Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Aug 1878, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 21st, 1878. VAN SLYKE, Kdltor. FOX C0*G*IS8, 4th DISTBICT, HON. a A. HURLBUT, OP BOOK®. to thn Decision of the Republi can Congressional Convention. CONGRESSIONAL T;ONVKNTION. ; The Rennhlionn voters of the scveiyl coun­ ties composing the Fourth ConjrressionalJDis strict of Illinois are requested to •f" he send dele. :»ftes to a Rsjpublkan District convention, to x» held at Eliriii on the 6tli ilav ol September, 1878, »t one oYlork P. M., for the purpose of nominating: a person for member of the lower •' " >' .'\hon«e of Congress to be supported at the gen- • \eral elec tion in November next, and for trans ,, !• fHCting such other business as shall properly " come t>efore said convention. The oasis of represents!ion will lie the vote cast for Ite- •miltlican Presidential Electors in V«»vnmbor 1876, and the ratio will be one delegate for every four hundred votes, and one delegate <*4 jacittitionai tot- each fraction of two iunmreii k,""" ",<or over, so cast. Under this apportionment , ' •, --the i epreseutatiou ui said ̂ uvs^iion wiii be |»s follows: : p¥^Kane 5,398 votes .' ..Vs.71...ISdelegates ^Winnebago,4,506 votes. 11 " J)eK;tll» 3,679 votes 8 " ".McHenry 8,465 votes............. # IJoone 1,965 votes 5 ;»* In pursuance of a rtsolntloti 6f thf tt*t jCongressional Convention, held at Elgin, • 8ept. 7. 1876 this committee recommends that the Conntv Conventions for the election of delegates be held on a uniform day, and sug­ gests the id day of September, 1878, for such • conventions. Pit A 8. KEUVX, D. B. WATEMAK, W. A. TAU:OII, V ' . A, B. COON, O. H. WRIUHT, ' f f ' Cong. Central jj^ommittee. 4IHJU uf lUtt'CUlUtt crop in ten cotton States U be 95 percent., A decline of 4 per cent. OH, COJiSlSTESCVI 1st the Rock ford Dally Register of Monday we And the following: The St. Charles Review, In a glanoe at the political situation in the Fourth District, has this to say of Hon. Will- iam Lathrop's candidacy: "Perhaps we are mistaken, but we do regard Mr. Lathrop as the proper man to repre­ sent our District in the House of Rep­ resentative!*. He is % man of thinking power, originality, and executive abil­ ity. We believe him to bs honest and upright. He is not a- demagogue.-- There is no political trtpkevy about him." That Mr. Lathrop is & man of "think­ ing power and originalitywe think no one Will dispute after reading the following secret circular, issued by him on the eve of election two years ago, and printed in Wisconsin, fearing that such "political trickery" might be ex­ posed nearer home. Here is the circu­ lar in full: REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTER, 4TH CONGRKKSIONAT. DISTRICT, • UOCKVORD, III., NOV. 2d, 1878. DEAR SIR:--The Rule or Ruin Partr In this District, headed by General Huilbut, have determined at all haz­ ards to defeat Mr. Lathrop. This disreputable proceeding, tvhich may possibly endanger not onlv the Con­ gressional but the whole ticket, should be reprobated in every possible man­ ner by the men who stand loyal to the Party. In McHenry County, the head­ quarters of this party treason is located at Marengo. Marengo has two Candi­ dates in the field for County offices. It is suggested to you confidentially, that it might conduce to our party dicipline and success in the future, to set our seal of condemnation on the bolting movement, and on the men and towns who have engineered it by de- ,_ta. . , . . feating their Candidates at the polls. The Nawal Register, recently issued, T:1 01ie that cf State's Attorney, shows the total number of officers In all this could be done with great propri- branches of the United States Navy and Ma> ety, as the candidate of the opposition, tine Corps, active and retired, to be 2,067. Lyon, is an Independent Republican* . « . „ .. , . and a supporter of Mr. Lathrop. In A BakwCuy (Ore.) telegram of the tjie interest of unity and future tuc- announces the further surrender of Indi- cess, please give this serious considera- ans in that region, ami says