Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Sep 1878, p. 4

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PPWfPSSfffP!!j?P""' wwfy> "*? wpw!"»y«i WEDNESDAY* SEPT. 11th, IS78. J. VA.WT SLYltE, Editor. aKruauiiAii oitriKiox voaTKntiws! • The Hep«bli<r&n voters of the roun'.ies of I.akeend Veiiearv Ate requested to send delegates to the Senatorial and llenreeentatlve District Convention to be hnMenjKt Moltenvt on Tuesday, September Jo* dock i>. M. to"put in nomi-Viates to represent this I>is-s6 of ltcprcscntatives. ,M«j Hrtn1 iiftanty te entitled to *2 delegates, awl H'WIOB «« aiuncf IftliMfetteae. natlo* two cand\ trlctfn the Hods i county to 17 delegates, & N. P 'C"v J. B. BAHOOCR, £•«>»*> irtltN RTRARNS, • H. E. PAHTRIim*. fx in Chicago. Tlie »ip<g>ted liabilities oi.t^asg debtors wm $33,356,258. The Northwestern Exposition nt j^RtmeapoUs, Mini*., was Inaugurated on the Sd, Senator Blaine making the opeotag, ad­ dress. ftiere were 25,000 persons present. 1' The requisition of die Governor of 8onth Carolina upon the Governor of Mw>sa chnsetts, for the surrender of the person of i H. Kliirpt^m, his been as?; Postmaster Filley, of St. T<ouis, has • been removed for an alleged violation of Ex-' ecutive Order No. 1. The statement is made, that heallowedoneof hlsafetkBtodattlein' pqUties.. . . '< : On the 1st, anexcursion train on the I-OSdon, Chatham £, Dover EsUrosd ioilidof DISTIUOT CONVKNTION. * On Tuesday next, the District Con- Petition, for the purpose of patting in nomination two candidates to rep­ resent this District in the House of Representatives, will be held In this village. The following are the dele­ gates cliosen to represent McIIeiiry jS™n&4» tonSfe! burned to death in an attempt to light the Are with coal oil. Her mother was badly burned while trying to sa?e the little one. The seventieth call for the redemp­ tion of MD hon^R of 1IWK tu tsiineri. by the Secretary of the Treasury, on the 4th. The call is for f2,000,000 coupon and $3,000,000 registered bonds, principal and interest to be [ paid on an4 after Dec. 4. The average condition of oatsttorotigh- it the country, as shown by the August r^ftnartmept, was |9"riie New York merchants who have grven lheir vlewt of the prospects of the Fall trade, do not make loose predictions of a great revival in busi­ ness, as some business meu have been apt to dp in times past. They are as a rule moderate in their statements, ' and do not announce much more than a fair increase in trade; but the very carefulness of their calculations will impress everyone with a feeling that they are made after a close study of the situation and are not beyond the tfath. In almost every branch of trade there seems to be a well defined coll­ ide ace that prices have readied their lowest point, and thai the outlook for ' the Immediate future is favorable; and fn so*e, there Is aettial signs of ad ex- . ceDeut season.' THE ELGLN CONVENTION THuE WINNEBAGO FRAUD SCOOPED. The Ring Demoralized. The People would not endorse (he Fraud, nf turn yearn ano--And asked *" William the SilenC to step down . II I!mini*. t John C. Sherwi», of Kane, the Nominee. The Congressional Convention which was held at Elgin on Friday last, was remarkable in two things, vis: the dispatch.with which It done its busi­ ness and the fact that it laid the Ring and machine politicians of this District upon the shelf for the next two years at least. While the nominee. Mr. Sherwln, was not our first choice, we are grati­ fied at the result from the fact that for two years we have been fighting this fraud, and now that the cause is removed, we believe pefce and harmo­ ny will prevail, and all will work together for "tho greatest 'good to the greatest number." Of the nominee, John C. Sherwin»of Kane, we know nothing personally, but shall endeavor to inforih. ourselves and speak in the. future. The Chicago Times says In speaking of him that "lie Is a comparatively young man, with an elegant figure, a flue address, and has superb abilities as a speaker. He has a fine army record, and since the close of the war has Ijeld satisfactorily