Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1878, p. 5

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J^e^eiry ^huMer. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 14th, 1678. Railroad Time Table. QOIKO SOtfTH. Geneva Tjtke Pwienger ....... JtxM A. «t. Genera L>k« Sxpress .i H. Geneva Lake Freight M. Geneva Lake Through r. x. OOINO KOITH. ,S v Geneva Lake Through Freight.......4:50 A. M. Geneva Lalie Vreisfht MMFFL A. M. Geneva Lake Express ,8:49 p. M. £en«va Lake Passenger .7:02 v. X ANNOUNCEMKNT. I hereby announce myself as a candl date for Sheriff of McHenry County subject to the decision of the liepubli can Comity Convention. D. A. STEDMAK. A. D. LYMN and wife, of Chicago, arc|! visiting friends in thU village. GREEN Apples are ripe! and old Cholera Morbus Is on the rampage. HAPPY is the man who expects little now-a~dsye, for that Is just what lie Is sure to get. SAYB money by buying goods at P. D. Smiths. He is going West and will •ell at oost aad below, to close. FOUND, on Saturday last, oil the Base Ball Ground, a Gold Cull Button, with dark Hone setting. The owner can have the same by calling at this office and describing the same. G. B. JORIXJN, has gone to the Springs at Waukesha, Wis., for his health. He has been poorly for some time and his many friends hope that this trip may cause a speedy recovery. To M»HROW, Thursday, is the day for the big Excursion from Sycamore. The Steamers "Athlete* and "Excel­ sior". will carry the Excursionists to Fox Lake. THE "Fox River" Base Ball Club go to Llbertyville ou Saturday next, to play the return game with the "Acmes" of that place. Quite a num­ ber of oil* citizens have signified their intention of accompany lug them. THE Cucumber crop has commenced to come in at the Pickle Factory, and if we could get a good rain in this sec­ tion soon there is a prospect of a large yield. But should the present dry weather continue any length of time the vines will all dry up. The Factory are working their usual force of men for this t ime of year. " ^ r - WANTED thirty or forty mom o run in the street in front of my 'residence, especially nights. The sen­ sation of being kept awake by their eternal howling, is pleasant, and I am willing to invest a few dollars, in or­ der to be sure that the supply will be l^ufficieut. : / FOUND, on Saturday last, jest West of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, a Boys Vest, nearly new. The owner will learn of Its whereabouts by call­ ing at this office. You will find the Singer, Howe, Wilson, Wheeler A Wilson, (curved or straight) Weed, Flnkle A Lyon, Grover ft Baker Machine Needle? at Mrs. Salisbury's. Others will be ad­ ded if called for. F. A. HlBAID. THE Picnic to Fox Lake on Friday last was not as well attended as it was expected it tfould be, but all who attended report a good time. We were unavoidably absent from home and unable to attend, which we very much regretted. UNDER the head of "Roll out that Bar1!," White, of the Harvard Inde­ pendent last week attempted to say something funny. We advise hi in to get a comic Almanac, and then by dil­ igently studying tiie same he may be able to repeat something. FROM the time Cucumbers were in­ vented until the present, the medical profession has rapidly advanced in wealth and influence. We sincerely wish the Legislature would make it a crime, punishable by death for any one to eat a green cucumber. It is almost death now. XTHB golden wheat Is falling in grace­ ful swaths before the reaper of the lionestgranger; the Prairie Hen in the stubble whistles In cherry notes, while the farmer himself walks wearily to the back part of the lot, and in the bushes finds a long-necked Jug, which is supposed to contain--"buttermilk." •AfCi"! was named for dug<t£fu8 Caesar. It use# to Jiavo thirty days siid February ivrcnty n!qe;'b:it Au­ gustus had a pride in making uis mouth as iong as July which had been named for his grand-uncle. So he took a day from February and added it to August. Woodstock to Aug. WHEN we read of se many people being drowned While bathing, we