the Indian trou- tion. bles there might be considered over for the Br OBDER Or COMMITTER. season: ^ .............. .Secretary. The New Hampshire Legislature has Voters of the 4th District, the above passed a bill allowing women to vote toy is the production of a man who claims school meetings. This is the first substantial ^ "honest and upright," and not a legislative victory won by the Woman Suf- 'demagogue." nor a "political trick­ ster!" Oh. Consistency! Nominated tb® by fraud, and practicing fraud through- 18th, the Under-Secretary for India, in intro* out t|je wj10ie canvass, he now comes 4ucing the Indian budget, stated that the fra^ists of New England. In the British Parliament, on •umber of deaths from famine in .India was officially estimated at 1,850,000. The touotring resolutions were adopted She lieCr-uiity Convention one •go: Re»olved~ That beroafter the Republican P-ountf Oow.mittee be requested and instruct- fd that in c-allinK future County Conventions they fix the tenn of holding the various town Caucuses w as to have them all held on the «ame day, a t the place of holding the last town meetings in the various towns, and that *uch County-Conventions be held on a Satur­ day unless in extreme cases of emergency. Jtetolved, Tu;u upon the call of the County fommittee or Cmintv Conventions hereafter, •own fommitlfen call caucuses in their re­ spective towns, and open polls and hold said polls open a reasonable time, not less than two hour*, and receive votes by ballot ; and *hat said town committees be the judges of votes posted art «uch caucuses. In pursuant to the above resolutions this •Jomsiittees rt; com mends that the Republican ffttess of the~s«c«ral towns hold their prim arv meoDing: fm the election of delegates on •Saturday . .August, 24Lhj at 2 o'clock p. m. : e.S.S<» TIUVOBTH, J, Ii. BAKCOCK. H. WlMTB. County Committee forward and asks yen to re-endorse /him. claiming virtues that he never possessed. Read the above circular carefully. It certainly is an "original" production, charging "bolting" upon Gen. Hurlbut's friends, and at the same time advising the bolting of the reg­ ularly and honestly nominated Repub­ lican ticket. And thig, too, by secret circular, printed out of the State, and circulated on the eve of election.-- There is no "political trickery" about that. tS^The Elgin Advocate brings out the name <rf S. S. Mann, of Elgin, as a candidate for Congress, iu this District The Advocate two years ago was a wanu supporter of Lathrop and his so- called Civil Service Reform. *r At the Greenback Congressional Coaveaiioti, held at JElgin on Wednes­ day of last week, the Hon. Augustus Adams, of Sandwich, DeKalb county, was unaiiimously nominated as a can­ didate f:>r Congress for the 4th Dis- triet, I Ing Bull, like some more dis- tiagaiehed exiles, is willing to return to the conntry he has injured on eon- 'iili'fl that he !« to *?H that he took away with hitn. He "wants complete immunity--and all his p5alES.r In oth^r words, he waats his record cleared and a chance giveu him to make another of the same sort. IflTA sharp Indian fight is reported from Montana. The combatants were pretty evenly matched--thirteen sol­ dier* and two citizens against fifteen Indians and two squaws, who arc as good, if not better, than two uiale sav­ ages. Six of the Indians were killed and three wounded. There was, for­ tunately no loss on our side. The question cf what to do with the trampsis increasing in importance and difficulty. Their-rapid and alarm­ ing growth, and their unbridled law­ lessness, are compelling the attention of our legislators arid magistrates. It is entirely a new feature, as it is the anomalous product of our times. The occasional shame-faced vagrant, abject and contemptible in his laziness, has suddenly multiplied into a legion of brazen, defiant vagabonds, who prey upon society, demanding a living for which they refuse to furnish an equiva­ lent. There is good reason for the apostolic command that "if any would not work, neither should he eat." and hence there is a necessity for laws and penalities to meet