some minor offices of trust. He is a man whose integrity lias never been challenged, and whose capabilities as a gentleman of iiuelli- genee ahd education are beyond ques­ tion." Hifi ?Wr A Confederate lawyer of Char­ leston S. C, has at last discovered a method of securing the colored vote of that State which deserves tobe paten­ ted. In his address to an audience of colored men be thus laid before, hit plan: Each ef you represeutfflOO. f You woukf hsfre brought that in i860. You were-freed without your consent, and now, if yeu will vote the Democratic ticket, we will make the Yankees pay tot you,and then we will give you half the money. There stands old Un­ cle Jink He has a wife and eight children, for which the North will l>»«" »n >\«« M (UW m.a l,n|f „<• 1 giyje Mm, and the glance I keep. Then he will not be dependent upon eharity, • / It can Uandly He possible that the averager Charleston negro win be so Ignorant m to go isito this Confeder­ ate glft-ertlerprise without some bet- t«r security than is here ottered, or that be is going to sell one his vote for ftfO without some better collateral than a Confederate stnrop speech.-- While the negroes »re aboot it they inlght as well claim tlie whole $000.-- If they represent #900 eachT then there is no good reason why they shookl net have the whole amount. We do not see what the Brigadiers hatve to do with the money, or why the negroes •hould divide with them. Tltey cer­ tainly never divided anything with tftt negroes. They did not even pay HbMi sor their iibor<-~JChi<xigo- Trib­ une, ' ' i .*uj ,'w WA »t xsoniKa if U • ' -J"* tnif> The trftttf pg races at Hartfora, Coiin. last Friday^ Acer out some rernark- *ti« exhi biiM>fts of speed. Rarus trot­ ted tlierffc6t««t ttiree successive heats j>t e+mr tfotu^, 3113J, 2,13|. The ; co«**Uuo#g OI the iriw were, #1500 if y heats *Fersge4i 2.13 m under; 4po extra if J.U wa« beaten. Lui Mid Great Eastern were eutered bu cnlf "Ranis started. Edwin Forrest i tils trial for speed made i« the se^eon, . treat ttye fastest half mile tts$tted diuv I.Qg this circuit. 1,051. He tretted onl p#o bea**« the time being #u % 1«. In the trial for Che half Hopefulteame to the finish in J,06J , The Ctf«i£ of speed show the follow in remark'ibie achievement^: Earus s,ve • #*e<* 2,?4j8ri4iq^ fastest gatt a* « KU\ ^le quarter »t rbe rate trf ^10 Edwin F+r«**t,fastest gait at a single rqua«jAa* tbe rate of 9.07; Hopeful, figgHwe # the rate of ji.13; half jhe,fa*U*| k a^iles 'HM1-10, . • *His KASTEK.V QUESTlQfr^:" - ' There is nothing in the present as­ pect of the Eastern question to justify tlie plaudits of the policy of Earl Beacontield which were elicted by the glamour of what >*t first seemed a 'splendid success. Events in the Kast are fashioning themselves into such shape that there seenia a possibility of another war. Austria, pressing her troops into Boslna and Herzegovina is steadily opposed and frequently, suffers defeat at tlie hands of home- defenders. whom the dispatches call "insurgents," but who beyond ciouot are assisted by regular Turkish troops at the instigation of the Sublime Porte. It was stipulated at Berlin that Austrian occupation of the prov­ inces should be temporary only, but no time was fixed when it should cease, and Andrassy resists every effort of Caratheodori Pasha to have a date set for the termination of the occupation. Here are two parties to the treaty of Berlin already disregarding its pro­ visions. Tn eftect, they have already broken it. j ^ . It is not to be supposed that the Russians are heedless of what is trans­ piring, nor indifferent to It. The Czar felt keenly the defeat suffered "by his plenipotentiaries in the Congress. But he did not feel it more keenly than his people, who since then have mani­ fested their first symptoms of displeas­ ure with his rule. It Is a despotic government, but the Caar, Oortsha- koff and JBchouvaloff art all too wily to allow the people to become disconten­ ted when it can easily be prevented.