Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1878, p. 5

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: r ' «*» • T 1*^1 *• ">i f ' i-- ¥. •-•*• ' • * • , ..••i.-."?'; - '"• ' " V. , «.'»,> V *>-»*.. <.-•? «- * mw*meewpww tilthj>i' •••»• y. ..<uioij.ii a4; s , k r " » I USUI- •f. • •' ^*=-'•• "* ' «{.#*»«?* «8F -•* ^ i,A-:. fWEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18th, 1878. i J Railroad Time Table. F>'^ GOING SOUTH, Geneva Lake Passenger ...7:86 A/K. Geneva Lake Express ....8:39 a. m. Geneva Lake Freight..1:15 V. H . Geneva Lake Through Freight...... .8:20 p. M. ' OOIKO KOHTH. OM*W lake Thro^h Freijjlil.. .4^0 A. *. Hen«""i Lake Frciirtit.i..........,'1.10:00 a. *. Wtneva Lake Express. 5:49 p. M. <3ton«va Lake Passenger 7:02*. M • *F. A. HKBARD will accept thanks for fcbasket of very fine Grapes. NEW Fall Millinery Goods jtlSt oefved at Mre.Searlee'. re- T. DoLBEKR has our thanks for a m of very nice sweet cider, ,'.W K are under MAT^R obligations to iter. Joel Wheeler for a fine* tot of Vegetables, Melons, &c. Knife Plaiting made to order, ,'also Knife Plaiters for sate at Mrs. Salis­ bury's. J. STORY A SON have, sold oat tbeir Furniture business to J. Blake, and will now devote their entire attention to the Hardware business. OUR Treasury is almost depleted.-- We must call in some of our loans on subscription accounts. Don't forget us, friends. We like to have a dollar or so as well as other people. ° A runaway on Monday evening re­ sulted in badly demoralizing a top buggy, but no damage to driver "or liorses as far as heard from. We did not learn the name of the driver. AT a meeting of the Township Trus­ tees on Saturday last,F.G. Mayes was appointed Township Treasurer in place of P. P, Smith, who resigned on account of removing from the place. TH£ Ball Gam^ between the .Fox Rivers and the dippers of Woodstock, which we noticed last week, failed to come off. Cause, the Clippers failed to come to time. THE Smith Bros., P. D and J. M., are [fast closing up their business here, pre­ paratory to going to their new loca­ tion in Kansas. They efepect to get away, we believe, some time next 'week. THU fast train, or Geneva Lake Ex­ press, which has been running between Geneva Lake and Chicago for the past three months was taken off on Monday. The balance of the trains are running on their usual time. THE Greenbackers w4ll hold a Dis­ trict Convention in this village on Saturday next, for the purpose of put­ ting in nomination candidates for Representative* In the next Legisla­ ture. See the citjl In another column. --: , / CHKSTER CLEMENS, an old Settler, who lived about three miles South of this village, died on Monday night last. He has been sick for some time, and consequently his death was not un­ expected by his friends. The funeral will take place to-day. Wednesday. ( WE learn there is to be a Foot Race ( in this village oil Friday of next week. Sept. 27th, between Nick Paul, of Chi­ cago. and Allen Walsh, of this village, for a Purse of $50. As both men are noted as fast runners, a gpod race may ' be looked for. OUK Public School is progressing fa- ' Yorably, there being now one hundred and sixteen scholars in attendance, an JOHX HOGAN, of this village, has just purchased a new Carriage team, aud ha* now as fine a turnout as cstii be found in thisvpart of the county". John knows a. good h<>rse when he sees(o^o, and never owns any but the beet. He demonstrates the old saying "the rich they ride> in chaises and the poor by jingo have to walk." '* < Br Posters around town whs * notice that Uen, Judson Kilpatrick, the dash­ ing Qnvalry Commander and brilliant Orator, will lecture at the Congrega­ tional Church. Woodstock.on Wednes­ day evening of next week, Sept. 25th. Subject, "The Irish Soldier in the War of the Rebellion." Gen. Kilpatrick is one of the finest Orators now travel­ ing, and no one who attends the Fair on Wednesday should fail to hear him ou that evening. They will be well repaid by so doing. ON the rtrst page of this paper can be found Che speech of John C. Sher- win, accepting the Republican nomina­ tion for Congress in this District, the Platform adopted by the Elgin Con­ vention, and also the Letter of