this new and in­ creasing evil. The New Hampshire Legislature has considered and passed a bill enn 'Isig that it a; shall be im­ prisoned vat hard labor not more than fifteen rronths, to be incrcased fn c?r*e of nny of the cuitragca to '.vlrlch they are dispersed. Informers or arrests of a tramp who ..shall be convicted, are an titled to a reward of #10. Prompt and peremtory measures must be adopted in all of our States, or the evil will become intolerable. IS Bt ANN A CANDIDATE, In an Elgin letter to the Chicago Journal, in regard to congressional matters in this district, we find the following: MQoite a number Of Kane county men have visited Elgin laeely endeavoring to induce Hon. S. S. Mann to become a candidate for Congress.-- This call is supplimeuted by letters from various parts of the district.-- What the outcome will bef It Is impos­ sible to tell." 7 We believe Mr. Mann is : everywhere regarded as one of the ablest of Kane county's able inen. He is a staunch re­ publican, and held in very high regard by the members of that party. If he should ask for Kane's delegation to the congressional convention, which meets here the 6th of next month, we be­ lieve he would have no opposition iu the county. If Mr. Mann once enters the field in earnest, he will prove a mighty dangerous competitor to the best of them. At the opeuing of the casivaass, it looked as if Mr.-Lathrop ^as goimg to have a walk over the course. But the indications now are, that he will win the nomination--if he wins at all.-- after a tremendous struggle. Hurlbut is after him; Joslyn is lying low; Kel- lum will alwavs be within call, and if Mann enters the race the devil's to pay with them all, and this district will see one of the prettiest fights it ever witnessed.--Elgin Leader. SAVE money by buying goodft at P. D. Smiths. He is going West and will sell at cost and below, to close. To restore and keep soft and pltable your harness, apply Uncle Sam's Har­ ness Oil. Sold by all Harness makers Have you a Cold and Cough ? Avoid all flurry and to a first-class Druggist hurry, ask for Ellert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry, one bottle buy, your cure is sure--don't worry. Dress Goods 18 and 20 cents usually sold for 25 cents. Hamburg Edgeings from 5 cts per vard up. Ladies Linen and Grass Cloth Suits from $1«25 up--a large variety to select from. White Dress Goods in Pique, and Brilliants from 7 cts up. Two Button Kid Gloves for 75 cts. Three Button for .$1 per pair, the best Gloves for the money, in fact all other Goods in proportion. Give them a call and see for yourself, BCCKLIN A STEVENS' BUCKLIN •T i,'?*>' , 8# ' , t .M Vvv- . sr «r't .i STEVENS: wm- ared with a ull and com­ plete Stock IiHUis $£Cos -IfEXT GO t>A:Y P. SlTlt is almost imperceptible yet it is a fact that business is improving.-- There is a little firmer tone in trans­ actions, that gives a brighter hope of the future than lias been felt in. many a long, w«»ary year. Confidence in a better time is making some activity in trade, and with the return of coufidencQ commences thereal, substantial foun­ dation for a prosperous trade, and all alike will be benefitted. t ; :-1<> N'i _ i- A9*Po8tmaster General Key has a vein of true philanthropy and states­ manship running elear through him, and it pot unfrequently sends outflow­ ing a generous and patriotic sentiment. Amidst the perplexities ol his otilciai duties and cares ii> the absence of his assistant, he maintains cheerful spirits and the kindest of feelings, and it gives us pleasure to note and approve the fraternal and patriotic aspiration breathed in the toast he proposed on the last Fourth : 4,Hast,en the day when "there shall be no .Eastern party, no Western "party, no United North, jind HO 'Solid "Soutl?but only a United States, jttjMglt'ui '-and prosperous;' That ^dHKVouni be the inillentoimn of <come before (he reJ^Hrother. A TRAIN STRUCK BY L.IOHTNINO. We never recollect of hearing be­ fore of lightning striking a Railroad train, but a New York exchange says; "The express from Boston, on the Boston and Albany road, was struck