Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Aug 1878, p. 8

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> * .„,11 • ^ • <( , - „ - L: • ^ 1^ -. ..->_ -4r • • "~ - . ^^i-'ii i>-,\ v ' •Szv.& 5 ? « % - < • %*Y~ ^><r/y*y W* *' •• it'S * fv ' " * S»-': • 4 Sift?: ¥i». : SSH; I PHlNTrctt* ^ The printer has no more reverence ffor persons than for creeds. Hef^s a , |"on?en'a^ levelec; he holds that no •IfUnn c«in be more than man, and that osfc men art> imtcli less. He habit- Uy speaks of the C*ar of all the Russians as Aleck Romanoff; the Em- ror of Germany as Old Dutch Bill; p|f the pope of Borne as an ancient - puffer. In his eyel, forms are pu«- Uitics, and etiquettes a sham. ^There not a grain of hero-worship in his imposition; he would not flatter eptune with his trident nor Jove tor Is power to thunder. He would ask h« Sultan of Turkey for a chew Of ;obacco;he would invito the grand lama to a game ot draw poker. Several years before Chief Justiqe 'aney's death the government print- jug office at Washington had occasion |o send him some proof slips of an important decision, and they were utrusted to a punter boy, who ap ared at the Judges office and before Hie Judge with, "la Taney in?*1 ••I presume you wish to see the chief Justice of the United States?" "I don't care a cuss about him, Tv« got some proofs for Taney/' "I am Hon. Roger B. Taney.* ^ "You're Taney,aren't yoiii** i**1 am Imt' 1 *m the Hon. j,|l«ger B.Taney." "Then tjie proofs are not for you," wl tlie unceremonious messenger ould have gone off with them if the udge had not admitted himself to be L'aney simply. ^ On a certain occasion Edward Ever- £"|itt visited the composing room of the Boston Advertiser at a late hour? to ~ tead a proof or a^ oration* which he 1»»d failed to see at an earlier hour.-- Extremely particular about his style lie was altering .sentences and making Additions while the forms were wait­ ing, which so irritated the foreman that he roared out, "Cut it short, Ev­ erett-- confound it, cut it short; there.s no time for patching up bad English." 86?"Only a few years ago John Bull sneered at any butter or cheese from Brother Jonathan's country as "tongh or strong," but now there is a steady and growing demand for American ^ Jfbeese and butter in,the English and ; Scotch markets, as there ts for Ameri- * ;#an meats. The annual consumption of Cheese in England is 3 JO,000,000 pounds :*>r ten pounds for each inhabitant, •J^hile in the United States it is only ^80,000,OOOJpounds, an average four ' llud a half pounds per head, v- v ' m it? * i g«M*r tdm-jii.i Why should a loving mother wait for the coming of the doctor to prescribe * remedy for that fearful Cholera-iin­ fantum, Croup, Colic or cramps with Ivhich her precioui child is suffering, When she can administer Dr. WiuclieMs Teething Syrup and at once give the child relief. One trial of this charm- lug syrup will make you ever its friend ind patron. Tins Syrup regulates the towels, keeps'the svsteni in a healthy Condition, prevents all pain and dis­ comfort arising from teething, and is fn old and well tried remedv. Sold by ill Druggi»is at oniy 25o a bottle. A good investment, better than loan­ ing money at one percent a minute, is g|o keep your Liver, Stomach and bow. ;3§ls •'* u healthy condition by the use of fCHert's Daylight Liver Pills. They '•|M11 restore you to health, impart new #igor to your mind, tone up your sys- ileut and give renewed