-- Jt is not to be doubted, and informa­ tion from the St. Petersburg is to that effect, that every move isjealously ^•atiiheiili'W^er v1«&t!6fcs- of have not passed onJiotiee'd by the Muscovite,nor Is his heart less anxious th<in before the war for the capture of Constantinople. , The Czar is to~day in better shape for war than at any time since the commencement of hostilities. Aus­ tria has taken such a large portion of Turkish territory that she must be bis ally wheiit eomes to hkftws. At the projier tifneslve will be ealled on to. act. For tire Eastern question H not settled; It never wiij be settled tmtll it is settled satisfactorily to tbe peo­ ple Qi the Ee«*t. < , '-'7 yi\ . .. ICCKiS • "fe- As 4 flesh producer, one pound of *gg» is-equal to one pound of beef. A hen may be calculated to consume one bushel of corn yearly, and to lay twelve dozen or eighteen pounds of eggt,-- This is equivalent to *aylug that three and one-tenth pounds of corn will pro­ duce when fed to a hen, one pound of eggs. A ponnd of pork on the contrary requires about five and one-tenth poundsof corn for its production.-- When eggs are twenty-four ceuts a dozeu a»*d pori ten oenta a pound, we have k bushel of corn fed, producing ORSE S HOEINd : £.., JL SPECIAL IT , A LlTTtlC VINDICATION. Volo, Lake County, Ills Sept. 9th, 1878. Editob Flainuealkr--I peffeetly agree with youir Correspondent, uSe- lah " when he says In a, recent issue of your paper, that he cannot see any pause for mirth, cherfulness or good humor in our having a licensed Saloon in our village. I do not agree with him, however, wfa^en he charges all the blame over to the M. £. Church, the Diciple Church and our Red Ribbon Club. Instead of asking what the Churches and Temperance society have bee;i about for the last two years seems to me it would have .been |bet- •te.r Kadlie *sk«d himself what he had been about during even the past sum­ mer, If as he pretends there Is anything wrong with Mr. Roslng's license* Now 1 am not *'on the war path," neither have I "two she btfars to turn loose on forty-two babes." Nor can 1 see how "SelahV'shot 10 the locker" has penetrated the vitals of the Meth­ odist Church. It is very easy to make assertions but sometimes hard to prove them. u8elah" say® we have had "five moonlight festivals under the auspices of the sisters and mothers In Israel/ whereas we have had bnt two, and those under Mr. F. Husons shade trees. Again he states that the whole end and aim of the M. E. Church here is to ob­ tain money out of tlie Red Ribbons to pay their Priesthood, and to relieve their own pockets but hot one cent for the cause of temperance. The festi­ vals we have had Mr. Editor were pub­ licly announced, the reason given for having them and the way the proceeds of them were to be applied stated, and all invited to attend regardless of whether they were church members. Red Rlbboners, Democrat®, Republi­ cans, Greenbackers or "Heretics.'"-- They to partake of their ow^n "free will aud accord" of the collation fur­ nished and pay for same. Nothing Compulsory about it. Had "Selah" ta­ ker. the trouble t6 have ealled upon the Treasurer of the club lie would have found that not one cent of club money has been turned over to defray the expenses of the church nor one cent asked for by any one for such pur­ pose. Now as to that Maged couple" he speaks of, our club or the church cer­ tainly have not had anythirg to do with them. The temperance society was hardly organized when they found themselves homeless. I venture to say. however, that if they should "apply at ...A? the church fop fth© mite" they would get it, notwithstand­ ing neither one of them are widows.-- There are people over here Mr. Editor, that do deeds of eharity occasionally that "Selah" may know not of. "Con­ sistency thou art a Jewel," Were I "SeJah" and "holiness unto the Lord'* affected pie as It seems to affect him, I would move out and off, where 1. would uotbe troubled with anything bearing even a semblance to Christianity; Far as I am concerned I am willing to ex­ press my heartfelt thauks to "Selah" for his prayer* "(iod help you*1 but will trhe prayer of a "heretic" avaii any. thing? On the SquabIc. taaaw «ivr i PRICE CURItm r-BEPORTED • BY-- paTHE :•? Agricultural Oea1erv fix-jy McHENRY, i - IfiLINOIS. m. •& IMS, vr. t->f tsg&ti .