Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jul 1878, p. 5

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?*• > 'UMI'MM' »LL>ia3^i1 ME HvYlwUTJ ^JHNUN^MUvJri WEDNESDAY, JULY 17th, 1878. Railroad Time Table. som SOUTH. Sum Lake PkMenger. T* A. K. Otseri Lake Express 8:» A. K. B«D4n LsM Fwlrht l:J5 r. v. QeMn Lake "Phwmgli Fre!#M tMr. SL GOING HOITH. Geneva Lmke Through Freight 400 A. V. U«d«v« lake Freight ...YMIQA. M. OiMTt I«k« Express §:•» r. H. SenevaLaktPassenger ,...7:02p. m TJ,I . '>'f ERD E IB BON CLUB. Kerular Meetings every Thnrwl&r erenmt, • At the 0nive*saM»t_choiT.ta, at 8 o'clock. A. P. PABSONS. *. MCOMBBB. President. Secretary. TBR Board ot session again this week. Supervisor* are to THE Railroad Company have sent out anew and tasty sign to the Depot which rea<Sfi MM6&«Bfjrltt 5-1$ nilee to Chicago/* WE are again Indebted to oisr old friend, W. II. Forrest, of Hamilton Nevada, for files of a late date. Nevada papers of FOUND, on the streets in this village, a Cultivator Shovel, which the owner can have by proving property* and paylpg for this notice. A-:~ WOOL still continues to cone into yr this market at a lively rate. We learn F that 31 cents was the price paid on \ Monday and Tuesday. WE learn that the new Catholic Church, at Wauconda, was struck by lightning on Toesday evening of last week, and damaged to the extent of some three or four hundred dollars. WHEN you see a young man around these fine mornings, asking for benzine or something to take out paint, it is an evidence that the girl's father has been painting the frout fence. How. WM. LATHROP will acoept thanks for a copy of the Memorial Addresses on the life and charactcr of Henry Wilson, delivered in the House of Representatives Jan. Slst, 1876. "HOT, Hotter. Hottest. Too hot tt read or write.** Such is the word w received from several of our corres­ pondents this week. Well, we don't blame them, for we would'nt do either If we were net obliged to. ISRAEL WEIGHT, who lives just west of this village, will Immediately commence the ereetiou of a new house. F^A, Hebard has taken the job, GEO. E. Brawn, of Ring wood, has left us another curiosity In the shape of a potato, which he found in a bar­ rel in his cellar. It is an Early Rose Potato, from which sprouts had started and eighi&-on.c perfectly formed young potatoes had grown around It, in sice from the bigness of a pea to a walnut. It was found In a barrel, where there was no dirt. It Is Indeed a curiosity. AN exchange pertinently remarks. uWheu you come to town to lay In your goods for the summer, look over the columns of the home paper and see who asks you to purchase of them. The merchant who is too close to tell you what he has to sell, or to ask your patronage through the paper that Is trying to build up the town and keep its business moving. Is too close for any man to deal with; jrcu oan get no bargains at stores that do not adver­ tise. As will be seen by a notice under the proper head, W. H. Perkins, the Pho­ tographer, has taken In a partner. The Contract was signed, sealed and delivered before Rev. F. J. Douglass, on Sunday the 7th instM at Genoa Junction, Wis., aud was for the term of their natural lives. The firm Is now Perkins A Wife, and It is to be pre­ sumed that "Co." wjll be added indue time. Better pictures than ever may be expected. We wish then much Joy. A ^blnil WE learn of two accidents In this vi- Inity on Monday last. The first was 'Mr». Rothermel, of Johnsburgh, a lady about sixty years of age, who fell ftom a Cherry tree, breaking her leg just above the knee. The second was a young man by the name of Fleming, near Barreville, whose team ran away with him, throwing him out and break­ ing bis arm just above the wrist. Both are bad fractures, but the attending Physician, Dr. O. J. Howard,' Informs us that they are as comfortable as could be expected at this time, Tnes- day, A. x. still our population ttwreneea. /Alittle stranger arrived it "Vern" I Smith's on Tuesday morning. It was A of the male persuasion and weighed \about eight pouuds. "Vera" and the liaby are doing well, __________ L i -« • ijOlfWr 6kitllUJg| March 81, it appears that the total enlisted strength of the militia present or accounted for on that date was 6,184. Quite a number of companies have been organized since then, the actual strength of which will not appear until the next muster. AT a meeting of the Board of IFONROM THE Base Ball beys having sometime for something to conqher, have now issued a challenge to any club in McHenry or Lake counties, to play a series of games for a Ball, the first game to be played in this village. See the challenge in another column. PARKER A SON, of the Parker House, have made a good improvement by building a new walk in front of their Hotel. It is an addition to the old walk, making It much more convenient for pedestrians, aud a good improve­ ment for the House. WE learn that the Ice Company have commenced the erection of anoth- sr Ice House, Just North of the pres­ ent building, which is to be the same size.viz: 160 feet square. This will double the capacity and consequently wiH make it still more lively on the pond next winter. "THE number of pleasure eeekers ( going to and from the Lakes for the past two weeks, has been larger than ever before. A number of splendid residences are being built there this season, and Fox Lake is fast becoming , one of the popular resorts of the West. Parties from Chicago, Elgin, Sycamore, and Dundee are among the visitors. ANT one in want of a first class Sew­ ing Machine, should not fail to read the advertisement ofO. W.Owen,in another column. He is offering the American and Howe Machines, brand new, for 916 each, and will warrant them in every particular. These are the same machines that have heretofore sold for $65, therefore 4re say now is the time to buy a Sewing Machine. ICHABOD WELLS advertises an Auc­ tion, to take plaee near Bishop's Mill, on Saturday next July 30th, commenc­ ing at one o'clock p. M., at which time he will oiler for sale one Threshing Machine, one three year old coit, one pair four year old Mares and three work horses. Terms of Sale six months time on approved Notes at 8 per cent. Remember the day and be on hand if you want to get a bargain. A Party from Woodstock, consisting of Circuit Cleric Richards, Sheriff Stedman, M. Church, J. S. Medlar, Geo. L.Sherwood, of the Waverly House, A. S. Wright, County Treasurer Nlsh and Geo. Pratt, came over here on Wednesday last, and chartered the Steamer for the Lakes. The.v remain­ ed until Thursday afternoon, and brought down some fine strings of fish, If there were any fish in the Lake they were sure to get a liberal supply, as they in «U experienced in Ibis Hoe. REV. Mr. BALCH, of Elgin, preached In" the Universalist Church. In this village, en Sunday last, morning and evening. It was not known until Sat­ urday that he would be here, and con­ sequently the notice was not very geueral, but notwithstanding a goedly number were present, and listened with marked attention to the very able discourses delivered on that occa­ sion. It iscertainly to be hoped that the Universalist Society tnay soon be" able to get a regular preacher to oeou- py their bandscmc little church* _ ftv" PUMOMAL. JOHN 3. CoLBrand family, of Clifton. w*lted$IH., are rusticating in this vicinity. DB. J. W. CRAVENS, daughter and son-in-law were visiting friends in this village last week. PETER BLAKE of tlrt firm of Blake & Beutfield, Rich Prairie, Minn., has been In town for the past week. W. G. BILLINGS, was In town on Mouday, looking after the luterest of Uncle Sain in the Revenue Depart­ ment. He made the PLAINDKALKK a pleasant call. /MABC SHERWOOD, bead salesman at Field A Letter's, Chicago, is spending hid summers vacation in this section, stopping with A. A. Martin, of the firm ot Terry A Martin. G. T. GOULD, Superintendent of West Division Mail Station, and Smith Colby, MaSl Carrier in the same Divi­ sion. Chicago, spent Sunday last In this village. Mrs. Guuld and Mrs. Colby are still here, stopping at the residence of H. S. Gregory.. ONE of the most severe wind and rain storms witnessed for a long time passed over this place on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday of last week. The rain came down In torrents, and the wind in some localities was simply terrific. In this village the wind was not over severe, but about a mile and a half west it came near being a tor­ nado. The new house being built by J. C. Clemens, was moved on the un­ der pining some eighteen Inches, and the cellar walls badly shattered, while the wind-mills and fenccs In that re­ gion were almost totally destroyed.