wonder there is not some society formed for the abolition of water. If this thing keeps on people will get frightened about bathing and go dirty. There is no danger in those Colorado Baths. A Colorado Bath is taking a wet sheet, hanging it on * tree aud climbing the sheet. THE Annual Re-Union of the 93th Illinois Volunteers, will take place at Harvard, September 4th. Arrange­ ment's have been made with the C. A N". W. R. R. Co., whereby the railroad fare to Harvard and return re­ duced to one and one-fifth of the reg­ ular rates from all stations on the Fox River Road, from Geneva, Wis., to El­ gin, exclusive; on the Wisconsin Dlv., from Crystal Lake to Cliuton Junction. Inclusive; on the Madisou Dlv., from BelvMere to Caledonia; and on the Rockford and Kenosha Div.. from Rockford to Genoa Inclusive. Tickets good from the 3d to 4th iucluslve. WE would call the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of J. Story & Son, to be found in another column. Their stock of Hardware, Stoves &c., Is complete, while in the Furniture and Undertakaking line they have a fine stock ami will not be undersold by any establishment In the county. Their leading Coal Stove for the Winter trade will be the "Gold Coin,*- one of the handsomest and best Stoves for either officc or Parlor, to be fouud in the market. In 6hort their stock is A No. I in every particular, and buyers will do well to give them a call before purchasing. Stores opposite Bishop's Mill and near the Depot. THE great "What is it,** as he ap­ peared In his 'Treading Act** In front of O. Bishop's Warehouse, was the cen­ ter of at tract ion one flay last week.--- Three things w#fe demonstrated by this act, vis; Tfiat the dog power was a good one, that the corn shelter was perfect, and that the"What is it* could work when obliged to. It is said that the Mills of the uods grind slow, but such was not. the case in this instance. Corn was shelled fast, curiosity rose fast to know what It all meant and the dog power has been celling fast ever since. Had our special Artist been "on the spot*1 we would have had a cut to present to our readers, to shoiv them the true position, but unfortunately he was uot and our readers are the losers thereby. As an advertising dodge it was a suc­ cess, as it also was to demonstrate the possibility of work. The determina­ tion to do or die for that 75 cents, was *!ali»ly vl-iilwicd as his weary legs lucasuj-ed the tread aud'.-SM# e>es anx­ iously tvalehed the dial of a neigh- boiiug *uue ^Icce. a picture worthy the pencil of an Artist. AN Excursion from Geneva Lake, on Tuesday next, 20th, will atop at McHenry for the ac­ commodation of any of our citisens who wish to go. Tickets for the rouud trip 75 cents. The Excursion is under the auspices and for the benefit of the Odd Fellows Lodge at Woods lock. WE wish to again remind our subscri­ bers that the beginning of the new year of the PLAINDEALER has passed, and all subscriptions are now due, and it is useless tor us to say we need the money. We have tried hard to give you a good paper, and we ask you to reciprocate by paying up arrearages and make us twice glad by leaving us a year in advance. CAMPING and fishing parties can ojfc- tain a good light by soaking a common brick in kerosene oil for ten minutes. The brick absorbs the oft. and upon being suspended with wire and ignited a brilliant light, lasting for half ria hour, is obtained. This Is paid by those who have experimented with it, to be greatly superior to the torch in general use. ^ • • • • • EMPERORS may be shot down by the dozen, gigantic political frauds may be exposed; steamships may collde and go down with all on board; Eu­ rope may be pluuged in bloody and universal strife---but still the Base Ball jgayer will walk up to the scratch \jrlth broken fingers, both eyes-in mourning, and badly demoralised nose, and not a whimper. Oh, but it is facinating game. Beat Estat* Transfers. „ ' Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County Illinois, for the Week ending Aug. 10th A. D. 1878: Thos, S, Huntley and wife to