Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Aug 1878, p. 8

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JT^V , '«/ & : , Al *yi* "•"* * f >? «-•=• ".*>* W • s~ ~ ;\ 1 ? v ', *- 4 • : v. •#!#Rfi: v*v; ^3,™>£ '*** ; -V " -* - • ' ? ! • • rt̂ 'cs • :-:;vVr<5 V ^ _ »V*> ,v "» **$***.+2 ' •' " AlfAitnsPKLL. „ ji«y«l)» New Orleans BtUfeHnt We 4ftie<l to b*ve «ome good spellers ia Kew Orleans* Some years ago, Captain Kituball, having had his steamboat, tin Asia repaiuted, sent t sign-painter to paint her name on the wheel-house. A clay or two after, he returned to find the painter finishing up the job, and there in six foot letters, stood out "ABha," Kimball,ret with rage,collared the poor painter, hauled him along the Wharf, and pointed up to the letters. **What in the devil does that mean?" Mid Kimball,"Didn't I tell you to put Asia on there? Do you call that .Asia?" •-• Trembling with fear, and sadly at a loss for a reply to this fierce Inter­ rogatory, the poor painter gasped out, *'Why' Captain, if that/ *Afeia,' what does It spell?**., ^ ~ ^ "The Captain gave it up» M $ Agricultural t am Agent for all the First-class • jQTThcrc Is a man Is Louisiana who fliuch aconfituied gambler that When he was told the other day that a friend had been stricken down by the "chill, cold hand of death," he immediately went out to raise it, declaring that uuo man could play a oold hand on any friend of his." Why should a loving mother wait for t$Mt coining of the doctor to prescribe a re»«edy for that fearful Cholera-in- fan fair., Croup, Colic or cramps With which her precious child is suffering, when she can administer Dr. Winchells Teething Syrup and at once give the child relief. One trial of this charm­ ing syrup will make you ever its friend and patron. This Syrup regulates the bowels, keeps the system in a healthy condition, prevents all pain and dis­ comfort arising from teething, and is an old and well tried remedy. Sold by all Druggists at only 25c a bottle. A good investment, better than loan­ ing money at one percent a minute, is to Keep your Liver, Stomach and, bow­ els in a healthy condition by the nse of Ellert's Daylfght Liver Pills. They will re«tore you to health. Impart new vigor to your mind, tone up your sys­ tem and give renewed pleasure to the joys of lite. No medicine will effect­ ually free the Liver from excess of bile as these Pills, thus preventing Ague and Bilious Fevers. Sold by all Drug­ gists. FOR SALE. >J|A first-class Dray and Harness. Is id rood condition and will be sold cheap. Apply to F. D. Wateiimax, Numla, 111, flPhe Plaee where yon eta buy a He. I brand y"1"'*, ii ANERCAN MS OR HOWE 51th?11 tapw»* • f*»ted. : „• war. For $25. are two of the best machines now in rket, and persons wishing to bay wail themselves of this Rare Chance, Call at my store and examine the machines. 0. W- Owen. McHenry, III., July 15th, 187&. j fcvlih ; -J. ' 'The Fast Running Steamboat * ilmrnm mm» 7i»; Having been thoroughly repaired and furn. islt6<l with & 06w &t6el Roiler, Is now 5ESK.SSRnr^ ^ ",l Fridays and Saturdays will leave McHenry on the arrival of the trains from Chicago and the South. Monday® will arrive at McHen ry in time for the 1:2§ a. h. train for Chicago. Far© 00 oe^sp^r head. j| . All other days in the week will be ready to *»n on 20 minutes notice at rates according to «inber. v laccomi 1 No pains will be spared to secure imodatioQ of passengers. E. CRISWOLD, Captain- •J- k The IVfcHenry .Having newly Ke.Pftinted and fitted up our Shop, wo are now - - - - customers with prepared to furnish our and Salt Meats OS* ALL KINDS, Sausage, Smoked Meat*. &c., I Keep Plows, all Kinds, Hollins worth Sulky and Drop Rakes, Corn Cultivators, Wind­ mills, Griiiding Attachments for Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps, Corn Shellers, Scales, Sickle Grinders, &c., &c. Among which can. be found the iTohn P. Manny,--excelledi>y nione--New Light Buckeye, Walter •%. Wood, Meadow Kiiig and Peerless; all acknowledged the bCst in the World, and at Lower Prices thatf the Lowest. Hakes! Rakes! Bakes! For a Sulkey Hay Rake, you will not be disappointed in selecting any of the following: I can sell The Tiger Self Dump at $32.00, >Furst & Bradley, '* 32.00, Archer, |" 31.00. Also Hollingsworth, Furst & Bradley, Orvis & Favorite RaRes, as hand dumps; All First-clask in every respect, and at Greatly Reduced Prices. 