Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1878, p. 4

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)[e{JeMy JfknMw. WEDNESDAY* AUQ. Uth, 1W8. J. VAN SLYKE, Editor. to* OOM0BS8I, 41k DIStKICt, HON. & A. HURLBUT, or BOONE. flutyecl to the Decision of the HepubU can Congressional Convention. RONnnrwinNAI. < :ONVKN'TION. The R«ptbUran voters of rhe setsnl coun­ ties cARiMMfng the Fourth Congressional Dis­ trict of Illinois .ire reouasted to send dele­ gates to a Republican District Convention, to tie held at Elgin on the 6th day of September, 1K78, at one o'clock r. St., for the purpose of nominating a person for member limtse of Congress to be supported at the gen­ eral election i« November next, and for trans­ acting such other business as shall properly come before said convention. The basis of retrnwentatlos will«« *•«»«• wte east. far Re­ publican Presidential Electors in November I»76, and the ratio will be uiiw ueicgate for every four hundred votes, and one oeSegite additional for each fraction of two hundred or over, so cast. Under this apportionment the representation in said convention will be as follows: Kane 3,398 votes . .1.^... 13 delegates Winnebago,4.505 votes. " DeKalb votea.8 " McHenry 8,465 votes .......... 9 " Booae 1,965 votes ... 5 " In pursuance of a resolntion of the last Oongresaionai Convention, held at Klgin, Sept. 7, 1876 this committee recommends that the Count** Conventions for the election of delegates be held on a uniform day, and sug­ gests the 4«i»i«inber, 1S78, for euch conventions. ̂ t ~ - : : - r - - T - C HAS. KRUCM, D. B. WATERMAN, • •"'•**»& W.A.TALCOTT, A, B-Coojf, •. *•«**£ O. H. WRIGHT, -wMi Ooa*. Central Committee. MPOBUCAN COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republican voters of McHenry county are requested to send delegates to the Re pub lican County Convention, to be held at the Court House, in Woodstock, Saturday, August -Slat. 1878, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing nine delegates to represent McIIenry county at the District Convention to be held at Elgin, Sep. 6th, to nominate a candidate for Congress for this district-, and selecting dele­ gates to represent McHenry county iiT Sena- toral and Representative Convention to nomi­ nate candidate for the Legislature; also tor the purpose of patting in nomination candi­ dates for the once of Sheriff, and Coroner of McHenry county, and for the transaction of such other business as mar properly come be­ fore the Convention. The several towns will be represented as follows: Riley .*.* .ii.. • J Dorr .....18 Marengo..........^..1» I Greenwood ,7 Dunham 71 Hebron ....TO Ohemnag.... S11 Richmond...........B Alden 8] Burton 2 •lartlMd 1J McHenry'. 11 feneea 8i NnrnSa M Coral.: ...i.Ji.lllAlgonquin ...... 18 tirafton ---- Total....... ...178 The following resolutions were adopted by the Republican Oounty Convention one year •go: Hetolved, That hereafter the Republican County Committee be requested and instruct­ ed that in calling future County Conventions they Bx the term of holding the various town Caucuses so as to have them all held on the same day. at the place of holding the last town meetings in the various towns, and that such County Conventions be held on a Satur­ day unless in extreme cases of emergency. Keaolved, That upon the call of the Oounty Committee or County Conventions hereafter, town committees cail caucuses in their re­ spective towns, and open polls and hold said polls open a reasonable time, not less than two hours, and receive votes by ballot; and that said town committees be the judges of votes polled at Bitch caucuses. In pursuant to the above resolutions this apa elr Committees recommends that the Republican •oteis of the several towns hold their prim »iy meeting for the election of delegates on MiMay, August, Uth, at 2 o'clock p. m. G. S. SOUTHWOHTH, 4 «I, B. BABCOCK. GEO. H. WMITK. County Committee CUNGKKS8IONA1* .The candidacy of Gen. Hnrlbut for •Coqgre«« Is hailed with delight by the jpeople:fifil over the District, who had I begun tie think that the Winnebago f frauU<have no opposition. To ibe sure the Ming and Machine politic .claas are-MQuedjr intrigueing to defeat ihim, as^tfeay.iid two years ago, hut the lpeqpleiJuio«r .tfeeir tricks too well to ibe leeeive&a -second time, and allow .fanefcber meh .