Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1878, p. 5

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z:$ssm '-"l A* s:'fz*-.L§:'Z?«t I?". "T. i :-i43m , . tr 4sy^U^'?~ ^ 4 '"* j'ff4*fcSr JJeJeiFy jHtiitoiler. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4th, 1878. * • | Railroad Time Table. V1 J OOIKO SOOT*. ^'^S^ilQeaeva Laki Passenger.... .1M A.*M. Genera Like Exsreu 9JIA.II. Geneva Lake Freight .1:16 *.*. Geneva Lake Through Freight.......8 :sOr. m. OOIKO BOBTH. ^Geneva Late Thronsrh Freight 4:50 A. if. |Ueiim l<>ke Freight 10:00 A. M. IGcaeva l.nke e,x press V:<9p. it. l&CMva Lake Pas*en«er 7:03 p. M EDSON BRRSEE is improving his resi­ dence by the erection of* Piazza in front of the E«*t Wing, Knife Plaiting m*de to order, also Knife Platters for sale at Mm. Salis­ bury's. : V , ' H. E. WIOHTMAJI has added to his Livery a fine new double Carriage.--- 'Hank" has now some as good Tigs as can be found In the county. THE Dundee Band favored our citi- isens in the vicinity of the Depot with some excellent tiiwlc on Friday,while, their wav to GeneviTLake. PRINTING was discovered four hun­ dred and thirty-four years ago, but what we want to And is the man that has learned hew to run a newspaper to sviit everybody. EX-MARSHAL HOLMES has left at this office a Bean Pod that measures 23 inches in length and contains sev­ enteen perfect Beans. We call that 4*some Beans.*1 ! WE learn that Prof. Nodal, Teacher In Chioago Metropolitan Musical College, will deliver % lecture.on Elo­ cution in the Methodist Church, in this village on Friday evening next, Sept. 9th. Admission Free. R. BISHOP shipped this week twenty- live of the celebrated Bishop Wagons to Minnesota. Mr. Bishop has uow commenced manufacturing Wagons on quite a large scale, and will undoubt­ edly largely increase hi* facility* the coming season. THE Republican District Conven­ tion, for the purpose of nominating two candidates to represent this Dis­ trict in the House of Representatives^ has been called to meet in this village on Tuesday, September 17th. McHen- ry County is entitled to 32 delegates and Lake County to 17. • THE Red Ribbon Club willbold their next meeting at the Universalis! Church, in this village, on Thursday evening* Of this week, Sept. 5th at which time O. H, Gljinore. of Wood­ stock, ^p^-otther speakers will be-ftrw- ent and address the meeting. The meeting? will be held regularly each week thereafter. , ? 'REV. F. MANFOKD. of Chicago. will preach in the Universalist Church, in this village, on Saturday evening next, Sept. 7th, at 8 o'clock, and on Sund:ty morning, at 10| o'clock. ^Mr. Mansford Is jm able and eloquent speaker, and It is^ppejil lie will have a good congre­ gation. He will also speak Alt Wood­ stock on Sunday evening. * , „ ' . . 1. ., 4 . THE Pickle Factory at tills place Is noSy -doing an immense business, taking in from ten tofifteen hundred bushed of cucumbers per day, and with the ad- a>Utt*e'VJuri ntpje tfc*n that for a few weeks to ropje, . -Vi&e /shall visit tlie .Fav-tdry in * v igw'tf'a'j t a-ud g»Vt irtf' •r'fcit.Jei'iR 'Suiiie: Idea of the amoUitc of business "being done there this season, f. A. KESARS? has shown us a sample of long Blackberries, of the Klttiny variety, grown In his garden, that beats anything we ever saw. They were as large as good sized hickory nuts, and so plump and luciottt that it almost made our mouth water to look at them. They are a variety which we think It would pay to raise in tbifi section. • BURIN*} the Exposition the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad will sell round trip tickets to Chicago, on the days named below, for $2.35, including a ticket of admissiou to the Exposi­ tion , September 2d, 3il,4th, good ui.