99 For a Bosa TLATFORM SPM& WAGON, I have the "Courtland mproved Gear" which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne only No. 1 wagon in the market. A new Bishop Wagon, with top box, Steel Spring Seat, all complete, for $50. A written warrantee given with every wag­ on. In Wagons we keep platform Spring Wragons, Top and Open Bnggies, Milk Wagons, Three Spring and Lumber Wagons, the latter of which is the celebrated Bishop Wagon. Also, a Complete Line of Mowers, Reapers, Snlky-Rakes, etc. . WTake time to call on me before pnrchas. ing ela«irfcere,»*»M 1 : 0 . BISHOP. McHenry, 111., Inarch 26th, 1878. CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES. I can sell you a First-class Top Carriage for $80, and Warrant it for One Year. VV ho can afford to ride in an open buggy when a CARRIAGE can be bought for those figures. Be sure and call, as we Know tre can make it to your interest to do so. f^pPEverything sold on its Merits. Remember the Old Stand," op­ posite the Mill, B. M. Owen. McHenry, III., July 22. JOHNSBURCH "3§a!£!SHSS=" is not easily earned in these times, hut it can be made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- <i(> per week in your own town. Yon need not bo a way from homeover night. You can givebyour whoiotime to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who fare malting ovej- $20 per day. All who pn</apre Sit once can makeinoney fast, At th© present jtimemoney eajino t be made so ea.-tily and rap- i -jdi)' at any./ttner business. It costs no thiug •r" try t«e business, Terms and ffi OutHt tree tddress at once, H. Ha,I.LETT & Co, .Portland Maine* The Thorough Bred Horse AMMADUS Will make thesSBASON of 1878 at McIIenrv; and may be found at the Stables »1' Mr. A. HankiiiB, South side of the Public Square. Amtnadus is a beantifui rich lwiy, without any white, exceutinj? a small spot in the fore. ' hands hiijh, and weighsabout head; stands 16 ! 1,200 wninds; was folded 1n'l87l. and lired " ' Jt - • by HENRY MILLER, --DEALKK IN- ^ AT. THE Xowwt Living PpioM, ,We buy none but the best of Meats, and havin? served our time in one of the be«t Harkets in Chicago, flatter ourselves that we «tn offer ourcnatom^rs >'t't>t§ in better shape |tsn any other Sbop in this Section. Thnkfiil for pfrt favors we f-olicit a cousin. W&Mve of the &•#!. and we,w ill ^urantae \a Katiefy 7011 hotiitn quality knd prica. ~ Fi ett & *CiU**T, U*,, *ajr*tth,|»7», ^ # Auericaii anl Foreign MarDlg. Monuments, Headstonesi ' . £TG*f £f£CiM JKIWk*"- • ^ American ^ Scotch Branite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc­ Henry, 111, : ; Johnsburgh. Vm. f u A CO 0 =3 Sg Q * § CO < £2, -FOR-- BOOTS AND SHOES 311 & ;J13 Madisim St., BUEL, COOK A 8EIXAS, Manuf'rs and Wholesale Dealers. >> -i I>on't fail 10 oxuminti Goods and Prices when in Chicago. Stock New and liou<rht for Cash. Great in- 'lucement^ to Cash'.lluvers. U.K. lU'Ki;, Lati: with M. ^elz A Oo. <J. V. j« «t Whitney, H. 1.. Skixak, ! Cook A Co., N. Y. Ammadns was Sired hy Uivoli, Rivoli by Revenue, and Kevenue by Imp Trustee. Itivnli's Dain Topaz, by Imp Cilencoe, Am- mad 11s first Dam. NeUie Ors^y. by Alexander's Lexington. The above pediRree la take# |tom firuoe's American Stud Booi, For tbe recoil of Ammadus' performances on the Turf, and aiso particulars as to price and terms ot service, which are reasonable, ;enquire of the undersigned, at tho premises above named. Mares from a distance cared for. with pood pasturage, or stable with k<«m1 hay and grain, at |2,(>0 per week. Accident* or escapes at the owsers risk. • W. H. IIankink, Juue 1st. W78. McHenry, ill. 1878 • * t ,1: :rf ..'Hfe -.