|",x: 1 ' --' ' -- 4 u-7> .VttH--. u .j-jy ^ ' • •»<> ^ v < Wheat, 90 cents per bushot; Oats, 20 cents per bushel.^ Corn, $9 per Ton. iv:tst Hog?, (Live, $3.50@3.75.V Now, in accordance with ihe above Prices, Platform Spring Wagons, No. 1, should be sold for $7a. Lumber Wagons should be sold |qj» $40* No. i Plows bhould be sold for $10. Feed Cutters,--three kinds-- the Star, Hockinvalley and Bell City, should be oold for $50. All Pumps in proportion, ac­ cording to depth of Well;u |5F~Ch11 at my Warehouse and see my stock. ains k t Y '"jo ains J tr ^ J, • mem ^ BISHOP. JlfcHenrr. III., August S7th, J8t8. Blivins' Mills or Spring 6rove Grist Mill. Voss & Siederslebea, Proprietors. Having put this Mtll in first elaA order, we are now prepared to do Custom Grinding On Short Notice and Warrant Satisfaction. Flonr and Feed Constantly on hanfl And Sold as anjr other Mflli in the Countr. *5~Tlic Highest Market Price in Caah Paid for Good Milling Wheat. . Give us a call and we .wil^ gtvjB you satis­ faction, , . VOS9 1st fl«DER3LEBBN. Blivins' Mills, 1U.icAO» 2mh, 1878. j ffvff / •}/ ' -"V "i't f s u '* VH ! • L ."'rr'-r' u» .*' " " " ¥*"•? J | •tfi-w t H / ' Permit me to call your attentiou to the fact that I have the largest and best swoFt^ *tnok of HOOTS AND SHOES for Fall and win­ ter wear ever brought to McHenry Coilnty, which I can and will sell at lower prices than these goods have ever betore been offered L>y The reasons I can sell so clieap are: I U , 4 First--I do business on my own capital, henee have »qaINT£R> ESTto pay.^. ^ ^ : - Second--My expansesany other" stofe la McHenry County, doing the same amount of business. f • * ,/jt- Last--but not least--I am so situated that I PAY CASH for ALL MY GOODS which enables me to take advantage of libehil dis­ counts offered by wholesale dealers in lay liner ,. > • i? " yi e* * It will pay yon to come 30 miles to buy of ml. "m'**• ! H " you TALK IS CHEAP, btft call * examine goods, ascertain pti^s and »u Will be convinced tKat I mead BUSINESS^ E. c. Woodstock, IIL, Sept. lQth, 1878- To restore and keep soft and pliable your harness, apply Uncle Sam's Har­ ness Oil. Solcl by all Harness makers Six 8x10 Chromos, for 2ft cents, at J. B Blake*s. SALOON filwk. Choice Brands on liana,' GOTTLEIB BULKY. and Ten Pin Alley, Lansings near^he Depot, M^/ienry, IU, ' Liquors and Cigars always STEAMBOAT 1878. > •« • 1878. •LATTER & BECKER, --FROM THE-- JLiUilUUU Q11U UiUlllUUM rnimtm •MT\ ,:iO i'< There's Money In H for You. ONE PRICE ONLY ! CASH ONLY ! Goods at Unheard ol LOW PK1CES. Quality the Best and everything as repre- ; ;h!fluted<|if Money Befuntkd. DO YOU BUY AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES? ;4 Near the Depvi ;; McHENRY. - ILLrViOrk Have Just received their Fall and Winter Stock of Ready-Made Olothing, Hats, Oaps, aud Gents' FurnUhing Good? We Will Not Be Undersold. Give i\s a Call. LAUER & BECKER. MeHeary, III., Ang. USth, is/8. It having been deuided to build a new and laifeer Steanibnat at ttiis place the present Fall, I now offer the St warn boat "Excelsior" for sale at a bitrgaiu. It is in good running order, new Boiler and Engine all complete, and for a small Lake is the tlnesf Boat in the country. The only rea­ son for celling m that the largely increased travel between this place and Fox Lake has made a larger boat necessary. 12 applied for soon will b3 sold chMa Ap­ ply to or address. O. W. OWEN. McIIenry, III., Sept. 10th, 1878. grace's Celebrated Salve. A SORIt EELI1 FOB TUB 8UFFEBEP. riRfAKKft BT SBTH W. FOWLE & SONS, 'HARBISON AV.KNITB,' BOSTON, MASS. Executor's Notice of Filing Pinal Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry Connty. Estate of Herman Renalkin deceased. To the Heirs of said Estate. You are 'hereby notified that on Tuesday, the 17th day of Sep­ tember 1878, the Executor of tlie last Will and Testument of said deceased will present to the Countv Oourt of McHenry County, at , U, i ittnaiii, ;i iUf«l ' ' ,{vf and doings as inch Executor, and ask the Oonrt lo lse discharged from any and all furth­ er duties and responsibilities connected with aaid estate t-bn admioisti'3,tii<si thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, if von choose so to do. Hknry Miller, Executor. .