- taaej>te<irt>er 0th: September 10th, and 11th, good until Sept. 16th. Oct. 14th, 15th, and 16th, good until Oct. 21. Remember these rates are only for the days mentioned above. THE Party for the benefit of the Fox River Base Ball Club on Friday evening last was attended by a'bout forty couples, and proved a most en- joya&e affair. The music was the best, the.scupper by mine host Wightman, coulil not have beeu surpassed, and everything passed oft in the most hap­ py manner. All who attended were unanimous in the wish that we might have many more such parties in the fu­ ture; THE preparations for building an addition to the Ice House of Shedd & Go., in this village, is progressing fav­ orably, and will be pashed to comple­ tion In time insecure the crop of Ice the com lug "Winter. The addition will be the same size as the present build­ ing, viz: one hundred and fifty feet square, comprising live sections, which will make a mammoth building. Shedd & Co. aire live business men, and with the extensive busiuess now fully established in this village, wiU be A great benefit to oui inhabitants. THE Greenbackers have advertised * Grand Mass Meeting, to be held at Woodstock, on Thursday, September 12th, at which time Gen. S. F. Cary, the gre#t Greenback Champion, will speak on the Financial question of the day. Gen. Cary is an eloquent speaker and no One who wishes to hear a good speech, whether they believe in the views advocated by him or not, should fall to hear hint. ' Remember the day and date, Thursday, Sept. 12th, at Woodstock. Meeting to commence at 2 o'clock P.M. P. D. SMITH returned from Kansas on Friday last and reports himself so well pleased with that part of the country that he has concluded to remove his stock of poods from thit village, and will settle in Osborn City, Kansas. J. M. Smith, formerly in the" Hardware business, will accompany, him as a part­ ner, and they inform us intend to get away on or about the 20th of this month. The Smith Bros, are old resi­ dents here, and they will be missed, both in a business and social point of view, and they will carry with them in their new home the best wishes of this entire community. - - . -- -- -- PKKSCNAL. - • H. D. Luff, of Chicago, spent Sunt ay in this village. D. L. Jones, of Waukegan, made our sanctum a call last week. Miss Sue Choate, has been spending a few days in this village, visiting with Miss Mamie Owen. Miss Jennie Beers, eldest daughter of Dr. E. A. Beers, has gone to Chicago to commence a three years course of Music Lessons. C, A. Knight and wife, of Chicago, were in this village during last week. Ed" Potter, of Richmond, shed thf _ light of his countenance in our sanq- turn on Tuesday. A. Anderson, of Seneca, father of Dr. E. V. Anderson, of thl„s village, was in McHenry on Tuesday, BASK HALL The Fox River Base Ball Club, played a game with the NundaClub, in till* village on Friday last, which resulted iir another victory for the McHenry boys by a score of 20 to 7. The game was much better played on both sides than their former games here, and was very interesting throughout, not a word of dispute arising during the entire game. And this is as it should be. Mctlenry takes commendable pride iu her Base Bail Nine, and while they -only wish a fair deal, will always take It In the best of nature, whether defeated or not, if only accorded a "fair deal." This they have always received at the hands of the -Nunda Nine, and between these two clubs the best of feeling prevails. Below we append the score in full: ytutDA'i FOX StVKRS K Diifrgioer <3 J. Going .4 OstrainTer 4 Al>l*»tt S Thuriwell...... | Hyatt... Mayo .... F«>ole .... Itowley..... Cotton ...:, Giles ..U.".. Butler Parsons. B O ..e 4 ..s 8 0 ..1 2 . 1 4 ..0 4 i ..e • 3 . . 1 9 7: 97 •& WOODSTOCK. EBITOR PLAINDKALER:--It It useless for us to occupy space in your columns describing our Convention Saturday last, as you were present in person your readers will get all the particu­ lars in your report. It is sufficient to state the Hurlbut men went home hap­ py. Boone too gives her vote to Gen. Hurlbut, while at this writing not enough has been heard from DeKalb and Kane to decide how they have gone. The Gen. and his friends have this to console them. It was here where the fight commenced two years ago. li was here his enemies fought the most zealously, here were they de­ feated in convention two yettrsago and now are they defeated again. And the PLAINDEALER has this to congratulate itself, viz: It was the newspaper that was in sympathy with the people on thi« question. Vive ikI PLAINDEALER. Our Woodstock Kearney has