-•'""Ii •1* '»!. •#y. dr , : <t\ ,i NEW1 GOODS . , :•» J . •; ' "• " 1.. *. ,¥"* tT^ -A* WORKS. Xsi Woodstock. We wonW announce to (he people of Mc- lenry Coui * good stock Henry County and vicinlty tba't we keep ck or «van make money faster at work for ns than if anything else. Capital not required ; we wili start you. #12 per day at home made by the indpstrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to workjfor us. Now is the time. Qostly outfit anii terms free. Augusta, Maine. • Address Tbi;E j$ 0o.j li; * • A FEW BARGAIN"!!, * 'r Wo have a fow T.adicR and Childr«iiR Whoeb left which we will close out very cheap during tins week. It will pay lyoutobilfr U»em( ' r iT^OIllXOHS * ETAMtOV. fjiL You will eave money by examining our Stock of Goods before 1 - / purchasing elsewhere. Prints, Bleached Cottons, Cottonades, Tick­ ings, Denims, Shirtings and C . & N . - W . . k: - ••A ' tltTB <mtOAOO ft KOKTH.WIItM> lAIttil I Embraces under one manafement the Qreat Trunk 'Rhilway Lines ofi tbe WEST Mp FORTH- w EST, and, with its numeroWP | Branches and connections, forms the shortest^ and quickest route between Chicago and #llr"~ points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Michi< e fan, JfinnCKrtta, l<»wa, Nebraska, California and the Western Tci 1 itories. Its hn T nW TlnHimti Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds. In Ready- Made Clothing, Boots find Shoes, we will not be un­ dersold, quality of Goods considered. f^fGloves and Hosiery a Specialty. Bine Venetian, Iograin and Oil Cloth Carpetings. ^ , * Also a Full Line of Family Groceries. PERRY & MARTIN •McHenry, May lgt, 1878. Om£kha and California Line Is the shortest and beet route between Chica* fo and all points in Northern Illinois, Iowa, lebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Coolrado, ITtah.~ ' . •KcvacJa, Cuiifoium, Oregon, China, Japan and m Australia. Its M-'kr- €hloago,St Paul A Mlnneapoll# Line- Is the short line between Chicago and all .points in Northern Wisconsin nnd Minnesota^ and for Madison; St. Paul, Minneapolis Du. ' luth, and all points in the Great Noithweat«^ ItB . 'l's pii bOnilet Winona ft St. Peter Lin* Is the best route between Chicago and fti*o»se, Winona, Hocheater, Owatonna, Man<£& kato, St. Peter, New Uim add all points in- Southern and Central Minnesota. Its I: ' ^ Green Bay & Marquette Linsj*^ Is the only line between/Chicago Aid Janes^ vil'le, "IVatertown, Fon^uiac, Oshkosh, Ap pleton. Green Bay, Escanaba, Negannee# „ Mariiuette, Houghton, Hancock and the Lake Superior Country. Its Freeport & Dubuque line Is the only route between Chicago and £lgtn# •Bockford. Freeport and all poiuts via Free* port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee Line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the only one passing between Chicago and Evanston» Lake Forest, Highlnnd Park, Waukegan* Racine Kenosha and Jtlilwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Room Cars v.4'; are rnn on all through t rains on this road. : W- This is the ONLY line running thsse tinlv: between Chicago and St. Paul and Minne% apoliB, Chicago and Milwaukee, Chicago ancf Winona, or Chioago and Green Bay. ' Close connections are ina<ie at Chicago wittk , 4 the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mich#^i^»- igan Central, Baltimore And Ohio, Pittsburg/^. Ft. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee Line anq| • Pan Handle Routes, for all points J5AST ftnir *' SOUTH EAST, and With theChicago and Al­ ton and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH4 Close connections are also made with th« Union Pacific R. R., atOmaha for all far Weal points. Close connections made at junction points with trninsof all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold bv all OoU. pon ticket agents in the United States and Canada. Remember yon ask for yonr tickets via thtf Chicago A Northwestern Railway and tttk^ none others. New York Office. No. 418 Broadway; Boston Oflli e, No, A State Street; Omaha Office, 24# Pnritham Street; San Francisco Office. 