JLabok and capital. country there is no Ulnc is claas or classes, nor can there be. The wages and salary men of yes terday are Un employers to-day, or, as II Is oettBOt'ouly expressed, the laborer ofyeamdtejr U tkt capitalist of to-day Labortsaoraimoditv to sell; capital fMHWsfor Its purchase; QtreMlT husbanded proceeds of labor soon become capital mM tin seller becomes purchaser; the laborer, ic turn, becomes the capitalist. The capitalists of to-day who, fer fear if lost, will not Invest in properties wnnm«»«ilci»?» at falling; price?. W«n laborers before they were capi talists, and many ot the laborers of to- day, many indeed who are now seeking oaaployment without finding it, will, IjM the revival of industry, soon become capitalists and employers. All antag onism, therefore, between the em ployed and the employer, between labor and capital, is unnatural; all or ganisation based upon the assumption of the hostility of capital to labor are jjhtful. • In tl mes of business prosperity, when all the people have remunerative occu pations and employment, there is gen- aral contentment, and in times of busi- •Ms depression and industrial paraly- •Is, when wages and salary men afe without employment, t hie re is disoon- tint> and demagogues are ever ready 10 point out the wrongs of the laborer. Urns when any one attempts to carry l^Voragainst capital he only play* the f*Wc of the demagogue. jlM^Says Belts L\fe% of July 16: wpi, A. H. Bogardus requests us to •fate that he is open to shoot any man la the world, at either 1,000 pigeons* starlings, sparrows or glass balls, or ho will shoot any ten men for £1,000, they to shoot at 100 birds or balls each, and Hie American to shoot 1,000 birds or tflls, and the greatest scores made al together to gain. The £2.000 match to take place within twenty miles of the, •ietropolis; conditions, double guns, the use of tooth barrels, | oz. of shot, to stand thirty yards from the traps, any ivies to be la force, the editor of BeW* me to be stakeholder, and to appoint • referee. Captain Bogardus further liters to shoot at glass balls agalost pigeons, giving three yards. Artificial Teeth only per set, at Or. Bice's office. Kiverside House. fov eas hay a Ho. f brand MERIQAN OR HOWE • lira all \ O ' % jThese an two of the beat machines now in •saiket, and persons wishing to bay |M wiii themselves of this Rare Chane latsjr store isd examine the machines. 0. W. Owetu- , Jnly IMh, HTO. '• i M I'M. nVI ii Ronnlng Steamboat H ;ilieHew(y, 'ii i" iniirmiWinff i r.ft Read! Read! Agricultural KMiia 1ST® - M o h S n r y Eate a eompidte st^ok of FMNmTHI 4 SAMWiRI. The result of a consolidation of the Itwo lines into one. Every arKcls laj; I Keep Flows, all Kinds. Hollinsworth Sulky and Drop Rakes, Com Cultivators, Wind mills, Grinding Attachments for Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps, Corn Shelters, &eales, Sickle Grinders, &c., Ac. As represented by the gBalesaoe&t M m * . • > . . -i : • . Cootina; and Heatjit Stores. | 'Of (Jlfewal »tylw and mt) vttes the pnbllo to call and < prices before purchasing. rarticular3sttentionp« called to,, ̂ In tak wit »sfl eff t< ;fith itsbranchei. Special pains will be to accommodate Ml who nuQr favor. «e thebtesineMtilri - s:* hvK? 4.STORY* SON. MoHenry III.. May 7 th. 10S. liiM i fR,. ThompsoriJ A, new Bishop -Wagofc, with top "box, Steel Spring' Seat, all complete, for $50. A written warrantee given with every wag on. In Wagons we keep Platform Spring Wagons, JTop and Open Bnggies, Milk Wagons, Three Spring and Lumber Wagons, the latter of which if. the celebrated Bishop Waifon^ir^"*"^^'5 Also, a CoittpTfcftriin6& Mowers, Reapers, Sulky.RakCB, etc. SSTTake time toeall on me before purchas ing elsewhere.' o. BISHOP. i . ^ McHenry. 