spokeu out a second time in the Democrat on the subject. Well, Brown furnishes the real Kearney with brains and our Kearney furnishes the Democrat* This week our people go to re-tme with the 95th at Harvard, pn Wednes­ day the 4th. Last week while our citizens were picnicing three houses were burglar­ ized. The extent of the robberies WQ have not learned. Many of our citizens proppse- to At­ tend the Fair at Marengo on one of the four days, viz: 10th,llth, 12th and 13th inst. Those steel grayi of Caskey's at­ tracted much attention and received many compliments from the people in attendance at our Convention on Sat­ urday. In Caskey's hands with his nice turnout they show to good advantage. mi ' NUN OA- EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--Ml«i Nina Darby is sick with Typhoid Fever un­ der the care of Dr. Ballou. Mrs. Malcom Smith has returned from Kansas and they are now keeplrg house In the Geo. Darby residence. G. W. Horn's Drug Store has put on a new appearance, and after <thi* will bevknown as the Red Front Drug Store The cucumber men are longing for rain. Some say the lice have com­ menced work on their fields and ex­ pect they will soon use them up. L M. Hjiljory will return from Michi­ gan this week, he having sold out there and you know how it is yourself. Ira egu't live away from Pa and M«. He has tried it many times but will soon­ er orJater (and'generally «oi»ner). re- tnrn.- ' Our Public school has been post­ poned for two weeks to gife the child­ ren a chance to pick vueumberar y It looks as though the old men are lu danger of becoming infatuated, Owen WalMh 1 Van Slvke 1 u. : ' i S O 2 7 I ; • 8CORE OF IKSIWGS. 1 t » 4 5 « 7 8 FOX RLVSRS -0 I 8 #5 0 8 6 4 NUNDA 1 0 10 0 2 18 In our remarks last week in relation to the second game played with this Club, we inadvertantly made a mis­ take, in relation to the game, but as ). were, • ;d^|^t . constficr ourselves t-xvu.-ed i<|eaV^r^iijt,;t<i ••doc' EDITOR PLAINDEALER The follow­ ing are the names of the scholars, that have not been absent for the last month ending Aug. 30ih, 1878: Emina Rowley, Lizzie Flanders, May Parks. Mary Dohertv. Etta Powers, Rio Mack, Ella Powers, Julia Powers, Welcome Beckley, Mortle Gilbert. * Thfc following are t^ie names of those who have had perfect lessons for the same time: Emina Rowley, Lizzie Flanders. Maude Mack, Etta Powers. Ella Powers, Julia. Powers, Edith Westfall, Mollie tlolpoinbe, Mortie "Gilbert. True Flanders. Marion Peck. The following are the names of those who have not whispeted: Lizzie Flanders, Emma Rowley, May Parks, Julia Powers. Molile Holcombe, Maude Mack, Rio Mack, Etta Powers, Ella Powers. Gordon Bpckley, Louie Goff. John Powers, Edith We>tf«ll, Marlon Peck. The following is the Spelling report for the same time: Emma Rowley, 600; Lizzie Flaitd« rs. 500; May Parks. 500} Etta Powers. 500; filla Powers.* 2-500;a True Flanders,8-420; Maude Mack. 320; Welcome Beckley, 10-600; Mortte: Gilbert. 27-500; l.rcr A. Tf Af.t. Teacher New Stock of Cloths. ReK<lv-M:v<le Clothing. &c.. for the- Fall trade just received at I*auer Jk :near the Depot. ^ ' • "• v*-. ,v! The b *Kt Ten in Mc l^nry trJiO ct|J per pound. Try it. Sohi by r itzsiiit*, iiimii' A Evansons. i - It I« >»<*ttHi to Ian^'I t'I:IH be crying; motives «tft«*u fail to enjny t»»e dfliglifti «f a ii»p{>y lau^f'iiujj liaievv liecaiwe t.I»r M#4 I jn'^jtiilioi* -or skej>tici*'« tin'y r 't-i-i' i•> "^li•*V ) it* st•» u i.! i of acidity, ity «- tig Dr. Winchers lV.'tl|- iii^ Syrup wiiic^Wpuckly cur^s the colic p;iins and ,jivei* rest t»i the darliugt Dr. Winciiell's Fee thing Syrup p.roj duces natural sleep and tiie child will awake clear and refreshed, also it regu» 'hite^.the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising frotn teeth- iug or other causes. Sold by mil &wg* gists, 25 cts a bottle. CmcAtip MARKETS---From tiie Jour­ nal of Tuesday evening: Wheat w»s less active but steadier, and No. 2 Spring closed at 89Jc. cash or seller September, and 89J@89|c, seller Oct.