^Sraud to be perpetrated. VWecoufittoutiy predict that if any­ thing lite a Cdr expression of the Ccn. Hurlbut will be oimhe#th of September by ssxeroxiv*;-11 rr;S ug r»;«j«»ity. But we t frjwflfl,jfc©. f?he. rotors of the ith IHstoncUs 25 anon safe to take It for ^tiiited that siich wili be the ease un­ law qrou\work .earaeatly to that end. Tfce iEUiiug ileadors of the fraud of two yews syjo.are working night and day, afof wii! ssMijfieai so thing to get their r^IndorseA, aad It behooves every lMisrof jusbloe ;&e« right to see to it tkat tthey are neiMiked aud in the most esphatic aoanaer. But tteee weeks more remain before the Cetra&utioa and our enemies are aetirelf a£ work, not openly and above , boardL, bug ia their usually sneaking and secret, way. They dare not come openly before the people, but hope to do by trickery what they know they cannot do by any fair means. Voters of the 4th Congressional District, MO you ready and willing t o to endorse the fraud perpetrated on you two ye ars ago ? If not be sure and attend your Primaries, and see that the political tricksters who are so anxious to have their damnable course endorsed, are obliged to take back •eats, and leave your handwriting on th» wall so plai «| t "Win. the RIIa •* fr 19 ~ j ^ Lk.1' WOODSTOCK. ' • ,rt- • EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:--The evont of the past week was the Greenback OoRV«ntlon, held at the Court House on Saturday, at which there was a re­ spectable turn out, though not all the towns were represented, as appeared When, it became necessary to appoint Town Committees, it being necessary to delegate that power to the County Committee on account of so many ab­ sentees. There was evidently consid­ erable jealousy lest somebody should sell out to one or the other of the old parties. Judge lIcLain pretended to fe&r thera both, but a looker on in Venice" seemed to think from his ar­ guments and votes on some of the questions, lie, the Judge, had already sold some of the offices to the, to use his own language, Old Bourbon party. This may or may not be so but there was a squinting that way, and the judge apparently was struggling for power of attorney to deliver in accor­ dance, with his auto facto contract. So far as relates to this locality, we see but one feeling on the congres^- sional question, and that Is in favor of Gen. Hurlbut'8 renomlnation. We would cautlou the General and hie friends, howe ver, against ah over confi­ dence, as there is an ominous silence on the part of his enemies that means mischief. How far the trade, with A. C. Fuller, for State Senator from the Winnebago and Boone District is to ellect the congressional questiou is yet to be seen. It is thought by Lathrop's friends that this Will divtdo Boone and give him the District independent of McHenry and Kane. This may or may not work, but one thing is certain if Gen. Hurlbut and Wm. Lathrop are permitted t« run this race on their in­ dividual merits, the General already has the field and this his opponents know, hence this scoring ou the part of Political brokers, and jobbers. Let them score and run their man, never­ theless ' ~~~ '•Pigmies are pigmies still tho perched on Alps ^ Bnt Pyramids are Pyramids in vales.'! We are still of the opinion that there are men who are playing a double role, and are figuring with the friends of both contestants, with an eye to render it impossible to nominate either, so that the '*dark horse," who has already, in his own imagination, distributed the patronage of the Dis­ trict satisfactory lo himself and those who are grooming and holding him by the bit, lest he pass the score too soon and expose the scheme before its time. One "can call spirits from the vastly deep," but will they come is an important question. Another can sell out the patronage of the District, but can be deliver is just as important a query now as two years ago. The civil service reform peems to discon­ cert some plans, and so it is, "The best laid plans of mice and mea Gang aft aglee." We regret to chronicle the Illness of Mrs. Mark Hickox, who is dangerously sick, but who, 1 n connection with her family, have the sympathy of neigh­ bors and friends. Oscar Whitson ia still confined withindoors, and is much missed at his place of busines;, where he has been so punctual for many years. Sileut" can read. !, he Greenback Convention t Woodstock, on Saturday last attended, although not towns in the County were rep- «®(*eiited. They chose delegates to NpreMat this oounty in the Congres- jttaal Convention, to be held at Elgin Wednesday; also delegates to *tcnd the Senatorial District Conven *ipo whea called. For Sheriff they •euiipated % Mr. Robb, of Blley, and for €om»er Dr. B. V. Anderson of Mc. Mwrpb-_____ - ... 