-- We also learn of considerable damage being done in the south-east part of Nunda, by wind and lightning, but we believe no lives were lost. The heavy rains caused the water to raise so rap­ idly in the Nlppersink Creek,.that the dams at Genoa, Richmond and Spring Grove were washed away, and an untold amount of damage is reported to Mill property, highways, fences Ac. It is not in the recollections of the oldest inhabitant that the water was as high at this time of the year. In many places in the country whole fields of wfr. are under water,-?!d nstsch cf the small grains are badly damaged.-- The storm was very general through­ out the county, but the heavy winds seemed only to go in streaks. Ir In want of anything in the Den­ tistry line do net fail to call on Dr. Rioe at the Riverside House. He is one of the best Dentists in the Northwest, and his prices are as low as the lowest. Look for bargain* In the next tWrty days at Bueklln a Steven* Have yen heard anyone aay it was warm?..' Paper Collars are at a discount ...And mother Eve's cos­ tume the most comfortable........The question as to who went in awlmmiug first has been decided to the satisfac­ tion of all. We know how she told but we won't tell........Since it has been decided that there is no heH, a steady increase In the number of those who go Ashing on Snnday is assured.-- It is fun for Henry Ward B., but death on the fish ."It Is never late uu- til the moon goes down!* Ahem!.... ....Boys who go in bathing in the Corporation before sundown had bet­ ter "look a leetle out" or the Marshal will have them In the Cooler An exchange says a girl struck her cro­ quet partner on the head with a mallet Brain fever set In, and the young man nearly died. The girl was kept under arrest until his recovery, when she marr.ed him, and now he's sorry he didn't die Whew! won't some­ body give us a breeae........She wan mad and we didn't blame her. Apples, Peaches and Tomatoes have made their appearance in this market. Our "devil" came around the other morning almost scared to death. When Interrogated he said that a lady set right down in hu lap. Oh, horror! He hasn't got over being nervous since ........Wool Is now King In this mar­ ket........Picnics to the Lakes are now in order. "Give as a rest.** That fan I* at windy as it owner." A perfect tornado, eh? That bo- quet received by the boys was gorge­ ous. Mayweed and Canada thistles ... ....See the new advertisement for. n brand new Sewing Machine for $35.... ... .That new crosswalk Is again In use and all is serene. We picked up a part of a letter en the street the other day and this was the closing lines "Now don't go walking with Johnny any more, will you." No we won't, now therein, Mosquitoes are not all dead........The weather still sur­ vives ...And people have conclud­ ed that we shall have a little summer weather. Selah! As we were lounging on Sunday evening near some shady trees, trying to keep ooul, we all at once heard a report that sounded much like a hone pulling his foot out of the mud. It was oft repeatod and we thought--Yum! Yum! Oh, well, its too hot to write '*8pltnters" and we will postpone the balance on hand until next week. SOLON. ' ICnrroit PLAINDEALEK: 103 degress in the shade Friday. Mrs. Delaine y is visiting friends at Solon. Says Mthe place looks quite natural but her friends are growing old," She is enjoying very good health yet time tells the story that age is creeping upon her as well as the rest. Those who have been praying for rain daily during the past month, found answer to' their prayers last Wednesday night In something more than an ordinary shower, and