Jno S. Cum- mlngs. Lot 4 btk 1, Huntley station, $800. & COLBVS STOCK F-UUK! • As we noticed last week, we paid h visit to the stock /arm of N. S. Colby, but time and space would not \i8 to make mention of It last week. This farm is situated about * half mile West of this village, and is one of the pleasantest locations in this sec­ tion. Mr. Colby has now 160 head of Spanish Merino Sheep, three splefidld blooded horses,35 full-blood Berkshire, Poland China aud Essex Hogs and Pigs and a drove of as handsome cows as can be fouud on any farm. The first which we nOtlc* Is his fine flock of Sheep. Mr. Colby has taken great pains in breeding his sheep, *«•! liis flock of ewes and lambs would be hard to beat In the State. Be had one ewe of his own breeding that 'at one year old sheared 20 pounds of wool without tags, and the next year shear­ ed 17| pounds and raised a wiuter lamb that sheared 7 pounds at shearing time. We also learn of 10 ewes bought from his stock, ten years old, that sheared an average $ f lli pounds.-- Thus it will be seen that Mr. Colby has just cause to feel proud of his flock ol Spanish Merinos, and persons who wish auy of the sheep kind can do no better than to call on Mr. Colby. His Premium Buck, of which we spoke about oue year ago, should be seen to be appreciated. He was raised by V. Rich, acknowledged by all to be the best sbeep breeder in the State of Vermout, and bought by Mr, Colby at the Fair for 9100, aud could not now be bought for txvice that suiu. He is cer­ tainly a model sheep, and la without question the finest Buck in the North­ west. Tills Buck sheared 34 pouuds of wool this year/ In the line of Horses he hns the splen­ did Toung Green Mountain Morgan, Prince Napoleon, a half-blood Norman, and Old Green Mountain Morgan. We have so often spoken of these horses before that it is unnecessary for us to reiterate here. Suffice it to say the two former are, if possible, improving each year, while the latter is gradually falling with age, but still seems to have the vim of a colt, a characteristic of the Morgan breed of horses. His stock of Swine are certainly very flu£.' He has heretofore made a spec­ ialty of Berkshire and Poland"China, but has now purchased two very fine Essex Pigs, of the best blood and high­ est Pedigree, and we predict will show another year a very fine lot of this breed. There are not many of this breed in the county, but they are a very smooth, handsome hog. Before we came away we were Invl vited to Inspect some Wax and Hair Work, made byfMrs. Colby, and were both astonished and delighted at the beauty of design and work there shown us. One Wreath was made of Ilalr of the different relatives of Mr. and Mil. Colby, each persons hair representing some flower, and was indeed beautiful. Another was composed of fruit of all kinds, while still another was of very choice Wax Flowers, while spread around on the "table could be seen Wax Fruit of all kinds, which looked so nat­ ural that one was tempted to taste to see if It were not. the real, genuine ar­ ticle which it represented. This work was equal to the best we ever saw, and proves Mrs. Colby to be uuusually okilled in this line. The day was warm but still we came home feeling well repaid for our trouble Fancy st,ock aud such works of Art we never tire of seeing. > ^ BASE BALL, vox livm, , MKM, of UbertyvUlfc The Fbx RlverS ih» Score 23 to 14. mm* Richmond Department Wood thieves are about. And horse thieves. to And chicken thieves. -f't - The Musical Union is flourishing. The Red Ribbout are pretty petered. * The long talked of game between the "Fox River" Base Ball Club, of this village, and the "Acmes" of Liberty­ ville, came off In this village ou Satur­ day last, and was witnessed by full three hundred spectators, men. women and children. The game was not as close or good a one as we had been led to expert. there Ufrin? a gnnd many tilrtw't know fis*« «*j, Dr. MoClellan, living near Twin Lakes, had a horse stolen last Friday night. Thief not yet caught. i^ rr,e Downing says that when he work* on Snnday he "gives the profits to God.1 R. C. Jefferson and wife to Mrs Mary St ion * - • nrta, SUM Pt lota 42 . itioup and hustiand. 