^BACEN CELEBRATED SALVIJ,^ | Is a Vkoktable Preparation invented in the 17th centurv by Or. William Grace, Surgeon in Klrtg James* army. Through its agency he cured thousands ol the most serious sores and wounds that bsffl ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was regarded by all Who knew hiiu'as a public benefactor. PRICE 28 CENTS A BOX. M kintjU proMptly attended to. 0»M and 1$, Thompson. jiJin Iiuutu <u »»l MUtiR" Poors Wutnes a full line of hand VH'tuU ^toeV, fo which we In- Vita i||Sne|$i«<i, Kv«ry ]Mir warranted FiTOsiMMOtfa A isyAaaoK TejetJ? opjly 0» jw set, "^o*s offit#, Kfversldc Heme, i QRAQC'S CELEBRATED SALVE CURBS Flesh Wounds, Frozen Limbs, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Sote Breast, Sore Lips. Erysipelas, Ringworms, CaUw«p», Scald Head, Chapped Hands, Barns, CAnceM, Felons, Ajalds, Sores, Ulcers Wounds, - Rting*/ ShinglM, Festers, Wens, ; Sties, Piles, Abcess, Frckles, Bunions, MprainS. Boll*. Bites, Cuts. Whitlows, Warts, lttl»U*rs, Tan, Pimples, Corns. Scnrvjr. Iteh, Ingrowing Nails, Vettle B%«h, Most)alto and Flea UittM, Spider Stings, And *11 cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally. For sale by all druggists, grocers, and at all eyiintrv stores throughout the United States ran4 Provinces. Pries by mail 30 ets, ww iBmnDKi 8iTiM wm nu ir mm Thete Is a curious story about some sell*# wines which are extensively advertised nowa­ days, and have only recently been put upon the market. Dr. Underhill, the well-known grape-grower of Cretan Point, died in 1871. Some of his heirs entertained temperance. views of such extreme kind, that they wen". unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on . hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent tut market, and sometimes left to decay upon the yines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeeded In arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sue of the wines OS hand. Among these'is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port*" hut suggesting the Imperial Tokay more (ban any other European wine, and being wholly unlike any other wine of Americas growth. Its purity, age and mellowness am lematrkitble, and both physicians and wine- fanciers have a special interest in it as tie oldest native wine now accessible In any con­ siderable Quantity. The whole stock is in the bands of the well-known wholesale grooery house of the Thurbere.--K, Triimmt, Mm. sg, i&jrj. The above speaks for itself bat we' add that this fs the pure jtdce of the grape, neither drugged, Uquorei nor voaUrti; that ii has been ripened and mellowed by age, and! for medicinal or sacramental purposes H la unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Dmggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned. Who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application. RespeetfeOy, etc., H. K. & F. B. THUEBER 4 GO. Wmi Jhvmhmj, Rtade and itmitm Mkw-Yosx. - j 1100 ..... , 1 )i TFBNTIILY MADE. A gen Is wanted County rights given gr«tu: f«r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world, wide; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. Au industrious, energetic person earn make snug permanent income and very liberal Oerms, by addressing with reference, •(§ thestnut Street, Philadelphia. Beet >'i1hts, «» Bee# Prints 06 C')uts' Cotton,,,•/*»m .<*! Good CbTsw»a,,..f...»,... .., 88 No. l Tfia'eIt- islaMtca....... 25 All STool Cashmeie^JtxSM 66 Table Linen, ... ,w..., 85 Ladie% Hose, 08 Gents' Hose, OS l.adies Black Ties-heo*. t& Wo's shoes--cloth Abu It oa 1 60 Misses Shoes--H |o %m I Good; R>S4S)fv...'.. I Boys Pants--Good,-........ Boys Vests--Good/.-.. ***.. Hoys Coatv, i Mens fiulrt, * Mens Sums--Good,.