-- Corn was easier for present but firmer lor future delivery, and No. closed at 36£@36§c. cash or seller the mouth, and 37|(§38c.seller October. Oats were in fair demand, but J@Jc.Jower. and No* 2 closed at 20c. cash for September and 21 |c October. Rye was firm at 47c. for No. 2. Barley was again strong and 6@7c. higher, and No. 2 closed at 01.15 &:v- Itfo ri 1«r mto rsf a d-^ 5Jbl6 '>U'0g' *'k i f il lu. »i u»'!( itii-d i.-,'j.j-c.d at $9.05@9.lO cash, and |8.12i#8,)6 sel­ ler October. Beef cattle were dull and only a few lots were takeu by city butchers at f2.65@3.40 sor common to good cows. Shipping lots were en­ tirely nominal. Hogs were quiet and weak, with sales at 83.09@4.75 for com­ mon rough to extra smooth assorted lots. SOLON. .. , x; KDITOS T PLAINDEALER:--Sfr. and Mrs, Monroe, formerly residents of this place, have been speuding a portion of the past week with their old neighbors, and in their hasty review of the past, have brought to memory many little transactions Which time had almost obliterated. J. Haider man hits sold out his interest In the Threshing-machine to A. Huff­ man, who is now the sole proprietor. The Union Sunday School picnic held In Mr, Craines grovo lastv Saturday, was largely attended, by scholars end teachers from the schools of*Washing­ ton, Spring Grove and Solon. The order of the day were swinging, feasting and singing. All who attended were ap­ parently satisfied, that they had had another good time. That favorite pet of Jack's, the mountain goat, becoming disgusted with the actions of its muster, since town caucus, determined to leave the ranch, and spent last Sunday in Solon, undoubtedly thinking if one would not be called a lobbyist they must fcvold being seeu with£he lobby's. <» O. Bishop, has put in a deep well |iump for Mr. Hornby 105 feet from the nozzle down, which beats anything we have ever seen of the kind. A child eight years old pumps water with ease, ami Mr. Bishop says he can put one In 800 feet with the same result. Our quiet streets were disturbed last Friday evening by one of our peace making citizens wishing to strike CiiG of the rufi scuffs of the place. This same ruffian has been blatlng around the streets for some time, trying to make a disturbance with some one, and has undoubtedly 6aid. and done enough to warraut him a good beating, but we think lie Is not accountable for his actions, as God has deprived him of any reasoning faculties, and being backed up Into mischief by that other spindle shanks, the public ought to overlook all that he says and dqes. Such men ought however to be watch*d, for we heard the remark the other day. "It is cheating the gallows to let him run at large." RlNGWOOO EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Our village Is still Improving. Only a few weeks ago a new Blacksmith* shop was opened, and in the past week a new Paint Shop has followed, and there i« some talk of another shop being opened of which we will give the details an soon as It is settled. Ringwood has the best farming land around i t in the Northwest, Is well located for business, and we are now having eight trains a day which gives us coiumlnicatlons every few hours with Chicago, Our young afnl enterprising mer­ chant, J. E. Vasey, has ornamented his store with a new sign, which looks weli at a distance. Silas Ing< sol is now getting plenty of work in Ins paint shop. He Is said to be a good workman. Our Public School opened on Monday with prospects of a large Attendance of pupils from the surrounding towns, and from Lake couuty. Under the guidance of such an efficient teacher as Mr. Nickle, they must progress in the diflerent branches of study which he teaches. Uncle Amos Dodge and wife start for the East this week to visit their old home, and once more to view the '^ld-fiillJ'Wv^ViJ&uut^tH05.p!ii.ceoftSeir !duiariuy<l|»:.i;ear8- a go.;- ^hevgaod io?: t!