12§ Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices. Clark Street, under Sherman House; ( •anal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street p<>)iot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets} Weil* Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or information not attainable froMI your home ticket agents, apply to ^0Bisro GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR from the SCALP A&PHHEHT f-jk GRAY, Ll&m; FADED, -AND- RED HAIR Arc changed by a few applications of the AMBROSIA to a beautiful auburn or to the dark, lustrous colors of youthful tresses. Humors, Dandruff, Itching of the Scalp, a^d Falling of the Ilair aro at onee cured by it. Where the hair follicles are not destroyed, it will cause the hair to grow on bald heads. It is perfumed with extracts from fragrant flowers. All who use it praise it. Colds, Cough, Ekeumatisau Stiff Neck, Neuralgia, BjBjjepsia, Jiarrliffia, Colic, Sore Throat and Toothache Are alleviated, and in most cases cured, by the use of this PAIN BKADICATOR. It is an in* valuable Family Medicine, affording relief be­ fore a physician can be reached. Procure our circular describing above diseases and their proper treatment, and you will bless the remedy that brings such healing. 1878. 1878. LAUER & BECKER, r7<fcT"~T.v5~!! F«r Sale by All Druggists. Prepared by E. M.TUBBS A CO, Proprietors of "lUng's Ambro&t" MANCHESTER, N. H, Sold by * HERS> MoHwnry, 111. J "v\.' - G E R M A N MARBLE AND GRANITE MonumentsfTabletsvTable-Tops( Brackets, Shelves, Etc. To which we would call your attention before buying elsewhere. We shall sell at BOTTOM PRICE8. ALL 'VOUK R Warranted First Class* W . . M-PECK A CO. Woodstock. Ill,, May 1st, 1878. To Consumptives. THE advertiser, havim curod of that dread ticen permanently disease, C<msnmn- tlon, by a simple remedy, is anxious to inahe kn»»wn fo his feHow-stiirerers the means of cure. To all w ho desire it he will send a copy of the perscription used, (free nfclnrge,) with the directions for preparing and using tiw same.Nwhich they will (Ind a sure cure for Consurr ption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac. Par­ ties wishing the prescription, will please dress", E. A. Wilson, J»4 P -- --" burgh, N, V, »enn, 8tf! ad. Williams. Manufactured by F. MARCUS HEALER. IS AND PURE WINES, LIQUORS C I S A R S "WQ0d9t0J?k, III* The best Toni", in tho world, f ut up in Pint and Qnart Bottles . J MARCUS, Patentee Bcliool Books .nid Writing Paper Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. O L © T £ EIRS 9 Near tli© Depot MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS. An entire New Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Fnrn istii % Goods, 4tCi| &c. Which ire being sold at a J.ees Fri«'e than ever befbrc o{ft»re«i in this vi. cinity, Good huSiiness suit.^ made to order, at Prices ns low as the Lowest. Cutting done at reduced ratos. We take pleasure in showing our goods and earnestly invite an examination of our stock, We guaran, tee each article aa rep- re sen ted. Our Spring and Sum mer Stock was bought with especialz+eference to the waivfe of our cus­ tomers, and We Will Not Be Undersold- Give as a Call. LAUKli & BECKER. McHenry. Ill,, May Wth. W<8. MABVINHUOHIT* Uen leneralSupt* W H, STIBIUM, Gefc'l Pcsser^rerAlrefl Fox River Valley Mills. R. BISHOP, proprietor. McHenry - - - - Illinois CONSTANTLY CUSTOM GHHVPI1SG Done nremptly, and Batisfaetion guar«»tee4 Having just put in a new Feed Stone, crarUi of grinding sixty but hels of Feed per howr, | nm nrepared to do your grinding on short net tice. / «»-The Highest Market Frlee • Milling Wheat. JK. " McHenry HI.. Dee, llth,'liT7. id for gooA F. C. MAYESf SOTTLEIB BOLEY, S A L O O N Lansing's Block, McHenry, III. Open Day and Evening. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars al­ ways on hand". Also the best Lager Beer. GOTTLEIB BOLEY. McHenry, III., May 14, 78. n week in vour own town. #5 Out- it free. Xo risk. Reader, 'f you want a business at which norsorisof •ither sex e in make creat pay all he time they work, write for par- ticulars to it, IIALLKTT ft. Co,f Port- land, Maine. -AND DBALJEBW* Be&dy - Uade Nothing. f Invites the spection of 1̂ 1 Stock. inblic to an in« newly purchased and Goods warrt seute4. t1. ; the timet as repre* Cutting Done A Usual. Store One DoorVNorth «| Colby's I)rag Stor« McHenry, Ili., April 13th, 187^ Errors of Yol AGEXTI.tMAN who Suffere from Nervous Debility, Pred cay, and all the effects of vouthfiT tion will, for the Rake of suffering send free toall who need it, the direction for making the simple which he was cured. Sufferers erolit by tho adviser's experiene y addressing in perfect contidenol JqIIX B. QGDEJJf 4.2 C^lfr St„ ' for yeaic lature Pi, (ndisrr®, humanity [ecipe aM cmedyhjr 7ishing t« can do M> low

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