pleasure1 to the ;.l°y8 °f lite. No medicine will effect* * |Mdly free the Liver from excess of bile #s thff»e 1'ilis, thus preventing Ague #nd Bilious Fevers. Sold by all Drug- Fast fltwning Steamboat aving been thoroughly repaired and fnrn: hed with a new *teel Boiler, is now making ,e«*uiar Trips between McHenry and the -a-toij as follows; _ Fridays and Saturdays will leave McHenry on the arrival of the trains from Chicago and the South. Mondays will arrive at Mellon ry in time for the 7:2£ a. M.traiu for Chicago. Faro 69 ceSts par head. * All other days In the week will be realty" trt' run on 20 minutes notice at rates according to uumoer. No pains will be spared to secure the accommodation of passengers, C. CRISWOLD, Captain. v.V-J1 The McHenrf Bhoi»V \v« »nit fitted up our Fresh and Salt Meats OF ALL KINDS, Swiiaje, Smoked Meats, &c„ 4T Tllii l4»w«st Llvimi l*rieQ«f *We buy none but tlie best of Mi*.tt,8, and >. fiAviiitf served our time tu mi« «>f the b«*t • ./Mark<*ls» in Chi. aso, llatter SH«rt.clte<* that w> i-au oiler our (instoiners Seats in better »lyii4 thau any other Shoi» io this Section. Thnkfiil tor |a«t favors we 'oMeit. a <,ou*tiu,. uaiu1,'! of the wuiic, and we will ^yi'^utiifi to * Haiisfy you botU »u quality and priea. * JOHNSB4iHCH MiLuea. . D E A L E R I N -- . . ) > { American aa4 Foreip Marie. Monuments, Headstone*, ETC., ETC., ETC. ' American & Scotch 6rani{^ Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mo- Henry, 111. Johnsburgh, Ang. SOth, 1877. The Place where yoa c«n btty alfo. l brand new AMERICAN OR With nil the loriest fetfpfnvenKSnts attd war- ranted, These are two of the best machines now in the market, and pexioua wi«hinK to bay should avail themsctf^i) of this Rare Chance, Call at my storbaml ekAmine fch*? ntac.hines. 0. W. Owen. McHenry, 111., July 16th, 1878. ^ rr CER^AM • FARMERS m$X: I am Agent for all the First-class Among which can be found tip Jolm P. Matin1r,-«c)Xcellcd|iy JIONI%-NEW LIGHT BUCKIYE, alter A. Wood) Mcudow ^ King and Peerless;. alt acknowledged the best in the World, and at Lower Prices than the LOWEST^ I . - Manufactured by F. MARCUS •^jDMAJjWU '<**4 mmmm; mmmjm r CIGARS f Woodstock, ' _T*»® best Tonic in tha world, Put tlfr lB Pint and Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS* Patentee, p" • y "g^ "ff "J I . & \ m. teoi i Carriage M A K E R . if!'% Shop opposite the Parker Hooso. % %>>!?;s JHeHeni^ ^|(Illinois* Having purchased and taken possession of these vy^ir known .Shops, I am now prepared;1 witif lirsfc class workmen and good material, to niauufaeture Wagons and Buggies on short notice and at as Low Prices as a good article can l»e pijrchaa.ed elsewhere. f 4-LHO DO A General Blacksmithing Business, and will do your work in the best of manner with fki least possible delay HORSE SHOEING 4 special ir. * i K. EJ 1'AIHl CJ Of all kinds prfer«ptls» att«n46d to. Oall am s«e fl»r yo^*,'•'i,'* es{ For a Siltkey Ilay Rake, you will not be disappointed in selecting any of the following: •* X can sell The Tiger Self Duiftp a,t $32.00, Furst & Bradley, " , V ( 32,00, Archer, <« ',, 4u>j ai .00. Also Hoi lings worth, |P|irst & Bradley, Orvis & Favorite Koikes, as hand chimps; All First-class in every respect, and at 0rjjat|y Reduced Prices. , ^ " For a 44 Bos**' PLATFORM SPRING WAGON, •;|| have. .tho:.... .. nd mproved Gear," which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne only A No. 1 wagon in the