Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1878, p. 4

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llaltiMM 11 WEDNTSSDAY. SEPT. 18th, 1878. J. VAN SLtKE, Editor. * Ttontlnee* f«r f|»pr«t«atatlvet ,/th* r«~t.oi*iSn*tl©ti by «ed*«niit!on of Boa. f, K. Onager Mid Hon. W. A. fumes, oft TtweAay, us candidate* for Members of the Legislature, w«tt a ftlgti onmpllment and ijatt tritoft* (o ourtble iud efficient Member*. We teller* no Dietriet In tlU State l« better represented than ttoe 8th, and that this is the opinion of the Re­ publican voters of the District in |M*ved by the hearty end tMntmon Mauncr in whick they W*« 'n<«iidWi> M Tuesday. At no time In tlm Meter? of <mr State has it bee* so important that noife but tried and tree men be pvt to the front. Neither has there been a time when unity of action was more necessary, and if the Convention of Tuesday is a criteriou to go by the Re­ publican party of the 8th District will •how a solid front at the polls in No­ vember. ] We shall expect to toe the above nominee* elected by their usual hand­ some majorities. Hills now pewdiag in- -Con­ gress to ealarge the jarisdictioa of the Cqprtof Ctalm&, so as to attew all <dMmeneiw proseoatod before the dif- KMt <Vepartaiii»eaits the Govern meat Including TPhe! <talm« now tanned by the act of limitation as to tim&, "te he referred to it. Under A«e9i<fent -felin- soo> proclamation «f amnesty., wWeh made treason honorable and preifitaHe Instead <O«HOHA, if dpe Wd passes, 4Moyal as »"©! as 0p"y88<ds*»».simts may IMoccote thei r<Sai ms -before the rownt. CaiCiioo MARKET.--Frem the /Mr- no/if Tuesday evening. Wheat was weaker, and %rriqg ^tmoos teN 4fe per tmshdL,<w9th<oiosiag oales of STo.J at 48>$c cnsh«or Septem­ ber 874c October, and 88| £er lToe«m- "ber. Winter wbeaf. dediiaei te per 'bushel, â i ST*e. 3 closed at !88i@ 88} <cash, and DOJc seller Octsber. Corn was dull and Jc lower, -with closing sales of No* at 35Jc cash or teller Sep­ tember: Oats were |c lower and dull, closing at 19|eeash. Rye adyanced j|c«nd M# J sold atti£c sn sterre. Bnr- •l^y^RRffiiiet, bay-ess aad-eettem bcttqg a^nrt. Flour was tidllibotsteaAy. Hog -products were dull, fdess pork fell -GQlGc per barrel and -alased at |6$$@ •8,70 cash or September. Beef <cuttle <wtfre In large mm^lymnE market^Nfti *nd heavy, with a few-ealec -at*££o@I tf»r Inferior oowa to fair Tern* Steers. ®«gs wmm 10<£P6c per hnnArefl rpeeerite Qower. bnt moderately active «tRhe ie- •dllne, *«H sales wore at •3<*4f«'h<uwy^ ForiJigbt, aa«] *4&M# fenfaeawy shipping. , WHplb MMrMRcvrm Pursuant »to'c«H a Oonventior. *#f the ttlgtlth rteurturrHl tffaifiiitwas ifadM at IHe UimiHie OBonse^iin the «i&*ge of 9ldttem^,<on 'VneMlay. Sept.iSPth, M78. f-he M<«Mit|%ai! ̂ edited) to^nrlor by 4Mhm fleams, fflnihuwwafr ttreWstrict Oinriirittee, but! <mt' imojlioa J. W. Critty, of McBep.ry^ym«eheeee Chair­ man. and A. -C J9sww,;Ss(rf(s|j^ Oa motion a OwauiHifs «iff tthree WW appointed by' the ehalr «a 'Creden­ tials, as follows: £o1tn Stearns, Geo, ML Bunker and J, M. South worth. The Committee repmice&l&s foliow- k> li^g delegates present anil «m6Med to mt«te ft« <Sie CoRStrntS©*: 3feW&Mfif tDnderwood, Oe«>- "Wltlen, Oce. Crego, W. Young. M. It. figtlle, A. A. -13teaman, C. L. Kinsley, M. Butterfidlll.HJ, S. fkwtli- wovtti, 9C. f. Thomak,-iI;M. Southworth, Oeo< Bbnker O. Qtrrl#M.€. H. Tproa,*E. Lawsoo, Geo. Oairkm. 