Accept­ ance of Hon. Augustus Adams, the Na­ tional Greenback nominee for the same office. We give these documents, which will prove of .great interest to every voter during the present canvass altogether, that they may be handy for reference. F ON the last page of this paper can be found an article in relation to the Richmond High School, which we hope our readets will peruse carefully. This School has started out for the coming year with advantages found in few schools in the Stafe. They have se­ cured an able corps of teachers and put the school ou a footing that will make it an object for those who wish to edu­ cate their children near hoiue to pat­ ronize it. Read the article carefully and then send . to the Principal for a Catalogue. LOST. $500. The above sum of money and perhaps more, will be lost by the people of McHenry County unless they buy their Boots and Slnws nt E. C. Jewett's, Woodstock. Why? Because Jewett has the largest stock In the county to select from, and *v||| sell • y ery article 25 percent lower than Hit)' othet ho^se, which is a big Item. The stock has just been tilled up new, ami now is the lime to go and see it. Re­ member satisfaction U guaranteed III every case, aud great pleasure will be taken In showing you the stock wheth­ er you wish to buy or not. See adreiv tiscmeut in another column. THE Batavia New* is one' of the most egotistical sheets on our ex­ change Iftft. One wMffihft 'fafc by read­ ing its columns, that It was the only paper in.the Fourth District that pub­ lished any original matter, and thai the balance of the papers were stealing their brains. Now if there is any edi­ tor in the Northwest, who has got down so low that he will stttkl from that dish-watery sheet we pity him.-- The last that we noticed tlicy'were ac­ cusing the Elgi^ Leader of appropria­ ting tt.eir Good Lord, Lewi^, the Lender is so t ar ahead of your Pos­ ter, editorially and mechanically, that its like comparing one of those long- eared follows to an angpl. Take a dose of Castor Oil. get a little of that bile oft your stomach, aud you'll feel better. UNlVKKgAlIST .HKKtlJiBS. On Friday eve,.in^. Oct, 4th; Bcv. Surnnex Ellis.,,of Chicago, will preach at the Universalist Church, in this vil­ lage. Saturday evening. Oct. 5th, Rev unusual large number fo> this time of ?; F- of Wlw,„9i,,. will Als > buinlay at 2 oYlock P. M. Sun lay Jnorning and evening, Oct. 6th, R?v. year. should the mini her increase as for the past two weeks, it wonid be necessary to put in another teacher. THE Algonquin Steamer, "Wm. Nor­ ton," has been anchored near the bridge in this village, for the past few d ivs. There is a rumor that parties ii< this village contemplate purchasing her for towing purposes, but we cannot trace it to any reliable source. THROUGH ail the din and confusion of this world, the formation of new parties aud the disruption of old ones, there is one thing which may be relied Mpon to do its work fearlessly. The threshing machine still continues to eliew men up and spit them out with the utmost coolness and precision. UP to Saturday last, the firm of Smith & Snyder, of this village, had bought and shipped this Fall over 6000" bushels of Flax Seed, for which they had paid rrom 91.00 to 91,30 per bushel. They have bargaiued for a large quan­ tity more, which is uow being deiiverd daily. • THE JuveuUe Base Ball Clnb of this place went to Wauoonda last Saturday aud played a game with a little club of that place, aud were beaten by a score of 29 to 11. Although beaten the boys say they were used A No. 1. The return game willn be played in this village on Saturday next. THE Senfinel and '*$obM saya we published the dates wrong for the Ex­ cursions to the Exposition. Now we would like to inform these gentleman that we w«r® no< gi ving dates of Ex­ cursions from Woodstock, but. from McHenry. and tUey were correct in ev­ ery particular. They were given us by our Station Agent and lie never makes mistakes. Take care of your own dates 'gentleineu aty(| »Ve W'U look out for ours. Balch, of Dubuque, Iowa, will speak. The Church, just repaired and refurnished, will be fedexlicated Sun­ day morning. The McHenry friends extend a cordial invitation to the fra­ ternity to be at these meeting*. Come on Sunday especially. Our houses are open to you all. MR. C. DALE ARMSTRONG, the dis­ tinguished Elocutionist and Ventrilo­ quist. will give one of his unique enter­ tainments at the Baptist Church, at Woodstock, Monday evening Sept. 23d consisting of Readings, Impersonations Veutriloquism and Mimicry. Mr. Armstrong has had a remarkable ca­ reer for a young man, having riseu rapidly to the lir*t place among read­ ers iu this country. H<' reaches the popular heart'and pleases the masses. In the department of Ventriloquism, he stands alone. No other reader iu this country makes any attempt at it, while among ventriloquists he is the peer of all. A press uotice says of him: ,lHe can talk all the way from his boots to the second story of his hat, to say nothing of iu.ter>nediate miracles iu the regiou of the waist­ coat, aud mysterious voices from the realms of space." His performances in this department consist of conversa­ tions with little inen iu all directions, under thte floor, in boxes, desks and be- hiisd doors, introducing a controversy io a trunk, producing three distinct voices simultaneously, a whistling duet aud many Sther amusing features Mr. Armstrong needs only to be heard once to be iuvjted back a second time. He has read three times at .Richmond and twice at Delevan iu the last month. The McHenry pebple Should invite him here. * " THE FAIR. Oh Tuesday next, the 24th, com­ mences the Auntial Fair of the Mclfen- ry County Agricultural Board, and we hope this year to witness a large exhi­ bition of articles and products. We urge a full show of cattle, horses,sheep and swine; also vegetables and grain of every species grown in this section, batter anc cheese, mechanical work, etc., and let Floral Hall be filled to Its utmost capacity wi^h everything wor­ thy of exhibition. We believe no sec­ tion of the country can make a better exhibit than McHenry county if all our people will take hold. Let the compe­ tition for Premiums be lively, but In a friendly spirit, aud then our Fair will be a grand success. If any of our read­ ers who perme this article have nbt al­ ready doni so let them at once pre­ pare sonretiling to help make the com­ ing exhibition a success, and by a friendly rivalry add to the interest of the exhibition. The officers have spared no pains, and if the people do their duty we ehall have one of the largest exhibitions ever held by the Society. ^ WE don't know thit ahy mafi elter owned an umbrella for two years.-- That is, the same one. If there is any such man in this Country, we should be pleased to receive his\addr»?ss,not nec­ essarily for publication, hint merely as a guarntee of goo<V^ttit^. We think he would be a curKwjjJy, and would, furthermore, b« quite an acquisition to some traveliug show. Besides, we should like to borrow his umbrell.-- Plaindeater, Sept. 11th. VAN:--I read your paper as regular as it comes, but if you get down to perpetrating such a rascally Demo­ crats H--well, call it au exageratiou, for shorty I have ah umbrella that I borrowed in McHenry two years ago last August and it now stands placidly by mv side as I write--the same iden­ tical one that I borrowed. It was a wet, rainy night, that Is. it was nut a dry rain,n-ii\ KS i left the room first of course 1 had my pick. I cannot give you ray address, as 1 am not fully aware of it myself. Tip. may know.-- The first time you are down this way 1 will show you the umbrella. You may recognize U. Yours. • * • ' N. B. It was th* same night you borrowed one. All right. JliA. We've sent your name to Barnumi and will be down and borrow that umbrella at once -- The one we borru>6d "walked oft"* long since, . • PKKSONAI. HON. HIRAM BARBER, emididale for Congress in the Third,District. Was iu tliIf village on Tuej|day. "CLAREifCE MURRAY, the genial iatM- lord of the Waukegan House, Wauke- gan, has been spcuding a few days in this village. Miss Ei>WARI>s. of Wankegaa, Is visiting friend^ «ii thin village. G. s. SOUTHWORTII. the infant editor »f the Woodstock Sentinel, made ottr sanctum a call yesterday. A. W. ANDERSON, of Seneca and D. A. Stedman. Sheriff of McHenry Coun- ty, were In town on Mot;day. T ]>1K1). DWELLY.