111., March asth. 1878., f. JOHNSBURCM _ thoroughly repaired and furn- with a new Steel Boiler, is now making »r Trips between McHenrv and the es as follows: . - ^ 'Fridays- and Saturdays will leave McHenry m the arrival of the trains from Ch-'oago and the &outh. V Monday* will arrive tt McHen g in time for the 7 :25 a»m. train r Chicago. t Par* OOoonts per head. " All Other days In the week will be ready to Mb oa as xninntes notice at rates according to Kber. Wo pains Still be spared to secure weenuaoaation of passengers. «. QIIIWOLD, Captain. 4m - M A K B f l . *•.... '-*1 " V, .Y -i Shop opposite the Parker Hous^ McHenry, - - Illinois Having purchased and taken possession of these well known Shops, I am now prepared, with first class workmen and good material, to manufacture Wagons and Buggies on short notice find at as Low Prices as a good article eau be purchased elsewhere. 'rr "•*" .n\-,1 ?• is. r>! 4" : ( 4?'.-.S, O , :i -r- • <\ •• ^ %-A -< • • it ' tii • • ' I» Al.SO DO A i 'mi&t •'» • • . i-.; General jr%#. 3 >• NEW GOODS "'v? *«•»:! *. **<;{• I ; '.V i X** '< >» ~H~. UM ij A.TVI> it • t; i v't .. wmv '(;'•}** *' r*H: our Stock of Goods before .sewhere. # - • t <*• Yt-~- iTou will cave moi^ey % examining ,4 > ..v purckisingeli fci& •' ' "'r - ' i' * Prints, Bleached Cottons, Cottonades, Tick ings, Denims, Skirtings and iams " f i jp • KOMa-wMTM* mMwtr M r̂bv*w*isT**$ with its "** 'vader one wr . ™ w*» H«»wa«ta, C the Western Teriltories. Its i 4 i- I' - Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kindIn^ Ready- Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, we wlli not be un dersold, quality of Poods considered fc^f"Gloves and Hosiery a Specialty, aikd Oil Cloth Carpetings.' time Venetian, Ingrain California LIimiK te®1 ?n,d b*38t ro,,te between Chlca. * - g*,!"d -a11 pQ'nts in Northern Illinois, Iowa.' ' wSSXri* w yo™>og. Ooolrado, Utah.fe SSfSu?liiIfSrnU» 0re«°»' ^«»iiia, Japan an4 bh!cage, St. Paul * Minn««poila Lln% Is the short line between Chicago and all P0^ Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota aud for Madison, m. Pknl. Minn^aX.li« iV« |«th»a,ul points in the Great iforthwestl LaCrcsse, Winona ft St. Peter tine ~ Is the best route between Chicairo and r,*.-!".' • Croosc, Winona, Rochester. Owa tosifiiR. 4*w ttuto, st. i'e6erv Nc.v Uh-i and all points in" ' S o u t h e r n a n d C e n t r a l M i n n e s o t a . I t s • > ! i 6reen Bay & Marquette L|^ep|§ 1®,the,'i?5-v ,in® betweea Chicago and Janes-! h ' villc, Aateito^n, Fondniac, Oshfcofeh, An ' ' 1 pleton. Green Bay,' Escanaba, Negaunee. ' » Marquette, Houghton, Hancock and the JLake;,- -'hi Superior Country. Its Freeport ft Dubuque TJ«^> " Is the only roate between Chicago and Elgin, JRockford, Freeport and all points via Free* port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee Line Is the old Lake Shore lloute, and is the only one passing between Chicago and Evanston. Lake Forest, Highlnnd Park, Waukegan,§r':$!W• Racine Kenosha and Milwaukee. V Pullman Palace Drawing Raw# " , » C a r s ; t . . : trai»ieHr%TO roatf. This ls the ONLY LINE running thase cars between Chicago and St. Paul and Minne. apoits, Chicago and Milwauaee. Chicago and \Vinona, or Chio&go and Green Bay Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore and IViiohigan Southern Mich. ig'tn Central, ISuHimoi'e Oiiio, Pittiburir Ft. Wayne, A Chicago. Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH EAST, and with theChicago and Al ton and Illinois "entral for all nnints SOIJTH Close connections are also made with th* Union Pacific R. R., atOinaha for all fcr Vest points. Close comecMons made at junction nointc with tvainfcf ail cross jwinta. pomie Tickets over this route are sold by all Cmi. pon ticket agents in the United States and ' Canada. > Remember yon as* for yonr tickets via the Chicago & Northwestern Railway and take none others. • * ' ' ZT'k 4,5 Bwartway; Boston Onlce, No, 5 State Street; Omaha Office. 