1. Tan "SliyWe. Smith Searlea, J, W, OrietJ, CL &. Frary, Ch««ncy Sveet. Zk*i* Cb*n<f^0lMk»« WMtnty. J. K. Paddock, M. G* HaflfttUon, I, M. Piatt, J. Stearns, H. & llld<?leeora, A. V. Smith. S. I#|nd» B. Allanson, Walter , Scott, Robbert Harrison, T. V. Horton, J. Burr«tt, J. 8. Converse, T* fL Payne, W. H. Ring, A. C Bowers. On motion, duly seoondjed. Ron. F.K< Granger, of MoHeary. and Hob W, A, James, of Lake, were dadaisd the unanimous nominees of the Convention as candidates for Members at the Leg- lslature. Hon. F. K. Granger was then Allied for and aeaaptod the nomination in a few will timed remarks, thanking the Convention for the honor conferred, and pa!d a high trlbate to the Repub- «an voter* of the District, How, W. A, James then came for­ ward, and iu his usual happy manner thanked the convention tor the honor. Mid warned the voters of the dangerof •litrusting the offices in the bands of the opposition. On motion a Committee of 'our, two for each county, were appointed by the Chair to report to the Convention the Mamas of Ave persons to act as Sena­ torial Committee for the etuning two years, who reported the following «s ouch Committee: J. Y. Cory, Jolm St**me», J. W, Gristy. Ira K. Citrtlss and 0#o. X. Bunker. On motioutbe Convention a4jour»> ed. J. w. Caisxv, (nmiriaae. A.C. Bownnt Secretary. JOHN €. SHEKW1X. The following Aetdi of hi# life, from tl>e Aurora Aedtos, wilt ho intonating to h!s nsaay MnM± The people of^Aurora have known John C. Sherwln, and very favorably, ever since, In IMi, ho hecamo a law student inuthla «ity. But there are those, fp become his conatltnents as a member of Congress, who have not en­ joyed the same facilities of knowing him and forming his acquaintance; and to them It Is doe that some sketch of hie life and servfoee to hit country be given. John €. Sherwln was born, 1839. In St. Lawrence county. New York, a splendid country to emegrate from but which has given service of the United States such men as Silas Wright and l*reston King. Bis younger days were passed mostly upon the farm, though he did spend some time at the Q*vavene«r Wesley an Seminary. In 1866, at the age of 17 years, lie came to Illinois, with his father, and settled on their Kendall county farm, where he remained until twenty-one years of age. He then worked his own way through the scientific department of Lombard University by teaching school and other methods known to the poor, but ambitious young men --grad­ uating In 1881. Almost immediately, on the 7th of Anw»sf Mr. Sherwlgi enlisted at York- vili« in company of the 89th or Rtiifcoad Regiment, the company after­ ward better known as Capt. Hobb's. Iu this command he served faithfully ntll the regiment was muster*d out i« l«ne, 1885. He never wore shoulder etraps, and the reason why reveals one •ef Che best and most valuable traits In hi« character, as told by Mr. N. R. defctos, of this city, and learned by him liotid 3u<4 brother, the Captain. In 1804, by various deaths, resignations, etc., it became necessary to make a new First Ueutenant. Col. Hotohkins hfd re- ararked Sherwiu's ability and offered trim the position, but It Was refused in regular line of promotion, the place belonged to an old Kendall county neighbor. The shoulder strap went where it waa due, and Sherwln wore the Sergeant's stripes until the date of muster out. Now the compen­ sation comes, and the people propose «e put the self-sacrificing private In the Major General's ehalr. As we said Sherwln served In the ranks from Louisville to Atlanta. He participa­ ted in all the battles of the army of the Cumberland, marching through Kentucky, three or four times across Tennessee, through Alabama and Georgia. In the summer of 1804. while before Atlanta, he was detailed to serve with the Topographical Engi­ neers of the 4th Army Corps. After his mnster-ont, in June,Y888, Mr. Sherwln came to this city and commenced the study of law In the office of Wagner ft Caiiflfld, and re­ mained In the practice of the profes­ sion of the law HIIMI. iSfi, he was elected to the county clerkship. Du­ ring his practice of the law, he was city Attorney one term, and held the Town Treasurshlp heveral times. Asa boy, Mr. sherwln espoused the cause of H »le and Julian, Free-soil can­ didates for President and Vice Presi­ dent and haa never been anything in politics but a Frae-soller and Repub­ lican. In private life he Is without the suspicion of reproach; In his I ntercourse with his fellow men he Is the perfect gentleman; in his profession lie ranki high; ns a student he hard; u a public speaker he stands weH--but of this the people of the district will have opportunity to judge for themselves during the ensuing campaign, as we letmi tie proposes to do yeoman's service upon the etump and in'the Re- puhlicao camp, as he did upon the battle fields, and in his country's oamns iu 1882--8. This is the man whom the Republi­ can party presents for the suffrages ol the Fourth District. As a hoy lie served his time with his father; as a young man he did good battle fur an education, and has honored hit* "Alma Mater;" as a patriot he carried his musket and served his country dvriiig the days of her greatest peril,--he stood at the front "till the last armed foe expired.** He did not . seek the nomi nation give a him. When the contest for the nomination commenced, the idea that he would be the standard bearer of the party in the district did not enter his mind, it wag not sug­ gested until within three weeks of his nomination, and theo he eras iadueeu tdj mmeat to the use of his name with the Idea that the constantly growiag breech between the Hurlbut and U- throp men might he bridged In that manner. "The Boys In Bine," the joung men, the "reputable citizen," the advocate of purity In politics, the old Republi­ can--all can join In the eampaign with Mour John" and have uo fear of being put to blush, or be compelled to apolo­ gise for anything in his career. NATIONAL UHEENBACK CONVKNTIOM. The delegates chosen to represent the 8th Senatorial District of Illinois, comprising the eeuattes of Lake and tflcHenrr, are hereby towel at MM Parker House, in West , ©is Satnr' Kntjtod MoVf«Hir<rc OB SwiUft, in«t,. at 1 o'eloek r. to nominate candidates to re pre seat aaid district In the House of Represent* tires tat the State of UliaoU, and to transact saoh other business as may properly conic be- fera the eenvenMon. Br OnDKR or COKMITTBB. Geo. GAOK, Chuinoan. MLMA! Vie Pleee where yen can hiy a l brand aew "7.^ AMERICAN OR HOWE* PRICE CURRENT <i'M 1 REPORTED With alt the lat--t - haproveaaenle and war. ranted, These are two of the- best machines now In the market, and persons wishing to buy should avail themseVre* of this Rare Chance, Call at my store and examine the machines. 0. W. Owen. McHenry, IIU Jnly VHh, 1S78. H. rrhampson, Shop oppoaits the- Pa«k«r Honee, McHenry,. « • Illinois. Having pnrehaaed andi taken possession of these Weir known Shops; T am' now " preimred, I material, with first class workmen and frood to manufacture Wagons and Eiii ggies on short notice ami at as Low Prices at! a good article eae be purchased elsewhere: I AMOCDO'A General Blacksmlthing Business, and will'iU>> your work in the best vf manner and with- Che- least possible delay HORSE SHOEING A 8PEOIALIY1T. i B E P A I H Of all kinds promptly atte nded tew OStl and see for yonrselt R. Thompnoii, • MeHenry. Ill, April