by lightning. Friday afternoon, on the Charleton grade, and narrowly escaped disaster. The bolt struck the engine by the right cylinder, enveloping the whole tnachine in an electric flame, knocking the fireman, Flaherty, par­ tially insensible and for a moment disabling Osgood, the engineer, whip­ ping Ids hand off the throttle and nearly blinding him. The tender was sent several inches -Into the air, but reached the track again all right, and the whole train was jolted as though off the track. The passengers 'hair stood on end for several minutes, but nonowere hurt." House and Lots for Sale. THE undersigned offers for sale his honse and two lots, situated in the village of McHenrv. There is a good house, barn, a good well of water, cistern, a line orchard, all kinds of small fruit, and in short ie a very de­ sirable place. Will be sold on reasonable terms if applied for soon. Appiv to . „ J. S. HIKES. McHenry, 111., May 28th, 1878. dfelAA MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted County rights given gratis f..r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world- wide; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. An industrkms, energetic person can make snug permanent income and very liberal Cerms, by addressing with reference, 238 thestnut Street, Philadelphia. and Summer Trade, and at extremely Low Prices for Cask. All are in­ vited to call, inspect Goods and Prices be­ fore purchas­ ing, whether you wish to buy or not. No trouble to show Goods. is the time to improve the golden opportunity and reap the grrand harvest of Low Prices. We mean business and will guarantee that you never can buy cheaper. We now offer our entire stock of General Merchandise, consisting of a full and complete assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery9 Groceries, &c.y &c., at such prices for CASH ONLY as will greatly reduce our stock preparatory to removal to a new field of operations in^ Kansas. We have not the space to prepare a special price list, but will assert with the fullest assurance to one and all that we will save you a large percentage on all goods you buy of us. Linen Suits and Summer Goods of all kinds below Cost. Bring Jlong your family and call «nd examine goods and learn prices. YOURS TRULY, P. X>. &RB TH so i cm J. STORY & SON, MeHENBY, ILL- DEALERS IN Hardware, Nails, Sta, Ranps, Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Kiiive.«,,Ax*Mg, Grindstones, ^ Window OiasH, ^ CRAMITE-iRGN AMD Tift WARE. ALSO, Furniture 8c Undertaking. We mnke a specialty of UNDERTAKING* and all orders in that line will receive prompt attention. J. STCRY&SON. IX, Thompson, The New York Star thinks Rus­ sia will in all probability never submit her conquests to a European Congress for review again. After sacrificing thousands of lives, and nearly bank­ rupting herself, she finds that all she has gained is a small strip of marshy land at the month of the Danube, and another infinitesimal piece on the shores of the Black Sea, under condi­ tions which make it scarcely worth having, Vhile her chief enemies, who did not fight* carry the chief prizes. Even the privilege or fortifying Ba- toum, th** chief Black Sea port in Asia- tic Turkey, which she gets, is virtually I deuied&er. M A K E R . Shop opposite the Parker Honse, McHenry, Illinois. Having purchased and taken possession of these well known Shops, I am now prepared, with tli-fit cl:i8n workmen and good material, to manufacture Wagons and Buggies on short notice and at LOW PRICES U a GOOD article can be purchased elsewhere. I ALSO DO A General Blacksmlthing Basineas, and will do your work ill the bent of manner and with the leant possible delay HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY. B E P A I H I N G «?