9 a in sec SI, Nunda, |I0W. Jos. N. Barber to Chtoe & Hart, and 53, Dorr, $1000. Judson G. Sherman and wife to Richard Bishop. Swjf sec 22, McHenry, $000. Chris. Bahre and wife to Win. ILampref.-- U a in nefe' ne& sec 28, Ooral, $7tf0. EUaabeth Johnson t»Wm. Miuialiaw. 81 a la awftC i* errors on both sides, but nevertheless was highly interesting throughout. The game opened with the **Acmes" at the bat, who succeeded in scoring^ one unearned run. The Fox Rivers' then took the willow and were retired in oae, two, three order. In the second Innings the visitors added four more to their tally and the Fox Rivers' were again given a goose egg. This looked a little discouraging for the home club, but .nothing daunted they went to work in earnest, and at the end of the third Innings the visitors had added but one to their tally while the McHen­ ry Club had scored thirteen. From this time to the close of the game our boys kept the lead, and won the game by a score of 3f to 14. After the third innings some fine playing was done on both sides, ftnd from that to the end of the game but little advantsge was gained by either, as will be seen by the score. We have not the time nor space to particularize the diftertnt players, and where all done so well it is not neces­ sary. but on the side of the Fox Rivers' we cannot refrain from mentioning the catcher, Geo. Abbott, who by his superior playing and generalship done much towards the result of the day. He is what might Justly be called old reliable, always cool, and wi th the fac­ ulty of doing the right thing at the right time, a very uecessary qualifica­ tion in a goodBall plajrer. In regard to-the Libertyville Nine it is not necessry for ns to say that they are good Ball tossers. for any who ever saw them on the field know that, but besides this they are all gentlemen In every seuse of the word, and while de­ feated they took it gracefully, aud left the field with the best of feelings towards the opposing Nine, Umpire, attd all concerned. Aud we trust this feeling will continue throughout the! series of games to be played by thesei two clubs, no matter which may win. | The game was fair and impartially! Umpired by G. S. Schaller, of Elgin| and to the entire satisfaction of all. Below wc append the score In full: FOX RIVEBS' acna'i tt Dugfrtnor. f ... ? Oat muder • Abbott # partnership that way. f Most of the grain is now •afety totlN 'stack and threshing has commenced.-- Oataare turning ont 30 to 59 bushels to Oje acre. . Parties «*pxe*etitiitg W. W. KfaMJaR of Chi cage, are stopping at the Rich­ mond House, and engaged in the sale of pianos and organs. They are said to be telling on very rekseausble terms. MKB'sCeorse Boots 9BIIUX1 * £• AX SONS. MM at ; Six 8x10 Chromes, for If teats, at B. Blake's. Leok far bargains iu th« *•: dhys at Bneklln A Stevens. t »Hto«.ryt ••lanjf Great in XWioery at ltrig*fo- S. Searles, Xcfiear?. *5 > --?> . A stood assortment of Sp&sta^an up fontMlaS Blake's* cheap. • A fwtt line of Parasols up at Baokiiu 4s, Stevens. Stop s i SUM! mm new Cleared CortfeardF Call am! take JR* «Ww different ktAdt of Mi» at X. Owenfa. • Gainet Black Dress Sflks, Pssf68 Die* Silks ami Trinsmfn^ fflto BscWis it Stersiwr. ' .* John West haa observed ssoe Strang* tracks in the sand back of his store.-- He can't explain why one pair shosld be so large and one pair so small, or why the toes of the big pair should be turued toward the tees of the little pair. Theodore! Harm Cola aspires to the title af Reverend. Let Mm have it. But some men's ambitions are hard to ex­ plain. Think of ihfs announcement: "The Revs, Harm Cole aad P. C. Stire will hold a joint discussion at the M. X. Church, in Richmond, on --. Sab- ject.'is there a Hell* And if these isn't, hadn't there ought tehe?" The -fevur agur is getting tce eom- tnon for oemfort. I nearly ^iook way teeth out last week, but Bennettrs qui* nine in tablespoon doses, fixed me*-- When I objected to the size of