was re­ peated on Thursday afternoon by another, doing great damage to grain fields and meadows, as well as gullying large holes on the highways, carrying off'bridges in many places and destroy­ ing mill dams, tiie Richmond, Genoa and Spring Grove daius being reported among the ruins. Oh! that butraent on the south aide of Solon bridge, which Fred said would be there as long as time lasted, or wa­ ter continued to run,has crumbled and gone Just as many said it would. "Ex- pericuca is a dear schooL" the, commissioner* ofthto ftosva At least profit by It. Sheep shearing season Is past. Most of the wool sold and money spent, F. K. Granger has purchased the largest bulk in this section at prices ranging from 96 to 31c. per pound. Mr. Gran­ ger we believe is following strictly the maxim "live and let live," paid the highest market price, satisfied the far­ mers in height and money, which has given him the name of an upright, bus­ iness man, very uncommonly given to wool buyers. If no other excuse could be given for striking, than it was the "grub" that caused him to leave, but that Is rather "too thin" and any servant who would leave his master just at the commence­ ment of a busy season, should be looked upon as one in whom the last spark of manhood had died out unless some oth­ er excuse oould be given than the •'grub." Several times that young man with the roan horse has beeu seen headed for Woodstock on Sunday •. and does not return nntil 6 A. M., on, Mou­ day. Why don't you tell the young men what yon have found and not be so selfish. Nothing can be done to console poor Jim, or induce him to go there again. Some patrons of the Solon Post Office can get their county papers on 'Pkiini*.. .»>•.(>.> asd ethers sot until Friday A. M. Who is to blame4 If not the p. x. STORE TO RENT. The new Store of Blake A Bentfield, is offered for Bent on Reasonable Terms. Possession given Aug 1st. For further particulars inquire of B. BISHOP. McHenry, Jalf Mth. OT* A few Linen Suits, light I»ressGoods Ac. verykcbeap at FITSSIMMONS A Ev* " . ' ' it ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PIAINDEALE*?---Fine weatb- er for mosquitoes. The river it very high after our late rains. Rev. W. R. Wray, who has been quite ill for some time is able to be out again but looks as though he had had a severe shake. Henry Keyes is building a large barn for Richard GlUllan which will Soon be finished. Joseph Addarmack, who had his leg broken on the 4th by being thrown from a buggy, is at last accounts doing as well as could be expected, the warm weather being much against him.-- However, we hope ere long to see him around again as ef old. While visiting the great Forepaugh show in Elgin yesterday I chanced to notloe a fair bridegroom and blooming bride from our town taking In the sights and scenes of the great menage­ rie. We offer our congratulations and hope their paths through the journey ef life will be crowned with happi­ ness. Several of our citizens last week made a careful Invoice of H. B. Hub­ bard's persona) property in behalf of his creditors. They apprised his corn at #6 per acre. All his growing grains, personal property, Ao., footed up the sum oi §219. Last Saturday Miss Effie Kern gave 'a school picnic iu the Crabtree Dis­ trict. All the scholars were there and also many Invited friends. They had a pleasant time and passed the day In pici lc style, having swings, games, Ao. D m'tr forget you can find the Car- pemerville Flour at Ferguson's. M Geo. Dunn, who has been sick sonv time was reported as being very iov Sunday evening, J. C. Bennett Is building a barn for S. Hamilton uear Cary Station. David Mitchell and wife, also their daughter Agues, left here Saturday morning for DesPlalnes, enroute for Chicago, where they will spend several days in each place visiting friends. Last Friday evenlrtg being nice and cool after the rain, Judson Snook shipped a car load of hogs on our through freight, leaving here at 9} o'clock p. x. Hugh Penny returned to Chicago Saturday morning after spending a few weeks visiting among his relatives aud friends. Geo. Marshall and