrs. Gibbs takes possession Of her Bew summer house on Twin Lakes, this week. The furniture was put in last week. FAMILY MEDICINES.--Bverv family should always have certain remedies in the house to meet the common acci dents or emergencies which may occur at any time. An emetic promptly administered has often saved a life which would have been lost if left to the delay of calling a physician. A medicine which combines the most essential features--such ag a pain-killer --•that will cure rheumatism, neuralgia, headache--stop bleeding, either intern al or external--a most excellent cor rector of the stomach--will cure sore throat, etc., should be In every house hold. In Lawsou'g Curative we have the best combination of medicines-, which makes it the Biost excellent of all for family use. AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH. You deserve to suffer, and If you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life la this beautiful world. It is entirely your own fault and there !s onlr one excuse for you.--your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which lias killed thous ands. Personal knowledge and com mon sense reasoning will soon show you that Green's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dys pepsia, with ail its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomache, habitual cos* tiveness. dizziness of the head, nerv ous prostratfo&n, low spirits, etc. Its jaies now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist hut will tell vou of its wonderful cures. You ean buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve yon, , For sale by Colby BiVs„.. Landlord Billet has his bar Well rap- plied with "temperance drinks,'* such as pop, hoxsle, champagne cider, ginger cider, dec. The advaaoe guard of the Roeitford's, consisting of workmen, will commence the annoal preparation of their grounds oh Twin Lakes next Thurs day. the 11th Inst. As soon as all Is In readiness, tho Club will take possession for the season. lit this tremendously hot weather a glass of Alexander ft Hyde's soda water Is a most refreshing and delight ful drink. A little good whisky in the bottonrof the glass would make U a sight more agreable to tbt K. R's, bat it's good without. The Ball at the Richmond House on the evening of the 4th was ft success every way. Then* were about 60 num bers sold. The music was excellent, the supper "just splendid,** and tho company genteel and well-behaved.-- The dancing public are beginning to find out that the place to go for a good time U to BiUett'e. It la said that the Village Board of Dog Killers meet every week to wres tle with the mighty problems of mu nicipal government, but they dassent publish their proceedings In the Oa eette any more for fear "that PLAIN- DEALER correspondent" will show up what imbeciles they are. Don't be afraid, sonnies! You shan't be hurt! Last Spring, A J, Lyttle, of the Elgia and Geneva hatcheries, presented to Dr. Bennett 1G0 yearling California Salmon, which were put in to a spring reservoir on Mrs. Gibbs' place at Twin Lakes for safe keeping. Some miscre ant or miscreants stole the whole lot, probably for bait. The miserable cuss that did it ought to be hung by the neck until "dead, dead, dead." On the evening of the 4th the team of Will Overton broke from their fas tenings In front of one of our stores and ran away, demolishing the bikggy. The horses were frightened by fire crackers thrown'nuder them by mis- clielvous boys. Overton ought to sue the fathers of the boys for damages, In hopes that It may stimulate said fath ers to larrup enough skin off those boys to teach them not to cut up «'ich ma licious tricks again. Most Richmond people spent the 4th at Twin Lakes. Several hundred people were there Altogether. The day was delightful and the pleasure seekers had a good time. Captain Ack- ermau's Steamer plied between his Hotel grounds and Rockfo^d grounds all day, carrying large loads of passen gers each time. Ackerman gave a dance afternoou and evening. Bain's new steamer "Kinderhook," did not ruu. The Richmond High Schoal Cor net Band furnished the music, and most excellent it was. The picnic from Richmond was under the auspices of the Band. The people from all directions joined in to make up a merry crowd. The Lakes are now a most beautiful aud delightful reaort. When a lady asked Stire Pasha if he was going to the Picnic *t Twin Lakes he replied: "No I am gtoing to ft mon grel picnic at Hebron.** The lady told It to a friend and naturally enough re marked that she "never heard the term mongrel applied before only to dogs.** The "friend" of course ran to the min ister and told him some stuff or other. Then Mr. Minister be calls on the lady aud displays his usual temper by rating her soundly for saying that he was to **attend a picnic of dogs.