<0 .5 c»imm>a!ty .go with them. : ' ;/ Kev. J. H. Bacon, of Solon, preached a very able discourse on Sunday list to our people. Richmond Department. Mat tie, don't work so hard for Bry. Everybody says you can't catch him. Spencer Cotting has given two acres ot land, beautifully situated, as a site for the $500b High School building to be erected next Spri ig. I don't propose to say auything only as a warning. Don't shoot the doves of your neighbors little boy. It won't pay whether you are a ralulster or lay­ man. Utter, of the Gazette, was a good Hurlbot man two hours before the cau­ cus, but his inasfcr, Ward, went up and told hi in what lie must do, and he played Into the hands of the Lathrop crowd. Now, I suppose, If Ilurlbut i* nominated he will want some more pap. Not if Stephen knows himself. Thank God, the people of Mctlenry Co. had sense enough to go for a man of brains and character, for Congress, Instead of the Imbecile, played out, do nothing, *'nice man," Lathrop. For God's sake give us a little brains in our Congressman. Johnny Vjse says that Jim. AJdrlch believes that Dr. S. F. Beunet Is the PLAINDEALER correspondent from Richmond. So It goes. The author­ ship of the Richmond articles has been attributed to more than a do*en dif­ ferent individuals. Men and women have been accused. Well, think what yon please. When you find out, you will be surprised--but you won't find out. Jhu. hasn't openeii Eh? and Painting, Telegraphy* Bam! Music, Ac..competent instructors hate been secured, and students can rest ae* stired that the best instruction will be given in those branches. The course of study will be given next week, so that those who contemplate attending a school which will offer better induce­ ments than tbe common school can, shall see for themselves what tiie cur­ riculum it, and judge for themselves*-- Arrangements have been made for a lecture upon some scientific subject every Juonuay evening ot the suuooi year. The list of lecture** I will give next week. Should there be any stu­ dents in McHenry who propmes to go away from home for Instruction I would advise them to Investigate what advantages the Richmond High Skrftool otters, before they go to diatant and more expensive points. .Look out for next week. There Is an "h" with seventeen I's coming. . A Bitsiaiess Notice* P:inhibition CongreuloMl Convention. In furtherance of the plan of the Eigin Convention, held July 23d, 1878. a Prohibition Convention for the Fourth Congressional District will be lie led in Belvidere, Tuesday, Septem­ ber 10th. at one o'clock P. M.. to nomi­ nate a candidate fot Congress, and transact such other busifl»>ss as may properly come before the Convention. The basis of representation will be the total vote for Congressman in 1876, and one delegate will be allowed for each five hundred votes-cast., and one delegate for each major fractional part 'thereof so cast. This will give the nutiiber of delegates as follows. Kane. County .£1. 17 Winuebstgo Count ]2 McHenry County,,',,y»............., i* DeKalb COUIIty, . .*.X.'t........ 10 Boone County,..... 5 We would recotninen'd fliat the friends of this movement meet at their respective Countv Seats, Saturday, September 7th. at 10 o'clock 4. M., to appoint delegates to this District Con­ vention. Let the County Committees see that their Counties are fully itepre- sented. 4AMRS LAMOWT J. C. STOCOHTO*,; A STKVBN8, JS,' M. CULVEB, [ Ooa. Con. NHjfr Goods arriving daily at Fitz- siinmotis & Evan son's. - Call and make a selection ^Wlt of Fifty Plows, at E, Qjfven's. 4 Old v'tine Carriage left, out Of Four teen two month.* h^o, at E.M.Owen's. GOODS at cost ANY below, to close out, at P. D. Smith'^. near the Depot. At Colby Bros, yfrn 'can always find the latest styles of Dress Goo<J». From all parts of tiie country reports come of the immense sales and increas­ ing demand for that deservingly pop­ ular Sewing Machine. The Old and Reliable, "STANDARD." the price of Which the proprietor- have wisely re­ duced to #20. including all the attach­ ments, and at once secured for them a popularity among the people, far be­ yond that ever yet attained by any other machine at any price, the conse­ quence of which is. agents are leaving the old high priced machines, und seeking territory for the "STANDARD." Knowing from experience that with the best goods at the lowest price they can outsell all other Machines, where tiie superior quality and low pric** is made known. This spjendid machine combines all the Improvements. Is far ahead of all others in beauty and durability of its work,ease of manage­ ment, light running and certaiuty of operation, is sensibly made upon sound principles, with positive Work­ ing parts all steel, and can be 6i»fely pnt down as tiie very perfection of a Serviceable Sewing Ma^hiue, in every particular, that will outlast any Ma­ chine, and at a price far down below any other. It is thoroughly warran­ ted for five years. Kept iu order free of charge. And sent to any part of tiie Country for examination by the customer before payment of the bill.