Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Sep 1878, p. 8

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« . wu * ~rr • ^ w™ . Wi m >• ** f' >, * ' TISF*: N ^•;t: Sis Pil3PfS!W?t'P?'S^ff 1IOW A nHAKBMAN SAVlCD A UFB. ^ One day la»t w«ek Majar Rube wm coming to Utile* dravrtaqr w />Vtn^i^lth the W, A&%»& Just a? he approached one of the small /4 stations lirtfe';S*W tl*e foreman «Jf a no^ * tion gang standing sideways In the middle of a passenger track, apparently watching a passing freight train.-- ' iRub« quickly tooted htMtVMll wtitStle, r ?sbii£ the noise made by tke freight * ...'imuit have drowned it. f<W the foreman uever stired. Ruhe continued the fcig- nal, whistled for brakes, and reversed, but the man stood still as If In a rev­ erie. The locomotive had approached ®o near that Rube could henr the brake- man who stood on xIig top of his train ca'.l ottt td the, trackman ard **e htm moye d«» a# if b% '• feared.he cpuld not.-s^ve the man. The express was rnnning at a high rate of spsfid tnd could not be stopped In time, The old engineer was about to -v\:sluit hiseyes to avoid a sight of this angled victim, when he saw the - brakeman pull oil his hat, roll it into a -£21 . "bkll and throw it at the man. Fortun* '»% 4'ivately it hit him squarely on the head** and gi ving a quick backward motion^ the trackman just cleared the rails as tlie locomotive went thundering 1>j^ Ciica JJerakL , |i' Vr t \Jh I mi , x v " * 1 „ '»*• ^ » * 5 >• k'orfj.1 i # > •*' S ,}] , • ^aA.h.jmiirdt jJS&Ithb. ». Sk, A t£ MU /VI; ^rj-f / ijh yfk W WirTlie editor of the Marshall (1 a w a )Stnfsays that, after con­ sidering the question all winter, he eonierto the conclusion every spring that !• lie circus is immoral; but then the bill poster cume3 along with the big pictures, and his mind changes as follows: As we gaze at the lions, ti­ gers and monkeys, and think that na­ ture made all of them, we are not so sure. And when we look at the beau­ tiful young lady, with nothing on but a blue ribbon round her waist, with, one leg pointing to iix o'clock and the othgr to high noon, and think that na* ture*made lier, too, just as she was, except the ribbon, we begin to lean up to the circus. But when the brass band begins to play and the elephants go round, we rush for a front seat to get in head of the ministers, who always Wear stove-pipe hats and won't fit down In front. « V * t Why should a loving motfiMt wall <olr the coming of the doctor to prescribe a remedy for th«t fearful <Jt»oler»-in- fantutn, Croup, Colic or cramp# with which her precious child is sniftering, ivhen she can administer Dr. Winchelto Tee tiling Syrup and at once give the child relief. One trial of this confin­ ing syrup will make you ever its friend and patron. This Syrup regulates the bowels, keeps the system in a healthy condition, prevents all paiu and dis­ comfort arising from teething, and Is an old and welTi ied remedy. Sold by «U Druggists at only 2Se a bottle. A good investment, better than loan* frig money at one percent a minute, Is to keep your Liver, Stomach and bow­ els in a healthy condition by the use of Ellert*8 Daylight Liver Pills. They will restore you to health, impart new vigor to your mind, tone up your sys­ tem and give renewed pleasure to the joys of lite. No medicine will effect­ ually free the Liver from excess of bile as these thus preventing Ague and Bilious Fevers, Sold by su Drug­ gists. NOTICE TO WOOL GROWERS. The subscribers would say that If you wish to clothe your family yon ots do so by bringing or sending your wool a id exchange the same for good desir* able goods. Will give you for on- washed from 25 to 28 cts^ for washed on the sheep36 to 37} cts., and for tub washed 45 ets.» and sell you goods SQ> per cent less than last year. ^ f. a. wheeler A oo, • - : % North Main St., JanesrUle, Wis -HENRY MILLER, jerkas asfl fereip farl. Monuments. Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. Aflioricuui ql bcotcii wwm> Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of M(v| Henry, 111. Moiborghi An#. Mth, MT< >o«ealtajM brand AMERICAN OR HOWE In the market. Among1 them are the Moline, Peru, Grand Detour. Furst & Bradley, J. I. Case and Norwegian, all acknowledged the host made and at & tiOlRTEIl nucus - Call and give them $ trial to be convinced. W t W'-. r^>- :||jv I am also '" *1 "•<>> i "* ! * Bull's Baclne At reduced prices. The Fast Running tearoboat m^mrrm ninn » Having been thorongtity repaired attd furn- with a new Steel Boiler, i« now makioc fXE-SK,.1!""*?' Fridays and Saturdaifi Will leave Sic Henry on the arrival of the trains from Chicago And the South. . Mondays will arrive at McHen ry in time fof the 7f25 A. ail tmn for Chicago. FareBOcentsiier heftd. \i; other flays in the week will be roa-ly to run -.u!» miuntee notice at rates according' to «uTO%ar. Nojpaine will be spared to secure t^s^c^iPiaBioaation ot passengera. E. CRI8WOLO, Oaptaln. The McHenry PLATFORM SPRING WAGON, I have the , "CmirtlMd mproved 6ear," which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne only A No. 1 wagon iii the market. --== -v CARRIAGES. V *? 'i CARRIAGES. •J#; •5B. Willi all the latHt immn nnted- ••• issits aad "w«r- These ate two of the best machines now In the Market, and penaai wishing la bajr •boaId and UmmhIvn of thi* Rare Ohanee, Call at sAataaad examine the maehlaaa. 0. W. Owm. 16 ? !#' GERMAN TURK ^JtonwfieluMKlby^. F, MARCUS • t . m "51 rHrpi ™ . PUPE WINES, LNMWNIS AMD CIGARS Woodstock, III. Che bett IV.nic in tbe world, fat a> In athMMlQwilfl liwttiei. ' F I can sell you a First-class Top Carriage for $80, and Warrant it for One Yeair. Who can afford to ride in an open buggy when a ; ; ; .ipAIlRIAOKj^;: V can be bought for those figures. Be sure and call, as we Know we can make it to your iutereet to do jjo» ... ^^Everythnif sold >on its Merits. ^F| Rememlwr the Old Stand, op­ posite the Mill. . : M ]E2. McIIenrt, 111., July 29. . 1S78 ivttk'i i s it-ry y4 1S78 'iw' ?>?s, . > j fi !«1 »' n 'St f'li ^ 4. >A i> •* M ' l- , W#,Ug' •rm .•y*' >•*»*' ••V* i YffM, f m 1 *ni&, . .H.i' i trMfr ttH, :*• ,1--s mi 5 df-f Ujv % fi ff i'wf- i .'4 I "* i •to-yl&li;'. ^ ! ! I k r ( - * » ' i ' / f > . 1 1 ri% %•'. iff A pttotyi** • 'f'rtiSmH • • •; '< Inx,- \f>" 'V V *?" i j*$ * -v** V-t* < !,iC W'. f-Vft' i' H, ?«!'. "•Ahf- ML."- '."t i • ':y/<nU- a w -U will eiave rtioney by examining our Stock of Goods before si: •s'-.-i. j.:,,:.^ ' • purchasing elsewhere. & Brown pottons, Cottonades, Tick­ ings, Denims, Shirtings and fylri n tv> C! > !'« •#%-• <.mj urixxgnaiiio. r ^ ¥ A i , & * i.f $3r Alt'* Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and "Whiter Goods of all kindsll In Made Clothing, Boots arid Shoes, we will m dersold,'%ixaliite^io£ Groods ^ousidcrcQx t»* • v* i * t / ,• & •i .%*>&* I tie-" .Mrftilttityt Fine ^inetiai|| Ingram t^Gloves and Hosiery a Special^ and Oil Cloth Carpctings. , • Also ft Full ii&e o! Family Groceries. PERRY A flARTIN McHenry, May lit, 1879. m rjnnis not easily earned in these 11 l/l/times, lint It ran he made in three I - - -- luotiiiis by iiny .'»ne or oinior sex. j in any |>art or tne country who is willing to work .stOiMiily at the employment that we ftaraUli,-- «f per week in your own town. Yon need not be awayfrom home over nt^ht. You can fivebyour wbolatiiae to the work, or oaly j«our intre momenta. We have a vent 8 who are makta* over «80 pt clay. All who engage at once can makaiBpaajr fhat. At the present tlmemoney canno t be made ao easily and rsp. di>* at aay other haaiaasa. It fMti nottitug o ttjr the business. Terras and M Outfit free Mdresaat ones, U. Hau.ktt A Ou> ,IWtte*wi »VlMfMgh la»A' H«tn MARCUS, Patentso. ft »W««» tha Patkar Jloiafi MeHenry, - • JSlinois. , \ .:T » . BaTtaf Mtrohaaad and taken poaaaaalan of these well known Shops, I am now prepared, with first class workmen and good material, to manofactare Wagons and Buggies on short notice aad at «a Low Prices as a good article eaa ha parehasaA ataawhara. jr* A rt- / jfe'- 011 ^Jlttving newly Re-Painted and fitted up our cn8u'nn(frsai!tif0W prepttrea t0 furnish oar Fresh and Salt Meats Meats, fta, AT THIS ̂ remt X^iyiitg T*rlgrrf' -We huy iioec but best of Mest^ aM rliaviug served oiui time in one of the h(^t Markets in Chicago, flatter ourselves that WM 'can offer our oaatomere Xeats in better l.uae Hian any other Shop in tfciB section. ' " Thukfu) for past lavorg w e i-oiicit a coutin, uan<-e of the same, and we will iruraateelo ... j ' '.'