£rk;̂ UlTl,"'r «*•»>« '» 0.11 »d R. ThompHoa. McHenry, II!., April 187*. miL ABSTIHEICB 8AVII6 WINE TILL IV EITFJS. There is a curious story about some native wines which are extensively advertised nowa­ days, and have only recently been pnt upon the market. Dr. Underhill, the well-known f rape-grower of Croton Point, died in 1871. ome of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that they were unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeedcd in arranging for a settlement;, of the estate and the sale of the wines on hand. Amone these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more than any other European wine, ana being wholly unlike any other wine of American growth. Its purity, nge and mellowness are remarkable, and both physicians and wine- fanciers have a special interest in it as the oldest native wine now accessible in any con­ siderable quantity. The whole stock is in the h*nds of the well-known wholesale grocery house of the Thurber*.---A". Y,. Triimmt, Nov. 19, i8ff. The above speaks for itself, but we would add (hat this is the pure juice of the grape, neither druggedliquored nor watered; that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on applicadon. Respectfully, etc., H. K. & F. B. THURBER A CO. | f M B r o adway, Reade ami Hudtm Stmts, NBW-YOSK. IM- C. F. Spring Announcement --FROM THE-- There's Money in it for You. ONE PRICE ONLY ! CASH ONLY ! Goods at Unheard of LOW PRICES. Quality the Best and everything as repre­ sented or Money Refunded. ~ DO YOU BUY AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES? Best Prints ) liest Prints,..: Coats' Cotton, Good Corsets, No. 1 niaek Alapae.a All wool Cashmeie--Extra Table Linen, Ladies Hose, Gents Hose, /." . . . . I.a<lies Black Ties-- best,. 05|Boys Pants--Good......... 100112 lbs Itice, 1 0# 06 Boy s Vests--Good,......... 50 No. 1 Baking Powder. 85 06 Boys Coaic. 1 ftOjii Tea 1 00 Mens Suits, 3 00 4 lbs Tea, 'k T Wo's sh'M's--cloth A button 1 00 y , ii: Good Boots, 1 7617 lbs Choice Pared Mens Suits--Gooil,.J3 75 to 7 00i Best .Japan Tea, overalls, leather trimmed, .wiliest Young llvson Tea,... 10 1bs A. Snipr 1 00! Best Y. H. & Jap. for price, lifts No. 1 Raisins, 1 OOlAxle Greese, 14 lbs No. 1 Currents, 1 OOlStove Polish ' 151b* Dried Apples. 1 OOiFineCut Tobacco. 11 lbs nest Dried Apples,.. 1 00 stove Polish, Taeks, 1 oojfl lbs Ground' Coffee,. t » 70 80 50 06 S3 05 65 I sell cheaper than my neig-hbors because I buy cheaper, and say to any one coming to buy of me, you will be more than satisfied. In Clothing, Boots»and Shoes and General Merchandise, my stock is three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock of Clothing is now being sold at less rates than other dealers can buy. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises at much below regular prices. Am weekly in the market, buy for cash for two stores, and do secure bargains which I more than divide with my customers.-- Our interests are mutual, and my constant aim will be to sell you goods at such prices as will convince you that I am selling General Merchandise cheaper than any store in the Northwest. Come and see me and I will do you good, and in this way you can make money easier than you can earn it. C. F. HALL, ' - iLt.' GhicagoOfiflcef '• 122;u>i SiEKvr. F. HALL. DUNDEE, III. t)RA <5; COLBY. HENRY COLBY. COLBY BROS., Having purchased the entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c.,ot Smith. Aldrich & Hay thorn, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they are now prepared^fetrimeet -their customers and the public generally with a large anfiLweJl selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Glass-Ware, Wlii^h they will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as ^Jp^ttX'iny other House in the County. Our Goods are all frqWi itfllrliave been bought with especial refereuce to the wants of the people of this community, ana we WILL j>rOT BE UNDERSOLD, xjti ^---- » We also keep our usual stock of Artificial Tdeth only 94 per set, it Dr. Blcftt office, Riverside Bouse. Pais. Oils. &c. J VMM, VIWI, please wir customers in And as heretofore, will spare no pains to this line. Physicians Prescriptions Compounded in a careful manner and by none but experienced hands. Thankful for past favors, we solicit, and hope to merit a continu­ ance of the same. COLBY BROS. McHeury, 111., May 7th»1878. *

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