the doses he comfortingly remarked that lie believed In either killing or caring amah In a reasonable time, and didn't believe much In catnip tea and poot* tices. " It is pretty good and I donft believe ank will care if I tell. I mean Hon. ank McLean. Wheu he was at Ge­ noa lecturing in the Red Ribbon cause, John Besteder say* to him: "Well, Hank, how is this Red Ribbon business anyway f" With a confidential tone In his ?otce. a wink in his eye and a smile In his eye, the great reformer responded: "Look at ate. Ain't I get­ ting fat? I'm all right. The brothers feed my horse and the sisters feed me. It's hard times you know John !w And he smole asu^Ue that was childlike and . bland. . Owen.. O. Owen .. Walsh . . . . Van styke Pardons ... o S O 4 5 : S 1 3 G. Furret ...... S 1 1 Huath..... e 4 4 Wright .. s S S Datnond . 1 S s D. K:irro« ...... I S 4 H. I.Mke .. 4 1 S Austin... • 9 1 27 14 « ACM US --I 4 114 The "Acmes" were during their stay here River 1--si i-i* SOORB OF IKXIXAS. 1 S S 4 6 II « KoxRlVKBS-0 0 13 1 1 J I.J ent" rtftinfed by the Fox Club at the Riverside House, where mine host Wlghtman left noth Ing undone to add te their comfort. The next game of the series wl|l be played at Libertyville on Saturday next, the 17th. . . . ' We wish to tender e>ur sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted ns during our great affliction, and especially to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr, for their unremit­ ting attention. Also for the kindly assistance rendered by Mrs. Langham, Mrs Thomas Carr, Miss Tilly and Mr, Rio^d Harri/ion. ' FAMITT Of TUK I*TF SWA*,' l'". ESTRAY. . * Came Into the enclosure of the U»- d«relgtied, I mile South of Ha ply's 31 ill on the Crystal Lake Road. Aug­ ust 9tU 1878, one light red yearling .Bull. The 0|Wner is Mreby noticed to Srove property,,pay-charges and take im away. » ^ rf}_. RfCHsitP tflpftyrv. , l FOR SALIJ. '.yj'.',-,: 40 Acresof land In Section 12, all fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with a good house aud barn thereon, with ticu» ber aud water in abuudance, in Section 22. . Also my homestead ou the Crystal •rLake and Nunda road. Good new house, baru and ojher outbuildings.-- Apply to ^ JOHN FLUSKY. ALGONQUIN. EDITOB PLA.INDKAI.EK Win. Tobln of Aurora is vkituig filends here. . Fatiiek Bellasty is julte eiCk.' W. Ni.oun U iu uttctiJauce. Dr. 8. B. Beutley Ing friends in Chleago. Mrs. Nevens. who has been visiting her daughter here, returned to her home In Ohio last week. Don't forget to atteud the Plcnleen next Saturday at Crystal Lake. Try the Rose of the Valley flodr at J.D.Fergusons. Henry Albright, a boy eight years of age, fell from the second board on a fence and broke^ his arm last Wed­ nesday. V The best Fine Salt in the market at Ferguson's for $1.30. Cattle Salt |1.10 Louis Krimes returned home this week from an excursion up the Missis­ sippi. He expressed himself as hav­ ing a very pleasaut time, and will soon be ready for tlie School Room. Last Saturday a son of Peter Stew­ arts, some 4 years of age, had his hand caught inthe pulley of a bay fork, which crushed it very badly. The front and second fingers were toru off. Henry KeySs has commenced dig- giug the cellar for his new house on Main Street. The Brass Band Vlll furiiWi music for the Picnic at, Crystal Lake next Saturday- > Edward Morton,-V. Philp, Win. To- bin and friend of Aurora to«»k a pleas­ ure ride up the River to be gone a few days^ " " "" "V Last Thursday, ,®orning Mr. David Mitchell left for Chicago, en route for Kansas where he intends purchasing Laud. " ip la search of Bargains call at the store Of P.D. Smith, near the Depot. Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Lint ment is for man and beast and is a balm for every wound. Sold by all Drug­ gists. jgTThere is in the c ounty of bivan the garden of England, a Tidily at this moment who are rightly de- tvrtiwstl as eavnges. TLcy Uave Jived for iwChty Bve ^ears on their farm of forty acres, woifth auout 3209 a year In a de|jlorably miserable tumble down hovel, consisting of a single room, in which the whole family of eleven persons eat, drink, aad sleep.