$3 7»to 7 overalls, leather trimmed, 10 lbs A. Sug"r l 11 lbs No. 1 Raisins, 1 14 lbs No. 1 Currents, 1 15 lbs Dried Apples, 1 II lbs llest Dried Apples... I 1*1 H>s Best Halfs l'«aeb«*,. > 7 ft* Choice Pared • " vr 1 KT8 lbs Hire, 1 0C I Mo. » BakiH^rssrAer.^^ 0 4^ tSS 'JfcQ ,1 . . r•' *'• 4 1bs Tea,. .. Beat Japn* fe«,..... He*S Youitg Hyson Ten,... 00] Best Y. H. A Jap. for price, BOA ale Greese,.. ..l.'.i. OOiHtove I'olish ...vV....*. •VIFine Cat Tol*aeeo,;.,........ OftNtoT© Polish, 1Tuc*S,' • • """'.Clwiee i Grownd 9 1 00 .. I so » 70 so SO OS OS Sf 01 . 81 m I sell cheaper than ny neighbors because I buy cheaper, nn& say ito anj ofre coming to btiy of ine, you will be more than satisfied. . In 'Clothing, Boots and Shoes aud General Merchandise, my stock is three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock of Clothing is wow bein^r sold at less rates than other dealers, can bu^. Hats and Caps, Trnuks and Valises at much below regular prices. Am weekly in the market, buy for cash for two stores, «and do secure bargains which I more than divide with my ctfstomerjB.-- Our interests are mutualr and my constant aim will be to sell yoo sroods^ such prices as will convince you that I am selling General Merchandise cheaper than any store in the Northwest. ~ \ Command seer me and I will do yon good, and in this way yon can make money easier than you can earn it. i^kMA^^-aiiieage&frio^ ' &?. HAILL. Richmond, III^ 1^ Franklin Sibkct. Oomdek, III. ORAfHAIR was OSKHUICOMI flramtlie SCALP GM.LMll " FADED, Are changed by afew applications of the AMBROSIA to a beautiful auburn or tO'tfce tak, huftrona colors of youthful treaeea, Humota^ Dandruff, Itching of the Scalp, and. Falling of the Hair are at once cured by it. Where the hair follicles are not destroyed, itr will cause the hair to grow on bald heads. It is perfumed with extracts from CregWkf flowers. All Who'use it praise it. •, llmm iiIhb MM, Nemdgiii E R a d i c a t O R ^ ftiic, SmTbataii Tootbche Are alleviated, and In most eo&ea cured, by.the use of thla PAW BRAMCATOR. It Is an in­ valuable Family Medicine, affording sellef be­ fore a physician can be reached. Procure one Circular desoribing above diseases and their proper treatment, and you will bless the remedy that brings each healing. ^ For Sale by AM Praggtrt* Pr«parecf byE.M.TUBBS A CO. Propriston «f "Biagfi latoori^" MANCHESTER, N, ii tol d by C.IL&Y 6RCTHKR6 McHenry, I1L •-FOB- BOOTS AKD SHOES *11 * *13 Madison at., BIlEL, COOK & SEIXAf, MatinTrs and Wholesale Dealers. SVDon't fail to exit mine Goods and Prices when in Chicago. StoeltNew and Bought tor Cash. Great in plucenu-nts to Cash Buyers. U.K. Bi'kl, Late with if. Selz A Co. C. V. C<K)K, I I.ate ot Whitney, H. !.. Mrtxas, I C«K»k A Oo., N. Y. U can make money faster at work for uitlini'. at anything else. Capital not required; we wit! start you. fls per day at lumm made by the Industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanfd everywhere t® work for us.- Now Is the time. Costly tutfltand terras free. Address Tbub A Co., Augusta, Maine- a week in yonr own town. *6 Ont- flt free. N«> risk. Bender, if yon want a business at which persons of either sex can make great pay all (the time they work, write for par. tioaism to & jQo.l#ort. «nJ, listne. Acoustic Telephone. With too feet Copper wire and fall Amo­ tions fbr patting np and operating. • IMce #3«OQ. Hr lfnil SO Cents additional for postaire.. Tho Mannfacturers of this Telephone after long experimenting have broi jrht it to a degree or perfection truly surprising. By it the Hu­ man Voice or music-Hi sounds are cosveyed « long distance without change. Sent to any address on receipt of prieo, or- ctescriptlvo ••irc.ular, testimonials, etc., for three cent stamp Address TBLXPBOBK COMPANY, PRESTON. IOWA. House and Lots for Sale. THE undersigned offlfers ?»r sufe, fcte koueo and two lots, sitaated la the village of McHenry. There is a good house, barn, a well of water, rister*, a tine orrkard, all kinds of small fruit, and in short It a very de­ sirable place. Wifl be sold on reasonably terms ifapplled for soon. Appjy^e MoHenry, UL. |iay *®th, 1B7S. ^ , #

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