245 fcarnham Street; San Francisco Office, (Slackemlthing BusineM, and will u« your work in the best of manner and with the least possible delay* | & J!|U |ine of Family Grocerieft, > fe.'r . mpbdv •' a • mm a dti nf & >|F|&)hgtCT. flu IWAtf B.iffl McIIeury, May 1st, v . - • • W .^|r *S$I . * A ., t A HORSE 8 HOC1NC SPECIALITY. 1878. 1878. LAUER & BECKER, Of all kinds promptly atteaded te» OaU and see for yourself. ' ; ' X-' i*j i Jt* *uOIUpSCB• etiry, it!.,"April «3d, 1878. not easily earned in these times, but it can be made in throe months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment, that we furnish.-- 66 per week in yonr own town. You need not Vie away from home over night. You can givebyonr whoietimc to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over $20 per day. All who engage at once can mukemonev fast. At the present timemoney oanno t be made so easily and nip. 4 diy at any other business. It costs n» thing o try the business. Terms and $3 Outlt tree tddress at once, II. Hallktt & Co, .Portland '®»»»e* Pmin The Thorough Bred 10? HENRY MILLER, The McHenry TV. Hairing newly Ee-Painted and fitted up our on, we are now prepared to furnish our •tor--- -- 9mors with and Salt Meats OF ALL K1ND8, ••eked feats, fcc., At* TUB Xjoweart: Living Pi*ioe«. We Imy none but the best of Meats, and ,<Ha( served our time in one of the best * its In Chicago, flatter ourselves that we tor our customers Meats in better shape any other Shop in this section. Mkfui for past favors we solicit a eon. iliiaawr r of the same, and we will guarantee .fasatlsfy you both in quality and price. ' Fx-ett & Soon. 111., May 20th, 1878. -DEALER IN- American aid Foreip HarMe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & 8cotch Granite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, I&;., |h' ; Johnsburgh, An^ lOth, 1877. AMMADU S Will mqjke ^lhe SRASOU of lS79at MeBenry; «nd mny b» for.nd at f'-e Stables of Mr. A. Hankins, South Side of the Public Square. ay, in any white, exceutlnu at small spot fn the fore- head; stands lBhisms high, and weighsal>out 1,'Z00 pounds; was folded in 1S7I, and bred by Col. James A. GrimsJiafi.u( Lexington, Ky. Ammadns was Sired by Rtvoli, Rivoll ,by Revenue, and Revenue l|y Imp Trustee. Rivoli's Dam Toua», by Imp Glencoe. Am- mad us first Dam, Nellie Gray, by Alexander's Lexington. The above pedigree is taken from Aruoe's American 8tud Book. For the record of Aramadns' perfimbaneas on the Turf, and aiso particulars as to price and terms ot service, which are reasonable, enquire of the undersigned, at the premises above named. Mares from a distance cared for. with good pasturage, or stable with good hay and grain, at |8.00 per week. Accidents or escapes at theowsers risk. W. H. KakkehS, Jane 1st, 1̂ 8. McHenry,111. 0 0 < Q £ D til O) o z -FOR- (BOOTS AND SHOES 211 & 213 Madison St., BUEL, COOK A 8EIXA8, Manufra and Wholesale Dealers. ***Don't fail to examine Goods and Prices when in.Chicago. Stock New Hid Bought for Cash. Great in CO fiucements to Cash Buyers. H.K. Brci,, Late with M. Selz & Co D. Cook, | Late ot Whitney, o H r'-wraammmm Ucan mal at anytl we will made b; boys ai work fc SEIXAS, | Cook A Co., N. Y. 'can make money faster at work for ns than at anything else. Capital not required; we will start you. tlz per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costly outfit and terms free. Address Tbus tt Co., Augusta, Maine. business. Maine. business yon can engage In. $9 to $20 per day made by any worker of either sex, right in their own localities. Particu- larsand samples worth fft free. Improve your spare time at this Vddress Stihso* St Co., Portland, NEW MABBLI WORKS, In Woodstock. We would announce to the people of Mc Henry County and vicinity that we keep a good stock or > '• MARBLE AND GRANITE Monuments, Tablets, Table-Top*, Brackets, Shelves, Et©. RING'S AMBROSIA RESTORES GRAY HAIR TO ITS O R I O I N A L O O L O B I^ear the Depot |M^ENI£r* - ILLINOIS. RING'S AMBROSIA ERADICATES DANDRUFF, Curu Hwnor»t uoblnff of the Soalp. RING'S AMBROSIA Prevents Baldness, r.v.9 fk-snuently csiisss nsw K"»lr to nrow on Said •OLD BY DRUGGISTS And MERCHANTS Everywhere Price OttjDiajff loii. E.M.TUBB8* Propletoi!! soia toy CcLSY SRUTrtiltdf MeHearj, 111. 