1 Tuesday, and made a very good fun.-- They have spared no pains or .money in having it repaired and are now ready to do threshing as gotfd as the best, and as cheap as . the cheapest, on short notice. , , ^ * Dr. Hornby makes trl-weekly, trips to Geneva. We learn that he has a cancer patient there and aguiA hts mode of treatment has proved suoefcis- ful. That he has the right thing has been proved in every case where bis plasters is applied and those suffering from eancer plague, will find relief by giving hlin a trial though all else thay have failed. Candidates for Co., officers are rid* Ing through the country, claiming In­ timate friendship on slight acquain­ tance, and soft soaping a "number of our citizens by admiiing their, bulld^ Ings. their flue carriages, their stylish horses &c., then asking "Who are you going to vote for this fall,** I am going to run. Will you not vote for me, and In this way entrap them. It behooves us as a liberty loving people to not promise any of these fellows a single vote, but to study the character and disposition of each candidate until the date of election, then to vote for the man which a cautious policy will war­ rant as the best, competeat And most deserving of the office. • S. " Much has been sung of the MMald with Golden Hair." No song, however, has yet been able to make that color a popular one for any considerable length of lime. Light red, faded or sandy hair are equally under the ban of public opinion. We are happy to an­ nounce to our readers who desire to change those colors, that three appli­ cations of Ring's Ve-ctable Ambrosia will give them beaut'ful auburn tresses possessing all that soft, lustrous ap­ pearance so desirable in this chief adornment of female beautv. fr­ it % K • T n !>* ams £•- •> 'jjh'.-.r *Jt*:'(y,.' i t; W-r A, ,f. N** i* ' i rv r 3 44- •< u 1 -J*, v fa: iv * NEXT 80 ^ . t f '*ft 3 3V rfwe' Are now pre-, pared with, a full and cora- plete Stock NEAR THE DEPOT, McHENRY. KY**.. „ and Summer Trade, and at extremely- Low Prices for Cash. Executor's Notice of Piling Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry Countv. Estate of Wm. S. Mead, deceased. To the Heirs of said Estate. You are hereby notified that on Monday, the lflth day of Au­ gust, 1878, the Executor of the last will and Testament of said deceased will present to the County Court ot McHenry County, at Woodstock, Illinois, a final report of his acts and doings as such Executor, and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all furth­ er duties and responsibilities connected wfth said estate and the administration thereof, at which time and place yon may he present and resist such application, if von choose so to do. J. W. CMI8TY, Executor. House and Lots for Sale. THE undersigned offers for sale his house and two lots, situated in the village of McHenrv. There Is a good house, barn, a good wel I of water, cistern, a line orchard, all •inds of small fruit, and in short is a very de­ sirable place. Will be sold on reasonable terms ifapplied for soon. Apply to J. S. HIXBS. McHenry,'111., Hs|»th, 1878. $100 MONTHLY MADE. Agents wan4ed ratifi f»,r the nsy rigTitS given p »le of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world- wide; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidenec given. An industrious, energetic person can make snug permanent income and vervlibcval Germs, by addressing with reference, 338 thestnut Street, Philadelphia. All vited to call, inspect Goods and Prices be­ fore purchas­ ing, whether you wish to buy or not. No trouble to show Goods. Now is the time to improve the golden opportunity and