** She didn't say so, of course, aud I think she took too much notice of priestly ill temper when sbe cried all night about it. She requested the few friends who knew of the Rev's visit and abuse not to tell her husband for fear of his taking sum mary vengeance. What angelic tem pers the followers of the "meek ftnd lowly" have. X singular and very fatal disease has broken out among the hogs ot vMa«on Thomas, just west of this village. The animals ^e sick from four days to a week or ten days. The most character istic symptoms is a copious discharge of blood from the nose and ears. By examining the lungs of somo which have died, Mr. Thomas thinks the hemorrhage is from them. He ha* already lost thirty-five. Only three or foy of those affected have got welL He has doctored them with charcoal ftnd ashes, sulphur, tar, copperas, tur- pentfne, Ac., with no good results. The hogs of one of his neighbors are affected tho same way. John McCon- hels bogs, some sixty in number, havo been exposed to those of Mr Thomas, so we will have a chance to see wbetlmf the disease is contagious or not. ^BtuineM Notice®. | MEN'S Coarse Boot* flJO ftt Fm- SIMMONS A Svutsoxi. Mmtveryt Muilacijri Great Rednctlon in XIUhMi^ll In, S. Searles, McHenry. A Bertrand A SamesV «r SI!wood Cultivator for #32 at E. M. Oweu's. A good assortment of Splints cart Im*:, feund at Blake's, cheap. Mterrah for tke Fourth «f Mrs. S. Searles will sell all goods Vl Reduced Prices until July the Foartfe, commencing June 17th. A full line of Parasol* from Iff Otft np at Bucklln ft Stevens. -- Stop at E.M.Owen's and see now tho Geared Cortland Wagon* Call and take your choice of Sevca different kiuds of Bakes at X. M. Owen's. Gulnet Blaek Dress Silks, Pongee Dress Silks and Trimming SUk» at Buckltn ft Stevens. Call at E. M. Owtfs*s and ww* of those splendid Top Carriages beftom they are <ui gone. The next lot will oost more. TOE Eureka Tree ftnd Fort Hole Digger. Call at E. M. Owen's and see one. The best thing In tlw neftffcet, and sold cheap. The latest styles of Lace Collars and Cuffs, with a splendid assortment of Ties ju&tu j^eeived at * sHevftifc ? - 5 ^•^FOR8AL». *• • Two full Blood Durham Yearling Bull Calfs,fft for use. J. FLU SKY. CLOAKS! CLOAKSt Mrs. S. Searles is now offering De cided Bargains in Cloaks aad Mantlea In Silk, English Diagonal* aad Mate- lasses, Cashmere, ftc. FOR SALE CHEAP. Several icood second hand BnggUNhr-- Apply to E. M. Owen. A fine lot of Zephyr and Card Boards, just reoeived at J. B. Blake** Furniture Store. PUMPS. A large Stock of Adam* celebrated Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and at lowest prides, at E. M. Owen**. Teeth extracted and filled In tfeo most skillful mail nor by Dr. Rice, Riv erside House, McHenry. Coasultatloa Free. Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Lini ment is most efficient In Rheumatism, Bruises, Burns, Scratches and many other ills incident to man and boast. Sold by all Druggists. Be wi9e in time and get a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, which al ways cures Coughs and Colds, ami pre vents Consumption. Price oftiy Si eta. Esr bottle. Sold by A. B. Gilbert, cHenry, 111. The demand for gold 1a (Mat, bnt not equal to the demand for Dr. Mar shall's Lung Syrup, the great remedy for Coughs aud Colds. Try ft. Price only 96 cents a bottle. Sold by A. B» Gilbert, McHenry, III. Do not negicct a Cough or Cold. Eilert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cher ry is a standard remedy lis ;hroat. asthmatic and bronchial affections, and has saved many valuable lives. It never fnlls to jjlvo &atls£a@ti»ii» 8sM by all Druggists. Dress 6oods IS and ID oeBtft BMally sold for 15 cents. Hamburg Edgeings from 5 cts per vard op. Ladles Linen and Grass Cloth Suits from |1^5 up--a large variety to select from. White Dress Goods In Pique, and Brilliants from 7 cts up. Two Button Kid Gloves for 75 cts, Three Button for $1 per pair, the best Gloves for the money. In fact all other Goods In proportion. Give tho** a Oftli aad aee for yourself, BCCKLIK ft STBVBB** WAIT FOR THE WAGON. We are now offering one of onr cele brated Lumber Wagons, with top Box, Steel Spring seat, whiffle trees. Neck Yoke and stav chains, all complete, for •fife Warranted for one year. «. IMKMP. DBS8S GOOD* ^ DRESS GOOB#. Bucklln ft Stevens would call atteft- tloh to their new line of Summer Dree* Goods just received. Six SxlO Chromos, for II eoata, at J. B. Blake's. Dr. WincheU*s Teething Syrop has never failed to rive immediate relief when used in cases of Summer Com plaint, Cholara-tiifaiitum or pains- In the stomach. Mothers when your lit tle darlings are suffering from the*e or kindred causes do not hesitate to give it a trial, yot| will surely be pleased with the charming effect. Be mm to bur Dr. Wi':chc!!'a T«r(hinr Syrup. Sold by all Druggist*, only Iff eta. per bottle. Much ha<* been sung of the "Maid with Golden Hair." No song, however, has yet been able to make that color a popular one for any considerable length of time. I-lght red faded or sandy hair are equally tinder the ban of public opinion. We are happy to ftn- nounce to our readers who desire to ehnnge those color*, that three appli cations of Ring's Ve rtable Ambrosia will give them beaut'fkil auburn tresses possessing all that soft, lust roes ap pearance so desirable in this chief adornment of female beauty. „ r