-- No decent looking person can ap­ proach the place without being as­ sailed by volumes of illthy abuse, often accompanied by mud, sticks, and stones, and they hold no com­ munication with the rest of the parish. They pilfer and rob in all directions, aud are the terror of the neighborhood. There been no less than fifty convictions recorded against them, but when they return from jail they recomaienoe opera­ tions. All attempts to Induce them to sell out have failed. A few Pom sob at still farther rt- daced prfees to Close, at FIT3®I»BV£» & Etansow*S ' Prices Reduced ea etetfttftff ia to sell to make n*jm fwrml awl WI tw Purchases, »i # Stevens. CiilT at E. M. Oweur^ and procure oSMT of those splendid Top Carrlageehsfew they are all gone, eovt n»ore> fr»ar mm let D will TIE tsrela free and Post Hete Digger. at V. H. Owea's aad test one. The best thing te the and sold cheap. PB1CX9 REDUCED P«iC«» RMCKD at B nek lilt 41 Stevens. !• . . . eC * The latest styles of Last (Mhn Cuffs, with a splendid -- ertnuiit Ties Jia9t received! at Stevens. ' Tw» fair Blood Durhl Bull Calfs,fit for use. J. OLOAKS! CLOAK8F V-t' Mrs. 9. Searles Is ww offtriif De­ cided Bargains ia Cloaks aad Mantles in Silk, English Diagiauds n lasses, CashmflPte, Am, TOM SALS cmur. Several iroed seeond Apply to E. M. Owen. A fine lot of Zephyr aad Card Boards. J .B .r" Just received at Store. . Blake's Favaltat* • A - GOODS at cost and below, to out, at P. D. Smith's, near the Def$t* ' PARTICULAR NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves In­ debted to P. D. or J. M. Smith, will confer a favor by calling and settling the same without delay. Our books must be settled and closed within the next 60 days. Do pot delay. -V- »- SMITH. J. M. SMITH. MeHeaffj III., !Anf, SM», 1OTS. , i^u3> : , . 1 /STORE TO REi%. m *uri't rirttt The new Store of Blake & Bentfleld, Is ottered for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Possession given Aug 1st. For further particulars inquire ef i ^ B. BiaHOV. MdHeairy, Jnty 1«th, 187a , REDUCTION IN ST , Bucklin & Stevens will give you Bargains in all kinds of Gdods for the next thirty days in reduce • T Ml;/ft • ; Ui^-I I 1 tlfl,, > • FOR SALE... iy •>; ^ • A first-class Dray and Harness. Is In good condition and will bu sold cheap. PUMPS. A Stack of Adaws KenoslM Pamps.The be»t Pamps aad at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. Teeth extracted aad filled fa the most skillful manner by Dr. Rfce. Riv­ erside BOSH, McHeaty. OonsaNatiee Free. : Tlie annuat catalogue of the Rlch- mend High School will soon be out.-- The field of study has been very much enlarged. I lean from Mr. Cole, one of the Board, thst a complete Com­ mercial Department Is to be organised with James L. Wright, a graduate of the Valparaiso Commercial College, as Principal; that the Musical course will be thorough and complete and that a grand prize of a #600 piano will be of­ fered In this department; that a lady from Central Illinois take* charge of the department of painting and draw­ ing; and that a first-class musician has been engaged as assistant In the de­ partment of Instrumental Music. , The prospects of the school are exceedingly flattering. The Sunday School Plcnlo came off tho 8th last., as advertised bat owing to mlous utifo.«>6«3dn circumstances it was not a great success. In the first '^licethe tlmediosen svas too early in i.u« ifcaaon.1 Tfct fturuiert in the uxitlsi'ef tLtlr fcarvsst End cculd not leave giala In the shock or uncut, for the purpose ef att&idlag tS® plcsls,--- That was the biggest thing against it. Although the schools in a large circuit of country were invited, and had sig- niflffd their Intention to come, the har> vest interfered to prevent their at­ teud anoe. Another moet disagreeaMt drawback to the pleasure of the occa­ sion was the refusal of the Richmond High School Comet Band, at the last moment, to play. I haven't been in town enough nor had time to find oat what the trouble was, bat this I do know, that the public were excessively disappointed, not to say disgusted.