-- Vt the re*Mcnre father, in the town nf Nun<la, Sent. nth. I87S. of Tv- xhoiil Pne.uraoniu, Win. K. Dvvelly, ag«<t 24 yqjirs. The death of young Dwelly has ca«t a gloom ov«»r the hearts of his acquaint­ ances aud frieuils, as he was honored aud respected by all who knew him.-- He was a young ,mn« of exemplary habits, of a joyous and pleasing dispo­ sition, honest and -upright iu every particular, otic need but to know Mm to respect him. ills parents and friend*- have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community- in their sad be­ reavement. The funeral was (<|ield *t tlie Universalis! Church, iu this village, on Tuesday, and a large concourse of relatives and friends followed him to his lasting resting pl«ce. j Real ICiUtf Transfers. Conveyances tiled for record In the Recorder's Office of McHenry County Illinois, for Jtlie week ending Sept, 14th A. D. 1828: A Catharine Wiilot to<SJohirW»les Jfc Lei 10 blk 1, Huntley, ItfOfc Stewart Omplwll and wit#, to AUdt F. Fri«nd. 8>j lot 1 uw sec IS, Xnml», SSOQ. John E Ilts-ctC :»D I wife to Wilbur »\ Bas­ set!. Vw s\v V SBC 90, M-Henry. t'eterSHmM »n<l wif« to Oh'is. Tronnear,-- Lpt 1 iilk 1 Sic Henry west of ttirer. fSQQ. Chas. H. Tryon nnd wife to USOi> TtOW.-- 3 s in wH sw sec 25, Hebron, t JOQ. Examine two dillerent geared Courtland Wagons at E. M. Owen's < Rally Onoe Again! 'All j>ersons are earnestly invited to attend a National Greenback Meeting, at Riverside Hall, McHei.ry, 111.,Thurs­ day eveuing. Sept., 19th. 1878. Col. Ed. Joslyn, of Elgin, ui# other Speak­ ers, will be present and Address the people on the Financial Question.-- The Ladles are cordially invited. The McHenry Cornet 3aud . will he in at­ tendance and furnish music for the oc­ casion. . NUNOA loiton PLAIND^ALES 3£r Holmqs Is moving his family fatp Vermllya's house. His goods he will. no** into the new block this week. Ira has returned and has commenced digging a cellar and will build a new honse this fall on his lots on the hill.-- He has also opened a fancy Notion and Cigar Store one door South of D. C. Mallory's. BeardsleyV Sorgani MIH MK «Mn- menced operations and will ran night aud day, for there is a mucli larger crop than for many years past. All those interested In organising a Dramatic Society will meet at the res­ idence of Najah Beardsley at half past seven, Saturday evening, September 21st. Amateurs turn out entnasse. The pickle Factory .furnishes em­ ployment for all hands £To need to ery for bread for want of labor. The death of an infant son of George Vermiiya, was quite unexpected.-- George and Laura have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community in this their first bereavement. A party of towns people, consisting of male and female, will start on Fri­ day next-for the Lakes North of here for the purpose of having an enjoyable season hunting aud fishing. They will take alongjtents afid camp out. They take the cars here for McHenry thence by Steamer to the Lakes. We antici­ pate for them a pleasant time and hope the weather will be pleasant for the occasion. Ballou's New Hall In the Brick Block will be dedicated this Thursday evening, September 19th^^r a rousing dance. A large crowd is expected.-- The best of music that can be fur­ nished iu the country will make dancing an easy task. ^ * The threshing season commenced last Monday at the School House.-- Hobart Richardson as Principal and M i ss I,da Thom pson assis 11 ng. Fine sport for the young, old and middle aged of this towji Is fishing In Crystal Lake. Several strings of fine Pickerel aud Bass have been caught. Base Ball died a natural death. Will be raised'next Spring. BU'ilim. !!