his ton Fred will leave for Kansas this week. They are building a large Mill and as soon as completed will be run ahd managed by Charles and Fred, who are very steady and industrious young men, also being expert millers. We feel confident they cannot but succeed. Chas. Roehl, alia* Red Mike, has ta­ ken in a partner and is now doing busi­ ness iu ship shape. He alms at all tlmes to keep a good supply of fresh meats at all times. C. E. Chapelt shipped 5 car loads of Oats to Chicago market. Call at Hclui & Fetors when in need of any Hardware, Tinware, Rakes, Fcrke, SyIhes, &e. A large stook just received and a reduction of 9ft eeuts made on nails per keg. ' Ou last Wednesday a utce little gen­ tleman came .to town, taking up his abode with H. J. Brink. We have not as yet learned his name, but the firm will be Brink A Son. He Is a solid man and weighs 11 pounds, and will no doubt be able to help defend his moth­ er country some day. All those In need of s fQftd Mower this year, will do well to call ou Tiios. McKay, who is always ready to sho w you the Ilopkin Mower, which has been thoroughly tec ted iu this place. The best is always the cheapest and this machine Is guaranteed to give satis­ faction. MARRIED.--At the residence of bride's parents, July 16th, 1878, by Rev. Peter Arvedson, John Keyes Mary Snooks, both of Algonquin. We wish the above couple a long life of happiness and prosperity, ahd that the thorny road which they have now promised to travel together may be strewn with roses is the wish of yours truly. PONT. Kiclimoiid Department. the the and AOHAUKNQK The Fox River Base Ball Club of McHenry, hereby challenge any Club in McHenry or Lake Counties to play three match games for a Ball, the first game to be played in the village of McHemry, the second at the home of the visiting club, and the third, (if necessary to be jplayed,) on some grounds to be agreed upon by the Captaius of the respective Nines. All communications to be addressed to A, W* jParsons, Manager. FOR SAL*, i Half Interest In a Buffalo Pitts, ten Horse Power Threshing Machine.-- Almost as good as new. Will be sold cheap. For particulars inquire at this <rfflo•• ______ • AAUUV/UUA in S1UVA. Bucklin A Stevens will give you Bargains in all kinds of Goods for the pext thirty days in order t« pduee stock. ' PRICES REDUCED ^ - PRICES REDUCED PRICES REDUCE!*, at Bneklin A Stevens. I venture the original remark that the weather Is hot. ^ s ^ Cole A Co., will commence na a new waste gate right away*. * " * Mrs. Wodell has now on hand a very fine lot of dresses and cloaks for sum­ mer wear, which are beinj sold at as­ tonishingly low prices. Tell me ye winged winds that 'roftnd my pathway play, Who swung my front gate off Its hinges? Ah childhood, thy mysteries jye ps?t finding out! Sneak thieves stole a lot of cham­ pagne cider from l|r. BUlett's ice house one night last week. It Is time some of these thieving vermin were brought to justice. Charley Davis has opened a new fur­ niture rooms In the building formerly occupied by Jerry Cluney. He has a fine stock and Is selling way down to bed rock prices. G. P. Wodell and family are again boarding at the Richmond House.-- Landlord Blllett makes it so pleasant a home for his boarders that they hate to leave, him. He Is the right man In the right place, and is keeping a h^tel that Is a credit to the village. What was Itt The low and plain­ tiff muruiurings of the bull frog, or the sickly wall of some lonesome, homesick Thomas eat, or was it the fond whisperings Of two fond lovers from one window to t^e other of the upper story of two adjacent buildings f Whatever It might have been it dis­ turbed the quiet slumbers of the old folks. BRING BACK THAT EGG BEATER Woman, stop where you are! Move not a single pace, until you have brought back that egg beater that you abstracted from me on Saturday last! Beware! Iam a bold, daring man! What I propose I perform! I know your whereabouts, therefore tremble! I am well aware you had an accom­ plice in the matter who msy be equally to blame, or perhaps more so, yet that will net help you, for he will