-- Whoever was at the bottom of the trouble ought to be ashamed, and when 1 find ont the facts in the case I shall not hesitate to tell them, whoever It hits. The people feel that if they have a band it ought to be willing to play ea sucAi aa occasion as that. It was also a matter of much regret that the McHenry Band did hot come up as expected. If they had come they would have met a hearty greeting aad been treated right royally, But, with all drawbacks, the assembly iu thi grove was a lrirge one. The Washing­ ton school oame in prooessioh and made the finest appearance of the day. The singing and the speeches were good. I may justly mention the ad­ dress of the Rev. Mr. B.-won, of Solon, as exceedingly good. ;After the sing" Ing and speeches dinner was spread under the trees, and all was going ou merrily when the rain put a short stop on all proceedings aud dove the pic- ulcers home. Next year all hope for more favorable weather aad circum­ stances. Mr. Cox filled the pacitfoo of chairman and master of ceremonies a very happy utuumr* Tim ckfMrans' feast frfead Is Dr. Jaqaes' Oerama Worm Cakes, pleasant to tfw? taste, harmless le Ifte child, aad sura death and expulsion to the wsrat Sold by all Druggists. Have yott a C&Icl and CoagfcF Avatll all finer? and" to a first-class Druggist hurrv. ask for EllertTs Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry.ono ^ cure If sare--de«*l worry, - ^ , FOR SALE. ' ; Half Interest In a Bvflalo Pftts, tei Horse Power Threshing Machlm Almost as good as new, will he cheap.' For particulars Inquire al office. Do not neglect a COugh or CeM. Ellert's Extract ef Tar sad Wild Cher ry is a standard remedy fn all throat, asthmatic and bronchial affections, and has saved many valuable live*. It never falls to give Satlsfaatieaw Sold by all Druggists. Dress Goods Ift and 30 cents asaally sold for 35 cents. Hamburg Edjaetags from 5 cts per yard up. Ladles Xlueu and Grass Chrth Suits from fl£5 *p--* large variety to select from. White Dress Goods in Ploue, aad Brllliauts from 7 ah up. Two Batten lttd Gloves for 76 cts, Thrss Battou far 91 per pa1% the best Gloves for the n»*mey, ia fbet ^lloihcr Gouus In €IHra a call and see for -jroafsel& ' J v- w.iiT FOR Tiiir*wagon. *• WaaretioiT'OSssIri^ . brated Lauther Wagons, w&m top tsox. Steel Sprtag Seat, whiffle trees, Neek Yoke aad stay chains, all coiupleter|fp fSO. Warranted for ooe year. 'Mi DRESS ^OODS , .Ui • .d\ BBBSS GO0US. Buekltn A Stevens would call atten­ tion to thetr new line of Summer Dress Goods Just received. Iryoawanta bargain la MiUiaefy and Cloaks go to Mrs. S. Searles where' voa cau select from the largest slock In the oeonty and at the lowest prices. Gome one.eoiae all and have the bf' efit of the low prices until July 4th. t ra NOTICE TO WOOL GROWERS*. The subscribers would say that If you wislr 'to clothe your family yon tian do so by bringing or sending your wool and exchange the same for good desir­ able goods. Will give you for en- washed from 2ft to W cts., for washed on the sheep35 to 3f| cts., and for tab wsshed 46 eta, and sell yon goods >|1 per cent less than last year. ^ V. A. WHSKLJtt a ©©.:: Xwifc lhts liH laaewille, l|fc AN UNDEMLABTE TRUTH. ^ Tom destf^v# to s^ffbr, and If yen lead a mlaetable, uasattsfectory life la this beautiful world,it Is entirely year own fhult and there Is onlr One exense for you.--voar unreasonaMe prejudice and skeMMstn. which has killed thone* ands. jPersonul knowledge and con.« mon sense reasoning will soon show you that Green's Aqgost Flower will euro you of Liver Complaint, or Dys* pepsla, with all its miserable efh»et», such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, soar stomache, habitual cos- ti'veness. dizziness, of the head, nerv­ ous prostration, low spirits, etc. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a PrtigglsS but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a Sample Bottle for. 10 cents. Three doses "will relieve yoa*

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