--B WOOD8TOCK. EI>ITOH PLAINDEALKR:--We have experienced some very cold weather, considering the extreme warm weather just preceeding It, and yel no frost, to speak of. One can hardly realise that wfeshould have escaped a frost so chilly has been the atmosphere since Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Pltliip Preston has been, and still is, very ill, but the last we heard there .wq|.so^ieIB. tinprovftxneiit In her condition. Wc hear many sympathetic, prayerful utterence for her welfare. Showing that herself and family are held in esteem In our community. Attending Fairs and Exposition Is the order of the day, We hops ths people will not get ofT the notion till after our County Fair at Woodstock 24th, 2dth. 26th and 27th lust. General Cary has been here and pitched into Republicans and Dem­ ocrats without stint, and made a good, address from his standpoint. But WET noticed at the close when the collec­ tion. mostly in silver, was tendered him lie did not refuse, beeaa* it was not greenbacks, to accept it. He proved clearly that "There Is rascality Iu all trades but ours'* but we and oar prin­ ciples are pure and undetiled, human nature to^tbe contrary -••tto&wlllnlairf- iog. ALDCN. SNTTOR PLAI N- I»: A LVR Edgar War­ den was thrown from his* wagon and badly hurt on Wednesday lust near the Cheese Factory, the team running •way, spilling milk cans aadsmashing things generally. Edgar was around again on Saturday. There Is to be a Peach Festival at Mr. Wedgewood's on Friday evening, the 20th, for the benefit of the Church, Geo. Rushtou is to teach the school at the "Corners" the winter term, while A. E. Reynolds does the same thing in the Wickhain districts N. Worden in the Durkee,c district and Meriam iu the Kinsley district. T. J. Rushton has finally made np his mind to go-to work for Asad Udell a few days nntil something tnros np. ft. Richmond Department. The Concert givan by the amatenr stagers of Richmond Tuesday evenlug Sept. 8d, was one of the best ever given in Bichmondk It proud of our local talent. Dr. Bennett delivers the first of tb« regular course of lectures before the High School, next Monday evening.-- Subject, " The Prafrasa of Edaeational Development.** • Eddie Bennett, last week. While hnutlng oa the South Brandt, flushed and thog twa gennlne woodcock. They are rare birds In thla vicinity and Bddte may be considered a victor. For a sqnsre thing in the way of liv­ ery, goto John Besteder, at Genoa Junction. He can send you oil with as good a rig as any man iu the couutry and will do It at living prices too. Mr. Stanley has received s number of fine Oil Paintings, from Miss Harriet Reed, who takes charge of the Art Department of the Richmond High School. They are to be seen at the tudio rooms, iu the OaxeUo building. A company of juveuile thieves have, all the fall, been stealing melons and apples from the gardens and orchards in and about the village. Three or four of these candidates for State's Prison, are old enough to be punished for theft under the law. A. L. Brown, whose garden has been robbed, has the names of the whole gang, and it is a duty he ow<*s to the public to have every oue arrested and tried, if there Is any law for It, Most of the boys have respectable parents, who ere grieved ut ihe disgrace of their child­ ren being thieves. Tn llw iMohtrt of Mo^faryOsusljr. A Teachers Institute wilhbe held at Woodstock, to commence on Monday Oct. 7th, at 10 A. M. and close Oct. 18th. State Supt. Etter and James P. Slade, Republican nominee for the same po­ sition, will each be present one day of the session at least, aud deliver instruc­ tive lec'.ures In the evening. Prof. Warren Wllkle, Principal of the Wood­ stock Public School, formerly Princi­ pal of Cook County Normal School, and several other old and experienced Teachers of the county will also act as Instructors. The Institute will be conducted with special referenoe to th« wants of young and inexperienced teachers and those inteudiiig to en­ gage in tlie work of teaching. It Is hoped that all such will avail tlttiU* selves of the opportunity for Improve­ ment in their position. Let all teach* era Iu the county attend a part of the time at least. Let them meet for social intercourse, for exchange of itleas, to teach and to be taught, aud thus encourage .and strengthen each other in their common work and In­ form themselves In the best theories and methods of teaching. A cordial invitation is extended to all friends of the common schools of our County. A. W. YOCKO, County, Sspt of fteheols. I'HE LAST CALL. AH persons knowing thetusefooa In­ debted to P. D. Smith, or J. M. Smith, must call and settle this tpeek, as we are preparing to leave. Alt accounts not settled Immediately will be left with a Justice of the Peace for