market. ^AE^IAGESr CARRIAGES. lean sell you a First-class Top Carriage for $80, and Warrant it for One Year, Who can afford to ride 111 an open bugsry when a CARRIAGE can be bought for those figures* Be sure and call, as we KNOW we .can make it to your interest to do so. v t3T*Everything soli on Its Merits. j|F|' Remember. |he Old Stand, op» posite the Mill, 3E2. M. Owen. •MCIIENRT, 111., July 22. is not easily oarned in those iimes, hut it iian bcumiltun tinee months by any one of^ith^r sex, in any part of. the country who is willing t,> \\o<>k fttfritdilv at the enf|\|oyinent that we furnish,-- «»i per week in your own tq\yn. You need not be a way from home over uiirht. . You ean gjvebyour wholcttmc to the work* or only yyur spare moments. We have airiuus- who are malting over (f!0 p,fr day. All who enirage at om«p can makemo„ey fast. At the present timeinqney r'anno t be niade so easily* and rsp. djj at any other business. It costs no thiug ?J'Iy ihe h«8in«8s. Terms ami fr> Outilt tree tddress at once, H. IIAIXKTT A CO, ̂ Portland Maine' The Thorongh Tfttd. Horse AMMADU S, Will ina|vP the SEASON of 1878 at MrHenry: ant( may be found at the Stables of Mr. A. Hanking, South s»Ule of the Public Sijuare. s Ammndus Is a bpautlfui rich bay, witlioni any white, excepting n small sjx»t in the fore­ head; stands 16 funds high, and weighsabout 1,200 pounds; was folded in 1871, and bred by Col. James A. Orimstead, .Lexington, Ky. Asnmadus was Siro<t l»y Bivoli, Kivoli by Revenue, and Revenue by Imp Trustee. Hivoli a Ham Topar, by Imp (jlencoe. Ani. mad us tlrst Dam, Nellie Gray, by Alexanders Lexington, , The al>ove pedigree la taken from Brnee'a American Stud 3ook. For the roconl of AWmhdns' perfortr.ancos on the, Turf, and aiso particulars as to price and terms ot service, which are reasonable, enquire of the undersigned, at the promises above named, Marcs from a distance cared for.vwith go<>d Misturagc, or stable with good hay &nd grain, at t-',00 per w««k. A««idents»or eaoaites the owsurs risk. ; W. II. IIANKINS, June 1st, 1878. Mclienrj, III. priiBBlI wous, ,«•{:'!In Woodgtock, ,*'.. We would announce to the people of Mc- Henry County and vicinity tfeat we keep a good stock of ^ y MARBLE AND GRANITE Monuments, Tablets, T^^le-Tops, Shelves, Etc. V which we would call yqup attention before buying elsewWe. We shall sell at B O T T O M P R I C E S . AI'I' 'VOltK Warr4ii|tetl First Class. - M. PECK A co. Woodstock. 111., May 1st, 187*. - ? 1878 x ' : f t . - ' . ; W " m - '• f.. / , , NEW frium , , -J . .„ ... »• t- S-J» fiMm mz.M ,4 t.TA.nfa .« j». V, _ € f t J J f * ' - M •> > * 1 'j** ' K*> 'It" -1 • V"7 •«»,f • •> * . fe+ -- •' will Kive money by examining our"St^ ek Ooodi ?befote V:;:; purchasing elsewhere, ' ' w «*/ Prints, Bleached <fe Brown Cottons, Cottonades, Tick­ ings Silki; CJashmereij Cambria, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds.'- Ill .Ready- Made Clothing, Boots, and Shoes, we will not be un­ dersold, q_tialit^^f;:vCk)ods considered, i..; • |^"Glotes and Hosieiy a Specialty* llitte Venetiai*, liigrain and Oil Cloth Carpetings. Alsa a Fulf Line of Family dtoceries. PERRY & MARTIN Mcl-teliry, May l»t, 1878. i, Bii. 4 J. STORY & j McHBTVBY, ILL. BK*tEES IX tJopflwopp foilq Wmnw BQUJTPQ IlUiUIVUill, iHUlli), OLUTUO, Mlipo, Sci^aorgf Shears* Table and Poeket Cutlery, SpaOeei, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axe?