SSdr 1S78. MARCUS' CERMJAN P. --BtEJUUEU IH Mantiftiot^irod by MABOITS PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGA3S Woodstock III.. iest TOIIKIE th« world. Pnt n la id ^aart Bottles. F- MARCUS. PattClM. The WCcHenry "Vfgjri'ff'v Agricultural MoHENRY, . - Havingnewtf Re-l'ainted and fitted n{>our •hop. we ate aow prepwrod to furnish our customers with To restore §nd keep @oft and pliable your harness, apply Uncle dam's Har­ ness Oil. Sold hy all Harness makers B^UkV^ Chromes, lor il cents, at J. KOR SALE. A iMrst-class Dray and Harrises. Is In 5ood condition mid will he sold cheap, pply to F. D. WATERMAN, Kunda, 111, Fresh and ; Salt Meats Or AI.Ij KINDS, Sausage, Smoked Meats. &c., AT THE Levreet Living Prloen. We hny none hut! the best of Meats, and 'Mvtag served «*r time in one of the best Xarfcets In CUicattA, flatter ourselves that we "•in «ff«r our rnstora erg Ncats in better shape than any other Shop in this section. Thukfui for past favors we solicit a cotitin. naaee of the same, and we will irarantee to satisfy yon both In quality and prica. 11 Frett die Son. Vqllnvnr, III., May s»th, isrs. Dealer, ILLINOIS, Jos. WIEDEMANN now keepa Fran* Falk*s Milwaukee Export Bottled Beer which l* the finest made, put up in Patent Bottles, and will keep frp^h and ute*. Will be furnished by the doae^ or single bottle. ALL tho Daily and Weekly Papers Magazines, etc.; can be fonnd at the PLAIXI>EALER News Room. ^heat, $0 cents perbushat Oats, 20 cents per bushel Corn, $9 per Ton. t ? Hog% (Live, $3.50@3.75. ; Now, in accordance abqye Prices, H : • k h:.- C; ' ' • - Platform Spring Wagons, No. 1, should be sold for $75. Lumber Wagons should be sold for $40. No. 1 Plows bbould be sold for $10. Feed Cutters,---three kinds-- the Star, Hockinvalley and Bell City, should be sold for $5()f All Pumps in proportion, ac­ cording to depth of Well. |5f~Call at my Warehouse and see my stock. . O SISKOF. McHenry. IU., Angnst '27t1i, J878. ains! m-mii -u tti 1878. 1878. LAUER & BECKER, t.Vi t: :r t « ? d s ,*r- • --.(J id* mt'tii'tiil * I . Mi Permit me to call your attention to the fact that I have the largest and best assorted stock of BOOTS AND SHOES for Fall and Win­ ter wear ever brought to McHenry gpunty, which I can and will sell at lower prices than these goods havchever betore been offered. ^The reasotiiST can sell so cheap a^^ First--I do business dii my d#n EST to payv ." 'V „ •• Second^--My expenses are about half those of any oth^ir store III McHenry County, doing thg sdme amount of business. i'HS •iif'P have fMi • r INTER- Last--but not least--I am so situated that I PAY CASH for ALL MY GOODS Which enables me to take advantage of liberal dis­ counts offered by wholesale dealers in my line. It will pay you ta come 30 miles to buy o£ apte. TALK IS CHEAP, but call, examine goods, ascertain prices and you will be convinced that I mean BUSINESS, Woodstock, Ml., Sept. 10th, 1878. E.C. JEWETT. HALL'S --FROM THE-- Near the Depot MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Have just received their Fall and Winter Stork of Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods We Will Not Be Undersold. • Give as a Call. LAUER & BECKER. McHenry, III.. An?. 28th, 18/S. i*MiBfflmtt8Ara«wiamLif ums. There fe a curious story about some native •wines which are extensively advertised nowa­ days,, and have only recently been put upon the market. Dr. underbill,, the well-known grape-grower of Crolori Point, died ia 1871. Some ©f his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that they were, unwitying to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been tent to market, and sometimes left to decay np»n the vines. It Is only now that the other heirs have succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines on band. Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a "Sweet Union Port,"5 but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more than any other European wine, and being wholly unlike any other wine of American growth. Its purity, age and mellowness are remarkable, and both physicians and wine- fanciers have a special interest in it as the oldest native wine sow accessible in any con­ siderable quantity. The whole stock is in the hards of the well-known wholesale grocery house of the Thurbcrs.--K. Trittm*, Nov. jp, The above speaks for haeiC but we woold add <hat this is the pure juice of the grape, neither drugged, liqnortd nor toattnd; that it. has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the • undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application. Respectfully, etc., S. K. 4 F. B. THURBER A CO. Rtade and Hndtom Stf MCfc NKW-YORK. Grace's Ce'etirateQ Salre. • SURE RELIEF FOR TJE SUFFERER. I'KKP.VLTKI) HV 8ETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 86 HARRISON AV'KNUE, • , BOSTON, MASS. • GRACE'S OKLKBRATED SALVE IS A VEGETABI,K PBEPARATION invented in the 17th ounttirv l>y l>r. William Gwe, Hurjfeon in Kini? .hniies' army. Through its agency he currnl thoiiMiivIs of the roost M!riou« sores fimt wounds that e«l tho skill of the most eminent physicians of his <iay, and \vn« reirnnleri by all who knew hhn'aa a public beiu-lactor. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. GRACE'S SALVE CELE8RATED CURES Flash Wounrts, Fro«on I.tmbs, Salt Rhenm. Chilblains, 8ote Breast, 8->re Lips. Erysipol«», Ringworms, Calluses, Scald Head, Chapped Hands, Burns, Cancers, Felons, Scalds, Wounds, Festers, Pllns, .Bunions, Bites, Warts, Pimples, Sores, S tings, Wpns, Abcess, sprains. Cuts. Blisters, Corns, Ulcers Shingles, Sties, Freckles, Boils, Whitlows, Tan, Scurvy. Itob, Ingrowing Nails, Mettle Rash, Mosquito -and Flea Bites, Spider Stings, And all cutaneous diseases and- eruptions generally^ • For*ale j/y all druggists, grocers, and at all eountrv stores throughout'the United States and Price by mail 30 ct«, There's Money in it for You. ONE PRICE ONLY ! CASH ONLY ! Goods at Unheard ol LOW PKICES. Quality the Best and overvthing as repre­ sented or Money Refunded." DO YOU BUY AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES? Best Prints,t......... .f Best Prints, Co tits' Cotton,.. Good Corsets,... Mo. lBlaek Alapaca All wool Oashnieie--.Extra Tattle Linen ........ Ladies Hose .... Gen is Hoso, ...... .... Ladies Black Ttes-teSt,. Wo'b ohijiSsi-.6li»th £ Jul 11 Ou Misses shoes--11' to 2, Oood Boots, 05;ltoy8 Pants--Goodki, 100112 lbs Rice ......... 0B Boys Vests--Good, SO No. 1 Baking Powdar OS Boys Gutttw, 1 fttVS Ihs Tea 35 Mens Suits, 8 00 4 tba Tea 25,Mens Suits--Good,.!j« 7ft to 7 00 Best JapHn Tea,... (tSiOveralls, leather triinntod, 60'Best S'onng Hyson Tea,... 3.r>j 10 Ihs A. Sug -r 1 OOiBest Y. H. AJap. for price, 00:11 IftsXo. 1 Kiiisins, ltKi'Axle Greese, OfilH IbS'No. 1 Otirrents, 1 OOstove Polish ' Apples, 1 (KtiFirteCnt TOI»HCCO, 1 Qpj'i licat Di'lo'! Apples,.. 1 0"'SI'?vh Pnlishi Tucks, 1 00 I:lH>s Best Halfs Peaches,.'1 OOjciioice Syru 1 75|7 lbs Choice Pared " '• OOjCiioice Syrup, 1 tW|6 lbs Ground Coffee, IOC 35 j w t 00 70 80 50 OS 05 M <« 51 1 * J sell cheape.r than my ̂ neighbors beomse I liny c'loaper. and say to any one comin j* to-buy of me, you will be more t sin satisfied. In Clothing, Boots and Shoes and General Merehand -e, my stock is three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock of Clothing is now being sold at less rates than o her dealers ran buj. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises at * nine i below regular prices. Am weekly in the market, buy for cash fo two stores, and do secure bargains which I more than divide with niy customers.-- Our interests are mutual, and my constant aim wi 1 be to sell yon goods at such prices as will convince you that I/a n selling General Merchandise cheaper than any store in the Korth « est. Come and see me and I will do you good, and i i thin way you can make money easier than you can earn it. C. F. HALL, RICHMOND, III. Chicago Office, 122 FRANKLIN STREET. C F. If ALL. X DUNDEE, III. GRAY HAIR TO ITS OfllGINALCOLOR from the SCALP GRAY, LIGHT, FADED, -ASD- EED HAIR Are changed by a few applications of the AMBROSIA to a beautiful auburn or to the dark, lustrous oolors of youthful treaaea. Humors, Dandruff, Itching of the Scalp, and Falling of the Hair are at once cured by it. Where the hair follicles are not destroyed, it Will cause the hair to grow on bald heads. It is perfumed with extracts from fragrant Bowers. All who use it praise it. Kheumaiisa, Stiff Neck, ' Neuralgia, w . , . , • „ PJfSflifSfl, larrlta, Ctlie, fere Throat apd Toothache ̂ Are alleviated, and in most cases cured, by the use of this PAIN ERADICATOR. It is an in­ valuable Family Medicine, affording relief be­ tore a physician can be reached. Procure our circular describing abore diseases and their proper treatment, and yAu will bless the remedy that brings auch healing. Fe* Sale by All Dragfflsfeu Prepared byE.M.TUBBS A CO. Jtyprieton of "Slog's MANCHESTER, N. H, S o l d b y t t L t ^ b K C T H E R S McHenry, 111. -FOR BOOTS AND SHOES 311 & 213 Madison St.. BUELf COOK A 8EIXAS, Ma>uirrs nnd Wholesale Dealers, it« Don't fail to examine Goody and Prices when in Chirupro. Stock New nut Honpht for C.' Great in. hi cements to Cash Jin vers. U.K. BI BL, Late with &F. Sell ft Go. ('. F. COOK, I Late ot Whitney, H. 1,. SEIXA8, | Cook ft Co., N. Y. II i'.in malte money faster at work for tie than •itanythin>relse. Capital not required; we will start yon. tn per dnv at home mtirie hy the industrious. Men, women, boys and ffirls wanted evervwhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costly outiit acd terms free. Address Titua ft Co., Augusta, Maine. si week in your own town. #5 Out. lit free. No risk. Reader, if yon want a business at which personsof either sex cm make great pay all (be time they work, write for par. tiunlars to H. HAUITT ft Co.,Pert. Acoustic Telephone. With ?no feet Cojjper wire and full direc­ tions for putting up and operating. Price #3.00. 2fl Cents additional for postage. The Manufacturers-el'this Telephone after Ion* experimenting hare broeerht it to a dejrree of perfeetioii truly surrrisinp. By it the Hu­ man Voire or nfnsieni sounds nrt eonvoyed a Ions? difctanre without chnngv. Sent to any address on receipt of prire, or deseriptlve circular, testimonial*, etc., for three rent stamp Address TELEPHONE COMPANY, PR EATON, IOWA. House and Lots for Sail. TM3E undersigned offers frr sale his honse L and two lots, situated in the village of McHenrv. There is a good house, h«rn. a (food wellot' water, cistern, a fine orrhard, all kinds of smull fruit, and in short is a very de­ sirable place. Will be sold on reasonable terms if applied for soon. McHenry, 111., May 2ath', 1858," mailto:3.50@3.75

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