collec­ tion. Yours truly, p. a s*im J. M. MMITH. ' Onlr «ne Carriage left. out of Four teen two months ago, at E.M.Owen's. At Colby Bros, you can always find the latest styles of Drexs Goods. PARTICULAR NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves In debted to the undersigned either by Note or Book aceount, are requested to call and settle the same without delay. JACOB HOTERMKL- JohaibttrrK September it, 187S. out Basinem* Nol!999; For a nbbby suit, go to LMftt & Beckers, near the Depot. New Goods arriving dad? Si fit** si anions « Xvanson's. IF in search ot Bargains catt afc AN store'of P. D. Smith, near theotfM School Books and Writing Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. , Stop at E. II. Owen's aadlN Geared Cortland Wagon, Sftliinerjrf iillliMryi Great Reduction In Milliner? M S. Searles, McHenry. The best Tea in McHeMT nt •• per ponnd. Try It. SoM wf **"' mona St Evinsons. TUK Eureka Tree and Poat Bote Digger. Call at E. M. Owen's MMI see one. The best thing in and sold cheap, . FOR SALH« Two ful* Blood Dnrhass TnrHM Bull Calfs,fit for use. J. PLIJSKT; SAYK money by buying goods at P. D. Smiths. He is going West and Wlitt sell at cost and below, to close. Dr. Jaqnes German Worm Cake# stand unrivaled as a worm medicine.-- Give them a trial. Sold by all Dtw> gi«». We hftve just added to our stock of Boots and Shoes a full line of hand sewed Beloit Shoes, to which we In* vlte Inspection. Every pair warranted Fitisiumons * Evamsosi. New Stock of Cloths, Ready-Mado Clothing, &c„ for the Fall trade just received at Lauer A Becker'® near the Depot. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Mrs. 8. Searles is now offerttt^ De« cided Bargains in Cloaks and Mantles in suu jnate* lasses, Cashmere, Ac. DetHoepatic Caucds. The Democratic voters of the Town of McHenry. are; requested to meet itj Town Caucus, i\t ijie Council Room, in th^ village of Mcilenry, on Saturday next, Se|H. 21st, at 4 o'clock p. t*., for purpose of appointing n delegates to represent s»id TolV«> i" a County Con- veiO-ion to be held at Woo^lsiock on the 25th, and to transact snch otlier business as inav c^nre before meeting. Br Orora TOWN COMMITTEE. A good assortment, of Splints chaeb found at Ulakc's, cheap. FOR SALE. Three or four improved Farms. In­ quire of J. B. Perry for particulars. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on Jacob Smith's Farm, 2J miles North of Johnsburgh, and miles South of Spring Grove, on Wed­ nesday. Sept. $dth, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M-, the following property: 1 Mare nine years old, 1 Mare four years old, 1 Mare three years old,l two year old colt, 14 yearling'Steers, 3 Cows, 3 Calves. 6 Sheep, 17 Hogs, 36 Shoats, 14 acres of Cbrn cut np, 1 Wagon, 1 Truck Wagon, 1 double Bug­ gy, 1 double harness, 1 Beaper, 2 Plows 1 Drag, 1 Sled, 1 Broad Cast Seeder, 1 Sulky Cultivator, 1 Hay Rake, a quanti­ ty of Potatoes, li tons of Hay, 1 Saddle 1 Singer Sewing Machine, 1 Parlor Stove, and a quantity of Household Furniture. TEKMS OF SALB.--All sums of F8 and under Cash. Over that sum a credit of One Year will be given von approved litotes at 8 per ceut interest. FETEB SMITH. Call and make a selection Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owen's. of Why should a loving mother wait for the coming of the doctor to prescribe a remedy Tor that fearful Cliolera-iu- fantum, Croup, Colic or cramps with which her precious child is suffering, when she can administer Dr. Winchetls Teething Syrup and at once give the child relief. One trial of this charm­ ing syrup will make you ever its friend and patron. This Syrup regulates the bowels, keeps the system in a healthy condition, prevents all pain and dis- cnimfort arising from teething, and. is an oUi »iiu weh tried remedy. Sold by all Druggists at only 25c a bottle. A good Investment,better than loan­ ing money at one per cent a minute, is to keep your Liver, Stomach and bow­ els in a liealthv condition by the nue of Ellert's Daylight Liver Pills. They will restore you to health, Impart new vigor to your mind, tone up your sys­ tem and give renewed pleasure'to the jpysoflile. No medicine will effect­ ually free tSie Liver from excess of bile