**/• >« fiih- i "><!• "mirt: 4 Conaral Blackamlthlng |Ki sincM, aait. will do HORSE SHOEING a siypoiJitm; * Or all ktads proasptly lib Oallaad ,y ' McHanry. Il!., April ttt, t«ffc FOB SALE. 4 #i«t-t;Sa^s:|^ay an# Hartieaa. * It In *"<1 eoIdltSo '̂ ano witl lK; Bold chenp. t* W, D. Watebjiah, Nun<Ufc, IHV AMMADU S, Will make the SKAftON of Uft at McHeafr; Mad ?n»y be found at the Stables of Mr. A. ttankins, South Side of the Public 8q uare. Ammadus is a baautlfu! rich bay, without in i head, »tanda 16 hands Mah, and weighs about L20(> iHiunda; was folded la 1871. and bre.» by Ooi. Jaiues A. Grlmslead, Lexington, Ky. white, exceptlag a small spot in the fore- "hands high,and wei, ; waa folded In 187 L urlmslead, Lexi _Ammadus was Sired by Bivoli, Rivoll by Kevenue, and Revenue by imp Trustee, ^volt's Dam Topaz, by laip Gteneoe. Am. Mad us first Dam, Mefile Gray, by Alexander's Ifexington. The above cedisrea Is takes froa Bruea's American Stud Book; • oifthe^-®*^ and to enquire above ' ' Mares from m distanee cared for. with good ^rnrage, or atable Mthjood hay and g%in. MeHBNBY, DKALKBS IX tmrn I m • I I I I I I I B f 11 MM lllll 111 Tlnnnrnn Rdlip^ . & 1ST. VVaw «;'<>* - • MiteSslMt-'il' THI OHICAOO A WOBTH.WESTERN RAILWAI Embraces under one management the Great Trank Batlway Lines of the WEST a SOUTH-WEST, aad, with Its numerous Mranches and connectiona, foAn« the shortest and qaiekest route Katween Chicago and all points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Noriharn Michi­ gan, Mlnaasota, Iowa, Nehranka, California and the Waatern Tej i itories. Its Omaha and California Line lathe shortest and best route between Chica- W nnil all pointH in Northern Illinois, Iowa, Kebruska, Dakota, Wyoming, Coolraiio, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, China, Jat>an and Australia. Its Chicago, St- Paul A Minneapolis Line- lathe ahort line between Chicago and all Ita LaCrosse, Wiiuma ft St. Feter Line < lathe best route between Chicago and La. Crosse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna,. Man. kato, St. i'etor, Nca - t r im and ;ill v«i»ts in Southern apdCentral.Jttinneaota. Ita Green Bay L Marquette Line Is the only l ine between Chicago and Janes, ville, Watertown, Foil du iac, 0&hk<ish, An pleton. Green llay, Escanaba, Xe'^uvnee, Mnv<, uett«, Houghton, lluncoek and the Lafco Superior Country. Its Fraeport & Dubuque Line Is the only route between Chicago and Ellin; Rockford, Fr«eportand all points vit Free, port. Ita * , Chicago & Milwaukee Line la the old Lake Shore Route , and i s the only one passing'between Chicago and Kvunftton. Lake Forest, Highlnnd Park, Waukegan, Ra < ine Kenosha an«t Milwaukee^ „ Pfllfmayi palace ilraiailnii Rnnm Cars are Tftn rtti Wil tfirongh trains on tbfs road. •Thia la the OKLY LIME r u n n i n g thr.«e cara between Chicago and St. Paul and iMinne- apolis, Chicago and Milwauaee, Chicago and Winona, or Cnioago ai'd Green Bay. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake shore and Michigan Southern, Mich­ igan Central, Baltimore and Ohio, Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne, ft Chicago. Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH-EAST, and with theChicugo «n«* Al­ ton and Illinois Central for all points SOLTH. ' Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific U. B., at Omaha for all far Weal points. Close connections made at junction olntf? with tralnsof ail cross points. Tickets over this route are sold by a i Oou. pon ticket agents in the United States and Canada. ' Remember you ask for your ticket* via tha Chicago ft Northwestern Railway and take none others. New York OfDce, No. 415 Broadway; Boston Office, So, 5 State Street; Omaha <>jricB» 245 Farnham Street; San Francisco OHice, 122 Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices. 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzte Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets; Weils Street Depot, corner Wells an<W Kinzia Streets. For rates or information not attainable from your home ticketagents,apply to MARVIN HUGHITT W. H. STINNETT, GeneralSupt. Gen'l P^sse^ger Agen ' Pos River Valley Mills. •• R. BISHOP, Proprietor. MoHanif ^lllindta' I rs, fthtars, TaMo and Pocket Cutlery, Spades. Shovels, Fork*, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window (1 lass, n«iU: ' • - .. vh Qnmm-mv1* A9iQ tinwarb. ALSO, Furniture oc W 'e will We make a specialty of UNDERTAKING, afcd all orders In tha receive prompt atteniton. : s J.*rCHY&SON. ;:!u > ,< • :i a'-fiv*- e. OOLBT;! <"«"<>'<•* 1!>'H %' >2 Al if"-i 1 Having purthased the entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &e., ol Smith, Aldt'ieh & Haythoin, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they are now prepared to meet their customer* and the iji# a selected stock. of H. Hamim, McHaarr* I1L Nil IAEBLK WOMS, -a lH Woodplook. " MAMfcC AM GRANITE Monu«n«Ati| T«bi«f«f Taiila-fopi, 9r*ek*U, Sh«!v*sf Bto. ' Ta which ire would eall your attention *efora tw*l«C alaewiera. We shall aell at B O T T O M m m t e r n ALL WORK ' . Warranted Fhn* GIM! ' . • -I*, a, io."l WaatMaak, lit. Hay 1st, 187«. To Co&sumptiv«s. KpHE advertiser, having ben panaasentl^ *• eared of that dread disease, Oonttimp- »»' by » »!mpl« r*merty^is «n*foaa Ur wake lis leUow-safmrerM the maaae of oal^who desire ithe will aaad a < opr -- Inscription lined, (free of.-htrge,) ^directions for wepartng and using the «e, which they will tind a sure cure for iaiMEptton, Asthma, Bronchitis, par- rla^g thepre sc ri ption, will please ad- i, rl. a. j • •; Drv •i^n L'a;' I 4sW4 •« ' rt> • hk&', READY-MADE CLOTHING, |&d S ôes, Hats and Caps, Crock?̂ 01as»-Ware, &c., Which thev will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay ae cheap as any other House in the CountV. Our Ooods are all fresh and have been bought with espe< ml reference to the wants of the people of this community, and we WILL' NOT 1)E3 ̂ tJNUKl t i-iii - Us •*•$'?'% ? 4 i * \ i < ^ T 7 • • • " " ^ ' * ** m'; We «lat» keep o.ttr':.|^Stuil '-'stocKipif n-*Ml wv. i And as heretofore, will spare no pains to this line, i •<••••• . -"".V , customer Prescriptio^ Compounded in a careful lyianner iMid hy none but e^i^ieticed han< s. Thankful for past tfYjetf^' we soiicit, to^n'i it a t'ontin • anoe of the same. ' ^L)LB\ BROS. McHenry, IU., May 7th> WS-glT1 " ' f 4 n ~ I < " • / • *' V "s<h. jmWu ' Lm*. . +. .W . ML, w l a m n i ET mm f '.*>>•" t ' > ;':r* -»"li ui r %-J " Wsttilifer ois&Aiiti! 4S.M3SXXUSO i ^ • j"4^' i' •• Lv,-3J " TW^Vr' ™"' ™- j ' , J X: ; Done oromptlr, and satisfaction gnnruutecd Having just put in a new Feed Stone, capable of grinding sixty hutheis of Feed per hour. 1 no" MeHearr IlW, Dee. 11th, 1877. F. C. MAYES, mtttf DE AL KB um & i . . Invites the public to an in­ spection of hiB newly purchased atoekc ^ u- the times •' if'* - g^fPrioes to suit rwpjjfi I; j Si-" ^ Doae as Usaal. Sfcpre One Doort̂ o(t)i Colby's Drag Store UeHenry, III., April l$th, 1878. Of r -. «i ' .» it. , Errors of Youth. ,:a OKXTT.KMAN who Sullcrerl for veara x\ from Nervous Debility, PrentHttirw De­ cay, and all the efl'ects of youthful indiscre­ tion \* ill, for the sake of suffering hntnonity setifl free to nil who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by Which he was cured. Sufferers wfoiling to jrolit by the adviser 's experience can do so _ js addreaslng iu perfect coaUdena . - :.usdL

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