5 GERMAN To which we would call before buying elsewhere. H yonr attention e shall sell at BOTTOM PRIOSS. ALL WORK Warranted First CIsm. w j M. PECKAOO. Woodstock. III., May iBt, 1878. To Consumptive^ : rpifE advertiser, having been permanently ~ curea of that dread disease. Consump tion, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make Known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send acopy of the perscription used, (free ofch >rge,} with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consuir ption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac. Par- ties wishing the prescription, will please ad- dress, E.A.Wilson, 184 Penn, St., Williams, burgh, N. Y. Manufactured by F. MARCUS -DBALBRI IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND ? « , CIGARS "Woodstock, III. The bett Tonic in the world. Pi^and Quart Bottles. Put np la F. MARCUS* Patentee. School Books and Writing Cbeap, at O. W. Owen's. Faper An entire Mew 8tock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Cap, fin- I^ril 'g ;dodd% &c,f Ac. Which are being sold at a Lees Price than ever before offered in tliis vi. cinity. Good business suits made to order, at Prices as Low as the Lowest. Cutting done at reduced rates. We take pleasure in showing our goods and earnestly invite an examination of our stock. We guaran tee each article as rep- resented. Our Spring and Sum mer Stock was bought ^Uh especial reference to the wants of our ens* tomers. and We Will mat a* UnderaoM- Give ns a Call. LAUER & BECKER. McHenry, 111., May 28th, 18/8. GOTTLEIB BOLET, S A L O O N Montgomery Street ; ̂ hicago TVeket"offlĉ 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 78 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, corner W. Klnife and Canal Streets; Wells tjtreet Depot, corner Wells and Kinxl* Streets. Kor rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to BEABVIH HVGHI1T ' W. H. BTIWKXTT, General Supt. Gen'l Passenger Agent Fox River Valley Mflls. R. BISHOP, Proprietor. Illinois. FLOU1B, CUSTOM Dob , an eed Having just put in a new Feed Stoj>c, capable of grinding sixty bushels of .Feed per hour. I am prepared to do yonr irlmHne on nhort no» I' i 1.M -II.. .6ftt ICeHenry pL, De^ lltk, m. •F. O. MAYES, Tua-Pin II Lansing's Block, McHenry, III. Open Day and Evening. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars al ways on hand. Also the best Lager Beer. GOTTLEIB BOLET. . McHenry, 111., May 14, '78* a week in your own town. |S Out- tit free. No risk. Reader, if you want a business at which personsof either sex can make great pay all the time they work, write for par- ticulars to H. HALLETT & Co.,Port- A3W> DSAjU^SI Invites the spection of his Stock. iv :>• • I^^Prices to and Goods warranted sent«d» t® :fa- newly purchased suit the timet as repre- Cuttirtf Done as Usual. Store One Poor North of Colby's Drag Store f n • ̂ V : k MoHenry, I1L, April l»th, 1SW ^ land, Maine. Errors of Youth. 3 A GENTLEMAN who suffered for ye» from Nervous Debility, Premature ? cay, and all the effects of youthful indip' / tion will, for the sake of suffering hum" f / send free to all who need it, the reri»*» ,4 direction for making the simple reVC^ which he was cured. Sufferers wf profit by the adviser's experience \ by addressing in perfect conlldene JOHN B. O'GPEH*.4^edar