desert yon In the time of need, and leave you alone. Therefore bring it back or take the consequences. < Rev. P. C. Stlre was called away on the 11th tnst., to sit with others In sol­ emn judgment over the destiny of one Rev. M. G. Sheldon, of Harvard, who has been charged with immorality aud using slang and obscene language. I know of ro better man or a better judge of the language used by the said Rev. Sheldon than my worthy friend, Rev. P. C. Stire, and he must look well to his lanrels or the Right Rev. M. G. Sheldon will carry off the champion belt from the Rock River Conference, as the biggest liar, the greatest de- fatiier of female character and the most successful street brawler In the Rock River distrlot. 1 • f • . * The tremendous rains of last week were without precedent Since 1852.-- The rainfall was a fraction over seven inches. The cteek got on a rampage and took out the Genoa dam and when the flood reached Richmond it swept away the waste gates of the Mill dam like chaff before the wind. The turn­ pike north of the Mill was supposed to be so high that no flood could ever get over it, but this one did and took with it all the Honorable Board's new gravel over into Ge«. Eldredge's lot. Now the said Board are mourning for the $130 thrown away in opening the street over by John Brown's where no­ body ever traveled or ever will travel. If it is a possible thing for the Board1 to be sensible for once, let them either put in a culvert thirty or forty feet wide, north of the bridge, to carry through the waters of a freshet or else leave the turnpike low enough for the water to run over when very high.-- Its hard to tell though, what that Board will do. , The Secret Out. The Plaindealer man ^discovered, How it happened. In a late conversation with Mrs. C., I learned all about it, and was some­ what surprised to learn that I was greater than the trinity, for there was four pereous in my make up, Instead of three. 8he say* there has been a meet­ ing or the learned people, and that they have come to the conclusion that the venerable Harman Cole, the great grasshopper merchant of Kansas, Ed­ win Potter, the frail but plucky Jus­ tice of the Peace, Geo. P. Wodell and last, but not least, Richmond's noblest Poet, S. F. Bennett, are the very fel­ lows that kick up such a muss in the PLAINDEALER. NOW Mrs. B. C, A Co., let me inform you that you are mis­ taken. Not one of those gentlemen ever helped, aided or abetted me in any way, either directly or iudirectly, in my correspondence With the PLAIN- DEALER. N«, i wiii e*iionof»t6 thoss men from any blame attached to them. I dop't wish to hide or screen myself under other men's oloaks, and as I am soon to lay down the pen and go to other fields of labor, I have half a mind to let the cat out of the bag. I will give you a description near enough so that if you we cute, you can easily Uncle Sam's Condition powder pre« Uguess who I am. In the first place, I vents disease, purifies the blood. Im­ proves the appetite, gives .a smooth coat, and kee rlossy coat, and keep* the animal in |oo4 oonditfcMfe, stand six feet in my stocking feet, without a blemish. I spend nine hours every day " ' • " • "*• tobacco, seldom smoke, never drink any " ardent spirits, am very regular in my , habits, going to bed early and getting^:, up early, am about sixty-eight years^ old. and enjoy the best of health, amfeit fond of company ahd a great admire#* of the auburn, always glad to meet my|s! friends, have no enemies, dou't ceedf|| any. Call again. ^ Business Notices. MEN'S Coarse Boots #1.90 at SIMMONS A EVANSON»> ; S!i!S!r.r7y! Great deduction in Millinery at IfesE*- S. Searles, McHenry. ^ A Bertrand A Same®' orEllwoodN t. Cultivator for $32 at E. M. Oweu's. ; --- , . A good assortment of Splints can found at Blake's, cheap. Hjartmh forth« Fourth M July. , Mrs. S. Searles will sell all gooill Reduced Prices until July the Fdurthp* commencing June 17th. ^ Hsjj$ A full line of Parasols front 96 up at Bucklin A Stevens, Stop at E. M. Owen's and see new th# Geared Cortland Wagon. Call and take your choice of SeVt different