reap the grand harvest of Low Prices. We mean business and will guarantee that you never can buy cheaper. We now offer our entire atock of General Merchandise, consisting of a full and complete assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Groceries, &c., &c., at such prices for CASH ONLY as will greatly reduce our stock preparatory to removal to a new field of operations in Kansas. We have not the space to prepare a special price list, but will assert with the fullest assurance to one and all that we will save you a large percentage on all goods you buy of in*. Linen Suits and Summer Goods of all kinds below Cost. Bring along your family and call and examine goods and learn prices. Youit8 TRULY, P. D, SMITH CASH! CASH! J. STORY & SON, \ • ? McHENBY, ILL. DEALERS IK "* To«e»tora ju»dkeep soft aud pliable fMNr harness Uiiole Sam's Har- 0 Ofl. SoM tyrilf Harness makers SOLON. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR--Early Mon­ day morning our Pound Master, J. Hal- derman, was aronsed from the land of morphia, to take charge of a drove of hogs, that had spent the Sabbath and Sunday night in James Overton's oat fleld and garden. The owners were up •j JfWw huntlug forthetfi,about sunrise, but too latei, nothlogf sTiort of fifty wonld pay the bill. It is not a strange occurrence for them however, they have paid poundage, on the same hogs before. Yet they consider it rather adverse business, with the present price of pork. Solon Sunday School attended the Children* Picalc, at Richmond. With banner high in air, and steeds champ­ ing their bits, the happy crowd started on their journey at an early hour. They readied Richmond at the appointed time, and were soon assign* ed to places in the ranks, then the line marched to the grov«, under the man­ agement of appointed officers. After listening attentively t<j the music, by the bands, 'star singing,' speaking, Ae.. they were conducted to another por­ tion of the grove, to partake of the festivities prepared for the children's dinner, and the old tolks ate more than the children for the little hearts were filled to overflowing with the antici­ pation of what was coming next. A ramble in the woods, away from Pa. and Ma, wading In the brooks, and a thousaud difterent ideas all passing through their little noddles at the same time. It was a gloomy hour for them as they scattered from the mid­ day meal, to have their attention call­ ed to a large thunder cloud rising In the West^ Some sobbed, some wept, and others more brave were sat lotted wfth what they already had, and turn­ ed satlfactorlly away from the antici­ pated scenes to seek for shelter. Af­ ter the raiu storm was over, the peo­ ple and children went to their differ­ ent homes and reported a good time In general. Although the girls had to be very careful aud keep tlieir clothes elean, their dressing tnald& say **they were fearfully mu«*ed. J' Haider man aud A. Huffman start­ ed* ttair threshing machine last J 11UUMJ T/LUIUIIJ Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket 9ut,ery» Spadtes, Shovels, Forks, Coi ii Knives, Axoa, <Jriadstones, Window Glass, "':C&PANiTE-iRO?f AMD-TOWARE, -: • . ' ."w: 1 ' ':;- . . . . . . v A L S O , He Ilndertaking. We make a specialty of UNDERTAKING?, and all orders In that line will receive prompt attention. J. STCRY&SON. H. Tliompisoit, MAKER. Shop opposite the Parker Roan, McHenry, Illinois. t'» mamifartiire Waitons and Buggies on short lrntire amt at l,»w Prices as a gotxt article can be purchased elsewhere. I ALSO DO A General BlacksmittiHig BusineM, and will do your work in the be«t of manner and with the least pog*lble delay HORSE SHOEING • SPECIALITY. n E PAI H'IIV G Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and see for yoarself. ' "" B. Thompsoa. ICcHaary, U!., April Md, WTO. Mi jumnci uhn mn iu a urns. There is a enrlous story about some native wines which are extensively advertised nowa­ days, and have only recently been put upon Use market Dr. Underhill, the well-known, grape-grower of Crotoa Point, died in xSyio Some of Ms heirs entertained temperance wiews of such extreme kind, that they were nnwilling to allow the stock of wines then ©a hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeeded In arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale ©f the wines on hand. Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1M4, described as a but suggesting the than any other Eurot wholly unlike any otn growth. Its purity, age and mellowness are remarkable, and both physicians and wine- fanciers lhave a special interest in it as the oldest native wine now accessible in any con­ siderable quantity. The whole stock is in the hands ©f the well-known wholesale grocery bouse of the Thurbers.--AT* V* Tribune, Nov. 19, i&jj. ' Sweet Union Port, Tfce above speaks for Itself; bat we would add that this is the pure juice of the grape, neither drugged, liquored nor 1oaUrtd; that it has been ripened aod mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it Is unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of th© leading Dmggisfs throughout the United Slates, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pHqhlet, free of charge, on application. Respectfully, etc., 1 H, K. k F. B. TH01EER & CO. ' i Broodmay, Rtad* and ffmdbam Strteti* ' ' ' Msw-Yoa* f"sri - -FROM THE-- There's Money in it for You.v--/ ONE PRICE ONLY ! CASH ONLY ! Goods »t Unheard of LOW PMCES* Quality the Best and everything as repre- eented or Money Refunded. Jb ' DO YOU BUY AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES? Best Prints .( Best Prints, Coats' Cotton, Oood Corsets, No. 1 Blat<k AlaDaca. All wool Oashmere--£xtra Talile I.inen, Ladies Hose,.... Gents Hose,' .. l adies lilack Ties--best, OSiBovs Pants--Good, Oti Bovs Vests--Good, 00 Boys Coatc, 85 Mens Suits,. 100112 lbs Bice 1 00 •> 60]No. 1 Baking Powder...... 25 1 fl0|a lbs Tea, .J... 1 00 3 00|4 lbs Tea, 25 Mens Suits--Uood,.$i 75 to 7 00| Best Japan Tea, 65 < >vcralls, leather trimmed, SOfliest Young flyson Tea,... -85 10 lbs A. Sugir .... 1 00 Best V. H. & Jap. for pfise, 00 11 lbs No. 1 Itaisins, 1 00 Axle Greese Oti 14 lbs No. 1 Currents, 1 00 Stove Polish Sfis 15lbs Dried Apples,........ 1 00 Fine Out Tobacco, Wo's shoes--cloth & button 1 OOlll lbs nest Dried Apples,.. 1 OWStove Polish, Tacks, Misses Shoes--11 to 2,...,. 1 00 13lbs Best Halt's Peaches,. 1 00 Choice. Syrup Good Boots 1 76|7 lbs Choice Pared •' 1 60|5 lbs Ground Coffee, I 00 70 80 60 OS 0B 60 OS to I sell cheaper than my neighbors because I buy cheaper, and say to any one coming fco buy of me, you will be more than satisfied. In Clothing, Boots and Shoes and General Merchandise, my stock is three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock of Clothing is now being sold at less rates than other dealers can buy. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises at much below regular prices. Am weekly in the market, buy for cash for two stores, and do secure bargains which I more than divide with my customers.-- Our interests are mutual, and my constant aim will be to sell you goods at such prices as will convince you that I am selling General Merchandise cheaper than any store in the Korthwest# Comfe and see me and I will do-you good, and in this way you can mate money easier than you can earn it. C.F.MALL, '. Kl TT Chicago Office, . : ' V 1 2 2 T n asKltn ri?3?*r.. C. F. HALL. • < ' {'Pt'.X OKA CrCOLBY. HENRY COLBY. *9 Artificial Teeth only $8 per s4t, at Dr. Rice's office, Riverside Bouse Having pilrthaoed the entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., ot Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they are now prepared to meet their customers,and the public generally with a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, H*ts and Caps, Crockery, Olass-Ware, Aco., Acc. Which they will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap as any other House in tho Connt-y. Our Goods are all fresh and have been bought with especial reference to the wants of the peoplcof this community, ana we i > * NOT : UNDERSOLD, We also keep our usual stock of And ,as hmiatc^fore, thiB line. - < s s will spare no pains to please , our customers in Physicians Prescriptions Compounded in a careful manner and by none but Thankful for past favors, we solicit, and hop©J$ J ance of the same. r COT I McHenry, 111., May 7th, 1878. ^ hands. •ontiuu- 4>TV 4.10 ® u lew T^Jj

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