-- We can predict equally #s large a de­ mand for them in this section as in others. Families desiring the best Machine manufactured should write direct to the Factory. And enterpris­ ing persons wishing to seize the chance should apply for so desirable an agency. See advertisement in another part of this paper. Address, Stand­ ard Machiue Co., Cor. Broadway and Ciiuton Place, New York. We have just added to our Stock ef Boots and Siioes a full line ofiiaud sewed Beloit Shoes, to which we In­ vite inspection. Every pair warranted VITZH1MMON0 & EVAMSOM. Examine Courtland two different W agons at E. M geared , Owen' 1 Artificial Teeth only |8 per set, at Dr Rioe's office, Riverside House!# * The Inst Gasette make^ ittart-1 ling statements--some that might bear I investigation. For instance: In a puff of the residence of one of our out-of the-village-citlzens, it says of Capt.Tryon. "At first he did not no­ tice us, so engaged was he pouring into Shakespere's works, but the sound of our voice startled htm; he awoke as from a deep slumber, and gave us a hearty welcome.'* Now^ what on earth can Shakespere's works i>e composed of so as to admit of Capt, vTrynn's "pouring In?" Again, what dldhepodrf Was it whisky, milk ©r red ribbon pop? Please explain. The County Convention has oome and gone, and the two belligerent Richmond delegations were not able to "bust'1 said Convention. That there were valid arguments In favor of both delegations is evident from the fact that the Committee on credentials voted 7 to 7 on the admission of the Hurlbut delegation; and when It came before the Convention, with a plain state me ut of facts, the Lathrop dele­ gation was admitted, though It was through a mistake- In the declaration of the vote of one of the towae which intended to vote for HtirlhiH, uui, Y/m erroniously recorded as voting fl"or Lathrop. The claims of the two dele­ gations were presented by Dr. S. F. Bennett and G.P. Wodell, respectively. RICHMOND HIGH SCHOOL. I have been handed four pages of the Catalogue of the Richmond High School and from them I get the follow- lug facts: 1. That the Trustees <*f the iichool are Harmon Cole, S. F. Bennett, Robt. Johonhett, J. R. Hyde, Q*S. Utter aud D.A.Potter. 3. That the Faculty arefollows: -Jul ;• Ira. IVyo'ti, Telegraphy; Harriet Reed, Painting and Drawing; Clara E.Stevens,. Assis­ tant on Piano; Win. Spaulding, Cornet and Sisd Music; A. M. Bacon, Elocu­ tion. • 8. That the Calendar for the ensu­ ing year is as follows: Sept. 18, 1878, First Term begins. Oct. 28, Examina­ tion of candidates for 2d Music Prize. Dec. 20, Concert of Music Class. Dec. 20, First Term ends. Vacation two weeks. Jan. 8,1879, Second Term be­ gins. Mar. 28, Concert of Music Class. Mar. 28, Second Term ends. Vacation one week. April 7, Third Term begins June 23, Last Lecture of ttye -Course.-- Jur.e 24, Rhetorical Exercises. June 25. Grand Contest for the Piauo Prise.' June 26, Commencement. June 28 Union of Alumni. . . The Committees on Annual Exami­ nation are as follows: County.8upt. of< Racine, Kenosha and Wahvftrth Co's. Wis.; County Supt. of McHenry, Kane, Winnebago, DeKafo and Boone Co's., Ills.; Jiev. F J Douglass, Genoa, Wis.; Wm M Clarke, Richmond, Ills.; Wm Griffith, Wilmot, Wis.; Rev W Pattl- son, Solon, Ills.; S. D. Baldwin, Mc­ Henry, Ills.; Prof. Wood, Woodstock, Ills.; Rev R K Todd, Woodstock, Ills.; Mrs B F Stanley, Richmond, Ills.; Mrs J R Hyde, Richmond. Ills.; Mrs Henry Ehle, Woodstock, Ills.; Mrs J Becker, Genoa, Wis.;Mrs Jas Greer, Richmond, Ills.; Mrs J P Norton. Ivanhoe, Ills.; Mrs S F Bennett, Richmond, Ills.; Rev J S Cox, Richmond, Ills.; Hon J M Gregory, Regent Ills. Industrial Uni­ versity, Champaign; 8 M Etter, State Supt Public Instruction. It