kinds of Rakes at E. M. Owen's. A few Parasols at still farther re*n * duced priccs to Close, at FITZSIMMON^ A EvANSON'S ; R - . - ^ Prices Reduced on clothiiig in ordeC to sell to make room for Fall and Win* ter Purchases, at Bucklin A Stevens. Guinet Black Dress Silks, Ponge^j Dress Silks aud Triminiug Silks af^,., Bucklin A Stevens. & • • i Call at E. M, Owen's and procure on||J of'those splendid Top Carriages before^! they are all gone. The next lot *i||§t cost more. " THE Eureka Tree and Post Hol|. Digger. Call at E. M. Owen's and se one. The best thing in the' marke anji sold cheap. The latest styles of Luce Collars etif Cuffs, with a splendid assortment 0*"- Ties just received at Bucklin Stevens. FOR SALE. Two full Blood Durham Bull Calfs,fit for use. J. FLUSKY; CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Mrs. 8. Searles is now offering De­ cided Bargains in Cloaks and Mantle* in Silk, English Diagonals and Mateg lasses, Cashmere, &c. , . FOR SALE CHEAP. * ; * Several..teood second hand Bu^i«s.-& ' ^ Apply to E. M. Owen. • » k > • A fine lot of Zephyr aftid Card Board|p just received at J. B. Blake's Fnruituvft. Store.- .. * »*, • g&r.' PUMPS. A large St^ck of Adams celebrate Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps an at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. Teeth extracted and filled in rn most skillful manner by Dr. Rice. Ri erstde House, McHenry. Consultatio Free* t W Uncle* Sam's Nerve and Bone Llnffct ment is most efficient in Riieutnatisni^' Bruises. Burns, Scratches and manJT other ills incident to man and be«s%, Sold by all Druggists. Be wise in time and get a jtattle Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, which a ways cures Coughs and Colds, and pr vents Consumption. Price only 25 ct Ser bottle. Sold by A. B* Gllbe [cHenry, 111. The demand for gold is great, bu not equal to the dntnand for. Dr. Mai*. shall'8 Lung Syrup, the great remedy ' for Coughs and Colds. Try It. Prlt only 25 cents a bottle. Sold by A. Gilbert, McHenry, III. Do not neglect a Cough or Cole Siisrt'9 EltrSC! Tur And WiM Chei ry is a standard rorocdv in all throat* v asthmatic and bronchial iiilev^iaus, and- has cavsd valuable, lives, ..If**" never fails to give Satisfaction. by all Druggl8ui. Dress Goods 18 and 30 cents ttsnari#." sold for 25 cents. Hamburg Edgeiti^fe1 from 5 cts per vard up. Ladies LinefiK and Grass Cloth Suits from $1,25 up--i large variety to select IVotn. Whit#? Dress Goods in Pique, and BrilliautjR^ from 7 cts up. Two Button Ktd Glove#- for75 cts. Three Button for $1 per pai% the best Gloves fot the money, in fact all other Goods in proportion. Give them a call and see for yourself, BUCKLIN & f WAIT FOR THE WAGON. ^ We are now offering one of o«r eele|| brated Lumber Wagons, with top Bo%> Steel Spring seat, WhifflMrees, Neelgv Yoke and stay chains, all complete, fo|| 950. Warrauted fbr one year. f£: R. BISHOP, V ' H i ' •» * ' * DRESS GOODS DRESS 606DS. Bucklin A Stevens would call atte Hon to their new line of Summer ~ Goods just receired. Six 8x10 Chromos, for SO cents, at Jl B.Blake's. - Dr. WinchelPs Teething Syrep ha never failed to eive immediate relie when used in cases of Summer Cou plaint, Cholera-infantum or pains i the stomach. Mothers when your li tie darlings are suffering from these kindred causes do not hesitate to giv it a trial, you will surely be pleas* with the charming effect. Be sure t#. buy Dr. Winch ell's Teething SyrHjtf Sold by .all Druggists, only *8 cts. per bottle. Much hat been sung of the "MaiflB with Golden Hair." No song, howeveCf has yet been able to make that mfar • popular one for any consideraWC l/ length of time. Light red faded oji^' sandy hair are equally uuder the ban <>" ' public oplelon. We are happy to an nouuee to" our readers who desire t' change those colors that tWree apph'** cations of Binf** Vegetable Ambrosh*. >: Will give them-beant'ful auburn tre^f possessing all that soft. lust*m% apL pearanee so desirable in thi&, Chiel|»i ittinwimwn ttf female beauty. ' * ' . / vm. " I - ' - j Y

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