* Griiidstoiies. Window tflass, GRAN IT E-L RON AND TINWARE. ALSO, Furniture <fc Undertaking. We mnkn n specialty of UKDEIlTAKlNO, ant! all orders la titat line will /jcefcive prompt attention. . J. 8TC RY & SON. QOTTLEIB BOLEYr* S A L O O N RING'S AiVIBHOSIA Lansing's Block, Mclipnry, III. Open Day and Evening. Choice Wines, Liquors mid Ci«rurs al­ ways on hmid. Also the best Beer. . GOTTI,KffitWtEY. McHenry, 111., May.14. '78. •fc-y*>- p ' % ""4 9. TUoiupsos* •' , ' -4 Vi ^ j" .r Jl!., April tfrUURS. Jr i m ' '• ForsalI.:. ' A ftm-elasg Dray and Hamesg.' fe In good coiulitlnn and will b« *o\d cheap. ^w*y #, mm Atuuum, »uu aa, in, ij To Consumptives. flMIE advertiser, havinj? Wun penuanentlA X cure«l of Unat drean disease, ^oiihump- tf«n, by a wimple reuiwdv, in an\ioUn to make known toliin frllow-smihVrf rs |hi ' mearifs of cure. To all who desire it lie will scud a copy of the porscription used, (free oi'ch ir^e.) witSi the directions for preparing and using the game, which they.will itnrf a »ure cure lur Coneuir. ptton, Asthma,' Bronchitis, &f. Par­ ties wiHhirifr,tho pi-wneription, will flense ad- Aii ffi. '1 -iWiiitf iJianP* 4inr o u q #%• a: UJ CO IS o x 5C CO < FpH- BOOTS AND SHOE: .ill & it:i Madison .St., SUEL, COOK Sl SEIXAS, Miinufrs and Whoh!*!tle Dealers. ••••>) Don't fail, to examine Coods and Prices when in Chicago, stock Ne*v and ttiNight tor Uasii. Great in- •lucenii 'ntM to Citsh Huver«. U.K. Bi ki., l .ate with M. Selz ft. Co. JJ ( i . I,, TOOK, 1 l.ate ot Whitney, Iti. Siit.\As, I Cook & Co., N. Y. Ucan inakii inpnay faster at work for ustlian at anything elsp. Oauhal not re<juired; we wii' . start you. fl ' i per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys aiid girl* wanted everywhere to work for'us. N<. w 1h the lit^o. - Costly. outllt-and termn ftecj, -VddVess TKL"E ft Oo., .Vugifta, Maine. V RESTORES GR.\Y HAIR IX) 1TB •ORIGE'N'AL CQtOR. *vv -utt-t, K.' •. •S<V -'.'AS- y-A'. W / > ^ • ' • WS'W i ; N E C f W f J l w Irimg'S Hy0 I • CWe» Jfttmip, 1 I AMD •: ^ 3 . g;. X-'| '$>*>41 | Itching' of tlid Scalp. P ./£•;<• ;i p.« y;:] burfii, X. a week in vtxur own \* (if free. X<> rli»k. IiW | want a business at wjjaut •ither sex cm uiakur lie time tliev work/ I iculars to if IIAl. 'l llfine. $R Out. •, -f you •arsons of ij>ay all or paiv «*., Port. V i R I ^ G S A M B R O S I A ! Prevents Be-ldueas, | And fruuwilji causes N«wJ Hair 1 to orcnv on Said placss. SOLS- BY DRUGGISTS And WEHCHANTS Cver^whero Pnce tea Mar per B t̂ie. ̂ E.M.TU B B S »CO Sold by COLBY pROTHEMS" M<<II<M1VV, 111. C. & N :-.:-»4jcneA ' *; r.s; ; I••• ."" THE CHICAGO ft NORTH.WESTERN ftAILWAT ' Embraces under one .management the Greftl Trunk Railway Lines of the WEST and NORTH-WK8T, and, witb its nnmeroni Branches and connections, forms the shortest and quickest route between Chicago and all pointain Illinoia, Wisconsin, Northern MlcS8« " gan, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska. California and the Western Ten itories. Its Omaha and California Lint Is the shnHest ftild boift r«utp T)etween Chica< go and all point" in *!orthcv;, luwa* Nebraska, l)akota, Wyotnib#, Coolrado, Utak. Nevada, California, Oregon, China, Japan and Australia! Its Chicago, St. Paul A Minneapolis Line< Is the short lino between Chicago and all points in Northern Wisconsin ahd Minnesota* And tor Madison, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Da* luth, and all points ih the Great ivorthwettr It* ; > LaOjrolMt "Winaha ft 8t. P«t*r tine IsTthe