as these Pills, thus preventing Ague and Bilious Fevers, Sold by all Drug­ gists. It la hotter to laugh than be crying: mothers often fall to enjoy the delight fo a happy laughing babe, because through their prejmiice or skepticism they refuse to relieve its s-SMisasli of acidity., by ufliig1 Dr. Winche-l's Tee-th­ ing Syrup which qaickiy cure* the eollc pains and gives Best te> the darling. Dr. Wilichen's Teething Syrup pro­ duces natural sleep and the child will awake clear and refreshed.also Lt negot­ iates the bowels, cures dysenterjr aiul diarrhoea, whether arising from*teeth­ ing or other causes. Sold by all Drng- gfet«, 25 cts a bottle. A fine lot of Ze phvr and Card Boards, lust received at J. B. Blake's fnisitHi Store. pi--. PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams eelebrntot Kenosha Pnm ps. The best Pumps and at lowest prices, at E. M.Owetft. - FOR SALE. Half interest In a Buffalo Pitts, ton Horse Power Threshing Machine.-- Almost as good as new. WiU be sold cheap. For particulars Inquire nt this office. uEeonomv i.«> the road to wealth;" fifty ccnu worth of Uncle Sam's Har­ ness Oil applied to your old harness, win make the leather look llto new and keep It soft and pliable. Do not neglect a Cough or Cold. Ellert's Extract of Tar and Wild Chef rv Is a st andard remedy In all throat, asthmatic and bronchial election*, and has saved many valuable Una It never falls to five SatMwtleik bjr nil Druggists, WAIT FOR"THE WAHOifc. We are now offering one of onr eita* brated Lumber Wagons, with ton Bog. Steel Spring beat, Wblfifetroes, Hock Yoke and stay chains, all complete,Ibr #50. Warranted for o!>c jsa,. • S. Slsiiior. Ward OFF Agne, Billons fever MMI many other Ills, by taking a few desst of Ellert's Daylight Llrer Pllto. li«s you know mt,nlnd til nt enee. bodf seldom free from pain f Tbeee ooated Pills will hriug relief nnd you well again, PABTICULAR XOTHV. All persons knowing ihensilins debted to P. D. or J. M. Smith, wiB confer a favor by calling nnd eottltnf the same witliont delay, Onr bonk* must be settled nnd dosed within tltt uexi •$) days. Dc not delay. ScftSIBi Thoisands of doli«n tm mmt boi^g saved every year by far­ mers, who soon discover tin tnsl vol* ue of freely using Uncle Snare Cnedl» tlon Powder in the feed oI their stock t it restores the sick, increases Iks IIM* ty. and usefulness and pgomotot ||MI growth. Sold bv all Pruggists. FOR SALS. 1 " Iffeaof land to BoetM*** •» fenced. Also 80 aosea of lend, with n goof? house and bMm the re ewv with rfa»» ber MMI water iu nkasidaaee, in Section tt. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nnnda road. Good new howwv bann and other ouiMldlnga^--' Apply to Joaix P&vsKf. ,• "Tfms fw money** wealth W SjfMI soMceofconsmnfngsnre. but healtft In happiness; consumption that Insf foe revels in neglected eetdsf and for your cc4il. conghr eata any bronchial complafnt use Eflsvtll Extract of Tar and Wild Chei be cared. Sold by all Druggist^ NOTICE TO WOOL GR< The subscrfb«rs would say thnl If you wfsh to doehe your fsmlljr yon ean do so oy bringing orsemisng yonrwool a id exchange the saute for good deelr* able goods. W ill give yon for un­ washed from 25> to SB ets„ for wast-wl ou the sheep35 to 37( cts., and for tnb washed 45 cts., and1 sell yon goods Ifr per cent less than last year. _ r.A. wBiiLissoa Worth Maia St., J»e««Ti)w7wfta AH irNDEVlABL* TRUTH. You deserve to suffn; nnd if yn« lead a miserable, unsatiaAwteey lilsla this beautiful world^It Is eaiftRel^ryew own fault and there fa only one emeus# for yon. -your mwwasonable prejbdle# and skepticism, wMdi has killed MIM»> amis. Personal knowledge nnd mon sense reasoning will seen you that Green's August Flower wfll cure you of Lhrer CompJaint. or Dye- pepsla, with all: its miserable edwets. sudi as sick headache, palpitation of the- hea*t,.sour"istomnche, habitual eue» ttvewese^ dl'zxinese ef' the bead, ntrf- ous prostration, low spirits,etc. Ita- sales now reach • every town on tlfea- Westeru Continent and net a Druggist but win tell VOII of its wonderful cntes. You can buy a Sample Bottle for I# cents. Three dosps will relieve fdiu For sale by COlby Bro's,

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