Is to be stated *hatjthe Richmond High School offers to stndenta all the facilities necessary to a young man or woman for the junior , year in Col­ lege, if a classical course be contem­ plated ; or to fit the student for the tual and ^ctive business of life, Tf desires to take the Commercial course. Is the departments of Mueio, &r*wiag For a nohby suit, go to Lamr 4 Beckers, near the Depot. IF In search of Bargains call at the store of P.D.Smith, near the Depot School Books and Writ tag PaMr Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. Stop at E. M. Owen's and see new tbti Geared Cortland Wagon. Millinery! Millinery! Great Reduction in Millinery at Mr*. 3. Searles, McHenry. THE Eureka Tree and Post Hole Digger. Call at E. M. Owen's and set one. The best thing In the asarket, and sold cheap. FOR SALE. , Two full Blood Durham Yearling! Bull Calfs,fit for use. • J. FLVSKT. | MHNf !"S SAVE money by buying goods at D. Smiths. He Is going West and will; sell at cost and below, to close. Dr. Jaques German Worm Cake# stand unrivaled as a worm medlciue.---^ Give them a trial. Sold by all Drugn, gists. * CLOAKS!CLOA* S! , ^ Mta. 8. Searles Is now offering l>e*'- i < cided Bargains in Cloaks and Maiiitle^ > ;7 in Silk, English Diagonals and Mate* lasses, Cashmere, &c. 7^-- v> A fine lot of Zephyr and Card Boards!, J£o\r^v,id" • ,f " n PUMPS. ' • \V A large Stock of Adams celebrate# Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and at loweet prices, at E« M. Owea'a#.--; --f"; FOR SAL IS. Half interest in a Buffalo Pitta, Horse Power Threshing Machine^ Almost as good as new. WlM be cheap. For particulars Inquire at office..v ••Economy is. She road to wealth fifty cent# worth of Uncle Sam's Bar*' ness Oil applied to your old harneei^ will make the leather look llh* and keep it soft and pliable. JOB, WIKDKMANN now keeps Falk's Milwaukee Export Bottled which Is the finest made, pvt Patent Bottles, and will keep i and nice. Will be furnished by do$&u or single bottle. WAIT FOR THE WAGOH. We are how offering one of our «it»i brated Lumber Wagons, with top BOX] Steel Spring seat, Whiffietrees, II Yoke and stay chains, all complete, $50. Warranted for one year. K. BISHOP. Ward off Ague, Bilious flrvef ail many other ills, by taking a few doa«| ' of EHc:fs Daylight Liver Pills. Ha*®-./ you know i'o.^t, tmud III at ease, *; ~ bCldCiii A*ce 'fiucn ^;u? , T'isss :u. -,1" v coa'.^ i '-ils • 111 Sh* and you v.tfll Again. ' " ' ^ f «• .>" ' "PARTICULAll^HCiS. AH persons knowing thesasehret debied to P. D. or J. M. Smith. confer a favor by calling and settll the same without delay. Our must be settled and closed within next 10 days. Do not delay. P."B, WITH, J. M. SMITH. JKcHenry IU., AUG, eth, 18ft. Thousands of dollars are saved every year by progressive fa mere who soon discover the sreai val^ ue of freely using Uncle Sam's Condi* tion Powder in the feed of their atoekjgr' It restores the sick, Increases tbe beMpr ty. and usefulness and promotes Sold bv all Druggists. ^ ** J.. ad- he FOR SALE. 40 Acresof land in Section 12, fenced. 'Also 80 acres of land, wl ' Sdbfl house and barn thereon, with er and water In abundance, in 22. •Also my homestead, do the Lake and Nunda road. house, barn and other oat Apply to JOH* "Time is money" wealth source of consuming care, hi happiness; consumption tmj foe revels in neglected ooldsf and for your cold, MMK,' catarrh •*: any bronchia) oomplelnt nee jfclleftwp Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry ssl be cured. Sold by all Drnggista. ' AN UNDEXfilLE Tl Yon deserve to auflbr, lead a (oi^erable, unsatli this beautiful W»rl4§it fe< own fault and -tlMite ss <Msl for you.---your naiinsfnn and Bkepticiso^-frblfh'hat kill ands. Persottal lu|iHr|idge sad moti sesise reasonw* will you that. Green's August cure you of Liver C«>mplaint,e#J pepsia, with all its misex "* such as sick headache, the stouiache, tiveri«M, "dizziuese-'of the OU& pjro»tr»tudn, low spirits,e|iy; ealet fMXW veaeh every town Western €bntin«nt and not a P but wl»*<ieH yen ef Its. wondel You can buy a Sample Bott cents. Three <k)SC» trill fnM ,,e 11 hal L

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