be^t route between Chicago ancl Crosse, \\ inona, lt«>ch«tster, Owntonna, Mtih*, kato, St. Peter, New -tflm and all points III • Southern and Central Minnesota. Its Greeh Bay 4 Marquette Una 'Is theonlv line between Chicago and Janefl*/ villc,.Waturto\vn,. Foil du lac, Oshkosh, Ap plet.on. (ireen IImv, Escanaba, Negating, r Marquette, Houghton, Hancock and the Last Superior Country. Its Freeport & Dubudue Litis " Is the only route between Chicago and ElgiMk"- liocktord, Freeport and .111 joints yi.n i'reE- porti Its Chicago & Milwaukee Line Is the old Lake Shore Itoute, and is the onil > R one passing between Chicago itnd Kvnnstdw Lake Forest. Iliglilnnd Park, vraukegaii llacine Kenosha and Milwaukee. ~ ' Pullman Palace Drawing RodM Car 8 are run on all through trains on ttits rond. This" is the ONI,Y LINK running thas® ct#i? between Chicago and rtt. Paul and MintfiK^ apoli^, Chicago and AlilwauKee4 f:luC,aKo aiitl Winona, or ('h.ior.go and 'iri-eu hav, Close con nee ti««n s a re »?»adO at Chicago with ^ the l.iVke shore and Aiiclugan Southern, Mloli- igan Central, Raltimore and Ohio, Pittsburg. Ft. \Vayiie; ft Chicago^ Kankakee Lino anq Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH-EAST, and witlithoChicugo and Al« ton and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with tSlf Union PaciUcR. It., at Omaha for all far Well points. t Close connections made at junction poinift with trainsof all cross points. * Tickets over this route are sold bv all Cat* pon ticket agents In the United State* and Canada. Remember you f»»k for your tickets vl<i the Chicago ft North\test«*rh Railway and take none rfthers. New York Office, No. 4)t> Broadway; Bostdb Oflice( No, 5 State Street; Omaha Office, 24» Farnham Street; San Francisco Office, M Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket OITlrejs, 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 78 Canal, corner .Madison Street; Kinzie Stroet Deijot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Street#] Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or information not attainable froMt your home ticket Agents, apply to MARVIN HUGttlM ticncralSu pt. *?. H. STl NNEttf iion'l Pa«se:.ger Agei Fox River R. BISHOP, Propriety. '*1 '-&&L McHenry - - - - lltlnolft CJOySTANTLJ PN |UAKDr . ' • " <JT> ... CUSTOM Done t»rompt\y, and satisfaction guarantee^ Having jnst put in a ne>v Feed Stpn^, capable of grinding sixty btit hois of Feed per hour. I Rtn rtn?^paiid ctoi® W§ tice. •. f, for goilf Millibg Wheat. R. BISHOP* - 'ifc. ~ McHenry UK, Dee. ijtiiy '•* ~~ % F. G. MAYES, PS4HSE HI*- To restore and keep soft and plirtble yoar harness, apply Uncle Sain'» llnr- uess Oil, $»pld by all iiarue^s uiftHtirs Ee^dy-Made, dotting, Invites the public to an in- Sspection of his uewly purch^sc4 l^'Prices to suit the tifn<f, turn (jfoods repr^ seated, « sV' k : t; ^Cutting Done M Usu ̂ Store One Door Kortli Colby't) Drug Store McHenry, IU„ April 18th, »7«. 'Errors of Youth. Ul'IXTLEMAN who Suffered for yean lY from Nervous Debility, Premature 'O®.* cay, and all tl\e effects of youthful indis«'r». ' tion will, for the sake of suffering humanity send free to all who need it, the recipe anil direction for making the simple reuuVlybj "t\ v,'liich he was cured. Sufferers wishing t» > pro^t by the ailviser's e\}ierience ceindusCi by addressing in perfect coniidenc JOHN B. OGDKN p»d*R at., n«W I. . )

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